
Definition of basic research concepts
? Ministry of Public Education of the Russian Federation Magnitogorsk Order of the Badge of Honor State Pedagogical Institute Teplykh Dmitry Anatolyevich - CONCEPT AS A FACTOR OF PERSONAL...
History of the formation and development of the concept of mental trauma
Traumatic stress is a special form of the general stress reaction. When stress overloads a person’s psychological, physiological, adaptive capabilities and destroys defenses, he becomes...
Scientific psychological article
Hello, dear blog readers! There is a countless variety of information on the Internet, and understanding what is worth spending time on and what is not is not so easy. Therefore, today...
The problem of urbanization Urbanization (lat.
The main factors that distinguish an urban settlement from a rural one are the size of its population, which is predominantly employed outside agriculture. Moreover, in the city...
The problem of urbanization Urbanization (lat.
Urban and rural population. Urbanization as a worldwide process Lesson plan: 1. City. Functions of the city. 2. Urbanization. Characteristic features of modern urbanization. 3. Levels and rates of urbanization. 4....
Development of psychological knowledge within the framework of the doctrine of the soul (from antiquity to the 17th century) Psychology in the 17th century
The 17th century was an era of fundamental changes in the social life of Western Europe, a century of scientific revolution and the triumph of a new worldview. Its herald was Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), who taught that...
Development of psychological thought in the 17th century Development of psychological knowledge in the 17th century
interdependence of such abilities as movement in space, desire. Movement as an initial ability was emphasized even in ancient anatomical psychology (Democritus and others). Desire like...
Main stages of development of the information society
As we said in previous lectures, the history of society is divided when considered into the following stages: 1. The beginning of the process of historical development of society, that is, the formation of historical...
Evgeniy Ilyin - psychology of will
Evgeniy Pavlovich IlyinPsychology of Individual DifferencesPrefaceThe book provides basic information on the psychology of individual differences considered in differential psychology and...
Educational psychology - an effective approach to education Educational psychology - an effective approach to education
1. Development of scientific concepts in childhood Difference from everyday concepts, errors in Piaget’s theory Features of the mental development of children, level of child development Inability to realize one’s thoughts,...
What do kisses mean in different places, parts of the body: psychology and the meaning of a man’s kiss
How can you excite a guy with a kiss? Firstly, a kiss is not just the touching of lips to lips. Men are simply thrilled at the moment when a woman slowly and tenderly kisses his eyelids, forehead, cheekbones,...
Origin of Species: Why You Shouldn't Question the Theory of Evolution Why the Theory of Evolution
Some people, when they hear terms like “the theory of evolution” or “Darwinism,” may assume that these concepts relate only to the field of biology and have no meaning in their lives. Actually...
General theory of social action
Talcott Parsons Parsons Talcott (1902–1979). An outstanding American sociologist and theorist, student of P.A. Sorokina, creator of the theory of social action and the systemic-functional direction in...
Biography of Herbert Spencer
Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) - English philosopher and sociologist, one of the founders of positivism. A prolific and diverse scientist, he was deeply familiar with contemporary scientific achievements in...
Establishing the reasons for the formation of porosity in the manufacture of Tsulagi PCM, vacuum covers and drainages 10.18577/2307-6046-2016-0-6-8-8 ESTABLISHING THE REASONS FOR POROSITY FORMATION DURING THE MANUFACTURE OF PCM It is known that porosity in polymer composite materials (PCM) has a significant...
Main directions of budget policy in the Russian Federation Directions of budget policy and budget regulation
The budgetary structure is the final “backbone” on which the entire system of state administration is built, therefore the budgetary structure depends on the state structure of the country. According to the degree of distribution of power...