Rules for learning a foreign language. Teaching adults a foreign language

Rules for learning a foreign language- the most important rules and approaches to learning a foreign language.


More recently, scientists have found that the brain of each person has a universal base for studying foreign languages. In this regard, the relevance of the topic of language abilities is reduced. Completely different prerequisites for the successful acquisition of a new language come to the fore.


The first thing to do before learning a language from scratch or returning to classes after a long break is to decide on the motivation. Why do you need a foreign language? Are you ready to try and overcome difficulties? What are you doing this for? You must clearly and clearly answer these questions. In moments of apathy and laziness, fatigue and unwillingness, it is the answers to these questions that will help you stay on track and continue your studies.


After you have agreed with yourself about motivation, you need to ensure the regularity of classes. It is optimal if classes are every day, if this is not possible, then at least four times a week. Moreover, daily classes do not have to be long. 15 minutes is enough. The main thing is that you devote 15 minutes to specific activities, and not to finding texts to listen to or read. All materials must be ready. Their search should be done at another time. You can simplify the task if you buy yourself a textbook like "a foreign language in 15 minutes a day." There, the material is already divided into small pieces, and you just have to work them out.


Your lessons should have systems, a list of topics to go through, and a list of rules to learn. Otherwise, after the elementary level, the lessons can turn into trampling in the same place, which is very demotivating. Such a list can be taken from the content of any tutorial.

Repetition and practice

Periodically, it is necessary to return to the repetition of the material covered so as not to forget it. Better yet, keep practicing the language. You can do this in different ways, for example, correspond with native speakers, constantly read and listen.

Ability to enjoy

And, of course, the success of any business is ensured by whether you know how to enjoy the process.

If you treat classes as boring, uninteresting, and thankless, you will soon give up and give up. You need to learn to enjoy the fact that you get new knowledge, put it into practice, build up your vocabulary every day, and therefore you can say more and more in a foreign language. Chat with people who are also learning the language. Be inspired by their joy from the first successes.

Choose interesting activities - books you like, movies, songs, word practice programs, etc.

Let the process of learning a language become an informative and exciting adventure for you, which will bring you a lot of joy and positive emotions.

From the experience of mastering foreign languages ​​by different people and after studying this issue with a number of reputable teachers, we deduced a system for mastering a spoken foreign language, consisting of five rules.

Let's take a look at each of the rules in detail.

  • Rule No. 1. To improve your spoken language, listen to interesting material from native speakers.

HIn order to improve spoken language, it is necessary listen to a lot of texts that you understand at least 70%. Two important conditions: listen a lot and understand what you are listening to. Otherwise, you will not be able to improve knowledge. In addition, listening to exactly the material that is personally interesting to you will help.

The material can be in different formats: audiobooks, TV shows, podcasts, etc. It can be funny stories, professional releases, travel notes, your hobbies, your favorite sport, business, etc., that is, everything you need It would be interesting to listen in your native language. It is very important. An additional condition is that the material must be told by native speakers so that you can hear natural speech and capture the nuances of pronunciation.

  • Rule #2: Listen to the same material over and over.

In order to improve your spoken language, you need to listen to material that is interesting to you many times, that is, repeat listening to the same text at least 10 times. And the more, the deeper it will settle in your subconscious. Repeat, repeat, repeat! Even if the text seems clear and easy to you, keep listening to it. And only with material that is interesting to you, you can do it many times and with high quality.

Every time you listen, concentrate on what you are listening to, immerse yourself completely in listening.

  • Rule number 3. Rely on the context.

Listening to interesting material many times, you catch the meaning of the expressions in the text thanks to the knowledge of most of the words, and you guess the meaning of the rest of the words. You can understand 80% verbatim, and the remaining 20% ​​you can understand thanks to the context, without using a dictionary. In the process of listening to the material, your brain, absolutely without your participation, will begin to determine the meaning of words unfamiliar to you and associate them with the context.

For example, if the interior of an apartment is described, you, capturing the main meaning and drawing a picture in your head, guess which pieces of furniture are indicated by words that are new to you. Thus, you begin to understand better and better the live speech of native speakers automatically, without making translations into your native language in your head.

  • Rule number 4. Do a little, but every day.

To improve your spoken language, you need to practice regularly. Listen to interesting material every day for a minimum of 30 minutes and a maximum of an hour. From personal experience, I’ll say that more than one hour a day does not make sense, otherwise after a while you just stop doing it, because you can get overloaded, “blown away”, and there will not be enough energy to continue.

Listening to a foreign speech for only half an hour every day, for example during breakfast, will not be difficult. So the basis of this rule is regular daily improvement little by little. Over time, this will give significant progress.

  • Rule No. 5. Use your "dead" time.

This rule calls you better organize time during the day for the benefit of your personal development.

Many, like me once, say that they simply do not physically have time to learn a language. Work, household chores, children, sports, etc. In general, in this daily hustle and bustle it seems to you (we emphasize - it seems to you) that you do not have time. But what about "dead" time?!

The time when you go to work and back, when you do housework, when you eat, when you walk down the street, when you are stuck in traffic, when you play sports, etc. All this time, you can easily, like me, use to learn your favorite foreign language. Choose at least 30 minutes of "dead" time from your daily routine. Listen to interesting material during this time using a device convenient for you: computer, player, mobile phone, radio, etc.

So, in order to improve the spoken language, it is necessary to listen to high-quality and interesting material spoken by native speakers, repeat it many times, using “dead” time for this every day for at least 30 minutes. Here's your recipe for success!

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See also:

Preparation for English language exams:

The essentials of language theory:

  • Exercise regularly, if possible, every day. Classes 5-6 times a week for 35-90 minutes will be much more effective than a one-time lesson lasting 5 hours. As the level of knowledge approaches the average, you can reduce the number of lessons to 2-3 times a week. Only at an advanced stage are weekly lessons allowed.
  • Learnforeign language, leaningat home. There are many supporters of the "direct method" of learning a language, but it is impossible to fully learn a foreign language without relying on the native language. This rule is all the more relevant if you do not know the language at all and have no idea about it. Only at an advanced stage can one "depart" from the use of one's native language.
  • Theoretically, the teacher should be equally proficient in both your language and the language being studied. When a teacher does not know Russian at all, keep in mind: not every native speaker knows how to teach it to others; it is recommended to study with him only if you are far from a beginner, and the teacher has a philological and pedagogical education.
  • Hurry up to immediately apply the acquired knowledge in practice. The language is not waiting. There is no native speaker of the language being studied nearby - search on the Internet. Speak and write without fear of mistakes - your efforts will be appreciated and, perhaps, they will give you free lessons, tactfully correcting mistakes. Consolidate your knowledge by teaching the people around you, acquaintances and relatives (but do not imagine yourself a teacher, p. 1)
  • Always keep grammar in mind. Do not ignore grammar at all. But the goal of studying only grammar should not be. It will be of little use if the first 4-5 pages of the textbook contain a description of the use of articles or conjugation of verbs, etc. It is needed - but not theoretical (leave it to philologists), but practical. It is important to study word formation from the first days, thanks to this you will be able to increase your vocabulary many times over!
  • Do not learn words indiscriminately. Some do this: they open a dictionary and begin to learn in order, alphabetically. This is fundamentally wrong! Well, tell me, why do you need in everyday communication the names of plants, animals, diseases, etc., which can sometimes be found in manuals for beginners! Start “cramming” words from these categories only when you master the most frequently used words (you can purchase a frequency dictionary). Be careful with borrowing words (there is an expression "false friends of the translator"), they do not always mean the same in a foreign language as in their native language. Pay more attention to lexical units that are not similar to the words of your native language.
  • From the first steps studyforeign language get yourself your own dictionary-notebook. Write words either thematically or alphabetically.
    Before writing out an incomprehensible word, scroll through the dictionary and check if it has been written down before; at the same time refresh the memory of the "old" words.
  • No need to literally translate every phrase. The vast majority of foreign words have several meanings, and when combined with other words, they form new concepts. For example, to have a good time - not "to have good time"and" have a good time.
  • Study several textbooks at the same time. There are no perfect benefits, each of them has drawbacks. Do not understand something in one - look in another!
  • Do not limit yourself to the tasks of your teacher: read independently literature about the country of the language being studied, about interesting facts, culture.
  • Don't give up learning a foreign language. After all, you put a lot of work, effort, time and money into it. Even if you learn a hundred or two words and know the forms of verbs, conjugation, some grammatical rules, you will hardly be able to understand spoken language, and even more so to keep up the conversation.
  • Do not believe advertising that promises to teach you a language in a matter of weeks. Even with the most intensive classes (the permissible maximum load is 30 hours a week in the classroom and the same at home), you can reach the initial level from scratch in 2-3 months, and master it at an advanced level in six months - a year. But what is truly priceless is the satisfaction from work and results achieved which you will receive!
  • Practice and improve in the languages ​​you have learned. Make sure that each subsequent language does not push out the previous one. Part of the texts to be translated from the "new" foreign language, translate not into Russian, but into an "old" foreign language.
1. Do not memorize words and their forms separately, out of context. No "cards"! Often students object: "Well, EVERYONE does it, a teacher taught us in the fifth grade." Well...? If the "card system" really worked, then the ex-USSR would be fluent in foreign languages! Do not write the translation of words in a book and even on a photocopy. Surely in front of you is only one of several values. Write down the new word in all meanings at once (except for highly specialized ones).
Note: Almost every word has a range of meanings. And when combined with other words, it forms completely new concepts. For example, have tea is not translated ‘to have tea’ (in a box? in a bag? in the stomach?), but “to drink tea”. Do not translate phrases verbatim - otherwise you will get into a stupid situation.
2. Don't cram! Exceptions to this rule (table irregular verbs, declension of Hebrew prepositions or German articles...) are extremely rare.
Do not learn words in lists: without application, they will remain dead weight, and will soon be forgotten. It is necessary to comprehend the structure of the language, and not to pump into oneself a set of lexical units!
3. Don't repeat for the sake of repetition! Repetition of the material covered without creative rethinking, systematization and deepening of knowledge is not the mother, but the stepmother of teaching. Mechanical rewriting is the real enemy of learning and the mother of stupidity!
Someone in class is too lazy to open a vocabulary notebook, and he writes new words in a row mixed with grammar and exercises. To the remark of the teacher he answers: "Nothing, then I will rewrite." Another student forgot a notebook at home - he writes on a piece of paper and also assures that he will copy everything at home. The result: Instead of wasting their barely available time on homework, these students will waste precious time. Knowledge will not increase in proportion to the hours spent, but mistakes during thoughtless rewriting will certainly appear, and then they will tell the teacher: "You dictated so!"
Not all hard work is beneficial. It is better to rest than to work thoughtlessly. I remember the student construction team. For several days we manually dug ditches with shovels at the rate of 50 kopecks per hour. They dug a long trench, and then the foreman came: "An error in the project. It was necessary to dig a few tens of meters to the north. Dig in and go dig to a new place." We pour the earth back into the ditch - for the same fifty dollars an hour. Some, none, but the state spent money on us, but to no avail. So it is in studies: you can thoughtlessly write a word 100 times, and even, having starved out, learn its meaning (more precisely, one of the meanings, as it turned out with the aforementioned "card system") - but without working out in context, your knowledge will remain dead, and efficiency your classes will be no higher than the plinth (or the edge of the trench).
4. Do not write out all the words you come across indiscriminately. No one but kindergarten teachers and biologists needs the names of animals and toys that are teeming with many primer books! Only having mastered a couple of thousand more common words (you will find them in minimum frequency dictionaries; for English, see, for German, for Lithuanian, for Hebrew), take on the "zoo".
Beware of "false friends of the translator" - words similar to Russian, but with completely different meanings!
Do not buy computer dictionaries. Students often brag about brand new electronic "translators". The result of thoughtless application of technology is described. In addition, computer dictionaries contain an order of magnitude fewer words than what is written on the package.
Unfortunately, even on the covers of some paper dictionaries, the number of words is indicated, which is several times higher than reality. In order not to get into trouble, count the number of articles on one page and multiply by the number of pages.
5. Do not try at any cost to get to a teacher for whom the language you are studying is native. The immersion method is very effective and is used in our courses, but it is not a panacea. Not every native speaker is able to teach it to others! An Englishman is a nationality, and not a synonym for the concept of a “good English teacher” (well, perhaps, a simulator for speaking practice).
The ideal teacher is the one who speaks at the native level both your native language and the language you are studying. He will be able to understand your specific questions, and to explain difficult points in an accessible way, and to "untie" your language.
6. Do not go to a country without mastering its language at least at a basic level. It is not at all a fact that "the locals will be deceived." The fact that you are fooling yourself (buy a single bus ticket six times instead of buying a day pass for the price of two tickets, etc.). Even if someone grabs the language "out of thin air" - this does not mean a good command of it.
7. Do not limit yourself to the stereotypical "I only need spoken language" box.(i.e. “I only want to master the minimum for oral communication, and any attempts to go a little deeper, for example, make me read or learn grammar, I will stop”).
Analyze any conversation in the kitchen or on the tram: you will find there fragments of anecdotes, and quotations from films and books, and special terms, and "literary words" used in an ironic sense, plus a lot of social extralinguistic realities...
Build " conversational phrases"You also need to be able to. A diplomatic teacher may not call the rules of conjugation of verbs and word order "grammar", but he understands: without them you will not be able to understand what you hear and maintain an elementary conversation. And neglect of the laws of the language can change the meaning of your phrase to the opposite.
8. Don't forget what you have to do not only to speak, but also to understand the interlocutors. Some advertisements promise that in a week/month you will be fluent in, for example, English. But even inveterate crooks do not undertake to teach you to understand native speakers. What's the matter - read.
9. Don't guess! I don't know Romani, but I'm sure it has grammar rules.
When doing homework and answering questions from the teacher, try to write and speak meaningfully- not to "do a favor", that "at least they answered something", but to apply the studied schemes for constructing words and sentences. It is better to look into a dictionary or table than to upset the teacher with a thoughtless reply, which is Russian phrase in foreign words(my students know this is my favorite expression).
If the teacher said "Wrong", do not repeat the wrong answer a second or third time: this will not make him correct. Consider what needs to be fixed.
If the teacher, trying to help you get to the bottom of the truth yourself, asks a leading question, answer it, and do not make another frantic attempt to answer the original question.
10. Don't reflect! Don't beat yourself up if you forget something, and don't say (even mentally) "I don't have the ability to speak." There are no people who are not capable of language. It's not music. Do you speak Russian? It means that everything is in order with the brain centers responsible for the language. The main thing is not to be afraid!
When completing a task, do not even mentally say to yourself: "Now I know / remember this, but I will forget it right after the lesson." Thus, you are programming yourself for failure. And I wish you good luck!

Everyone knows perfectly well that foreign languages ​​are in fashion today. Now all the formalities when traveling abroad have been greatly simplified, which allows thousands of people to travel freely around the world. Many of them go abroad in search of a better life, some have already found work there, some are still looking. In this situation, knowledge of the language is mandatory and necessary.

And now the textbooks and dictionaries that fell like dust on store shelves are instantly sold out, language courses flourish, and qualified experienced teachers demand exorbitant money for their lessons.

Unfortunately, not everyone, due to their employment or financial instability, can afford to attend language courses or use the services of a tutor.

There is nothing left to do but do it yourself. But the study of any foreign language is quite specific, therefore, from the start of study, a lot of problems often arise related to ignorance of the very methodology of self-study.

What's the schedule? How to build lessons? How to conquer the correct pronunciation? How, how many and what books, magazines to read? How to remember a large amount of information, a lot of new words and grammar rules?

All these and many other questions YOU will get the answer by reading this article to the end! She has collected all the useful recommendations, instructions and advice, listening to which the training will become much easier, more interesting, and most importantly - more effective.

Internal Success Factors

Any sane person without exception, if desired, can learn any language at any age. There are no people who absolutely cannot learn a foreign language, however, language abilities are subject to fairly strong variations. Some learn a language much faster and more easily than others. However, everyone who believes that they are able to learn the language, or simply do not want to spend time on serious studies, are lazy - naturally, there is nothing to help them here, or I have not the slightest idea how to properly and rationally organize all stages of their learning and make this system. The last of this article will take out a lot of useful and interesting information.

As in anything else, in learning any language, the result directly depends on the level of interest, diligence and perseverance. Be that as it may, knowing the language poorly is still better than not knowing it at all.

When learning a language, it is important to have a good memory for words, be able to imitate a variety of sounds and think logically.

Organization of self-study: basic principles

  1. Unconditional success and obtaining the desired result will lead only to the method that the student will not perceive as a heavy burden, burden or necessity. External pressure usually causes only a reaction;
  2. Choose a specific time of the day for your lessons. Try to practice every day, there should be a maximum of one day off per week. Each class, even if not very long, is much more useful and better than many hours of “assault” once or twice a week;
  3. The ideal duration of classes should be 1-1.5 hours a day with indispensable 5-minute breaks or without them if the lesson lasts no more than an hour. After 7-10 hours after the lesson, it will be very useful to conduct a 10-minute review of the material covered;
  4. Be sure to arrange comfortable and cozy conditions for yourself: a comfortable workplace, excellent lighting, maximum silence;
  5. During training, use all your senses: hearing, vision, hands, speech organs. It is necessary to fully use all the ways of entering information, combining and combining their work;
  6. Try to constantly apply the acquired knowledge, persistently practice the language as soon as an opportunity presents itself. Take advantage of any free time for this - in transport, when you are waiting for something or someone;
  7. Create a planned plan in advance, according to which you will constantly repeat the studied material. Only deliberately organized repetition can provide a strong memorization;
  8. Do not try to speed up your optimal pace of language learning, as dynamics can negatively affect the results;
  9. Gradually introduce various game situations into the learning process;
  10. Do not be ashamed to praise yourself if you have achieved positive results - you must be confident in your abilities and capabilities;
  11. Study the history, geography, economy, culture, art and literature of the state whose language you are studying.

First stage

If you have clearly decided to study a particular language, you will need a textbook, a phrase book, a couple of dictionaries and light art books.

Work through the textbook carefully and point by point, correctly completing all the exercises in full. Engage in written translation of the text, leaving free space for correcting errors, separately analyze all your mistakes, their causes.

Many teachers advise studying simultaneously from several textbooks by different authors. This way you can compare the various presentations of the material, and therefore, do not tie yourself to a single option. Nevertheless, this way of learning is very time-consuming and requires a certain dispersion of attention, which is far from being possible for everyone.

As soon as possible, start reading adapted literature, simple plays and short stories. Start with something public, after reading the text a couple of times, write down any new unfamiliar words and phrases for further study.

Try to consult with native speakers or teachers as often as possible. Ask to check you and correct your mistakes, if any, explain their origin.


Impeccable and correct pronunciation is the basis for learning any language. Defects and flaws in pronunciation make it much more difficult for someone to understand and perceive the speech you speak. Mastering the correct pronunciation is one of the most difficult tasks. During your first contact with a foreigner, he will judge your knowledge solely by pronunciation.

You need to focus on the following points:

  1. Many pronunciation errors can be circumvented by following an accurate and clear display of the position of the articulatory apparatus when you reproduce the sound given in the phonetics section of the textbook. Practice pronunciation as intensively as possible in the first months of learning the language, until such time as you begin to pronounce all sounds automatically, without particularly straining;
  2. It is possible to quickly and efficiently learn all the rules of pronunciation only when you compare them with the rules inherent in your native language. You need to compare the sound that you are studying with the closest maximally similar sound of your language, fix the position of the organs of speech, which makes such a sound different;
  3. In the pronunciation of the most difficult sounds, you should train as long as possible. Work also on those sounds whose incorrect pronunciation distorts the meaning of the whole word;
  4. It is imperative to train your pronunciation at the mirror - this will allow you to perfectly control facial expressions, which are characteristic of certain sounds. It is extremely useful to watch a foreign non-dubbed movie, this will allow you to “read” the sounds exclusively by facial expressions;
  5. Try to listen to radio broadcasts as much as possible and repeat phrases after the announcer. Training right behind the correct perception of sounds will undoubtedly lead to positive results;
  6. Particular attention should be paid to correct intonation and stress. It is quite difficult to acquire skills in the correct one, since the manner of pronunciation of words in various languages very different. The assimilation of the correct melody of the language will be facilitated by repeated listening to radio programs recorded, for example, on a voice recorder;
  7. Try to memorize verses and read them with expression, while trying to convey all the shades of sound with your voice.


To learn a language without mastering grammar is only possible for a small child or a person who, for some reason, got into a foreign language environment, while being completely divorced from his usual one.

Grammar rules should not only be known, but also understood. A thoughtful principle will certainly give rise to a habit, and the slow application of these rules subsequently becomes automatic. All the grammatical patterns that you have mastered act on the principle of a template, in the future they allow you to “cut” new forms according to it. The whole study of grammar comes down to the manufacture of these patterns, which is why your task is to master as many stable fundamental patterns as possible.

Here are the main basic rules and tips for learning grammar.

  • Remember that a solid knowledge of the basics of grammar is much more important than a superficial delitant acquaintance with all the minor elements;
  • Do not look for any clear logic in grammar, since any language is rich in inconsistent phenomena that are due to the process of its development. That is why, along with the study of grammatical rules, at the same time try to study all the exceptions to them;
  • Grammar rules must be memorized by memorizing whole sentences where they are used. This approach will facilitate your learning, it is easier than memorizing the rules formulated in the textbook;
  • Grammar studies try to match the grammar rules in a foreign language with identical rules in your native language. This will allow you to find similar phenomena and will contribute to the creation of associative links;
  • Initially, learn how to conjugate verbs and inflect nouns with pronouns, try to determine the structure of the sentence, as well as the order of words in it;
  • Be sure to make tables of the rules that you are studying, this will give you the opportunity to visually assimilate the material;
  • Try to formulate questions on your own that include the grammar rules you are learning, and try using examples to answer them.

Your goal should be to create a typical sentence model, in which you will gradually include several rules of the same type in order to compare various rules with each other, to compare them using the same model.

Language acquisition

There are four main types of speech that make up language activities: listening, reading, writing and speaking. To know the language well, you need to be fluent in these types of speech.

To understand speech by ear, you need:

  • constantly listen to tape recordings and radio broadcasts;
  • communicate as often as possible with people who ideally know the language you are learning;
  • read aloud with correct intonation;
  • constantly repeat patterns of heard speech;
  • use various oral exercises;
  • get practical phonetic skills, perfect pronunciation.

There are two basic types of reading - extensive and intensive.

During extensive reading, you do not pay characteristic attention to detail, reading is directed solely to the essence of the story. We get a more general and less accurate perception. On the other side of the coin, if you read without understanding what is happening, it will not bring any results or benefits.

Intensive Reading- unhurried and thorough, includes an explanation of the smallest and most detailed details, all the grammatical, lexical and stylistic specifics of the text. In this case, of course, all interest in the text as such and its meaning are often lost.

A detailed analysis of difficult texts must be combined with a quick reading of the lungs. The fatigue that occurs during fluent reading is associated with the rapid switching of one's attention, and is more than offset by both interest and pleasure from reading.

Be fluent in a foreign language- rather heavy characteristic of speech activity. In order to speak, it is necessary to operate with a huge number of words, various model sentences and speech clichés, to apply them automatically, without thinking.

You can learn how to speak correctly and qualitatively with the help of the following exercises.

  • it is necessary to remember the maximum number of stamps, different short phrases, as well as set phrases and expressions. Try to learn and pronounce some proverbs and sayings, parables, anecdotes and short dialogues;
  • speech skills are excellently developed by modern plays and stories that are written in a colloquial style. They contain the most necessary words and models. Textbooks and manuals often contain somewhat artificial texts; they are not always a reliable and solid source of colloquial speech;
  • after a couple of months, it is necessary to include a retelling of texts in the learning process, gradually increasing their complexity. To automate speech skills, during repeated retellings, you need to increase the speed of speech;
  • after reading the text, ask yourself a variety of questions on the text, independently answering them;
  • learning to speak correctly and beautifully is possible only in the process of speaking. Therefore, one should practice speech at the slightest opportunity;
  • talk to yourself as you practice daily, tell yourself what you see and hear around you, what you want to do, etc. You must accustom yourself to obligatory monologues.

Despite the fact that writing is far from being the primary attribute of language learning, however, it cannot be bypassed. If you do not know how to express your thoughts in writing, you cannot be called a person who knows the language comprehensively.

Writing can be developed in the following ways.

  1. You are required to complete all written exercises in the textbook, in particular those related to translation from your language into the target language;
  2. write questions to read;
  3. arrange self-dictations for yourself to test the memorization of the newly learned vocabulary;
  4. freely express the elaborated text in writing;
  5. write essays on topics that interest you the most.


While learning a language, be sure to practice translating text from a foreign language into your native language, and vice versa. Translation is not only a combination of the meaning of each individual word into one phrase, it is primarily a transfer of thought. In fact, this is the creation of a new sentence, taking into account all the features of the language into which the text is being translated. It will greatly facilitate the translation by memorizing turns of speech that differ from the turns of your language, but carry the same semantic load. Always, remember, always avoid translating text literally.

So, summing up, it must be said that all types of speech activity without exception are inextricably linked with one another. Therefore, never give more attention to any one at the expense of the others. Apply as far as possible all the techniques and means described above. And most importantly - the only short way to the full development of the language is persistent, painstaking, concentrated, systematic and conscious work.

How Language Shapes Our Emotions The School of Life
