Hussein and Muslim Gakaev were liquidated in Chechnya. Hussein and Muslim Gakaev liquidated in Chechnya Muslim Gakaev executed


Date of death Affiliation

Chechen Republic of Ichkeria Chechen Republic of Ichkeria
Caucasian Emirate Caucasian Emirate

Years of service Rank

Brigadier General


Deputy Commander
Shali sector of the Eastern Front
Sun Vilayat Nokhchichoy of the Caucasus Emirate (since May)
com. Shali sector of the Armed Forces Vilayat Nohchichoy

Muslim Vakhaevich Gakaev(April 24, Kalinovskaya, Naursky district - January 24, Vedensky district) - field commander of illegal armed groups of the Caucasus Emirate, separatist. He was deputy commander of the Shali sector of the Eastern Front of the Armed Forces of the Vilayat Nokhchichoy of the Caucasus Emirate (since May), who was his older brother Hussein. After the reorganization of the structure of the Jamaat, Nokhchichoy established himself as the commander of the Shali sector of the Eastern Direction, Vilayat Nokhchichoy.

Hussein and Muslim Gakaev are the last of the six Gakaev brothers to die. Jamalai, Said-Usman, Khasan and Rizvan Gakaev died during two wars. The Gakaev brothers have long been considered the most "irreconcilable" field commanders.

Muslim bore the callsign "Dunga". According to one version, the call sign came from the nickname, which, in turn, he received from his father, Vakha Gakaev, who loved football and wanted to see his sons as football players. The Gakaev detachment consisted of fifty militants, and the Muslim group was half staffed by ethnic Russians who converted to Islam, including nationalists who came to the Caucasus to hone their combat skills.

It is authentically known that Muslim was engaged in the preparation of suicide bombers. So, in 2009, in a video message, he stated that "20 martyrs from his sector with his brother are ready for attacks." According to a representative of the law enforcement agencies of the Chechen Republic, "Muslim Gakaev was an agent of law enforcement agencies in the camp of militants for several years." On August 11, 2009, the security forces terminated the contract with Gakaev in connection with his video statement about the preparation of 20 suicide bombers by the Shali sector. Ramzan Kadyrov set the law enforcement agencies the task of finding the Gakaevs as quickly as possible and destroying them on the spot.

Minister of the Interior of Chechnya Ruslan Alkhanov, the main goals for the beginning of 2010: “Find Doka Umarov, the Gakaev brothers Muslim and Hussein, as well as their closest accomplices. These bandits are particularly cruel. On their account, numerous terrorist attacks, killings of both civilians and policemen.

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  • / Amir Muslim Gakaev. Winter 2011

An excerpt characterizing Gakaev, Muslim Vakhaevich

[Dear and priceless friend, what a terrible and terrible thing separation is! No matter how hard I keep telling myself that half of my existence and my happiness is in you, that despite the distance that separates us, our hearts are united by inseparable bonds, my heart revolts against fate, and despite the pleasures and distractions that surround me, I I cannot suppress some hidden sadness that I have felt in the depths of my heart since our separation. Why are we not together, as we were last summer, in your big office, on the blue sofa, on the "confessions" sofa? Why can’t I, like three months ago, draw new moral strength from your meek, calm, and penetrating look, which I loved so much and which I see before me at the moment I am writing to you?]
Having read up to this point, Princess Marya sighed and looked around at the dressing table, which stood to her right. The mirror reflected an ugly, weak body and a thin face. His eyes, always sad, now looked at themselves in the mirror with particular hopelessness. “She flatters me,” thought the princess, turned away and continued to read. Julie, however, did not flatter her friend: indeed, the princess's eyes, large, deep and radiant (as if rays of warm light sometimes came out of them in sheaves), were so good that very often, despite the ugliness of her whole face, these eyes became more attractive than beauty. But the princess never saw the good expression in her eyes, the expression they assumed in those moments when she was not thinking about herself. Like all people, her face assumed a strained, unnatural, evil expression as soon as she looked in the mirror. She continued to read: 211
“Tout Moscou ne parle que guerre. L "un de mes deux freres est deja a l" etranger, l "autre est avec la garde, qui se met en Marieche vers la frontiere. Notre cher empereur a quitte Petersbourg et, a ce qu" on pretend, compte lui meme exposer sa precieuse existence aux chances de la guerre. Du veuille que le monstre corsicain, qui detruit le repos de l "Europe, soit terrasse par l"ange que le Tout Ruissant, dans Sa misericorde, nous a donnee pour souverain. Sans parler de mes freres, cette guerre m "a privee d" une relation des plus cheres a mon coeur. Je parle du jeune Nicolas Rostoff, qui avec son enthousiasme n "a pu supporter l" inaction et a quitte l "universite pour aller s" enroler dans l "armee. Eh bien, chere Marieie, je vous avouerai, que, malgre son extreme jeunesse, son depart pour l "armee a ete un grand chagrin pour moi. Le jeune homme, dont je vous parlais cet ete, a tant de noblesse, de veritable jeunesse qu "on rencontre si rarement dans le siecle ou nous vivons parmi nos villards de vingt ans. Il a surtout tant de franchise et de coeur. Il est tellement pur et poetique, que mes relations avec lui, quelque passageres qu "elles fussent, ont ete l" une des plus douees jouissances de mon pauvre coeur, qui a deja tant souffert. Je vous raconterai un jour nos adieux et tout ce qui s "est dit en partant. Tout cela est encore trop frais. Ah! chere amie, vous etes heureuse de ne pas connaitre ces jouissances et ces peines si poignantes. Vous etes heureuse, puisque les derienieres sont ordinairement les plus fortes! Je sais fort bien, que le comte Nicolas est trop jeune pour pouvoir jamais devenir pour moi quelque chose de plus qu "un ami, mais cette douee amitie, ces relations si poetiques et si pures ont ete un besoin pour mon coeur. Mais n" en parlon plus. La grande nouvelle du jour qui occupe tout Moscou est la mort du vieux comte Bezukhoy et son heritage. Figurez vous que les trois princesses n "ont recu que tres peu de chose, le prince Basile rien, est que c" est M. Pierre qui a tout herite, et qui par dessus le Marieche a ete reconnu pour fils legitime, par consequent comte Earless est possesseur de la plus belle fortune de la Russie. On pretend que le prince Basile a joue un tres vilain role dans toute cette histoire et qu "il est reparti tout penaud pour Petersbourg.
“Je vous avoue, que je comprends tres peu toutes ces affaires de legs et de testament; ce que je sais, c "est que depuis que le jeune homme que nous connaissions tous sous le nom de M. Pierre les tout court est devenu comte Bezukhoy et possesseur de l" une des plus grandes fortunes de la Russie, je m "amuse fort a observer les changements de ton et des manieres des mamans accablees de filles a Marieier et des demoiselles elles memes a l "egard de cet individu, qui, par parenthese, m" a paru toujours etre un pauvre, sire. Comme on s "amuse depuis deux ans a me donner des promis que je ne connais pas le plus souvent, la chronique matrimoniale de Moscou me fait comtesse Mais vous sentez bien que je ne me souc nullement de le devenir. A propos de Marieiage, savez vous que tout derienierement la tante en general Anna Mikhailovna, m "a confie sous le sceau du plus grand secret un projet de Marieiage pour vous. Ce n" est ni plus, ni moins, que le fils du prince Basile, Anatole, qu "on voudrait ranger en le Marieiant a une personne riche et distinguee, et c" est sur vous qu "est tombe le choix des parents. Je ne sais comment vous envisagerez la chose, mais j" ai cru de mon devoir de vous en avertir. On le dit tres beau et tres mauvais sujet; c "est tout ce que j" ai pu savoir sur son compte.


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  • Duration: 2:14
  • Updated: 09 Feb 2014
  • views: 1162

In Chechnya, Leaders of Militants Destroyed. 12 terrorists, including two leaders of the bandit underground, were killed as a result of a large-scale operation in the south of Chechnya...

FSB Ramzan Kadyrov of Russia.

In Chechnya, Leaders of Militants Destroyed. 12 terrorists, including two leaders of the bandit underground, were killed as a result of a large-scale operation in the south of the Chechen Republic. They began to pursue the bandits the day before, during the liquidation, the security forces suffered losses. The military, together with the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, have been preparing this operation since autumn. In the mountainous Vedeno region of the Chechen Republic, 12 militants were blocked and killed, including the leaders of the gang - brothers Muslim and Hussein Gakaev. The identification of the bodies of the rest continues. One of the bandits, according to official figures, surrendered the day before and is now testifying. On the conscience of the Gakaevs are dozens of murders of law enforcement officers, clerics, teachers and business leaders. Over the past few years, they have trained 27 suicide bombers who blew themselves up in different regions of the republic. The Gakaev brothers have been in the ranks of gangs since the 90s, they were part of the close circle of Shamil Basayev. And in August 2010, a detachment of the Gakaevs attacked the ancestral village of Ramzan Kadyrov, the head of the Chechen Republic. Then seven people died, 24 were injured. "These were the most odious devils. I think this is the most best result for 2011-2012. After Basayev, this is the best result. They killed even more than Basayev, giving instructions, "said Ramzan Kadyrov. There are also losses among the security forces. According to Kadyrov, two were killed. Their families are promised assistance in the amount of one million rubles each. Six more were slightly injured. This special operation has already called the most successful after the destruction of Basayev in 2006. But such operations in the Chechen Republic, the security forces for last years spent several dozen. The list of especially dangerous terrorists waiting for their turn is inevitably narrowing. Another odious figure in it is Doku Umarov, who was involved in a large number of terrorist attacks in southern Russia.

  • published: 09 Feb 2014
  • views: 1162

Four of the six Gakaev brothers died in combat operations with Russian troops: Jamalai and Said-Usman - during the First Chechen War, Khasan Gakaev - in 2001, Rizvan - in 2003. In 2006, she was abducted by unknown people and, according to official data, one of Gakaev's sisters, Manzha, went missing.

At the beginning of the Second Chechen War, Muslim Gakaev became the deputy of his brother - Hussein Gakaev, who was the commander of the Shali sector of the CRI Armed Forces.

Since May 2007, Muslim Gakaev has been deputy commander of the Eastern Front of the Armed Forces of the Vilayat Nokhchicho of the Caucasus Emirate. According to some reports, almost half of his detachment consisted of Russians who converted to Islam.

On August 12, 2009, one of the Chechen TV channels showed a story in which the security forces claimed that Muslim Gakaev had been an agent of the republican special services for most of the 2000s, since the first years of the second military campaign in Chechnya, although then he broke with them . According to the speaker, Amir Muslim's undercover nickname was "Chameleon".

It is authentically known that Muslim was engaged in the preparation of suicide bombers. In 2009, in a video message, he stated that 20 martyrs from his sector with his brother were "ready for attacks." In August 2009, after a series of terrorist attacks involving suicide bombers, Ramzan Kadyrov demanded that the security forces find and destroy the Gakaev brothers as soon as possible.

On January 23, in the vicinity of the village of Elistanzhi in the Vedeno district, a group of police officers came under fire. As a result of a two-day special operation in the Vedensky district of Chechnya, 11 members of the armed underground were killed, including the leaders of the armed underground, brothers Muslim and Hussein Gakaev. "In the course of the clash, 11 militants were killed. Among them are the well-known commanders of the bandit groups Hussein and Muslim Gakaev," said the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov.

According to some reports, Muslim Gakaev has the call sign "Dunga" ("Dungo"). According to other information, this is the call sign of his brother - Hussein.


  1. Official site of the Head and Government of the Chechen Republic.
This material was published on the BezFormata website on January 11, 2019,
below is the date when the material was published on the site of the original source!

Latest news of the Chechen Republic on the topic:
Gakaev Muslim Vakhaevich (Amir Muslim)

Gakaev Muslim Vakhaevich (Amir Muslim)- Grozny

Born on April 24, 1973 in St. Kalinovskaya, Naursky District, Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (according to other sources, in the village of Elistanzhi, Vedensky District).
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Hussein Vakhaevich Gakaev (Gakin Vahin Khusain) was born in the village of Elistanzhi in the Vedensky district of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in 1970. The Gakaev family had six brothers (Hussein was the fourth) and several sisters. According to some reports, among the ancestors of Gakaev were both Chechens and Arabs.

Gakaev and his brothers fought in both wars in the 1990s and 2000s in Chechnya. During the 1994-1996 war, Gakaev was a member of the Central Front of the Armed Forces of the self-proclaimed Chechen Republic of Ichkeria (ChRI). Hussein's elder brothers Jamalai and Said-Usman died at the same time. Two more Gakaev brothers were killed in the second war in the early 2000s: in 2001, Khasan Gakaev, the third oldest of the Gakaev brothers, died (after his death, a column of federal troops took hostage in Elistanzhi about twenty of his closest relatives, including old people and children, but when leaving the village she was surrounded and was forced to release all the hostages), in 2003 the youngest of the Gakaev brothers, Rizvan, died. Subsequently, in 2006, one of Gakaev's sisters, Manzha, was abducted by unknown people and, according to official data, one of Gakaev's sisters went missing.

Hussein Gakaev himself, together with his brother Muslim, in the first half of the 2000s, judging by press reports, participated in hostilities mainly in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhis native village. So, according to one of the reports in 2002, at that time a detachment of the Gakaev brothers was directly in Elistanzhi; at the same time, it was alleged that this detachment was on bad terms with foreign mercenaries who participated in the war on the side of the separatists. In August 2003, in Elistanji, Gakaev's detachment killed Mufti of the Vedeno region Shaiman Madagov for cooperation with the authorities and rejection of Wahhabism (and at that time Gakaev's detachment already included several Arab mercenaries, including a well-known mercenary, later destroyed by federal troops, Abu al- Walid). In 2005, it was reported that Gakaev's detachment tried to oblige the inhabitants of Elistanzhi to pay monthly sums for the maintenance of the separatists. It is also known that for a long time Gakaev was recognized by the separatists as the "amir of the jamaat of the village of Elistanji."

At the same time, according to some reports, the Gakaevs' detachment also made sorties as part of larger formations. In particular, in June 2004, Gakaev's group took part in the attack on the capital of Ingushetia, Nazran, and several other Ingush settlements, as a result of which more than a hundred people were killed.

In the mid-2000s, it was reported that Gakaev was close to one of the main leaders of the militants, Shamil Basaev (a number of sources claim that Gakaev was previously the personal bodyguard of a well-known terrorist). As of 2004, Hussein and Muslim Gakayev were among the few separatists who had the opportunity to personally communicate with Basayev. In 2006, Basayev was destroyed by federal forces, after which the Gakaev brothers took "patronage" of the special battalion of suicide bombers "Riyad-Us-Salihiin" ("Gardens of the Righteous") he had created. In the same period, Gakaev was the deputy commander, and then (since June 2006) the commander of the Jundulla Islamic brigade as part of the Eastern Front.

In the spring of 2006, the President of the CRI, Abdul-Khalim Sadulayev, on the proposal of Basayev, appointed Gakayev commander of the Shali mountain sector of the Eastern Front (in September of the same year, the front was transformed into the South-Eastern), led the fighting on the territory of the Shali and Vedeno regions of Chechnya.

On March 7, 2007, Doku Umarov, who became president of the CRI after the death of Sadulaev, appointed Gakaev as the Minister of Internal Affairs in the new separatist government. In May 2007, on the recommendation of the commander of the South-Eastern Front, Aslanbek Vadalov, Umarov appointed Gakaev also deputy commander of the South-Eastern Front (October 3, the South-Eastern Front was again transformed into the Eastern Front) and until the summer of 2010, Gakaev oversaw the Shali mountainous, Shali plain , Argun and Atagin sectors of the front.

After the proclamation by Umarov of the Caucasus Emirate, designed to unite the separatist movements of different Caucasian peoples, on October 7, 2007, Gakaev received the post of Minister of Internal Affairs in the government of the Chechen division of the imarat - "the vazirate of the vilayat Nokhchichoy (Ichkeria)".

Best of the day

In the summer of 2008, Gakaev's appeal was published on the Kavkaz-Center separatist website, in which he stated that "every single Mujahideen" was satisfied with Umarov's decision to proclaim the Caucasian Emirate, since this united the struggle of the Chechen jamaats with the jamaats of other Caucasian regions. In addition, Gakayev spoke extremely harshly about the supporters of the prominent separatist figure Akhmed Zakayev, who was in the UK, who did not recognize Umarov's decision and formed his own government.

In the late 2000s, there were regular reports in the press about skirmishes in which Gakayev's detachment allegedly participated. At the same time, representatives of the militants claimed that in the previous two years it had become much easier for them to conduct military operations, since the need to hide in the mountains had actually disappeared and it became possible for the Gakays to be in the villages.

According to the law enforcement agencies of Chechnya, Gakaev was directly involved in the high-profile execution in December 2008 of the family of the former head of the administration of the village of Agishty, Vedeno district, Khadzhi Sadulaev. According to the militants, these killings were a revenge for the fact that Sadulaev, a few years earlier, brought police to three members of Muslim Gakaev's group.

In July-September 2009, a series of suicide bombings took place in Chechnya. At the same time, as it turned out, all of them were previously part of Hussein Gakaev's detachment. In September 2009, two suicide attacks were prevented in Moscow, and, according to law enforcement agencies, the two terrorists detained in this case were trained by Gakaev and the militant Alexander Tikhomirov, known as Said Buryatsky, who was involved in a number of major terrorist attacks. At the same time, Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov stated the need to "find the Gakaev brothers as soon as possible, using all the forces and potential law enforcement agencies and destroy them on the spot.” In the fall of 2009, internal affairs forces killed several of Gakaev’s closest associates, but he himself remained alive.

On July 24, 2010, a message appeared on the Kavkaz Center website that Umarov had appointed Vadalov as his naib (successor), and Gakaev as a wali (viceroy) of the Nokhchichoi vilayat (Ichkeria) of the Caucasus Emirate. A few days later, in early August, a video was circulated on the Internet in which Umarov resigned as head of the Emirate, but then the separatist leader also published a refutation, calling the previous statement fabricated. In response to this, Vadalov and Gakaev announced that they were renouncing the oath given to them earlier and were leaving Umarov.

At the end of August 2010, a detachment, apparently led by Khusein Gakaev (although some sources mention his brother in this connection), carried out a daring attack on Kadyrov's family village of Tsentoroi, where the Chechen president himself was at that moment. After that, Kadyrov offered a reward of ten million rubles for information about Gakaev, Vadalov and other organizers of the attack (subsequently, the head of the republic claimed that Zakaev was behind the attack on Tsentoroi, who, together with Gakaev, initiated this sortie in order to attract attention to himself).

In September 2010, Umarov announced the demotion of Gakaev, Vadalov and other commanders who left his subordination and the need to attach them to the Sharia court. In response to this, in the same month, the Chechen field commanders, who withdrew the oath to Umarov, recreated the Majlis, a military body that had been virtually destroyed over the previous years, in which decisions could be made by vote and which had the right to replace the "amir", and elected their new leader Gakaev. The latter in the messages was called the commander of the armed forces and the shura-majlis of the CRI and the Amir of Chechnya (Nokhchichoy). His naib was appointed field commander Tarkhan Gaziev. In October 2010, the "State Defense Committee - Shura-Majlis" headed by Gakaev was also recognized by Zakaev, who, in this regard, dissolved the government he had created back in 2007.

In separatist sources, Gakaev appeared as Amir Hussein and Amir Mansur. According to some reports, he had the call sign "Dunga" (according to other sources, this call sign belonged to his brother Muslim). One of the older Gakaev brothers Khasan also had the same call sign.

Hussein Gakayev's only surviving brother, Muslim, since May 2007 was the deputy commander of the Eastern Front and led the fighting in his Shali mountain sector, according to some reports, his detachment was almost half Russian. In August 2009, one of the Chechen TV channels aired a story claiming that Muslim Gakaev had been an agent of the republican special services for most of the 2000s, although he then broke with them.
