French verbs of the 2nd group. Verbs I, II and III groups

The verbs of the second group have, regular verbs which end in -ir in the infinitive:

Choisir; grand ir; flower ir

In the present tense of the indicative mood in the plural, the verbs of the second group are characterized by the suffix -iss-: nous finissons.

We would like to remind you that verbs of the third group, which are conjugated differently, also end in -ir.

Below is a list of verbs of the second group, theoretically these are all verbs, but given that the language is developing and enriching, we cannot confidently say that this list will not be replenished in the near future.

List of French verbs of the second group

abasourdir - stun; stun

abâtardir - to spoil; loosen

abêtir - make a fool, dull

s'abolir / abolir - cancel, abolish, destroy

abonnir - improve, fix / s'abonnir get better, improve

aboutir - come to ...; to lead to…; end with something

abrutir - score (moral); to stupefy (mentally) / s'abrutit - to be exhausted, tired to the point of exhaustion

accomplir - perform, perform; perform, implement / s'accomplir - be performed; come true

accourcir - shorten / s'accourcir shorten

accroupir - squat / crouch, sit down / squat down (homme); sit on your hind legs (animaux) / s'accroupir - squat, squat; sit on your hind legs

adoucir - sweeten / s'adoucir - subside; soften

affadir - to make tasteless, insipid; make spicy, make spicy

affaiblir - weaken, deprive of strength / s'affaiblir - weaken, weaken; wash

affermir - strengthen / s'affermir 1) strengthen, assert

affranhir - to free / s'affranchir (de qch) to free, get rid of something; overcome something

agir - to act

agonir - shower (scold, reproaches, etc.), scold

agrandir - increase / s'agrandir 1) increase, expand, spread

aguerrir - harden / s’aguerrir 1) gain combat experience 2) (à, contre) harden, get used to endure (sth)

ahurir - to stun

aigrir - oxidize / s'aigrir 1) sour, sour

alanguir - to relax; to make languid / s'alanguir to languish

alentir - slow down, delay, suspend

allegir Diminuer l'épaisseur d'une pierre, d'une pièce de bois.

alourdir - to make heavier; aggravate / s’alourdir to make heavier; get lazy; get heavier

alunir - to land on the moon

amaigrir - to dry up, exhaust / s'amaigrir to lose weight

amatir - make matte

amerrir - splash down, land on water

ameublir - turn into movable; loosen (soil)

amincir - to refine; make thinner / s'amincir thinner, thinner

amoindrir - decrease / s'amoindrir - decrease

amollir - soften, soften; weaken, relax / s'amollir to soften; weaken, weaken

amortir - weaken, soften; amortize; dull / s'amortir decrease, weaken

s'amuïr - become unpronounceable (of sound)

anéantir - destroy / s'anéantir 1) disappear, disappear

anoblir - to ennoble

anordir - turn north (about the wind)

aplanir - smooth, align

aplatir - to flatten; flatten / s’aplatir 1) flatten, flatten

appauvrir - to ruin / s'appauvrir to become impoverished, impoverished

appesantir - aggravate / s'appesantir 1) make heavier

applaudir - applaud / s'applaudir (de qch) celebrate smth with satisfaction, rejoice at smth

appointir - sharpen / sharpen

approfondir - deepen / s'approfondir deepen

arrondir - round, round / s'arrondir round

assagir - make prudent, settle down / s'assagir settle down, come to your senses

assainir - to heal; cleanse (a wound), sanitize

asservir - enslave, enslave, conquer / s'asservir obey, submit

assombrir - darken, shade / s'assombrir darken, darken

assortir to harmonize with…; approach…; converge, be similar (about characters) / s'assortir (à) fit

assoupir - put to sleep; appease, soothe (pain) / s’assoupir 1) fall asleep, doze off, forget about sleep

assouplir - to give flexibility, elasticity / s'assouplir to become flexible, elastic

assourdir - muffle, muffle / s'assourdir lose sonority, turn into a dull sound, deafen

assouvir - satisfy, satisfy / s'assouvir to be satisfied, satisfied

attendrir - soften, loosen / s'attendrir soften

atterrir - approach the shore; to land, to land

attiédir - to cool down / s'attiédir to cool down, weaken

avachir - make sluggish, flabby / s'avachir become flabby

avertir - (qn de qch) notify, warn; issue a warning

aveulir to relax, to make weak-willed

avilir - to humiliate, belittle; trivialize.

bannir cast out

barrir roar

bâtir / se bâtir to build

benir bless

blanchir to turn white, se blanchir to make excuses, relieve oneself of guilt; get dirty / get dirty, get dirty, get dirty with white

blêmir turn pale

blettir become flabby, soften; overripe

bleuir make / make blue; ↔ turn blue / turn blue, ↔ become / become blue

blondir to turn yellow, brighten, golden / se blondir to dye your hair blonde

se blottir curl up, shrink; take a nap

bondir jump

bouffir - to swell

brandir waving

bruir - to steam (fabric)

brunir turn dark.

calmir - to calm down (about the wind, the sea)

candir - to crystallize / se candir to be candied; to crystallize (of sugar)

chancir - to grow moldy

chauvir - chauvir de l'oreille, chauvir des oreilles - move your ears (about a horse, donkey, mule)

chérir - to cherish, to cherish, to love tenderly / se chérir to tenderly love each other

choisir - choose, make a choice; select,

clapir - shout (about rabbits) / se clapir hide in a hole (about rabbits)

compatir - to sympathize, condole, condescend

cônir - to die, to kill

convertir - convert, convert; convert, translate (into other quantities) / se convertir 1) turn into, turn into ...

cotir - to beat, damage (fruits)

crepir - to plaster

croupir - stagnate, rot (about water).

débâtir - disassemble, break, demolish (building)

débleuir — revenir à leurétat normal pour des extrémités de membres devenues bleues de froid

décatir - to decate / se décatir to fade, lose freshness; grow old; peel off

décrépir - beat off, scrape off plaster / se décrépir to peel off (about plaster)

définir - define, define / se définir

défleurir - to fade / to fade to deprive / to deprive of flowers

défraîchir - to deprive of freshness / se défraîchir to lose freshness, fade

dégarnir - to empty, to make empty; to deprive of ornaments; bare / se dégarnir 1) empty 2) bald, bald

dégauchir - to trim, trim

deglutir - to swallow, to swallow

dégourdir - shake, bring out of a state of stupor, numbness; knead / se dégourdir 1) warm up 2) shake off laziness 3) trim

déguerpir - urgently leave, leave, get out

déjaunir - remove, remove yellowness

demolir - to destroy; destroy; break, demolish (building); spoil

démunir - deprive, take away; to remove / se démunir to deprive oneself of something, to give up something

dépérir - to wither, to wither, to weaken

depolir - to reduce gloss; to mat, to mat

déraidir - make softer, more flexible, soften, knead / se déraidir soften; soften

désassortir - to scatter; violate the completeness

désemplir - cast off, take away / se désemplir empty

desenlaidir - diminuer la laideur

desepaissir - thin out


désinvestir - to give up vigorous activity, to lose an incentive to smth, to reduce, to liquidate investments

désobéir - (à qn, à qch) disobey, disobey

dessaisir - to deprive someone something; to take away (possession, rights) / se dessaisir (de qch) to refuse (from the right, power, property)

dessertir - take out of the frame (precious stone, etc.)

désunir - to separate, to separate / se désunir to separate; diverge

déverdir - lose green color

dévernir - remove varnish; tarnish

divertir - 1) to distract; divert (strike) 2) waste; to seize illegally 3) to distract from business / se divertir 1) to have fun 2) to make fun of someone; laugh at…

doucir - 1) to polish; grind 2) grind

durcir - 1) harden; become strong 2) strengthen / se durcir harden, harden; become durable.

ébahir to amaze / s'ébahir (de qch) to be amazed, to be amazed;

ébaubir - to amaze, stun / s'ébaubir to be amazed, dumbfounded, stunned

éblouir to dazzle / s’éblouir to deceive

écatir - lustrer une étoffe, en particulier en la pressant

échampir - highlight, underline (outline, color); make more embossed; set off

éclaircir - to clarify; brighten, brighten

écrouir - to forge metal in a cold state; rivet metal / s’écrouir harden, become hard (about metal)

effleurir weathered

élargir to expand / s'élargir to expand, move apart; get wider

embellir get prettier

emboutir - to stamp; draw out

embrunir - make darker, darken

emplir to fill / s'emplir to fill up

empuantir - fill with stench, stench

enchérir - to increase the price

endolorir - cause pain; make suffer / s'endolorir start to hurt

endurcir - 1) to make hard; give hardness 2) make insensitive, callous, harden 3) (à qch) temper, accustom to ...

enforcir - to grow stronger; gain weight; get well

enfouir to bury / s’enfouir 1) to bury 2) to hide

englutir to absorb / s'engloutir to disappear; drown

engourdir shackle / s'engourdir 1) go numb; numb; stiffen 2) hibernate 3) dull

enhardir - to give courage, courage / s'enhardir (à) to be bolder, to take courage

enlaidir - (o) disgrace, disfigure

ennoblir ennoble

enorgueillir make proud

enrichir enrich

ensevelir bury

envahir seize

envieillir grow old

epaissir thicken

épanouir deploy

époutir - to clean (fabric) from impurities, knots

équarrir handle at right angles; make

esbaudir to amuse, entertain

estourbir to finish off, to knock

établir to install / s’établir to be located

étourdir stun

etrecir - to narrow

évanouir faint / s'évanouir 1) faint 2) disappear, dissipate.

faiblir to weaken

farcir stuff

finir end

flechir to bend / se flechir to bend; bend, descend

blossom bloom

forcir grow stronger; gain weight; get well

fouir - to dig, to dig

fourbir to shine

fournir maintain / se fournir stock up

fraîchir freshness (about the weather)


fremir tremble

froidir to get cold, disappear, cool down / cool down, cool down.

guarantee guarantee

garnish supply

gauchir warp

gemir moan

glapir squeal

glatir to scream (of an eagle)

grandir grow up /se grandir grow up

gravir climb

grossir get better

guérir heal, cure, cure /se guérir be cured.

haïr hate

havir - fry meat

hennir laugh

honnir - to dishonor

hourdir placer un hourdis, maçonner grossièrement sur un lattis.

impartir to grant

inflechir reject

intervenir intervene

invertir flip; to turn back; reverse order, invert

investir - invest / s'investir.

jaillir to sprinkle, jaunir to turn yellow, jouir to use.

languir succumb

lotir to divide into parts, divide

louchir to become cloudy (of a liquid).

maigrir lose weight,

matir - checkmate

mégir to dress (skins) with kid tanning

meurtrir to hurt; squeeze to a bruise

mincir lose weight

moisir moldy

moitir moisten, moisten

mollir become soft, soften

mugir moo; roar; howl, howl

munir to supply, endow with smth; arm, give

se munir stock up; arm; take

mûrir to promote maturation.

nantir provide

noircir blacken

nordir - to blow north (about the wind)

nourrir feed; supply; to breastfeed / se nourrir - to eat.

obéir obey

obscurcir - darken

weave ourdir.

palir turn pale

pâtir suffer

pervertir to spoil, to corrupt

petrir (malaxer) knead / knead; knead, knead / knead

polir to polish/polish, grind/buff

pourrir to rot, rot; spoil, decompose; smolder / se pourrir

préétablir to predetermine

prémunir to protect, protect, guard against…, secure; warn; to insure, guarantee against ... / se premunir

punir - punish, punish.

rabonnir - improve

rabougrir interfere with the growth (of trees); oppress (of trees)

raccourcir shorten

racornir harden

radoucir soften; make softer, warmer

raffermir to strengthen, make more solid, strong

rafraîchir cool down

ragaillardir to cheer; cheer up, uplift

raidir pull

rajeunir get younger

ralentir slow down / se ralentir

ramollir soften,

rancir become rancid, become rancid

raplatir flatten

rapointir sharpen

ravilir to humiliate; vulgarize

ravir to kidnap, carry away; take away by force; deprive of something

reactir react

réassortir slather

rebâtir re-build

reblanchir turn white again

rebondir jump

rechampir highlight, underline (with a contour, color); make more embossed; shade / rechampir

convertir convert

redémolir re-destroy


se refléchir re-fall

refleurir re-bloom

refroidir cool down / se refroidir,

regarnir refinish

régir to rule, govern; lead, manage

regrossir get fat again

reinvestir reinvest

rejaillir splash, beat (about liquid)

réjouir to please, amuse; amuse

se réjouir to rejoice, to have fun

relargir re-expand

rembrunir to darken; make darker

remplir to fill / fill up / se remplir

renchérir - add a price; raise the price

répartir to distribute / distribute; divide / share, share

repolish again, polish again

resalir get dirty again

resplendir shine, shine

ressaisir seize again; recapture, recapture

ressortir (à) exit again

resurgir = ressurgir reappear; re-emerge


retentir resound

rétrécir to sit down (about fabric)

rétroagir be retroactive; act retroactively

réunir to unite / se réunir

réussir to be successful

reverdir re-turn green

roidir (tight) pull

rondir round off, round off

rosir turn pink,

rôtir to roast / se rôtir to roast

rougier blush

rouir get wet

roussir redhead

roustir fry

rugir growl; roar.

S - saisir to grab

se saisir to seize

salir to get dirty / se salir to get dirty

saurir faire sécher à la fumée pour conserver (une denrée saumurée)

serfouir hoe

sertir frame

sévir rage

sortir out

subir be exposed

subvertir subvert, destroy; undermine

superfinir /finir

surenchérir increase, increase the price

surgir appear, appear suddenly; arise; float

surir sour.

tapir cringe

tarir dry up

tartir defecate

ternir remove shine, discolor, make dull; give a matte finish, matte / se ternir

terrir to reach the shore

tiedir cool down

trahir to change, betray; issue / se trahir

transir to tremble, to stiffen

travestir dress up, dress up, dress up.

U - unir - compose, collect, connect, connect; combine / s'unir to unite, unite, make an alliance.

V - vagir scream, squeak (about a newborn; about a hare, a crocodile)

verdir turn green

vernir varnish

vieillir grow old

vomir tear

vrombir buzz, buzz

We would like to note that order is used in speech, you can find a list of the most used ones here.

I have already published an article on the conjugation of verbs of the first group. Today we will consider the verbs of the second group in French- their conjugation and features. Of course, in the present tense of the indicative mood.

Features of verbs of the 2nd group - how to recognize them

The verbs of the second group are regular (like the verbs of the first group) verbs, that is, they are conjugated according to a certain rule.

These verbs end in -ir in the infinitive. For example, the verb finir means to finish.

Also, the second group is characterized by the presence of the suffix -iss in all forms plural(nous, vous, ils).

Do not confuse the verbs of the second group and the verbs of the third group. A number of verbs of the third group also have the ending -ir in the infinitive, therefore, to distinguish them, you just need to know which verbs belong to one or another group. This information can be found in dictionaries, although not all.

However, in order not to get confused, you need to remember that if the verb ends in -frir, -vrir, -tir, -uire, then these verbs will belong to group 3. For example, ouvrir, offrir, traduire, partir. These are not all endings that indicate that a verb ending in -ir belongs to the third group, so if in doubt, check in the dictionary.

Conjugation table of French verbs of group 2 in Présent

Consider the conjugation of the second group of verbs using the example of the verb finir. So, to conjugate the verbs of the second group in the present tense of the indicative mood, we need to discard the ending of the infinitive ir and add the following verb endings and suffixes:

In all singular forms, the letters -s, -t at the end of words are not readable. The endings -ons, -ez, -ent have a standard reading, like in .

All other verbs of this group are conjugated in exactly the same way without any spelling features - all diacritical marks in the roots of words are preserved. The only exception is one word - haïr, which we will talk about later.

Conjugation of the verb haïr - phonetic and spelling features

So, consider the features of the verb haïr - to hate. This verb has two features -

  • h-aspirated, that is, the pronoun je before this verb is not reduced, and there is no binding when reading with any pronouns or subjects.
  • The presence of the "tréma" badge, which indicates a separate reading of the letters a and i without the formation of the letter combination ai, which would be read as [ɛ].

In the conjugation of this verb, the following feature is observed - in all forms of the singular "tréma" is lost, so we get the sound [ɛ]. In the plural forms, the "tréma" sign is retained and the reading remains standard.

Je hais - sound [ɛ] - e nous haissons -
Tu hais - sound [ɛ] - e Vous haïssez -
Il hait - sound [ɛ] - e Ils haissent -

List of the most common verbs of the second group

Since the second group of verbs in French is the smallest, I offer a list of verbs that are most often used in speech:

applaudir applaud
Agir act
batir build
choisir choose
finir end
grandir grow
punir punish
remplier fill
vieillir grow old
reflechir meditate
rouge blush
palir turn pale
reactir to react
Maigrir lose weight
jaunir turn yellow
eblouir blind
tablir install
enrichir enrich
fremir tremble
obeir obey
hair hate
demolir destroy
Saisir grab, seize
reussir succeed, succeed
se rejouir to rejoice, to be pleased with something

On our website, we have already mentioned that there are three groups of verbs in French, and each group has its own conjugation. This distribution of verbs is very convenient so as not to confuse and choose the correct ending.

Today we will talk more about the second group. French verbs, about their conjugation and about their use in speech. If you want to start conjugating verbs as soon as possible, let's get started!

Some features of the second group

The second group includes those French verbs that have the ending –ir in the initial form - infinitive. There are several rules according to which these verbs are conjugated.

Friends, be careful not to confuse the second category verbs with the third category verbs that have the same ending –ir , but conjugated in a different way - this is Irregular Verbs. They can be found in the table of irregular verbs.

Conjugation of the verb of the second group Remplir in the present tense

The verbs of the French language, like Russian, change in person and tense. However, if in Russian there are only three tenses: present, past and future, then in French there are many more. Changing verbs by person and tense occurs by adding special endings to the stem of the verb. The stem of the verb of the second group can be obtained by discarding the final -r at the infinitive. Yes, in the present Present endings are added to the stem of the verb: -s, -s, -t, -ssons, -ssez, -ssent . We conjugate the verb of the second group:

Rougir - to blush
Je rougis
Tu rougis
Il/elle rougit
nous rougissons
Vous rougissez
Ils/elles rougissent

Pay attention to the place of the verbs of the second group in the sentences:

  • Je finis mon article aujourd'hui. I am finishing my article today.
  • Helene rougit chaque fois quand on parle d'elle. – Helenblusheseveryoneonce, whenaboutherthey say.
  • Jean nous abassourdit avec cette nouvelle. Jean deafens us with this news.

Past imperfect tense Imparfait will be formed with the help of endings - ssais- ssais- ssait- ssions- ssiez- scient. For example:

grandir - to grow
Je grandissais
Tu grandissais
Il/elle grandissait
nous grandissions
Vous grandissiez
Ils/elles grandissaient

  • Les tulipes dans notre jardin fleurissaient chaque printemps. – Tulipsinourgardenbloomedeveryspring.
  • il remplissait la bouteille avec de l'eau chaque matin. - Hefilledbottlewatereachmorning.

How is the future tense formed? Future Simple: verb infinitive + -ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont .

Finir - finish
Je finirai
Tu finiras
Il/eklle finira
nous finirons
Vous finerez
Ils/elles finiront

  • Maurice, est-ce que tu Maigriras jusqu'a la semaine prochaine? – Maurice, unlessyoulose weightbeforenextweeks?
  • Les pommes miriront en ete. - Applesripensummer.

Compound past tense Passe compose formed by adding to the auxiliary verb avoir, standing in the right person of the present tense Present, such a form of the verb as Participe passe. For verbs of the second group Participe passe represents the infinitive of this verb without a final -r .

Anoblir - to ennoble
J'ai anobli
Tu as anobli
Il/elle a anobli
nous avons anobli
Vous avez anobli
Ils/elles ont anobli

  • Jean a fini son affaire sans aucun aide. Jean finished his work without anyone's help.
  • nous avons anobli notre ville avec des fleurs et des arbres. - Weennobledourcityflowersandtrees.

Time Plus-que-parfait for verbs of this group is formed by conjugation of the auxiliary verb avoir in Imparfait + partialipe passe conjugated verb.

Approfondir - to deepen
Javais approfondi
Tu avais approfondi
Il/elle avait approfondi
nous avionsapprofondi
Vous aviez approfondi
Ils/elles avaient approfondi

  • Marceladitqu'ilavailable dejafini satraditiondutexte. Marcel said that he had already finished his translation of the text.
  • Alicem'apersuadequ'elleavailable agi correct. Alice convinced me that she was doing the right thing.

Time Futuree anterieur, which is used only in written speech, is formed by the conjugation of the same verb avoir standing in time Futuree + Participe passe the required verb.

Jouir - to please
J'aurai joui
Tu auras joui
Il/elle aura joui
nous aurons joui
Vous aurez joui
Ils/elles auront joui

How to learn to conjugate the verbs of the second group?

In order to make friends with the French verbs of the second group, special efforts no need. You just need to remember the endings.

The second group of verbs does not create problems at all. If in the first group there are some tricks, such as: changing stress, doubling vowels (see our article about the verbs of the first group), then in the second group there is nothing like that, everything is extremely clear and simple.

To quickly memorize the conjugation firmly, make as many sentences as possible with these verbs in different tenses. And also conjugate verbs orally - mentally and aloud. You will succeed! Until we meet again, friends!

Before we get acquainted with the formation of all aspect-temporal forms in French, it is worth talking about the French verbs themselves and their conjugations.

So, a verb is a part of speech that expresses an action, state or process. The verb answers the question "what does it do?". In a sentence, the verb is most often a predicate and is part of the stem. The predicate can be simple, that is, consist of one verb, or compound - consist of several verbs or a verb and an adjective.

For example: Elle est triste. — Compound predicate. Ilécrit une lettre. - Simple predicate.

The verbs of the French language are conjugated, that is, they change in persons and numbers, tenses, moods, have a pledge:

  • As in Russian, French has first, second and third person, you may have noticed this about the theories from previous lessons. Verbs are used in singular and plural.
  • Verbs denote actions in three tenses: present, future and past. For their expression in French, there are eleven aspectual-temporal forms.
  • The mood of the verb shows the action or state as real or supposed, desired or possible. You learned about moods in French in the previous lesson.
  • The pledge shows the direction of the action: whether the subject performed the action on his own, or whether the action was performed on him.

All changes that the verb undergoes is called conjugation.

The conjugated forms of the verb are called personal forms verb. They are used in a sentence as a predicate with a subject.
Non-personal forms- these are forms that express an action without specifying the person, number and mood. in french non-personal forms verbs are:

  • infinitive (infinitif),
  • present participle (Participe présent),
  • past participle (Participe passé),
  • gerund (Gérondif).

There are also transitive and intransitive verbs in French. transitive verbs denote an action that passes to a person or object expressed by a direct object - an addition without a preposition. At intransitive verbs there is no direct addition.

Verbs in French are also simple and derivative. At simple verbs no prefixes or suffixes, unlike derivatives, which are formed using affixes from other parts of speech: verbs, nouns and adjectives.

So, you got acquainted with the classification and categories of French verbs, however, in order to conjugate a verb correctly, you need to know which group it belongs to.

All French verbs are divided into three groups according to the type of conjugation.

Verbs of the first group

The first group of French verbs is the most numerous. Recognizing the verb of the first group is very simple - they all end in -er. Exception: aller (3rd group).

To conjugate a verb of the first group, it is necessary to add the necessary endings to the stem of the verb (without the ending -er). We conjugate several verbs of the first group in the present tense.

parler - to speak
je parl e nous parl ons
tu parl es vous parl ez
il, elle parl e ils, elles parl ent

Please note that the endings are read only in 1 and 2 persons plural.

When conjugating verbs of group 1, one should remember some features. For example, verbs whose stem ends in "g" receive the connecting vowel "e" in the 1st person plural.

For verbs with accents, these signs change: the sound é changes to è.

Verbs whose stem ends in a consonant preceded by a vowel double the final consonant of the stem.

jeter - throw, throw
je jett e nous jett ons
tu jett es vous jett ez
il, elle jett e ils, elles jett ent
Verbs of the second group

The verbs of the second group also have a very recognizable ending - "ir". Exceptions are such verbs as sortir (leave), servir (serve), venir (come) and a number of other verbs belonging to the verbs of the third group. You will meet her in the next lesson.

To conjugate a verb of the second group, you also need certain endings.

finir - to complete, finish
je fin is nous fin issons
tu fin is vous fin issez
il, elle fin it ils, elles fin issent

Please note that the plural endings are similar to the plural endings of the verbs of the first group - the difference is that they are preceded by an additional element "iss".

Try to consolidate what you read by doing some exercises. Good luck!

Tasks for the lesson

Exercise 1. Answer the questions.
1. How many groups are French verbs divided into?
2. What are the conjugated forms of the verb called?
3. Name the exception of the first group of verbs.
4. What ending do the verbs of the second group have?

Exercise 2. Conjugate the following verbs: grandir (grow, increase), danser (dance), appeler (call, name), choisir (choose).

Answer 1.
1. For three.
2. Personal forms of the verb.
3. Verb aller.
4. Ending "-ir".

Answer 2.

je grandis dance apple choisis nous grandissons dansons appellons Choisissons
tu grandis dances apples choisis vous grandissez dancez appellez choisesez
il, elle grandit dance apple choisit ils, elles grandissent dance appellant choissent

French verbs 2 groups

French verbs of the 2nd group are not as numerous as those belonging to the first, but many of them are quite often used in colloquial and written speech. They differ in that in the indefinite form (infinitive) they have the ending -ir.

However, not all verbs ending in -ir belong to the second group. Most often, those that end in -frir, -vrir, -uire, -tir, etc. (for example, ouvrir, couvrir, offrir, traduire, conduire, partir, sortir, dormir, servir, venir, tenir, courir, mourir, vêtir, etc.) are irregular verbs of the third group.

It is very important to know which group the verb belongs to - to the second or third, since its endings will depend on this at different times during conjugation, as well as the basis, which is expressed both in written speech and in pronunciation (when conjugating verbs of the third group basis is changed). Therefore, in order to avoid confusion and avoid mistakes, you just have to learn which group this or that verb belongs to.

Below is a list of the most commonly used French verbs of the second group with translation into Russian: applaudir (to applaud), agir (to act, act), choisir (to choose), établir (to establish), éclaircir (to explain), bâtir (to build), finir ( finish), grossir (increase), grandir (grow), punir (punish), obéir à (obey), réunir (gather), relentir (slow down), réussir (succeed), remplir (fill), saisir (grab ), vieillir (get old), réfléchir (think), nourrir (feed), calmir (calm down), jouir (enjoy, enjoy), rougir (blush), pâlir (turn pale), réagir à (react to something), se rejouir de (to enjoy something), maigrir (to lose weight), jaunir (to turn yellow), etc.

French verbs of the 2nd group are regular, that is, at all times they are conjugated according to certain rules, in different persons they have certain endings. It is important to remember that in the present tense in the indicative mood (Présent de l'indicatif) in all plural persons, the suffix -iss is added to their stem. The same suffix is ​​retained when the conjugation in some tenses (eg Imparfait) uses the stem of the first person plural verb Présent de l'indicatif. In principle, only in the future simple tense (Futur simple) and in the conditional mood in the present tense (Conditionnel présent) is the infinitive stem of the verb of the second group used in conjugation.

Consider the features of the conjugation of the verbs of the second group in the most common tenses using the example of the verb punir (to punish).

Présent de l'indicatif (present indicative):

Je punis - I punish;
Tu punis - you punish;
Il/Elle punit - he/she punishes;
Nous punissons - we punish;
Vous punissez - you punish;
Ils/Elles punissent - they punish.

In the past compound Passé composé, the past participle (participe passé) has the ending -i: puni (j'ai puni - I punished).

Imparfait (past unfinished tense): je punissais - I punished.

Futur simple (future simple tense): je punirai - I will punish.

Passé simple (past simple tense): je punis - I punished.

Imperial ( imperative mood): punis - punish, punissons - punish, punissez - punish.

Présent du subjonctive (subjective mood):

que je punisse;
que tu punisses;
qu'il / qu'elle punisse;
que nous punissions;
que vous punissiez;

Imparfait du subjonctive:

que je punisse;
que tu punisses;
qu'il / qu'elle punît;
que nous punissions;
que vous punissiez;
qu'ils / qu'elles punissent.
