Ethical problems of youth. Current problems of youth and ways to solve them

Ministry of Education and Science Khabarovsk Territory

KGB POU "Solar Industrial College"

Topic: “The morality of modern youth: who is to blame and what to do?”

Developed by: teacher first

qualification category,

Tkach Ekaterina Alexandrovna

Solnechny village



Methodological development of an event on the topic “The morality of modern youth: who is to blame and what to do?” can be used in groups from 1st to 4th year, without taking into account professional orientation. The format of this event is the defense of projects. Time: 1 hour. Students choose the topic independently, discussing it with the teacher.


The chosen topic of the event is very topical. The decline in the moral state of Russian society is reflected in the results of sociological research conducted by the Russian Academy of Sciences. This event is aimed at discussing the morality of young people with representatives of this age group in order to identify problems and make proposals for solving them.

The following issues were raised during the event: “Compliance with ethical standards in communication”, “Infantilism and egocentrism of youth”, “Patriotic education of modern youth”, “Alcoholism and drunkenness”. Also, in order to determine the main moral problems of technical school students, it is planned to conduct a sociological survey, which is also conducted by students under the guidance of a teacher. A feature of this defense is the continuation of work on projects and the possibility of creating a social project aimed at overcoming moral problems within the educational institution.

Methodological development consists of main sections:

1) introduction, which reveals the relevance of this methodological development and its place in the content of education;

2) the main part containing a summary of the training session and appendices to it;

3) conclusion, which summarizes the results of the work and formulates conclusions.

The development includes an annotation, a list of sources used in compiling the development, links to Internet resources, and a slide presentation for this event.

Methodological development of the event

Groups: IS-1 - specialty "Information Systems", 1st year and TEP-1 - specialty "Technical"operation of lifting and transport, construction, road machinery and equipment”, 1st course.

Method: project protection.

The purpose of the event: to identify the moral problems of modern youth and propose ways to solve them.



    Formulate a definition of the concept of morality.

    Identify the main moral problems of modern youth.

Suggest ways to solve moral problems


    To promote the development of skills to create and design an educational project.

    Develop skills in creating presentations in the programPowerpoint.

    Develop critical thinking skills through discussion during the defense of the project.


    Education of morality, as well as a negative attitude towards immoral acts.

Lesson equipment:


    multimedia projector;

    slide presentation;

    tables for evaluating performances.

Progress of the event

    Organizational moment.

Welcoming speech, announcement of the theme of the event, the form of its implementation and regulations: “Good afternoon, dear students! Our event today is dedicated to one of the most pressing topics for society today, the problem of morality of modern youth. It sounds like this: “The morality of modern youth: who is to blame and what to do?” Our event will take the form of defending projects prepared by your colleagues. 5 people will present their works to you. Each presentation will last 5-7 minutes, after which you will have the opportunity to ask your questions. Also on the tables you have performance evaluation sheets that you need to fill out. At the end I will give you words so that you can express your opinion.”


The screen shows a slide with the results of a sociological survey conducted at the technical school.

“As a result of the study, we found that 45% of students do not know what morality is. This is quite a large number. Also, a large number of respondents believe that morality is a rule of behavior. You can see the rest of the results on the slide. So, what do you think is the purpose of our event?”

Students express their guesses, after which the teacher shows a slide.

“Let's start by giving a scientific definition of the concept of morality. Morality is an internal disposition and the need to comply with these rules.”

“In order to move on to the speeches, I will give you some information that reflects the real situation of the state of morality in Russia today.”

Text of the teacher's report

Despite economic successes (pre-crisis), internal political stabilization and other positive trends, the general state of modern Russian society recent years looks very alarming.


Quantitative data can be supplemented with everyday illustrations from the life of society: the practice of raiding, “black real estate,” financial “pyramids,” various types of fraud, etc. is still widespread. According to a survey by the Public Chamber, more than half of our fellow citizens do not feel in any way protected from crime), corruption is truly total; You can buy drugs in schools; public speech, including on television and radio, is replete with profanity and criminal jargon, etc. The Internet is full of films that show in detail how students beat their teachers, how elderly people are killed in order to take over their apartments; drunken mothers throw their babies out of windows; young people defiantly do not give up their seats on transport to older people, and are sometimes capable of killing for a remark made to them; There are widespread sects that practice, among other things, human sacrifice, and the typical reaction of a significant part of our youth to a person dying nearby has become... laughter. All this is not scenes from “horror films”, but our life. What is striking is not only such phenomena themselves, but also the tolerance towards them, the perception of them as familiar, and not as out of the ordinary, as the norm of our life.

With all the diversity of the described phenomena, as well as the processes characterized by the above statistical data, they can be brought under a common denominator, which is called “moral degradation "of modern Russian society or, using the famous expression of E. Giddens, "evaporation of morality " It is noted that “violations of public morality, norms of social justice, ideas about civic honor and responsibility are encountered at every step.” And it is natural that, according to the results of sociological surveys, the decline of morals is perceived by our fellow citizens as one of the main problems of modern Russia, “corruption of morals" is regarded by them as one of the worst results of our reforms.

Of course, try to give a simple answer to the traditional Russian question “What to do?” in relation to the moral state of our society it would be absurd. It is also obvious that declarative calls for the revival of morality and morality sound like a voice crying in the desert, and given the nihilism of a significant part of our youth, accustomed to “doing everything the other way around” in relation to the calls of the older generation, they can have the exact opposite effect.

“Today we will try together to determine the causes of the ongoing immoral phenomena in society and propose ways to overcome them.”

    Student performances

The teacher announces the topic of the first project: “The first project that will be presented to you”Morality of modern youth (based on a sociological survey of students of the Solar Industrial College).”

Student speech (Appendix 1).

After the speech, listeners ask questions.

“The second topic, “Ethical Issues of Communication,” will be presented by TEP-1 group student Vladimir Masnikov.”

Student speech (Appendix 2).

Listeners ask questions.

“Next topic: “Infantilism and egocentrism of modern youth””

Students' presentation (Appendix 3).

Listeners ask questions.

“Student of the IS-1 group Fedoriv Svetlana will present her project “Problems of forming patriotism in modern youth.”

Student speech (Appendix 4).

Listeners ask questions.

“The last project we will hear today is “Alcoholism and drunkenness in Russia.”

Student speech (Appendix 5).

Listeners ask questions.

    Summing up

“So, today we have considered three projects that touched upon only some of the moral problems of modern youth.And now, I would like you to evaluate the performances of your colleagues and say a few words about this event.”

The teacher gives the floor to several students. He asks whose performance they found most interesting. Draws attention to the criteria by which the performances were evaluated.

The teacher sums it up: “I express my gratitude to all the students who prepared projects today. I hope that together we will be able to implement some of them in the future. I suggest that other students participate more actively in such work, since project activities are aimed at developing basic educational competencies. I would like to return to the very first slide and draw your attention to the statement of the German poet Christian Heine, “Morality is the mind of the heart.” I hope that today, having touched upon such an important problem for our youth, you, as its active representatives, will also think about it and start working from your heart!”


The purpose of compiling this methodological development was to prepare an event that should attract students’ attention to the problems of their morality, pay attention to what is happening in modern Russia and the world, how the decline of morality affects the development of society. The event is also aimed at developing the following general competencies in students:

1) teamwork;

2) searching for and using information necessary to effectively complete assigned tasks,

3) the ability to take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates) and for the results of completing tasks.

4) organizing one’s own activities, choosing standard methods and methods for performing professional tasks, assessing their effectiveness and quality.

The choice of the project method allowed us to achieve the main goal that was set. The received projects will be further refined in order to create a social project that can be implemented at the technical school. The lesson also revealed some problems. It was difficult for the listeners to formulate questions on their own, and not everyone was able to comment on the grades given. Nevertheless, the following topics caused great resonance: “Infantilism and egocentrism of youth” and “Alcoholism and drunkenness in modern Russia.”

Discussion of the results of the training session showed that students were interested in the event, this topic is important and significant for them. The students found the work on projects interesting, and they expressed a desire to hold such events more often. All this shows that the goals set during the training session (in this methodological development) have been achieved.


  1. Collection "Psychological studies of spiritual and moral problems"resp. ed. A.L. Zhuravlev and A.V. Yurevich. ISBN: 978-5-9270-0276-4416 pp., 60x90/16|trans. Series: | Psychology of social phenomena

  2. Youth new Russia: value priorities

  3. Human Development Report 2007/2008. Published for the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) / Trans. from English M.: The whole world, 2007; Russian statistical yearbook 2007. M.: Rosstat, 2007; Transparency

Appendix 1

Morality of modern youth

(based on a sociological survey of students of the Solar Industrial College)

Koveshnikov Alexey student of TEP-1 group,

The processes taking place in the country over the past two decades have changed a lot not only in economics and politics, but also in the everyday life of every person, in relationships between people, in the understanding that today there is success in life, what goals should be set for oneself and by what means for achievement of these goals can be used. Many Russians have the opinion that our society and its citizens have completely and irretrievably lost moral standards, that the erosion of morality has reached a critical point beyond which spiritual rebirth, or more precisely, the degeneration of Russia, is coming.

In order to determine the state of morality of modern youth and identify the main problems, we conducted a sociological survey of 1-4 year students at the Solar Industrial College. The study involved 60 people, 40 males and 20 females. The survey data is presented below.

The first question of our questionnaire was asked to find out whether students have an understanding of what morality includes. The results showed that 45% of respondents do not know what morality is, which once again leads us to the conclusion that among modern youth this word is not fashionable, in fact, neither are thoughts about it. 25% suggested that morality is a rule of behavior. The remaining results are presented in Figure 1.

Figure 1

“What is morality in your understanding”, %

According to the students surveyed, modern youth in general are characterized by “moral relativism” and even cynicism, indifference to any ideals. This point of view is shared by 58% of respondents, which is 35 people. And only 27% of people, that is, only 16 of our students, believe that young people are drawn to high ideals (see Fig. 2).

Figure 2

Young people’s attitude towards ideals, %

Figure 3

Orientation of young people towards Russian or Western culture, %

In many ways, the mood of pessimism is due to the presence of a “second reality” - television, where there is its own special world, which has little relation to the reality surrounding people, but which, nevertheless, forms the idea of ​​many about the immorality of modern youth and, in general, about the that Russian culture, and with it the primordial traditions, moral and ethical foundations, are gradually degrading, giving way to examples of Western mass culture. These concerns are shared by almost half of our respondents. 49% believe that young people are not characterized by a love for Russian history and culture of our state, believing that they are focused primarily on Western values. In the absolute minority are those who believe that Russian history and Russian culture are still interesting and relevant for young people, which amounts to only 6% of respondents (see Fig. 3).

Moreover, Western culture attracts many not only as certain models that are pleasant to contemplate, and, perhaps, serving as an example to follow, but also as the most preferable living environment. Thus, 40% of the students surveyed said that, in their opinion, the majority of young people in their circle would prefer to live and work not in Russia, but abroad (see Fig. 4).

Figure 4

Youth orientation towards Russia or

foreign country as a place of permanent residence, %

As the current survey has shown, today the concepts of morality and ethics, in the opinion of many of our respondents, have lost their significance; to use them means dooming yourself to failure. Thus, half of the respondents (50%) agreed with the statement that today we live in a completely different world, different from what it was before, and many traditional moral standards are already outdated. (see Fig. 5).

Figure 5

Judgments of young people and representatives of the older generation about the relevance of moral standards, %

It must be admitted that modern life realities are quite harsh and subject the morality of our children to serious tests of strength. During the survey, many students admitted that the difficulties they face in various areas of life force them to neglect moral principles. As a result, the majority of respondents (61%) are forced to admit that their success in life largely depends on the ability to turn a blind eye to their own principles in time, and agree with the thesis that “the modern world is cruel, and in order to succeed in life, sometimes you have to cross moral principles.” principles and norms." The opposite point of view, that it is better not to succeed, but not to transgress moral standards, is held by only 28% of our students. (see Fig. 6).

Figure 6

Judgments of young people and representatives of the older generation about the possibility/impossibility of overstepping moral principles, %

What can our youth sacrifice in the name of success, what can they be lenient about, and are there any moral taboos left in modern Russian society?

The survey results demonstrate a fairly high moral level, at least in words. Regarding most actions and phenomena that are generally considered immoral or at least unethical, more than half of the respondents speak negatively. Among the unconditional taboos are the abandonment and homelessness of children, cruelty to animals, drug use, and treason. Taboo actions also include public display of hostility towards representatives of other nationalities, abortion, and adultery. In addition, more than half of our respondents consider drunkenness and alcoholism, prostitution, evasion of military service and tax evasion unacceptable.

At the same time, the assessment of some traditionally condemned phenomena is being revised today; respondents have a neutral attitude towards such actions as business non-compliance, appropriation of found money or things, ticketless travel on public transport, divorce. This suggests that students do not condemn these actions and consider them quite acceptable. Students showed the greatest loyalty to civil marriage. (see Fig. 7).

Figure 7

Attitude towards immoral and unethical actions, %

Responsibility for moral state of society Students place the blame primarily on educational institutions (34%) and the family institution (31%). Least of all for religious organizations. Media and state power occupy an average position according to the respondents. (see Fig. 8)

Figure 8

Responsibility for the moral state of society, %

Our research results indicate that Russia does not pay due attention to the development of youth morality, despite the many programs aimed at solving this problem. We came to the conclusion that it is necessary to attract the attention of the public and social institutions, in particular educational institutions, to the creation and implementation of social projects aimed at developing in young people such socially significant qualities as patriotism, responsibility, etiquette, fidelity, honesty, tolerance .

Appendix 2

Ethical issues of communication

Masnikov Vladimir student of TEP-1 group

Solar Industrial College

The actions of people in society must be coordinated and, with all their diversity, must obey certain social norms. The function of such coordination is performed by morality together with other forms of social discipline. Any active form of human activity needs moral evaluation criteria.Of course, everyone is free to choose for themselves whether they should comply with certain requirements or not, but today this is an acute problem.

The moral regulation of an individual’s behavior is self-regulation, determined by the individual’s ability to independently, through awareness of the duties, duty and responsibility assigned to him to society, direct, control, evaluate and emotionally experience his behavior. A generalized expression of this ability is presented in the concept of “conscience.” Morality is realized and mastered through traditional moral values: benevolence, justice, honesty, loyalty, hard work, patriotism.

The first problem of communication ethics that we considered is the level of speech culture of modern youth. In 2013 V.V. Putin noted with regret that the level of Russian language proficiency among young people is declining, as is interest in literature. “Our country, once the most read country in the world, can no longer claim this honorary title,” Putin admitted. According to statistics, Russian citizens spend an average of only 9 minutes per day reading books.”
According to the president, as a result of this, “classical literary speech or the richest folk color is today perceived as an exception.” "And disregard for the rules native language- becomes the norm. Including in the media and in the film industry." Jargon, colloquial words and expressions and other extra-literary means poured into the pages of periodicals, into the speech of educated people: grandma, piece, piece, lemon, green, bucks, sew, thump, wet, buzz, bullshit, wash, unfasten, scroll, unwind, throw, throw, etc.
The words kickbacks, assault, protection racket, party, hanging out, dismantling, having fun, lawlessness, etc. have become commonly used even in official speech. The last word in the meaning of “lawlessness that has no limits” has gained particular popularity (to some extent, “lawlessness” is happening not only in language, but also in society).

The second problem is the manners of modern youth. Manners are a way of holding oneself, an external form of behavior, treatment of other people, a person’s characteristic gait, gestures and even facial expressions. In society, good manners are considered to be a person’s modesty and restraint, the ability to control one’s actions, and to communicate carefully and tactfully with other people. A tactful person always takes into account specific circumstances: differences in age, gender, social status, place of conversation, presence or absence of strangers. Young people know these basic rules of good manners from childhood, but they often neglect them.It should be noted that relations between “young people and old people” have recently become more free, even relaxed, but sometimes this relaxedness borders on rudeness and indecency.

It cannot be said that there are people who “cannot stand old people.” There are those who simply don’t know, don’t understand that you need to respect and be tolerant of other people in general.

The third problem that we have identified within this topic is
a significant decrease in the general level of youth speech culture: low level of development of scientific communication, limited vocabulary, frequent use of obscene expressions, etc.
Profanity has become firmly established in our speech: even among educated people there is a widespread belief that swearing is natural for humans, as it serves as a kind of lightning rod and plays a positive regulatory role. A phenomenon such as a “dictionary of Russian obscenities” appears in society: “Their quality suggests that this area of ​​the language still remains outside the field of view of professional lexicographers

The use of reduced, vulgar, slang vocabulary in official communication is certainly unacceptable. Social psychologists emphasize that the words and expressions we use define and create our social world, shape attitudes, and guide thoughts, feelings, imagination and actions.

I believe that it is possible to eliminate the problem of ignorance of the primitive rules of etiquette in communication. To do this, it is necessary to introduce a subject such as ethics into the school curriculum.

it is necessary to revive the Society of Russian Literature, previously created in 1811, which will help the development of culture, spirituality, knowledge of the native language, and will also make an invaluable contribution to the formation of personality;
introduce the subject of etymology as a compulsory subject in schools and universities, just like the history of Russia;

2-3 times a week in educational institutions to organize conferences, debates, various meetings with interesting and versatile people, which will help young people to express their thoughts competently and beautifully, as well as to conduct debates culturally;

select a channel on television or create a program on a popular channel that would deal with issues of education and analyze life situations, showing examples of humane, kind, human relationships, instead of the series: “Univer”, “Give, Youth”, “Happy Together”, etc. etc., which corrupt the youth.

Appendix 3

Infantilism and egocentrism of modern youth

Popov Nikita and Dmitriev Maxim students of group IS-1

Solar Industrial College

The term “infantility” was first introduced by the French scientist Ernest Lasegue in 1864. A few years later, scientists introduced the more common concept of “mental infantilism.” For example, this is how experts from the Scientific Center for Mental Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences define this phenomenon in psychology: “personal immaturity with a predominant lag in the development of the emotional-volitional sphere and the preservation of childhood personality traits.”

In Russia they started talking about infantilism in the late 80s of the last century. The topic of “infancy” was raised by sociologist Evgeny Slutsky, speaking about the state of youth of that period. According to the scientist, the behavior of boys and girls then changed a lot. They noted that they had become more irresponsible and indifferent to life than the previous generation. This trend was associated with historical prerequisites: difficult times had passed, and there was no longer any need to “fight” for survival during the “thaw”.

Today, sociologists apply the term “infantile man” not only to young people, but also to adult men who are already far beyond. Infantilism in their behavior is expressed as follows: such people are irresponsible towards their loved ones, are lazy to fulfill family responsibilities, cannot and do not want to make decisions on their own and prefer to depend on their parents in all respects.

If you compare modern youth with their grandfathers, a pronounced difference will be revealed. For example, my grandfather was already working at the age of 12, and his brother was already driving a tractor in the field at 14. They were considered adults. Well, taking for example a modern teenager of 12-14 years old, he can hardly be called an adult.

This is influenced by many reasons, for example, times were different there. Children were simply forced to become adults early and, moreover, they wanted it. In Soviet times, people had a so-called “adult image”, i.e. growing up and old age were considered the goal of man as an individual.

A person prepared for old age and took it not only for granted - he accepted it as a necessity. Old age was considered a completely normal phenomenon, compared to modern times. Now old age is best case scenario not fashionable. Few of today's young people think about old age - they live for today, and old age is perceived as something bad. But at all times, among all peoples, there was a different approach to old age. In all societies where the traditions of their people and their ancestors were revered, the elder was considered a role model, an authority. The society could only lead the tribe old man.

Young people imitated him, learned something, listened, and strived to acquire the same knowledge and skills. But in modern society, under the influence of Western liberalization, the cult of old age has faded into the background. People do not have the desire to acquire wisdom and knowledge acquired over time - people are interested in other things. They do not want to grow up, but want to remain children as much as possible, being in their infantile, juvenile form. The body certainly ages and undergoes the natural signs of aging, but the mind does not progress by marking time. If earlier an elderly person was considered a model, now a young person is considered a model.

Continuous youth has become the norm of society, both Russian and European as a whole. As Alexander Dugin noted, people’s goals have changed: the main thing now is not to grow up as quickly as possible, but on the contrary, not to grow up for as long as possible. Youth becomes fashionable and old age is driven out of it. People are afraid to become adults, they are afraid of old age, because society does not accept it, there is no place for such people in society. As soon as a person grows old, he becomes unnecessary to society, his works and accumulated wisdom become less and less in demand.

According to the majority, young people and girls are trying to postpone the time of growing up: they cannot do without the help of their parents, live on their money, do not work... Demographers assure that such a decision indicates the immaturity of the modern generation, the infantilism of those who should have grown up long ago.

Reluctance to grow up, take on serious responsibilities and make decisions is manifested in those who lived or still live on their parents' necks. This is evidenced by the figures from the Public Opinion Foundation. Most 16-17 year olds live with their parents. About 80% of children aged 18-22 are still hesitant to live independently. 62% of boys and girls do not leave their parents' home at the age of 22-25.

Who do we consider an adult now? For example, in pedagogy there is Aristotle's theory of maturation, which states that a person reaches maturity at 21 years old. This theory is not refuted by the candidate of pedagogical sciences, head of the department of age and educational psychology Pedagogical Institute NEFU Vasily Nakhodkin. “Indeed, according to all biological, psychological and social criteria, a person matures precisely at this age. A 14-year-old cannot be considered an adult, even if he received a passport and an 18-year-old

Probably, the first generation of infantile youth appeared in the 90s, when traditional ideas about adult life were suddenly destroyed: paid higher education, the opportunity to study longer than expected, build a career, putting family concerns aside for later, and simply “live for yourself.”

By relaxing their body, young people pamper their spirit, cannot withstand even small physical exertion, and become lazy and obese. For them, washing the floor or dishes is hard physical labor. In rural areas, children, of course, are more adapted to life and are independent.

There are many reasons why a child sits on his parents' neck. The Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences published a study “Solidarity between generations” at the end of last year. It turned out that two-thirds of Russian parents are ready to financially help their children “until they get back on their feet” - which in current conditions often means 25, 30 years, and sometimes even older age. Over 60% of respondents expressed their readiness to help adult children until they graduate from an educational institution and begin to earn money themselves, another 3% - until their descendants start their own family. A third of parents said they would help their children “as long as they can.” But if we talk about solidarity in the opposite direction - from children to parents - then 71% of daughters and 63% of sons reported that they had never helped their father or mother with money.

Camber Soviet Union and the beginning of modern times also bore fruit in the consumer behavior of the generation, for whom now, due to their age, it is time to work and live on their own money.

The fact that a child becomes an “eternal child” and does not want to grow up can be provoked by excessive female care. In modern society, there are mainly three types of families: traditional, where the head of the family is a man; egalitarian, in which all important decisions are made jointly; and a family where the head is the spouse who functions more successfully in society and often has a higher income.

We offer the following options for solving the problem of infantilism and egocentrism of modern youth:

    Creation of a system for the distribution of graduates upon completion of professional educational institutions

    Liberalistic parenting style

    Promoting respect for old age

Appendix 4

The problem of forming patriotism among modern youth

Fedoriv Svetlana student of group IS-1

Solar Industrial College

From spiritual Russia, it is turning into a consumer country with the corresponding mentality and values, which should be considered nothing less than a general spiritual crisis. In these conditions, the problem of forming patriotic values ​​of young people is becoming more urgent.

The relevance of the problem of patriotic education of modern youth is determined in many respects by the fact that today the educational impact of social institutions of Russian culture, art and education on the formation of patriotic ideas and views has significantly weakened. Indifference, cynicism, disrespect for the state, loss of prestige military service, the loss of feelings of patriotism among young people and society as a whole and other negative phenomena that have spread in modern society create many precedents for deformation, which makes it difficult for the positive socialization of the younger generation. A clear confirmation of this is the fact that in the country’s educational institutions there remains a steady tendency towards a decrease in the value of military service among young men, and there is a degradation of the patriotic consciousness traditional for the Russian mentality among a significant number of students..

Young people who spend a significant part of their time on the Internet, without having as a reliable foundation a system of value coordinates that correspond not only to the basic values ​​of Russian society, but also to the principles of its organization and functioning of social relations in it, are easily influenced by the media, not always favorably influencing the behavior and value world of young people.

Now it is necessary to turn to the socialization potential of the family institution, in which the child first receives information about the world around him, about certain phenomena, relationships and norms. Yes, over time, under the influence of other agents of socialization and, above all, the media, the Internet, the values ​​and attitudes laid down during family socialization can be transformed, but the fact that the family, as a rule, remains with a person for life and influences him in varying degrees, allows us to say that the institution of family, even in the conditions of the information revolution and the total influence of the media on the consciousness of young people, continues to remain a basic institution of socializationInstitute of Family in Russia.

It is obvious that the formation of a citizen and a patriot in relation to young people should consist of two components. Firstly, changes in the state’s attitude towards young people, expressed in the creation of conditions for self-realization and protection of the rights of young people. Only in this way will society receive an adequate civic-patriotic response from young people. If the current attitude is maintained, any phrases about citizenship and patriotism will not be perceived by the youth environment.

In modern conditions, the most technological (socio-technological) approach to the formation of a patriotic citizen is needed on the part of government entities, primarily youth policy authorities.

Of course, for this, in society, first of all, conditions must be created that will allow young people to self-realize in the space of their homeland, for the benefit of which, we are convinced, the majority of Russian youth are ready to work.

The effectiveness of external conditions increases when they are combined with internal conditions, which is expressed in the degree of coordination of the activities of teachers and students. These conditions include:

    understanding by those brought up of the need to develop patriotism and heroism;

    the presence of a value system for mastering professional knowledge and skills;

    inclusion in various types activities and performance of various roles;

    correction of patriotic needs and their elevation.

Appendix 5

Alcoholism and drunkenness in modern Russia

Dorosh Nadezhda student of group IS-1

Solar Industrial College

Being extremely topical for Russia in previous times, the problem of drunkenness in beginning of XXI V. has acquired a particularly painful character for society. In terms of its destructive impact on the fate of people, the physical and moral health of the people, the current scale of alcoholization in society cannot be compared with its historical size. In almost all its parameters - the level of alcohol consumption, morbidity, mortality, crime due to alcohol abuse, exposure to alcohol among adolescents and women - the severity of the problem of drunkenness has acquired a character that seriously undermines the socio-economic, spiritual and moral foundations of the life of society and the state, national security.

According to sociological studies in recent years, about 72% of teenagers drink alcohol every day. But drinking alcohol is harmless for this age category simply doesn't exist!

Alcohol is perhaps the most accessible drug today. Resistance to alcohol among teenagers who have tried beer or vodka for the first time is very low. Already after drinking 50-100 milliliters of vodka, intoxication occurs. If drinking alcoholic beverages is regular (3 times a month is enough), then resistance to alcohol increases. And most importantly, it arises psychological attachment, which leads to teenage alcoholism.

The causes of teenage alcoholism are very diverse. Conventionally, they can be divided into two sources – family and society.

    Traditions in the family

    Lack of proper parental control.

    Parents drink alcohol.

    Hidden alcohol promotion


Alcoholism statistics in Russia in 2014 provide the following indicators:

    according to narcologists, more than 3 million of the Russian population suffer from alcohol addiction;

    for 2.5 million Russian citizens there are 100,000 alcoholics;

    for every 1,000 teenagers, more than 25 children suffer from alcoholism;

    76% of the Russian population drinks alcohol every day;

    20% of girls and 30% of boys do not refuse alcohol during holidays or other events;

    the mortality rate after poisoning from alcoholic beverages is equal to the number of deaths that occurred in road traffic accidents;

    consumption of alcoholic beverages averages 10 liters per year per capita, despite the fact that dangerous dose alcohol is 8 liters per year;

    alcoholics often die from injuries sustained while heavily intoxicated;

    More than half a million Russians die from alcohol poisoning every year.

These are only official data; in reality, the picture is more gloomy.

Today in Russia the problem of alcoholism among young people is very acute and the ways to solve it, in fact, lie on the surface; it is only necessary to clearly formulate them and begin to act. In order to radically change the current situation in the country, the public must realize that alcoholism as a social problem must be eliminated at the state level. Today, all over the world there is quite a lot of experience in conducting anti-alcohol policy, which can be applied in Russia. The basis for solving this problem is 4 areas of activity:

    Active propaganda healthy image life.

    Control and suppression of the availability of alcoholic beverages.

    Modern methods of treating alcoholism.

    Social rehabilitation of former alcoholics

Appendix 6

Performance evaluation sheets

The problem of the moral consciousness of young people attracts the attention of scientists in various fields: pedagogy, psychology, philosophy, sociology, cultural studies, medicine, who consider spiritual culture most often through the moral principle in personal development (Confucius, Seneca, Aristotle, Spinoza, Hegel, Kant, etc.) .

problem moral development works of such famous researchers as L.S. are devoted to man. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontyev, A.N. Ananyev, L.I. Bozhovich, D.I. Vodzinsky, A.I. Ruvinsky, I.O. Svadkovsky, I.F. Kharlamov and others. The works of these authors reveal the dialectics, essence and logic of the process of moral development; An analysis of age-related characteristics of the moral formation of personality is given.

Considering the problems of morality, we relied on the theoretical developments of issues of morality by the classics of Russian ethics A.A. Guseinova, R.G. Apresyan, O.G. Drobnitsky and others.

Ethicists, philosophers, and teachers began to pay more attention to violations of moral standards of behavior: M.S. Alemanskin, S.F. Anisimov, M.A. Arkhangelsky, L.P. Bueva, A.A. Guseinov, V.V. Davydov, O.G. Drobnitsky, N.N. Krutov, I.A. Nevsky, A.I. Titarenko, L.B. Filonov, A.G. Kharchev, V.A. Yadov et al.

The problem of moral consciousness and behavior of young people cannot be solved without analyzing the works of representatives of different schools and directions, highlighting the key role in the formation of personality and its needs (S.L. Rubinshtein, A.K. Kovalev, D.A. Kiknadze, A.I. . Bozhovich, etc.), attitudes (D.I. Uznadze, A.S. Prangashvili), “significance” (N.F. Dobrynin), “personal meaning” (A.N. Leontyev, B.V. Zeigarnik, B.S. Bratus, A.V. Petrovsky), “motive and meaning” (Yu.M. Zabrodin, B.A. Sosnovsky).

Significant contributions to the development of the theory of values ​​were made by American and Western European scientists: T. Parsons, Y. Allport, P. Vernoy, F. Adler, M. Rokeach, etc. The works of modern authors are also devoted to the theory of values: N.N. Andreeva, L.M. Arkhangelsky, N.Ya. Golubkova, L.G. Novikova, S.F. Anisimova, SI. Grigorieva, M.N. Gromova, A.G. Zdravomyslova, S.N. Ikonnikova, D.A. Kiknadze, G.V. Kuznetsova, N.I. Lapina, A.M. Gendina, V.T. Lisovsky, V.G. Nemirovsky, M.N. Rutkevich, L.Ya. Rubina, M.Kh. Titma, L.K. Uledova, P.N. Yakobson, V.A. Yadova and others.

As many domestic scientists note, fundamental changes have occurred in the system of value orientations of modern youth (V.T. Lisovsky, V.I. Chuprov, Yu.A. Zubok, V.I. Dobrynina, F.I. Minyushev, etc.). Deformation of the value system is an important factor in the formation of deviant behavior.

Most of the works in the historiographical field of the problem being studied, V.T. Lisovsky, A.S. Zapesotsky, Yu.A. Zubok, M.V. Ushakova, V.I. Chuprova, G.A. Dorofeeva, V.I. Dobrynina, O.I. Karpukhina, O.A. Rakovskaya, B.A. Ruchkina and others are devoted to the analysis of the socio-economic situation of young people in modern Russian society. Scientists have analyzed the transformation of the education system of the younger generation and proposed new concepts that meet modern social development. Researchers pay great attention to social issues of material support for young citizens, which has a direct connection with deviant behavior youth (V.M. Dimov, V.T. Lisovsky, A. Makeeva, L.A. Zhuravleva, A.L. Arefiev, V.A. Popov, O.Yu. Kondratyeva, M.K. Gorshkov, F. E. Sheregi, M. S. Kruter, etc.). Problems of education, labor, and health promotion of young people are analyzed in a broad social context.

The transformation of Russian society is characterized by a change in the lives of millions of people, especially young people, when personal values ​​and the foundations of society, which until recently seemed stable, are collapsing. Along with changes in society, fundamental changes in social relations among youth occur, accompanied by significant shifts in the value orientations of young people. Previously existing values ​​are devalued and new ones are formed, often directly opposite, negatively affecting the social, spiritual and moral image of young people. The real state of morality in society, and young people in general, can be described as a deep moral crisis that changes, distorts, deforms the behavior of people, forcing them to adapt their actions to the new society. It is young people who are a sensitive barometer of social development. An adequate assessment of the moral health of a society can be given by how attitudes towards young people are formed in society and what values ​​are recognized as priority in this society. English sociologist R. Gillis argued that the youth in society are what the ruling class, those who stand at the head of the social institutions of society, make them.

According to V.O. Rukavishnikov and co-authors, Russia is rapidly acquiring many features that make it similar to modern Western society. Their study paints a picture of global differences in moral consciousness between Russia and the West.

Reflecting reality, we can argue that the problem of morality is one of the most acute. Analysis modern problems moral consciousness of young people cannot help but begin with a clarification of the concept of “morality”. The term “morality” comes from the Latin word mos - mores - customs, mores, hence moralis - edifying, moralizing. A special philosophical idea of ​​morality is formed in the process of understanding, firstly, correct behavior, order in morals, proper character (“moral character”) - different from those that are spontaneously found in people in everyday life; and secondly, the conditions and limits of human will, limited by internal obligations, or the limits of freedom and the conditions of a given organizational and normative order. According to one of the most common modern approaches, morality is interpreted as a way of regulating (in particular, normative) behavior of people. This understanding of morality is formulated by Mill (“Utilitarianism”), who defined morality as a set of rules that guide people in their actions; although the understanding of morality as a certain form of imperativeness was formed earlier - in different versions by Hobbes, B. Mandeville, I. Kant (in contrast to the understanding of morality that dominated in Enlightenment thought as primarily the sphere of motives).

A. A. Guseinov, R. G. Apresyan define morality as: 1) the dominance of reason over affects; 2) striving for the highest good; 3) good will, selflessness of motives; 4) the ability to live in human society; 5) humanity or social (human) form of relations between people; 6) autonomy of will; 7) reciprocity of relationships, expressed in the golden rule of morality. Along with this definition, in general philosophical literature, in journalism, and in ordinary speech, morality is often understood as any generally accepted system of norms of individual behavior.

The Russian language has its own words to denote the same phenomenon - the concept of “morality”. The concept of “morality” has a complex, multi-valued content. Among scientists there are those who distinguish between morality and ethics. There are several points of view on this matter that do not exclude, but rather complement each other, revealing some nuances. If morality is understood as a form of social consciousness, then morality includes practical human actions, customs, and mores. In a slightly different way, morality acts as a regulator of human behavior through strictly fixed norms, external psychological influence and control, or public opinion.

Thus, in relation to the understanding of morality, morality is the sphere of spiritual freedom of the individual, when universal and social imperatives coincide with internal motives. Morality turns out to be an area of ​​human initiative and creativity, an internal attitude to do good. There is another interpretation of morality and ethics. In the Russian language, the moral, noted V. I. Dal, is that which is opposite to the bodily, carnal. Moral - relating to one half of spiritual life, opposite to the mental, but constituting a common spiritual principle with it. V.I. Dahl considered truth and lies to be mental, and good and evil to be moral. A moral person is a virtuous person. V. G. Belinsky elevated the human desire for perfection and achieving bliss in accordance with duty to the rank of “the fundamental law of morality.”

The sphere of morality also includes special requirements for a person (moral necessity), i.e., determinants that determine and guide his will, experiences and actions. The field of morality also includes a special kind of concepts, ideas, views, i.e. moral thinking. And, finally, the entire described set of phenomena is one way or another designated and expressed in moral language. Using special terms, types of action (for example, “feat”, “redemption”, “treason”, “theft”), motivations (“sympathy”, “shame”, “envy”), and perception reactions (“approval” , “condemnation”), and relationships between people. Imperatives and assessments, feelings and experiences, motives and concepts of morality also have corresponding linguistic expressions in the form of terms and statements [link].

It is also necessary to note that the phenomena usually included in morality reveal their extreme heterogeneity. This includes the actions, actions of individuals and the overall behavior (“mores”) of mass groups, communities, classes; certain kind of social relations between people and social groups(in morality speaking as “fair”, “humane”, etc.); phenomena of will, motives, human aspirations; personal and psychological properties of individuals (their “moral character”). All these phenomena, in turn, are somehow perceived by people who express their subjective attitude towards them. These subjective reactions, evaluative and volitionally colored perception and attitude towards reality are also included in the field of moral phenomena. Accordingly, the phenomena listed above are endowed with value meanings, that is, each of them, as a phenomenon of the moral world, has characteristics (acting as “good” or “evil”) that are different from its subject-specific content.

Despite the difference in the understanding of morality, it has a common historical basis - the need to harmonize personal and public interests, regulate the relationship between the individual and society in such a way that, in accordance with specific historical conditions, both the common and personal good are ensured. The attitude of the individual to the common good, as the highest goal, and to personal good, as the final goal, in their unity based on the primacy of the common good, is a specific moral goal. However, it is also important for morality how the unity of personal and public interests is achieved. V. A. Blyumkin, G. N. Gumanitsky, T. V. Tsyrlina see the deepest and most specific characteristic of morality in morality, that is, the ability of an individual to perform moral actions, acting on an internal impulse in the name of the common good and the good of another person. The attitude towards the common good as the highest contains the moral motive of human behavior. Morality provides the highest social or personal expediency, since it is aimed at maintaining the harmony of the individual and society, which is a condition for their well-being and progress. Thus, in conditions of uncertainty of terminology, often, according to the dictionary definition, the terms “morality” and “morality” are used as synonyms. Based on this, later in the dissertation we will use both terms as synonyms, but taking into account the fact that morality is a system of norms and values ​​​​accepted in a given particular society, designed to regulate relationships between people, and morality is a person’s strict observance of his internal principles, which bear at the same time general, universal character.

We will also take into account that the essence of morality is that it prescribes or prohibits specific human actions or actions. Morality is formed by society, and therefore it always meets the interests of a certain group (national, religious, etc.). But Morality is unchanged in content and extremely simple in form. It is absolute and expresses the interests of man (and humanity) as a whole. One of the main moral guidelines is the attitude towards another as oneself, and love for one’s neighbor, which means that morality initially does not accept violence, contempt, humiliation, or infringement of someone’s rights. The most moral person acts is the one who commits moral actions without even thinking about it. He simply cannot behave differently. Morality is aimed primarily at self-affirmation, and morality is aimed at selfless interest in another person. Morality is closest to the ideal, to the universe.

Moral consciousness acts as an element of a complex whole - the psychology of the individual. It includes specific ideas, beliefs, ideals, needs, feelings and experiences. Individual moral consciousness is nothing more than an acquired social moral consciousness. In other words, moral consciousness is a form of socially mediated reflection of the phenomena of reality. The content of this consciousness depends both on the object of reflection, which is the relationship between people, and on the specific social conditions in which reflection takes place. In addition, moral consciousness, expressing an attitude towards behavior, orients the individual towards the best examples of such behavior.

The Philosophical Encyclopedia defines moral consciousness as one of the constituent elements of morality, representing its ideal, subjective side. In moral consciousness, in the form of certain concepts and ideas, are reflected moral relations society and regulated through them moral activity people. Objective laws public life in morality they are expressed in the form of a set of requirements for human behavior. In contrast to the norms of law, moral requirements are developed directly by mass consciousness and in Moral consciousness take the form of an impersonal obligation, an unwritten law that equally applies to all people, in which both the public will expressed in it and the socio-historical necessity reflected by this will remain hidden. . This feature of Moral consciousness in the past gave rise to many mythological and idealistic interpretations of the origin and nature of moral requirements. In ethics they were portrayed as the commands of God, the a priori law of practical reason (Kant), the dictates of the conscience of the “pure Self” (Fichte), the expression of moral feeling (A. Smith, A. Shaftesbury, F. Hutcheson), etc.

Moral consciousness is a complex system through which certain rules of relationships between people are established in society. As a system, moral consciousness presupposes the presence of two levels - ordinary and theoretical. These two levels are not opposed, but closely interact, since in the process of life a person strives to raise his basic theoretical level, and along with it his feelings, which form the basis for everyday consciousness, improve. Most people throughout their earthly life use ordinary consciousness.

Connected and interacting with each other, the ordinary and theoretical levels of consciousness have some differences. The difference lies in the depth of comprehension of moral phenomena: at the ordinary level, simple conclusions are created related to observations and assessments, while the theoretical level makes it possible to understand the whole essence of the occurring phenomena.

The ordinary level of moral consciousness can be represented as an assessment of moral norms based on everyday, often repeated relationships between people. The ordinary level is based on traditions, customs and moral standards accepted in society.

The theoretical level of moral consciousness is based on moral concepts and concepts that help to comprehend the essence of moral problems. The theoretical level is a way of understanding the world through understanding moral problems.

The everyday level of moral consciousness structurally consists of customs, traditions, norms and assessments. Custom is an element of moral consciousness well established in the consciousness of society, which reflects reality and regulates people’s relationships from the standpoint of understanding good and evil. Custom is closely related to ritual.

Tradition is a historically firmly established, durable and strong element of consciousness associated with the direction of human behavior in all sectors of social life, based on its emotional sphere.

A moral norm is an element that allows us to understand the extent of mandatory and acceptable options for human behavior, with the help of which relations between people are regulated. A moral norm is based on a person’s system of knowledge about good and evil.

Moral assessment is an element that allows us to identify the nature of compliance or lack thereof in a person’s behavior, based on the moral standards that are accepted in society.

At the theoretical level of moral consciousness, such structural elements as meanings, values, moral ideals and value orientations. All of them are links connecting moral consciousness and human behavior.

The main task of the basic and theoretical level of moral consciousness is the meaningful behavior of a person in society.

From the above definitions it follows that morality is, at a minimum, the ability to distinguish between good and evil. The younger generation, young people develop this ability largely on the basis of the moral foundations of society. These foundations are currently not strong and provide a clear guideline for the development of youth self-awareness. The denial of moral traditions occurs in art, in culture, and especially in the media.

Society, through morality, adapts a person to its system, to its final form of existence. The assimilation of moral norms leads to a person’s adaptation in a given society. However, moral requirements may conflict with moral ones. And in life, a person very often finds himself in a situation of conflict between moral and ethical requirements. Awareness of the problem of choosing between different values ​​is also an important mechanism for the formation of moral consciousness.

The significance of the formation of the moral consciousness of young people is determined by the fact that the softening of morality and ethics is an important stage in the destruction of society. Anthropologist K. Lorenz formulated the law: “A radical rejection of paternal culture - even if it is completely justified - can lead to disastrous consequences, making a young man who despises parting words a victim of the most unscrupulous charlatans. Young men, freed from tradition, usually willingly listen to demagogues and accept with complete confidence their cosmetically decorated doctrinaire formulas.”

The modern world is changing extremely actively and rapidly. Changes are also taking place in people, especially young people. The current problems of youth reflect the imperfections and vices of the entire society. Therefore, solving these difficulties will have an impact on the well-being of the entire society.

Youth unemployment as a social problem

Problems of this nature stem from the economic instability of the state, which is unable to provide the required number of jobs, and the reluctance of employers to hire low-skilled and inexperienced employees. The problem of youth employment also lies in the financial aspirations of young professionals, which are not shared by employers. Thus, young people are looking for work, but cannot find a job, which is why they have no means of livelihood. This pushes people to seek illegal earnings, which often leads to crime, drug addiction, leads to poverty, and contributes to the development of housing problems for young people. State programs to provide for young families own home are practically not implemented. And the mortgage becomes an unbearable yoke.

Problems of moral education of youth

Without life prospects, forced to fight for survival, many young boys and girls become part of the criminal world. The social insecurity of families and the need to search for income affect the culture and education of young people: they move away from school and spiritual ideals

Poor living conditions, disadvantage, and lack of opportunity for self-fulfillment push young people to try alcohol and drugs. The problem of alcoholism among young people is of monstrous proportions. Needless to say: already every second high school student drinks alcohol twice a week. The problem of drug addiction among young people is also relevant. By the way, such addiction occurs not only among children from low-income families: many drug addicts are children of wealthy parents.

The problem of smoking among young people is considerable. Every third high school student smokes constantly. After all, among young people there is a false prestige of smoking, which, in their opinion, looks “fashionable” and liberates.

Problems of culture of modern youth

The decline in the living standards of young people also affected their cultural life. Western ideas of a consumer attitude to life are popular, which is reflected in the cult of money and fashion, the desire for material well-being, and pleasure.

In addition, there are problems with leisure time for young people. In many cities and villages, conditions have not been created for cultural leisure time: there are no free swimming pools, sports sections or hobby groups. So boys and girls sit in front of the TV or computer, in the company of peers with a cigarette and bottle in their hands.

Spiritual impoverishment is also reflected in the problem of speech culture of modern youth. A low level of education, communication on the Internet, and the creation of youth subcultures contributed to the development of slang, which is far from the rules of the literary Russian language. Following fashion, the younger generation uses swear words in their speech, slang expressions, violates language norms.

Psychological problems of youth

Psychological problems of youth are associated mainly with the lack of a clear life direction. Boys and girls are introduced to the laws of life not only by their parents, school and books, but also by the street, products of mass culture, the media, and their own experience. The indifference of authorities and lack of rights, youthful maximalism provokes the development of indifference or aggression in young people, pushing them to join informal youth groups. In addition, adolescence is the time when a person has to solve many important problems: choosing a profession, a significant other, friends, determining life path, formation of one’s own worldview.

The ways to solve youth problems lie in a targeted, systematic policy of the state, not only on papers and speeches. The authorities must truly understand that young boys and girls are the future of the country.

Reshetnikov Alexander Sergeevich,

history teacher, deputy director for education and management

Non-state general educational private institution

"Orthodox gymnasium named after St. Philotheus, Metropolitan of Tobolsk"

An important direction in working with young people is the formation of spiritual morality, Orthodox values, and love of God. The spiritual state of society and especially the younger generation is of particular concern and concern to the Church.

Orthodox youth are the future of the Church and society, and if insufficient attention is paid to working with youth, then there is a risk of being left without a future. The fundamental point of the “Concept of missionary activity of the Russian Orthodox Church“is the thesis about attracting children and youth to an independent spiritual life in responsible prayer before God. We are talking about all types of youth groups: from church-going youth and neophytes to representatives of other faiths, and youth who are negatively disposed towards the Orthodox Church.

It is an undeniable fact that educational work among youth today must have its own special forms and methods, its own special approaches. In today's rapidly changing world, the Church sometimes does not have time to find those approaches, that language and those methods thanks to which the Good News coming from the lips of church people will be heard.

The experience of previous generations must be rethought taking into account the current situation. It is necessary to take the best from this experience and develop modern methods and methods of education.

Thus, the relevance of the topic is determined by the need for theological and moral understanding of the moral problems of modern youth and analysis of pedagogical experience in order to expand the understanding of the reasons leading to the spiritual and moral crisis of youth and determine ways to overcome it in accordance with the demands of the time.

The purpose of the work is to identify the spiritual and moral problems of modern youth and point out possible ways to overcome them.

It is proposed to achieve this goal through the implementation of the following tasks:

1. analyze and identify the moral problems of modern youth;

2. determine the basic principles of the spiritual and moral education of a child in the family today;

One of the key problems of modern reality is the promotion of an immoral lifestyle. The imposed behavior model has a destructive effect on the character of a teenager. This contributes to the development of bad habits and weakening of strong-willed and mental qualities. Archbishop Ambrose of Kharkov notes: “Pleasures, acting on feeling and imagination, as such forces that receive impressions from the outside more than act independently, are more excited and agitated than collected and correctly established, thereby weakening the activity of our mind and will ". This is especially true for the feelings and imagination of children in adolescence.

The Fathers of the Church claim that when a young person develops an attachment to something, he, unlike an adult, gives himself completely to it. As a result of the constant repetition of sin, passion appears, and then this passion completely becomes the child’s way of life. The harmfulness of the habit subsequently affects the child’s character. All the consequences of improper upbringing begin to manifest themselves in him in such a way that it becomes virtually impossible to prevent them. The teenager stops listening to his parents and begins to look for support outside the home, i.e. on the street, sometimes even runs away from home.

Among friends come across different people, each with their own shortcomings and inclinations. Entering into communication with immoral children, he falls under the influence of their passions and inclinations. In such company, the child quickly begins to change for the worse. Conflict with parents worsens, school performance declines, and bad habits appear. Such teenagers often become members of informal youth movements, representatives of a youth subculture, where they find like-minded people and have the opportunity to express themselves.

A youth subculture is understood as the culture of a specific youth group that has a common lifestyle, behavior, group norms, values ​​and stereotypes.

Among modern subcultures of an asocial nature (diggers, freaks, bikers, baggers, gopniks, goths, crossers, Limonovites, Luberas, new leftists, punks, rastafarians, ravers, Emma, ​​yuppies, etc.) there is alienation from universal values, a single behavioral stereotype, closed interests, cultural alienation, denial of all authorities and their advice that are outside the interests of the group. Some subcultures promote opposition to existing norms in society. Once in such a group, the child begins, like his environment, to lead an immoral lifestyle.

One of the key problems in the moral development of modern youth is the lack of obedience and respect for their parents. Most often, the reason for this lies in the lack of mutual understanding between parents and children as the basis for the formation of truly moral guidelines. Lack of mutual understanding leads to deformations in family relationships, relationships between adults and children. On the one hand, this can lead to the powerlessness of parents in raising children, when they, losing their leverage, let the matter of upbringing take its course, corrupting children with permissiveness, pleasures, and undeserved praise. On the other hand, the lack of mutual understanding and contact can cause aggression and violence against children on the part of the parent or teacher.

Another extreme manifestation is parents’ excessive concern for their children, protecting them from worries, problems, responsibilities, and the desire to make their life as comfortable as possible. The fact is that constantly catering to the whims of a child develops self-esteem in him. Conceit follows self-love, and self-love follows self-indulgence. The danger of these conditions is that pleasures become the main goal of life for the child and the cause of antisocial behavior. Such a child, upon entering school, turns out to be unprepared to face difficulties, which, in turn, can become a source of immoral behavior.

Coming to school for a child is a new and difficult stage in his life. It is no coincidence that psychologists associate one of the age-related crises with this stage. New team (large, complex), new requirements, new order, new regime, new relationships. All this has a strong impact on the child’s psyche and provokes defensive reactions in him. A spoiled child who is not ready for new conditions may not respond adequately to new situations. He begins to face criticism, his interests intersect with the interests of other people. Critical remarks greatly influence the child’s emotional self-image. Here lies the danger, since not every child is able to cope with his pride, which was nurtured by his parents. A child not raised properly by his parents begins to resist other children, defending his self, or falls under the influence of his classmates, who, too, were raised improperly by their parents.

Another huge problem of modern youth is bad habits, and as a consequence, antisocial behavior of the younger generation.

Psychology claims that bad habits are not a problem of an individual, today it is a disease of society. Many habits and hobbies (smoking, foul language, beer alcoholism, etc.) are so ingrained in the consciousness of our contemporaries that they have imperceptibly become the norm. Today, many underestimate the devastating consequences of this problem both for the individual, his loved ones, and for society as a whole. A disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, work to prevent bad habits among the younger generation is very important. In this paragraph we will consider the negative impact of bad habits on the physical and moral health of modern youth.

One of the most common addictions today is foul language. Most people are not aware that they have this defect. Swear words become the nature of a person, his way of thinking, self-expression, penetrating through the mind, they affect the soul. The prevalence of this habit indicates the ease with which it takes hold of a person. Perhaps this is one of the first bad habits that even an infant can become infected with.

IN Holy Scripture It says: “Let no corrupt word come out of your mouth, but only what is good for edification in the faith” (Eph. 4:29). Foul language negatively affects the spiritual qualities of a child and can cause aggression in children. According to the Holy Fathers, foul language, affecting the soul of a child, gradually changes his perception and in most cases becomes the cause of moral problems in adolescence. The Monk Ephraim the Syrian says: “ the word that came had the force of the rights of birthright, imparted by birth; so the coming of slander can produce the same thing as murder.” The habit of using obscene language can subsequently be aggravated by more terrible habits: smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction.

The next group of harmful habits of modern youth is associated with a passion for computers, gadgets and the Internet.

The abuse of this hobby as a medical and social problem has brought into circulation today a number of new terms associated with numerous behavioral and mental disorders: network addiction (addiction to Internet networks), cyber addiction (addiction to computer games), virtual (computer) addiction, Internet addiction. attachment, internet addiction, weboholism, PCU (pathological computer use), telephone addiction, etc. The variety of concepts listed indicates the breadth of the problem under consideration.

The computer poses an even greater danger to children's fragile psyche. Compared to adults, spontaneous and uncontrolled computer use in children and adolescents leads to the development of addiction much more quickly and easily, which leads to disruption of the social, emotional and cognitive spheres. A dependent teenager develops such qualities as: self-doubt, true or “protective” low self-esteem, frustration (a feeling of failure against the background of powerful, unfulfilled desires), a feeling of abandonment, isolation, communication difficulties, intellectualization. Computer games cause addiction in a person, detachment from family traditions and aggression towards the prohibitions and reproaches of parents and loved ones. Along with this, there is a complete destruction of the child’s body, soul and spirit. The virtual world is ruining it personal qualities and does not allow them to fully open up.

Another dangerous hobby of modern youth is visiting nightclubs. Disco at night has a detrimental effect on physical and moral health: the natural biorhythms of a person are disrupted, the time of wakefulness and sleep is shifted, and in conditions of lack of control, a teenager develops a passion for permissiveness, sensual pleasures, and a consumerist attitude towards life. Club rhythmic music and the presence of people of the opposite sex can push a child towards early sexual activity. The approval of peers who share these pleasures with him helps to take root in the teenager's aspirations.

The use of new “soft” drugs (salt, spice) has recently led to an outbreak of drug use among young people. A particularly difficult situation has developed in Surgut, Tobolsk, and Tyumen. The problem is complicated by the fact that it is not at all easy to determine whether a child has taken a drug; for example, “spice” has a very short period of intoxication - parents may not notice anything if the child is away from home for only a couple of hours. A drug addict poses a danger not only to himself, but also to others. Statistics show that almost half of crimes are committed under the influence of drugs. A teenager who uses drugs often takes the path of theft, robbery, prostitution and even murder.

A laconic assessment of drug addiction was given by Archpriest Mikhail (Denisov): “...drugs are a phenomenon that is natural in this culture, the logical finale of all pleasures, the top of the pyramid of pleasures and at the same time a dead end, eternal death» .

Thus, bad habits are truly a terrible weapon. Being a product of an antisocial environment, they become a threatening factor that contributes to the gradual decline of morality among young people. Every passion, one way or another, destroys positive personal qualities in a person. Instead, passions leave only emptiness and remorse, which can subsequently lead to long-term depression, despair, anger, neuroses, mental illness, or even murder or suicide.

The reasons that give rise to immorality and moral problems of modern youth should be highlighted as follows:

The Fall and its consequences as the cause of man's falling away from God and the driving factor in the desire for sin;

Lack of mutual understanding between parents and children as a condition for the formation of moral guidelines, which becomes the reason for the emergence of tendencies to sin;

Refusal of education as the main task of an educational institution;

Modern propaganda of occult and immoral teachings as a catalyst for sinful aspirations;

Loose morals and approval of sin in society as an impetus to a sinful life;

Bad habits and addictions as a driving factor of antisocial behavior.

Thus, we consider the following to be the moral problems of modern youth: disobedience to parents, the desire to free themselves from their care; loss of moral guidelines and values; formation of the cult of “pleasure”, moral and sexual promiscuity.

Thus, the problem of moral education of youth is one of the main tasks of the Russian Orthodox Church. Today society is deeply affected by the fruits of godlessness.

The development of immorality among modern youth today is facilitated by such problems as: lack of mutual understanding between parents and children, depravity of part of society and the propaganda of pseudo-values, which are often aimed at perverting everything that is good and true in a person.

Among the main moral problems of modern youth we can highlight: disobedience and disrespect for parents, the desire to free themselves from their care; loss of moral guidelines and values; desire for pleasure and enjoyment; imitation of false authorities; moral and sexual licentiousness.

Today, a vast layer of Christian pedagogy offers us time-tested experience in the moral education of the younger generation. Christian teachers insist on eradicating sinful tendencies in a child through the cultivation of virtues: Fear of God, conscience, obedience, chastity, love, honesty, generosity. This can be achieved on moral grounds and with the help of: your own example of the moral life of your parents; correct understanding of God; participation in the sacraments of the church, home prayer and works of mercy; elimination from temptations and earthly aspirations; displays of love and compassion, trust and respect; conducting conversations and moral teachings on spiritual topics; routine and discipline.


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Sidak I.V.

OGAPOU "Stary Oskol Agrotechnological College"

Stary Oskol

Only the moral improvement of people can improve the structure of social life

Leo Tolstoy

The problem of moral values ​​of modern society has attracted the attention of thinkers in various fields of humanities for many centuries, and in modern world has become even more attractive. The real state of public morality in Russian society can be described as a crisis. Gone are those heroes who symbolized the enthusiasm for work, collectivism, and selflessness. The threshold of moral demands placed on individuals has decreased significantly. Despite the positive developments in our country, immoral forms of human behavior remain widespread. On modern stage development of Russia, the loss of spiritual and moral values ​​is extremely dangerous. Modern life creates the need to change many traditions and rules of behavior. Without the revival of spirituality and morality, it is impossible to overcome economic and political difficulties in the state. The spiritual unity of the people and the moral values ​​that unite us are as important a development factor as political and economic stability, and society is only able to set and solve large-scale national tasks when it has a common system of moral guidelines.

Solving problems of the spiritual and moral component in educational space is associated with solving a number of problems, among which the most important are the following: the first problem is related to the preparation of a teacher capable of becoming a spiritual mentor of an individual; the second problem concerns the content of spiritual and moral education; The third problem is related to the methods (methods and forms) of spiritual and moral education, since human values ​​are what are most difficult to easily translate, transfer from their carriers - educators to students.

Pedagogical science interprets morality as an integrative property of the individual, which manifests itself in the need to live and create in accordance with the ideals of truth, goodness, beauty, and acts as an indicator of the level of human relations, feelings, moral-aesthetic, civic position, and the ability to show mercy. That is, morality refers to the sphere of fundamental values ​​that determine the quality and direction of human existence and the human image in each individual. Teachers must convey all this to the subconscious of young people, reach their hearts and try to help correct those mistakes of teenagers, which with our help they can change and change themselves.

From all of the above it follows that the priority of the formation of moral and spiritual qualities is determined by the fact that they, as the ultimate highest meanings human life, perform the function of regulators of behavior, cover all aspects of human existence, are included in national values, the values ​​of family, work, education, society, that is, they are of a universal nature, accepted and developed by all people in the conditions of socio-historical changes in civilization.
