How to overcome gluttony. So important is the commandment of fasting, announced by God to man in paradise, that together with the commandment he pronounced the threat of execution for breaking the commandment.

Every person experiences a feeling of hunger when the body does not receive nutrients for a long time. This physiological feature is considered quite natural. However, there is a category of people with an increased and constant appetite. In this case, hunger is always present, regardless of the amount of food received. From here, gluttony develops and, as a result, problems with excess weight begin.

The reasons for overeating

  1. Consequences of the diet. Many girls push themselves into frames, wanting to get rid of excess body weight. They are addicted to diets, limiting the body in the right carbohydrates, proteins and complex fats. In the process of losing weight, the body begins to react violently to changes, not agreeing with them. When the diet ends, a massive meal begins. The body seeks to replenish everything that it has not received for many months.
  2. Lack of sleep. During a night's rest, leptin, a substance responsible for the excitability of appetite, is produced. Due to lack of sleep, the production of the hormone is significantly reduced, leading to a constant feeling of hunger. If sleep deprivation develops into a chronic form, severe gluttony begins.
  3. Disorders of the psycho-emotional background. There are people who eat up negative emotions. They literally do not leave the refrigerator, pressing on high-calorie foods. Women with mental disorders suffer from a similar feature. Failure to deal with stress leads to the fact that food becomes a kind of psychologist. Even if you start to meditate and put your emotional background in order, gluttony will not disappear anywhere.
  4. Lack of vitamins. In most cases, increased appetite develops during the cold season, when the body needs more food to keep warm. The main role is played by vitamin B, which is found in carrots, meat, cereals and legumes, cereals, vegetables. In combination with a lack of amino acids and omega acids, hunger is constantly present. This leads to binge eating, which can be eliminated by normalizing the daily diet.

Binge eating symptoms

  • systematic overeating;
  • inability to control portion size;
  • frequent use of the supplement;
  • inability to catch the moment of saturation;
  • depression after a meal "to the bone".

Signs of gluttony

  1. The amount of food eaten is uncontrollable when you are eating in front of your PC monitor, TV or listening to music.
  2. A food platter is always at hand and is replenished as it is empty. A person constantly looks into the refrigerator to taste "something tasty".
  3. If you don't eat while watching a TV series or movie, anxiety begins. The same applies to the inability to do mental work without a new portion of the treat.
  4. A glutton is characterized by nighttime snacks, so after 23.00 the refrigerator door starts slamming in the apartment. At the same time, I want to use the most forbidden fruit, for example, a cake.

To exclude constant overeating, you must follow an integrated approach. Let's talk about everything in order.

Don't skip breakfast

  1. Never give up your morning meal. Breakfast helps the body wake up and activates metabolism. Start your awakening with a glass of cool water.
  2. About a third of an hour after rising, cook the cottage cheese with berries or muesli. Some girls eat porridge for breakfast, which is right. Breakfast should be 40% of the total daily diet.

Normalize your diet

  1. If you prefer to sweep food off all the shelves of the refrigerator, now is the time to get rid of this habit. Make a five or six meals a day.
  2. In this case, you should get 3-4 main meals and 2-3 snacks. Eat strictly by the clock so that gastric juice is produced at a certain time of the day. The body itself will send a signal "Time to eat!"
  3. Change the menu every week, eat a variety of foods. Pamper yourself with delicacies, do not give up sweets completely. If you really want to, you can eat a slice of yogurt cake or a handful of candied fruits in the morning.
  4. Be sure to include cheese, eggs, cottage cheese of any fat content, and other milk in the diet. Also, the menu should contain meat, seafood, beans, cereals, fish, seasonal berries and fruits, vegetables.

Have a snack

  1. Never go hungry. Get in the habit of snacking on healthy foods before meals. If at work it is not possible to fully eat, carry food in containers.
  2. As a snack, it is good to use an apple, banana or pear, grapefruit (burns fat). Low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese, bread with red fish, dried fruits, nuts, a granola bar without sugar are also suitable.

Eat desserts

  1. A person prone to gluttony regularly consumes sweets. They, in turn, help in the production of endorphins - hormones of happiness. If you remove chocolate and sweets from the diet, apathy will begin, performance will drop, and the general condition will worsen.
  2. If you crave goodies, use dark chocolate. Get in the habit of keeping it in the refrigerator at all times. The daily dose is not more than 30 grams. In this case, you need to feast on the morning.
  3. An alternative to chocolate is a caramel-topped apple. It is enough to dip the washed fruit into the composition and bake it on the grill. Prepare casseroles with cottage cheese and berries (with sweetener or honey), eat dates in moderation.
  4. An alternative to sweets is ripe strawberries or a milkshake based on them, banana, grapes. Always have a small serving of nuts on hand to snack on every 4 hours (20 grams each).

Follow your drinking regimen

  1. You can deceive the stomach with any liquid that you need to drink at the time of a raging appetite. At night, use kefir or low-fat fermented baked milk, and pure water or herbal tea will also cope with the task.
  2. In the first month of fighting binge eating, drink at least 2.8 liters. filtered water per day. When all signs disappear, reduce the amount to 2.4 liters.
  3. Get a juicer. Prepare fresh carrots, cabbage, celery, strawberries, oranges and other citrus fruits, beets. Thus, you will overcome hunger and saturate the body with extremely useful minerals.

Sign up for a gym

  1. Physical activity suppresses hunger, so start exercising. Sign up for swimming, gymnastics, aerobics, or stretching. Start attending a dance school or boxing section.
  2. It is important to devote to training at least 4 days a week, while the duration of training is usually 1.5-2 hours. In your free time from the gym, walk in the fresh air, run.
  3. If it is not possible to buy a subscription, study at home. Argue with your friends that abs will be pumped up in 5 months. Set a goal and move towards it.
  4. A jump rope, a hoop, squats with a barbell, lunges with dumbbells act as effective home workouts. Follow the video tutorials.
  5. When your appetite starts again, lie on the floor and start pumping your abs. Do at least 3 sets of 20 times, then stand up and evaluate the result. You will notice that you do not feel like eating at all.

Stick to food hygiene

  1. If you are a gluttonous person, do not accept an invitation from friends to sit out in a pizzeria or any other establishment of this kind. Otherwise, allow yourself only 1 slice of pizza. Find someone to control you.
  2. In order not to overdo it with a portion, do not sit down to eat on an empty stomach. Fill it with a glass of kefir or water 20 minutes before a meal, a banana is also suitable.
  3. After eating, leave the table immediately, do not add any additive. Chew food at least 30 times throughout your meal. Focus on the sensations, watch the movement of the tongue and jaw.

Always have breakfast, do not give up chocolate, switch to proper nutrition. Do not eat in noisy environments. Never eat while watching TV or working on a PC. Do not turn off the lights, this atmosphere encourages overeating. Even the most ordinary bread will seem incredibly tasty.

Video: how to beat gluttony

    The holy fathers of the church identified eight main passions that struggle a person: gluttony, fornication, avarice, anger, sadness, despondency, vanity and pride. Gluttony is often ranked first on this list. It may seem that this passion is the most harmless and easily overcome in comparison with others. In our society, it is customary to treat gluttony somehow condescendingly and even with humor. At first glance, it seems that anger, avarice or fornication are much more dangerous.

    But look what Basil the Great says about it “Videh, many who were previously possessed by passions, but then received health; not a single one has not seen of the secret eaters, or the gluttonous reformed; but everything that is either completely rejected from the abstinent life, in the world has become corrupted, or between the abstinent hiding, encroaching upon yourself, cling to the devil by voluptuousness. "

    This clearly shows how insidious gluttony is.

    All passion originates from a completely natural human need. We biologically have a need for food and drink. In addition, food and drink are a gift from God. Tasting them, people not only saturate the body with nutrients, but also enjoy it. In addition, a joint meal, a feast is an opportunity to communicate with neighbors, friends: it unites us. By eating food, we get the joy of fellowship and strengthen ourselves bodily. The Holy Fathers call the meal a continuation of the liturgy. At the service, we are united by spiritual joy from joint prayer, we partake of one cup, and then share with people who are close in spirit and physical-mental joy. Anyone who ate at the monastery knows how much tastier ordinary porridge or potatoes can seem after praying at a common table than the same dishes prepared at home.

    In the first centuries of Christianity, after the Eucharist, the so-called Agapas, or love feasts, were held, where Christians ate food at a common table, conducting spiritual conversations. Therefore, there is nothing sinful and unclean in eating food and drinking wine. It all depends on our attitude to these needs and on the observance of the measure. The measure is determined by the degree of inner freedom or lack of freedom of our soul from passionate habits. The Apostle Paul said: “I know how to live in poverty, I know how to live in abundance; I learned everything and in everything, to be satisfied and to endure hunger, to be both in abundance and in shortage. I can do everything in Jesus Christ who strengthens me ”(Phil. 4: 12-13).

    The passion of gluttony is of two main types: gluttony and guttural delusion. Gluttony- this is gluttony, when the glutton is more interested in the quantity, rather than the quality of food. Larynx- delicacy, delight of the larynx and taste buds, the cult of culinary delights and gourmet.

    Gluttony, combined with vanity, breeds secret eating. The vain one is afraid to seem like a glutton. He eats restrainedly in public, but when he is alone, he hastens to satisfy his passion. He has a cherished place where he hides food from prying eyes, and, left alone, quickly devours it. I must say that the Slavic word "devour" means "to make a sacrifice." The glutton sacrifices his own belly as a heathen sacrifices to an idol.

    Also, ascetic rules forbid "nibbling", that is, constantly pulling something into your mouth, snacking. There are also other types of gluttony: early-eating - when a person, barely waking up, without praying, takes food, not yet experiencing a feeling of hunger; hasty eating - fast filling of the womb and swallowing food without chewing; non-observance of fasts, the use of unhealthy products due to the lust of the larynx. The ancient ascetics also considered gluttony to drink too much water.

    “If the water is divided into many channels, the whole land around them turns green; so, if the passion of gluttony is divided in your heart, it will water all the feelings, plant a forest of vices in you and turn your soul into a dwelling of animals "- this thought of Basil the Great is continued by Bishop Ignatius (Brenchaninov):" If you please the womb and feed yourself unnecessarily , then you will be thrown into the abyss of prodigal filth, into the fire of anger and fury, you will burden and darken your mind, you will bring your blood to heat. "

    There are sins akin to gluttony, such as eating without prayer, murmuring food, drinking too much alcohol, obscene jokes, foul language, swearing, and quarrels while eating. Demons flock to such feasts, like flies to honey, and desecrate food with invisible filth. We can say that the sin of gluttony is a gradual eating of the soul by the body, as a result of which the heavenly, spiritual principle fades in a person, and he becomes a blind flesh.

    Archimandrite Raphael (Karelin) writes: “The biblical Book of Genesis says that God looked at the earth and saw that all people are flesh, and His Spirit cannot dwell in them. Antediluvian humanity did not fulfill its mission: the carnal principle defeated the spiritual, as it were, swallowed it up. It was a triumph of the flesh that marked the beginning of the end. Humanity has not only plunged into the swamp of materiality, but has forgotten God; becoming earthly dust, it raised itself from the dust of idols - new dead gods.

    Throughout the earth began to spread like a plague idolatry, magic, magic, debauchery and cannibalism. The cult of the flesh has turned the history of mankind into an endless orgy. Already before the flood, mankind spiritually perished in the flood of its passions. The Flood only as a gravedigger dug a common grave for the dead and made the bottom of the ocean a graveyard of all flesh. The bodies of the gluttons were swallowed up by the sea belly, and the souls of the demon-pleasing ones were swallowed by the insatiable belly of the underworld.

    History repeats itself. The Lord compared the times of Noah to the end times. Again, the flesh begins to triumph over the spirit, and the demon - over the flesh, corrupting, corrupting it, and mocking it in every way.

    The womb, heavy with food, plunges the mind into a gloomy slumber, makes it lazy and dull. A glutton cannot think deeply and reason about spiritual things. His womb, like a lead weight, pulls the grounded soul down. Such a person is especially acutely aware of his weakness during prayer. It should be noted that gluttony also darkens the intellectual and creative powers of a person. Almost none of the outstanding poets and artists were not distinguished by gluttony and did not have a body resembling a beer barrel. As an exception, you can point to the poet Apukhtin, who looks like Gargantua's painting. Once a child, seeing Apukhtin among the guests in his house, shouted in surprise: "Mom, what kind of humanoid creature is this!"

    The passion for stomach-eating reached its climax in ancient Rome. Some patricians, in order to endlessly enjoy themselves at magnificent feasts, got themselves special devices made of bird feathers, so that after the belly was full to capacity, it was possible, by causing vomiting, to empty the stomach. And again to satisfy the mad passion of gluttony.

    “Gluttony drove Adam out of paradise; it was also the cause of the flood at the time of Noah; it also brought down fire on the Sodomites. Although voluptuousness was a crime, the root of both executions came from gluttony. There is nothing worse, nothing more shameful than gluttony. It makes the mind fat; it makes the soul flesh; it blinds you and prevents you from seeing. Flee from gluttony, which engenders all vices, removes us from God Himself and brings us down into the abyss of destruction, "exclaimed St. John Chrysostom.

    How to get rid of gluttony? The Holy Fathers advise at first to limit the use of spicy and irritating food, then sweet, delighting the larynx, then fatty, fattening the body. You should eat slowly - so the feeling of fullness sooner appears. You need to get up from a meal when the first hunger is satisfied, but you still want to eat. In the old days it was the custom to eat in silence. Extraneous conversations distract attention, and a person, carried away by a conversation, can mechanically eat everything that is on the table. The elders also advised to read the Jesus Prayer while eating.

    Archimandrite Raphael (Karelin) advises: “Before a meal, one must secretly pray that the Lord would give abstinence and help put a limit to the craving of the womb and throat; remember that our body, greedy for food, sooner or later itself will become food for worms, taken from the ground - a handful of earthly dust; imagine what the food turns into in the womb. You need to mentally determine for yourself the amount of food that you would like to eat, and then take a fourth part from it and put it aside. At first, a person will experience a feeling of hunger, but when the body gets used to it, then it is necessary to take away the fourth part from food again - this is how the Monk Dorotheos advises in his teachings. Here is the principle of gradual reduction of food to the amount necessary for life. "

    Regarding the measure of drinking water, it should be remembered that thirst is natural and false. To distinguish them, you need to hold a little water in your mouth without swallowing it: if the thirst is false, then it passes, and if it remains, then it is natural.

    Abba Serapion admonished: “If the conquered spirit of gluttony with his humility begins to flatter you, begging you to make him some indulgence, to reduce jealousy in abstinence and a measure of severity, do not give up in response to his obedience. Seeing that you have become a little calmer from bestial incitement, do not think that you are not in danger of attack, do not return to your former intemperance or the whims of gluttony. For the conquered spirit of gluttony says, as it were, "I will return to my house from whence I went out" (Matthew 12, 44). Then immediately the seven spirits - vices coming from him - will be even more evil for you than the passion that was first defeated by you, and they will soon lead you to sins ... "

    In adolescence, it is easier for us to cope with the passion of gluttony: the dynamics of life is higher, it is easier to switch or get carried away with something, and the metabolic processes in the body are more intense. Starting from middle age, this passion more and more relentlessly follows the person. Gluttony is usually justified by a mental state - the desire to get out of stress, and over the years, their number only accumulates. But in indulging gluttony, one gains not calmness, but extra pounds. But even if you follow the advice and show will, this passion often remains unshakable, or, having retreated for a short time, after a while it returns as to its own home.

    Perhaps we need to fundamentally change our attitude towards food. For example, secular people from the world of art or show business often seem to shift the pleasure of food in favor of the great pleasures that success in high life brings them. According to the principle: choose the lesser of two evils, and the greater of two pleasures. For whom that is dear ... Each of us needs to learn to build our relationship with God in this way, so that this communion with God and the grace that it brings becomes quite real and the most nutritious food for our soul. Then the need for material food will take its true place and will only support our vitality.

    “We cannot in any way despise the pleasures of real food, if the mind, surrendering to divine contemplation, will not even more enjoy the love of virtues and the beauty of heaven. And thus, everyone will despise everything present, as transient, when he continuously directs the gaze of the mind to the unshakable and eternal, and, while still in the body, he will contemplate the bliss of Eternal Life. " - Abba Theona.


    a. Fighting gluttony
    1. It would be wonderful if someone, before descending into the grave, freed himself from attacks from the side of the womb.
    2. With a passion of much-eating, the womb, and being full, cries out: Hunger! and being filled and dispersed with excess, he cries out: I am hungry. This passion, having food before our eyes, incites everything to devour at one time.
    3. He who caresses a lion often tames him; but he who pleases the body increases its ferocity.
    4. The slave of the womb seeks out what foods to honor the holiday with; but the servant of God ponders what gifts he could be enriched with.
    5. When a guest has come, the glutton moves forward to love, incited by gut-eating; and thinks that there is a chance to make the newcomer consolation, and for him there is permission for everything. Visiting another is taken as an excuse to allow drinking wine; and under the guise of hiding virtue, becomes a slave to passion.
    6. Often vanity is at odds with overeating: and these two passions are at war with each other for the poor monk, as for a bought slave. Overeating compels you to allow, and vanity inspires you to show your virtue; but a rational person avoids one and the other abyss; and knows how to use convenient time to reflect one passion to another.
    7. If the flesh is still raging, then it must tame it by abstinence, at all times and in all places. When she calmed down (which, however, I do not hope to wait before death), then we can hide our abstinence in front of others.
    8. If the spiritual father allows you, the young man, to drink wine, at feasts, then look what he is like: if he is God-fearing, then you can not allow much, and if he is not completely happy, then it is better for you, ignoring his blessing, to keep abstinence , especially when you are still fighting the fire of carnal lust.
    9. In taming the womb, let us use a prudent gradualness: first of all, we cut off the fattening food, then the kindling food, and then the delightful one. Give your belly food that is measured and digestible, so that with moderate saturation you can get rid of his greed, and through a quick digestion of food, get rid of inflammation, like a scourge.
    10. For those who have not fallen, special abstinence is required only during the movement of lust; and for those who have fallen, it is necessary even to death; until the very end, let them not give comfort to their bodies and fight with it without reconciliation. The first is only to guard the ever-dignified comfort of the mind; and the latter must still propitiate God with spiritual lamentation and melancholy (from hunger and thirst).
    11. Let us tame the womb by thinking about the future fire. Obeying the belly, some (due to the kindling from that lust) finally cut off their limbs - and died a double death. Look closely and you will see that gluttony is the only reason for the drowning (in the sea of ​​lust) that happens to us.
    12. The mind of the fasting person prays soberly, while the mind of the incontinent is filled with impure dreams. Saturation of the womb dries up the springs of tears, and the womb, dried up by abstinence, gives birth to tears.
    13. Who serves his womb, and yet wants to overcome the spirit of fornication; it is like an extinguishing fire with oil.
    14. When the belly is oppressed, then the heart is also humbled; if it is at peace with food, then the heart is lifted up in thoughts.
    15. Oppress the belly with abstinence, and so you obstruct your mouth; for the tongue takes strength from the multitude of foods.
    16. He who fills his womb expands his insides; and for the one who torments him with abstinence, they gradually narrow; narrowed, they no longer require and do not take much food.
    17. Know that often the demon will squat down in the belly and prevent a person from getting enough, even though he devoured all the food of Egypt and drank all the water in the Nile.
    18. If you promised Christ to walk the narrow and cramped path, then oppress your womb. The "wide way" of gluttony, "leading to destruction" of fornication, "and many walk along it," but "narrow is the gate and narrow is the way" of abstinence, "leading into the belly" of purity, "and few enter them" (Matt. 7 :14).
    19. Sitting at a table full of food, imagine death and judgment in your mind's eye; for even in this way you can hardly tame the passion of overeating even a little. When you drink, always remember the vinegar and the bile of your Lord; and thus, either you will remain within the limits of abstinence, or at least, having rebelled, you will humble your thoughts.
    20. Gluttony is the cause of all falls and violations (vows) in monastic communities. If you defeat this mistress, then every place will help you to achieve dispassion; if she possesses you, then to the very grave you will be in poverty everywhere.
    21. The living memory of death suppresses intemperance in food; and when intemperance in food is suppressed with humility, then other passions are cut off at the same time.
    22. Once, when I was still young, I came to a city or village, and there, during dinner, thoughts of gluttony and vanity suddenly attacked me; but, fearing the fiends of overeating, I reasoned better to be defeated by vanity. In the laity, the root of all evil is the love of money, and in the monks, deliciousness.
    23. I saw courageous figures who, out of some need, having given the womb a little indulgence in food, then tired this accursed body with all-night standing; and thus they taught him to gladly turn away from satiety.
    24. At the beginning of monasticism, it is impossible to be completely clean of gluttony and vanity. But we must not fight against vanity by delighting the womb.
    25. As a criminal who has been sentenced and who is going to be executed, he does not talk about folk shows; so also he who truly mourns for his sins will not please the womb.
    26. As in a multitude of manure, many worms are born, so from a multitude of foods there are many falls, crafty thoughts and dreams (shameful).
    27. If there is an extreme limit of gluttony - to force yourself to eat when you do not want to eat, then the extreme limit of abstinence will be - to abstain from her nature when she is hungry, despite the fact that it was not guilty of anything at that time.
    28. Just as fat birds cannot fly high, so it is impossible for one who pleases his own flesh to ascend to heaven.
    29. The withered mud is not pleasing to the pigs, so the flesh, withered from exploits, does not rest the demons any more.
    30. (Confession of Gluttony). How do you want to get rid of me when I am connected with your nature? - My door is the need for food, but habit makes me insatiable - which then, together with the insensibility of the soul and the lack of remembrance of death, serves as the basis of passion for me. - My firstborn son is fornication, the second devil after him is hardness of the heart, and the third is sleepiness. A sea of ​​evil thoughts, waves of filth, the depth of unnamed impurities - also come from me. My daughters are: laziness, verbosity, insolence, ridicule, blasphemy, contradiction, cruelty, disobedience, insensibility, captivity of the mind, self-praise, arrogant and insane arrogance, love for the world, followed by a profaned prayer, hovering thoughts, and often evil thoughts; and all this is followed by despair - the fiercest of all passions. - The memory of sins revolts against me, but does not prevail. The thought of death is very hostile to me, but there is nothing in people that could completely abolish me. He who has received the Comforter complains prayerfully to Him about me, and He, being implored, does not allow me to act passionately in him. Those who have not tasted Him in every possible way seek to delight in my sweetness.

A sedentary lifestyle, frequent stress - these factors can cause excess weight. It contributes to obesity and a low level of income of the population, because, properly composed, the diet should include a large amount of fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs, fatty fish, seafood and very little carbohydrates all year round. Low-income people eat mainly bread, pasta, canned food, sausages - naturally, such a set of products leads to a set of extra pounds. Many of the fasting people noted that during the fasting period they gained 4-5 kg, although they did not eat either meat or dairy - all this is due to improper nutrition. It happens that, having decided to fight extra pounds, our confidence that everything will work out melts day by day, and now we have already dropped our hands and returned to the previous way of life. Orthodox prayer for weight loss can strengthen our faith and help bring what we started to the end.

The passion of gluttony is not a sin by accident. People who constantly indulge themselves in food gradually become its slaves. They can no longer stop and eat at every opportunity. The huge amounts of food that a glutton consumes at one time terrifies the normal person, but to those who are subject to the passion of gluttony, it seems that there is not enough food. And over and over again the portions get bigger and bigger. For a successful fight against obesity, you need, firstly, to recognize the very existence of the problem of overeating, this will already become a big step towards a normal weight. Secondly, having started a struggle, not to indulge your weaknesses - not to allow yourself even a piece, even a half piece of some delicacy - if you feel that you are about to break loose, enlighten your mind with a Christian prayer for weight loss and drive away the sin of gluttony.

Prayers performed before and after eating food.

Prayers Before Eating Food:

Our Father, Izhe ecu in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread this day; and forgive us our debts, as we also leave our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Virgin Mary, rejoice. Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you; blessed are you in women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, as the Savior gave birth to ecu of our souls.

Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy. Bless.

Through the prayers of the saints, our Father, Lord Jesus Christ, our God, have mercy on us. Amen.

Prayers after eating:

We thank Thee, Christ our God, for he filled us with Thy earthly blessings; Do not deprive us of Thy Heavenly Kingdom, but as among Thy disciples came ecu, Savior, give them peace, come to us and save us.

It is worthy to eat as truly blessed Theotokos, the Most Blessed and Most Immaculate and the Mother of our God. The most honest Cherubim and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, who gave birth to God the Word without incorruption, we magnify the Mother of God.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, both now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy.

Through the prayers of the saints, our Father, Lord Jesus Christ, our God, have mercy on us. Amen.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Christian prayer for weight loss with gluttony

Against gluttony: "Have mercy on me, God, for I am weak! Grant me to bridle my womb and acquire the virtue of abstinence."

Against laziness: "God have mercy on me, for I am weak! Help me to curb my laziness! Grant me zeal for saving deeds and for acquiring the virtues I need! Grant me the strength to work and carry my cross"!

Making a prayer, we calm down, gain confidence in our abilities, our peaceful emotional state contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes. A strong prayer to the Monk Irinarkh of Rostov for quick weight loss helps to quickly part with extra pounds. But when asking the saint for a slight weight loss, one must remember that the saint simply intercedes with his requests for us before the Almighty, but we receive the very healing from our Lord.

Prayers for weight loss to St. Irinarkh of Rostov and his power.

Oh, the Great Servant of God and glorious miracle worker, our reverend our father Irinarsha! Look upon us sinners, in our sorrows and our circumstances, who are zealously crying to you, and on thee according to Bose, placing all our hope. We ask you with tenderness to many: by your intercession to the Lord God, ask us for peace, longevity, brotherly love, fruitfulness earth, good air, rains are in good time, and from above a blessing for all our good undertakings. Deliver all of us with your holy prayers from all troubles: gladness, hail, flood, fire, sword, harmful worm, pernicious winds, deadly ulcers and vain (sudden) death, and in all our sorrows wake us a comforter and helper, keeping us from the fall of sin and vouching for the heirs to be the Kingdom of Heaven, let us glorify together with you all the good Giver, the Triune God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen!

About the passion of gluttony

Archimandrite Raphael (Karelin)

The sin of Adam, passed down from generation to generation, contains the potential of all human sins. The Holy Fathers, who have gone through many years of experience of asceticism, saw the depths of the human soul - this secret place where thoughts and desires arise. From a complex mosaic of sins, they identified and described eight main passions - eight ulcers of the soul, eight rivers of dead water flowing from hell, from which other sins originate like streams and streams. The channels of these rivers, like meridians, encircle the earth, and their sources and estuaries are connected in the underworld.

The eight passions are linked to each other as links in a chain with which the devil fetters people and brings them captives as a conqueror. These are the eight heads of the hydra that every Christian must fight against; it is an invisible net, into which Satan has been striving for the eighth millennium to catch the globe like a hunter's prey.

The first link in this chain is gluttony. To many people, it seems to be an innocent weakness that does not inspire much fear, especially since the consequences of this sin, like the scabs of leprosy, do not appear immediately, but after years. But we must remember that after the fall of Adam, the harmony between the soul and the body of a person was broken. The body - an instrument of the soul and an organic part of the human personality - has become a substrate for passions and lust. The body is a slave to the spirit. This slave, being treated kindly by her soul, wanted to command her. She, like Eve Adam, sometimes seduces the mind with the imaginary sweetness of passions, and enchants the heart with the dark mystery of sin, how a rebel rebelles against the spirit, trying to overthrow it from the throne and herself become the queen of human trimeria - spirit, soul and body.

The body is an evil friend and a good enemy. A human personality is not formed without a body. Without a body, spirit and soul cannot manifest themselves outside through words and deeds. The crafty flesh is always ready to betray the soul to the devil for copper pennies of base pleasures - just as Judas sold his Teacher for thirty pieces of silver to death. The body is an insidious companion of the soul on the thorny path to the heavenly kingdom, which either dutifully follows her, then tries to carry her along the wide, stone-paved road leading to eternal death. You can compare the soul and body with a rider and a wild horse: if the rider looses the bit, the horse will rush wherever his eyes look, and both will fall into the pit.

Gluttony is the victory of the body over the spirit; it is a wide field on which all passions grow violently; this is the first step of the steep, slippery staircase leading to the underworld. The biblical Book of Genesis says that God looked at the earth and saw that all people are flesh, and His Spirit cannot dwell in them. Antediluvian humanity did not fulfill its mission: the carnal principle defeated the spiritual, as it were, swallowed it up. It was a triumph of the flesh that marked the beginning of the end. Humanity has not only plunged into the swamp of materiality, but has forgotten God; becoming earthly dust, it raised itself from the dust of idols - new dead gods. Throughout the earth began to spread like a plague idolatry, magic, magic, debauchery and cannibalism. The cult of the flesh has turned the history of mankind into an endless orgy. Already before the flood, mankind spiritually perished in the flood of its passions. The Flood only as a gravedigger dug a common grave for the dead and made the bottom of the ocean a graveyard of all flesh. The bodies of the gluttons were swallowed up by the sea belly, and the souls of the demon-pleasing ones were swallowed by the insatiable belly of the underworld.

History repeats itself. The Lord compared the times of Noah to the end times. Again, the flesh begins to triumph over the spirit, and the demon - over the flesh, corrupting, corrupting it, and mocking it in every way.

Gluttony disfigures a person. At the sight of a glutton, one involuntarily recalls the market where the bloody carcasses of animals brought from the slaughterhouse hang. The glutton's body seems to hang from his bones, like peeled carcasses on iron hooks.

The womb, heavy with food, plunges the mind into a gloomy slumber, makes it lazy and dull. A glutton cannot think deeply and reason about spiritual things. His womb, like a lead weight, pulls the grounded soul down. Such a person is especially acutely aware of his weakness during prayer. The mind cannot enter prayer words like a dull knife - cutting bread. In this sense, gluttony is a constant betrayal of one's prayer.

It should be noted that gluttony also darkens the intellectual and creative powers of a person. Almost none of the outstanding poets and artists were not distinguished by gluttony and did not have a body resembling a beer barrel. As an exception, you can point to the poet Apukhtin, who looks like Gargantua's painting. Once a child, seeing Apukhtin among the guests in his house, shouted in surprise: "Mom, what kind of humanoid creature is this!"

Often a glutton, tired of the burden of his own body, leading to shortness of breath and exhaustion, and of the need to constantly overcome the size of his own abdomen as an obstacle, when it is necessary to bend down to pick up a thing from the floor or tie the laces on his shoes, decides to declare war on the demon of gluttony and destroy it as an enemy own fat. He subscribes diets from magazines, and announces to his loved ones that soon his figure will not resemble a Flemish painting, but a statue of Apollo. However, such a glutton, who has gone on a diet, most often turns out to be a gladiator who, without a weapon, entered into a fight with a wild beast: at the first minute he still resists, but then falls, torn to pieces by the claws and fangs of a predator. At first, the glutton adheres to a strict diet and looks at others victoriously, like Hercules after another feat, but then, unable to withstand the scraping pain in his stomach, he pounces on food, as if he wants to catch up.

In gluttony, two passions can be distinguished: gluttony and guttural delusion. Gluttony is an insatiable desire for food, this is the aggression of the body against the soul, the constant harassment of the womb, which, like a cruel publican, requires an exorbitant tribute from a person, this is the madness of the womb, which indiscriminately devours food, like a hungry hyena prey. The stomach of such a person is like a sack, into which an avaricious owner stuffs things indiscriminately, getting ready for a long journey, and then drags unnecessary load with difficulty.

Larynx is a constant desire for delicious and delicious food, this is the sensuality of the larynx. A person must eat in order to live, but here he lives in order to eat. He prepares the menu in advance with such a preoccupied look, as if he is solving a rebus or a math problem. He spends all his money on delicacies, like a gambler loses his fortune in excitement.

There are still other types of gluttony, these are: secret eating - the desire to hide one's vice; early eating - when a person, barely waking up, takes food, not yet experiencing a feeling of hunger; hasty eating - a person tries to quickly fill the womb and swallows food without chewing, like a turkey; non-observance of fasts, the use of unhealthy products due to the lust of the larynx. The ancient ascetics also considered gluttony to drink too much water.

How to get rid of gluttony? Here are some tips. Before the meal, one must secretly pray that the Lord would give abstinence and help put an end to the cravings of the womb and throat; remember that our body, greedy for food, sooner or later itself will become food for worms, taken from the ground - a handful of earthly dust; imagine what the food turns into in the womb. You need to mentally determine for yourself the amount of food that you would like to eat, and then take a fourth part from it and put it aside. At first, a person will experience a feeling of hunger, but when the body gets used to it, then it is necessary to take away the fourth part from food again - this is how the Monk Dorotheos advises in his teachings. Here is the principle of gradually reducing food to the amount necessary for life. Often a demon tempts a person, frightening that from a lack of food he will become weak and sick, will not be able to work and will become a burden for others. Pets will also be worried and anxiously looking at his plate, persistently convincing him to eat more.

The Holy Fathers advise at first to limit the use of spicy and irritating food, then sweet, delighting the larynx, then fatty, fattening the body. You should eat slowly - so the feeling of fullness sooner appears. You need to get up from a meal when the first hunger is satisfied, but you still want to eat. In the old days it was the custom to eat in silence. Extraneous conversations distract attention, and a person, carried away by a conversation, can mechanically eat everything that is on the table. The elders also advised to read the Jesus Prayer while eating.

Regarding the measure of drinking water, it should be remembered that thirst is natural and false. To distinguish them, you need to hold a little water in your mouth without swallowing it: if the thirst is false, then it passes, and if it remains, then it is natural.

All passions are related to each other; their combination is like a colored mosaic or fanciful carpet patterns. So gluttony can be combined with the passion of anger. In some people, in a state of anger, and in general excitement and anxiety, there is a desire to chew something in order to distract their thoughts; and since an angry person is almost always agitated, he gets used to constantly putting food in his mouth. Gluttons justify their passion by mental state - the desire to get out of stress. But as a result, they acquire not calmness, but extra pounds.

Gluttony is sometimes combined with stinginess. Such a person is ready to absorb spoiled, moldy food, just not to throw it away. The avaricious gluttons store food as relics, rejoicing that they have supplies for a long time. Only when the food starts to deteriorate and rot, then they decide to use it for food. The misers, treating guests, in their hearts hate them as invaders, and suffer torment for every piece they eat. But they themselves love to visit friends for lunch, and even make a schedule - when and to whom to go.

Gluttony, combined with vanity, breeds secret eating. The vain one is afraid to seem like a glutton. He eats restrainedly in public, but when he is alone, he hastens to satisfy his passion. He has a cherished place where he hides food from prying eyes. Looking around and making sure that no one is there, he approaches the closet like a stingy knight to the treasure chest, takes out food and quickly devours it. I must say that the Slavic word "devour" means "to make a sacrifice." The glutton sacrifices his own belly as a heathen sacrifices to an idol.

There are sins akin to gluttony, such as eating without prayer, murmuring food, drinking too much alcohol, obscene jokes, foul language, swearing, arguing and quarreling while eating. Demons flock to such feasts, like flies to honey, and desecrate food with invisible filth.

We can say that the sin of gluttony is a gradual eating of the soul by the body, as a result of which the heavenly, spiritual principle fades in a person, and he becomes a blind flesh.

The Optina elders wrote about the passions of gluttony, wine drinking, and smoking, and gave advice on how to combat these passions.

About gluttony.

From the legacy of the Optina elders

The Monk Leo insisted;

"Refrain from eating and eating as much as possible, and try to eat moderately light and well-known foods."

The Monk Anthony noted that exaltation (exaltation) and abundance of food impede the affection of the heart most of all:

"If you do not have an emotion of tenderness in your soul - understand: as the glorification of an Imash in your heart, or you conquer by many eating, these do not leave your soul to be touched."

The Monk Ambrose wrote about abstinence and the three degrees of satiety:

“You write about food that it's hard for you to get used to eating a little so that you can still be hungry after dinner. The Holy Fathers established three degrees regarding food: abstinence - in order to be somewhat hungry after eating, contentment - in order not to be full or hungry, and satiety - in order to eat full, not without some burden.

Of these three degrees, everyone can choose any, according to his strength and according to his dispensation - healthy and sick. "

Sometimes the elder Amrosy used to say briefly, but aptly:

"Cozy mouth is a pig's trough."

The Monk Joseph also warned against excessive pleasing to the body:

"If you keep the womb from satiety and delight, as well as the body from excessive rest, then the Lord will soon help you to work more for the soul than for the body."

A sated womb demands more and more food, but it is not good for you. Elder Joseph ate very little food. Surprised by this, they once asked him if it was difficult for him to achieve such abstinence, or was it already given to him by nature. He replied with these words:

"If a person is not forced, then even if he ate all the food of Egypt and drank all the water of the Nile, his womb will say: hunger!"

The Monk Barsanuphius emphasized that gluttony leads to a lot of sleep. He advised not to eat until you are full:

“Sleep and womb are linked. With a full stomach, a monk sleeps a lot and wakes up more than he should. I told you and I am telling you: eat your fill, but not until you are full. Fed up - put a spoon. And another is already full, but still eats and eats; the eyes are not full - it is a sin. "

For people of different physique and having different physical activity, the amount of food will also be different. Reverend Nikon recalled:

“For the body of one person, one pound of bread is enough, for the body of another person, four pounds of bread is needed - he will not be satisfied with less bread. Therefore, St. John Chrysostom says that the fasting person is not the one who consumes a small amount of food, but the one who consumes less food than is required for his body. This is what abstinence is all about. "

Passion for wine drinking: how to deal with it

The Monk Leo wrote about the passion of drinking wine: it brings "great grief and illness." He also noted that for the healing of the sufferer, in addition to praying for him, his own will is necessary, without which the prayers of other people may be unsuccessful:

“About the illness ... of your dear son Z. I offer my heartfelt condolences. I know that this great grief and illness brings you and those close to his heart. We, according to our strength, oblige ourselves to pray to the Lord for his deliverance from this passion, but it is necessary that there be also his arbitrary desire to abandon this and compulsion, and without that our sinful prayers cannot be in time. When “the righteous prayer advances” only with someone else's efforts, since our sinful prayer cannot act without good will. ”

The elder wrote about the fate of those prone to the passion of drunkenness:

“What is the fate of those who are subject to this weakness? They are comprehended by bodily diseases, a miserable life, premature old age and - death; and sinful inclinations that alienate the soul from God and deprive Him of grace are the most dangerous of all! .. The soul is eternal; most of all it is necessary to take care of her! "

The Monk Leo explained that the passion of drunkenness is tolerated for pride and arrogance or “violation of conscience against holy marriage,” that is, for violation of marital fidelity. The monk advised to force oneself to humility and resort to confession:

“And for your brother, out of the fullness of heart, I wish to be delivered from drunken passion; but only this passion is allowed either for pride and arrogance, or for violation of conscience against a holy marriage, then it is unnecessary for him, first, to be forced to humble himself in every possible way or to make a confession - to truly repent before a skilled confessor ... And then the Lord will help him. "

The Monk Ambrose instructed:

"The spiritual means is that your acquaintance would pay attention to the mental anguish, from the impatience of which she is plunged into the weakness of drinking wine."

In general, the Optina elders paid attention to the obligatory confession of all those suffering from the passion of drinking wine, since the reason for drinking wine is often mental anguish, and it comes from unconfessed sins. The Monk Ambrose paid particular attention to the fact that in order to combat the passion of drunkenness, complete confession is necessary, starting from childhood:

"And for this matter to be firm and solid, it takes a sincere and perfect confession and repentance for the whole life, starting from the age of 6."

The elder also advised those suffering from mental anguish and the passion of drinking wine, when melancholy and despondency appeared, to read the prayer and the Gospel with bows:

“One man, who suffered both longing and wine drinking, got rid of the following way: when he felt melancholy, he would slip away to a secret place and put down 33 obeisances with the prayer:“ Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner, ”and the melancholy receded. And when melancholy appeared again, he again did the same, and with such prayer, when melancholy appeared, he completely got rid of wine drinking and melancholy itself. Another person got rid of both melancholy and wine drinking by reading the Gospel. "

Elder Joseph advised:

“May the Lord save Constantine from drunkenness. Let him talk and partake of the Holy Mysteries. And then a prayer service will serve the Mother of God and earnestly ask Her for help. "

Folk spiritual healer VICTORIA.

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  • - if modern medicine cannot establish a definite diagnosis for you;
  • - if the treatment does not give the desired result;
  • - if you have a bad dream (fears, nightmares, the deceased is pursuing in a dream, strangling at night, having erotic dreams, walking under the moon, etc.);
  • - fears of any origin;
  • - teeth grinding (karma is expressed);
  • - if you feel bad in a cathedral (church) (heaviness in your arms, legs, head, backache, crying), an obvious imposition of a curse;
  • - if you hear a voice that your name is being called, and there is no one nearby;
  • - if in the apartment you feel bad, uncomfortable, hear rustles, knocks, no strength - then you have damage to the apartment (soil is poured, water is poured, needles in the door jambs, perhaps keep the "strings" of the deceased at home, things from the dead, a towel or scarves from the cemetery, especially those in which they are lowered into the grave);
  • - if breakdowns, accidents constantly occur with your car, then the evil eye or damage is directed at the car;
  • - if your business was going well, and recently you feel a "wall", or the issue should be resolved positively on the conclusion of contracts, etc., and at the last moment something interfered, it means that your competitors "block" you on the astral plan, and then there are material losses. And the more you get nervous, angry, the more you will satisfy the needs of the dark forces in negative energy, thereby causing yourself even more damage;
  • - if you have "stones" in the kidneys and liver (in the old days they were called "gravestones", then you were sealed);
  • - if you yawn, cry, feel chills, tremors in the temple (damage to illness);
  • - if you or your family members often break the string or chain on which the cross hangs, especially if it disappears or is lost (a spell has been imposed);
  • - if you are tired of being alone and you cannot find the other half (damage to loneliness);
  • - if you cannot sell an apartment or a house for a long time (it means you have sealed it).

The first link in the sinful chain is gluttony. To many, it seems only weakness, which does not inspire much fear, and that the consequences of this sin, like scabs from leprosy, do not appear at all immediately, but after several years. It must be remembered that after Adam committed a sin, the harmony of the soul with the body of a person was disturbed. After all, the body is only an instrument of the soul, and also an organic part of the human personality. And it turned into a substrate for passions with lust. The body must be a slave to the spirit. But, in no case should the body rule over a person, his soul. Ideally, there should be a balance between spirit, soul and body.

What is the human body

The body can be called an evil friend and a good enemy. Without a body, a person's personality will not be formed. Without the body, the spirit with the soul will not be able to express themselves to the outside world through words and deeds. The crafty flesh is ready at any moment to betray the soul to the Devil in order to receive base pleasures. It is as if Judas sold his Master to death for three dozen pieces of silver. The body is a very insidious companion of the soul on its difficult path to the kingdom of heaven. it obediently follows the spirit, then on the contrary, it tries to carry it along a wide and stone-paved road, which leads to eternal death. Alternatively, you can even compare the soul and body with a certain rider on a wild horse. And as soon as the rider loosens the bit, the horse will rush where his eyes are looking, as a result of which both will fall into the nearest hole.


Gluttony is essentially a victory of the body over the spirit. This is a kind of wide field, where different passions are raging. You can talk about it as the first step of a steep and slippery staircase that leads straight to the underworld.

The womb, as soon as it becomes heavy from food, begins to plunge the mind into a kind of gloomy abyss of slumber, making it lazy and even dull. The glutton loses the ability to think deeply and accurately or reason about something spiritual. His womb, like a huge lead weight, begins to pull the grounded soul straight down. In particular, such a person is acutely aware of his weakness during prayer. The mind cannot penetrate into the holy words in any way, as if a dull knife does not cut bread. In this sense, gluttony can be considered a constant betrayal of one's prayer.


It should also be noted that gluttony, like any sin, darkens the intellectual and even creative powers of the one who surrenders to it. Almost none of the outstanding people, be they poets and artists, were not distinguished at their time by gluttony, did not even have a body that would resemble a beer barrel.

It often happens that the glutton, who is already very tired of the burden of his own body, which brings him to shortness of breath and exhaustion, decides to lose weight. He is exhausted by the need to constantly overcome the obstacle in the form of the size of his own belly, for example, when he needs to bend down and pick up a thing from the floor or even banal to tie his shoes. Then it is logical that he decides to declare war and defeat the demon of gluttony by destroying his own fat as an enemy. Such a person will write diets from fashion magazines, and even announce to all his friends and family that soon his figure will noticeably decrease in volume. But, such a glutton, barely goes on a diet, turns out, as it were, in the role of a gladiator who, unarmed, entered into battle with a huge, wild beast. At first, for the first minutes, he resists, but then falls to pieces, torn to pieces by the claws or fangs of a terrible predator. At first, the glutton will adhere to a strict diet and look at others almost victoriously, but then the desire to absorb food will take its toll and he will, as before, be zealous in food.

Are there specific types or directions of this sin?

In gluttony, one can conditionally distinguish between two addictions: gluttony and guttural delusion.

Gluttony is inherently an insatiable desire for food, a kind of aggression of the body against the soul. That is, constant harassment from the womb, which every now and then requires a person to constantly consume food. This can be compared to the madness of the womb, which consumes any food indiscriminately. The stomach of such a person will be like a bag into which the miserly owner shoves all things indiscriminately, after which he can hardly drag unnecessary load behind him.

Larynx is a constant desire for delicious or gourmet food, that is, it is the sensuality of the larynx. Simply put, a person must eat in order to be able to live, but this person lives in order to eat. He prepares his menu in advance, paying too much attention to the dishes and choosing them carefully. He spends almost all his money on delicacies, as if the gambler loses his fortune in excitement.

There are other types of gluttony, such as secret eating, the desire to hide one's vice. Early-eating lies in the fact that a person, just waking up, immediately takes to food, even before he begins to feel hunger. It is vicious and hasty eating, in which a person tries to fill his stomach very quickly and swallows food without even chewing it like a turkey. Failure to observe fasts is considered sinful, as well as the use of various harmful products according to their lust of the larynx. The ancient ascetics generally considered it a sin of gluttony even to drink too much water.

How can we rid ourselves of gluttony?

The Holy Fathers recommend first limiting the use of spicy or appetite-irritating food. Then make yourself a restriction on sweet and laryngeal-pleasing food. Then you can already give up oily and fattening the body. You need to eat slowly, so the feeling of satiety will appear sooner.


It is necessary to get up after a meal in a state when the first hunger has already been satisfied, but the person still feels the thirst for food. Earlier there was even a custom to eat in silence. Any extraneous conversations will distract attention, and a person who is carried away by a conversation is likely to mechanically eat everything that is on the table. It would also be nice to read a prayer to yourself while eating.


We can say that the sin of gluttony is the gradual eating of the body of the soul, and the result of this is that the heavenly and spiritual principle gradually fades in a person, and he turns into blind flesh. To get rid of gluttony, you must give up spicy and appetite-irritating food, limit the use of sweets. And remember one rule - you need to get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger, then gluttony is not scary.

About gluttony
