Bushido code book, quotes. Yamamoto tsunetomo - quotes, aphorisms, sayings, phrases

Samurai were the most successful people of their time. As strategists and warriors during the Sengoku Jidai period, they became business executives and administrators during the Tokugawa era. In 1716, in Japan, the treatise Hagakure "hidden in foliage" was written, containing a list of basic principles that every samurai must follow. Here are some quotes from him.

About life and death

First of all, a samurai must remember - remember day and night, from the morning when he eats the first meal of the coming year until the last evening of the outgoing year, when he pays his debts. Remember that he must die. This is his main business.

If he always remembers this, he will be able to avoid a myriad of evils and misfortunes, save himself from illness and trouble, and enjoy a long life. He will become an outstanding personality endowed with excellent qualities. But if he does not remember death, he will be carefree and careless, he will speak words that offend others, thereby giving rise to disputes.

It makes no sense to die when people have a bad opinion of you. It is not good to let others get ahead of you, to be quick-tempered, ill-mannered or too timid, but if you help people and go towards even those who were at odds with you, you will be on good terms with everyone.

A true samurai does not think about victory and defeat. He fearlessly rushes towards inevitable death. If you do the same, you will wake up from your sleep.

Everything in this world is just a puppet show.

About success

Whatever it is, you can always get your way. If you show determination, your one word will be enough to shake heaven and earth. But the frail man does not show determination, and therefore, no matter how hard he tries, the earth and sky do not obey his will.

How should a person respond when asked, "What is most helpful in becoming diligent and reaching a goal?" First of all, let's say: "For this, you need to be in a clear, unclouded state of mind at this very moment." All people tend to look depressed. But if a person has a clear, uncomplicated disposition of the spirit, his features will be alive.

A person should always behave as if he has no equal. He must cherish his courage and feel worthy of others.

When you are told stories about outstanding people, you should listen to them very carefully, even if they are told to you not for the first time. If, listening to something for the tenth or twentieth time, you suddenly reach an understanding, it will be an unforgettable moment. In boring conversations about people of the past, the secrets of their great deeds are hidden.

About decision making

The samurai must make a decision within seven breaths and exhalations. If reflections last long, the result will be deplorable. If you do not think at all, seven out of ten things will be done poorly. With a strong, clear and undisturbed mind, you can make any decision. Remember that you always have seven breaths in and out to make a decision.

About self-improvement

If a person does not make efforts for his development and does not rely on the support of others, he will never be useful.

When you get caught in the rain, you can learn a useful lesson from this. If it starts raining unexpectedly, you don't want to get wet, so you run down the street to your house. But when you get home, you notice that you are still wet. If you decide from the very beginning not to quicken your pace, you will get wet, but you will not fuss. The same should be done in other similar circumstances.

If a person searches day and night for an opportunity to defeat a powerful enemy, he will not know fatigue and fear. This principle should also be applied in everyday life.

About the ability to listen

Outdoing other people is nothing more than letting them talk about your business and listen carefully to their advice. Ordinary people are attached to their opinions and therefore rarely outperform others. Meanwhile, talking to a person is a step towards surpassing him.

When someone expresses their opinion to you, you should be deeply grateful to him, even if you do not need it. If you don't appreciate him, next time he won't tell you what people say about you. One should strive to speak out and listen to the opinions of others favorably.

Do not speak if the matter can be settled without words.

About old age

Old age is manifested in the fact that a person yields to his inclinations. They are easy to hide while he is strong, but when he gets old, some traits of his character are conspicuous and dishonor him.

A man deprived of wisdom scolds his time. But this is the beginning of his downfall. He who is restrained in words will be useful in good times and will be able to avoid troubles in bad.

About respect for ancestors

The virtues of the people of the past can be judged by how their descendants act. In his actions, a person must show all the best that he inherited from his ancestors. That's what respect for ancestors is.

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Probably every second person was interested in the culture of Ancient Japan. We read about oriental quirks in encyclopedias, watched documentaries about the history of the Japanese of that time ... If the history of Ancient Japan it's cake, it's samurai culture this is the icing on the cake. After all, this is one of the most interesting topics. Particularly captivating is their Code, which is full of sayings, quotes that remain relevant to this day.

Who are the samurai?

The term "samurai" comes from the Japanese word "samurau", which means "to serve". Accordingly, a samurai is literally a "servant".

Samurai as a caste (estate) have existed throughout the history of Japan. They, as a rule, served the aristocrats. But centuries later, bushi (the second name of the samurai, which means "warrior"), having united in large clans, gained independence and power. Therefore, they ceased to serve as carriers of aristocratic blood.

Over the years, the clans succeeded each other, fighting for the honorary title of shogun - the general, the leader of Japan. He had real power, unlike the emperor. Probably the most important thing in the life of Japanese warriors is the way of the samurai. Yamamoto quote:

Don't let others outdo you in the way of the samurai.

These words emphasize their severe self-discipline. It is difficult to imagine what qualities and power one had to possess in order to become a shogun.

Samurai Code of Honor - Bushido

Bushido means "way of the warrior" in Japanese. Initially, it was a collection of postulates about the behavior of a warrior in general. But under the influence of Japanese culture in the XII century, Bushido was transformed into a separate set of rules for Japanese warriors - samurai.

The main idea of ​​the Code of Honor is that a warrior can die at any moment and must be aware of this. He must live and appreciate every minute of his life. Samurai quote: "Only that person is ready for death who lives a full life." The duty of a samurai is to devote all his free time to self-development and helping people.

In total there are 7 basic principles of the samurai: respect, justice, courage, virtue, honor, devotion and sincerity. All these qualities are the hallmarks of a true warrior. Through proper education, these qualities could be acquired.

Yamamoto Tsunetomo - the great samurai

Yamamoto Tsunetomo (also called Yamamoto Zete) is one of the most prominent representatives of the samurai culture of the 17th-18th centuries. Having become a monk at a mature age, he told many of his thoughts to his friend Tsuramoto Tashiro. Soon the samurai legend left this world, in 1716. His philosophical reflections were collected and published as a separate book called "Hagakure". This treatise was practically unknown until the beginning of the 20th century. Only since the 1930s has it become one of the most famous works explaining the ideas of Bushido.

About the book "Hagakure"

Hagakure in translation into Russian means "hidden in the foliage." This is a treatise on the code of honor of the samurai - Bushido. The main idea that this work carries is adherence to the Code. Every samurai walks the "Way of Death" or "lives as if the warrior is already dead". This means that he must be ready to die at any moment in order to preserve his honor. According to "Hagakure Kikigaki":

If there are two paths to choose from, there is only one quick and only way out - death.

This is the main idea and quote of the Samurai Code.

Most of the book is devoted to the life and role of the samurai in times of peace. The most interesting thing is that in non-war time, the life of a Japanese warrior is entirely devoted to preparation: physical, moral, psychological, in order to perform the very act without delay at the right time - refusing personal gain, in an extreme situation, to fulfill the order - to commit hara-kiri (or to do it voluntarily if the honor of the "servant" is affected).

The "Hagakure" contains an infinite number of instructions, following which you can change your life for the better.

In a nutshell about hara-kiri

Harakiri literally means "ripping open the abdomen". This form of suicide was used in cases where the honor of a warrior was affected, or by sentence - as a sign of devotion to his master - daimyo (and in other similar cases).

Injuries to the abdomen are the most painful, unlike other parts of the body.

When, for one reason or another, the samurai could not perform the seppuku ceremony, his dagger was replaced with a fan. The samurai touched his belly with a fan, and at that moment his assistant decapitated him.

The role of women in samurai culture

Surprisingly, women could also be samurai. Their main duty of honor is devotion to their husband, the same as the devotion of a samurai to his master. She could take on the role of an avenger for her husband, in his absence she took on the protection of the house from enemies.

The Code also allowed for the weak half of humanity to master martial arts. But, as a rule, the emphasis was on daggers. So, a woman always carried a short blade with her, hiding it in her hair or under her clothes. They also had a special rite of suicide called dzigai, which involved cutting the throat.

Quotes about samurai

The main advantage of Bushido, "Hagakure" is that almost every sentence from them can be entered into your notebooks, try to follow what is written down. Of course, it is impossible to mention everything now, but at least we will reproduce the main quotes of the samurai.

Tell me how he died?

“I will tell you how he lived.

This is one of the most striking quotes from The Last Samurai. The death of a person depends entirely on how he lived his life.

The one who treats the world as if it were a dream does the right thing.

Indeed, it is really stupid to take life too seriously, to take the events in it, whether they are good or bad, to heart. Anyway, the one who was born will surely die, and there is no point in holding on to your wealth and achievements in life. A vivid example is the testament of Alexander the Great: "Carry me around the city with your palms open to the outside, so that everyone can see that I do not take anything with me." Everything is transitory, nothing is eternal.

I don't know how to conquer others, I know how to conquer myself.

This is a Japanese interpretation of the proverb "if you want to change the world, start with yourself." If a person sees flaws in everything that surrounds him, then he needs to change himself, clean his heart from the dirt that has accumulated over long and long years of existence. Only by conquering yourself: your shortcomings, bad habits, flaws - you can fulfill your destiny in life - achieve self-awareness, find true happiness. There is no point in "building" other people, trying to change the world. Such attempts will fail.

Improve your mind, be human, and show courage.

This idea is relevant not only for the warriors of ancient Japan. This is also true today. Samurai said: "If you really want to become a samurai, you must know: there is nothing that he could not do." The possibilities of man are very great. Improving your mind, you can live your life really worth it.

Truly, there is nothing but the true purpose of the present moment.

This samurai quote is remarkable in that it calls for living in the present. After all, people usually think either about the future or about the past. Unfortunately, most have forgotten how to live today. So, people, dreaming about the future and grieving about the past, live their lives without finding happiness.

In conclusion, we can say that the samurai were amazing people. Their military traditions and principles are truly fascinating. If you try to plunge into their life, you can feel great respect and reverence for them, as they were exemplary warriors and men with a capital letter.

Prick in the mean, fierce pіvnіchnomu mіstі I grіv hands with a cup of tea and nіmіyuchimi fingers throats "Three centuries Okіnі-san" by Valentin Pikul. Fingers grimaced, and interest in literature about Japan lost. Lately, in the overgrown police of the reading room, I know the book "The Way of the Samurai" and today I want to tell you about it.

"Way of the Samurai" or "Hagakure" is a Japanese treatise dating back to the 17th-18th centuries. It’s not the same book, until the reader’s call is reached, there are no beginnings and climaxes, it’s his own paper blog about the code of honor, which is called “busido”.

What is the book about

Hagakure calls the true samurai to live like this, nibi win is already dead. The samurai is guilty, but ready to die at some point, having saved the military honor, tse and є head method. The collection consists of 11 small books with stories about the life of people at that time, their quotes, moods and joys.

Like a bachite, richly written by a modern reader will be more wondrous. Without going into details, it is possible to make whiskers, which at that time in Japan was easier to stratify all the participants in the wickedness, to figure out who is guilty of them. I often worked like that.

Regardless of the nameless Japanese terms and colloquial names, the book is easy to read, read in due time (so you don’t have to take the preparation to a heroic death on the battlefield to respect) you can get stuck in everyday life without difficulty.


The other title of the book is “About hooked in the leaves”, it was written out of words and stories told by the old samurai Yamamoto Tsunetomo, the third ruler of the Hidzen lands. Prihovane in the list is often super-read to current views on life. For example, if it’s not a samurai on the right, take up mysteries. The stench is for ordinary people, but the samurai needs to get his spirit and body in battle.

For a long time, "Hagakure" was drunk only in the clan of Nabesima, and in the reshti of Japan there were popular treatises similar to tsei, but with a greater honor to the art. For example, a quote about the other treatise, "Budo Session":

If you want to bushido in Persh Cherga, you need strength and mіts, volody only them - it means to be only rude samurai. To this, the samurai is guilty of knowing the letter and, as it is with the new one, an hour, to learn how to perform the tea ceremony.

Vtіm, not long music was playing. And here everything is reduced to one:

The samurai is guilty of all the constant remembrance, remembrance day and night, from that early, if you take chopsticks in your hands, to eat a new meal, until the last night of the old fate, if you pay your borg - you are guilty of dying. The axis of yoga head is on the right.

Reading "Hagakure", I robbed the notes in the margins, denoting the most important moments. І axis stink ...

Quotes from Hagakure: about battles

If I am chasing the enemy, I guess I will change in darkness. And yet, when I do, my mind is resting in peace, like a wine until the night, shining bright with the moonlight. Whenever I start a duel in this state, I know that I cannot be hurt. The axis of the war is to see the truth.

A good samurai does not think about defeat and defeat. Vin fearlessly throws himself towards inevitable death. If you do it yourself, you will fall into a dream.

Old-fashioned whistle: beyond the doors of vіdkrimi - and the enemy already beat them.

I don't know how to remake others; I know how to win over myself.

Smіlivіst - tse rіshuchіst to achieve your own price, against the very unfriendly environment.

The principle: "Overcome the back, we will fight" can be expressed in two words: "Stop the back." Important in training - easy in battle.

About the current world

Krіz dim and fog, everything is guessing, burn in the spring, after I finish everything, it's a clear day. You don’t dare to look up in clear weather.

Yakby we saw some one, who once robbed a pardon, then, apparently, we didn’t have brown people. A person who has stumbled once, is led to be richer judicious and bring more crust, to the one who survived the kayattya. Lyudina, she has never had mercy on a yak - she is not safe.

We do not lightly denigrate others. Adzhe of the one whom we praised, be prudent or foolish, become proud. Praise - means zavdavati shkodi.

In dealing with people, restlessness is important. Your companion may soon develop an animosity that the relationship with him is extremely important to you.

The one who knows even a little, be the mother of knowing.

As if bi-prejudicedly, the person did not bazhal the world in such a way that the world would be a hundred or more fates that it is impossible. Therefore, it is important to learn how to take a maximum of skin generation.

Zazdrіst, anger and foolishness - wadi, yakі it is easy to remember. Like in the world, filth is trapping, be surprised, and you will sing, that it couldn’t happen without these three waters.

About vminnya

In the art of krasnomovstva, smut is in the mind of movchati. How do you know that in your right you can do without roses, practice without uttering a word.

Study all your life diligently. On the next day, become more master, lower the day before, and on the coming day - greater master, lower today. Improvement is not possible.

Є speeches, as if we were aware of it. Speech, which we cannot understand, but we can understand. In addition, there are speeches that we cannot comprehend, no matter how hard we tried.

Navit filthy clerks reach success in the art of calligraphy, as if wine would be nonchalantly engaged in inheriting classical suvi.

About life

The one who swings from the side, marvel at the eighth eye.

A foolish person is the one who goes out of fuss. Robiti is necessary more.

Prior to important references, it is easy to put the next. Before the nesuttєvih references, the next is put seriously.

Be true to your current thoughts and don't get upset. Instead, to show yourself a wealth of thoughts, follow one, but allow it to change from mit to mit.

Truly, the life of a human being is three miles away, live and work for him, whatever you want.

It is impossible to live and not work pardons.

Your life on the right will not end in success, because you do not bachish the truth.

Tsіlespryamovanіst narodzhuє іnshі perevagi.

It is not necessary to be on guard for the whole hour. It is necessary to take into account that you are already dead.

Navіt yakscho ty perebachish your vdacha, varto you robit it wrong, and you will turn out to be a failure. And at the same hour, as if you were doing bad luck, but if you do it right, you will be spared.

It seems that following the Way of Wisdom means living today like this, you already died.

Rozum - tse vminnya rozmovlyat with people. In such conversations, unskinned wisdom is born. If you care that you don’t waste your mind, you can still be a manifestation of this old man’s bewilderment.

If you think about it for a long time, the result will be deplorable.

If the world comes step by step into the fall, it doesn’t matter to reach success.

The sense of the tea ceremony is to purify six senses. For the eyes, hang suvo and flower compositions. For the nose, smell. For wuh sounds okropu. For a company - relish tea. And for the hands and nig the correctness of the form. If you are cleansed five times in such a rank, the mind is cleansed by itself.

About children

Whipping the lad, first for everything, it is necessary to yearn for new courage. From the children of the wines, they are guilty of being placed before the fathers, like before the rulers. Vіn is guilty buti vіchlivim, dotrimuvatisya rules of behavior and stezhit for my mine. Vin is obliged to show patience, to serve people and to learn to walk correctly, if I go down the street. In the past, children were beaten the same way.

І to stop

Zastosovyte knowledge with reason. On the path of the samurai, remember that we live in a trio of other honed, lower than 200-300 years ago. Axis is a present for you a fun video from “Theory of the Great Vibuhu” on this topic:

Japan is the land of the rising sun and cherry blossoms. Here beauty coexists with self-discipline, and poetry with the art of war.

1. Before expressing your opinion to a person, think about whether he is able to accept it.

2. Having made a mistake, you need to correct it immediately. If this is done without delay, it will soon be forgotten.

3. He who grabs a sword while drunk shows not only recklessness, but also cowardice.

4. Samurai should avoid large quantities of sake, excessive pride and great luxury.

5. Asking when you know is being polite. Asking when you don't know is absolutely necessary.

6. When faced with setbacks and difficulties, it is not enough just not to worry. When faced with difficulties, one must boldly and joyfully rush forward.

Source: depositphotos.com

7. The severity of diseases and other misfortunes is determined by our attitude towards them.

8. A person is worthless if he does not understand that “now” and “that time” are one and the same.

9. If a person has not mastered his body and mind at the beginning, he will never overcome the enemy.

10. Only accept what can be completed in one day. Tomorrow will also be only one day.

11. Truly there is nothing but the true purpose of the present moment. The whole life of man is a succession of moments.

Source: depositphotos.com

12. You should weigh every word and invariably ask yourself if what you are going to say is true.

13. Learning makes a naturally intelligent person even smarter, and a naturally stupid person not so hopeless.

14. It is not given to a person to understand how much he can be mistaken in the mistakes of others or not understand them.

15. Trouble comes when people rely on the future, become lazy, idle and let things slip out of their hands; when, after much deliberation, they postpone urgent tasks, not to mention less important ones, believing that they can do them tomorrow.

16. People will live more peacefully if some aspects of their lives are left unattended. It is very important to understand this when evaluating people's behavior.

17. If you understand one thing, eight others will be revealed to you.

And we would like to coincide with this holiday a hundred "pearls of thought" from the land of the rising sun, which reflected the philosophy of the nation, its spirit, moral principles and life experience.

1. It’s not scary to retreat, it’s scary not to continue the fight.

2. From blind devotion not far to infidelity.

3. Money makes people strangers.

4. Both good and evil are in your heart.

5. In big things, small flaws are not considered.

6. Don't do what needs to be hidden.

7. Who can swim, he can drown.

8. Consider every stranger a thief.

9. Peppers have at least small grains, but they are very sharp.

10. And the master sometimes makes mistakes.

11. Do not spit up.

12. Even the face of the Buddha shines with money.

14. Where there is no fire, smoke does not rise.

15. And a sage from a thousand times, let him make a mistake once.

16. The neighbor's flowers are redder.

17. Worries are poison to health.

18. Easy to answer, but hard to lift.

19. Go the usual way in an unusual way.

20. Taking advantage of the chaos, look after your own interests.

21. As the master, so are the servants.

22. Every year you get older and smarter.

23. Take advantage of the loss.

24. Truthful speeches are not beautiful, beautiful speeches are not truthful.

25. Life to live - what a long way to go with a load on your back.

26. Without flaws - seven bad habits, and when they are, then - forty-eight.

27. Pride is hidden behind excessive modesty.

28. A trifle after a thief.

29. A man is still a boy at forty and fifty years old.

30. As long as there is life, there is hope.

31. Not only did you fall, they will also step on you.

32. If skillfully handled, both a fool and blunt scissors can come in handy.

33. Set sail with your talent.

34. In friendship, also know the limit.

35. Money is the enemy.

36. Woe is everywhere, like the wind in the pines.

37. And a round egg can be cut so that it becomes square.

38. Victory goes to the one who endures half an hour more than his opponent.

39. Strangers come to feast, their own to grieve.

40. Talking is easy - doing is difficult.

41. There is a fire nearby, and he warms his hands.

42. Easy to say, hard to do.

43. Enough for every day of his care.

44. Friends in misfortune pity each other.

45. There is no place like home.

46. ​​The greatest treasure in the world is children.

47. A person does well what he loves.

48. Pathetic apology after a gross mistake.

49. Better one cry of a crane than a thousand chirps of a sparrow.

50. A monkey and that one falls from a tree.

51. The ship on which he boarded will not turn back.

52. Hungry wolf - guard the kitchen.

53. I needed it - they made it a tiger, the need passed - they turned it into a mouse.

54. Waiting is always long.

55. When violence comes into the yard, justice leaves.

56. Better at least late than not to do it.

57. Getting up early is equal to the three virtues.

58. He is such that he will crawl from eye to nose.

59. To lend money to a friend is to lose him.

60. Sincerity is a precious quality of a person.

61. And a simple matter can be confused.

62. Meekness often breaks strength.

63. Don't make decisions after hearing only one side.

64. After the victory, tighten the helmet straps.

65. The one who smells bad does not feel it himself.

66. Check seven times before you doubt a person.

67. He who loves people lives long.

68. Better to be an enemy of a good person than a friend of a bad one.

69. With those who praise you, be careful.

70. Exactly in the bullseye.

71. Water takes the form of a vessel into which it is poured, and a person receives good or evil from his friends.

72. Silence is a wonderful flower.

73. Unhappiness and happiness are intertwined like fibers in a rope.

74. Of vices, the greatest is debauchery; of virtues, the highest is filial duty.

75. Even a thief takes ten years to learn.

76. Time does not wait for a person.

77. It is easier to find ten thousand soldiers than one general.

78. Cheap to buy - money to lose.

79. Whoever is in a hurry will not become a master.

80. Great talents ripen slowly.

81 One person cannot rule the world, the world belongs to everyone.

82. Do not be afraid to bend a little, straighten up straighter.

83. A naked man has nothing to lose.

84. Pampering a child is like leaving him.

85. A woman wants to - she will pass through the rock.

86. Your anger is your enemy.

87. A horse is recognized in riding, a person in communication.

88. God lives in an honest heart.

89. The endurance of a horse is known on the road, the temper of a person - over time.

90. Vouch for money, never for a person.

91. They give birth to a body, but not a character.

92. He who drinks does not know about the dangers of wine; who does not drink, he does not know about its benefits.

93. Where there is no sense of duty and the human eye, everything is possible there.

94. A person's appearance is deceptive.

95. If you want to know yourself, ask others.

96. Treat an old man like a father.

97. If you want to know a person, get to know his friends.

98. Who is poor is stupid.

99. Money clings to money.

100. Ear ripens - bows its head; a person gets rich - he lifts his head.
