What is “house balance” and how to provide it to owners. What is a “house balance” and how to provide it to the owners Features of separating bills in your own home

1. Two owners, the apartment is divided into unequal parts. There is only one personal account. Who will receive payment receipts?

1.1. Divide personal accounts in court.

1.2. The receipt must be sent to all owners.

2. Shared owners in the apartment, two separate personal accounts. One of the owners does not live in the apartment, the other owner has a registered family, all utilities are paid in full by the living owner. The management company began charging utility bills to the non-residing and unregistered owner, citing the separation of persons. bills turned an ordinary apartment into a communal apartment, and gas and garbage fees are also charged to the non-residing owner. The Criminal Code gave such an order. Is this legal? In fact, the accrual is for a non-resident person only because he is the owner.

2.1. Hello.

Of course it's legal.

3. We have an apartment for two owners. Two personal accounts. Previously, we paid for water at the average tariff; meters were installed. How to transfer evidence to both owners? Or should someone hand it over from the apartment?

3.1. Since you have different personal accounts, then everyone pays according to their own personal account.

4. I have had funds debited from my megaphone personal account twice. The operator writes that on the 17th there was a charge for my previous “Turn on Talk” tariff in the amount of 380 rubles and on the 27th when I topped up the account for the new “Turn on Write” tariff. And they write that you changed the tariff yourself, so all write-offs are correct. How to justify the illegality of their actions?

4.1. Hello! Call your SIM card operator and ask a specialist to draw up an application for a refund.

5. Good health to everyone! in 2005, I divided my personal account into two according to the court. In the court ruling, since I have two children, it was said that the mother would pay for housing and communal services for her minor daughter (we were divorced by that time, but lived in the same living space), and I would pay for my minor son. My son was 14 years old at the time, and now he’s already 32, and I continue to pay for him. Please advise where to go and what to do to stop this. It turns out that the son de facto lives on his daughter’s share (my daughter and I have 1/2 shares of the apartment) and pays according to receipts that come in the daughter’s name. The daughter lives separately, she has another home, but she is a co-owner. It turns out that the same payment, say for water, is made twice. The son pays, according to the divided bill, for his daughter, and I, according to the court's ruling, continue to pay for my son, because... it has been included in my personal account since 2005. What should I do? Thank you.

5.1. You have the right to conclude a new agreement only with the co-owners of the property in the management company with the participation of a specialist on the division of the personal account. You can draw up a draft agreement yourself with the participation of your children.
The obligation to pay housing and communal services falls on all persons (owners registered regardless of whether they live or not at another address). Articles 153 and 154 of the RF Housing Code provide for such an obligation.

6. In half the house there are two different personal accounts, one has electricity and the other does not. Do electricians have the right, without my consent, to run a cable around the perimeter of my kitchen if we are soon going to design an extension and then the cable will be inside.

6.1. Until the extension is completed, electricians cannot run cables along your internal wall without your knowledge.

7. My husband and I live in a two-room apartment, we have two personal accounts for the installation of communal meters, they charge me and him the same amount, they explain that payment is taken from the personal account and not from sq. m. How to find out the truth, thank you.

7.1. What truth you want to know is completely unclear.

8. 4-room apartment, two personal accounts, one for three privatized rooms, I am the owner, the second for one privatized room, the owners are me and my daughter. How to combine these two accounts into one?


8.1. Good afternoon
You and your daughter need to contact the Criminal Code with an application to merge your personal accounts into one. The management company merges accounts and sends information to the Unified Center.
Then you need to submit an application to all servicing utilities - water utility, city gas, telecommunications, etc. with a statement that you have combined accounts and you need to close one personal account in the apartment and leave another for payment.

9. Is it possible to separate the personal bill for payment for heating and housing maintenance if there are two owners in the same room?

9.1. Good afternoon.
Of course you can! Owners of residential premises or tenants can determine the procedure for their participation in payment for residential premises. Paying only for yourself is your right and no one can stop it. But in the absence of the consent of all interested parties, this can only be done in court.

9.2. Since March 1, 2005, the issue of separating personal accounts is not regulated by law.
You can only allocate a share in paying utility bills.

10. The question is this. Can there be two tenants in a two-room municipal apartment? Personal accounts are not separated. In my apartment, unknown people unintentionally registered, the house cards indicate that there is one tenant in one room, and another tenant in the other room. Is this possible? Thank you.

10.1. Good evening, this is not considered by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

11. Who should pay housing and communal services and the debt accumulated over two years, if the personal account has not been divided, but there is a capable family member who is registered and lives in an apartment that was inherited in equal shares to two family members, one of whom has no relation to payment until the account is reissued? Thank you.

11.1. Good afternoon
The responsibility to pay for utilities is borne by both the owners and citizens living in the residential premises who are not the owners.
In this case, you need to consider whether there are metering devices? If they are not available, then utility bills are calculated based on the number of residents in a given residential premises. Moreover, if a person has not actually lived for some time, then a recalculation for this period is possible.
To do this, you must submit an application to management company.
If there are metering devices and there is only one agreement with the management company, then one of the owners can pay, no matter who.
In order to divide a personal account, the management company needs to enter into an agreement with each of the owners, then each will be sent separate receipts for payment for services.

11.2. Not like that.
He is obliged to pay from the moment of death of the testator, in proportion to his property right, which he subsequently formalized.

12. Re-registered the cold water account in my apartment, purchased two years ago. Recently I received a receipt with a large debt, which was formed because the personal account was under the previous owner, and there were fewer people registered. Please tell me whether there is liability if you pay off the debt in installments? Only 12,000 rub. If, say, 3000 monthly. A month had not passed since receiving the receipt when I pulled out the pre-trial notice from the box.

12.1. Write them a reasoned statement and ask for an installment plan; you should write it in two copies, and the receiving party must sign yours.

13. Hello. We have two rooms in a communal apartment. They are on separate personal accounts. Only two people are registered. And the bills come for three people. “You have two personal accounts, so it is considered that there are two owners and one person is registered for a total of 3 people,” says the homeowners association accountant. It is not possible to install a counter yet.

13.1. Hello! How many owners are there? In the absence of metering devices, they are calculated according to the number of owners and registered in the apartment. Only owners are considered not by the number of personal accounts, but by the ownership rights established in the title documents.

14. It took me two months to assign a long-service pension. According to my personal account in the organization where I work, I was on maternity leave. But in reality I was working at that time. There is my entry in the class register (my handwriting). How can I prove it, or how can I properly draw up a document to restore these two months?

14.1. Based on the circumstances described in the question, you cannot prove it. The law allows for part-time work during the period of parental leave, but the person in this case will do exactly the same on such leave, which is not included in the special length of service.

15. I want to combine two personal accounts in a communal apartment. According to the first personal account, the owner is me and my son in equal shares; according to the second personal account, I am the owner. What needs to be done for this?

15.1. Hello. From March 1, 2005 (the moment the Housing Code of the Russian Federation came into effect), it is impossible to separate personal accounts - this would mean concluding several social contracts. hiring, which is not provided for by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. But you can ask that receipts for housing and utility services be issued only to you and pay everyone only for themselves. I wish you good luck. IN.

15.2. Good afternoon, Natalya! If the accounts were divided by a court decision, then merger is possible through the courts. If there was a voluntary agreement to establish a payment procedure, then terminate it voluntarily.

16. I have two apartments in one building. Two personal accounts. I am selling one apartment and there is an overpayment for gas according to the meter of 1000 cubic meters. Can this overpayment be transferred to my other personal account?

16.1. You can, since personal accounts are opened in your name. To do this, you need to write an application to the subscriber department of the relevant housing and communal services organization.

17. I own a room in a communal apartment, only two personal accounts. I decided to rent it out, the neighbors started changing the lock, they didn’t give me the keys, I couldn’t get in - I changed it and left them the keys. In two weeks, 14 thousand had to be paid for opening and replacement. The police refuse to intervene and do not draw up a report. How to solve the situation correctly?

17.1. File a claim to remove the obstacle to use and reimburse the costs of replacing the lock and legal system. expenses. Only the ruble can move towards solving the problem.

17.2. Hello, Elena! You can go to court to remove obstacles to use and recover costs incurred.
Sincerely, Marina Sergeevna.

17.3. If you arrive, but the common door has a different lock, ask for the keys.
If they don’t let you, then draw up a report with the management company that they won’t let you in, they won’t give you the keys, they won’t open the door.
Then call a locksmith and record the costs via a receipt.
Then a lawsuit is filed to recover costs and remove obstacles to the use of the room.

You have no right to rent out your room, even a communal one, which has a separate certificate of ownership or tenancy, without their consent.

18. Hello! If there are two personal accounts for payment in a privatized apartment, when moving residents to new houses, can we count on two apartments?

18.1. The personal account is not divided. He is always alone. They simply give you separate receipts. And they will give you an apartment based on the area of ​​the old one.

19. We have a two-room apartment and two owners and a common personal account, is it possible to create two different personal accounts, and how?

19.1. Perhaps contact the management organization with an application and ask to determine the procedure for payment by shares for each owner.
I will refuse the lawsuit.

20. In 3 rooms. There are two personal accounts for the apartment, I have 30 sq. m., my mother and brother have 36 sq. m. Everything is privatized, I have two owners of 1/2 each and they have the same. Living there is impossible; scandals, criminal cases and other provocations against me and my son are the norm for them. In January 2017, I sent them a registered letter with an offer to buy our shares from us, the answer was: we won’t buy, and we won’t let anyone sell it, and you won’t be able to rent it out. The story is old, dating back to the 90s. Recent years 5 I haven’t paid the rent, I’ve accumulated a debt of 130,000 thousand, I can no longer delay the payment because... I’m raising two children alone, no one helps, and I can’t even go into this apartment for half an hour because of scandals, I’m afraid. I don’t understand how this can be, I can’t live there, but I have to pay rent. Is it possible for me to file a lawsuit for the forced sale of this apartment or a share in this apartment, oblige them to do something, because... I have nowhere to live, I wander around among my friends like a homeless person.

20.1. If you have two personal accounts for separate rooms in an apartment, your apartment is communal and you can sell your rooms to anyone. You cannot force your relatives to sell theirs. The court cannot do this either.

20.2. Since there were two personal accounts, there were separate hirings, and therefore there was a separate privatization. Therefore, everyone has a clean communal apartment and you do not need consent to rent out your room, since it is not shared property with them.
You have the right to sell your room to anyone, no lawsuits are needed for this.
Regarding rent, provide the manager with a certificate of non-occupancy and non-accrual of payments, but then there must be water meters in the apartment.

21. There are two owners in a private house. The property is shared, not divided. The personal account is registered for one person. If this one sells his share, does the original owner need the consent of the second owner to re-register a personal gas account? Thank you.

21.1. Hello, if the share is sold, the new owner will either need to make his own personal accounts, with separate meters, or take your consent.

22. Please tell me - the house has one owner, but there are two personal accounts for gas. The limit is 3500 cubic meters at one price, and above at another price. In city gas, two meter readings are added and counted. This is right? Or is it still correct to pay according to each meter separately?

22.1. It is necessary to look at why there are two bills, if there is one owner, then the calculation is correct based on the subscription agreement

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05/06/2011 N 354 (as amended on 09/09/2017) “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings" (

22.2. If there is one owner, then it is convenient to have one personal account and one price. One metering device. And pay according to it. You need to contact Gorgaz to make one personal account.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 2008 N 549 (as amended on September 9, 2017) “On the procedure for supplying gas to meet the municipal and household needs of citizens” (together with the “Rules for the supply of gas to meet the municipal and household needs of citizens”)
III. Procedure and conditions for execution of the contract. Rights and obligations of the parties when executing the contract

19. The rights and obligations of the parties during the execution of the contract are determined by the Civil Code Russian Federation, other federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, terms of the agreement and these Rules.
20. The subscriber has the right:
a) demand a round-the-clock supply of gas of adequate quality without limiting its volume;
b) raise the issue of reducing the amount of payment for supplied gas in the event of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations by the gas supplier;
c) demand changes to the terms of the contract regarding the transition to the procedure for determining the volume of gas consumed according to the readings of gas meters in the case of installation of such devices in a room whose gas supply must be ensured.
21. The subscriber is obliged:
a) pay for the consumed gas on time and in full;
b) immediately notify the gas supplier about damage to the seal(s) installed by the gas supplier at the point where the gas meter is connected to the gas pipeline, damage to the seal(s) of the gas meter installed by the manufacturer or the organization that carried out the verification, as well as about a malfunction of the device gas metering;
c) ensure that the gas meter is presented within the established time frame for verification;
d) inform the gas supplier of information about the readings of the gas meter within the period established in the contract, unless another method for the gas supplier to obtain such information is established by the contract;
e) install and operate gas-using equipment that meets the technical requirements established for it, immediately notify the gas supplier of changes in the composition of gas-using equipment;
f) notify the gas supplier in writing within 5 days of the following facts:
change in the number of persons permanently residing in residential premises, as well as temporary residence of citizens in residential premises for more than a month and the number of such citizens;
change in the size (area, volume) of heated residential and non-residential premises;
change in the number and type of farm animals and poultry kept on private farms;
changing the type of gas consumption;
g) ensure the safety of gas meters and seals, use gas-using equipment in accordance with the established requirements for its operation;
h) immediately report to the emergency dispatch service about accidents, leaks and other emergency situations that arise when using gas;
i) ensure access for representatives of the gas supplier to gas metering devices and gas-using equipment for inspection;
j) ensure the proper technical condition of in-house and (or) in-apartment gas equipment, timely conclude an agreement on maintenance and repair of intra-house and (or) intra-apartment gas equipment.
(paragraph "k" as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 14, 2013 N 410)

22. The gas supplier is obliged:
a) ensure a round-the-clock supply of gas of appropriate quality to the subscriber in the required quantity;
b) at the request of the subscriber, install a seal at the point where the gas meter is connected to the gas pipeline within 5 working days from the date of receipt of such an application. The initial installation of the seal is carried out at the expense of the gas supplier, subsequent ones (including when restoring the gas meter after verification or repair) are paid by the subscriber;
c) carry out inspections at least once a year;
(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 14, 2013 N 410)
(see text in the previous edition)
d) notify to established by the agreement the subscriber's order regarding the date and time of the inspection, as well as changes in gas prices (tariffs);
e) provide subscribers, upon their requests, with information about additional and related services to gas supplies and their costs;
f) ensure the receipt of notifications transmitted by subscribers in accordance with the requirements of subparagraph "b" of paragraph 21 of these Rules, and applications for the installation of a seal at the installation site of the gas meter and for inspections, registration of such notifications and applications, as well as provision of time information to subscribers and the registration number of the notification (application) received from them;
g) ensure the fulfillment of subscriber requests within 5 working days.
23. The gas supplier has the right:
a) when conducting inspections, visit the premises where the specified devices and equipment are installed, with prior notification to the subscriber of the date and time of the inspection;
b) unilaterally suspend gas supply until full repayment the subscriber is in arrears to pay for consumed gas;
c) if gas meters are available, determine the volume of gas consumed in accordance with the standards for its consumption in the cases specified in paragraphs 28, 30 and 31 of these Rules.

Basic rules for accounting for supplied gas, determining the volume of gas consumed and calculating the amount of gas fees
Payments for gas
The procedure and conditions for suspending the execution of the contract, making changes to it and terminating it.

22.3. There is too little information, but try to contact us in writing, they must give an answer and calculate it yourself since there are consumption limits and, in addition, the price differs for a gas stove and a gas boiler for heating.

The procedure for determining the price of liquefied gas

Documents defining the procedure for calculating and approving the price of liquefied gas:

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 1995 N 332 (as amended on September 4, 2015) “On measures to streamline state regulation of prices for gas and raw materials for its production”

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2000 N 1021 "On state regulation of gas prices, tariffs for services for its transportation and fees for technological connection of gas-using equipment to gas distribution networks on the territory of the Russian Federation"

Order of the FTS of Russia dated June 15, 2007 N 129-e/2 (as amended by Order of the FTS of the Russian Federation dated April 29, 2008 N 110-e/7)

"About approval methodological instructions on regulation of retail prices for liquefied gas sold to the population for domestic needs"

Standards for various types of gas consumption are set separately.

46. ​​The consumption standard for utility services for gas supply in residential premises is determined based on the following areas of use:

A) cooking using gas stoves;

B) heating water for household and sanitary needs using a gas heater or gas stove (in the absence of a centralized hot water supply);

C) heating (in the absence of centralized heating).

47. When used in residential areas apartment buildings or residential buildings of gas in several directions at the same time, the gas utility consumption standard for consumers living in such houses is determined for each direction of gas use.

22.4. Hello! If there is one owner of the house, one consumer of services under an agreement with the gas supply organization (subscriber). Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 2008 N 549 (as amended on September 9, 2017) “On the procedure for supplying gas to meet the municipal and domestic needs of citizens” 1. These Rules regulate the relations arising during the supply of gas to meet the municipal and household needs of citizens in accordance with the gas supply agreement (hereinafter referred to as the agreement), including establishing the specifics of the conclusion, execution, amendment and termination of the agreement, its essential terms, as well as the procedure for determining the volume of gas consumed and the amount of payment for it.
“subscriber” is a party to the contract who is obliged to accept the supplied gas and pay for it. The subscriber can be individual(citizen), including the owner (tenant) of a residential building, purchasing gas to satisfy personal, family, household and other needs not related to business activities, or a legal entity (management organization, homeowners association, housing construction, housing and other specialized cooperative) purchasing gas as communal resource to provide citizens with public gas supply services; I don’t see the point in dividing the payment according to different counters, unless, of course, one person pays for everything.

23. There is a room in a communal apartment, it is divided into two personal accounts, what kind of living space will we get when moving in - renovation, one apartment or two separate ones?

23.1. If you have a split utility bill. then you will be given a one-room apartment for everyone. Or privatize the room and then you can buy something else with an additional payment.

24. Initially, in a two-room social rental apartment there were two tenants with different personal accounts. Later they merged and the tenant of the apartment became one person. The tenant's son is also registered in this apartment. After the death of the employer, the son tries to re-register the contract in his name, but he is refused because he cannot provide a decision on merging the financial personal account. What to do in this situation?

24.1. Receive a written refusal and go to court.
And/Or contact a lawyer and, with his help, try to solve the problem before trial.

24.2. Good afternoon, Anna! Most likely, the merger was by court decision; there is such a decision in the archives of the Criminal Code and Housing Office. Try writing a written request to the archives. If you cannot find the original source, then obtain an official refusal to enter into an agreement in the name of your son and appeal the decision in court. Every problem has a solution, the main thing is to be able to find it. Thank you for using the site's services!

24.3. If the accounts were merged, then information about this should be in the MFC. If you have two accounts registered there, then you know that there was such a solution, then you need to look for it. Usually the merger was made by application. If you are paying on one personal account, but were previously paying on two, if you refuse to conclude a social lease agreement for the entire apartment, you will need to go to court and prove that there was an association. But first, try it without judgment.

24.4. Well, at least he has social rent for one room. It is necessary to apply in writing for the conclusion and execution of a written agreement. Refusal to get r in court to prove the entire apartment.

25. Registered in a communal apartment with two personal accounts. The general electricity meter was registered to me. In 2013, I moved to live in another city, and before leaving, my neighbor and I contacted the energy sales office with an application to transfer the personal account from me to him. The account was transferred, and on the receipts he was indicated as the main payer. Now, through the government services website, I received a notification that my court debt for housing and communal services of 30,000 rubles has not been repaid, I contacted the bailiff, they said that the claim was brought by the energy sales. They started debiting money from the card. Tell me what to do?

25.1. Hello It was probably a court order, it’s easy to cancel, just take a copy of it and write a statement to the same judge in literally 2 lines that you do not agree with him and then give the ruling to cancel the court order to the bailiffs to terminate the enforcement proceedings and wait for a new appeal to this time you will be summoned to court, where you need to look at the claims on what they are based on and In addition, in court you need to petition for the application of Article 333 of the Civil Code to you to reduce the penalty if the claim is really justified. But in your case I don’t see the justification .

If you are refused, you have the right to go to court with an appropriate claim.
All the best to you and successful resolution of the problem. Thank you for choosing our site.

27. Hello! Please tell me that the housing department’s personal account always went to my sister (we are two owners), i.e. She entered into an agreement with the railway company, but 2 months ago all the receipts began to go to me and I am the employer of the services, I didn’t sign anything with anyone, are their actions legal? How to get my sister back as an employer, because she entered into contracts.

27.1. Contact the management organization and find out this issue. In general, it doesn’t matter who the personal account is in. Both owners must pay for housing and utilities.

The procedure for generating accounting entries is based on the recognition of certain accounts accounting active, passive or active-passive. Accordingly, an increase in various accounting objects can be reflected not only exclusively in the debit or credit of any account. On separate accounting accounts an increase in accounting objects can be reflected in both debit and credit of the same account, depending on the situation. What account is accounting account 02 “Depreciation of fixed assets” ()?

02 account: active or passive?

The characteristics of account 02 are contained in the Instructions for the use of the Chart of Accounts for accounting the financial and economic activities of organizations (Order of the Ministry of Finance dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n).

This account summarizes information about depreciation accumulated during the operation of fixed assets.

Accrued depreciation is reflected on the credit of account 02 in correspondence, as a rule, with the accounts of production costs or sales expenses:

Debit accounts 20 “Main production”, 26 “General business expenses”, 44 “Sales expenses”, etc. – Account credit 02

But, of course, these are not the only accounts that are debited. In posting D 91 - K 02, the accounting account shows that depreciation is taken into account as part of other expenses. Such an entry may occur, for example, if depreciation of equipment leased is accrued (when such rental is not systematic) (clause 11 of PBU 10/99).

Considering that depreciation of fixed assets is accumulated on the credit of account 02, this accounting account is passive. But it is important that at the same time in the passive balance sheet it is not reflected. After all, the balance is formed in a net assessment (clause 35 of PBU 4/99). In relation to fixed assets, this means they are reflected in the balance sheet at their residual value. In other words, the accounting value (recorded as the debit of account 01) is reduced by the credit balance of account 02 as of the reporting date.

As for analytical accounting on account 02, it is maintained for individual inventory items of fixed assets.

How to close account 02 “Depreciation of fixed assets”?

Considering that account 02 is passive, the amount of accrued depreciation is reduced (written off) by debiting this account. How to close 02 account? When disposing of fixed assets (sale, write-off, gratuitous transfer, etc.), the amount of depreciation accumulated at the time of disposal is written off as follows (Order of the Ministry of Finance dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n):

Debit account 02 – Credit account 01 “Fixed assets”

As a result of this kind of operation, for example, the balance sheet for account 02 will reflect not only credit, but also debit turnover.

When talking about synthetic account 02, it is important not to confuse it with subaccount 02 to other accounts. For example, account 68.02 in accounting has nothing to do with depreciation. After all, account 68 is “Calculations for taxes and fees,” and 02 in this case is a subaccount to account 68, indicating the type of tax. As a rule, account 68.02 reflects information on settlements with the budget for VAT.

In Russia there are various shapes home ownership; these include privatized apartments, municipal, communal apartments, private houses, specialized housing stock (dormitories). In every housing situation, from time to time there is a need to split a personal account. The section of the personal account in a private house looks especially interesting, which is usually associated with a large number of home owners, resulting from inheritance or another option, when the house was built or purchased by spouses and registered as joint ownership. If the house was inherited, these could be siblings who are related to each other. During a divorce, former family members become complete strangers, but some of them remain with children. One of the spouses does not want to pay for the other because the former spouse leads an immoral lifestyle or does not want to simply pay; or there may be a situation that he left and does not live and does not pay, believing that, not living in a residential building, he should not pay utilities.

How to divide utility costs to pay for a private house received by inheritance.

Several children who lived together can inherit a house from their parents. They may have families, the composition of the family may be different and their financial status may not be the same. Living together, they can pay utility bills jointly by paying a common receipt. But it is not always possible to raise money to pay on time; some do not have the opportunity, others simply do not have enough funds. This is where the problem of timely payment arises. In order not to accumulate debt, families, by joint agreement or by decision of one of the families, decide to divide the personal account in a private house. All owners of a private home have the right to this. Registered residents have the right to reside, and payment must be made by agreement with the owners. If the house is jointly owned, it is first necessary to determine the ownership shares of each family or each family member. There are two ways to allocate shares from common property. The first is a peace agreement, when the owners of a private house themselves determine the shares. If agreement is reached, they contact a notary office, where in the presence of a notary everyone signs, and the entire document is certified by a notary.

Allocation of shares in a private house in court.

But the decision to divide property does not always go smoothly; some are not happy with the allocated share or the process of dividing the house in general. It gets to the point where they begin to make separate entrances to the house and the house takes on the appearance of a barracks. No one from the family wants to give up their share, due to the fact that the cost of the share may be high or there is no other place to live. You should also know that the land under the house has value, for example, take the cost of land in Moscow or the Moscow region. To divide property, they file a lawsuit in the district court, where they ask to divide the common property into shares in a legal manner. The court, based on laws and documents, will make a decision on the allocation of shares. Based on the court decision, they apply to the Registration Chamber to obtain a certificate of ownership, which can be obtained a month after submitting the documents. Now the next step will be the division of the personal account.

The procedure for filing an application for division of a personal account in court.

Few people know how to properly file a claim in court, so you should seek advice from a lawyer, he will draw up the correct form. statement of claim and can send it to court. By law, the division of a personal account is prohibited; this was possible until 2005, that is, before the adoption of the new Housing Code of the Russian Federation. Now the courts do not divide bills based on articles, but allocate a share of the payment. This means that the financial account will remain the same, but two or more receipts for payment of utilities will be generated, based on the size of the ownership share, that is, the procedure for paying for housing is determined. In this case, everyone will pay themselves and be responsible for paying the bills. Now everyone will be responsible for delays with their own ruble. If payment of utility services is delayed by more than three months, the management company has the right to go to court to collect the debt. Collection can be carried out forcibly with the involvement of bailiffs. They will come to your home and inspect your property, and they may also block the operation of bank cards, to which wages are also transferred. And until you pay everything, they will not leave you, but unblock bank card, this is a whole story that requires a separate conversation.

Having received the court decision in your hands, go to the management company, where you write a statement about the division of utility bills. If you receive services directly, each owner enters into a separate agreement with the utility provider. This means, for example, that a service agreement is concluded with the water utility for the supply of water, and with the electrical network for the supply of electricity.

Features of separation of bills in your own home.

Dividing the personal account in the house is also possible from a technical point of view; it is possible to install several meters there to account for water and electricity consumption. To do this, just contact local organizations that supply water and electricity. This will be paid work, but it will be carried out according to the rules, in compliance with safety precautions based on technical standards. Do not attempt to connect water, electricity, and especially gas yourself. Now that each family will have their own meter, they will be able to use water as they wish. If parents and adult children split the bills, then it is clear that the parents’ expenses will be less than those of a young family with children.

Often the personal accounts of families where someone has benefits for utilities (disabled people, war veterans, other categories of beneficiaries) are divided. According to its own separate account, a family with benefits will pay less, for example, if there are two people in the family, but one of them is disabled of some group, then the disabled person pays for himself 50% of the cost of all utilities. For example, if you received 1000 rubles for water, then for two in the family it will be 500 rubles, these 500 rubles, which apply to a disabled person, are multiplied by 50%, this will be 250 rubles, which will constitute a benefit. A family of two with one beneficiary will pay only 750 rubles for water instead of 1,000 rubles. And if you take all services, the savings will be 25% of the cost of the receipt. If two people in a family have benefits, the payment discount will be 50%. This is a significant amount, especially for retirees.



2 AUTOMATED CONTROL SYSTEMS In the age of computer technology, it is difficult to imagine a modern enterprise without an automated control system. Housing and communal services management companies were the first to use automation in the field of public services, creating interactive home ownership websites with prompt provision of up-to-date information and personal accounts for residents for feedback. Currently, a quiet life outside the city in gardening and dacha cooperatives has become a worthy alternative to cramped cities with eternal traffic jams and a polluted environment. The growing interest of people in country life poses new challenges for gardening management. The number of permanent residents is increasing, they are becoming more demanding, the quality and capacity of the infrastructure that previously satisfied everyone is no longer enough, the volume of expenses and payments is growing, the issues of more detailed and subtle budget planning, as well as effective personnel management and interaction with residents, are becoming relevant. . To solve these problems, we offer you the horticultural accounting program “2 ACCOUNTS - Home”


4 MAIN FUNCTIONS: 1. Maintaining a unified database of gardening members with all contact information, as well as data on property objects; 2. Maintaining internal financial accounting gardening; 3. Drawing up estimates and creating a gardening budget; 4. Generation of various reports on gardening in general, by groups of owners, for each owner separately for each type of payment for a fixed and arbitrary period of time; 5. Maintaining internal document flow of gardening, printing various documents based on our own ready-made templates: contracts for resource consumption, acts of installation of metering devices, notifications to debtors, lists of gardening members, reconciliation acts, receipts for payment, etc.; 6. Maintaining a register of payments, printing receipts cash orders(with meter readings, advance payments and debts); 7. Import of readings from automated meters for electricity, water and other resources;

5 MAIN FUNCTIONS: 8. Notifying gardening members about various events and activities using SMS messages; 9. Individual calculation of payments for each owner, possible calculation based on the size of the plot (based on the number of acres); 10. Printing notices in form PD4 for non-cash payments through the bank’s cash desk; 11. Possibility of calculating defaulters and persons who consume resources without accounting; 12. Possibility of network work in the program ( workplace chairman, accountant, cashier, electrician, etc. with appropriate differentiation of access rights); 13. The ability to import and export data into various programs and data formats, including: 1 C Accounting, Word, Excel, etc.; 14. Formation of the annual gardening budget, income and expenses, execution of estimates, deviation of costs from planned values.

6 COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES: 1. Program 2 ACCOUNTS-House is a completely independent software product and is not an add-on to other programs, clones of 1C Accounting and other similar programs, accordingly, only the program is updated, there is no need to update the add-on, no need to buy a new version when updating the add-on and etc.; 2. The program and the protected MS SQL database are stored separately and if you reinstall or accidentally delete the 2 ACCOUNTS-Home program, you will not lose your data, in addition, the program allows you to make backup copies of the database to removable media; 3. The program is installed on a local computer and does not store personal data of owners in cloud services. In the module Personal account The owner only stores data on his payments and debts, access to which is carried out through the personal account number of the owner. 4. The license for the program is unlimited. Free updates to the program for 1 year. 5. Any report, any program table can be exported to MS Excel, MS Word and create your own reports;

7 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Operating system: 32 or 64-bit Windows 7, Windows 8; Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo, better - Core i3, i5, i7, AMD Phenom II; Memory: 2GB RAM (and higher) + free space on HDD 1-5 GB (for SQL Express and DB); Video card: any with a resolution of 1366x768 and higher; Availability of installed MS Office 2003 (Word, Excel) and higher (except for the MS Office Starter version); Availability of the Microsoft NET Framework 3.5 package and higher (can be installed during the installation process of the program); Availability of MS SQL Express (can be installed during the installation process of the program); Availability of a printer (for printing reports and documents).

8 MAIN MODULES: 1. Owner card (personal data); 2. Payments: Electricity, Water, Gas, Target fees, Membership fees; 3. Transfers: payments to resource supply organizations; 4. Alerts: SMS, ; 5. Organizations (counterparties: suppliers, contractors, etc.); 6. Work (work planner, for planning employee activities); 7. Accounting (Accrual, Annual budget, Register of payments); 8. Reporting (Annual report, Payments to owners, Debts to owners); 9. Directories; 10. Import/Export; 11. Administration.









17 "ALERT"


19 "WORKS"













32 AUTOMATED RESOURCE ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS: Electricity metering systems; Water metering systems; Gas metering systems; Heat metering systems (mainly in cottage communities).


34 AUTOMATED SYSTEMS FOR CONTROL AND ACCOUNTING OF ELECTRIC ENERGY (ASCAE) ADVANTAGES: 1. Allows you to eliminate the so-called Losses; 2. Speed ​​and convenience of taking readings, no need to periodically walk around the sites and access the owners’ premises; 3. Accuracy of readings, eliminating errors due to the human factor; 4. Reducing the staff of service personnel, reducing costs for wages personnel; 5. Maintaining subscriber accounts and automating the issuance of payment receipts (automatic billing); 6. Possibility of remotely shutting off the supply of resources to the subscriber in case of debt; 7. Calculation of the current balance of resource consumption and identification of facts of malfunction of meters, violations and interference in their operation, unauthorized connection to distribution networks; 8. Planning the development of horticultural infrastructure based on statistical data from meter readings; 9. Absence subscription fee, the frequency of verification of the metering device is once a year.

35 AUTOMATED SYSTEMS FOR CONTROL AND ACCOUNTING OF ELECTRIC ENERGY (ASKUE) DISADVANTAGES: 1. Relatively high initial costs for the purchase of metering devices and installation of the entire automated system; 2. The system must cover all gardening, otherwise its effectiveness is reduced; 3. Difficulty in replacing metering devices (you need to climb a pole).



38 AUTOMATED SYSTEMS FOR CONTROL AND ACCOUNTING OF ELECTRIC ENERGY (ASKUE) SAMPLE BUSINESS PLAN FOR IMPLEMENTATION: Costs: 1. Gardening 150 plots; x phase metering devices = 10 x 140 = rub. with installation; x phase metering devices = 10 x 20 = rub. with installation; 4. Software, repeaters, hub, computer = rub. with installation and training; 5. TOTAL: total costs for installing the entire system = rub.

39 AUTOMATED SYSTEMS FOR CONTROL AND ACCOUNTING OF ELECTRIC ENERGY (ASKUE) Project payback: SAMPLE IMPLEMENTATION BUSINESS PLAN: 1. Total electricity costs 2.0 million rubles. per year; 2. Of these, losses are 25% rubles. per year; 3. Electrician’s allowance for monthly readings RUB. per month + taxes = rub. per year; 4. TOTAL: rub. per year; 5. Project payback period: 2.5 years This is if we do not take into account indirect losses due to network congestion during unmetered consumption in winter, as well as a premature increase in the total capacity of gardening due to such winter outages.



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