I'll take the number of the admissions committee. Russian National Research Medical University named after

Russian state medical University

Russian State Medical University

State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development"
(State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education RSMU Roszdrav)
Former names 2nd MOLGMI named after. N.I. Pirogov
Year of foundation
Rector Volodin, Nikolai Nikolaevich
Location Moscow
Legal address 117997, Moscow, st. Ostrovityanova, 1
Website http://rsmu.ru/

Modern building of the Russian State Medical University in Troparevo.

Russian State Medical University- medical university in Moscow. One of the largest medical universities in Russia and Europe. The total number of students is over 9000 people. There are 115 academic departments at RSMU. The total number of teaching staff is 1205 staff units. More than 200 people study at the University internship each year. More than 700 residents are trained in the clinical residency of the Russian State Medical University in 36 specialties at 72 departments of the University. 550 people study in postgraduate studies (full-time and part-time) at 90 departments of the Russian State Medical University in 36 specialties (medical, biological and chemical).

Full name of the University: State educational institution higher professional education "Russian State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development."

Abbreviated name of the University: State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education RSMU of Roszdrav.

History of University

The history of the university begins with. Then the Moscow Women's Courses were organized. Then the courses were transformed into the 2nd Moscow State University, from which the independent 2nd Moscow State University emerged medical school, which in the year received the name of the outstanding Russian surgeon and anatomist Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov (-). On November 28, 1966, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the institute was awarded the Order of Lenin in connection with its 60th anniversary.

November 5, 1991 by order of the Council of Ministers Russian Federation 2nd MOLGMI named after. N.I. Pirogov was transformed into the Russian State Medical University.

History of RSMU buildings

In September 1965, the USSR Council of Ministers authorized the design and construction of educational and laboratory buildings of the institute with a total area of ​​15,000 square meters in the South-West of Moscow. m.

University structure

Faculty of Pediatrics

The dean of the faculty is Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Natalya Valentinovna Polunina.

It was opened in 1930. This was the first pediatric faculty in the world.

Principles of training

Students study medicine and various aspects of it for six years at 54 departments of the University. Training is carried out not only in purely pediatric departments, but also in departments where diseases among adults are studied.

Besides clinical training pediatricians study basic sciences. Graduates have the opportunity, after receiving a diploma as a pediatrician, to work in any medical specialty.

In addition to theoretical training, students must undergo practical training. In accordance with the curriculum, students undergo practical training as assistants: after the 2nd year - orderlies, after the 3rd year - ward nurse, after the IV year - a hospital doctor (surgery, therapy, obstetrics and gynecology), after the V year - a clinic doctor.

Medical Faculty

Dean of the Faculty: Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Gennady Vasilievich Poryadin

Faculty of Medicine and Biology

Dean - Balyakin Yuri Viktorovich, professor. On January 9, 1963, by the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR “On measures to further development biological science and strengthening its connection with practice”, a medical-biological department was created. By order of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR dated December 15, 1964, the medical and biological department was reorganized into the medical and biological faculty (MBF).

Faculty of Pre-University Training

International Center for Theoretical Medicine

Moscow Faculty (pediatrics, general medicine)

Dean - Lidiya Ivanovna Ilyenko, professor.

On June 29, 1998, in accordance with the order of the Mayor of Moscow Yu. M. Luzhkov “On measures to provide the Moscow healthcare system with medical personnel” and with the aim of staffing outpatient clinics with doctors, the Moscow Faculty was created.

Faculty of Dentistry

Formed in 2008. Dean - Pankratov Alexander Sergeevich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor.

Faculty of Pharmacy

Formed in 2008. Dean- Kozlov Ivan Genrikhovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

Faculty of Psychology and Social Sciences

The Faculty of Clinical Psychology was founded in 2001.

Faculty of Clinical Residency, Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies

Faculty of Internship and Industrial Practice

Dean - Assoc. Gaponenkov Yuri Petrovich.

Contact phone: +7 495 434-4522.

Faculty of Advanced Training for Doctors

The faculty was opened in March 1977.

Faculty of Advanced Training for Teachers

Department for training foreign citizens

Educational support units of the University

The highest governing body of RSMU is the Academic Council. The term of office of the Academic Council is 5 years. Guided by the principles of transparency, the Academic Council provides the opportunity for broad discussion and joint solution with society to the problems of the university and the prospects for its development.


The Rectorate is the executive body of the University. It is headed by the rector; The administration also includes five vice-rectors: two vice-rectors for academic affairs, a vice-rector for scientific work, Vice-Rector for Medical Work, Vice-Rector for Academy of Chemical Sciences.

Rectors of Russian State Medical University, 2nd Moscow State University, 2nd Moscow State Medical Institute named after. N. I. Pirogova and directors of the Moscow Water Housing Complex

These people have led the University throughout its history:

  • Guerrier, Vladimir Ivanovich 1872-1888, 1900-1905
  • Pinkevich, Albert Petrovich 1924-30
  • Zuckerstein, Evgeniy Izrailevich 1930-1931
  • Rybak, Joseph Isaakovich 1932-1936
  • Basias, Lyubov Yakovlevna March, 1937-December, 1937
  • Topchan, Abraham (Abram) Borisovich 1937-1946
  • Milovidov, Sergei Ivanovich 1946-1956
  • Kerbikov, Oleg Vasilievich 1956-1958
  • Sirotkina, Maria Gavrilovna 1958-1964
  • Volodin, Nikolai Nikolaevich since 2008

Training part




RSMU Museum

International connections

RSMU maintains connections with the following universities around the world:

  • with the A. Poincaré University and the A. Voutrin Center, Nancy (France)
  • with the Institute of Medical Biological Physics, Leipzig
  • with the clinic of the Rhine-Westphalian Higher Medical School, Aachen
  • with the University of Berlin (Germany)
  • with the University of Basel (Switzerland)
  • with Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia (with student participation)
  • with Iowa State University (

A leading scientific and educational medical center that provides training for doctors (specialties - general medicine, pediatrics, dentistry), pharmacists, clinical psychologists, social workers, as well as unique medical scientific personnel (specialties - medical biochemistry, medical cybernetics, medical biophysics).

About the university in 1 minute:

The University actively participates in the implementation of the concept of lifelong education and offers educational services to prepare applicants for preparatory courses, training in bachelor's, specialist's, training of highly qualified personnel, additional professional education.


  • Medical Faculty
  • Faculty of Pediatrics
  • Faculty of Medicine and Biology
  • International Faculty
  • Faculty of Psychology and Social Sciences
  • Faculty of Dentistry
  • Faculty of Education for Foreign Citizens
  • Faculty of Pharmacy

The training of medical personnel is carried out at the University at more than 150 clinical bases of various profiles and in the medical centers included in the University: Scientific Research Clinical Institute of Pediatrics named after Academician Yu.E. Veltishchev and the Russian Gerontological Research and Clinical Center.

The university has a modern simulation center for training in the programs “Emergency Conditions in Pediatrics”, “New Perinatal Technologies”, “Endosurgery”.

RNRMU named after N.I. Pirogov is the only one medical school Russia, which has international status and a current international double degree program (Russia + country of the European Union). Currently, training is underway on a double degree program in general medicine with the University of Milan.

The university is included in the international list of organizations that recognize the IELTS certificate and is the holder of exclusive rights to conduct the IMAT (International Medical Admissions Test, Cambridge) in Russia and the CIS countries.

RNRMU named after N.I. Pirogov is the only medical university in Russia that has been awarded the category of National Research University. The University's scientific activities include both original research in priority areas of science and active international cooperation with leading biomedical centers in the world.

RNRMU named after N.I. Pirogov is the parent organization of the Moscow cluster of medical technologies "Southern", uniting more than 20 scientific and production organizations to coordinate efforts to develop new medical technologies and their implementation in practical healthcare on the principles of translational medicine, and coordinator of the East European Scientific and Educational Medical Cluster.

The University has a unified information educational environment that supports learning using distance technologies.

More details Collapse http://www.rsmu.ru

  • (PDF)


Attention! Amendments have been made to Article 71 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Federal Law dated June 27, 2018 N 162-FZ).

Persons who have a secondary general education, confirmed upon admission to bachelor's and specialty programs by a document on secondary general education or a document on secondary vocational education, or a document on higher education and qualifications, are allowed to study bachelor's degree programs or specialty programs.

Admission to training is carried out for the first year.

Admission to training is carried out within the framework of the target figures for the admission of citizens to training at the expense of budgetary allocations federal budget, budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local budgets and under educational agreements concluded upon admission to study at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities. Within the framework of the target figures, the following are allocated: a quota for admission to bachelor's degree programs, specialist programs at the expense of budgetary allocations for disabled children, disabled people of groups I and II, disabled people from childhood, disabled people due to military injury or illness received during the period of military service, orphans and children left without parental care, as well as persons from among orphans and children left without parental care, and military veterans from among the persons specified in subparagraphs 1-4 of paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the Federal Law of 12 January 1995 No. 5-FZ “On Veterans” (hereinafter referred to as the special quota). A special quota is established by the organization higher education in the amount of no less than 10% of the total volume of control figures allocated to the University for the next year, for each set of conditions for admission to study in undergraduate and specialty programs; target admission quota for training.

Admission to training at the expense of budgetary allocations is carried out on a competitive basis, unless otherwise provided Federal law No. 273-FZ. Admission to training places with payment of the cost of training by physical and (or) legal entities is carried out under the conditions determined by local regulations of the University in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The conditions for admission to study in basic professional educational programs guarantee respect for the right to education and enrollment from among applicants who have the appropriate level of education, the most capable and prepared to master educational program persons of the appropriate level and orientation.

Admission to studies is carried out for bachelor's degree programs and specialist programs (with the exception of admission of persons entitled to admission to study without entrance examinations): based on average general education– based on the results of the unified state exam, assessed on a 100-point scale, which are recognized as the results of entrance tests, and (or) based on the results of entrance tests conducted by the University independently in cases where established by the Procedure and Admission Rules; on the basis of secondary vocational or higher education (hereinafter referred to as vocational education) - based on the results of entrance tests, the form and list of which are determined by the University.

Number of seats

  • The number of places for admission to study at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov of the Russian Ministry of Health in 2018
  • The number of places within the target figures for admission to study at the expense of budgetary allocations for various conditions of admission
  • Targeted admission quota for higher education in specialist and bachelor's programs at the expense of federal budget allocations for 2018 (PDF)

Target figures for enrollment in training at the expense of budgetary allocations

Places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services for citizens of the Russian Federation

Places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services for foreign citizens


Places within the admission target numbers (according to the general competition)

Places within a special quota

Places within target quota

Social work


General Medicine



Medical biochemistry

Medical biophysics

Medical cybernetics


Clinical psychology


Direction of training (specialty)

Places within the admission target numbers (according to the general competition)

Places within a special quota

Places within target quota

Full-time education


Social work



General Medicine



Medical biochemistry

Medical biophysics

Medical cybernetics


Clinical psychology


Entrance tests

  • (PDF)
  • (PDF)
  • (PDF)
  • Information about the possibility of passing entrance examinations conducted by the organization independently, in the language of the republic of the Russian Federation on the territory of which the organization is located, in a foreign language; information about the language in which entrance examinations are taken for admission to master's programs with foreign language education (PDF)
  • (PDF)
  • (PDF)
  • (PDF)

Direction of training (specialty)

Entrance tests (in order of priority)

Minimum number of Unified State Exam points

Form of entrance examinations

Form for conducting entrance tests conducted by the organization independently

Higher education - bachelor's degree

« Csocial work"

Social science
Russian language



Russian language

Unified State Exam or written test exam for certain categories of applicants


Higher education - specialty


Russian language

Unified State Exam or written test exam for certain categories of applicants



Russian language

Unified State Exam or written test exam for certain categories of applicants



Russian language

Unified State Exam or written test exam for certain categories of applicants


"Medical biochemistry"

Russian language

Unified State Exam or written test exam for certain categories of applicants


"Medical Biophysics"

Russian language

Unified State Exam or written test exam for certain categories of applicants


"Medical cybernetics"

Russian language

Unified State Exam or written test exam for certain categories of applicants



Russian language

Unified State Exam or written test exam for certain categories of applicants


"Clinical psychology"

Russian language

Unified State Exam or written test exam for certain categories of applicants


Special rights and benefits, taking into account individual achievements

  • (PDF)
  • (PDF)
  • (PDF)

Federal Law No. 93-FZ dated 01.05.2017 excludes the requirement that a disabled person have a conclusion from a federal medical and social examination institution stating that there are no contraindications for studying in the relevant educational organizations.

The following have the right to admission without entrance examinations:

  • (PDF)

Paid educational services

  • (PDF)

  • Attention! Didn't get into the budget places for your specialty? But are your Unified State Exam scores high enough? Have you applied for the specialty “General Medicine”, “Pediatrics”, “Dentistry”? You can get a DISCOUNT!

    Specialty / tuition fee per year You have not reached the Unified State Examination points passing score for budget places Discount, rubles Tuition fee per year including discount
    General Medicine /
    RUB 330,000.00
    From 1 to 20 -60 000,00 RUB 270,000.00
    From 21 to 40 -30 000,00 RUB 300,000.00
    Pediatrics /
    RUB 290,000.00
    From 1 to 20 -30 000,00 RUB 260,000.00
    From 21 to 40 -15 000,00 RUB 275,000.00
    Dentistry /
    RUB 380,000.00
    From 1 to 20 -60 000,00 RUB 320,000.00
    From 21 to 40 -30 000,00 RUB 350,000.00
    You can submit an application for a discount to the Admissions Committee. The discount is valid for a year. If you study without C grades and without academic debt, you can qualify for an extension of the discount.

  • (PDF)

Information on the possibility of submitting documents for admission to study in electronic form, places for receiving documents, postal addresses for sending documents

In 2018, upon admission to study at the Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov Ministry of Health of Russia, documents required for admission are submitted to the Admissions Committee in one of the following ways:
a) are provided by the applicant personally or his authorized representative at the address: 117997, Moscow, st. Ostrovityanova, house 1.
b) through public postal operators at the address:
Where: 117997, Moscow, st. Ostrovityanova, house 1.
To whom: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov" of the Ministry of Health of Russia, selection committee.

In the case of sending documents required for admission through public postal operators, these documents are accepted if they are received by the organization no later than the deadline for accepting documents for the current year.

In 2018, the opportunity to submit documents for admission to study at the Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov of the Russian Ministry of Health in electronic form not provided.

Information about additional admission:

Additional admission is not provided

Information on the number of places in the dormitory for non-resident applicants

Indicator name


117437, Moscow, st. Academician Volgina 35, 37, 39, 41

Number of cases

Total area, sq.m

Living area, sq.m

Number of seats

3280 beds/places used for accommodation of nonresident students, including those adapted for use by the disabled and persons with disabilities disabilities health by individual categories

Providing dormitories with soft and hard equipment according to established standard standards

Availability of food

Information on the number of places in the hostel for non-resident applicants in 2019

400 (370 for applicants to bachelor’s and specialty programs, 30 for applicants to residency programs)

Rules for providing a hostel

The dormitory is provided to nonresident students. First of all, the hostel is provided to disabled people of groups I and II, orphans and children of combatants.

Additional Information

Code Total Number of applications submitted
In-person Correspondence Part-time
06.03.01 Biology 531 531 0 0
39.03.02 Social work 37 37 0 0
30.05.01 Medical biochemistry 1648 1648 0 0
30.05.02 Medical biophysics 103 103 0 0
30.05.03 Medical cybernetics 563 563 0 0
31.05.01 General Medicine 7507 7507 0 0
31.05.02 Pediatrics 5155 5155 0 0
31.05.03 Dentistry 2530 2530 0 0
33.05.01 Pharmacy 2215 2215 0 0
37.05.01 Clinical psychology 690 690 0 0
  • (PDF)


Attention! Amendments have been made to Article 71 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Federal Law dated June 27, 2018 N 162-FZ).

Persons who have a secondary general education, confirmed upon admission to bachelor's and specialty programs by a document on secondary general education or a document on secondary vocational education, or a document on higher education and qualifications, are allowed to study bachelor's degree programs or specialty programs.

Admission to training is carried out for the first year.

Admission to studies is carried out within the framework of the target figures for the admission of citizens to study at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget, budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local budgets and under educational agreements concluded upon admission to study at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities. Within the framework of the target figures, the following are allocated: quota for admission to bachelor's degree programs, specialist programs at the expense of budgetary allocations for disabled children, disabled people of groups I and II, disabled people from childhood, disabled people due to military injury or illness received during military service, children orphans and children left without parental care, as well as persons from among orphans and children left without parental care, and military veterans from among the persons specified in subparagraphs 1-4 of paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the Federal Law of January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ “On Veterans” (hereinafter referred to as a special quota). A special quota is established by the higher education organization in the amount of no less than 10% of the total volume of control figures allocated to the University for the next year, for each set of conditions for admission to undergraduate and specialist programs; target admission quota for training.

Admission to training at the expense of budgetary allocations is carried out on a competitive basis, unless otherwise provided by Federal Law No. 273-FZ. Admission to study places with payment of tuition fees by individuals and (or) legal entities is carried out on the conditions determined by local regulations of the University in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The conditions for admission to study in basic professional educational programs guarantee respect for the right to education and enrollment from among applicants who have the appropriate level of education, the most capable and prepared to master the educational program of the appropriate level and the appropriate focus.

Admission to studies is carried out according to bachelor's degree programs and specialty programs (with the exception of admission of persons entitled to admission to study without entrance examinations): on the basis of secondary general education - on the basis of the results of the unified state exam, assessed on a hundred-point scale, which are recognized as the results of entrance examinations tests, and (or) based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by the University independently in cases established by the Procedure and Rules for Admission; on the basis of secondary vocational or higher education (hereinafter referred to as vocational education) - based on the results of entrance tests, the form and list of which are determined by the University.

Number of seats

  • The number of places for admission to study at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov of the Russian Ministry of Health in 2018
  • The number of places within the target figures for admission to study at the expense of budgetary allocations for various conditions of admission
  • Targeted admission quota for higher education in specialist and bachelor's programs at the expense of federal budget allocations for 2018 (PDF)

Target figures for enrollment in training at the expense of budgetary allocations

Places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services for citizens of the Russian Federation

Places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services for foreign citizens


Places within the admission target numbers (according to the general competition)

Places within a special quota

Places within target quota

Social work


General Medicine



Medical biochemistry

Medical biophysics

Medical cybernetics


Clinical psychology


Direction of training (specialty)

Places within the admission target numbers (according to the general competition)

Places within a special quota

Places within target quota

Full-time education


Social work



General Medicine



Medical biochemistry

Medical biophysics

Medical cybernetics


Clinical psychology


Entrance tests

  • (PDF)
  • (PDF)
  • (PDF)
  • Information about the possibility of passing entrance examinations conducted by the organization independently, in the language of the republic of the Russian Federation on the territory of which the organization is located, in a foreign language; information about the language in which entrance examinations are taken for admission to master's programs with a foreign language of education (PDF)
  • (PDF)
  • (PDF)
  • (PDF)

Direction of training (specialty)

Entrance tests (in order of priority)

Minimum number of Unified State Exam points

Form of entrance examinations

Form for conducting entrance tests conducted by the organization independently

Higher education - bachelor's degree

« Csocial work"

Social science
Russian language



Russian language

Unified State Exam or written test exam for certain categories of applicants


Higher education - specialty


Russian language

Unified State Exam or written test exam for certain categories of applicants



Russian language

Unified State Exam or written test exam for certain categories of applicants



Russian language

Unified State Exam or written test exam for certain categories of applicants


"Medical biochemistry"

Russian language

Unified State Exam or written test exam for certain categories of applicants


"Medical Biophysics"

Russian language

Unified State Exam or written test exam for certain categories of applicants


"Medical cybernetics"

Russian language

Unified State Exam or written test exam for certain categories of applicants



Russian language

Unified State Exam or written test exam for certain categories of applicants


"Clinical psychology"

Russian language

Unified State Exam or written test exam for certain categories of applicants


Special rights and benefits, taking into account individual achievements

  • (PDF)
  • (PDF)
  • (PDF)

Federal Law No. 93-FZ of May 1, 2017 excludes the requirement that a disabled person have a conclusion from a federal medical and social examination institution stating that there are no contraindications for studying in relevant educational organizations.

The following have the right to admission without entrance examinations:

  • (PDF)

Paid educational services

  • (PDF)

  • Attention! Didn't get into the budget places for your specialty? But are your Unified State Exam scores high enough? Have you applied for the specialty “General Medicine”, “Pediatrics”, “Dentistry”? You can get a DISCOUNT!

    Specialty / tuition fee per year You did not reach the Unified State Exam points to the passing score for budget places Discount, rubles Tuition fee per year including discount
    General Medicine /
    RUB 330,000.00
    From 1 to 20 -60 000,00 RUB 270,000.00
    From 21 to 40 -30 000,00 RUB 300,000.00
    Pediatrics /
    RUB 290,000.00
    From 1 to 20 -30 000,00 RUB 260,000.00
    From 21 to 40 -15 000,00 RUB 275,000.00
    Dentistry /
    RUB 380,000.00
    From 1 to 20 -60 000,00 RUB 320,000.00
    From 21 to 40 -30 000,00 RUB 350,000.00
    You can submit an application for a discount to the Admissions Committee. The discount is valid for a year. If you study without C grades and without academic debt, you can qualify for an extension of the discount.

  • (PDF)

Information on the possibility of submitting documents for admission to study in electronic form, places for receiving documents, postal addresses for sending documents

In 2018, upon admission to study at the Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov Ministry of Health of Russia, documents required for admission are submitted to the Admissions Committee in one of the following ways:
a) are provided by the applicant personally or his authorized representative at the address: 117997, Moscow, st. Ostrovityanova, house 1.
b) through public postal operators at the address:
Where: 117997, Moscow, st. Ostrovityanova, house 1.
To whom: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov" of the Ministry of Health of Russia, selection committee.

In the case of sending documents required for admission through public postal operators, these documents are accepted if they are received by the organization no later than the deadline for accepting documents for the current year.

In 2018, the opportunity to submit documents for admission to study at the Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov Ministry of Health of Russia in electronic form not provided.

Information about additional admission:

Additional admission is not provided

Information on the number of places in the dormitory for non-resident applicants

Indicator name


117437, Moscow, st. Academician Volgina 35, 37, 39, 41

Number of cases

Total area, sq.m

Living area, sq.m

Number of seats

3280 beds/places used for accommodation of nonresident students, including those adapted for use by disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities in certain categories

Providing dormitories with soft and hard equipment according to established standard standards

Availability of food

Information on the number of places in the hostel for non-resident applicants in 2019

400 (370 for applicants to bachelor’s and specialty programs, 30 for applicants to residency programs)

Rules for providing a hostel

The dormitory is provided to nonresident students. First of all, the hostel is provided to disabled people of groups I and II, orphans and children of combatants.

Additional Information

Code Total Number of applications submitted
In-person Correspondence Part-time
06.03.01 Biology 531 531 0 0
39.03.02 Social work 37 37 0 0
30.05.01 Medical biochemistry 1648 1648 0 0
30.05.02 Medical biophysics 103 103 0 0
30.05.03 Medical cybernetics 563 563 0 0
31.05.01 General Medicine 7507 7507 0 0
31.05.02 Pediatrics 5155 5155 0 0
31.05.03 Dentistry 2530 2530 0 0
33.05.01 Pharmacy 2215 2215 0 0
37.05.01 Clinical psychology 690 690 0 0
