How to understand a Sagittarius woman. Zodiac signs: Sagittarius - woman

Zodiac signs can tell you what positive and negative traits predominate in a particular zodiac sign.

In this article, the reader will find out what Sagittarius woman is?

The Sagittarius girl is a hot, bright, lively, proactive zodiac sign. Almost every man will pay attention to her if he likes active girls. Cheerful with lively ebullient energy and extravagant taste. Nevertheless, such a woman manages to remain natural in behavior. There is no falsehood in her manners.

According to horoscope

People of this sign, including women, do not care so much about reputation that others perceive this trait as a negative part of their character. Girls most often have a rather unique view of the world, and others’ ideas about how and what should be do not bother them.


The base stone that is ideal for all girls of the sign is garnet. It is bright, extravagant and highlights the most interesting aspects in the best possible way. There are several other stones that are suitable for those born in a certain period.

Birthstone by date of birth

  1. Born from November 23 to December 2 - amethyst, agate, jade;
  2. Born from December 3 to December 12 - sardonyx, turquoise and opal;
  3. Born from December 13 to 21 - emerald, ruby, topaz.

A woman of this sign, like no other, can show men how much they do not understand women. She needs a truly insightful person so that he can understand and get used to the behavior of a representative of this sign. An easy, flirtatious, simple and sociable woman, at first glance, often turns out to be a complex person inside.

A woman asks questions that often force her to be distracted from everyday life for a long time. Sometimes from the outside, others mistake this character trait for laziness, frivolity and indifference to responsibilities.

The intimate side of life

The girl is an ideal lover for people who want to experiment. She does not know how to indulge in simple caresses. She needs something more. Experimentation, unusualness, non-standard - this is what attracts her in a relationship. Among them, most of all are people with unusual inclinations and extraordinary tastes in sexual terms. These people love risks and thrills.

A detailed description of this zodiac sign can scare away the opposite sex. But this is only the first frightening impression. Only true connoisseurs of unusual relationships are able to appreciate the charms of a girl’s character. But to do this you will have to overcome many prejudices.

Representatives of the fairer sex love communication and know a lot about it. They can easily organize small talk and brilliantly support any topic, even if they don’t understand it very well. Women achieve this due to the fact that they love to listen. Girls born in the year symbolized by the boar need constant approval. Without this, they wilt, feel lost and unnecessary.

About love

They are unique in love. They have never been known for fidelity, but one cannot think that they might not love their partner. Sagittarians truly love to enjoy bodily sensations, they need variety. But they rarely equate intimacy with the manifestation of love. For them, intimacy is more about pleasure, comfort or pampering. Girls of this sign feel love for a man on a different level. They will tell you how to understand that a guy likes you by looking at you.

They rarely fall in love. To get this feeling, they need to really know their chosen one well. But if a girl feels love, you can be sure that this feeling will last for a long time.

Sign compatibility

Since Sagittarius is a rather strong and domineering zodiac sign, the girl has compatibility with a small number of signs. Leos and Aries will be good partners because these signs are also strong and understand the difficulties of limiting freedom. Even when in a couple, a woman needs to feel the absence of restrictions, otherwise it becomes crowded in a couple.

When communicating with Pisces and Virgos, girls of this sign will feel like real ballet primas. If a woman wants to show her leadership qualities in a couple, these signs are most suitable.

Scorpios and Libra are unfavorable signs when it comes to building relationships. Scorpios will not share the palm with Sagittarius, and Libra will never be able to keep up with them in their desire to gain new experiences. Libra is calmer in this regard.


Representatives of this sign have a very keen sense of justice and a desire to help people. In this regard, professions related to the protection of people will be very suitable, these are professions in the field of law, positions in court and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Professions associated with risk can be completely unrelated to people, for example, a representative of this sign, who loves extravagance and risk, will look very impressive in the role of a tiger-dog or snake trainer.


In precious moments of rest, a girl of this sign usually spends all her fortune to have fun. Sagittarians are very addicted people and it is often difficult for them to stop. Therefore, on vacation where there is alcohol, food, pleasure, great danger awaits Sagittarius. There are many archers who were unable to stop in time and were overtaken by illnesses such as alcoholism and excess body weight.

Like a wife

Getting married is an incredibly difficult task for her. She easily makes men fall in love with her and attracts attention. But the trouble is that for such a girl, her own freedom is an important value. Nevertheless, Sagittarius people also get married.

As a wife, she is not a very skilled housewife, but she loves guests and is ready to receive them at any time. Taking care of their comfortable stay in the family home. You can trust this girl to decorate your apartment; you can trust her taste. Under no circumstances should she be trusted to plan the family budget. Sagittarians are terrible spenders, and will manage wisely family budget a daunting task for them.

In the kitchen

Sagittarians love to cook. But the trouble is that they are terrible experimenters, and this passion for experimenting in the kitchen often does not lead to any good. In fact, there are representatives of this sign who know how to cook, but they find it boring to cook what they know how to do. Therefore, from the outside it seems that no matter what they try in the kitchen, Sagittarius rarely succeeds. If for a man in a relationship the ability to cook is not the most important thing in a girl, then she will fully satisfy all the other needs of her husband.

New Beginnings

Most of all, Sagittarians like to surprise people. Women are no exception in this regard. They, being passionate natures, can support any idea, even the craziest one. But after the initial delight of the experience wears off, they tend to quickly burn out. They lose interest, give up and are replaced by laziness and apathy.

About colors

Colors that will help balance their character lean towards blue and green. Green slightly calms their seething energy, and blue cools excessive ardor. By adhering to these colors in the interior and clothing, you can somewhat balance the character of these bright individuals. The interior of women of this sign should contain wood, in any form, for example, as a vase or a piece of furniture.

Reading the description of a Sagittarius woman, what she is like, one can come to the conclusion that for the most part these are memorable, extraordinary and ambiguous personalities. By communicating with them you can get a lot of positive impressions and not so much. But we must remember that ideal zodiac signs, like people, do not exist in nature. Every person has their own pros and cons.

Sagittarius woman: what is she like in life and who is she suitable for?

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Compatibility horoscope: Sagittarius zodiac sign woman characteristics in love compatibility - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

at the Women's Club!

If you lack the brightness of life, then the Sagittarius woman will be able to bring it.

This is the brightest, most impetuous and positive sign of the zodiac that the horoscope has - the Sagittarius woman emits an incredible flow of energy, does not sit still, and in comparison with other zodiac signs she is a bright ray.

Next to her...

Any horoscope will tell you what a Sagittarius woman is like in relationships and love. She gives herself over to feeling, she was born for love and bright emotions, she experiences romance with her whole being, but does not tolerate boredom. This zodiac sign loves fresh sensations, intense experiences, and a boring, quiet life is not for her.

In bed, a Sagittarius partner is an ideal match for those who are looking for vivid experiences. She is stormy, passionate, not against experiments, wants and can do everything, and is capable of giving herself entirely to love.

In a marriage, a Sagittarius woman can surprise with her ability to manage a household; this sign is not afraid of difficulties; in her home there is always an atmosphere of kindness and joy. She adores children, but she can only be a faithful wife with a person who can understand her.

Should I start a relationship or not?

Whether you should start a relationship with this bright lady or not, the compatibility horoscope will tell you. What is a Sagittarius woman like in a relationship, what are her characteristics with other signs?

1. Aries is an independent man, Aries knows what he wants, Aries is the boss, Aries is always right, he is in charge. Aries is unlikely to make a strong couple with a Sagittarius lady - a short, stormy romance is possible, but then a struggle will begin in which no one will give in.

2. A romance in which a bright Sagittarius woman and a romantic Taurus man find themselves may be beautiful, but short. She will quickly get bored with this zodiac sign; the couple’s compatibility is low.

3. Gemini is the same independent zodiac sign as Sagittarius. Gemini men have the same views on life, Geminis love vivid experiences, Geminis are bored alone. The horoscope indicates good compatibility; Gemini and Sagittarius often make strong marriages.

4. But Cancer is a zodiac sign from another planet. His horoscope clearly indicates that they have low compatibility - he is looking for a completely different girl. But there are exceptions, and a Sagittarius woman can make an interesting pair with Cancer.

5. But if a Sagittarius woman and a Leo man meet, no one will separate them. Bright, bold, similar, they make an ideal compatibility.

6. Virgo man from another world. Virgo is a calm sign, Virgo is looking for a gentle and fragile young lady, Virgo is not prone to adventure. A Sagittarius woman is unlikely to like Virgo at all, their paths rarely intersect, and compatibility is low.

7. And the scales - good friend for a woman of this zodiac sign. The horoscope says: Libra is contradictory, Libra is emotional, Libra needs support, Libra gets bored when alone. The Sagittarius lady is a good friend, but nothing more.

8. You can often find a union in which a bright Sagittarius woman and an assertive Scorpio man are together; they are attracted to each other. But in order for the Sagittarius woman to be able to understand a person like the Scorpio man, and so that the relationship does not collapse, they will both have to learn to give in. Both the Scorpio man and the headstrong Sagittarius want to be first, and they will have a hard time.

9. The horoscope states that the compatibility of such a union as the Sagittarius woman and her reflection, the Sagittarius man, is extremely high. This is where two halves found each other!

10. Such a union as a bright Sagittarius woman and a conservative Capricorn man is very unlikely - they are different, and are unlikely to attract each other at all.

11. But if a Sagittarius woman meets someone like an Aquarius man, a miracle can happen. Truly, the bright Sagittarius and the extraordinary Aquarius are an ideal couple who can live a happy and rich life together.

12. Pisces is the complete opposite of this lady. Pisces are calm, Pisces go with the flow, Pisces have a gentle nature, Pisces seek peace and harmony. However, these opposites attract each other and can form a bright and harmonious union.

According to the eastern horoscope

The eastern horoscope will reveal in more detail the features of this bright personality and help you get to know her better.

  • Sagittarius Rat is an intelligent woman who knows how to achieve goals and accumulate money. She has developed intuition and intelligence, and seeks to be surrounded by smart people.
  • The Ox is a woman who quickly defends her interests, fights for justice and protects the weak. She is a strong fighter, assertive, fearless and does not know how to give in, and does not see obstacles on the way to her goal.
  • Sagittarius Tiger will achieve everything he wants. She is not evil or predatory, but she is so swift and fearless that her enemies retreat without starting a fight. Any goal will be achieved by this lady, she will take whatever she wants.
  • The cat balances this sign and makes it more harmonious. This is a pleasant lady - soft, very sexy and charming, bright and positive, kind and even pliable.
  • The Dragon makes this sign responsible, with traits of perfectionism. She does everything perfectly, brings every task to perfection, loves to be the first.
  • The snake is a dangerous nature. She does not fight, but achieves her goals cunningly, in a roundabout way, sometimes she is ready to step over honesty for the sake of her desire. She is very smart and cunning, but not evil, she only has best people Among friends, she loves everything that is most precious.
  • For the Horse, their own desires come first. She is bright, creative, unpredictable and can sometimes seem a little crazy. She has an incredible amount of energy, it’s hard to keep up with her, and it’s hard to understand how she manages to achieve success in several areas at once.
  • The goat is unbalanced, capricious and unpredictable. She does not sit still, but her desires change with the speed of light, it is difficult to understand her. Vulnerable, takes everything to heart, quick-tempered.
  • The Sagittarius monkey is a combustible mixture. He does not sit still, craves new experiences every day, climbs mountains, jumps with a parachute, conquers depths and peaks and is not afraid of anything. If she is bored with a person, she simply leaves without regret.
  • Sagittarius Rooster is a warrior woman, she is uncompromising, courageous, and will sacrifice everything for the sake of the goal and for the sake of loved ones. She loves extremes and does not tolerate stability.
  • If the Dog is up to something, he cannot be stopped. She will be able to cleverly bypass difficulties and enemies, find incredible solutions to problems, and will always take what she wants.
  • And the Pig is vulnerable and trusting. This woman is like the sun, open to everything and everyone, not afraid of evil, but from this she is defenseless and vulnerable, in need of protection.

Sagittarius is a unique sign, but every person is unique, and no two people are alike. Communicate, observe and be interested in a person in order to know his nature, and let the horoscope become your assistant!

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Sagittarius – compatibility with other signs

People born under the zodiac sign Sagittarius are characterized by their love of life, are not afraid of difficulties and easily cope with them. However, being a frivolous and amorous nature, it is difficult for Sagittarius to find a soul mate with whom you can live a long life, but if Sagittarius still truly fell in love, then he will lay the whole world at the feet of his soul mate.

Compatibility of Sagittarius with other zodiac signs

It is worth noting that the compatibility of Sagittarius with most other zodiac signs in marriage is simply excellent. Sagittarians are open-minded, inviting people; marriage with a person born under this sign will be a real holiday, full of bright events, fun and adventure. If Sagittarius really for real loves his soul mate, he will be faithful to her all his life. Sagittarians are wonderful lovers; in bed they will not let you get bored, constantly surprising you with something new and bringing real pleasure to your partner.

If we talk about the compatibility of a Sagittarius girl with other zodiac signs, it should be noted that Taurus, Libra and Aquarius would be an excellent match for her. If a man wants a long and lasting relationship with a Sagittarius woman, then he should not “tie” her to home life; such women are freedom-loving individuals who need communication, travel, etc.

As for the Sagittarius man’s compatibility with other zodiac signs, he can have a good union with most representatives of the zodiac constellations. He is a bright, sociable, personable person, however difficult relationships A Sagittarius man can be expected with a Taurus, Virgo and Scorpio woman.

Compatibility of Sagittarius with other zodiac signs in love

So, with whom can Sagittarius build a strong relationship, and with a representative of which sign will he fail:

Sagittarius woman: characteristics, compatibility, eastern horoscope

If nature has rewarded someone with a generous hand, it is Sagittarius women. It doesn’t matter whether they are lucky or not, whether things are going wrong for them or everything is going wrong, they remain optimistic. Boldly, brightly and cheerfully they walk through life with youth and to white gray hair. If we talk about a Sagittarius woman, her description should begin with the words “love of life” and “optimism.” And, of course, like all signs of the zodiac of the fire element, they are characterized by vigorous activity and unrestrained emotions.

Back in early age Such girls and women stand out among their peers. They boldly experiment with their appearance, albeit not always successfully, but in an unusual way. They change styles, each semester they like new music, then different philosophical movements, and later they begin to search for a political position. In a word, their main goal is to try everything and find themselves.

In adulthood, these are effective people, gushing with ideas. True, these women of the fire sign do not always find the strength to complete the task, but they easily, literally in one storm, take on new areas of activity and master the sciences.

If you meet a Sagittarius on your way according to your horoscope, then the characteristics of women of this sign are such that it is better not to get in their way - they will sweep you away without any pity. They are categorical, do not accept compromises, and hardly know how to forgive, but they fight desperately and can take revenge if you cross their path. But such is the element of fire, and Sagittarius are fully his daughters.

Cupid's arrows and fiery passion

Sex and passion are the elements of women of this zodiac constellation. However, like most conquering warriors, they can quickly lose interest in their “trophy”. So men who want to keep Sagittarius will have to show their imagination.

Outwardly, women of the fire sign always look catchy and attractive. Their bright plumage attracts men, but they are not flirts at all. They communicate briefly, love jokes, laughter, noisy parties, and are always in the thick of things. Many men find this behavior provocative, and they try to attack the object. And in vain: all they can count on with such a “victory” is one night. After which they will be left wondering who was the winner.

In the love sphere, everything is ambiguous for Sagittarius women. They need a man who can put up with their wild nature, but at the same time he must be passionate and share the hobbies of his partner. Such people are rare on the road, so successful, brilliant, cheerful and brave, such a woman is often left alone. However, this does not sadden her: her main interests are far from the field of love battles.

Family: martial law or protracted truce

Men literally follow on the heels of girls of this zodiac sign. But, unfortunately, Sagittarius - this is precisely the characteristic of the sign and women born in it - does not strive to create a family. Many girls would like to be in their place, because from a young age until late adulthood, these representatives of the fire element have no end to matrimonial offers. But life is unfair: Sagittarius needs something completely different.

They do not want to see in their partner either a protector, a fat wallet, or a permanent sexual partner. They need a partner for sparring in life, for eternal arguments, quarrels, and searching for the truth. If they find someone like him, they will torment and torment him until the end of their days, making his existence stormy and bright. There will not be a single bland day in their family life, and if they separate, they will desperately miss this “family happiness.”

Sagittarius is of little use as a housewife: she knows how to do everything perfectly, but often does not see the point in it. So the family should be prepared for the fact that at some point she will simply get tired of cooking and cleaning, and they will have to survive on sandwiches and unironed shirts. From time to time, this fiery woman is ready to return to her duties, but only in order to master something new - Indochina cuisine, making fountains with her own hands, growing poisonous plants.

Children of the fire element

Despite her somewhat eccentric nature, the Sagittarius woman is a very responsible mother. She always has everything under control, although she allows a lot to her children, whether they are babies or teenagers. And he himself is not averse to taking part in their lives, studies, and fun. Spartakiad? Mom will be in the forefront. Catamaran racing? Take mom to the team! Flying in a wind tunnel? Why not!

Sagittarius children will feel in their mother all their lives a faithful friend, an interesting conversationalist, an adviser, and a mentor. But sometimes they will miss a little irrational motherly love.

Skeet shooting: career and money of Sagittarius women

Representatives of this zodiac sign are very sociable, they are good at positions where it is necessary to find a common language with people, and even better, to calm them down, pacify them, and help them recharge with optimism. They easily join any team, communicate with their superiors in a familiar way, but not in a familiar way. You can trust them with the organization business negotiations or corporate party.

They are literally bursting with interesting ideas regarding business and its development. New projects pour out of them like from a cornucopia. There is one thing: it is difficult for them to bring something to the end. Therefore, it is better to pair them with painstaking and judicious signs that will help the Sagittarius woman direct her own energy in the right direction.

The best incentive for fire signs is praise. However, Sagittarius understands very well that they cannot be free without hard cash. They do not rely on their husband or lover in this matter, but strive to earn money on their own. With their remarkable intelligence and efficiency, getting what you want is not difficult. So they always have money.

Compatibility with other signs in love

The main motto of this warrior is “either everything or nothing,” so either her partner must suit her completely, or she will sooner or later run away from him. In a man she looks for intelligence, breadth of views, versatility, powerful sexual energy.

Sagittarius women can be connected with Libra and Aquarius by very strong friendships, alliances in business, tender or passionate love relationship. Unfortunately, such marriages are fragile, since neither Libra nor Aquarius are able to fight for the love of a fickle and eccentric friend.

If we talk about Sagittarius woman and marriage compatibility, then the best candidates would be Gemini, Leo and Sagittarius. True, these relationships will be more love than family, but they have every chance of long-term existence.

Aries, Taurus and Scorpio are able to give young ladies born in this fiery zodiac sign intense passion. They will share not only bed, but also many views on life. After the end of the romance, they will certainly be bound by a strong friendship.

Cancer and Capricorn can be considered unsuitable for Sagittarius on the love front. Often it is with these signs that women have misunderstandings. The reason for the breakup may be her frivolity and inconstancy. She will consider her partners too boring to connect her life with. Similar feelings are evoked in her by lovers of a measured, calm life - Virgo and Pisces. Sagittarius has difficulty building both business and love relationships with them.

Sagittarius and the Chinese horoscope

Women born under the constellation Sagittarius are little subject to change due to the influence of their Chinese annual symbolism. Their character undergoes only minor changes. Overall, they remain unshakable warriors and “people without roots.”

  • Sagittarius-Dragon. An excellent combination of stars provides such a woman with ample opportunities. Such ladies are more peace-loving than other Sagittarius, they do not strive to insist on their own everywhere. Thanks to dragon wisdom, they can build a successful career, financial well-being and an excellent, strong family.
  • Sagittarius-Snake. The character of a Sagittarius woman under the influence of the Snake becomes a little calmer, but this is only at first glance. She is capable of being in a visible state of rest for a long time, but only before taking decisive action: at the right moment she will mercilessly go on the attack. The family will only get along with an active and active man.
  • Sagittarius-Horse. Passion and determination are the main qualities of Sagittarius, and the Horse only enhances them. Such women are tireless at work, achieve significant heights in their careers, and actively earn money. It is difficult to deal with them at home; they strive to insist on their own and crush their lover or husband under them. More suitable for them calm signs. To tame ardor, spiritual practices and physical activity are recommended.
  • Sagittarius-Goat. Such women study with pleasure, master new areas of activity, and easily change their place of residence and job. An emotionally turbulent Sagittarius also becomes artistic, so that those around him are simply swept away either by hurricane hysterics or by sparkling gaiety. The life of the Goat-Sagittarius is filled with events and adventures, but marriage can calm her down for a while.
  • The Sagittarius Monkey is a very restless creature who loves to be the center of attention. It is difficult for her to concentrate on anything, she constantly rushes from one activity to another and rarely achieves good results. At the same time, such a woman gets along well with others, and if she manages to find allies, she can lead them to success.
  • Sagittarius-Rooster. If a woman was born in the year of the Rooster and under the influence of the sign of Sagittarius, gifts of fate await her in all fields. Her character is more balanced thanks to the Rooster’s prudence, frugality and housekeeping. In communication, she is also less harsh than other signs eastern horoscope, which provides her with a lot of friends and helpers in all her endeavors.
  • Sagittarius-Dog. Sagittarius is a straightforward sign and sometimes even too frank in expressing their thoughts and emotions. If such a woman was born in the year of the Dog, then there will be trouble: many will be unpleasant about her excessive rigidity. However, at home, everything is fine with the representatives of this zodiac sign: she is devoted to her home, her husband and her children.
  • Sagittarius-Tiger. Energy multiplied by power - that’s what Sagittarius-Tiger is. For such a woman there are no barriers; she will sweep away everything on the way to her desired goal. However, this hurricane can sweep away friends, and even lovers and husbands. Only excessive directness of statements and increased anger can interfere with a successful career or business.
  • The Sagittarius Ox puts above all else not his career, but his family. The tough, straightforward character of such a woman softens somewhat. They strive to create a reliable family home and are happy to devote time to their children and spouse. Frivolity is practically not typical for Sagittarius born in the year of the Ox.
  • Sagittarius-Pig. Such a Sagittarius woman is more a person of thought than of action. She is less impulsive, more consistent than the typical Sagittarius. Most often, Pigs manage to realize themselves both in the family and in the work field.
  • The Sagittarius Rat is simply a personality gushing with energy. She not only generates ideas, but also manages to bring a lot of things to life. She has a positive attitude towards people, and they respond to her with friendship and love. Due to the latter circumstance, women born under the sign of Sagittarius may experience conflicts on the family front. But, fortunately, she knows how to avoid them.
  • Sagittarius-Rabbit (Cat). If Sagittarius was born in the year of the Cat, then there is simply no limit to his charm. Such a woman is energetic and charming, and often these qualities help her out where ingenuity and workaholism do not help. To succeed, Sagittarius-Rabbit needs a reliable rear, so it is better for her to control her sexual temperament and violent temper.

Straightforward and optimistic

Women who were born under the constellation Sagittarius are capable of much. Their main problem is straightforwardness and unwillingness to put up with the rules. If they manage to restrain themselves, then they can handle any task.

Zodiac sign Sagittarius woman: characteristics, compatibility in love and marriage

Zodiac sign woman Sagittarius (23.11 – 21.12 ) is not just a hunter, she is a professional, and quite passionate and purposeful.

Not all men manage to keep such a gift of fate nearby. If the other half notices that her chosen one is lying, then the relationship will end immediately. The main feature of Sagittarius is no diplomacy. Everything should be clear and precise. The candy-bouquet period with Sagittarius women is more reminiscent of a knightly tournament, where a code of honor is observed, in particular, the commandment when a defeated enemy is offered a hand to rise from the ground. A rival has the right to cling to her, who lays claim to the heart of the same beauty as the winner. Backstabbing is prohibited, so the Sagittarius woman will destroy anyone who dares to even look askance in the direction of her hero or squeeze out a laugh when he turns away.

Sagittarius women rarely compromise, but this is justified by the fact that they are ready to accept the conditions of their opponent if he turns out to be more dexterous. Negotiations with such professionals often end in clashes, because a sharp-tongued Zodiac sign will always be in an advantageous position. For strong natures, this is an excellent quality if you need to establish a business, and not be scattered with words of gratitude when there are no prospects for the development of at least one direction. Having a Sagittarius woman in the camp of enemies is dangerous. The instinct of self-preservation is inherent in Capricorn, but not in Sagittarius, so choose your words and expressions so that the bow and arrows do not end up in the hands of someone who looks like a downtrodden little birdie. Appearance Sagittarius is deceptive: under a light dress there may be a loaded revolver, which she will pull out if she senses danger. But with such a friend you can go to a club or do an adventurous thing. She will cover you even when you need to lower your jeans to run the whip across your rounded buttocks.

Sagittarius woman in love and marriage

Unlike the Sagittarius man, women strive for marriage in any way. It doesn’t matter to them that the other half is not yet firmly on their feet, they don’t have their own home and financial resources so that the family doesn’t need anything. If a Sagittarius woman decides to keep the fire burning, then she will do this even when her chosen one is on the run.

She will never admit to an unhappy marriage, therefore, left with small children in her arms, she will begin to earn a living on her own. A Sagittarius man would never allow this to happen.

Jealousy often becomes an obstacle to family life, but Sagittarius women will be able to overcome this obstacle. Sincerely repenting, they take off their quiver of arrows for a while and, putting on an apron, spend the whole day in the kitchen. They have an innate ability to cook, so the husband and children will never go hungry, and what is included in the Sagittarius menu always has an excellent taste.

Sagittarius women rarely become lovers, although some adventurism is inherent in young girls. Embarking on a love adventure, they quickly lose interest in the object caught in the net, letting it go in all four directions and not remembering the evil. For men who are distinguished by their constancy, it is quite difficult to remain indifferent to the attacks of their wife or girlfriend, but to maintain harmony in the relationship, it is worth taking your ladies to parties. A short flirtation under the supervision of a watchful eye acts like Teraflu, removing mild symptoms colds in a couple of hours.

Sagittarius woman compatibility horoscope

In addition to their zodiac sign, Sagittarius women have good relationships with Leo and Aries, since the temperament of all three signs is surprisingly similar. Outlook on life is the same as attitude towards marriage and children.

However, an ideal marriage can only be with a Gemini: a man capable of living in a black and white world, not just prey, but also something that balances the concepts of good and evil, in which Sagittarius unconditionally believes.

Sagittarius woman health

Jupiter awarded Sagittarius with excellent health, so you can keep yourself in shape with simple exercises. The only thing they should avoid is prolonged tension. Physical and mental strength is the weak link of any Sagittarius, so several things at once can undermine the health of even someone who looks athletic.

It is important for a Sagittarius woman to understand that not all fights end in victories, so defeats must be treated with humor. Otherwise, nervous system will have to be treated, and for a long time, so a stroke at a young age is a disease that has taken by surprise more than one representative of the fair half of humanity born under this zodiac sign.

If you don't take care of your shoes, you can get chronic tonsillitis. A huntress with a constantly stuffy nose will not seem such an attractive prey even to a bear that has crawled out of its den.

And yet, the Sagittarius woman often becomes the subject of hunting by men. There are too many positive qualities in her for this not to be noticed. This means that sometimes the huntress allows herself to be a little - not a victim, no, she doesn’t allow that! - a tamed noble doe, removing a delicacy from an open palm with soft lips. But - only until he feels the falseness in this situation.

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It is difficult for even the most sane man to pass by the Sagittarius lady. Sagittarius often become homewreckers, breaking up exemplary strong couples.

In these matters, perhaps the prudent and wise woman Virgo can envy her.

The desire for independence, a striking feature of the Sagittarius woman

If feminism had a zodiac sign, then girls fighting for their rights would definitely be Sagittarius. Bright, irreconcilable natures are not used to adapting to the opposite sex, playing by its rules. The characteristics of the Sagittarius woman are as follows: she is very independent, sometimes her behavior resembles those of the very men whom she strives to outplay in everything. Therefore, Sagittarius often pushes away partners with assertiveness and determination.

Good news: the Sagittarius woman is incredibly easy-going. At three o'clock in the morning, she will happily agree to a flight to Paris at 9.30 am, without a moment's doubt about the need for an unscheduled vacation and a trip with a lack of shoes in her wardrobe.

Sagittarians usually travel in groups, without being capricious about the choice of hotel, tour and excursion package. It’s easy to negotiate with them during the trip - they will agree to stay in both a student hostel and a Lapland igloo.

At home, Sagittarius lives the same life, welcoming guests, distant relatives and casual acquaintances. The adventurous spirit does not allow one to doubt for a second the honesty of a captive friend who borrows a large sum of money.

Because of this, Sagittarius often has financial problems - frivolity and gullibility are too expensive. It would not hurt them to check those to whom they are narrowing their hard-earned money.

Sagittarius woman's attitude towards men

The characteristics of the Sagittarius woman allow her to be read like an open book. The hospitality of a courageous lady does not extend to those with whom she enters into sexual relations. After intercourse, she will probably expose a man - even a casual partner, or an “experienced” boyfriend.

She prefers to spend the night completely alone, without worrying about the snoring of her other half or her own appearance in the morning. Her apartment sometimes looks like the lair of a lone wolf who doesn’t want to share her shelter with anyone. Not every man has a positive attitude towards this - most will slam the door in the near future, leaving the not-so-upset Sagittarius lady forever.

Because of this “fad,” Sagittarius more willingly agrees to the role of a mistress than a wife. A mistress does not have to always look her best, cook deliciously and support a man in difficult times. She devotes 2-3 hours a day to her partner, while formally remaining free. She graciously accepts gifts without thinking about their value.

Sagittarius's attitude towards lovers is purely consumerist. She loves sex and is not shy to admit it. Several lovers at the same time? No problem. Dating two or three men at the same time, she takes on the best qualities from each.

She learns from them what will definitely be useful to her in life sooner or later. A skilled Sagittarius gardener selects the most beautiful flowers and puts them together in a bouquet called “experience in personal life.” Men help Sagittarius climb the career ladder: this woman is not afraid to have an affair with general director or at least the head of his department.

Sagittarius woman's wardrobe

Sagittarius woman...The characteristics of her wardrobe do not fit into the framework of glossy magazines and television programs about fashion. Her clothes look defiantly provocative. She is the one who loves lace bustiers, fishnet stockings and deep necklines. Shoes (unless, of course, Sagittarius travels) - high-heeled shoes and boots. When such a charming woman enters the room, men have no choice.

After her, married men, womanizers and “mama’s boys” break their necks. She chooses a similar perfume. She doesn’t like fruity “compotes” - she chooses rich floral and amber scents. Young romantic girls usually turn their noses up at this.

The main negative trait of a Sagittarius woman
A significant disadvantage of Sagittarius is her frankness. A woman of this sign says out loud everything she thinks about. Straightforwardness often becomes the cause of conflict with friends, colleagues and relatives. But Sagittarius stubbornly stands his ground, thereby confirming the characteristics of his astrological sign.

The spectacular and courageous Sagittarius woman (November 22 - December 21) attracts attention not only with her bright appearance, but also with her open character and cheerful disposition. What features form the basis of her personality? What should your loved one, colleagues or friends pay attention to in order to better understand the representative of this zodiac sign?

Basic character traits

The astrological characteristics of a Sagittarius woman contain the following qualities:

  • sincerity in actions and thoughts;
  • cheerfulness and optimism;
  • straightforwardness;
  • creative thinking;
  • ambition and determination.

A woman of this zodiac sign loves communication and is almost always open and friendly. They are not afraid to show their emotions. To those around them, their behavior often seems feigned, but the laughter and tears of a female Sagittarius are always sincere. The disadvantage is the excessive straightness of the sign. She lacks sensitivity and delicacy in communication, so the Sagittarius woman can accidentally offend with an unfortunate phrase. She doesn't do this out of a desire to hurt, it's just her nature.

A female Sagittarius does not keep bad memories and grievances for long. Although she tends to be sentimental, this only concerns positive aspects. She is an idealist who believes in a better future, but at the same time realistically assesses her chances. A woman of this zodiac sign constantly strives for self-improvement and is not afraid to change her field of activity.

Appearance and health

Representatives of this zodiac sign are distinguished by their bright appearance. In their youth, they have an attractive, proportional figure with ample breasts, a narrow waist and steep hips. The Sagittarius woman does not chase fashion; for her, the convenience and appropriateness of clothing are more important. In middle age, she most often begins to gain weight, it is difficult for her to control the quality of her diet and it is difficult for her to give up junk food.

Possessing good health and good metabolism, the Sagittarius woman can be irresponsible with her body. She has no time to be sick, and she doesn’t particularly trust doctors, so she can bring herself to a critical state. The sign must monitor their diet, not overwork and not overload the nervous system. Sagittarius should also be more careful and careful in her movements, as she is prone to various injuries.

Work and career

The Sagittarius woman needs communication and active social life. She rarely stays on maternity leave or becomes a housewife. The sign skillfully copes with the responsibilities of a leader. The representative of this astrological period works well both as an organizer and a performer. The only thing that can significantly worsen the results of her activities is routine and boredom, the lack of opportunity to express herself. She rarely stays in a job she doesn’t like; she should be interested there.

In work, this zodiac sign tends to overestimate their capabilities, sometimes taking on impossible tasks. The Sagittarius woman is attracted to creative professions that involve publicity and are not without some degree of risk. Her professional characteristics indicate that she can become an excellent journalist, translator, publisher, or PR specialist. A representative of this astrological period achieves a strong financial position through hard work and entrepreneurship.

Relationships, love, marriage

In love, the Sagittarius woman blossoms. Everything related to emotional sphere, this is her element. She gives herself over to her feelings completely; the actions of the loving representative of the sign sometimes defy ordinary logic. The girl leads a stormy personal life, conventions in love are alien to her. If she feels sympathy for a man, she will show it in any way possible.

Some perceive sincere manifestations of love as frivolous and even dissolute behavior. But this zodiac sign is simply used to being straightforward in everything. The way a girl behaves in love can scare a weak or indecisive man away from her. The strong will be attracted by such frankness.

In bed, the Sagittarius woman is not burdened with complexes. In sex, she is temperamental and very energetic. But she also needs a partner who is just as active and passionate. A representative of this zodiac sign rarely receives intimate pleasure if she does not experience any romantic feelings for a man.

The astrological characteristics of a Sagittarius woman indicate that she values ​​her freedom, therefore she gets married later than representatives of other signs. The Sagittarius girl loves male attention, but does not suffer from loneliness. Her chosen one must guarantee her enough freedom and personal space. She would never betray her loved one. If the sign understands that there is no more love, it will not evade and pretend.

If you limit the representative of the sign, she quite easily breaks off the relationship. Optimism allows her not to be afraid of mistakes and failures in love. Therefore, she often gets married several times or starts serious affairs, each time hoping to find happiness in love.

The representative of this zodiac sign does not like housework. She loves to decorate and change the interior of her home. The Sagittarius woman becomes a wonderful mother. Cheerfulness helps her cope with children's whims, and her creative streak helps her come up with games and entertainment for the baby.

If the sign has not been fully realized in his own life, he can try to fulfill his dreams through children. However, the Sagittarius mother will not insist that the child do what he does not like. She strives to unleash children's potential without breaking the children's character and personality.

Famous Sagittarius women

The last of the Fire signs is the Sagittarius woman - a seeker of truth and knowledge. Curious and resourceful, she is quite a philosopher and will stop at nothing to study everything that concerns the universe and the universe. Life is an endless adventure for the Sagittarius archer symbol as she strives to explore everything under the sun. She is incredibly optimistic, has an open mind and tries to absorb as much information as possible. Bright and charming, she attracts anyone who is optimistic and feels good about this world we live in.

Sagittarius's optimism is contagious and Sagittarius people often set an example for other people through various conversations and charge them with a charge of optimism. But the Sagittarius woman is also ready to learn and perceive any information. She loves to travel, often without hesitation, and this makes it difficult for her to stand still for any length of time.

With this in mind, the best careers for Sagittarius women are tourism, sports, entertainment, missionary work or publishing. Other jobs may be suitable for her as well, as long as she is constantly challenged and is able to rise through the ranks. She always achieves the highest and once she has achieved, she will get bored and move on, looking for another goal.

Maintaining a state of satisfaction in a Sagittarius woman all the time can be difficult, because... she wants to move from place to place. Thus, any business where she has to travel intensively will be the right choice for her. Such a woman does not strive to become attached to something or someone and put down her roots.

Because of her adventurous nature and adventurous nature, the Sagittarius woman makes an exciting girlfriend. She is very outgoing and loves to try new things, so expect to hang out with her at various restaurants and entertainment venues on a regular basis. She is warm, outgoing and fun, qualities that allow her to get along with anyone. Her inner circle is constantly growing as she gains more friends with each new experience, which may also mean that some people are left behind. Because she is constantly on the move, she may not realize how long it has been since she started having fun with her friends. She can be somewhat frivolous, as she will not think about the fact that her friends simply do not have time for fun. But she will always return to her closest friends, with whom she had the biggest and most fun adventure.

Despite her sometimes flighty and fickle nature, the archer will take careful aim when she chooses a lover. She has to be careful because she needs someone who can hold her hand on any trip she wants to take at any time. A relationship with a Sagittarius woman is never boring and she needs an assistant who shares her same interest in life and knowledge.

And while she may go off on her own for a new adventure without you, know that you can be confident in the fact that she will return. It's hard to resist her charming and carefree spirit, especially when she views you as the most important part of her life. If you know you've won your way to her heart, then she'll take the time to show you everything she's learned in the bedroom. Her knowledge is quite extensive in this area too!

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