X-ray of the thoracic spine: doctor's prescription, features of the procedure, technique, indications and contraindications, identified diseases and their treatment. X-ray of the thoracic spine - what you need to know about the procedure How to do an X-ray

If you long time If you are worried about chest pain that gets worse with movement, a feeling of numbness in your hands, don’t worry about guessing - go to the doctor.

In addition to consulting a specialist, you will most likely need an x-ray of the thoracic spine. This type of study is prescribed in cases of certain infectious diseases, with spinal injuries, to clarify the presence of a tumor process, with osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernias.

X-ray is one of the cheapest and most accessible methods of radiation diagnostics when compared with computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Thanks to the method, it is possible to obtain information about the condition of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine.

The operating principle of the method is based on different degrees of absorption of X-ray radiation by body tissues. The result is an imprint of the area under study on a special film or digital media.

What does x-ray of the thoracic spine show?

Using an X-ray examination of the thoracic skeleton, it is possible to see not only the condition of a part of the spine, but also of an individual vertebra. In a healthy adult, the spine includes 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral and coccygeal vertebrae.

Pictures are taken in several projections - frontal and lateral, which are mutually perpendicular to each other. In the direct projection, the vertebral body, its transverse and spinous processes, the bases of the arches and intervertebral discs are well defined.

You can evaluate the condition of the costovertebral joints, which are formed by the tubercles of the ribs and transverse processes, as well as the costal heads and vertebral bodies. The spinal canal is clearly visualized, which looks like a space limited by conventional lines marked by the inner edges of the roots of the arches.

A lateral view of the thoracic spine is taken to see the lower and middle vertebrae of the thoracic skeleton. To determine the condition of the upper vertebrae of the thoracic region, the lateral projection is not suitable due to their overlap with the large shadow of the shoulder girdle. In photographs of the middle and lower thoracic vertebrae, their bodies, foramina, intervertebral discs and endplates can be clearly seen.

Sometimes it is not enough to assess the condition of only one thoracic region for diagnosis. In such cases, it is necessary to take pictures of the cervical or lumbar region. During radiographic examination cervical spine They take pictures in lateral and oblique projections, and the condition of the lumbar spine is better determined in lateral, straight and oblique views.

What pathologies can be identified using x-rays of the thoracic spine?

Using images taken in two projections and covering the image of 4-5 vertebrae, it is possible to determine:

  • location, structure and presence of deformation of the thoracic vertebrae in osteochondrosis and other diseases;
  • pathologies of intervertebral discs and costovertebral joints;
  • condition of the spinal canal;
  • presence of tumor processes;
  • developmental anomalies of the thoracic spine;
  • injuries and their consequences;
  • curvature and displacement of the thoracic vertebrae;
  • condition of bone tissue, in particular the presence of osteoporosis;

Who is contraindicated for radiography?

  • Women should not undergo x-ray examinations during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that radioactive radiation negatively affects the intrauterine development of the fetus: early stages can cause the death of the embryo or the development of complex malformations, and in the last weeks of pregnancy less severe anomalies may appear.
  • It is not recommended to use radiation diagnostics in people with diseases that have led to a general serious condition.
  • It is not recommended to perform x-rays on people in a state of emotional arousal and increased motor activity. These factors can cause your photos to appear blurry and of poor quality.

How to prepare for an x-ray examination

The diagnostic procedure does not require special preparation from the patient and is carried out in any medical institution where there is an X-ray machine. You just need to take a referral from your doctor indicating the anatomical area of ​​the spine that needs diagnosis. Upon completion of the procedure, you will be given a picture with a conclusion, as well as information about the radiation dose received. Examination data can be stored for a long period of time and presented to doctors of other specialties as needed.

How is radiography performed?

The procedure takes a few minutes and is completely painless; it is performed in the X-ray room using a stationary device or at the patient’s bedside using a portable device.

You will need to undress to the waist, after removing your jewelry. The study is carried out in a horizontal position, lying on your back and side. To ensure high-quality images, it is very important not to move during the x-ray process. Strictly follow all instructions from the laboratory assistant.

Upon completion of the examination, you will need to wait a few minutes while the image is processed and a conclusion is given.

Some diseases require repeated diagnostic procedures. The frequency of x-rays is decided by your attending physician, taking into account the dose of radiation you received.

How can you reduce the harm from frequent x-ray examinations?

  • First, make sure that after each x-ray you do not forget to note the dose of radiation received.
  • Secondly, include in your diet foods that help remove radionuclides from the body. These include fermented milk and seafood products, pork, walnuts, carrot.

Is it possible for children and nursing mothers to undergo chest x-rays? The effect of X-rays does not have a negative effect on breast milk, so lactation is not a contraindication to the examination. For children, X-ray examinations are prescribed in cases of extreme necessity, after first comparing the risks and benefits of the procedure.

In general and individual vertebrae, this is the most popular diagnostic method. You can undergo the appropriate examination both in a public clinic and in a private medical institution.

When should you take an x-ray of the thoracic spine?

The main symptom is sensations that cause discomfort in the back area when physical activity(torso bends and turns).

There are a number of other symptoms when an x-ray is prescribed:

  • discomfort in the area chest and in the limbs;
  • diseases caused by infection;
  • mechanical injuries to the spine;
  • suspicion of a tumor;
  • congenital pathologies.

Note: X-ray is a mandatory procedure after operations to restore the functionality of the spine.

What does this diagnostic show?

X-ray is the most informative diagnosis, allowing you to accurately identify the affected areas. The examination is effective both for assessing the condition of the entire spine and its individual vertebrae.

Diagnostics is used to determine the shape and structure of the thoracic vertebrae, as well as intervertebral discs. During the examination, curvatures and other defects of this part of the spine can be identified.

In addition, radiography is aimed at identifying certain pathologies of the thoracic spine:

  • pathological changes in the shape and structure of bone tissue;
  • incorrect position of the vertebrae;
  • curvature and decreased joint mobility;
  • possible complications after dislocations, fractures;
  • bone diseases;
  • any malfunction of the intervertebral discs;
  • presence of metastases;
  • osteoporosis.

Preparation for the procedure

The preparatory process for radiography is as follows:

    1. For several days it is necessary to adhere to a special nutrition system, which involves the exclusion of the following foods:
      • milk;
      • bread of black and gray varieties;
      • fresh cabbage;
      • potato;
      • beans.

You should not eat foods that cause increased flatulence.

  1. In case of flatulence, doctors recommend taking activated carbon three to four times a day.
  2. For two to three days, take valerian tincture 15 drops three times a day.
  3. The last meal should be at 19-00 on the eve of the test date.
  4. To cleanse the intestines, you can perform an enema the day before the x-ray or on the morning of the examination. Great content gases prevent the free penetration of X-rays. The result is a blurry image of poor quality, making it difficult to determine the correct diagnosis.
  5. X-rays are taken on an empty stomach.

How they do it

The main difference between such diagnostics is that the images are taken in three projections:

  • front;
  • behind;
  • on the side.

The procedure is completely simple. The patient bares his torso and removes all jewelry. Then you need to take a position lying on your back or lying on your side. It is also sometimes necessary to perform the examination at an angle of 45 degrees.

As a rule, to obtain a complete and reliable picture of the condition of the spine, no more than five images are required, the execution time of which is a quarter of an hour.

Note: The patient must remain motionless throughout all procedures. Any careless movement leads to deterioration in the quality of images and distortion of the results, which significantly complicates further diagnosis of the disease.

At the end of the procedure, the radiologist necessarily analyzes the received images and transfers them to the vertebrologist with the appropriate conclusions. It is a specialist in spine diseases – a vertebrologist – who makes the final diagnosis and prescribes the necessary course of therapy.

As for the information content of the images, they display all the thoracic vertebrae, however, the lower few vertebrae may not be identified clearly enough. This is due to the specific structure of the human body: these vertebrae are overlapped by the shadow of the organs abdominal cavity.

If a patient is diagnosed with thoracic kyphosis, then the upper and lower thoracic vertebrae appear deformed on the images: they overlap each other, while the intervertebral discs are not visible.

To describe in detail the deformed parts of the spine, special images are needed, which are taken at a certain angle of the X-ray tube.

Note: the specialist must indicate the received radiation dose in the patient’s medical record. This information is necessary for planning further radiography.

Radiography with functional tests

Diagnostics consists of performing radiography in the lateral projection during flexion and extension when the patient is in a supine position.

This photo shows an x-ray of the thoracic spine in a lateral projection

The diagnostic technique in a standing or sitting position is considered preferable.

Functional tests are selected individually. Often this type of radiography is used to diagnose the cervical and lumbar spine. Given the insignificant mobility of the thoracic spine, it is extremely rarely examined using this technique.


The cost of the procedure varies depending on the clinic where the patient is examined, the complexity of the diagnosis, and place of residence.

According to patients, it is most comfortable to visit private medical institutions. You don’t have to wait in tiresome lines; in addition, the most modern equipment is used for radiography. However, comfort requires additional financial costs.

X-ray of the thoracic spine is an accessible and simple procedure. The cost of the service ranges from 1200 to 4000 rubles.


X-rays are contraindicated in the following cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • obesity, in which case the pictures are unclear;
  • situations when the patient cannot remain motionless;
  • if the patient has been examined using a barium suspension within the last four hours;
  • some spinal injuries.

IN modern medicine X-ray is a mandatory diagnostic method for identifying injuries and pathologies of the spine.

Modern medical equipment allows us to guarantee the patient a minimum amount of radiation during the procedure.

Various pathologies in the spine are always accompanied by discomfort in the chest or back. Sometimes problems in this part of the body are indicated by shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, rapid fatigue, pain in the heart area. To correctly diagnose this condition, X-rays of the thoracic spine are used. This method of radiation examination has been helping doctors and patients for more than 100 years. Despite the development of other diagnostic methods, conventional x-rays have still not lost their popularity. With its help, the condition of the vertebrae is examined, curvatures and pathologies of internal organs are determined.

Why are spinal x-rays prescribed?

X-ray is a radiation-based, non-invasive method of examining any part of the body. His invention is considered a huge step in world medicine: it allows you to see the structure of bones and pathologies of organs without surgical intervention. Advanced examination methods, such as computed tomography, are based on the same idea. The radiography method is used to diagnose many diseases; in case of bone tissue pathologies, it remains mandatory.

Radiation examination of the thoracic spine is prescribed in order to study in detail its condition in the specified area. The reason for prescribing the procedure is the patient’s complaints, injuries, or doctor’s suspicions of disc displacement, hernia or other problems.

The thoracic region is considered the most protected from exposure external environment, but even the slightest glitches in this system instantly affect your well-being.

The thoracic region consists of 12 vertebrae and is the largest area of ​​the spine. The ribs are attached to the vertebrae, thus forming the rib cage.

This part of the body performs several vital functions: protects internal organs and the spinal cord, provides support and balance, and is involved in the movements of the whole body. Curvatures, illnesses or injuries in this area may be subtle but life-threatening.

X-ray examination shows cracks, displacements, and neoplasms. If the procedure is performed correctly, the doctor can see the pathology of the heart and respiratory system. Images are needed not only for diagnosis, they also help determine the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment and change it if necessary.

A patient can be assigned up to 7 diagnostic tests per year; the limitation is related to the radiation dose that the patient receives. However, such a process does not pose any particular danger, since the dosage is clearly calculated and the person does not suffer in any way.

In what cases is it necessary to undergo examination?

X-rays are prescribed to determine obstructive changes in the lungs; at the same time, they identify pathologies of the vertebrae and heart. This method is also used to diagnose cancer tumors in the chest area.

The examination is carried out as part of routine examinations and as prescribed by the treating doctor. You can be directed to take pictures or by a vertebrologist - a doctor who treats the spine.

In addition, you can undergo this procedure at will if you have the following symptoms:

  • impaired posture and gait, chest deformation;
  • constant pain in the back or chest;
  • breathing problems: temporary stoppage, difficulty breathing, painful sensations, feeling of lack air, etc.;
  • frequent swelling of the legs;
  • bleeding during coughing – hemoptysis;
  • fatigue;
  • prolonged fever for no apparent reason.

In case of such problems, you need to contact a therapist, who will prescribe an examination and refer you to another specialist of a narrow specialization, for example, a cardiologist, if the complications are caused by malfunctions of the heart. To establish the exact cause of pain or other symptoms, a series of X-rays are necessarily taken to evaluate the patient’s condition.

Indications for X-rays of the thoracic spine:

  • curvature of the spine;
  • injuries in the chest area, fractures and dislocations of the ribs, collarbones, displacement of the vertebrae;
  • illnesses cardiovascular system: increased heart size, aortic aneurysm, cardiomegaly, congenital defects;
  • fluid between the lungs and the outer wall of the sternum;
  • all types of kyphosis - acquired or congenital deformity spinal column, in which part of the vertebrae protrudes forward. Expressed in stooping, sometimes hunchbackedness;
  • calcification of the aorta or heart valve;
  • accumulation of air in the pleural cavity, lungs and other tissues.

Pictures internal structure The chest is also needed to monitor the operation of the catheter, pacemaker, and defibrillator. In the images, the doctor can see other diseases, such as tuberculosis, dysplasia, pneumonia, pleurisy, and so on.

To examine soft tissues, a conventional x-ray uninformative, and inferior computed tomography, therefore, as a rule, after receiving the images, the doctor may order a CT scan to confirm or refute suspicions.

Radiation diagnostics can show changes in the lymphatic system, which also signals a serious problem in the body. In this case, lymphangiography is considered more informative.

When X-rays are contraindicated

Because the imaging process relies on radiation exposure, not every patient can undergo this procedure. At least a dose x-ray radiation is small and does not cause damage when used correctly; such a study is carried out only when there are no contraindications.

During pregnancy, x-rays of the thoracic spine are not taken. Radiation exposure can cause irreparable violations in fetal development. This procedure is avoided even in later stages, replacing with alternative methods , for example, MRI of the thoracic spine.

To obtain clear images, the subject in the process of diagnosis must remain still for a while and follow the radiologist's commands, such as holding your breath. With severe mental disabilities and mental changes, a person cannot fulfill this requirement , so this may be a contraindication for the study.

A barium examination is considered a temporary contraindication. X-rays can be taken after such a procedure only after 4 hours.

In most cases, the examination is postponed to the next day. For people for whom this technique is contraindicated, other examination methods are recommended - MRI, CT, angiography, etc. In extreme cases, doctors are forced to examine the problem area only during surgery.

Where is the best place to take pictures of the spine?

The radiography procedure is considered the most accessible and easiest to use. Compared to other diagnostic methods, this can be done in any clinic. Similar devices are available in public clinics and hospitals, as well as large diagnostic centers. The process will be the same in both a private clinic and a public one.

The only differences are the price and waiting time for results. Thus, the state X-ray room will take pictures in a few minutes, but decoding may take several days. By law, this service is government agency should be free.

Private diagnostic centers provide examination results within an hour. In addition, the X-ray machine can be digital, and such a device transmits the image to a computer monitor. The doctor can examine the condition of the organs and spine immediately during diagnostic process, this is very important when identifying dangerous pathological conditions.

The results of this technology are transferred, at the patient’s request, to an electronic medium – a flash card or DVD. The health worker can also send them by email, which is much more convenient.
