Business in the field of information services. How customer education affects your business

Parents with school-aged children would not refuse the opportunity to control attendance educational institution with your child. SMS information, which is being widely implemented, comes to their aid. Your task is not to miss the opportunity to become this innovator and be able to make money from it.

  • How much money do you need per day to organize SMS alerts?
  • Example of calculating business profitability
  • How to implement a project and start earning money?

Presented here the idea of ​​implementing a complex of attendance recording and notification of parents. Using paid SMS messages that are sent to mailing services when their child came to school and when he left its walls. There are several options to implement this type of SMS marketing. The first one is less expensive initial stage, there is no need to buy special turnstiles, and their installation in the OS is not required.

The institution organizes a “checkpoint” where a number of proximity card readers are installed. When passing the point, the system informs parents with a message of the following type: “Your child has entered school. 09.11.15. 08-25.” The notification works using a GSM modem with an unlimited tariff. It doesn't need to be connected to . The system operates autonomously, without external control.

How much money do you need per day to organize SMS alerts?

Standard equipment is used. After updating the software, the system will be able to send messages. The equipment is rented to the school for 3 years, free of charge. The contract specifies the provision of the notification service. Payback of the system is 3 months (with 100 connections per month). Profit: 18,300 rub. per month.

Second option. Here, SMS marketing requires the purchase of expensive equipment in the form of turnstiles. However, there are advantages here - their installation is beneficial to the school. And since only you bear the costs, it is therefore more likely that you will be allowed to implement your project within the framework of a specific educational institution. Below is a calculation of the profitability of this option.

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Example of calculating business profitability

Now let’s do some economic calculations and find out how profitable this project is. I must say that you can set the price for paid SMS yourself. But here, depending on the number of subscribers, the cost of SMS messaging will become cheaper.

Now let’s look at the cost of the equipment that will be required in order to implement this idea of ​​SMS notification. Don’t forget about the services for receiving SMS and their subsequent distribution to subscribers.

How to implement a project and start earning money?

There are two options for implementing the project: through the educational institution or through the education department. The school, as an entity that decides such issues itself, can decide to install such a system. Having a test sample, you need to make a presentation to the school management. Once approved by management, the project can be presented to parents at a meeting. At the same time, clearly show the principle of operation of the service. It is worth handing out promotional brochures, as some people respond better to printed information.

Through the education department - a method similar to the previous one. You need to contact the management directorate. Give them a presentation during which you can clearly show how the system works. After this, a demonstration is held at a meeting of directors of the educational institution. Advertising brochures and business cards are also needed here. This option is more profitable because you get support from above.

When choosing a school to provide services, it is worth considering the approximate number of clients. The more students there are in a school, the more parents want to use the service. To avoid problems with the law, it is necessary to legalize your activities in the form of an LLC.

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Answers to questions:
The concept of “information service”, “information product”.
The service sector and its characteristics. Prospects for the development of the service sector.
The concept of “buying risks”, types of purchasing risks in the services market.
A system of measures to reduce consumer risks in the services market.
Market of information products and services, its characteristics.
What is an information need
Describe the main stages of the formation of the market for information products and services in Russia.
List the main components Russian market information products and services.
What distinguishes the Russian information market from foreign ones?
List the most typical sectors of the regional market for information products and services.
Features of the functioning of the market for information products and services.
Problems of functioning of companies in the information business sector.
State regulation of the information business.
Current directions for the development of the legislative framework for the process of organizing commercial activities of companies in the information business sector.
General and distinctive characteristics of conscious and unconscious information needs.
Technology for studying information needs.
Factors hindering the improvement of commercial activities of information business firms.
Features of the functioning of Russian companies in the information business.
The main contradictions that firms face in the process of organizing commercial activities in the market of information products and services.
An information resource, its structure, necessary for successful commercial activities in a specific market.
What is the basis for developing a company's marketing research system? Essential characteristics systematic marketing research.
The main stages of forming a company's marketing strategy.
What is the technology for studying the features of providing information products and services?
The main stages of developing a marketing strategy for a company’s activities in the market of information products and services and its implementation.
Determine the market segment for information products and services and describe the main stages of problem diagnostics of a company operating in this market segment.
The main stages of the technology for implementing a marketing research system for a specific segment of the market for information products and services.
The life cycle of an information service and its main stages.
Stages of implementation of the information model of the company's marketing research system.
Indicators of the company's competitiveness. Factors influencing the choice of a company's competitive strategy.
What determines and what does the competitive position of a company in the market of information products and services depend on?
Justify the integrativeness of indicators for assessing the quality of an information product from the perspective of meeting information needs.
Logical connection of the main indicators of the quality of an information product from the position of satisfying information needs.

      Classification organizational forms information business.

      Venture business in the information sphere.

      Main directions for improving the information business

      Classification of organizational forms of information business

Classification is the process of grouping research objects in accordance with similar characteristics or parameters. The classification of enterprises and organizations contributes to the development of general methods for analyzing economic activities, improving management and regulation. Information business organizations are classified according to the same standard scheme as organizations of other types of business, but taking into account the specifics of this field of activity. Table 4.1 shows the classification of organizational structures of the information business.

Table 4.1 - Types of information business enterprises (firms) according to standard classification

Type of enterprise (firm)


1. Purpose and nature of activity


Those who make a profit


Public sector structures: information services of government authorities, public libraries, etc.

2. Form of property ownership

    with the right to hire



Owned by individual citizens as private property


Based on the property of the labor collective, as well as a cooperative, other statutory society or public organization


Based on the property of the corresponding territorial community


Enterprises based on state ownership (CC of the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, other ministries and departments, CC of state administrations, etc.)

3. Nationality of capital


Capital belongs to entrepreneurs of their country


Capital is the property of foreign entrepreneurs in full or in that part that provides them with the necessary control

Mixed (general)

The capital belongs to entrepreneurs of two or more countries; their registration is carried out in the country of one of the founders of such an enterprise

4. Legal status and form of management

Sole proprietors

It is the property of one person or family, and is responsible for its obligations with all its property (capital). Such an enterprise can be registered as an independent enterprise or as a branch of another enterprise (firm). Mainly small companies in terms of the number of employees.

Continuation of Table 4.1

Type of enterprise (firm)



Voluntary associations of citizens for the purpose of common economic or other activities. Their characteristic feature is the direct participation of everyone in common activities, the use of their own or rented property.


Lease is temporary (on a contractual basis) possession and use of property necessary for the tenant to carry out business activities.

Business companies:

Association of Entrepreneurs

All participants are engaged in common business activities and bear joint responsibility for the obligations of the enterprise with all their property.

    limited liability

It has an authorized capital divided into parts, the size of which is determined by the constituent documents. Participants of this society are liable to the extent of their contributions.

    with additional responsibility

The authorized capital is divided into shares, the sizes of which are determined by the constituent documents. The participants of such a company are responsible for its debts with their contributions to the authorized fund, and for the insufficiency of these amounts - additionally with the property appropriate to them in the same multiple for all participants up to the contribution of each participant. The maximum amount of liability of participants is assumed in the constituent documents.


A company that, in addition to members with full liability, includes one or more participants whose liability is limited to a personal contribution to the property of such a company.

    joint stock:

    open type

Shares are distributed through public subscription and purchase and sale on stock exchanges

    closed type

Shares can only be distributed between the founders of the company

5. Functional and sectoral nature of activity



Production and trade

Trade intermediaries

Innovation and implementation



6. Technological and territorial integrity

Main (maternal)

Controlled by other companies


A legally independent organizational entity that carries out commercial operations and constitutes balance sheet. The parent company controls the activities of all its subsidiaries because it owns a controlling stake in their shares


Formally independent, but various reasons depends on the main company and must be subordinate to its strategic goals.

Continuation of Table 4.1

Type of enterprise (firm)


It does not enjoy legal and economic independence, does not have its own charter and balance sheet, acts on behalf of and by proxy of the main enterprise, and has the same name as it. Almost the entire share capital of the branch belongs to the parent company

7. Size by number of employees

Large (extra large)

Number of more than 500 employees, occupy a certain place in all sectors of the software market

Number of employees: 200-500, sales volume from five to 20 products, they are characterized by adaptation of software products and intermediary activities

Small (small)

Number of employees 15-200, sales volume of up to five software products, which are characterized by specialization in software sectors (for example, specialized databases, automation of information processing accounting, engineering and linguistic developments, etc.)


Number of employees up to 10, revenue from the sale of products (provision of services) up to 250 thousand UAH. per year

The most common classification criteria by which information business firms are distinguished are the following (Figure 4.1)

      Venture business in the information sector

Venture business is a field of entrepreneurial activity associated with the implementation of risky projects, risky investments, mainly in the field of scientific and technical innovations. Venture ["vent∫ə] translated from English means a risky undertaking, a risky undertaking, to take a risk.

The production of computer equipment was precisely the area in which “venture” entrepreneurship first became widespread.

Venture capital is risk capital, a fundamentally new form of financing the process of commercialization of technical and technological innovations (innovations). With venture financing, capital is invested irrevocably. The investor's interest is in acquiring the rights to all innovations, both patented and non-patented ("know-how"), as well as in the founding profits from the incorporation (registration) of venture companies that have achieved success.

Venture firm– a small or medium-sized investment firm engaged in scientific research, engineering development and lending. By identifying and financing new ideas, a venture capital firm helps companies develop the latest trends in scientific and technological progress. Operations carried out by such firms (venture operations) are characterized by an increased degree of risk. According to some estimates, up to 20% of venture capital firms go bankrupt due to their inability to take into account market demands, and 60% barely recoup the funds invested in them. Almost all venture groups operate at a loss for the first two years. But if successful, the rate of return on the advanced capital after five years reaches 30-40%. Venture capital funds are invested without any financial backing from the recipient, and investors take the risk of losing their investment if the research is unsuccessful.

The creation of venture firms involves three components:

    innovative idea (new product, technology, service);

    social need and an entrepreneur who is ready to organize a company on the basis of such an idea;

    "risk" capital to finance this firm.

Venture capital investments are an integral part of the information technology industry. The role of the state in increasing investor interest in providing equity capital to risky enterprises comes down mainly to legislative regulation. An important area is the regulation of tax laws and the establishment of a preferential tax regime. In addition, the government assumes a significant portion of the risk by guaranteeing loans provided by private banks.

The operating model of the information business does not differ significantly from the model generally accepted for business. Let's consider the enlarged model of information business proposed by A. Hosking, which is presented in Fig. 1.3

Rice. 1.3. General information business model

The enlarged business model contains two levels:

1) macro level - covers economic, political, socio-cultural, technological, physical (geographic) conditions of activity;

2) micro level - directly covers the operating environment of an enterprise with an institutional system.

The structural-functional model of the information business combines functions, environment and markets. Of the five main business functions, four (finance, marketing, human resources and logistics) involve interaction with external units. Market research activities within the macro environment consist of studying the economic, political, legal, socio-cultural, technological and physical (geographic) industries.

Features of the information business

One of the main features of the information business is that, in relation to other types of business activities, it is a component of the production infrastructure and provides the information needs of business entities and individuals. This implies the task of an information organization - finding groups of consumers with the same information needs.

The information market is practically limitless, since the number of consumers is constantly growing and it is impossible to satisfy the information needs of any consumer once and for all, which makes the information business especially attractive. This does not mean that there is no competition in the information market; on the contrary, it is quite tough, given the high profitability of companies operating in it. The high knowledge intensity of information production encourages information organizations to integrate. The reason for such actions is that, as practice shows, conducting separate studies does not give the desired economic effect, but only generates duplication.

Information trends have a significant impact on the information business: complications of information products, their ability to interact, elimination of intermediate links, globalization, convergence. In fact, their influence determines most of the features of this type of entrepreneurship.

Thus, through the convergence of various types of activities due to the development of information technology, it becomes quite difficult to differentiate organizations based on the type of information products or services that they provide. For example, it is difficult to determine which form of human labor products should include the creation of databases and the provision of services to access them.

The sphere of information business is difficult to perceive and analyze. It synthesizes the best qualities of a particular sector of the economy and combines the features of production, design, scientific and creative activities.

As a result of convergence, a noticeable trend is rapidly spreading among organizations operating in the information business to merge with other organizations through acquisition or other forms of cooperation or increased control over the activities of organizations in related industries.

The boundaries between various types information activities. For example, an organization that produced information products and provided services related to data processing using computer technology may move on to providing communication services, database access, computer maintenance, or other services that may not be directly related to computers. There are forecasts for the gradual “occupation” of related activities and penetration into other spheres of life.

With the development of information and communication technologies, the information business is becoming more and more integrated into all spheres of human activity, science, production, and the social sphere. A noticeable trend is the elimination of intermediary links between seller and buyer, which leads to a decrease in the number of people employed in the service sector, including in the information business. The consumer becomes a direct participant in the information production process and thereby changes both his functional responsibilities and capabilities, as well as the functions and capabilities of the information business. Therefore, he can directly determine the directions of development and improvement of the activities of the information organization and its products.

Another aspect of the consumer’s integration into the technological process of collecting and processing information is increasing the requirements for the level of his information culture, in particular computer literacy as its component. For the development of the economy and society as a whole, investing in this means is extremely effective.

Computer literacy, like literacy in general, does not have a close connection with a specific field of activity. A person, changing his field of activity or subject area, remains capable of using his computer literacy. Consequently, the level of consumption of PPI depends on the level of competence of the consumer; his training should be a mandatory element of the economic activity of a successful information organization.

Information business is a very highly intellectual type of activity that constantly requires increasing the level of knowledge not only of science specialists, but also of the end user. It follows that in order to attract more and more consumers, an information organization must not only organize training for users in the effective use of software, but also work on the problem of the competitiveness of its products and services in the direction of improving the interface with the user and reducing the requirements for the level of his computer competence. This does not apply to the information competence of responsible employees, which requires increasing their level of awareness of what information is needed to make a decision, where it can be found and how to use it.

For the information business, a typical situation is the user’s “incompetence” when choosing a product, since professional orientation in a wide range of products is required. So, consumer demand in the market largely depends on non-economic factors, which, in turn, reduce the influence of individual demand on the “marginal” (highest) cost of the product, hence the “classical” model of competition in this case is completely unacceptable.

Another peculiarity of the information business is that the consumer is only interested in those IPPs that directly relate to his activities. There is no single consumer who needs to know about all the databases (knowledge). The greatest value is not general information on a problem, but highly specialized information necessary for making a specific decision. Information on the basis of which you can draw a “yes” or “no” conclusion on any issue will be valuable.

The task of the information business is to provide the consumer with precisely relevant information, for which the information organization must perfectly know his information needs and ensure the necessary quality of the information provided. In addition, it must take care of the sources of information necessary to create appropriate APIs that can meet the needs of a particular consumer. The task is to find reliable suppliers, the necessary input data and to purchase only those goods that can satisfy the specific needs of consumers.

The next feature is that information organizations give preference to creating their own IPP (this does not apply to strategic IPP - program and technical means), without resorting to the services of other organizations, in order to ensure greater control over their quality, since product quality is the main asset of any enterprise.

The information business, like any machine production, is characterized by the fact that the growth of labor productivity and the volume of products produced (information products and services) largely depends on the technical and technological potential than on the skills, physiological capabilities and mastery of workers, as is the case in manual and craft production.

The information business is characterized primarily by a contractual form of concluding an agreement and maintaining close to informal relationships with its consumers. This promotes reliable connections, brings the manufacturer closer to the consumer and allows you to quickly respond to new requests and opportunities.

The peculiarities of managing in a market economy include the fact that economic information is mainly generated by the market itself and information flows in external environment have a horizontal direction. There is an exchange of information between market entities: producers and consumers, suppliers and recipients, banks and entrepreneurs, information organizations and users.

Information that moves in the external environment in a vertical direction is mainly of a political and legal nature - flow from top to bottom - ("downward flow") or is a product of the activities of enterprises, that is, in any economic system, enterprises necessarily interact with government agencies (for example , Goskomstat, banks, tax administrations, etc.) - flow from bottom to top (“upward flow”).

The above features of the information business and their steps to take them into account are summarized in table 1.7.

Table 1.7.

Features of information business and their accounting


essence of features

The task of accounting for them

Information business is a component of the production infrastructure that provides the information needs of business entities

Searching for groups of consumers with the same information needs, promoting and selling products and services through exchange, managing the exchange process with counterparties

The infinity of the information market, the constant growth in the number of consumers, the inability to satisfy the consumer’s information needs once and for all

Development and implementation of new technological processes or new products in order to increase efficiency, expand the supply (production) of new products

Significant knowledge intensity of information production

Integration of information organizations, conducting joint research, reducing the costs of conducting them

Convergence of types of information activities

Synthesis of the best qualities of a particular sector of the economy and a combination of features of production, design, scientific and creative activities

The complexity of the information business to perceive and analyze

Ensuring appropriate control over the quality of the software, since it is the main asset of any enterprise.

The disappearance of the border between different types of information activities

Gradually, the “occupation” of related activities and penetration into other areas of economic activity

Integration of information business into all spheres of human life

Conversion: improving product quality and production productivity, searching for reliable suppliers, accelerating production processes

Dependence of growth in labor productivity and volumes of industrial production on the level of technical and technological potential

Searching for reliable suppliers, increasing the information competence of the manufacturer; dissemination of initiative, entrepreneurial ideas, business management experience,

The need to provide consumers with relevant information

Study of consumer information needs and provision required quality provision of IPP

Growing requirements for the level of information culture of the consumer, in particular his computer literacy

Increasing the level of consumer competence and training should become a mandatory element of the information organization.

Economic information is generated by the market and information flows in the external environment have a horizontal direction.

The use of a contract form, maintaining close to informal relationships with consumers, which promotes reliable connections, brings you closer to the consumer and allows you to quickly respond to his new requests and opportunities.

Information business is a field of entrepreneurial activity related to the development, production and sale of information resources, systems, technologies and means of supporting them, as well as the provision of information services to all subjects of market relations.

Information business is an electronic business based on the sale of information. The information must be unique and of value to the target audience. Most often, this is the experience of people in a certain area of ​​​​life activity.

The information business is comparatively new area entrepreneurial activity in the form of the largest diversified complex with its existing infrastructure. The information business, on the one hand, is part of the infrastructure of the entire system of business activity, along with banks, exchanges, auditing companies, etc., and on the other hand, it is an independent sphere of business.

Information business functions:

  • · financial management and accounting;
  • · personnel management;
  • · logistics;
  • · organization of production;
  • · marketing research;
  • · leasing operations;
  • · consulting services;
  • · property and information insurance;
  • · organization of information security service;
  • · after-sales service

For a decade, the Information Resources of Russia magazine has constantly monitored the state of the market for information products and services. It has been repeatedly noted that this market is quite diverse. Some of its segments, for example the legal information market, developed quite successfully. Recently, there has been noticeable activity in the field of digital cartographic information, financial information, news flows, including on the Internet. At the same time, the information market, a decade later, remains not yet fully formed and unprofitable.

The information infrastructure consists of three circuits: preserved information flows from old-type organizations, new information flows from market structures, shadow information flows. To solve many market problems, enterprises must rely on information from multiple streams, and accessing it is not always easy. But none of the streams represents a full-fledged resource for information support for the development of society. There are only individual products, local information systems, and numerous Internet sites, often with unverified information. This significantly complicates the formation of a unified information system enterprise that can provide effective assistance in business management. Today, offers from companies or individuals regularly arrive by e-mail, containing the entire range of official databases. Citizens of Russia do not yet realize the full danger of such free dissemination of information about themselves, their homes, passports, cars, etc. It is quite natural that traditional scientific and technical information services have had a hard time adapting to current economic realities. Previously, their activities were focused on corporate clients. But in the 70-80s, employees of information institutes did not have to think about whether enterprises or individual citizens would want to buy the products of their labor. Few people have tried to identify and satisfy people's needs, and even while minimizing costs. Producers rarely had to think about how to sell the product of their labor, since they acted within the framework of the relevant instructions and regulations of higher authorities.

A true consumer of scientific and technological development resources in market conditions has not emerged. Throughout the decade, the bulk of Russian enterprises thought only about survival. They practically did not need information resources for scientific and technological development. Only recently have the authorities started talking clearly about scientific and industrial policy. Concepts for the development of individual industries began to appear, which indicate the need to create a supporting information infrastructure. There is hope that the creation and maintenance of information resources necessary for the development of various areas will become systematic, and the reliability of information will be ensured by relevant regulations and laws.

The current state of the market is largely due to the continued informational secrecy of not only many government agencies (you can find many such examples in the open press), but also large corporate structures that have not yet come close to international standards of “transparency” in doing business. Although some examples of civilized design of large businesses have already emerged, the vast majority of enterprises prefer to remain in the shadows.

The reliability of business information is determined, first of all, by the accuracy of the information provided by business entities. The work style of the Russian entrepreneur, which developed during the period of initial capital accumulation, privatization, and corporatization, practically did not contribute to the processes of collecting reliable information. Few company executives were willing to accurately describe their business in order to find suitable partners. Difficulties in collecting information led to a decrease in the quality of published products. Many small details were missed, which give a certain significance to the information product. The full development of the information market was also hampered by the insufficient dissemination in Russia of suitable inexpensive information technologies, technological and economic barriers limiting mass user access to information resources. As for the general population, further development means and systems (including mobile) of Internet access, reducing tariffs for using information on the Internet can save citizens from the need to turn to dubious sources of information. But provided that in the coming years, departmentalism will actually be overcome and information resources will appear that integrate information from different sources to solve certain types of problems.

Russia's information resources represent a huge conglomerate of information objects that vary significantly in content, organization, technologies used, and value. Unfortunately, a significant part of these resources is not sufficiently adapted for use by the mass user and represents information raw material. The task is to organize an effective search for initial information resources of interest, including for business, and to “fine-tune” this raw material to the level of a high-quality information product. However, the country has not yet developed enough structures specializing in such work. All of the above difficulties in the development of the information market are actually transferred to those areas that are related to the development new economy, in particular Internet technologies. The success of a business that processes diverse streams of digital information depends less on the technology itself (professionals have proven they can learn new things quickly) and more on the right combination of organizational elements, business practices, and the tools that go with them.

Sometimes the prospects for Russian e-commerce are associated with an increase in the presence of the country's population to the level of 10% of the total. But in Moscow this figure has actually already been achieved. Consequently, according to the current state of electronic retail in the capital one can judge the receptivity of new information technologies by the mass audience. The general conclusion now is this: business is growing, but is developing at an insufficient pace due to the low solvency of a significant part of the Internet audience (schoolchildren, government employees and not very rich small businesses).

A fundamental point for the development of an Internet business is access to the network for the entire set of corporate clients. This is a voluntary matter, and serious motivation is needed for enterprises to master Internet technologies. Traditional information services could be a good facilitator for their clients to explore new opportunities.

Information business is a separate area of ​​entrepreneurial business, which is carried out in the information sector of the economy. The information sector of the economy is understood as the total activity of producers, sellers and buyers of various information. Accordingly, the information business covers business relationships that develop in the areas of production, sales and acquisition of information. Information business is built around specific objects business relations and business activities, namely information resources, creative resources, information products and information services. Information business is used in different areas: political, economic, legal, socio-cultural, technological, organizational and technical.

The difficulties of developing the information market are actually transferred to those areas that are associated with the development of the new economy, in particular Internet technologies. The success of a business that processes diverse streams of digital information depends less on the technology itself (professionals have proven they can learn new things quickly) and more on the right combination of organizational elements, business practices, and the tools that go with them. To develop an Internet business, you need a network of many corporate clients. This is a voluntary matter, and serious motivation is needed for enterprises to master Internet technologies. Traditional information services could be a good facilitator for their clients to explore new opportunities.
