Averyanov who will raise the banner. Putin has cut off his way back

The main gift and resource for the development of Russia is its people - a completely unique historical reservoir in which enormous spiritual, mental and moral potential has been accumulated and preserved for thousands of years. The bulk of our peasant people lived on the brink of poverty, in poverty, sometimes crossing the brink of poverty, and at the same time they lived in righteousness and on the brink of holiness, and also sometimes crossing this line.

When we talk about what happened, say, in the Soviet Union in the 30s and 40s, one of the main explanations for the mystery of the Soviet project is that this reservoir was heated: it hissed, it produced enormous energy , which has accumulated in it for thousands of years.

But it was not only Stalin who was a master of working with this reservoir; at one time it was Sergius of Radonezh, who proposed his model of Holy Rus', and Alexander Nevsky, and Ivan the Terrible, and Suvorov... The genius of these figures lay precisely in their ability to enter into a constructive conversation with your people, to enter into a relationship of deep dialogue with this very reservoir of the Russian spirit.

What can be said about today's era in this regard? Of course, during the “Crimean Spring” there was a hint of an appeal to this reservoir. Who designated it? Was it designated by Putin? Was it designated by some parts of the elite? Was it identified by the lower classes of society, who themselves rebelled, say, in Crimea? It seems to me that this was a historical miracle, where higher powers intervened and carried things out contrary to all plans and forecasts. And these forces gave us something like a hint - including to Putin, and to the political elites, and to all of us. Whether we could or could not take this hint into account is another question. Some could, and some could not.

Therefore, for me, the issue of the Russian reactor is a matter of the fact that we as a people have enormous potential, which poses a significant danger to the subjects of globalization. This is precisely the main reason that Russia is under a certain siege. Moreover, the point is not even in sanctions, but in the fact that the underdevelopment of Russia is a condition for the acceptability of the political regime that rules in Russia.

Indeed, on the one hand, the president said about the sacredness of Crimea, which inspired many of us. On the other hand, literally in the same months, speaking to the leaders’ club, he spoke very strangely about patriotism. He said that patriotism actually comes down to the interests of the little person, to the interests of the consumer.

What is the secret of this paradox? It seems to me that the explanation lies not in some kind of thoughtlessness, but in the fact that there are certain unknown to us relationships between the supreme power of Russia and the world financial oligarchy. Maybe the authorities would like to follow the Izborsk path that millions are dreaming about the best people Russia, but its maneuver is limited by conventions, quite strict, which we may not know everything about.

And here the question is: to whom should we appeal, to whom should we appeal? To our political elite, to our power? Or maybe the question should be asked precisely to those subjects who actually decide where and what in the world capital should be invested in, the real owners of which they are?

But they, these same global actors, think that Putin received power from their will, with their consent. They do not understand that power in Russia is given by God, and not by the world oligarchy. And this is a completely different God than their god.

The question of the Russian reactor is a question of religious struggle. Ultimately this is a religious issue. This cannot be understood in a narrow sense - that, for example, the Russian Orthodox Church should rise up and lead the people. This will not happen for obvious reasons. But only a metaphysical, religious subject, and not an economic analyst living within his discourse, can answer the questions posed. Because we have gathered in the Izborsk Club the best economic minds in the country, and these best minds have been banging their heads against an insurmountable wall for decades, trying to break through it.

This means that our energy is locked, which means we need to look for other ways, to redirect the flow of our efforts around this wall. Maybe it makes sense to direct him towards a breakthrough in the spiritual and humanitarian sphere? Why can’t the Izborsk Club present a spiritual alternative today? There is such a country as Iran, an imperial country like Russia, which does not have our military potential, which has remained under sanctions for more than 30 years. Why not take an example from her in this matter, making allowance for the fact that we have a different leading religion?

In the spiritual and humanitarian sphere today we could offer qualitatively new systemic solutions. Our friends today head both the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Culture. There are certain positions in the main federal media. Why not propose to institutionalize some kind of social structure that could help our like-minded people? There are personnel in the Izborsk Club who could carry out something like micro-revolutions in these areas (take, for example, A.A. Ageev or G.G. Malinetsky in the field of education and science). And such micro-revolutions would lead to a chain reaction of changes in other areas, of course.

If we don’t pose the question this way, then we are at a dead end, because the other side in this “religious war” knows perfectly well what it wants. It is very well organized. If they bring down the current government, then, unlike us, they know how to pick it up. This means that we cannot allow the destruction of power and the current structure of the state. Otherwise, in once again Having plunged Russia into chaos, they will, at a very high rate, even faster than in the 90s, corrupt, dull, and “mamonize” the Russian people, that is, turn them into servants of Mammon and thereby completely destroy that holy reservoir about which I said at the very beginning.

Bolotnaya in Moscow and Maidan in Kyiv are the same hand, which acted at different historical moments, as if striking at different points. At first it didn’t work out in Moscow, then it hit in Kyiv. At the time when Bolotnaya took place, they were called by the authorities “the best part of our society.” What are the values ​​and ideals of this “better part”? They come down to the sacred right of private property, to the grace of wealth and to freedom, which is understood as it is understood in the Satanist slogan: “Do what you will.”

Mammon - according to the etymology of "ma'amon" - is translated as "values ​​taken as collateral", in other words, it is a religion of credit. The main thing in the religion of credit is not receiving interest, but taking possession of the collateral. And they want to get the whole thing, the whole country, as collateral, which is why loan interest rates are so high. The investor is not interested in the ability of the mortgage holders to repay the loans; he needs the country taken as collateral, and, accordingly, its lack of development is the most important value for him.

Our political elites are split and at the same time, for the most part, double-minded, they try to serve two gods: they wear a cross on their chest, but always turn it over on their back when they approach their other god - Mammon.

I repeat once again: the main danger for world actors lies in our people, who have already repeatedly deceived their expectations. They don’t understand what this amazing people can “throw out” once again, at the next historical turn. Instead of opening petty-bourgeois shops, like all “normal peoples”, who gladly went into their bondage. And this Russian reactor, which, of course, did not die and did not fall asleep - a thread was stretched over the abyss in the 90s - needs people who today would raise the banner of “religious war”, spiritual warfare, if be more precise in definitions.

Original 05/02/2017, 11:16

After reading the article Vitaly Averyanov “Who will raise the banner?”, I did not see anyone answering the questions raised by the author. I regard the article as an invitation to dialogue or discussion, which is why I am answering.

Please consider this letter as the personal opinion of an ordinary person who has been observing, reading and listening to some of your members for 5-10 years, every day. I don’t pretend to be an expert at your level, and I could be wrong. But I’m almost sure that my opinion is shared by many of your readers.

The ideas and proposals described below were previously published in my previous articles on this resource and received many comments in support. It looks like they really are hooked! I hope you will find it interesting too. If I'm wrong somewhere, correct me.

The first thing I want to say is that I treat you with great respect and recognition. I can well imagine the scale of work you have done over decades and how much strength and health it cost. Thanks to you, I was able to understand many events.

Regarding the previous elections to the State Duma, in September 2016.

How hard you were given a ride. Even with your expertise, such lawlessness came as a surprise. However, what can you expect from people who conduct such domestic policy for 25 years. It was important to them that none of you get into the Duma. And they are probably proud of this superbly executed combination.

Well, to the fact that millions of citizens supported you, they have an answer that can be expressed in the words of Galustyan from KVN: “And we are an army.”

Despite all your criticism, a lot of destructive laws are being passed in the country. And no one manages to stop this process. Not you, not even the president.

What is your club's strategy? How are you going to achieve your goals?

Your goals are clear - to make a breakthrough in the development of the country in all spheres of life. O.V. Rozanov in an interview from 2013 expressed: “ We can make a decisive breakthrough in development only by strengthening the role of the state, the speedy implementation of critical infrastructure projects and the full mobilization of state resources.”

The Izborsk Club lists its main tasks as:

- creation and presentation of analytical reports to the authorities and society of Russia aimed at the formation of an updated patriotically oriented state policy in all spheres of national life;

What needs to be done is clear. It's not entirely clear How you are going to achieve this in modern conditions. Your strategy is to get the authorities to agree to take the “Izborsk” path. Because it is the state that alone has the necessary resources.

Sergei Glazyev reports: the scale of the investment impulse that is necessary for the transition to a new technological structure is very large, and for Russia it requires approximately doubling capital investments, increasing spending on research and development work by 3–4 times, and complex of new technologies - 50 times. And this requires a tremendous effort of all our efforts, the mobilization of all resources for a period of 5–10 years.

From your speeches, I see several strategies that you rely on:

  1. Get into the next Duma and there, by all possible legal means, achieve the necessary structural reforms in the country. Well, or at least stop destructive reforms.
  2. Let's put it this way - “bring to light” the policies of the Government and the Central Bank in the hope that they will either change their policies or be dismissed. And in their place either someone from your club or someone sane will come and launch real reforms.
  3. The president and/or the ruling illiberal elite will move the liberals and begin the re-industrialization of the country and other reforms and the fight against corruption.
  4. At least stop the flow of negative reforms that are now being actively adopted.
  5. Expectation of changes outside of Russia that will lead to positive changes and reforms within Russia.

But in the article by V. Averyanov there is doubt about the possibility of this. I quote - “ its (the government’s) maneuver is limited by conventions that are quite strict, about which we may not know everything.”

I regard this phrase as an admission that, most likely, you will not be able to reach the authorities. Nobody knows what the authorities have in mind and what external agreements they are limited to, as well as what other unknown risks there are for the country.

It will most likely not be possible to push through the right structural reforms.

With all due respect to you and the titanic efforts you are making, I don’t really believe that you will be able to get into at least the next State Duma. Or in some other way push through the reforms that are so necessary for the country. Not because you're doing something wrong.

Well, they don’t want to see you in the State Duma, the Government or use any of your analytics and programs.

Liberals are too strong and not constrained by morality - they have money, power, newspapers, magazines, television, schools of economics, cinema, and powerful support from abroad. If you listen to what and how they allow themselves to say out loud on many important issues, such impudence is only possible with VERY strong positions. And there is almost complete confidence that nothing will happen to them for this.

You can criticize and expose their policies, but they still continue to do what they did and give out the message to everyone: “We are the army.”

If one of you ends up in the State Duma or the government, this will create serious obstacles for the liberals, which they want to avoid. You are too smart and understand every trick they use to catch fish in troubled waters. And they are too patriotic to remain silent about it or do nothing.

Even the American president gets a good deal from his local liberals. Let's be honest - most likely, you will not be allowed into the next State Duma again. And even if by some miracle you slip there, they will find other ways to neutralize you and do their dirty deeds. And there will be no significant changes.

The resignation of the government and the Central Bank is the beginning of structural reforms.

It is very doubtful that this will happen in the coming years. Although I am ready to assume that the resignation of the government and the Central Bank may happen. What will really change? There is an oligarchic system in Russia - will it change? No, they won't change.

It’s just that the “good” oligarchs will squeeze out the “bad” ones. That says it all. Oligarchs are oligarchs - you know better than me that reforms are impossible under an oligarchic system. Maybe some minor reforms will begin, the economic decline will be replaced by sluggish growth of about +3%. They will do something there for education and medicine, maybe something else. But all together will not be even close to what the country needs.

Will they agree to let you into the State Duma or the government? I highly doubt it. Why do I think there will be no big reforms? Full industrialization according to your plan means challenging the entire elite of the capitalist world. We can only guess what risks and consequences this poses for the country.

You yourself understand:

We have gathered in the Izborsk Club the best economic minds of the country, and these best minds have been banging their heads against an insurmountable wall for decades, trying to break through it.

This means that our energy is locked, which means we need to look for other ways, to redirect the flow of our efforts around this wall.

Why don't you build a mega-corporation, an MNC with a human face?

Such as Vanguard. And even better, like the USSR. Rich previous experience will allow you to avoid many mistakes, and the best minds of the country from your club will make this task possible. Yes, this is very different from the scale, scope and speed that the state has. This is hundreds of times more difficult to do without the participation of the state.

I may be wrong, but I see it as better than the next couple of decades "banging your head against an insurmountable wall".

I wrote about the need to create such a mega-corporation in my previous articles. The idea caught the attention of many and had quite a big response, with many comments in support. Maybe I'm jumping to conclusions - people are ready to follow such an idea. But there is one thing...

  • You are the only club or structure that could take on such a challenge. (Except for the state, but we will not consider this option further in this article.)

  • You are the only ones who will be followed by millions of people, thousands of experts and minds that still exist in Russia.
  • You are the only ones in the country who have a powerful intellectual resource for such a large-scale task.
  • You are the only ones who could unite small and medium-sized businesses around such an idea.

In the current conditions, a megacorporation is perhaps the only way to improve something in the country without the help of the state, contrary to the current situation.

A megacorporation significantly increases your chances of getting into the next Duma.

In a few years, when a lot of money is earned, you can open the Izborsk television channel, radio, newspapers in all regions. Create a dozen films a year.

If suddenly changes happen in Russia and make it possible to industrialize at the state level according to a plan like yours - consider this a bonus, but not a solution to your problem. There will always be oligarchs, as history shows. And they are always against industrialization. While TNCs can develop constantly, despite the oligarchs.

Business in Russia is also a kind of “ banging your head against an insurmountable wall»

But such a wall will still be weaker than breaking through officials, the Duma, the government and the Central Bank. And such a task is still more solvable with your potential. In addition, not all regions interfere with business - there are regions where officials sympathize with you and are ready to help. It’s hard to raise a business, create jobs and engage in social projects - they even came up with a term against painstaking work - they call it “kneading dirt”.

  • Megacorporation is a reliable foundation and support for your current activities

  • By uniting hundreds of small and medium-sized companies in Russia, you can create enormous power, which will enter the Russian elite and will be able to influence many political decisions
  • Only a huge corporation can resist the oligarchs in Russia
  • Only with the help of such a corporation will you be able to fully realize your most powerful potential, which currently cannot unfold.
  • Only with TNCs behind you can you powerfully go offline and increase your audience tenfold. (Without offline it is very difficult to increase it 10 times - this is what I say as a marketer)
  • Only a giant TNC can create hundreds of thousands or millions of new jobs.

You do not need to personally run the business. And such a corporation will not require much effort and time from you. You can be an ideological inspirer, a guarantor that this money will not be stolen. Creators of the optimal model for cooperation between thousands of companies with a synergistic effect of using potential.

Politics is an extension of business. Those who already represent someone's business interests in politics. That's why they don't need you there. It will most likely not be possible to enter politics without a lot of money behind you.

Where to get money for such a megaproject?

The first and main source of funding is to earn money through competent marketing and previous experience. You can choose dozens of projects that will become mega-profitable. For example, in Russia they still build multi-storey buildings from brick and concrete. My friends have been choosing an apartment in St. Petersburg for the last year - they tell horror stories.

The walls during such construction reach up to 50–70 cm in thickness - this is madness. It’s terribly ineffective; such houses are built slowly and require a lot of manual labor. And as a result, up to 30% of the cost of housing is associated with employee theft construction company. And tens more% to attract financing. (I already know this as a marketer.)

The Chinese built a multi-storey house using multi-layer panels, with shielded insulation, with a multi-colored facade, with interior decoration. All communications are already built into the panels: wires, sockets, pipes, tiles, parquet, windows, doors.

Thanks to such panels, houses can be assembled like a 1st floor kit in almost 1 day. You will be able to move in a month after the start of construction. A minimum of finishing is required in order to start living in such an apartment. Why not start creating a mega-corporation by building a similar panel plant for construction?

It seems that this does not exist in Russia yet. I assume that such a project will have a good margin of profitability. And many construction companies will support it.

Your minds could come up with dozens, if not hundreds, of similar profitable projects.

As a business consultant, I know several excellent companies in the regions that simply do not have enough funding for their expansion. They are not allowed into retail chains. They lack support. They have sluggish growth.

Needless to say, it would be much easier for a corporation to break into retail chains? And delivering goods to local retail chains from one centralized warehouse in each city is faster and more convenient. Yes, you yourself can create an all-Russian retail chain like Pyaterochka or Magnit. Moreover, there will soon be no way out of Pyaterochka and people are starting to get tired of her.

And I can suggest a killer model for promoting such a network, or together we can come up with chips that are guaranteed to beat both Pyaterochka and Magnit.

Where to get initial capital?

There are several options here. The first, the simplest, without investments. Attract tens or hundreds of existing small and medium-sized businesses, improve their marketing, think through the synergistic effect, and increase their sales and profits. Yes, even in a crisis, this is possible - as a marketer, I affirm this.

Type “10 mistakes in advertising” in Yandex - you will get hundreds of websites with almost identical articles. And then open any advertising newspaper, you will see that at least 80% of advertisements have 80% of these basic advertising errors. This is wasted money that goes to parasites - intermediaries, and consumers overpay for everything.

The second source of financing is the population, which could become shareholders of the corporation and depositors of banks affiliated with this TNC. The population has some money, albeit small. Currently they are stored in Russian, mostly liberal banks.

Who abuse their position and impose extortionate fees for account maintenance and fund transfers. Sberbank for individual entrepreneurs from 1400 rubles/month - up to 4 payments, if 5 or more - 4 thousand rubles/month - robbery, in other words. I saw several discussions on Facebook about which bank to go to from Sberbank, VTB, or Tinkoff Bank.

Well, in the future, the megacorporation will be able to finance itself, even with this policy of the Central Bank.

Why will you succeed despite all the difficulties?

Your club has enormous intellectual resources - personnel. In a short period of time, you are able to increase this resource many times over by turning to the people. Let's be honest, at the moment, your resources are very underutilized. Like shooting sparrows from a cannon.

You know history well and know the secrets of Stalinist industrialization. Secrets and pitfalls of Soviet successful management and personnel motivation. You know how the USSR military-industrial complex factories were managed and why the country had rockets, space, airplanes and ballet. But there were no washing machines, irons or televisions. You will be able to put this experience to good use.

Many people are tired of vegetating without a worthy goal and will gladly take part and devote all their strength to such a project. Russian people cannot live without a great goal. Well, there are still many worthy personnel in Russia, educated in the best traditions of the USSR and by your articles over the past 10–15 years. People yearn for such large-scale tasks.

I understood this from the comments to my two articles in which I voiced the idea of ​​a megacorporation. You can initially build 1–2 factories per year. Then 1-2 per quarter, then per month, week. And I hope there will be times when you build 1-2 factories per day. By and large, unemployment in Russia is artificial and it would be possible to provide work for the entire country for at least 20–30 years. So the niche is large and free for a long time.

We need a new type of people, a New Russian Man.

When industrialization was carried out in the USSR, a new type of people was raised/created - the Soviet Man. There are still many such people - the liberals have not yet been able to suppress and destroy everyone. As the experience of the last 25 years shows, Soviet Man turned out to be vulnerable to lawlessness and rabid capitalism in a situation where the state abandoned them.

This means that we need to raise a new person taking into account all current risks. The New Russian Man needs to be taught strong social and personal skills first of all. Because the state is unlikely to ever do this. The state has always engaged in targeted suppression of citizens.

We need to teach people to live and prosper with dignity in spite of psychological oppression, information wars and the financial policy of the state.

Above I wrote about 10 mistakes in advertising in Russian companies. Why does this happen? Yes, people have been rotten, psychologically crushed and they cannot cope. They lack mental strength, endurance, and personal skills—marketing knowledge cannot help them—they need personal skills, inspiration, and to learn how to let go of stress. Learn to “take the blow” of the current time.

Help the new Russian person develop well-developed social and personal skills. Teach to distinguish truth from lies, to do business even in a falling and crisis economy. Increase productivity and efficiency. Teach you to regularly monitor your health, read a lot and constantly study.

Yes, it’s commonplace for people to have no knowledge of how to get along with each other under one roof. How to raise children. How not to make trouble with each other. People simply don’t know what they want, let alone how to achieve it. Because this is fundamentally not taught ANYWHERE. That means take it and teach it.

And much more - you know well without me.

The corporation needs to be created on the basis of Andrei Devyatov’s “5 above”, and other principles of the Soviet system should be used. I wrote a little about this in previous articles. Because rabid capitalism is engaged in devouring and destroying itself. Create an island of stability facing people.

Unite with other structures.

As described in the book “Stairway to Heaven” by Khazin and Shcheglov, when the English elite agreed and united, it became a nightmare for the whole world and it has been going on for more than 300 years. Therefore, they are engaged in dividing and fragmenting everything and everyone. This means you need to do the opposite – unite people in different ways.

There are other groups of people in Russia who are trying to do roughly the same thing as you, but in different areas. For example, in medicine and healthcare: the chief space doctor of Russia: Ivan Petrovich Neumyvakin. He teaches people, literally for pennies, the simplest ways to improve their health. It’s not for me to tell you what the state of healthcare is now.

Sometimes it seems to me that apart from Neumyvakin and his group of followers, there are few people in Russia who are really involved in people’s health. But Neumyvakin is 89 years old. It's called lived. They have already written dozens of books and can treat very complex diseases. They also have an audience of millions, which continues to grow!

A friend of mine was cured of hepatitis C in one of their clinics and, in principle, for the money it was tolerable. Another friend cured a terrible spring allergy. And Neumyvakin himself, at the age of 86, had to urgently undergo heart surgery. But 6 hours before the operation, he did some exercises according to the method of his colleague Arkady Petrov and the operation was no longer needed. You can find many such healing miracles about them on the Internet.

Surely there are other structures in Russia, but they are still smaller, which are supported not by money, but by the enthusiasm of the leaders.

Why don't you unite with them or gather them under your common roof? I am sure that everyone will benefit. And when millions of people learn to be healthy with virtually no drugs, Big Pharma will be powerless against them.

Development of social projects.

More than 20 million people in the country are on the brink of survival. Let’s be honest, no matter how hard you try, it won’t be possible to provide them all with work, or not soon. But you can help them survive without money or with minimal expenses. Create an electronic library of necessary information for all occasions.

For example, in the field of medicine. Or you can create a list of books for self-education: for different ages starting with what to read to your young children. Lists of books for additional reading in each grade. And it wouldn’t hurt for adults of all ages.

A friend of mine took up organic farming. This is the one that does not need additional watering, weeding, and plowing. I planted it and forgot. Moreover, there are technologies for growing vegetables and fruits even in Russian climatic conditions.

And in the fall, huge harvests of organic products are harvested. It looks like a neglected garden full of weeds from the waist up. But these are not weeds - it’s called permaculture. And the yield is 2-3 times higher, and the labor costs are several times less than that of all the neighbors who plow in the garden all summer, with their butts up, straining their backs, fertilizing and watering.

There are many experts in various fields in Russia, and they are ready to participate in social projects!

Last year on social media. There was a post on the networks - some modern Michurin from the Far East - was distributing free seeds in excess of productive vegetables and fruits for growing in the Russian climate. The state doesn't need it.

Several times a year - you can hold promotions - collect all your old things and give them to someone. Well, or put it on something like Avito or Yula for a small price, and whoever needs it can look for them these days. I do this every six months to a year, just to free up space in the house. Recently I gave several bags of old things to students, as they later told me they were very pleased - they liked the things so much.

Imagine millions of people all over Russia doing this? Under the patronage of the Izborsk Club. I think many media outlets in all regions would support such an action. People would benefit greatly. And to your club - gratitude and recognition.

Juvenile justice is becoming a headache. Mizulina claims that tens of thousands of children have already been taken away. There are tens of thousands of lawyers and advocates in Russia. Maybe some of them will agree if you call for legal support for such people once every six months or year? There are still students - they need practice.

They wrote on the Internet that some businessman bought an apartment for a large family - if only the children would be returned to them. I don't know how true this is.

What I mean is that in the West the participation of citizens in such social projects is very actively promoted and they participate a lot. Well, it’s not possible to pay for everything. In many universities, participation in social projects is counted as additional points. In Russia, it would also be possible to promote such projects - there is simply no one yet.

There may be dozens of such projects. Why not support them with the whole club? You have an audience of millions. Yes, this is not the whole country, but at least it’s something.

Many new books use the inscription - Nikolai Starikov or Andrei Fursov recommends. And this is a reason to read. But in your club there are dozens of experts in different fields who could give expert opinions in different areas.

And maybe there is a downside - the Izborsk Club DOES NOT recommend it. For example, Nikolai Starikov did not recommend flying to Turkey on vacation. Rospotrebnadzor seems to turn a blind eye to many harmful products. The state withdrew.

For example, you need to express an expert opinion on vegetarianism. According to my observations, it is not suitable for 99% of people. Doctors write such horror stories about them and especially about children on a vegetarian diet. They post pictures of themselves on social networks, but they look terrible, although they themselves refuse to admit it.

That's why the state is silent about this?

Similarly, about the education system of Maria Montessori - sometimes I read and am horrified by her “advice”. And schools are opening across the country, it’s becoming fashion trend, people are proud of it. And many similar questions hang in the air.

Cosmetics and detergents are full of allergens and carcinogens that are harmful to health. Sometimes you look at the contents of shampoo for babies and your hair stands on end from the chemicals that are inside. But there is a beautiful picture on the packaging, medicinal herbs and other nonsense... Yes, the problem is now finding a chemical-free detergent or shampoo.

Several women I know, one day collected all their expensive, branded cosmetics, shampoos, creams - they read what they were made of, cried a little and with tears in their eyes threw them away with their own hands. Because there are no chemicals: parabens, glycols, sls and so on. And about sausages and sausages they already write on the Internet that smoking is healthier than eating sausages.

The state has withdrawn itself, alas, but it is you who can do this.

We can continue ad infinitum, but I hope you understand the essence of what is meant. And this task is up to you. With your audience and your expert resources, you can come up with and implement thousands of ideas for business, social projects and simply good deeds. To create as many jobs as possible, or at least to help people in some way, to teach them how to solve some of their difficulties.

After reading the article Vitaly Averyanov “Who will raise the banner?”, I did not see anyone answering the questions raised by the author. I regard the article as an invitation to dialogue or discussion, which is why I am answering.

Please consider this letter as the personal opinion of an ordinary person who has been observing, reading and listening to some of your members for 5-10 years, every day. I don’t pretend to be an expert at your level, and I could be wrong. But I’m almost sure that my opinion is shared by many of your readers.

The ideas and proposals described below were previously published on this resource and received many comments in support. It looks like they really are hooked! I hope you will find it interesting too. If I'm wrong somewhere, correct me.

The first thing I want to say is that I treat you with great respect and recognition. I can well imagine the scale of work you have done over decades and how much strength and health it cost. Thanks to you, I was able to understand many events.

Regarding the previous elections to the State Duma, in September 2016.

How hard you were given a ride. Even with your expertise, such lawlessness came as a surprise. However, what can you expect from people who have been pursuing such domestic policies for 25 years. It was important to them that none of you get into the Duma. And they are probably proud of this superbly executed combination.

Well, to the fact that millions of citizens supported you, they have an answer that can be expressed in the words of Galustyan from KVN: “And we are an army.”

Despite all your criticism, a lot of destructive laws are being passed in the country. And no one manages to stop this process. Not for you, not even for the president.

What is your club's strategy? How are you going to achieve your goals?

Your goals are clear - to make a breakthrough in the development of the country in all spheres of life. O.V. Rozanov in an interview from 2013 expressed: “ We can make a decisive breakthrough in development only by strengthening the role of the state, the speedy implementation of critical infrastructure projects and the full mobilization of state resources.”

The Izborsk Club lists its main tasks as:

- creation and presentation of analytical reports to the authorities and society of Russia aimed at the formation of an updated patriotically oriented state policy in all spheres of national life;

What needs to be done is clear. It's not entirely clear How you are going to achieve this in modern conditions. Your strategy is to get the authorities to agree to take the Izborsk route. Because it is the state that only has the necessary resources.

Sergey Glazyev reports: the scale of the investment impulse that is necessary for the transition to a new technological structure is very large, and for Russia it requires approximately doubling capital investments, increasing expenditures on research and development work by 3–4 times, and into a complex of new technologies - 50 times. And this requires a tremendous effort of all our efforts, the mobilization of all resources for a period of 5–10 years.

From your speeches, I see several strategies that you rely on:

  1. Get into the next Duma and there, by all possible legal means, achieve the necessary structural reforms in the country. Well, or at least stop destructive reforms.
  2. Let’s say “to bring to light” the policies of the Government and the Central Bank in the hope that they will either change their policies or they will be dismissed. And in their place either someone from your club or someone sane will come and launch real reforms.
  3. The president and/or the ruling illiberal elite will move the liberals and begin the re-industrialization of the country and other reforms and the fight against corruption.
  4. At least stop the flow of negative reforms that are now being actively adopted.
  5. Expectation of changes outside of Russia that will lead to positive changes and reforms within Russia.

But in the article by V. Averyanov there is doubt about the possibility of this “ its (the government’s) maneuver is limited by conventions that are quite strict, about which we may not know everything.”

I regard this phrase as an admission that most likely you will not be able to reach the authorities. Nobody knows what the authorities have in mind and what external agreements they are limited to, as well as what other unknown risks there are for the country.

It will most likely not be possible to push through the right structural reforms.

With all due respect to you and the titanic efforts you are making, I don’t really believe that you will be able to get into at least the next State Duma. Or in some other way push through the reforms that are so necessary for the country. Not because you're doing something wrong.

Well, they don’t want to see you in the State Duma, the Government or use any of your analytics and programs.

Liberals are too strong and not constrained by morality - they have money, power, newspapers, magazines, television, schools of economics, cinema, and powerful support from abroad. If you listen to what and how they allow themselves to say out loud on many important issues, such impudence is only possible with VERY strong positions. And there is almost complete confidence that nothing will happen to them for this.

You can criticize and expose their policies, they still continue to do what they did and give out the message to everyone: “We are the army.”

If one of you ends up in the State Duma or the government, this will create serious obstacles for the liberals, which they want to avoid. You are too smart and understand every trick they use to catch fish in troubled waters. And they are too patriotic to remain silent about it or do nothing.

Even the American president gets a good deal from his local liberals. Let's be honest - most likely, you will not be allowed into the next State Duma again. And even if by some miracle you slip there, they will find other ways to neutralize you and do their dirty deeds. And there will be no significant changes.

The resignation of the government and the Central Bank is the beginning of structural reforms.

It is very doubtful that this will happen in the coming years. Although I am ready to assume that the resignation of the government and the Central Bank may happen. What will really change? There is an oligarchic system in Russia - will it change? No, they won't change.

It’s just that the “good” oligarchs will squeeze out the “bad” ones. That says it all. Oligarchs are oligarchs - you know better than me that reforms are impossible under an oligarchic system. Maybe some minor reforms will begin, the economic decline will be replaced by sluggish growth of about +3%. They will do something there for education and medicine, maybe something else. But all together will not be even close to what the country needs.

Will they agree to let you into the State Duma or the government? I highly doubt it. Why do I think there will be no big reforms? Full industrialization according to your plan means challenging the entire elite of the capitalist world. We can only guess what risks and consequences this poses for the country.

You yourself understand:

We have gathered in the Izborsk Club the best economic minds of the country, and these best minds have been banging their heads against an insurmountable wall for decades, trying to break through it.

This means that our energy is locked, which means we need to look for other ways, to redirect the flow of our efforts around this wall.

Why don't you build a mega-corporation, an MNC with a human face?

Such as Vanguard. And even better, like the USSR. Rich previous experience will allow you to avoid many mistakes, and the best minds of the country from your club will make this task possible. Yes, this is very different from the scale, scope and speed that the state has. This is hundreds of times more difficult to do without the participation of the state.

I may be wrong, but I see it as better than the next couple of decades "banging your head against an insurmountable wall".

I wrote about the need to create such a mega-corporation in my previous articles. The idea caught the attention of many and had quite a big response; many comments were written in support. Maybe I'm jumping to conclusions - people are ready to follow such an idea. But there is, but...

  • You are the only club or structure that could take on such a challenge. (Except for the state, but we will not consider this option further in this article.)
  • You are the only one whom millions of people, thousands of experts and minds who still exist in Russia will follow.
  • You are the only ones in the country who have a powerful intellectual resource for such a large-scale task.
  • You are the only ones who could unite small and medium-sized businesses around such an idea.

In the current conditions, a megacorporation is perhaps the only way to improve something in the country without the help of the state, contrary to the current situation.

A megacorporation significantly increases your chances of getting into the next Duma.

In a few years, when a lot of money is earned, you can open the Izborsk television channel, radio, newspapers in all regions. Create a dozen films a year.

If suddenly changes happen in Russia and make it possible to industrialize at the state level according to a plan like yours - consider this a bonus, but not a solution to your problem. There will always be oligarchs, as history shows. And they are always against industrialization. While TNCs can develop constantly, despite the oligarchs.

Business in Russia is also a kind of “ banging your head against an insurmountable wall»

But such a wall will still be weaker than breaking through officials, the Duma, the government and the Central Bank. And such a task is still more solvable with your potential. In addition, not all regions interfere with business - there are regions where officials sympathize with you and are ready to help. It’s hard to raise a business, create jobs and engage in social projects - they even came up with a term against painstaking work - they call it “kneading mud”.

  • Megacorporation is a reliable foundation and support for your current activities
  • By uniting hundreds of small and medium-sized companies in Russia, you can create a huge force that will enter the Russian elite and be able to influence many political decisions
  • Only a huge corporation can resist the oligarchs in Russia
  • Only with the help of such a corporation will you be able to fully realize your most powerful potential, which currently cannot unfold.
  • Only with TNCs behind you can you powerfully go offline and increase your audience tenfold. (Without offline it is very difficult to increase it by 10 times - I say this as a marketer)
  • Only a giant TNC can create hundreds of thousands or millions of new jobs.

You do not need to personally run the business. And such a corporation will not require much effort and time from you. You can be an ideological inspirer, a guarantor that this money will not be stolen. Creators of the optimal model for cooperation between thousands of companies with a synergistic effect of using potential.

Politics is an extension of business. Those who already represent someone's business interests in politics. That's why they don't need you there. It will most likely not be possible to enter politics without a lot of money behind you.

Where to get money for such a megaproject?

The first and main source of funding is to earn money through competent marketing and previous experience. You can choose dozens of projects that will become mega-profitable. For example, in Russia they still build multi-storey buildings from brick and concrete. My friends have been choosing an apartment in St. Petersburg for the last year - they tell horror stories.

The walls during such construction reach up to 50–70 cm in thickness - this is madness. It’s terribly ineffective; such houses are built slowly and require a lot of manual labor. And as a result, up to 30% of the cost of housing is associated with theft by construction company employees. And tens more% to attract financing. (I already know this as a marketer.)

The Chinese built a multi-storey house using multi-layer panels, with shielded insulation, with a multi-colored facade, with interior decoration. All communications are already built into the panels: wires, sockets, pipes, tiles, parquet, windows, doors.

Thanks to such panels, houses can be assembled like a 1st floor kit in almost 1 day. You will be able to move in a month after the start of construction. A minimum of finishing is required in order to start living in such an apartment. Why not start creating a mega-corporation by building a similar panel plant for construction?

It seems that this does not exist in Russia yet. I assume that such a project will have a good margin of profitability. And many construction companies will support it.

Your minds could come up with dozens, if not hundreds, of similar profitable projects.

As a business consultant, I know several excellent companies in the regions that simply do not have enough funding for their expansion. They are not allowed into retail chains. They lack support. They have sluggish growth.

Needless to say, it would be much easier for a corporation to break into retail chains? And delivering goods to local retail chains from one centralized warehouse in each city is faster and more convenient. Yes, you yourself can create an all-Russian retail chain like Pyaterochka or Magnit. Moreover, there will soon be no way out of Pyaterochka and people are starting to get tired of her.

And I can suggest a killer model for promoting such a network, or together we can come up with chips that are guaranteed to beat both Pyaterochka and Magnit.

Where to get initial capital?

There are several options here. The first, the simplest, without investments. Attract tens or hundreds of existing small and medium-sized businesses, improve their marketing, think through the synergistic effect, and increase their sales and profits. Yes, even in a crisis, this is possible - as a marketer, I affirm this.

Type “10 mistakes in advertising” in Yandex - you will get hundreds of websites with almost identical articles. And then open any advertising newspaper, you will see that at least 80% of advertisements have 80% of these basic advertising errors. This is wasted money that goes to parasites - intermediaries, and consumers overpay for everything.

The second source of financing is the population, which could become shareholders of the corporation and depositors of banks affiliated with this TNC. The population has some money, albeit small. Currently they are stored in Russian, mostly liberal banks.

Who abuse their position and impose extortionate fees for account maintenance and fund transfers. Sberbank for individual entrepreneurs from 1400 rubles/month - up to 4 payments, if 5 or more - 4 thousand rubles/month - robbery, in other words. I saw several discussions on Facebook about which bank to go to from Sberbank, VTB, or Tinkoff Bank.

Well, in the future, the megacorporation will be able to finance itself, even with this policy of the Central Bank.

Why will you succeed despite all the difficulties?

Your club has enormous intellectual resources - personnel. In a short period of time, you are able to increase this resource many times over by turning to the people. Let's be honest, at the moment, your resources are very underutilized. Like shooting sparrows from a cannon.

You know history well and know the secrets of Stalinist industrialization. Secrets and pitfalls of Soviet successful management and personnel motivation. You know how the USSR military-industrial complex factories were managed and why the country had rockets, space, airplanes and ballet. But there were no washing machines, irons or televisions. You will be able to put this experience to good use.

Many people are tired of vegetating without a worthy goal and will gladly take part and devote all their strength to such a project. Russian people cannot live without a great goal. Well, there are still many worthy personnel in Russia, educated in the best traditions of the USSR and by your articles over the past 10–15 years. People yearn for such large-scale tasks.

I understood this from the comments to my two articles in which I voiced the idea of ​​a megacorporation. You can initially build 1–2 factories per year. Then 1-2 per quarter, then per month, week. And I hope there will be times when you build 1-2 factories per day. By and large, unemployment in Russia is artificial and it would be possible to provide work for the entire country for at least 20–30 years. So the niche is large and free for a long time.

We need a new type of people, a New Russian Man.

When industrialization was carried out in the USSR, a new type of people was raised/created - the Soviet Man. There are still many such people - the liberals have not yet been able to suppress and destroy everyone. As the experience of the last 25 years shows, Soviet Man turned out to be vulnerable to lawlessness and rabid capitalism in a situation where the state abandoned them.

This means that we need to raise a new person taking into account all current risks. The New Russian Man needs to be taught strong social and personal skills first of all. Because the state is unlikely to ever do this. The state has always engaged in targeted suppression of citizens.

We need to teach people to live and prosper with dignity in spite of psychological oppression, information wars and the financial policy of the state.

Above I wrote about 10 mistakes in advertising in Russian companies. Why does this happen? Yes, people have been rotten, psychologically crushed and they cannot cope. They lack mental strength, endurance, and personal skills—marketing knowledge cannot help them—they need personal skills, inspiration, and to learn how to let go of stress. Learn to “take the blow” of the current time.

Help the new Russian person develop well-developed social and personal skills. Teach to distinguish truth from lies, to do business even in a falling and crisis economy. Increase productivity and efficiency. Teach you to regularly monitor your health, read a lot and constantly study.

Yes, it’s commonplace for people to have no knowledge of how to get along with each other under one roof. How to raise children. How not to make trouble with each other. People simply don’t know what they want, let alone how to achieve it. Because this is fundamentally not taught ANYWHERE. That means take it and teach it.

And much more - you know well without me.

The corporation needs to be created on the basis of Andrei Devyatov’s “5 above”, and other principles of the Soviet system should be used. I wrote a little about this in previous articles. Because rabid capitalism is engaged in devouring and destroying itself. Create an island of stability facing people.

Unite with other structures.

As described in the book “Stairway to Heaven” by Khazin and Shcheglov, when the English elite agreed and united, it became a nightmare for the whole world and it has been going on for more than 300 years. Therefore, they are engaged in dividing and fragmenting everything and everyone. This means you need to do the opposite – unite people in different ways.

There are other groups of people in Russia who are trying to do roughly the same thing as you, but in different areas. For example, in medicine and healthcare: the chief space doctor of Russia: Ivan Petrovich Neumyvakin. He teaches people, literally for pennies, the simplest ways to improve their health. It’s not for me to tell you what the state of healthcare is now.

Sometimes it seems to me that apart from Neumyvakin and his group of followers, there are few people in Russia who are really involved in people’s health. But Neumyvakin is 89 years old. It's called lived. They have already written dozens of books and can treat very complex diseases. They also have an audience of millions, which continues to grow!

A friend of mine was cured of hepatitis C in one of their clinics and, in principle, for the money it was tolerable. Another friend cured a terrible spring allergy. And Neumyvakin himself, at the age of 86, had to urgently undergo heart surgery. But 6 hours before the operation, he did some exercises according to the method of his colleague Arkady Petrov and the operation was no longer needed. You can find many such healing miracles about them on the Internet.

Surely there are other structures in Russia, but they are still smaller, which are supported not by money, but by the enthusiasm of the leaders.

Why don't you unite with them or gather them under your common roof? I am sure that everyone will benefit. And when millions of people learn to be healthy with virtually no drugs, Big Pharma will be powerless against them.

Development of social projects.

More than 20 million people in the country are on the brink of survival. Let’s be honest, no matter how hard you try, it won’t be possible to provide them all with work, or not soon. But you can help them survive without money or with minimal expenses. Create an electronic library of necessary information for all occasions.

For example, in the field of medicine. Or you can create a list of books for self-education: for different ages, starting with what to read to your young children. Lists of books for additional reading in each grade. And it wouldn’t hurt for adults of all ages.

A friend of mine took up organic farming. This is the one that does not need additional watering, weeding, and plowing. I planted it and forgot. Moreover, there are technologies for growing vegetables and fruits even in Russian climatic conditions.

And in the fall, huge harvests of organic products are harvested. It looks like a neglected garden full of weeds from the waist up. But these are not weeds - it’s called permaculture. And the yield is 2-3 times higher, and the labor costs are several times less than that of all the neighbors who plow in the garden all summer, with their butts up, straining their backs, fertilizing and watering.

There are many experts in various fields in Russia, and they are ready to participate in social projects!

Last year on social media. There was a post on the networks - some modern Michurin from the Far East - was distributing free seeds in excess of productive vegetables and fruits for growing in the Russian climate. The state doesn't need it.

Several times a year - you can hold promotions - collect all your old things and give them to someone. Well, or put it on something like Avito or Yula for a small price, and whoever needs it can look for them these days. I do this every six months to a year, just to free up space in the house. Recently I gave several bags of old things to students, as they later told me they were very pleased - they liked the things so much.

Imagine millions of people all over Russia doing this? Under the patronage of the Izborsk Club. I think many media outlets in all regions would support such an action. People would benefit greatly. And to your club - gratitude and recognition.

Juvenile justice is becoming a headache. Mizulina claims that tens of thousands of children have already been taken away. There are tens of thousands of lawyers and advocates in Russia. Maybe some of them will agree if you call for legal support for such people once every six months or year? There are still students - they need practice.

They wrote on the Internet that some businessman bought an apartment for a large family - if only the children would be returned to them. I don't know how true this is.

What I mean is that in the West the participation of citizens in such social projects is very actively promoted and they participate a lot. Well, it’s not possible to pay for everything. In many universities, participation in social projects is counted as additional points. In Russia, it would also be possible to promote such projects - there is simply no one yet.

There may be dozens of such projects. Why not support them with the whole club? You have an audience of millions. Yes, this is not the whole country, but at least it’s something.

Many new books use the inscription - Nikolai Starikov or Andrei Fursov recommends. And this is a reason to read. But in your club there are dozens of experts in different fields who could give expert opinions in different areas.

And maybe there is a downside - the Izborsk Club DOES NOT recommend it. For example, Nikolai Starikov did not recommend flying to Turkey on vacation. Rospotrebnadzor seems to turn a blind eye to many harmful products. The state withdrew.

For example, you need to express an expert opinion on vegetarianism. According to my observations, it is not suitable for 99% of people. Doctors write such horror stories about them and especially about children on a vegetarian diet. They post pictures of themselves on social networks, but they look terrible, although they themselves refuse to admit it.

That's why the state is silent about this?

Similarly, about the education system of Maria Montessori - sometimes I read and am horrified by her “advice”. And schools are opening across the country, it becomes a fashionable trend, people are proud of it. And many similar questions hang in the air.

Cosmetics and detergents are full of allergens and carcinogens that are harmful to health. Sometimes you look at the contents of shampoo for babies and your hair stands on end from the chemicals that are inside. But on the packaging there is a beautiful picture, medicinal herbs and other nonsense... Yes, the problem is now finding a detergent or shampoo without chemicals.

Several women I know, one day collected all their expensive, branded cosmetics, shampoos, creams - they read what they were made of, cried a little and with tears in their eyes threw them away with their own hands. Because there are no chemicals: parabens, glycols, sls and so on. And about sausages and sausages they already write on the Internet that smoking is healthier than eating sausages.

The state has withdrawn itself, alas, but it is you who can do this.

We can continue ad infinitum, but I hope you understand the essence of what is meant. And this task is up to you. With your audience and your expert resources, you can come up with and implement thousands of ideas for business, social projects and simply good deeds. To create as many jobs as possible, or at least to help people in some way, to teach them how to solve some of their difficulties.

I ask the readers of this article to express themselves in the comments below - what do you think about the megacorporation, and other points described in this article. Propose an idea, a project. Well, or correct me if I'm wrong about something.

The ideologist of the Izborsk Club explains why Russia cannot overcome the consequences of the Time of Troubles of the 90s without cleansing the elite

The main danger, Averyanov argues, is that huge financial resources have been allocated by George Soros to support our liberal opposition. This is an element of a long, century-long strategy, as a result of which Russia was destroyed twice. However, the directors of this process have not calmed down and are planning the further collapse of Russia. And the Russian elite actually represents a fifth column, working for the strategists of the destruction of Russia. All hope lies with Vladimir Putin.


— There is information from a number of sources that the Izborsk Club is planned to be reformatted from a meeting of conceptual intellectuals into a more mass social movement. Tell us how this will happen, what are the goals of these changes?

- The Izborsk Club itself does not plan to transform into a movement, but around us the formation of such a movement is possible - on the basis of our ideology, with the participation of individual representatives of the IC. Initially, we were formed as a group of people representing a wide range of patriotic views. In this sense, all 40-odd permanent members of the club can unite in complete and unconditional agreement, probably only in the event of a military threat. In peacetime, this is unlikely, if only because we have not fully resolved the problem of “reds” and “whites”. There is a main line, but there are also right and left flanks. And so on many issues.

At the beginning of this year, Alexander Prokhanov proposed an idea - to establish the Russian Dream movement. Despite the appearance of idealism, this formulation, it seems to me, is successful - it immediately sets a certain high bar for the ideological, intellectual, spiritual and human level of the participants in the movement. For six months we have been actively consulting with various social movements and non-parliamentary parties. Moreover, many structures themselves come to us - there is a spontaneous activation of the social process. I think that this activation is cyclical - the last time something like this could be observed was in the period 2003-2005, it was a kind of “time of hope.” Then several significant ideological products were born; our group, for example, created the “Russian Doctrine”. This was due to the public's request for a change in political course. Today, the patriotic camp has become less naive in its political expectations. At the same time, in my opinion, among patriots there are more people who are ready to sacrifice personal ambitions for the sake of a common cause. Although I can’t say that this makes creating a truly consolidating movement an easy task. But a new generation is coming, and a new psychological background, I hope, will contribute to such consolidation.

— Yes, in the year of the centenary of the October Revolution, all the known disagreements between left and right flourished again in full bloom. In your opinion, is there now a growing sense of threat and necessary consolidation in the patriotic community? As far as I remember, the ideology of the “Russian Doctrine” is based on a synthesis of spiritual and technocratic principles—some contradictions can also be seen here.

“I think that in the current conditions, consultations will be held around several conservative centers. Moreover, which one to call right, left or moderate is largely a matter of taste. Nowadays, in general, the boundaries between political movements are very blurred, and if you ask someone how the right differs from the left, most often you will hear some kind of stupidity in response. About 70 experts with different views participated in the same “Russian Doctrine” team.

I do not believe that technocracy in itself is in any way inconsistent with dynamic or evolutionary conservatism. Russian Ivan was forced to get off the stove long ago; we demonstrated to the whole world the high level of our scientists, engineers, and inventors. We are largely a technocratic people, and this does not prevent us from being spiritually original.

Of course, the revolutionary intelligentsia tried to artificially adjust Russia to Western standards. This is generally the property of all revolutionaries - to dress up in the toga of “noble antiquity,” as Karl Marx said. For our revolutionaries - both liberal and left-radical - the English and French revolutions were models. All events, all facts were squeezed into the schemes of European history. Even when Trotsky had problems in the power of the USSR, he began to speak of the changes taking place in the camp of the Bolshevik leadership as a “Thermidorian coup.” But this is not very close to reality.

In my opinion, a definition from Russian historiosophy—“Time of Troubles”—explains the situation at the beginning of the 20th century in Russia much better. This was actually the second Troubles. The next thing was the Troubles of the late 80s - 90s, the consequences of which we have not yet overcome. However, this does not mean that Russia did not have its own, unique rudiments and prerequisites for socialism - such are the Russian community, artel, Russian cooperation (by 1917, the Russian Empire was the leader in the number of cooperatives in the world). In general, the Russian people have always had a craving for “weak” forms of cooperation, natural grassroots social self-organization. Some of the messages that the Socialist-Revolutionaries and Bolsheviks brought, in this sense, fell on fertile ground.

This is not to say that the socialist experiment was ultimately a failure—failed experiments do not create regimes that last 70 years and still win a world war and then compete on equal terms with a united West. The “Red Project,” especially after it overcame its terrorist phase, became civilizational and was an undoubted success. Moreover, many believe that in the 80s we had a good chance of winning - if not for the betrayal of the highest elite, due to many external and internal factors.

— Are there concrete examples today of the consolidation of “red” ideologists and right-wing forces around a single center?

— Actually, as for our “Russian Dream”, which some have dubbed the left-conservative center, this is an attempt to create a social force that will raise the ideas of the “Russian Doctrine”, a synthesis of Reds and Whites in the sense in which the Izborsk Club declared it in 2013. This is the idea of ​​great nation-building, not destruction. Today many new facts are known regarding the revolution and the Civil War. I can honestly say for myself that in 1918 I would not have supported either the Reds or the Whites. When we talk about synthesis, by whites we mean monarchists rather than Februaryists, and by reds we mean Soviet conservatives who dream of building a great power. The great Russian monarchs of the 19th century and earlier are our capital; they were all builders of Russia, just like the mature Stalin. His contribution to the development of Russian civilization is difficult to overestimate.

Of course, every politician has his own pros and cons; politics in general always consists of bloody contradictions. Nevertheless, we are convinced that we need to restore many things from the past, and get rid of the bad heritage. In particular, for some reason Yeltsin retained Lenin’s national policy, slightly modified into a liberal format. This is not justified by anything other than the desire of the liberal elite to restrain the development of the Russian people. At the same time, much of what should have been left behind from Soviet achievements was mercilessly destroyed in the 90s.

— I would like to see the patriots in action, because many citizens have already begun to forget what they look like.

— There is a problem in the air, one that dates back to Vladislav Surkov’s time as Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration—the field of patriotic opposition in Russia was artificially cleared. At the same time, the liberal opposition constantly comes to the fore. This is not accidental, then it was intended that way - that only one figure could be a major patriotic politician in Russia. We, of course, cannot agree with this. This is very convenient when there is a major figure in power who uses patriotic rhetoric, and many small liberal characters who are unpleasant for the majority of the people. You can easily play a political game, earn points and attract voters. But besides this, there is also political dynamics, the development of one’s own program and strategy.

For today it is weak point political regime. Therefore, we believe that powerful figures are needed on the patriotic flank who would help the national leader and supreme power move closer to the agenda of Russia’s natural, civilizational conservatism. A certain movement in this direction occurred as a result of “force majeure circumstances” in 2014 - in connection with the Ukrainian Euromaidan. There was a real threat of losing Sevastopol, the Black Sea Navy base, and the Russian regions of Ukraine. The Russophobic orientation of the Kyiv revolution and its bias towards neoconservatives in Washington was obvious. There is a real danger of the emergence of forward NATO bases in Kharkov and Donetsk. Then the circumstances themselves forced our government to move “conditionally to the right.” Isn’t it obvious that you need to move to the right or left in accordance with your internal plan, your own strategy, and not forced? We propose exactly this way.

— I became acquainted with the doctrine of the Russian World, presented in one of the IK magazines, not so long ago. This is a logical continuation of the ideas of the “Russian Doctrine”. And yet, why today strategic development Our state is run by institutions such as the Higher School of Economics, RANEPA, ASI and other structures for which the sovereignty and traditions of Russia are not in the first place?

— If you call a spade a spade, in the 90s in Russia a system of mental emptiness was artificially created, when the people lived their own lives, and the political elite turned into a “small people” living in a separate closed world, extremely far from the majority of citizens. This artificial situation has dragged on and we have not yet overcome it. It is due to the fact that almost all large capital, the entire financial and economic bloc in power are not working to restore Russia’s civilizational sovereignty. They try in every possible way to slow down history. Movement towards the conservative pole means the inevitable purification and renewal of the elite. And this is one of the main theses of the “Russian Dream”.


— Chairman of the Izborsk Club Prokhanov has repeatedly said that there are only two probable scenarios - a revolution from above or a revolution from below. In the last year, we have clearly seen an increase in protest trends, especially among young people. And schoolchildren and students, as we can see, follow not serious national concepts, but simple anti-corruption slogans that are offered to them by “daring revolutionaries” like Maltsev and Navalny. They just want to overthrow the current government, and who leads them is a secondary issue. Do you see danger from this side?

“The younger generation has always been the most vulnerable, and now especially due to the fact that our classical education system has been dismantled. The main danger is that very large financial resources have already been allocated by the same Soros to support our liberal opposition. All this is very similar to the beginning of the 20th century, when the American banker Jacob Schiff actually declared war on the autocracy and several financial clans united around this task. Moreover, both the February and the October revolution. It is important to understand that these are not one-time plans, but a long-term strategy. In 1917, the relatively short collapse of the empire began, which the Bolsheviks immediately began to put back together; in 1991, the collapse was already catastrophic. But, as we see, the directors of this process have not calmed down and are planning the further collapse of Russia. And in this sense, the “fifth column” inside Russia is an instrument of external forces that pose the main threat to the country.

— I can’t ignore the 2018 presidential elections. Do you think that during the new term of government, the candidate whose victory is most likely will be able to further realize the aspirations of the same voters?

— Unfortunately, there is no clear answer to this question. And therefore, an important component of our efforts is aimed at convincing Vladimir Putin himself and his inner circle to finally make a sharp political choice in favor of the country that gave birth to them. To do this, it is necessary, first of all, to break the ties and principles on which the conditional “contract” that brought Putin to power was built. After all, it is obvious that without the consent of the world's financial clans, Putin would not have come to power in 2000. Accordingly, breaking these ties requires great determination and a willingness to take serious risks. We believe that there is such a tendency in powerful political clans. Whether she will win is still unknown, but we will do our best to contribute to this. If we don’t see the proper response, we will go on a free voyage and actively create an environment of like-minded people in society.

— In other words, then the Izborsk Club will become a more oppositional organization?

- Yes, probably. It will be necessary to raise the powerful conservative pole to its full height in order to influence the authorities, in some sense to challenge it. At one time, one of the major Russian officials said a funny phrase about patriots: “Understand that until you grow teeth, no one is interested in you. As soon as you have them, you will be able to influence something...” Such a cynical truth of life.

— As political scientist Mikhail Remizov told readers of the Bell of Russia in a recent interview, Russia after Putin may find itself in a situation similar to the Russian Empire of 1917. Then the adequate conservative opposition was completely relegated to the background, and radical Westerners came to power in February. Why is it that the entire circle of the current president consists of 99% liberals, why, even after stormy criticism from all sides against the financial and economic bloc, the head of the Central Bank, etc. Does Putin speak favorably of their work?

“The president, in a sense, is forced to play this game - when he is asked about the government, for many years now the answer has been that he is satisfied with its work. Sometimes there is private criticism of a particular minister that is not ideological in nature. All this suggests that the basic principles of the “contract” with which Putin came to power are still preserved. They include, among other things, the Washington consensus and the pegging of the ruble to the (oil) dollar. What can you say when, thanks to the so-called. According to the budget rule, you cannot turn on your emission center to sufficient capacity, provide your producers with cheap loans, or develop the real sector? The logic in which we are locked is simple - do not let Russia develop. What can we talk about if today the money supply in our country is 4-5 times lower than necessary for stable development. Super-strict conditions were created precisely by external forces, because the Central Bank itself is not subordinate to the president and the government - it is a direct lever of external control.

“We’ve been talking about this for years, but, unfortunately, everything remains the same.

— If a radical decision cannot be made because the Kremlin does not want or does not feel the strength to change the rules of the game, if it is more convenient for it to sit in this situation until it stops, then it turns out that the political elite is completely consolidated. There may be different moves that imitate the dynamics, but in fact the “small people” remain in power, and all these games with the swamp opposition, with Navalny, with the current comical presidential candidates are all a kind of theater to demonstrate the relative acceptability of our government. From the series “everything could have been much worse.” However, in reality, the government is oligarchic and serves the interests of the oligarchy, which in turn is a branch network of the global oligarchy. Any populist measures in this case are just a cover for this game.

This, by the way, is a big minus and feature of the liberal oligarchy. They cannot act with an open mind; they imitate some other policy than the one actually pursued. They are forced to use spells about the state’s lack of ideology, although everyone understands that since the state protects someone’s interests, then it has an ideology. They are simply embarrassed to formulate it openly.


— In the “Russian Doctrine” there is the concept of a “supernational Russian nation.” Now, as you know, Russians with any clear status in their own country have huge problems. Looking at the Constitution and regulations, one might think that such a people simply do not exist...

— The branch of the Izborsk Club in Adygea became the first sign to propose the “Russian-Caucasian Initiative”, the meaning of which is the adoption of a law on the state-forming status of the Russian people. As a rule, liberals appeal to the fact that the key role of Russians is de facto clear to everyone, but there is no need to include it in a special law, because then Caucasians, Tatars, and so on will be offended. And here you go - the proposal came from the Caucasians themselves.

Of course, if under the current regime such an amendment to the Constitution or law is adopted, the possibility of a purely declarative decision remains possible. If this is followed by the allocation of funds for the cultural and spiritual revival of the Russian people within the framework of federal target programs, and the adoption of measures to revive the Russian hinterland - this would be very useful for Russia as a civilization, and ultimately for all the peoples of Russia. But an ordinary declaration can shed balm on the hearts of Russian patriots and be limited to that. Worse, it may also look like a mockery, because the declaration will not in any way affect the negative demographic dynamics of the Russian core.

Yes, there is now a noticeable trend towards creating large families, but it concerns a relatively small percentage of the population. But in general, alas, decline, barbarization, lumpenization continues, and the reproductive capacity of the people is sharply declining. These are all obvious things for any citizen of Russia, and “Russian Dream” has something to offer as a project of state policy in this area.

Yesterday, President Putin “pulled out” from our old agenda (2006) several more theses on maintaining the birth rate, including subsidies for each child and mortgage programs. The question is, why is it so late? After all, a whole decade has been missed, the golden decade, when the indigenous peoples of Russia had a very large generation of women of reproductive age who wanted to give birth. And now we are sliding into a demographic hole, the number of potential mothers is sharply declining. So why is it so late, Vladimir Vladimirovich?

After the “Russian Doctrine”, we created another whole series of works that covered almost the entire range of acute problems facing Russia. This line was fixed in recent years reports of the Izborsk Club, in the creation of which our colleagues Prokhanov, Glazyev, Ivashov, Delyagin, Dugin, Malinetsky and others took part. This is the same pillar ideological vector. I think that from the point of view of the development and thoughtfulness of the program, we represent the most powerful patriotic center in the country.


— I can’t help but ask about our current trend, which the president spoke about to the whole country — the digital economy. Do you see that we have the potential and, most importantly, the desire to engage in the sovereign development of new technologies? Because if we actively implement Western software, attract Western corporations, do everything according to ready-made Western patterns, then we can completely lose the remnants of our existing sovereignty.

— I believe that the minimum necessary for the development of Russian civilization in the coming decades is food and military sovereignty. In order to provide them in the 21st century, it is necessary, in turn, to have information and financial independence. Without this nothing will work.

Regarding specific measures to ensure digital sovereignty, several streams of activities are ongoing in parallel. The intelligence services are engaged in cupping dangerous manifestations on the Internet and communication technologies. As for building a large-scale national digital system, here, in my opinion, we generally continue to move towards the West and incorporate into its environment. For the “small people,” the population of Russia was tax-paying, faceless, voiceless, subject to reduction, and remains so. Therefore, for him, the transition to digital control systems seems more progressive and convenient. The task of protecting the population and the state from all kinds of information and electronic risks is simply not set.

In this sense, from our point of view, covering the entire population with a network of so-called electronic services is a far secondary issue. We need to prioritize information sovereignty and its protection.

— You don’t share the position of the most pessimistic experts: that the next stage will be the abolition of cash, and then man will turn into the creature described in the Revelation of John the Theologian? That is, the era of a total electronic concentration camp is coming... Or are these all horror stories for adults?

— A report by the Izborsk Club, edited by me, has just been published, which is called “Russian civilization against anti-systems” (Izborsk Club magazine No. 7). There, in my opinion, the most adequate detailed answer to your question is given. I believe that the global anti-system is functioning in the world. Its first manifestations were noticeable at the beginning of the 20th century; now it has largely taken shape. We are talking about an anti-system in the understanding of the historian Lev Nikolaevich Gumilyov, although he did not write about any global project at that time. Today, I believe, there is no need to prove its existence to anyone. It is not so important which description of this dystopia is more accurate. After all, its ultimate goal is not the construction of a world of slaves and masters, but the complete destruction of humanity. At the core of this anti-civilization lies misanthropy. We quite accurately described this mentality and its power in the modern global elite in another report - “Barbecue on the edge of the abyss.” This may seem like a terrible fairy tale, but in humanity, in addition to the instinct of self-preservation, there is also an instinct of nihilism, negation, and self-destruction. This is a suicidal syndrome of anti-system people, but aimed primarily at destroying not themselves, but the world that they deny. And at the end of civilizational cycles, such an instinct acquires not only ugly and perverted forms, but also dimensions that are simply dangerous for everyone else. The horror is that this trend is irrational - and you should not count on the fact that this will not happen, relying on the intelligence of global players. It is necessary to rely only on your own reason and conscience and actively counteract the globalist scenario.

Therefore, Russia’s mission today is much stronger than during the wars with the anti-systemists of the past: Napoleon and Hitler. We must not just present an alternative to globalism as an anti-system ideology, but lead a civilizational front that does not yet exist (Russia, India, Iran, China could join it). To restore the normal balance of human civilization. I think this is our main purpose.

Interviewed by Ivan Vaganov

"Bell of Russia", 11/29/2017

Vitaly Averyanov- Doctor of Philosophy (2012), director of the Institute of Dynamic Conservatism, one of the founders, deputy chairman of the Izborsk Club. Author of several monographs, many scientific and journalistic articles.

Born in 1973 near Moscow. Since 1978 he has lived in Moscow.

Graduated with honors from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University (1996), graduate school of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University. After defending his Ph.D. thesis (2000), he worked as an assistant professor at Moscow universities and was a research fellow at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Notes on the book of the famous philosopher V. Averyanov “Tradition and dynamic conservatism”

Tradition connects the past, present and future, so this phenomenon is essentially sacred. Vitaly Averyanov’s book “Tradition and Dynamic Conservatism” examines tradition against the background of world history and the struggle of ideas as a deeply spiritual phenomenon that needs protection.

"God is dead!" - said Nietzsche. And with this feeling, the so-called “progressive humanity” practically lived through the entire twentieth century, plunging into intellectual chaos. Vitaly Averyanov writes: “The main task of the topic raised, which, of course, goes beyond the scope of the book itself, seems to me to be that today, in the 21st century, on the threshold of global upheavals and tectonic shifts between traditions and civilizations, Russia again has a chance to elevate its voice and present her own, not yet completed, model of the world order that is not completely clear to her. This model cannot be total, nor dictating rules to other peoples and cultures, nor crafty (when, under the guise of care and assistance in the form of commodity, educational, medical and other “humanitarian interventions”, a creeping revolution and desovereignization of those who are “cared for” take place) ).

Russian thought today can and must raise high the banners on which the names will be inscribed: “Tradition,” “Humanity,” “Truth.” This is a worthy alternative to the bankrupt universalist project, with its aggressive Modernity, militant Progressivism and the cult of “Development”, which is used to encourage and encourage those who are considered “backward” and do not fit into the rules of the game of global capital.”

Is there still hope for the possibility of a common cause to overcome the spiritual crisis? Permanent revolutions and reboots that “erase” entire layers of spiritual heritage are opposed by a different system of values. According to the author of the book, this is dynamic conservatism.

The concept itself originated among Russian religious philosophers in the mid-twentieth century. It belongs to the theologian Vladimir Nikolaevich Lossky, the son of the famous philosopher Nikolai Onufrievich Lossky. The alternative path of development, which Russian religious philosophers pointed to, has not yet been completed.

At the beginning of the 21st century, their followers from the Center for Dynamic Conservatism (now the Institute headed by Vitaly Averyanov) developed the “Russian Doctrine”, the main goal of which is the Transformation of Russia. The concept of Transformation is profound. It reminds us of the limitless possibilities originally inherent in man, created in the image and likeness of God. From the point of view of the Orthodox Catechism, the ultimate task of man is deification, that is, a return to the original image and likeness.

On the world map, Russia has the shape of a cross, connecting north and south, east and west. The sacred meaning embedded in it obliges us to do a lot.

Perhaps Soviet Union would not have collapsed if the philosophical basis of a powerful traditionally multinational state in the center of Eurasia had been developed in time.

As Vitaly Averyanov emphasizes, dynamic conservatism is a worldview, but at the same time a method called upon to solve the most complex development issues.

All achievements of mankind, apparently, can be divided into inventions and discoveries. Dynamic conservatism is a discovery that explains the interaction between dynamics and statics, between centrifugal and centripetal forces.

Vitaly Averyanov describes the use of the method of dynamic conservatism abroad, namely in the United States of America in the post-war period, as well as in the development of computer programs, in biology, genetics, and medicine.

But all these are incidental studies and comments. The author's focus is on tradition, which largely determines the spiritual life of society. Preservation and at the same time development of tradition is a complex phenomenon. Closed systems decompose and die, open systems develop. At the same time, Vitaly Averyanov introduces such a concept as one’s own highest.

Developing new theory tradition that synthesizes secular and religious approaches, the author emphasizes the need for the tradition to “master the languages ​​and meanings of other cultural traditions,” which can be defined as universality. At the same time, “internal renewing impulses penetrate the conservative body of institutions, rituals, stereotypes,” ensuring conciliarity. And vector orientation presupposes the realization of “one’s highest,” that is, completeness.

Dynamic conservatism helps culture avoid two extremes - self-isolation and desovereignization. In essence, tradition is conservative, but at the same time the desire for completeness makes it dynamic. And a person living in the bosom of an inexhaustible tradition discovers more and more new possibilities for himself.

Vitaly Averyanov writes: “As long as the concept of cultural memory, as well as historical memory, as incomplete analogues of cultural tradition and continuity, is used and experienced by people, they do not allow socio-cultural structures to be completely dehumanized, reduced to a number and a code.

Tradition is characterized by a huge variability of individual manifestations - but it is also characterized by their generic unity from the point of view of hierarchy (the hierarchy thus acts as a genealogy, as a genetic program of self-development, the difficulty of comprehending which is associated with the impossibility of looking at one’s own identity from the standpoint of the completeness of its formation). The content of tradition turns out to be not meaning, but a semantic perspective of infinity, a molten identity that can be grasped through the structure of a person’s spiritual act inherited in culture.”

Turning to the experience of Russia, we can conclude that, despite all the zigzags and shocks, the tradition is alive. Moreover, its potential has not been exhausted. This, in particular, is evidenced by the very appearance of the book “Tradition and Dynamic Conservatism.”

Young scientist Vitaly Averyanov worked for fifteen years in search of answers to difficult questions. His conclusion is optimistic: “Through tradition, the essence of culture is revealed as the reproduction of the highest energies of spiritual life.” This is a great alternative, the path that Russia will follow.

And I remember a rural boy who stopped at a barely noticeable fresco on the wall of a dilapidated temple, shouting: “Go quickly. God remains!

Averyanov V.V. Tradition and dynamic conservatism. (IDK Publishing Series). – M.: Institute of Dynamic Conservatism, LLC “Central Publishing House”, 2012. – 696 p.

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