Lice are caused by nerves. The real state of affairs

Even as a child, you could hear from your grandmother that lice get in nervous and evil people. If you don’t worry about trifles and try to be kind and peaceful, then lice will never appear. At first glance, such a statement seems to be nothing more than a myth. But what if there is some truth in it? Let's figure out whether a person can get lice on nervous soil

  • Contact with infected people (it is enough to be at a distance of less than half a meter) - a louse can jump from a sick person to a healthy one.
  • Using items that have previously been used by an adult or child infested with lice. For example, lice can crawl onto a person from bedding, blankets, sweaters, hats, and scarves. Hair care products are especially dangerous - combs, towels, hair ties, hair clips.

As you can see, the methods of lice infection have nothing to do with the nervous state of people. Insects are not able to recognize the level of mental state of an adult or child and choose a victim based on this principle. Conclusion: lice do not appear due to nervousness!

Can people bite harder due to stress?

Where did the fables come from?

So, we found out that lice do not appear from nerves and do not bite harder. Where do such assumptions come from then? It's all about cross symptoms. The fact is that, due to nervousness, a child or an adult may experience:

  • Scabies: skin itching appears (in a certain place or throughout the body).
  • Inflammatory allergic dermatitis: rashes and/or redness appear.

Why is it dangerous to be mistaken?

It is important to differentiate a nerve rash from a lice infestation. These diseases require different treatments:

If the diagnosis is incorrect and the wrong medications, then this not only will not relieve the source of torment, but will also seriously harm the person. If symptoms appear, you should not believe myths - it is better to consult a doctor. The specialist will conduct a diagnosis, determine the exact cause of the disease, and draw up the correct treatment plan.

Stress, depression and strong feelings have negative consequences. And it's not just weight loss and blurred vision. Frequent nervous shocks lead to weakened immunity, which disrupts the body's protective functions. The active development of bacteria and viruses, which cannot be suppressed by the immune system, contributes to the development various diseases. There is even a claim that negative emotions are the cause of head lice. This article will tell you whether lice can appear due to nervousness.

Myth or reality

So what really is, lice from nerves - myth or reality, interests many people. After all, quite often a nervous person experiencing stress suffers from unbearable and prolonged itching.

The opinion that lice appear from nerves has existed since the time of our grandmothers. You can hear a similar theory today. Some people completely deny it, but there are also people who are confident that it is right. There are several versions of this nature:


Lice eggs do not live in the human body. Insects are also not transmitted from animals and are not caused by dirt. And unbearable itching is nothing more than the development of a skin disease. Psoriasis and dermatitis are diseases that can cause a similar itching sensation. However, they have nothing to do with bloodsuckers.

Routes of infection

However, lice cannot appear on their own. The main ones are:

A child also cannot have lice due to nervousness. Despite the fact that children become infected with head lice much more often than adults. Children's collectives, different families and their social level are the main reasons for the spread of the disease. In addition, they appear due to the fact that children very often change hats and combs, without attaching much importance to this.


Today there are many that contain components that are poisonous to insects. They are practically harmless to humans.



  • LiceGuard.

Folk remedies

Many people fight head lice with help. An example of this would be rubbing cranberry or mint juice into your scalp.

Science has proven that the immune system suffers from a person’s nervous experiences. Negative emotions weaken the immune system; the body is unable to actively resist the development of bacteria and viruses. environment, suppress their development. A person becomes defenseless against the attack of various diseases. Scientists have good reason to believe that stress is a provocateur of increased development of cancer cells. Whether lice come from nerves, whether negative feelings and experiences can become a source of lice, let’s try to figure it out.

There is an opinion that head lice can appear due to stress.

Educational program about pediculosis

Among the myths about the relationship between a person’s state of emotional burnout and defeat nervous people pediculosis can be divided into the following versions:

The scientific approach suggests that a person facing head lice should know the following truths:

Routes of infection

  • physical contact (with hugs, joint activities, games, different types wrestling, kissing, visiting crowded places, contact on public transport);
  • shared use of things and household items (towels, combs, hairpins, hats, clothes) can also become a source of infection not only with head lice, but also with body louse;
  • when swimming in stagnant bodies of water, hygiene procedures can cause charging;
  • may appear after visiting public baths, saunas, staying in cheap hotels with low level compliance with sanitary standards.

Pediculosis is more often diagnosed in children aged 4 to 12 years. They appear not from nerves, but because this age is characterized by the most active tactile contacts with peers, which contributes to the active transmission of the pathogen and more frequent cases of infection.

Based on the reliability of the arguments about the illogicality that lice can get from nerves, we still need to find out why such versions and myths appear.

The only logical explanation is the assumption that the patient is being misdiagnosed. Often these skin diseases, such as dermatitis, allergies and psoriasis, accompanied by redness and severe itching, are mistaken for lice. Treatment in such cases may be chosen incorrectly, and it aggravates the patient’s situation.

Transmission of pediculosis through contact with a person with pediculosis

Lice reproduction

They reproduce actively. Individuals capable of reproduction appear within two and a half weeks after the nits were laid. Even under unfavorable conditions, after a month the newly emerged louse is able to actively reproduce.

It should be stated that the reality is that 50–60 days after the settlement of even one individual, an entire population of lice, regardless of whether the person is under stress or not, will live on the human body.

Choice of treatment

The right decision in choosing treatment is to consult a doctor. Lice do not disappear on their own. Treatment must be started immediately. There are quite a few modern means. A dermatologist will help eliminate the problem by prescribing the necessary medication.

Opinions about whether lice can appear from stress have nothing to do with the scientific approach to the problem, so they are absurd and far from the truth. Scientists have never found evidence to confirm whether lice can come from nerves.

But where do human lice come from initially? There are many quite wild misconceptions that can be heard even from educated people, so today we will conduct a small “educational program on lice” and consider the main causes of lice.

By the way, lice can be of several types:

And if we look deeper into the problem of head lice, we can identify several main reasons.

Table. Where do lice come from?

CauseBrief description

These are potential risk areas. A striking example would be, say, child care institutions. Children often become infected with head lice in kindergartens and schools.

The risk of infection in such cases increases. And the point here is not only that there is not always access to the simplest hygiene procedures, but also that on the road you have to come into contact with a large number of people, including carriers of lice.

This applies to places where you live large number people (summer camps, prisons, etc.).

Important information! According to statistics, lice most often become infected in the autumn and winter, when people spend most of their time indoors, actively contacting each other.

Misconceptions about head lice infestation

There are several myths that definitely need to be debunked. Let's start with the most popular.

Misconception #1. Dirt

Misconception No. 2. Stressful situations

Important information! Pediculosis cannot develop as a result of stress; this statement has no evidence at all. Moreover, in the scientific world it is not even considered due to its absurdity and illogicality.

Misconception #3. Damage

This hypothesis has no right to exist at all, but it still has a lot of fans who believe that lice are supposedly the result of the influence of negative energy. In other words, a person may get lice due to the evil eye, while they themselves are harbingers of something bad.

How not to confuse lice with other dermatological diseases?

The symptoms of lice are very similar to the symptoms of some skin diseases.

TO characteristic symptoms diseases include:

  • severe itching at the bite sites;
  • skin irritation, scratching;
  • white lumps (nits) near the hair roots;
  • untidiness of hair, less often – inflammation of hair follicles.

If no measures are taken, the disease will start and other symptoms will appear, such as:

  • tangles (hair that has stuck together or formed into lumps) on the head;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • boils, dermatitis;
  • irritability;
  • enlarged lymph nodes behind the ears.

And if a person exhibits all the symptoms of early infection, then we can say with confidence that he has lice. In this case, treatment should be started immediately.

Video - Treatment and prevention of lice

Video - All about pediculosis

Important! You can only become infected with lice from an infected person through close contact.

Under what circumstances can lice infestation occur:

Pediculosis due to nervousness - myth or reality?

Can lice appear due to nervous conditions? Myth or reality? The answer is clear – a myth!

If a person has not been in contact with an infected person or his personal items, then he does not have lice.

Popular, absurd assumptions about why lice can appear after severe stress:

All these absurd assumptions have no scientific basis.

What ailments can an itchy scalp indicate?

If you place a person in an isolated, completely sterile room and subject him to extreme stress, then even in such circumstances he will not get lice. After all, the whole point is that these insects simply have nowhere to come from.

Most people assume that pediculosis affects disadvantaged citizens who lead an immoral lifestyle. But this is not always the case; there are several categories of people who are at risk of infection more often than the rest of the population. So, these categories include:

  1. Children attending kindergarten, school and going to a sanatorium for the summer. Children are very active and inquisitive, they are often in close contact with peers, so outbreaks of head lice in children's groups are not uncommon.
  2. Refugees, prisoners, soldiers. All people who, due to life circumstances, are forced to stay in closed spaces at the same time as a large number of other people.
  3. Social workers. Due to their profession, social workers are forced to constantly be in contact with disadvantaged citizens, often suffering from head lice.

Perhaps precisely because pediculosis always appears unexpectedly, there are so many myths and assumptions associated with it. But you shouldn't believe everything. It has been scientifically proven that lice can only be transmitted from one person to another and nothing else. Even animals such as dogs, cats, rats, mice are not carriers of lice. Even as a result of severe nervous shock, neither lice nor nits can appear on the human body.
