Yoga asanas for a healthy heart. Physical education for blood vessels: regular exercise and movement are the best prevention

The heart is one of the most important organs human body. There is no point in arguing with this, because it is the heart apparatus that transports blood throughout the body, giving each cell nutrients and oxygen. Considering the lifestyle of people today, we can definitely say that the heart modern man experiences enormous stress, and therefore the organ's resource inexorably declines by the age of 30-40 in both women and men.

In order to prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases or to strengthen a system that already has these diseases, every person needs to take care of their heart apparatus from a young age. One of the types of such organ protection is exercise for the heart and blood vessels. In today’s material, our resource will pay special attention to it, covering the most best exercises For cardiovascular system body.

Charging for the heart and blood vessels: when and why you need it

The heart is muscular organ, which experiences considerable loads every minute. In order to adapt the cardiac apparatus to the latter, it is important to train it, like any other muscle in the body. It is worth understanding that a trained heart not only works better, but is also a guarantee that ailments of the cardiovascular system will bypass a person and never bother him. Also, exercise for the heart and blood vessels has a positive effect on already sick heart, as a result of which therapy for a particular disease occurs somewhat faster.

It is important to note that the load on the heart apparatus should be moderate, otherwise the effect will not be positive, but will only worsen the health of the organ. Properly organized exercise of the cardiovascular system helps:

  • reduce the amount of C-reactive protein, which provokes inflammation of body tissues
  • lower blood pressure and triglycerides
  • raise good cholesterol levels
  • cleanse the cavities of blood vessels from cholesterol plaques that form due to an excess of bad cholesterol
  • regulate sugar and insulin in the body
  • reduce weight and generally improve the tone of the human body

Taken together, the above properties of charging for the heart and blood vessels help a person:

  1. firstly, to minimize the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system
  2. secondly, in the presence of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, speed up their therapy
  3. thirdly, tone the body and increase its protective properties

Considering overall effect from cardiovascular exercises, it can be stated that it is advisable for every person who wants to protect themselves from heart and vascular diseases until old age. It is important to pay the greatest attention to the stress on the cardiac apparatus to people who are predisposed to the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, or who already have them (hypotension, etc.).

Basic rules and benefits

As noted earlier, exercise for the heart and blood vessels will have a positive effect only if it is performed correctly and in compliance basic principles this procedure.

In order to comply with the latter and, in general, competently carry out exercises for the cardiovascular system, you must adhere to simple rules:

  1. The main thing is to put moderate stress on the heart, which does not cause any discomfort and has a positive effect on the body. The optimal solution would be to carry out exercises that raise the pulse to 130-140 beats per minute, but below 110 you should not keep the pulse, otherwise the effect will be extremely weak.
  2. At first, it is enough to exercise for 10-30 minutes and only after strengthening the blood vessels and the cardiac apparatus begin more serious loads.
  3. It is important to carry out exercises for the cardiovascular system systematically, but it is not necessary to load it every day. The most successful heart training schedule includes 2-4 sessions per week, but no more. It is advisable to conduct each workout at least 1.5-2 hours after the last meal.
  4. You can load the heart and blood vessels different types exercise, but it is advisable to give preference to cardio training, aerobic exercise, yoga and breathing exercises.
  5. If your health worsens, you must stop training your heart and try to figure out the cause of the problem, and only after eliminating it, return to the exercises.

Competent exercise is a fundamental aspect in strengthening the heart muscle, so it is important to pay special attention to its correctness. In general, this type of cardiovascular training is quite beneficial for the body, and you can devote no more than 1 hour a week to it, but what will be the effect?!

Useful video: overview of exercises for the cardiovascular system

Are there any contraindications to physical education aimed at strengthening the cardiovascular system? In fact, the answer is extremely simple - there are no contraindications to such exercises. But here it is important to take into account one point: the set of exercises and the general charging process must be agreed upon with the attending physician, since only he can say whether specific loads are suitable for the patient or whether they should be reduced. Such advice cannot be ignored, since improperly organized physical education will only do harm.

Breathing exercises and yoga

Breathing exercises and yoga are the most successful option for strengthening the heart and blood vessels for those people who, due to certain circumstances, cannot perform more serious exercises (running, cycling, swimming, etc.).

Both types of similar loads on the cardiovascular system can be carried out even daily, because charging will take no more than 20 minutes. The following exercises are most effective:

From breathing exercises:

  • First exercise. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Take a sharp breath through your nose, while simultaneously raising your arms vertically, and then exhale sharply through your mouth, while simultaneously lowering your arms down. The exercise is done in 3 sets of 15-30 repetitions each.
  • Second exercise. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Take a calm breath in through your nose, while simultaneously raising your left or right hand (alternately) and touching the tip of your nose with your index finger, then, lowering your hand, take a calm breath out through your mouth. The exercise is done in 2-4 sets of 15-20 repetitions each.
  • Third exercise. It is done similarly to the first, but the arms are raised down/up not vertically, but horizontally. The number of approaches and repetitions is also similar to the first.

From yoga, you can use absolutely any exercises presented in the relevant reference books.

The main thing in any yoga exercise is to observe proper breathing: before work, inhale, while at work, exhale.

Of course, breathing exercises and yoga will help strengthen the cardiovascular system only for those people who are not particularly trained. For more prepared people, it is necessary to use appropriate loads, otherwise it will not be possible to strengthen the heart and blood vessels.

Despite the good effect of yoga and breathing exercises, best practices strengthening the heart and blood vessels cannot be attributed to them. This is largely due to the small load that the cardiac apparatus experiences when performing relatively simple exercises. Another thing is the load on the cardiovascular system with more serious exercise.

The best exercises for strengthening the heart and blood vessels are presented using just such techniques. More precisely, their list is as follows:

  1. Any type of cardio training. These fully include: running, swimming, cycling, walking, exercise on an exercise bike and the like.
  2. Almost all aerobic exercises. An example of such is ordinary exercise, consisting of squats, bends, raising arms to the sides and other exercises of a similar nature.
  3. Intensive strength training with small weights. These include a set of exercises consisting of simple, but moderately intense strength training (lifting weights, dumbbells, barbells, pull-ups on a horizontal bar, etc.).
  4. Regardless of the chosen lesson option, for quality and maximum effectively strengthening For the cardiovascular system, it is important to comply with three basic conditions:
  5. Breathe correctly. As noted earlier, before work - inhale, at work - exhale.
  6. Drink water if your body requires it, there is nothing wrong with that.
  7. Try to keep your heart rate within a certain normal range. It’s easy to calculate it – just use the following formula: (220 – your age) * 0.6. Thus, to strengthen the heart and blood vessels, a 20-year-old person needs to maintain a pulse equal to - (220-20) * 0.6, resulting in 120 beats per minute. For example, this heart rate corresponds to light jogging at a speed of 4-6 km/h.
  8. The duration of any workout should be at least 15 minutes, and maximum – no more than an hour. To get real results, it is enough to exercise 2-3 times a week and, most importantly, do everything correctly.

Exercise for hypertensive patients

It is important to understand that dealing with hypertension and similar ailments, when blood vessels are predominantly affected, needs to be done in a special manner. In particular, hypertensive patients are strictly forbidden to make sudden movements and, in general, put a lot of stress on the body. During the charging process, it is important to maintain smooth movements and correct breathing. Otherwise, the exercises will not only not help, but will even cause a new attack of increased blood pressure.

A typical example of exercise for hypertensive patients looks like this:

  • First exercise. Easy walking for 10 minutes (you can even walk around the house).
  • Second exercise. Calmly raise your arms to the side. 3-4 approaches of 15-20 arm raises are carried out.
  • Third exercise. Lifting legs one at a time. The technique is extremely simple: stand straight, spread your arms to the sides and slowly, one by one, raise your legs to a height of 30-40 cm. It is advisable to do 3 sets of 12-15 lifts.

At the end of the workout, you need to do light breathing exercises, but you should not bend over, since blood flow to the head with hypertension will not lead to anything good.

In general, strengthening the heart and blood vessels with regular exercises is not so difficult. The main thing in the process of treatment or prevention is to adhere to correct order charging and its basic principles. We hope today’s material answered your questions. Good health to you!

Yoga is an ancient system of exercises related to breathing, flexibility and concentration. If a person for some reason cannot engage in active sports, but wants to protect himself from cardiovascular diseases, then yoga for the heart and blood vessels should become his assistant.

There are various types of yoga: hatha, tantric, ashtanga, etc. However, yoga does not replace 2-3 hours of aerobic exercise with moderate intensity, which is required for a healthy heart, and you should not rely on it alone. Rather, it resembles strength exercises, which should be done at least twice a week.

The benefits of yoga

Researchers from the University of Rotterdam analyzed the results of almost forty studies, covering about three thousand participants, and found that yoga for heart disease lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the blood. Given the lack of physical exercise in the modern population, yoga can bring many benefits, including helping in the fight against obesity.

Yoga for heart disease works much like jogging or brisk walking.

It has not yet been possible to reliably explain why yoga is so beneficial for the heart and blood vessels. Researchers suggest that it calms and relieves stress, which provokes cardiovascular diseases. And breathing exercises for the heart allow the body to be better saturated with oxygen, which leads to a decrease in blood pressure.

Sarvangasana pose

Now let’s look at what beneficial exercises yoga offers for the heart. This is, for example, the sarvangasana pose, an analogue of which we have long known under the more familiar name “birch tree”. It is very good for health. Moreover, few people did not try this simple acrobatics on themselves in childhood, because the “birch” is traditionally one of the first gymnastic exercises that almost every schoolchild can master.

There is a significant difference between the ordinary “birch” and sarvangasana - in the second case, a so-called “chin lock” occurs when a clamp occurs in the area of ​​the thyroid gland.

With the help of this inverted asana, the load is removed from the lower part of the body, and the blood flow rushes from the legs to the head. First of all, the heart must provide the brain with oxygen-rich blood. With the help of Sarvangasana asana, this task for the heart can be significantly simplified. When standing on the head, the myocardium can work at half capacity, since the blood, under the influence of gravity, itself rushes to the head through the vessels.

Using this pose during yoga, you can improve blood circulation in the legs, prevent varicose veins, and slightly reduce blood pressure.

Standing in the Sarvangasana asana pose has a beneficial effect on cerebral circulation. But it turns out to be especially useful for improving the efficiency of the functioning of the left ventricle of the myocardium. Successfully replacing aerobic exercise, such yoga significantly helps in strengthening the heart.

Technique for performing sarvangasana

1. To perform this asana, you need to lie on your back on the mat and place your hands along your body, palms up.
2. At the moment of exhalation, you need to start lifting your legs.
3. The angle of their inclination should be gradually increased until the socks are tucked behind the head (angle 130 degrees).
4. You need to linger in this position for a few seconds, trying to maintain even breathing.
5. As you exhale, your legs straighten vertically, while you should strive to stretch your body as high as possible.
6. The asana is considered complete if the body rests on the shoulders and not on the back, and the person’s efforts are aimed only at keeping his body in balance.

In order for such yoga to have a healing effect for heart diseases, it is necessary to remain in the birch tree pose not for just 5-10 seconds, but for 2-3 minutes.

When delayed in this position, blood flow through the vertebral artery rushes predominantly to the occipital region. This, in turn, stimulates the work of visceral regulation in the stem structures of our brain. This recharge activates and improves the functioning of all functional systems and human organs, so this exercise is considered beneficial for the whole body. Even many medical workers note beneficial influence sarvangasanas not only affect the heart muscle, but also the rest of the body; it is not for nothing that the “birch tree” is often called “the pose of all parts of the body.”

The benefits of yoga for the heart and blood vessels:

It is believed that yoga classes are identical to classical physical activity that is used in official medicine.

The most effective exercise for arrhythmia– in the “lotus” position, performed in the classical way. After a person stays in this pose for 10 - 30 seconds, you need to take a deep breath and tilt your torso forward - best option touch your forehead to the floor. Holding the air in your lungs, you need to lock in the pose for 5-6 seconds. If you are overweight, you can limit yourself to bending your body down while taking a deep breath.

Second exercise from a yoga course– lifting straight legs alternately from a supine position. When lifting your right leg, take a deep breath, and when lifting your left leg, exhale. Having fixed for 3 - 10 seconds with one lower limb raised, it is lowered to the floor and exercises are carried out on the second.

Yoga rules:

    • breathing should be calm, even and deep;
    • 3 hours must have passed since the last meal;
    • the study room should be fresh; Perform the complex for arrhythmia only once a day.

Yoga is not a complete treatment for arrhythmia! Do not interrupt the treatment prescribed by your doctor. Regular practice of the described exercises will make attacks of arrhythmia less intense and rare.

Exercise for pain:

      • "Heart Breathing" It must be performed before each pose, but can also be used as an independent exercise: lie on your back, relax, even out your breathing; “pull yourself together”, stretching your arms along your body, connecting your legs, but do not strain your muscles; Taking a deep breath, raise your left hand up, place it behind your head and place it on the floor, palm up; simultaneously with raising the arm, the heel of the same leg should “move” forward; after 2-3 seconds of deep exhalation, the hand returns to its original position; the exercise is repeated for another upper limb, then for both at once.
      • Kumbhaka. Helps relieve stress and irritation and calm down. Can be performed in any comfortable position - lying, sitting, standing: close your eyes, relax; take a slow, deep breath and hold your breath for 30 seconds; immediately exhale - slowly and through the nose.

Important: you need to start with a short breath hold, literally for 5 - 8 seconds, but this indicator needs to be improved every day.

      • Ujan. It is used for pain due to arrhythmia. You need to sit or lie down comfortably, you can stand. A deep breath is taken through the nose, while mentally counting to 8, then the breath is held for 3 - 5 seconds. The exhalation is done through the mouth, the teeth are clenched and a drawn-out sound “s-s-s” is made - in the mind the count is kept to 16. The cycle is repeated 5 times. It is forbidden to perform for heart disease associated with high blood pressure!

Asanas to strengthen the heart and blood vessels:

      • Tadasana. Stand straight on the mat with your feet almost together. With your feet, try to stretch the mat to the sides, at the same time pulling your tailbone as far forward as possible and straightening your shoulders, your knees should “look” forward, your gaze straight ahead.
      • Reverse deflection. From a standing position, raise your arms straight up, knee joints bend slightly. Bend back while pushing your pelvis forward.
      • Ushtrasana. Kneel down with emphasis on your toes, arch your back, grab your feet with your hands - your torso should be perpendicular to the floor. Take a deep breath - the stomach protrudes forward as much as possible, exhale - assume a sitting position on the floor.

Read more in our article about yoga for the heart and blood vessels.

Read in this article

The benefits of yoga for the heart and blood vessels

How yoga classes have a beneficial effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels has not yet been precisely clarified. But the fact that this really happens has been proven at the level of official medicine. Doctors say that yoga:

      • normalizes the condition of hypertension, gradually and safely lowering blood pressure;
      • cleanses blood vessels from “bad” cholesterol;
      • accelerates blood flow.

Additionally, exercises stabilize the functioning of the respiratory system, improve the flow of oxygen to the cells of internal organs and systems, and promote weight loss. It is believed that yoga classes are identical to classical physical activity that is used in official medicine - jogging or interval training on a treadmill, cycling, active walking.

Exercises for illnesses

Yoga can be used not only as a prevention of heart and vascular diseases, but also as a therapeutic measure for already diagnosed pathologies. Of course, you need to consult your doctor - not all diseases allow you to engage in such physical activity. It is highly advisable to seek help from experienced specialists and yoga instructors - they will teach you how to perform the exercises correctly.

For arrhythmia

The most effective exercise with such a violation, you will be in the “lotus” position - performed in the classical way. After a person stays in this position for 10 - 30 seconds, you need to take a deep breath and tilt your torso forward - the best option is to touch your forehead to the floor. If such an exercise is available to perform, then holding the air in your lungs, you need to lock in the pose for 5-6 seconds.

If a person has overweight, then you can limit yourself to just tilting your body down while taking a deep breath. The more often and longer the classes are held, the faster you will be able to complete the exercise fully.

The second exercise from the yoga course, which gives positive results for arrhythmia, is lifting straight legs alternately from a supine position. When lifting your right leg, take a deep breath, and when lifting your left leg, exhale. Having fixed for 3 – 10 seconds with one lower limb raised, it is lowered to the floor and exercises are carried out on the second.

If you have received permission from your attending physician for regular yoga classes, then they must be performed, observing the following rules:

      • breathing during exercises should be calm, even and deep;
      • it is better to do exercises in morning hours, or 3 hours before night rest;
      • yoga is performed on an empty stomach - 3 hours should pass since the last meal;
      • the study room should be fresh so that the body is actively saturated with oxygen;
      • You can perform a yoga complex for arrhythmia only once a day.

Expert opinion

Vera Chubeiko


Yoga is not a complete treatment for arrhythmia! You cannot interrupt the treatment prescribed by your doctor - taking medications and following the recommendations of specialists are mandatory. Regular practice of the described exercises will make attacks of arrhythmia less intense and rare.

For pain


Most often, this yoga pose is used for heart pain in the background. You need to sit or lie down comfortably, you can remain in a standing position. A deep breath is taken through the nose, at the same time you need to mentally count to 8, then the breath is held for 3 - 5 seconds. The exhalation is done through the mouth, the teeth are clenched and a drawn-out sound “s-s-s” is made - in the mind the count is kept to 16. The cycle is repeated 5 times.

Ujan should not be performed if you have heart disease associated with high blood pressure!

Asanas to strengthen the heart and blood vessels

If there is a desire or need to strengthen and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, then you should perform the following asanas daily:

The yoga complex for heart pain ends with the classic asana “shavasana” - lie on the floor, spread your legs, arms apart, palms facing up, gaze fixed on the ceiling, breathing evenly and deeply, eyes closed. You need to stay in this relaxed state for 5–10 minutes.

Yoga to strengthen the heart and blood vessels can be performed at any age and with any internal diseases. It is important to perform all the exercises correctly and regularly, for which you should take a short training course with an experienced instructor and only after that practice on your own, constantly complicating the poses.

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  • The diagnosis of bradycardia and sports may well coexist. However, it is better to check with a cardiologist about whether it is possible to play sports, which exercises are best, and whether running is acceptable for adults and children.
  • Quite a long time ago we started eating pomegranate for the heart and blood vessels. Its benefits are simply enormous, even with low consumption. It is used to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and restore heart cells.
  • In some cases, exercises for arrhythmias can help control rhythm disturbances. It could be physical exercise, breathing, Nordic walking and running. Complete treatment of arrhythmia without a set of exercises is extremely rarely carried out. What complex should be done?

  • Physical education for blood vessels: regular exercise and movement are the best prevention!

    Vascular dystonia is a common blood circulation disorder, the causes of which may be related to both genetic predisposition and external factors. Stress, lack physical activity, smoking, consequences of past illnesses - all this leads to the fact that the blood vessels are in increased tone. Narrowing of the lumen leads to impaired blood supply, increased blood pressure, especially if there is a diagnosis that significantly aggravates the course of these processes. Restoring proper blood circulation can help not so much as an active lifestyle and simple exercises for blood vessels.

    Capillary training is a prerequisite for improving the vascular system

    The smallest blood vessels are capillaries. They are responsible for the life of every cell of the body, delivering nutrients to it and freeing it from decay products. Capillaries permeate the entire human body, their total “length” is at least 60 thousand kilometers. If an obstacle is encountered in the path of blood flow in the form of an extremely narrowed vessel, then in the nearest cells there will be an accumulation of toxic decay products that will not be eliminated in a timely manner. This will lead to disease not only in the cardiovascular system, but also in other vital organs.

    The Japanese scientist and healer Katsuzo Nishi called blood the “river of life” and created a whole system for healing the body through capillary training and exercises for:

    • The simplest but most effective technique that can improve the condition of capillaries and blood circulation is vibration exercise. You need to do it in the morning, without getting out of bed. Raising your legs and arms up, you should simply shake them finely and frequently for 1.5 - 2 minutes. In addition to a kind of vibration massage of the capillaries, there is also a redistribution of lymphatic fluid, which helps cleanse the body of toxins and waste.
    • Another exercise from Nisha’s arsenal is “Golden Fish”. Lying on a flat bed, you need to put your hands under your neck at the level of the fourth cervical vertebra, pull your toes towards you, and, straining very hard, reproduce small vibrating movements with your whole body, like a fish. This exercise helps get rid of excessive tone of the nerves located in the spine and promotes active blood circulation.

    You need to train capillary vessels regularly, repeating the exercises twice a day - in the morning, after waking up, and in the evening.

    Video: a set of exercises according to the Nishi system

    How to get rid of cerebral vascular spasms

    Poor circulation and the reasons why they occur. Clinical manifestations spastic attacks are familiar to many. This

    1. Regularly occurring changes in blood pressure;
    2. Nausea, disturbances in speech and coordination of movements;
    3. Tinnitus, memory impairment;
    4. Fatigue and a sharp decrease in performance.

    Vasospasm can be provoked by a stressful situation, change atmospheric pressure, chronic diseases spine (for example). To minimize the risk of spasms, it is necessary to strengthen the blood vessels of the brain. This will be helped healthy eating, compliance with the work and rest schedule, medicinal herbs and special exercises.

    To improve blood supply to the brain, daily gymnastics should include movements that require changing the position of the head - bending from side to side, rotating the head, flips and somersaults. When performing exercises, you must monitor your breathing and perform head movements smoothly, without jerking. When discomfort, darkening in the eyes, severe dizziness, gymnastics should be interrupted and resumed after a short rest, reducing the intensity of movements.

    A set of exercises to improve blood flow in the brain

    • Performed standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Rotate your head clockwise and back for 2-3 minutes.
    • I.P. - Same. Raise your hands up, interlace your fingers. Lean forward while performing “chopping wood” movements. Repeat 8 times.
    • I.P. - Same. Swing your legs alternately: the left leg goes to the right hand, the right leg goes to the left hand.
    • I.P. - the same, knees slightly bent. Stretch your arms to the sides and perform asynchronous rotations: rotate your left hand forward, your right hand back. Exercise improves memory and speed of thinking.
    • I.P. – lying on your back, legs and arms extended along the body. Raise your legs straight as high as possible, supporting your lower back with your hands. Perform the “Birch” stand for up to 5 minutes.

    Excellent gymnastics for the blood vessels of the brain is dancing. By performing dance steps, a person trains coordination, the blood is enriched with oxygen, and its circulation improves. Brain vessels become more elastic, their tone decreases. In addition, dancing is a great way to relieve emotional tension and get rid of stress. And this is a very significant factor in the improvement of brain vessels.

    Video: a simple exercise to strengthen weak blood vessels

    Strengthening the blood vessels of the legs - a confident step into a healthy life

    The “payback” for walking upright is the increased load experienced by the veins of the legs. Weakness of the leg veins can lead to, and as a consequence, the occurrence of. For the prevention of vascular diseases of the legs there is no the best remedy than movement. To reduce the load on lower limbs, exercises are more effective in water. Swimming, water aerobics, taking balneological baths and even simply pouring cool water on your feet stimulates blood circulation and causes the blood vessels in your legs to contract and unclench with greater intensity. Such regular exercise for the vessels helps to strengthen them and makes the walls of the leg veins more elastic.

    A set of exercises aimed at strengthening the blood vessels of the legs

    • I.P. – standing on the floor, feet wider than shoulders. Bend forward and down, reaching the floor surface with your fingers. When performing bends, keep your legs straight.
    • I.P. - sitting on the floor. Spread your legs as wide as possible, fold your arms at chest level, leaning forward to reach the floor with bent arms. Make sure your legs remain straight. After every 8-10 bends, take a minute break.
    • I.P. - on my knees. Stretch your arms to the sides and begin walking on your knees forward and backward. If you are tired, lie down on the floor and restore your breathing.

    Exercises to prevent venous insufficiency of the legs and varicose veins

    Slow jogging is useful for improving the health of blood vessels in the legs. If you approach training without excessive fanaticism, dosing the intensity of the load and the duration of runs, then the benefits will be undoubted. Contraindications for training may include:

    1. Eating shortly before a run;
    2. Noise or buzzing in the ears;
    3. Weakness in the legs;
    4. Severely reduced blood pressure.

    If you experience excessive fatigue or discomfort while jogging, it is better to stop, do a few breathing exercises to restore your breathing, and start walking. The intensity of training should be increased only when the body fully adapts to the increased physical activity.

    Video: preventative exercises for legs

    Healthy neck vessels are the key to good health

    The neck is an extremely important part of the human body. It is here that vital arteries are concentrated, through which blood supply to the brain occurs and spinal column. Weakened neck muscles force a person to constantly strain to keep their head and back straight. This tension leads to compression of blood vessels and pinching of nerve endings. Hence – headaches, high blood pressure and other unpleasant symptoms.

    Strengthening neck muscles, you can restore the vessels of the neck and thereby get rid of ailments. Among the exercises, the main place is occupied by turns, tilts and rotations of the head. All movements should be performed extremely smoothly, not forgetting to monitor proper breathing. Good results gives Chinese gymnastics, where there are no sharp and active movements. Exercises for neck vessels and muscle strengthening can be performed both at home and at work - you do not need a specially equipped place for this.

    Exercises to strengthen neck muscles

    • Stand against a wall, trying to keep all parts of your body pressed tightly against the vertical surface. As you inhale, push yourself into the wall with all your might, tensing your neck muscles as much as possible. Hold your breath and maintain this position for 5-6 seconds.
    • Sitting on a chair, you need to place your palm on your forehead and press hard, forcing your head to lean back. At the same time, straining your neck, you should resist forward movement heads. Such a “confrontation” with maximum tension should be held for 5-7 seconds, while breathing should be suspended. After the time has passed, exhale and rest for 10-12 seconds. Repeat movements 3 to 7 times.
    • Similar movements are made with the head tilted forward and to the sides. This gymnastics is good because you can perform 1-2 exercises every hour during the day - this is extremely useful for dilating the blood vessels of the neck and brain.
    • Slowly rotate your head in a semicircle, from one shoulder to the other, holding it in extreme positions. Repeat 8-12 times, gradually increasing the amplitude.

    Video: exercises useful for VSD

    How to train the heart and blood vessels?

    To preserve blood vessels and heart for a long time good condition, we need to pay maximum attention to their regular training. This is especially true for older people who, due to age, have reduced physical activity. A sufficient amount of oxygen and feasible physical exercise - this should not be forgotten by older people.

    Training the heart and blood vessels should begin in the morning, immediately after waking up. Rotating your hands and feet is an exercise that will make your blood flow “wake up” and the blood vessels will dilate. Bends, squats and turns of the body must be performed while constantly monitoring the heart rate. If the pulse of an untrained person is within 90-100 beats per minute, then his heart still does not receive enough oxygen and blood. As the degree of general physical activity increases, the heart rate also increases. Accordingly, the heart works more efficiently and receives a sufficient amount of blood due to the good functioning of the aorta.

    Several exercises for the heart and blood vessels

    • Rise on your toes and walk with your knees raised very high.
    • The legs are at shoulder width. Hands rise upward, clasping hands together. When the body tilts to the right, the right leg is moved to the right. Try to perform the tilt as deeply as possible. Repeat the same movements in left side. Perform 8-9 times, remembering to control your breathing.
    • Extend your arms to the sides and rhythmically clap your palms on the opposite shoulder. Right hand - left shoulder, and vice versa. Keep your body straight. Increase repetitions and tempo in the absence of unpleasant sensations in the heart area up to 50 times.
    • Place your arms along your body, legs pressed tightly against each other. Make a full circle with your hands: back - up - forward. First carry out the cycle of rotations in one direction, then change the direction to the opposite. Repetitions – from 10 to 50.
    • Lying on your back, you need to raise your knees bent at an angle of 90° and imitate the movements of riding a bicycle. Do not hold your breath.
    • While in a lying position, raise your outstretched legs to a height of 30-40 cm and make cross-shaped movements. Repeat 20-25 times.

    Swimming, cycling, cardio exercises, and walking up the stairs help to actively train your heart. Just one thing should not be forgotten: the load should increase gradually. The main thing when doing exercises is not their quantity and intensity, but regularity. A strict cycle must be observed: load and relaxation. Then muscle fibers the hearts will enlarge, the heart muscle and blood vessels will be strengthened, and the benefits of training will become obvious.

    Video: exercises to improve the cardiovascular system through muscles

    Gymnastics for hypertension

    Vascular training is especially important during. High blood pressure is often due to the fact that the walls of blood vessels lose their ability to relax and blood has difficulty “pushing” through the narrowed vessels. Add problems with high blood pressure- cholesterol on their walls. If you do not make any efforts to train slow-moving vessels, a chronic increase in pressure can lead to serious consequences.

    Important! If you have hypertension, you should not perform bending, sudden swings of arms and legs, or all exercises that ensure blood flow to the head. You should not hold your breath while exerting muscle force - this can lead to an even greater increase in pressure.

    Exercises for hypertensive patients

    • Warm-up: walking around the room, with smooth turns of the body. The arms and legs perform non-sudden movements - short swings, bending, half-squats. When walking, you can perform circular movements with your pelvis. Duration – 5 minutes.
    • Sitting on a chair, place your feet at a distance of 30-40 cm, raise your arms up. Lowering your arms down and moving them behind your back, bend forward towards your knees. At the same time, you need to keep your head straight, your gaze directed forward.
    • Without rising from the chair, extend your arms straight to the sides, and at the same time raise your leg bent at the knee to your chest. At the same time, your arms are brought together in front of you, helping to hold the raised leg. Perform alternately with the right and left foot, 6-8 times.
    • Hands to the sides - inhale, as you exhale, place your hands on your waist and tilt your body to the right. Repeat with a tilt to the left. You can perform the exercise both sitting and standing.
    • Extend your arms to the sides, keep your body straight. Move your right leg clearly to the right, hold it at a height of 30-40 cm. Repeat the same movements with your left leg.

    Video: exercises to normalize blood pressure

    Breathing exercises

    Breathing exercises greatly help to enrich the blood with oxygen, which is a natural factor. There are several practices of healing breathing exercises - Chinese Qigong gymnastics, Strelnikova breathing exercises, Buteyko deep breathing method, yoga. With all the variety of technologies, the principles of breathing are used with a great degree of similarity: a deep short breath through the nose, holding the breath and an almost imperceptible natural exit through the mouth.

    During yogic breathing, inhalation is accompanied by protrusion of the abdomen, followed by exhalation after a pause - the abdomen is drawn in as much as possible. Several breathing exercises can reduce blood pressure and normalize vascular function. And mastering breathing practices will help you forget about hypertension for many years.

    Video: breathing exercises for hypertensive patients

    Therapeutic exercise after heart attacks and strokes

    Physical exercise not only helps. Rehabilitation therapy in the post-infarction period involves the mandatory introduction of physical therapy exercises. First exercise therapy complex is prescribed to be performed while still in the hospital, under the supervision of a doctor. But even after discharge, the patient should perform special exercises daily, alternating between feasible exercise and relaxation, for at least half an hour. To restore the myocardium, a full supply of blood and nutrients is required, and this requires feasible physical activity.

    Exercises on a chair, consisting of alternately raising and lowering the legs and arms, are performed at a leisurely pace, with strict adherence to the rhythm of breathing. Walking in one place, bending to the right and left, swinging your legs - these exercises should be done while controlling your pulse. The heart rate should not rise above 120 beats per minute.

    The damage suffered can also be compensated by using massage and exercise therapy. To restore the body's lost ability to move, it is necessary to exercise systematically and diligently. The first exercises will have to be done with an assistant, but after some time, the patient will be able to perform the complex selected by the doctor independently. At physical therapy It is important to avoid overwork and excessive stress. Regularity and systematicity in exercise therapy classes can restore the joy of movement.

    Video: a set of exercises after a stroke

    A study by the Californian Scientific Institute of Preventive Medicine has proven that regular yoga classes can prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases. Properly selected yoga asanas can lower blood pressure, strengthen the heart muscle and normalize the pulse without pills. Yoga helps to recover even after cardiac surgery and reduces stress.

    “Integrated practice has a qualitative effect on all structures of the human body,” says Rauf Asadov, yoga instructor, author of the Organic people, “Yoga in the Parks” projects and the I love yoga community. — But if you specifically want to strengthen your heart, you should pay attention to yoga asanas that reveal thoracic region. We have collected them in our complex.”

    The poses in this complex are given in such a sequence that you can perform them, smoothly flowing from one to another. However, you can also do asanas in any order. Stay in each of them for a while four breathing cycles(inhale-exhale).

    To complete the complex you will need a mat.

    If you have heart problems, consult your doctor before starting to practice.

    A set of yoga asanas for a healthy heart

    1. Tadasana (mountain pose)

    Stand on the edge of the mat so that it is behind you. Feet are hip-width apart, the outer edges of the feet are parallel to the outer edges of the mat, emphasis is on three points - the heel, the outer edge of the foot, the base of the big toe. Lightly stretch the mat with your feet in different directions so that your kneecaps are pointing straight forward. Pull the tailbone inside the body, tucking the pelvis, open chest, moving your shoulders back and down, reach up with the top of your head.

    2. Bend back

    Standing with your feet pelvis-width apart, bend your knees slightly and, tucking your tailbone even more and raising your arms up and back, bend over and open your chest up as much as possible. Return to tadasana.

    3. Malasana (garland pose)

    Place your feet the width of the mat, with your toes slightly apart. Bring your palms together in front of your chest and exhale as you squat down. Spread your hips apart, place your elbows between your knees. Push your hips in different directions with your hands, while lowering your pelvis as low as possible, and stretch your top up - stretch the line of your back. Tuck your tailbone further into your body.

    * If your feet do not fully fall onto the mat, place a block or folded blanket under your heels.

    4. Utthita parsvakonasana (extended side angle pose)

    In malasana, place both palms on the mat and step your left foot back. Straighten it and turn your left foot at an angle of 45 degrees. Its outer edge should be flush against the mat. Bend your right leg at the knee at a right angle. Place your right palm in front of your right foot and push your knee from the inside with your right shoulder, and push your shoulder inward with your knee. The shoulder should be directly above the palm, the right arm and right shin perpendicular to the floor. As you inhale, turn your body to the left and open your left arm up. Your hands should form a straight line. Look up. With each exhalation, try to lower your pelvis lower and move your left arm further back, relaxing your back muscles and opening your chest as much as possible. As you exhale, lower your left hand to the floor, step your right foot back and step your left foot towards your left palm. Repeat utthita parsvakonasana on the other side. Then step your right foot toward your right palm and sit on the mat on your buttocks, knees bent, feet flat on the floor.

    5. Table Pose

    From a sitting position, move your hands beyond the pelvic line and lower your palms to the floor, fingers pointing forward. As you inhale, pushing off the floor with your feet and palms, lift your pelvis, stomach and chest as high as possible until your body is parallel to the floor. Look at the ceiling, point your navel inward and tighten your gluteal muscles. Coming out of the asana, lower your pelvis onto the mat, lie on your back, straighten your legs, left hand along the body, and the right one goes back behind the head. Roll over your right side and lie on your stomach, prepare for the next pose.

    6. Dhanurasana (bow pose)

    Take a lying position on your stomach: legs apart hip joints, arms along the body. Bend your knees and grab the outside of your ankles, pressing your big toes together. Tightening your gluteal muscles, inhale and lift your legs and chest off the floor. Look ahead, don't throw your head back. Exhale and lower your pelvis, hips and chest to the floor. Release your grip on your ankles and place your head on the floor, turning it in any direction. Move your pelvis from side to side, relaxing the sacrolumbar region. To exit the asana, release your ankles and lie on your stomach, push your palms off the floor, while exhaling, lift your body, kneel and sit on your heels.

    7. Ushtrasana (camel pose)

    From a sitting position on your heels, straighten up, knees lying on the floor at the width of your hip joints. Place your toes on the floor. Tightening your gluteal muscles, begin to gently bend back while exhaling. Alternately place your palms on your heels. Your thighs and arms should be perpendicular to the floor. As you inhale, stretch your belly forward, opening your chest more and pointing it upward. Direct your gaze upward, neck muscles stretched. As you exhale, release your grip on your hands, straighten up and sit on your heels.
