Successful IVF pregnancy and Proginova: who, why and how to take the drug. Proginova - instructions for use and composition, release form, indications and cost Better condition when taking Proginova

Proginova – hormonal drug from the group of estrogens. It has many indications for use, but only as prescribed by a doctor. The medicine affects the hormonal status of a woman, so it is not uncommon to have delayed periods, spotting, and bleeding while taking Proginova. What to expect from the medicine and who needs it?

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What kind of drug

Proginova is an estrogen-containing drug containing 2 mg of estradiol valerate. This is a fairly high dose of the female sex hormone. For comparison, conventional oral contraceptives contain an average of 20 - 30 mcg of the estrogen component, and conventional HRT products contain 1 - 2 mg.

Who is prescribed

Proginova interacts with central and peripheral receptors. By doing this, it modulates the action of estrogen and, accordingly, relieves the woman of the symptoms of their deficiency. When taking Proginova, menstruation may change its character, and the cycle may change. All this helps to use the product in the following clinical situations:

  • for prevention and treatment in women in peri- and;
  • after removal of most of the ovaries or complete castration;
  • to prevent the development of osteoporosis during menopause;
  • for hormonal support of pregnancy, especially after IVF and with natural hormone deficiency;
  • when planning conception in case of insufficient growth of the endometrium, if ultrasound examination it grows no more than 8 mm; in this case, proginova is prescribed for a woman.

Contraindications and restrictions

Excess estrogen in the female body leads to various negative effects. This is due to the fact that these female sex hormones regulate many functions; almost all tissues are sensitive to them and respond to fluctuations in their levels. That is why you should approach the intake very carefully, follow the regimens and dosages indicated by your doctor.

Progynova should be used with extreme caution in the following situations:

  • Estrogens affect carbohydrate and fat metabolism, so taking the medicine causes an increase in body weight in almost all cases. Also, a consequence of such exposure is disturbances in the functioning of the liver and biliary system. Various digestive disorders are possible - nausea, vomiting, increased gas formation.
  • Estrogens “attract” fluid to themselves. Hence, there may be some increase in premenstrual syndrome, engorgement of the mammary glands, and the appearance of edema.
  • The central nervous system has a huge number of estrogen receptors. An increase in their level leads to headaches (especially if there have been episodes of migraines in the past). Unmotivated depression, weakness, and fatigue may also appear.
  • Estrogens increase blood clotting and, accordingly, the likelihood of blood clots. Also, while taking them, there may be an increase in blood pressure, pulse. Progynova is not prescribed to women who have had a stroke or other similar diseases.
  • Also, additional estrogens provoke increased signs of mastopathy. Therefore, for benign diseases it is prescribed when absolutely necessary.
  • The fact that progynova increases endometrial growth can also have a negative effect. Its constant use causes the appearance of polyps and endometrial hyperplasia. To prevent this negative effect, menstruating women are prescribed an additional gestagen in the second phase, most often duphaston or utrozhestan.
  • Under no circumstances should the drug be used if a woman has ever had hormone-dependent tumors.

Despite the fact that the use of the drug, according to the instructions, during pregnancy is undesirable, its use in many cases is necessary. Reliable data about negative impact There is no medicine for the developing fetus. But during breastfeeding It is better to avoid using progynov, as it passes into breast milk and, accordingly, into the baby.

Course of treatment

The regimen and duration of treatment vary greatly depending on the chosen goals. If there are no periods after progynova, perhaps not the most optimal solution was chosen.

Thus, the following main treatment options can be distinguished:

  • For menstruating women, a cyclic technique is used to correct menopausal disorders. It involves taking 2 mg tablets once every 24 hours for 21 days, then a break of 7 days. At this time, menstrual-like discharge should appear.
  • After removal of the ovaries in young girls, several regimens may be prescribed depending on the clinical situation. This is taken for 21 days with a break of 7 days and additional use of gestagens from 14 to 16 days. Second option: from 1 to 14 days - proginova, from 14 to 28 only gestagens. The dose is selected individually, the standard is 2 mg per day.
  • During the period of persistent menopause, the drug is used continuously to prevent osteoporosis and other late complications of estrogen deficiency. This means that when the packaging is finished, new pill from another pack should be taken the next day. The usual dose is one 2 mg tablet.
  • To maintain pregnancy, the medication is taken daily, the dose is higher than usual and depends on the woman’s hormonal background and test results. On average, 2 - 3 tablets per day. Such support is provided mainly for up to 12 weeks, after which the drug is discontinued. But, again, everything is corrected by the doctor.
  • For the purpose of endometrial growth, proginova can be prescribed only in the first phase (from 1 to 14 - 16 days, and also only from 10 to 14), or throughout the entire cycle (from 1 to 21 days). The dose may vary, on average - 2 - 4 mg per day.

Watch the video about hormonal drugs:

Doctors advise the following:

  • If a woman is still having her period, the first tablet must be taken within five days of the start. bloody discharge. In cases where you have not had your period for a long time, you can start taking it at any time.
  • You must choose a specific time for your appointment and not deviate from it. Otherwise, it happens that progynova causes menstruation, or more precisely, breakthrough bleeding.
  • If you missed a pill and 24 hours have not yet passed, you should take it immediately as soon as the mistake in taking it is discovered. If more than a day has passed, just skip and destroy it.

Changes in the cycle

Due to the fact that proginova - estrogen drug, it actively influences the processes occurring in the uterine cavity, as well as the general hormonal background of a woman. All this causes.

Delayed menstruation

This is the most common type of menstruation failure when taking Progynov. But here it is also necessary to take into account the purpose for which the drug was prescribed. If cycle modulation was carried out to increase the likelihood of pregnancy, then it should be excluded first. To do this, it is best to take a blood test for hCG, since a regular urine test may not give accurate readings for early stages.

If the delay is a symptom of pregnancy, you should consult a doctor to adjust the dose or discontinue the drug. Perhaps some additional studies will be prescribed.

If pregnancy is excluded, the delay is due to functional reasons. This happens especially often if additional gestagens were not prescribed in the second phase.

The following factors increase the likelihood after discontinuation of progynova:

  • long-term use throughout the entire cycle;
  • absence of getagens (duphaston, utrozhestan and others) in the regimen, even with normal hormone levels;
  • high dose of proginova – more than 4 mg/day;
  • pre-existing violations menstrual cycle;
  • psycho-emotional experience.


This complication is also possible. Most often you encounter it when prescribing progynova in a cyclic mode in women before menopause and after removal of the ovaries. In this case, breakthrough bleeding will alternate with delays.

In most cases, such conditions are caused by, which develops against the background of an increased dose of estrogens without adequate supply of gestagens, if the drug was prescribed for the purpose of correcting menopausal disorders. Its likelihood is high even after removal of the ovaries, even against the background of a correctly selected therapy regimen.

To avoid such complications, cycloprogynova is often used. This is a similar drug that retains the same estrogenic component, but with the addition of a gestagen. All this forms a more natural cycle and menstruation after cyclo-progynova comes on time.

The use of hormonal drugs helps a woman not only maintain youth, but also realize her maternal potential. But choosing the most appropriate treatment regimen is quite difficult; even the most experienced doctor may experience complications from therapy.

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The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Proginova is a hormonal preparation containing estrogens, identical to the natural ones normally produced by a woman’s ovaries. The drug replenishes the deficiency of estrogen when there is insufficient production, for example, during menopause or after removal of both ovaries (surgical castration). Accordingly, Proginova eliminates the manifestations of menopausal and castration syndromes caused precisely by estrogen deficiency, since it replenishes the deficiency of this hormone.

Proginova is able to eliminate the following estrogen deficiency symptoms - hot flashes, sweating, sensations of heat or cold, chills, sleep disturbances, depression, irritability, nervousness, headaches, dizziness, atrophy of the skin and mucous membranes. In addition, the drug effectively prevents osteoporosis in women with estrogen deficiency.

Release form, composition, varieties and names of Proginova

Currently, Proginova is produced in the only dosage formdragee for oral administration. Proginov contains estradiol as an active component in a dosage of 2 mg per tablet. All tablets in the Proginov package are exactly the same and, accordingly, contain the same dosage of estradiol. The drug is available in packages of 21 tablets. Since Proginova contains only one hormone, the drug is often called monoestrogen.

Proginova contains the following substances as auxiliary components:

  • Lactose monohydrate;
  • Cornstarch;
  • Povidone;
  • Talc;
  • Magnesium stearate;
  • Crystalline sucrose;
  • Macrogol;
  • Calcium carbonate precipitated;
  • Glycerol 85%;
  • Titanium dioxide;
  • Indigo carmine;
  • Wax montaglycol.
In addition to Proginova, there is another drug on the pharmaceutical market - Cyclo-Proginova, but it is fundamentally different from the first, and only their names are similar. Thus, Cyclo-Proginova contains two hormones - estradiol and progesterone, and is a two-component, combined estrogen-progestogen drug. Despite the fact that both Proginova and Cyclo-Proginova are used for the same conditions, doctors and scientists prefer to separate them, since one contains only one hormone, and the second contains two, which fundamentally changes the nuances, rules of use and risks related to therapy. Therefore, in the article we will consider only Proginov, without touching Cyclo-Proginov.

Proginova - therapeutic effect

The therapeutic effects of Proginov are due to its constituent estradiol, a substance that is a complete copy of the natural estrogen hormone normally produced by the ovaries. The drug is used to treat estrogen deficiency conditions that occur when there is insufficient production of estrogen either during menopause or after removal of both ovaries (surgical castration). In fact, Proginova is an external replacement for the estrogen missing in the body, and therefore taking such drugs is called hormone replacement therapy.

With castration or menopausal syndromes, a woman experiences a specific set of symptoms caused specifically by estrogen deficiency, which include the following:

  • Tides;
  • Headaches;
  • Heartbeat;
  • Sleep disorders;
  • Atrophy of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • Increased sensitivity of the bladder, etc.
In addition to the above symptoms, estrogen deficiency in the long term causes the development of osteoporosis and rapid progression of atherosclerosis, and also increases the risk cardiovascular diseases. However, osteoporosis, atherosclerosis and diseases of the heart and blood vessels do not develop immediately, but only after some time spent by the body in conditions of estrogen deficiency.

Since Proginova is identical to natural estrogens, when taking it, all of the listed symptoms of hormone deficiency in a woman completely disappear. That is why the drug is used to normalize the woman’s condition and relieve the symptoms of castration and climacteric syndromes in conditions of deficiency of own estrogens. Proginova is also used to prevent osteoporosis in women with estrogen deficiency.

In women who are not in menopause and with intact ovaries, Proginova activates the growth of epithelium in the genital organs and prepares the endometrium for the effects of progesterone, enhances libido, especially in the middle of the cycle, improves metabolism and protein synthesis, prevents excessive excretion of calcium and water retention.

In addition, Proginova has a moderate effect on brain structures, normalizing the mood of women.

Indications for use

Proginova is indicated for use if a woman has the following diseases or conditions:
  • Menopausal or castration syndrome, occurring with severe hot flashes, sweating, palpitations, headaches, sleep disturbances, etc.;
  • Atrophy of the skin and mucous membranes of the genitourinary tract in women in menopause or with castration syndrome;
  • Depression in women during menopause;
  • Prevention of osteoporosis in menopausal women.

Proginova - instructions for use

Schemes and rules for taking pills

The tablets are taken at any time of the day, regardless of food intake, by swallowing the pill whole, without biting or crushing in other ways, but with a small amount of liquid. However, you must take the pills at approximately the same time every day. For example, if the first tablet was taken at 21.00, then all subsequent tablets on other days should also be taken at 21.00. Therefore, the time of taking Proginov tablets should be considered in advance so that it is optimal and convenient for the woman.

If a woman forgets to take the pill on time, she should drink it within 12 to 24 hours. If more than 24 hours have passed since the pill was supposed to be taken, it should be removed from the pack and destroyed. The next tablet should be taken at the usual time. It is also necessary to remember that if there are missed tablets in any pack, the risk of bleeding increases.

If a woman continues to menstruate, then she should start taking Proginov for the first time during the first five days of her next period. If a woman has infrequent menstruation or is already in menopause, then she can start taking Proginova any day. However, women without regular menstruation should make sure that they are not pregnant before taking the drug.

You can take the drug according to two schemes - cyclic or continuous.

The cyclic scheme of hormone replacement therapy is as follows - every day a woman should take one tablet from the pack until it runs out. Since the pack contains 21 tablets, the woman takes one tablet for 21 days. Then you should take a break for 7 days, after which on the 8th day you should start taking tablets from a new pack of Proginov. Thus, Proginova is taken one whole pack at a time with breaks between them of 1 week.

The continuous regimen of hormone replacement therapy is as follows: every day a woman should take one tablet until the end of the pack. Then, without taking any break, the next day after taking the last tablet from the previous pack, you should start taking pills from the new pack.

In addition, there is a combination therapy regimen, which consists of adding a gestagenic drug to Proginov, for example, Duphaston, Utrozhestan, etc. You can take Utrozhestan or Duphaston along with each Proginov tablet. If this regimen of constantly taking two tablets at the same time does not suit the woman for some reason, then you can take the progestin drug for 10 to 14 days every 4 weeks.

Special instructions

There is no need to change the dosage of Proginova for women over 65 years of age. The drug should not be used for the prevention of coronary heart disease and stroke, as well as for contraception. Before you start taking Proginov, you must stop using any type of oral contraceptives. During Proginov therapy, it is necessary to use other, non-hormonal methods of contraception, with the exception of temperature and calendar.

Before starting to take the drug, each woman must undergo an examination, including blood and urine tests, ultrasound of the abdomen and pelvis, mammography, x-rays, blood pressure measurements, etc. This is necessary to determine existing diseases, as well as clarify their stage and nature of the course. Further, during the entire course of using Proginov, it is necessary to undergo regular examinations and examinations by a doctor at least once every six months.

If a woman is suspected of having prolactinoma, then before deciding to take Proginov, in addition to standard examinations, she needs to donate blood to determine the concentration of prolactin.

Since taking Proginov increases the risk of thrombosis of arteries and veins, women in whom this complication is highly likely to occur should be examined by a doctor once every three months. So, careful medical supervision during the entire course of Proginov therapy is necessary for women who suffer from the following diseases (since they have high risk complications):

  • Endometriosis existing or suffered in the past;
  • Diseases of the liver and gall bladder in the active stage. After suffering from hepatitis, you can take Proginova at least six months later, and optimally after normalization of liver tests (AST, ALT);
  • Jaundice that developed during any previous pregnancy;
  • Jaundice that developed while taking any hormone replacement therapy drugs in the past;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Hypertension;
  • Chloasma (discoloration of areas of the skin) in the past or present. If a woman has chloasma, or is prone to its appearance, then during the entire course of Proginova therapy she should avoid being in the sun or under sources of ultraviolet radiation;
  • Mastopathy;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Migraines;
  • Elevated blood triglyceride levels;
  • Porphyria;
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • Chorea;
  • High risk of vein thrombosis.
Separately, it should be indicated when the risk of venous thrombosis is considered high. First, the older the woman, the higher the risk of thrombosis, but age alone is not a sign of high risk. If a woman is overweight, has varicose veins, or smokes, then she has a high risk of thrombosis. In addition, a high risk of thrombosis is always observed after extensive surgery, severe trauma and a period of prolonged immobility.

If at any point in time a woman's risk of thrombosis becomes high (for example, the need for elective surgery or weight gain, etc.), then she should stop taking Proginov. After some time, when the risk decreases again, you can return to taking the drug. Before an upcoming operation, it is optimal to cancel Proginova 4 to 6 weeks before the operation. And after the operation, you can start taking Proginova again only after complete restoration of mobility.

In addition, women should consider the following when using Progynova: possible risks and warnings:

  • Long-term use of Proginov in women significantly increases the risk of endometrial cancer. In order to reduce this risk, women who have not had their uterus removed are advised to take any drug with progestin hormones (for example, Utrozhestan, Duphaston, etc.) in addition to Proginova;
  • When using Proginov, the risk of breast cancer increases in women, so it is necessary to monitor the condition of the breast throughout the entire course of treatment. The increased risk of breast cancer after discontinuation of Proginov decreases to the population average within several years;
  • Women who take Proginova for more than 10 consecutive years have a slight increase in the risk of ovarian cancer;
  • Proginova increases the lithogenicity of bile, which creates a predisposition to cholelithiasis in some women;
  • In hereditary forms of angioedema, Proginova worsens its course;
  • Very in rare cases During Proginov therapy, the development of benign and, less commonly, malignant liver tumors is possible. Such cases are unlikely, but you should be aware of them, and if you experience pain in the upper abdomen, be sure to consult a doctor.
In addition, taking Proginov affects the indicators laboratory tests. Thus, the concentration and activity of blood clotting indicators changes, as well as the state of the liver, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, kidneys, glucose, lipids and lipid fractions, and transport proteins.

When is it urgently necessary to cancel Proginova?

Situations in which urgent cancellation of Proginov is necessary:
  • Newly developed migraine attack;
  • Exacerbation of migraine that existed before the start of Proginov therapy;
  • unusually severe or severe headaches;
  • Sudden loss of hearing or vision;
  • Phlebitis;
  • Onset of pregnancy;
  • Bleeding from the genitals.

In addition, it is necessary to immediately stop taking Proginov if you suspect thrombosis of the veins or arteries, the signs of which are the following symptoms:

  • Pain in the arms or legs in combination with their swelling;
  • Lack of air;
  • Dizziness.
If any of the listed signs of thrombosis appear, you must stop Proginov and immediately consult a doctor.

Proginova during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Proginova is contraindicated for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. If a woman becomes pregnant while taking Proginova, the drug should be discontinued immediately.


An overdose of Proginov is possible. However, there are no serious risks even when taking Proginov in very high dosage, which is several times higher than the permissible daily allowance. Overdose may result in nausea, vomiting, and vaginal bleeding. For the treatment of overdose, use only symptomatic drugs, relieving life-threatening conditions.

Effects on the ability to operate machinery

Proginova does not affect the ability to operate machinery, so women can drive a car and engage in other activities that require high concentration and reaction speed while taking the drug.

Interaction with other drugs

Long-term use of drugs that are inducers of liver enzymes (for example, Carbamazepine, Phenytoin, Rifabutin, Rifampicin, Griseofulvin, Oxcarbazepine, Topiramate, Felbamate, Nevirapine, Efavirenes, Primidone, all barbiturates, hydantoins, etc.) leads to faster elimination of estrogens from the blood, which reduces the therapeutic effectiveness of Proginov. A decrease in the therapeutic effectiveness of Proginov occurs 2 to 3 weeks after the start of the use of liver enzyme inducer drugs. Moreover, this effect persists for at least four weeks after discontinuation of liver enzyme inducers.

In rare cases, when Proginov is taken simultaneously with penicillin and tetracycline antibiotics, the level of estradiol in the blood decreases significantly, and the effect of hormone replacement therapy also decreases.

Any medicinal substances, which during absorption into the blood undergo conjugation (binding with bile acids and proteins), for example, paracetamol and others, increase the concentration of estradiol in the blood and, accordingly, enhance the effects of Proginov. This effect of substances that have the property of conjugating disappears 6 to 8 hours after the last dose of such a drug.

Proginova affects blood glucose concentrations and glucose tolerance, so in some cases women with diabetes may need to change their insulin or antidiabetic medication dosages.

Consuming large quantities alcoholic drinks while taking Proginova, it causes a significant increase in the concentration of estradiol in the blood, which enhances the therapeutic effects of hormone replacement therapy.

Proginova when planning pregnancy

Currently, some practicing gynecologists prescribe Proginova tablets to women as preparation for pregnancy in order to quickly conceive a child in the shortest possible time. In addition, Proginova is prescribed to women who have difficulty conceiving a child due to too thin endometrium, lack of ovulation and low blood estradiol levels. In both cases, Proginova is used as an additional source of natural estrogen hormones, which, relatively speaking, force the woman’s own ovaries to work more intensively. As a result, the ovaries are activated, sex hormones are produced in sufficient quantities, and after Proginov is discontinued, the woman experiences normal, full ovulation, which was not the case before treatment.

In addition, Proginova ensures the active formation of progesterone receptors in the endometrium. And this, in turn, leads to the fact that the endometrium grows well and quickly after ovulation with the onset of the second phase of the cycle, which is characterized by the predominant influence of progesterone rather than estrogens. That is, Proginova, as it were, prepares the endometrium to react to progesterones. This “ready” endometrium grows well and forms an excellent environment for the attachment of a fertilized egg.

Of course, the described action of Proginov increases the chances of conception in almost any woman. However, the effect of the drug is especially noticeable in women who have had difficulty conceiving due to too thin endometrium or estrogen deficiency, which prevents the egg from leaving the follicle, since Proginova eliminates these problems.

Typically, when preparing for pregnancy, Proginova is prescribed according to the following regimens:
1. Take Proginova according to the instructions for cyclic hormone replacement therapy (take 1 tablet per day until the pack runs out, then break for 7 days, then take tablets from the next pack, etc.). Doctors usually recommend taking the drug for three or more menstrual cycles;
2. Take one tablet of Proginova from days 10 to 14 of each menstrual cycle, and from days 16 to 26 - additionally drink Duphaston or Utrozhestan;
3. Take Proginova one tablet three times a day, from 10 to 14 days of each menstrual cycle. From days 16 to 26 of each menstrual cycle, it is also recommended to take Utrozhestan or Duphaston.

All the described schemes are quite effective, but the choice of a specific treatment option is made by the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the woman. Pregnancy, as a rule, occurs when Proginov is discontinued, but in some women, conception occurs directly during therapy.

In the situations described, doctors prescribe Proginov for off-label indications, since it is a hormone replacement therapy drug intended for women during menopause or after removal of both ovaries, when the production of sex hormones is very low or completely absent. But gynecologists, when prescribing a drug for off-label indications, use its specific properties to achieve the desired effect. Such off-label use of drugs is used all over the world and is called off-label prescriptions. Therefore, if the doctor prescribed Proginova to improve ovulation or thicken the endometrium, then you should not be surprised after reading the instructions, which indicate that this is a drug for hormone replacement therapy. Remember that Proginova contains a hormone identical to the natural one produced by a woman’s ovaries.

However, not all doctors support this practice of prescribing hormone replacement therapy when planning pregnancy, preferring either specialized drugs or other treatment methods that are no less effective. In most cases, this position of doctors is associated with possible dangerous influences high doses of estrogens, and a significant increase in the risk of cancer and thrombosis.

Proginova with IVF

General provisions

Proginova can be used during IVF as a drug to replace a woman’s uniform hormonal levels, which will provide a high probability of success. That is, with the help of Proginov, the work of the ovaries is suppressed, and the hormonal balance is entirely ensured only by the drug. Thanks to this, the likelihood of fluctuations in estrogen levels under the influence of various external factors, such as stress, exacerbation of chronic diseases, colds, flu, etc. Naturally, with a constant and controlled hormonal background, the likelihood of IVF success increases.

Typically, Proginova is prescribed simultaneously with ovulation stimulation, and continues during egg puncture and embryo transfer. If IVF is successful and pregnancy occurs, then Proginov’s support is continued until at least 8–10 weeks of gestation, since until this moment the fetus develops only under the influence of the ovaries and corpus luteum, which are actually absent and do not work, and are replaced by hormonal drugs entering the body from outside. After the 10th week of pregnancy, fetal development is ensured by the placenta, and the need for drug support disappears, so both Proginova and Duphaston can be discontinued.

Proginova is not prescribed to all women undergoing IVF, but only to those who need a fully replacement regimen. In each specific case, the doctor decides individually whether a woman needs a protocol with Proginova.

Proginova after embryo transfer

Proginova is not canceled after embryo transfer, but continues to be taken in the same dosages that were previously prescribed. The drug is used up to ultrasound or hCG tests aimed at detecting pregnancy. If pregnancy does not occur, the doctor decides whether the drug needs to be discontinued. If pregnancy has occurred, then Proginova continues to be taken until 8–10 weeks of gestation, after which it is gradually discontinued.

Cancellation of Proginov after pregnancy

Proginov should be discontinued no earlier than 8–9 weeks of pregnancy, since it is from this period of gestation that fetal development is ensured by the placenta, and it does not depend on the functioning of the ovaries and the functioning of the corpus luteum. It is optimal to discontinue Proginov completely by the 15th week of pregnancy, since after this period the drug can negatively affect the development of the fetus, especially males.

The drug is discontinued gradually and not abruptly, so as not to cause a threat of termination of pregnancy. Depending on how the woman’s body reacts to drug withdrawal, the dosage can be reduced by one whole, half or quarter tablet every three days. It is recommended to start withdrawal with a quarter of the tablet. If after reducing the dosage the body reacts normally, then the next time (after three days) you can remove half the tablet, etc.

Impact on various organs and functions of the female body

Proginova and the endometrium
Proginova promotes the active growth of progesterone receptors in the endometrium. Such an endometrium becomes, as it were, prepared for the influence of progesterone in the second half of the cycle. As a result, when after ovulation corpus luteum and the ovaries begin to synthesize progesterone, the endometrium responds well to this hormone and begins to actively grow, acquiring normal size, thickness and blood supply, which create optimal conditions for attachment ovum and, accordingly, the onset of pregnancy.

Proginova and breasts
Proginova actively affects breast tissue, causing ducts and cells to grow and thicken. Such effects simultaneously increase the risk of developing breast cancer and prepare the breasts for future lactation. Under the influence of estrogen, breasts can increase in size, become denser, swollen and painful to the touch. These effects completely go away after stopping Proginov.

Ovulation and Proginova
Depending on the individual characteristics of a woman’s body, Proginova may suppress ovulation or not affect it. That is, against the background of Proginov, some women have ovulation, while others do not. But after the abolition of Proginov, the quality of ovulation improves in all women, and if they were absent, they appear, which allows them to quickly become pregnant after a course of therapy.

Proginova and menstruation
Proginova can make menstruation heavier and more painful.

Side effects of Proginova

Proginova is capable of causing the following side effects from various organs and systems:
1. Immune system: Allergic reactions.
2. Metabolism: Changes in body weight (increase or decrease).
3. Mental disorders:
  • Persistent decrease in mood;
  • Change in libido (increase or decrease).

4. Central nervous system:
  • Headache;
  • Dizziness;
  • Migraines.
5. Organs of vision:
  • Visual impairment (loss of clarity, double vision, etc.);
  • The impossibility of wearing contact lenses, since when they are installed in the eyes, discomfort and symptoms...
    10. Genitourinary organs:
    • Uterine or vaginal bleeding;
    • Bleeding from the genital tract;
    • Increased sensitivity of the mammary glands;
    • Enlargement of the mammary glands;
    • Menstrual cycle disorders (lengthening, shortening, changes in the volume of blood lost, amenorrhea, etc.);
    • Vaginal discharge;
    11. Other:
    • Edema;
    • Weakness;
    • Deep vein thrombosis;
    • Thromboembolism.
    In some rare cases, in women with a predisposition to education gallstones, while taking Proginov, cholelithiasis may develop, since estrogens increase the lithogenicity of bile. Also, in rare cases, women may develop chloasma (patches of uncolored skin). Typically, chloasma appears during Proginov therapy in those women who have already developed it in the past during pregnancy or taking hormonal medications. In addition, there is evidence that if a woman over 65 years of age starts taking Proginova, her risk of developing senile dementia (dementia) increases.

    Contraindications for use

    Proginova is contraindicated for use if a woman has any of the following diseases or conditions:
    • Pregnancy;
    • Bleeding from the genital tract of unknown cause;
    • Detected or suspected breast cancer;
    • Identified or suspected hormone-dependent precancerous diseases (for example, endometrial hyperplasia, etc.) or estrogen-dependent malignant tumors(for example, breast cancer, endometrial cancer, etc.);
    • Liver tumors of any kind, present or suffered in the past;
    • Severe liver diseases;
    • Acute arterial thrombosis or thromboembolism (for example, myocardial infarction, cerebral stroke, etc.);
    • Deep vein thrombosis in the acute stage;
    • Deep vein thromboembolism in the present or in the past;
    • High risk of venous or arterial thrombosis;
    • A marked increase in the concentration of triglycerides in the blood;
    • Lactase, sucrase or isomaltase deficiency;
    • Glucose-galactose malabsorption;
    • Age under 18 years;
    • Increased individual sensitivity to the components of Proginov.
    If during Proginov therapy a woman develops any of the above conditions, she should immediately stop taking the drug and immediately consult a doctor.

    Duphaston or Utrozhestan and Proginova

    Often, in addition to Proginova, gynecologists also prescribe gestagen drugs (Utrozhestan or Duphaston) to women who are planning a pregnancy, but have difficulty conceiving due to the endometrium being too thin or lack of ovulation. In this case, Proginova is prescribed either throughout the entire menstrual cycle, or in the first half, or from days 10 to 14, and Utrozhestan or Duphaston - from days 16 to 26 of the cycle. The dosage and duration of therapy are determined individually by the doctor.

    Klostilbegit and Proginova

    Clostilbegit is a drug for stimulating follicle growth, and Proginova is a hormonal agent that is a source of natural estrogens. Together, these drugs are used to stimulate ovulation in a fully controlled replacement menstrual cycle, which is provided by Proginova, which turns off one’s own ovaries and artificially creates the necessary hormonal levels. Typically, a similar scheme of combined use of Clostilbegit and Proginov is used in IVF protocols. Dosages and duration of use are determined individually for each woman by the attending physician.

    Proginova - analogues

    Proginova has synonymous drugs on the pharmaceutical market, which also include estradiol valerate as an active component. Synonyms of Proginov include the following drugs:
    1. Dermestril tablets;
    2. Divigel transdermal gel;
    3. Klimara transdermal therapeutic system;
    4. Menorest tablets;
    5. Octodiol tablets;
    6. Estradiol dipropionate solution for injection;
    7. Estrogel transdermal gel;
    8. Estrofem tablets.

    In addition to synonyms, Proginov has analogue drugs that contain other active substances, but have similar therapeutic effects. Analogs of Proginov include all hormone replacement therapy drugs, since they have similar effects. But the closest analogues in properties will be those drugs that contain any estrogen hormones. Somewhat further in properties will be analogues, which include a combination of estrogen + progesterone.

    Analogues of Proginov containing only estrogens are the following drugs:

    • Ovestin tablets, cream and vaginal suppositories;
    • Sinestrol tablets and solution for injection;
    • Elvagin vaginal cream;
    • Ethinyl estradiol tablets.
    Analogues of Proginov containing a combination of estrogens and progesterones are the following drugs:
    • Activel tablets;
    • Angelique tablets;
    • Gynodian Depot solution for injection;
    • Divitren tablets;
    • Indivina tablets;
    • Clymene tablets;
    • Climodien tablets;
    • Kliogest tablets;
    • Pauzogest tablets;
    • Triaklim tablets;
    • Trisequence tablets;
    • Eviana tablets;
    • Revmelid tablets;
    • Cyclo-Proginova dragee.

    The onset and successful course of pregnancy - current problem, worrying many couples at the moment. Nowadays, there are many factors that impede conception and healthy bearing of offspring: the disastrous environmental situation in cities, a small amount of vitamins and useful substances in food, incorrect rhythm of life. All this leads to a general deterioration in health, as well as dysfunction of the reproductive system in both women and men. But medicine does not stand still - to help women planning pregnancy, doctors prescribe modern drugs that can provide beneficial influence on the female body.

    Action and composition of the drug Proginova

    The hormonal drug Proginova is a synthetic analogue of the hormone estrogen. It is this hormone that is decisive in the onset and successful course of pregnancy.
    hormone therapy for women

    Composition Proginova

    One of the reasons for the inability to get pregnant is a hormonal imbalance in a woman’s body. In this case, doctors prescribe hormonal drugs to patients that help normalize hormonal levels. One of these auxiliary agents is the drug Proginova.

    This drug contains the main component - in each tablet - 2 mg of estradiol valerate. This component does not interfere with or disrupt the natural production of hormones by the body, but actively helps it. In fact, estradiol valerate is identical to the natural hormones estrogen.

    Effect of the drug

    Very often, pregnancy does not occur due to the thin layer of endometrium that lines a woman’s uterine cavity. The drug Proginova promotes thickening of the endometrial layer, which subsequently has a beneficial effect on the onset and successful course of pregnancy.

    Also, the hormone estrogen is able to protect the female body from various gynecological diseases.

    Thus, the drug Proginova compensates for the deficiency female hormones- estrogens.

    Indications for use

    The drug Proginova is prescribed:

    • for gynecological diseases;
    • in case of hormonal imbalance;
    • if you are unsuccessful in trying to get pregnant;
    • with repeated miscarriages.

    Contraindications and side effects

    Proginova is contraindicated in the following cases:

    • breast diseases
    • oncological diseases
    • liver diseases
    • myocardial infarction, stroke
    • increased risk of thrombosis
    • lactose intolerance
    • pregnancy and breastfeeding
    • age up to 18 years
    • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug

    Side effects are:

    • changes in vaginal bleeding
    • discomfort and pain in the mammary glands
    • gastrointestinal problems: vomiting, nausea, bloating
    • allergic skin reactions
    • depression, dizziness and headaches from the nervous system
    • changes in body weight, swelling, changes in libido, muscle cramps

    Despite the contraindication of taking the drug during pregnancy, in practice Proginova is often used in the early or late stages of an “interesting situation.”

    Dosage and duration of therapy

    The course of treatment is 21 days, during which it is necessary to take one tablet of the drug per day, at approximately the same time. Then there is a 7-day break. But sometimes Proginova is taken without interruption. The duration of use of the drug is individual for all women (use for 6 months is possible). Further, at the discretion of the attending physician.

    The use of Cyclo-Proginova when planning pregnancy and its difference from the drug Proginova

    two-component hormonal drug

    The drug Cyclo-proginova is presented in the form of two types of dragees in one package (tablets of different colors): one part of the tablets (white) contains 2 mg of estradiol valerate (like the drug Proginova), the other (brown) - 2 mg of estradiol valerate and 0.15 mg norgestrel. Thus, taking Cyclo-Progynov lasts for 21 days, then you need to take a break for 1-2 weeks. The drug Proginova can be taken either cyclically or continuously (it is monocomponent). In general, the drug Cyclo-proginova has the same effect as the drug Proginova - it compensates for the lack of the hormone estrogen in a woman’s body due to estradiol. But at the same time, this drug, thanks to norgestrel, prevents the risk oncological diseases reproductive system of the body.

    The main difference between these two drugs is the composition: Proginova is a monocomponent drug (promotes the production of estrogens), and Cycloproginova is a two-component drug (in addition to containing estradiol, it includes a progesterone component).

    Proginova is prescribed for problems with conception due to a thin layer of endometrium in the uterine cavity. Cyclo-Proginova is recommended for use in case of problems with the menstrual cycle.

    Cyclo-proginova is also prescribed when planning pregnancy, but in most cases this drug is used for ovarian dysfunction and for symptoms of menopause. It is not recommended to replace these two drugs with one another! In any case, it is necessary to consult with your doctor before starting to use each of these drugs! Based on a medical examination, the doctor will already determine which remedy will be best for you!
    When taking medications, you must follow all instructions!


    The drugs Proginova and Cyclo-proginova are prescribed to many women who have gynecological problems. In most cases, drugs have positive reviews. Side effects from the use of these hormonal drugs are extremely rare. At the same time, Proginova and Cyclo-proginova are available in almost every pharmacy!

    Normal drug. In case of premature ovarian failure, it perfectly replaces missing hormones. I took it for 4 years, stopped it, all the delights of menopause began, and went back to this drug. True, with such a long-term use, slight swelling began, and it’s not a fact that it was from the drug. I'm 38.


    To build up the endometrium, I tried both Divigel and Femoston, but it was Proginova that played the decisive role. During stimulation with Clostilbegit, at first I was all smeared with Divigel, the dosages prescribed were no longer ridiculous, but the endometrium did not really grow - 5 millimeters maximum and that’s all, and the follicles were already on the way... They decided to tighten Proginova, and by the time of ovulation the endometrium had grown to 8 millimeters. I didn't feel any side effects. The drug is available.


    For many years I have been suffering from a lack of hormones (((hence infertility and other problems. For the second year now I have been taking the drug PROGINOVA, which replenishes my estrogen. The positive thing is that the drug does not interfere with me: no unpleasant sensations, side effects or other inconveniences . Minus of this medicine- changes in weight, since in my opinion it retains water in the body, and also the fact that if you drink it on an empty stomach, it causes nausea, so the advice is to drink it after meals (the annotation is not prohibited). Overall a good tool. Be healthy!!

    During planning and in the early stages of pregnancy, I had to use similar hormonal drugs. The reason for this was the risk of miscarriage. During the entire time I took the pills, I never felt any discomfort or any side effects! And from the psychological point of view, hormonal medications allow you to feel much calmer - you gain confidence in a positive outcome of pregnancy! A balanced psycho-emotional state of a woman is the key to successful conception and a happy period of bearing a baby!
    Hormonal drugs contribute to the onset and maintenance of pregnancy!

    The drugs Proginova and Cyclo-proginova are auxiliary means for the production of estrogens - hormones that women need! Due to their properties, these drugs have a positive effect on the body as a whole. In addition to their main purpose, Proginova and Cyclo-Proginova also have a beneficial effect on nervous system. Do not be afraid to take hormonal medications if the need arises. But in any case, taking these medications on your own is strictly prohibited! An examination of the body and consultation with a doctor is necessary!

    In preparation for IVF, as well as during pregnancy, hormonal support for the woman’s body is often prescribed. Often, infertility is a consequence of an imbalance of sex hormones. The drug Proginova helps normalize estrogen levels. This medicine is based on a synthetic analogue of the hormone estradiol. It prepares a woman's body for pregnancy.

    Read in this article

    About the drug Proginova

    Reproductive specialists often prescribe this drug at the planning stage of an IVF protocol. With its help, they prepare the woman’s body for bearing a fetus.

    Often the reason for the inability to get pregnant is underdevelopment in the uterine cavity. It is a layer of cells that forms a special shell for implantation of the embryo. If the process is normal and without pathologies, its thickness should be about 10 mm. However, in some cases the layer is only 3 - 5 mm. This is too little for the embryo to implant in the uterus. In this case, the pregnancy does not continue.

    Prescribing Proginova is necessary precisely in such cases to promote endometrial growth. This will increase the chances of a successful pregnancy. After in vitro fertilization, the woman is also prescribed Proginova so that the eggs take root. It acts as a hormonal replacement therapy.

    The drug Proginova is prescribed in cases of ovarian removal and menstrual irregularities. In addition, it is suitable as replacement therapy at the onset of menopause, for the prevention and prevention of the development of osteoporosis after menopause.

    During a normal pregnancy, Proginova can be prescribed when:

    • The patient low level own estrogen. In this case, the course lasts no longer than 8 - 10 weeks.
    • To stimulate labor activity when the pregnancy is post-term.


    This drug is prescribed in the following cases:

    • for infertility;
    • at ;
    • in a natural way;
    • in preparation for.

    Proginova is prescribed to women to normalize hormonal levels during menopause, hot flashes during menopause and other similar disorders. It helps cope with excessive sweating, nervousness, and depressed mood.


    Despite all the advantages of this drug, there are cases when it should not be taken, or should be done with extreme caution. Proginova is contraindicated for:

    • endometriosis,
    • obesity,
    • internal bleeding,
    • breastfeeding,
    • diabetes of various types,
    • high blood clotting,
    • natural pregnancy.

    Like anyone medicine, Proginov may have side effects. However, if they appear, you cannot stop taking them yourself. It is important to immediately report any unpleasant or strange sensations or signs to your doctor. As a rule, in such situations it is recommended to gradually reduce the dosage, especially during pregnancy.

    This hormonal drug causes side effects such as:

    • pigment spots on the skin on any part of the body;
    • worsening signs of endometriosis;
    • headaches and migraines;
    • problems with the senses (vision and hearing);
    • breast engorgement;
    • the appearance of extra pounds;
    • intestinal upset, flatulence;
    • temperature rise above 37.

    But there is no need to worry, since neither the symptoms described above nor the effect of the medicine itself cause disturbances or problems with the development of the embryo. Proginova is absolutely harmless for the future baby, since it is an analogue of female hormones.

    Interaction with food and other drugs

    Often the food consumed affects the amount of substance absorbed. After drinking a capsule of Proginov, estradiol is absorbed quite quickly, but only 3% of the drug becomes bioavailable. And there is no interaction with food, that is, it does not matter whether you take the medicine before or after meals.

    To reduce the likelihood of developing endometrial hyperplasia and adenocarcinoma, doctors prescribe taking Gestagen in parallel with the drug Proginova for at least the first ten days of the menstrual cycle. Often this medicine is combined with such as,.

    In addition, there is the drug Cyclo-Proginova. This is a similar remedy, but it is not a replacement.

    It is important to remember that it should not be taken together with other estrogen-based drugs.

    Features of application

    Hormones play an important role in pregnancy. The main ones are estrogens. After conception and attachment of the egg to the endometrium of the uterus, their number increases. If this does not happen, then estrogen deficiency in the mother’s body negatively affects the development of the fetus. The probability increases, or happens.

    If the cause of infertility was precisely an insufficient amount of your own hormones, then after the IVF protocol, specialists prescribe Proginova for the first 8 weeks.

    It should be understood that it is necessary to stop taking the medication only during natural pregnancy, when artificial stimulation was not used for fertilization and ovulation. During normal conception, the woman’s body begins to produce the required amount of estrogen. Excess hormones will also not be beneficial.

    Watch the video about the main causes of infertility and options for dealing with it:

    When planning

    The use of Proginov is necessary for replacement therapy in preparation for IVF. As soon as pregnancy occurs, the body itself regulates the level of necessary hormones. But with artificial insemination, doctors have to control this process.

    Proginova is used in the following stages:

    • initially when planning an IVF protocol to promote the growth of the endometrium in the uterine cavity; the medicine begins to be used 7–8 days after the artificially stimulated cycle;
    • during follicle puncture, that is, during egg retrieval;
    • when transferring embryos;
    • during pregnancy.

    To monitor the thickness of the endometrial layer, the doctor performs regular ultrasound.

    During pregnancy

    If artificial insemination has taken place, then Proginov is not canceled after embryo implantation. The drug is used to maintain pregnancy And. It is important to take Proginova during the first 2 - 2.5 months of gestation. It will help maintain the required level of estrogen in the body.

    After embryo transfer

    Once the embryos have been placed in the uterus, the woman needs special hormonal support. Proginova is taken together with Utrozhestan or Duphaston. The dosage and proportions of each drug are prescribed by the attending physician individually in each individual case. You cannot prescribe or cancel anything on your own.

    The normal dose can vary from half a tablet to 7 tablets per day.

    The drug Proginova promotes the growth of the endometrium inside the uterus to an acceptable 7 - 10 mm. It is this thickness that will ensure the attachment of the embryo to the wall. Often, too thin a layer of the endometrium becomes the cause of female infertility.

    When to cancel after IVF during pregnancy

    Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, the course of gestation, after 8 weeks Proginov begins to be canceled.You can’t do this on your own, just like you can’t stop taking it abruptly.

    After the 10th week of pregnancy, the female body itself begins to cope with the production of the required amount of estrogen, so hormonal support is no longer required.

    It is important to completely stop taking Proginova before the 15th week, since an excess can lead to pathology of fetal development. Discontinuation occurs slowly, depending on the body's individual response to the drug's restriction. As a rule, the dosage is reduced every three days by a quarter of a tablet.

    Together with others hormonal agents The drug Proginova is used to create the most suitable conditions for preparing the female body for conception and pregnancy. It helps embryo implantation and normal development. But appointment and cancellation can only occur under the supervision of a specialist.
