What happens if you remain silent for 7 hours? Why you can't be silent for more than seven days

People love to experiment with their bodies. Some walk on nails, some jump over flames, some limit themselves to food for several days or even weeks. Well, someone wants to test themselves with silence. Agree that in modern world this is not so easy to do, because every day we come into contact with other people, both in person and by phone. But still, if you refrain from talking for a week, what will happen?

What happens if you remain silent for 7 days: possible consequences

It is the ability to speak that distinguishes humans from other living beings. We talk more and more, because the quality of our lives depends on this. Moreover, without communication it is very difficult to be in harmony with the world. But if you want to experience new sensations and improve yourself, try not talking for exactly a week.

Some believe that such experiments can negatively affect the psyche, although in fact this is not the case. The practice of long silence was used in Buddhism and today it is being revived again.

If we talk about physical condition and well-being, it will not change, since the lack of speech does not affect your body (muscles, joints) in any way.

Out of habit, many feel anxiety and disharmony, but these sensations decrease every day. In recent days, anxiety has been replaced by a feeling of harmony with oneself and the world around us. Those who managed to pass this difficult test practice 7 days of silence in the future.

What is the advantage of remaining silent for 7 days? We don’t even notice that communication with the people around us is often “empty” and meaningless. It is not beneficial and we do it out of habit or because it is simply necessary. Thanks to a week of silence, you will be able to concentrate only on yourself and your feelings, to understand issues that you had not even thought about before.

Check out our article What happens if you drink too much water?

Most of the participants in this experiment felt harmony and peace at the end of 7 days.

The problem is that when talking to someone, we engage in dialogues and only think about how to respond. And often we don’t have time to talk to ourselves, to think about our worldview.
Thanks to long periods of silence, you will have the opportunity to think about all aspects of life. Many people note that during silence, interesting ideas come to their minds that helped change their lives for the better.

Another advantage of silence is that you work on your willpower. Endurance and patience - these qualities are very important in life and many do not develop them. Now you will have this opportunity!

Helpful advice: for maximum results, we recommend combining silence with meditation and yoga. Try to spend more time outdoors, away from people.

As we said above, there will be no harm from such short-term silence and you don’t have to worry about your health.

When is the best time to conduct an experiment?

We recommend doing this during the holidays. And it’s even better if you go on vacation, with clean air and beautiful nature. It is unlikely that you will be able to remain silent if your work involves constant contact with people.

Don't forget to warn your friends!

It will be difficult for others to understand such experiments and they can lead you astray from the true path in every possible way. Therefore, we advise you to warn all relatives and friends that you will not speak in the next week. Ask them not to disturb you or try to get you to talk.

Start small

In order not to fail at the very beginning, we recommend practicing a little. Try remaining silent for at least 1 day, then increase this period to two or three days. If such experiments are successful, you will definitely be able to survive for 7 days.

What happens if you remain silent for 7 days? You shouldn’t expect any terrible consequences; on the contrary, it’s yours. emotional state will improve noticeably. But again, each person’s reaction is individual - some will feel relief and energy, while for others such a long silence may “drive” them into depression. Observe the body's reaction and if you understand that this method is not suitable for you, look for something else.

So is it harmful to remain silent or is it still useful? Experiments with limiting the possibility of communication through spoken language for 7 days have been carried out more than once by various types of researchers. And, of course, they ultimately revealed the general picture of the change in the silent person’s worldview, as well as the peculiarities of the reaction of others to him.

How does it feel to be silent?

So, what happens if you remain silent for 7 days? At the end of such experiments, subjects usually noted:

  • complete absence of any changes in terms of physical condition;
  • experiences and disharmony in the first days of silence;
  • a feeling of harmony with oneself, as well as everything that is around, in the final stages.

At first, people who were unable to speak experienced internal disharmony due to a feeling of some isolation from society and life in general. But after a certain time, this not very pleasant state was replaced, according to participants in such experiments, by a feeling of lightness and even some euphoria.

After a long silence, people began to understand that instead of often completely unnecessary communication with others, they could finally just “talk to themselves.” At the same time, as the subjects noted, their thoughts were organized and became almost real - clear and very pure.

At the last stage of the seven-day silence, according to the participants in the experiments, they even began to feel complete harmony both with themselves and with the surrounding reality.

How others behave

So, what will happen if you remain silent for 7 days is somewhat understandable. During the experiment, silent people begin to feel happier and calmer. But how do others react to them?

During the first day of a person’s silence, his acquaintances and relatives, according to the subjects, oddly enough, usually did not even notice that anything had changed at all. However, from about the second day, the strange behavior of a loved one, of course, attracted attention. As participants in the silence experiments later noted, by this time those around them usually began to put forward the following versions of what was happening. Silent:

  • he is very offended by something and goes on strike;
  • fell ill (and, most likely, mentally);
  • practices oriental techniques;
  • trains willpower.

At the same time, close people tried:

  • in the first stages, immediately get the person to talk;
  • starting from the middle stage - call a doctor (a therapist or even a psychiatrist).

So what happens if you remain silent for 7 days and is it worth doing?

Thus, if for some reason a person decides to remain silent for a whole week, nothing terrible will happen to him, of course. Most likely, he will really feel peace, harmony with those around him, as well as a surge of strength. However, before embarking on such an experiment, it is, of course, worth warning relatives and friends about your intentions, of course, for obvious reasons.

An even more correct solution would be to remain silent not for seven days to rest from communication, but for much shorter periods of time. For example, an hour a day, admiring nature in some quiet park, or just in your room, lying on the couch. A long seven-day silence would be more appropriate, rather, not for a modern person working and raising children, but for representatives of some religions who initially devoted themselves to serving them.

Communication is an integral feature of all living things. Without this most important component of life, everything that we see in front of us every day would not exist. However, verbal communication, that is, through sounds and words, is characteristic only of highly developed organisms, including people.

Can you imagine your life without language? Most likely not, because for us this is, perhaps, the main means of survival. The need for communication among people is second only to physiological needs; it is not for nothing that we are the only living creature on the planet that is called social. A person outside of society loses his essence, loses his main skills. Surely each of us has wondered what would happen if we were silent for 7 days. What will happen in our physiology and psyche?

Why do you need a week's silence?

Many theories of meditation talk about the miraculous effect of silence on a person’s physical and mental well-being. If you remain silent for 7 days, a person is cleansed from the inside. Without external emotions, which sometimes prevent true feelings from finding a way out, a person reaches a new level of development of his consciousness. At the same time, silence must be strictly observed, otherwise there will be no effect, and all sacrifices from the loss of verbal communication will be meaningless.

Of course, sometimes silence is a necessary physiological phenomenon, for example, after surgery vocal cords or when severe pain in the throat. However, in this case, absolute silence is not necessary.

Be silent for 7 days, what is the result?

From a purely physiological perspective, you will not feel any visible changes. There may be some slight discomfort, but it will go away soon. It is much more interesting what will happen to the internal component of a person, to his state of mind.

A week's silence is primarily a psychological test, when a person is deprived of his usual communication with others. At first this causes anxiety and internal disharmony, but then unpleasant sensations soon comes the realization that in place of communication with others comes much more important communication - a conversation with oneself. Thoughts become clear, bright, almost real, a person learns to organize them and listen to them. And the last stage of the seven-day meditation is enlightenment, a feeling of harmony with oneself and everything that is around.

Is it worth going for it?

The effect of silence for 7 days is much stronger than one might imagine. However, to achieve this result, you need to change your lifestyle for the duration of such an experiment. You need to immerse yourself in a calm environment, meditate and listen to relaxing music. Not such big sacrifices for the sake of enriching your soul, right?

Similar week-long meditations are held in temples and health centers around the world, but most of them are concentrated in Asian countries, where meditation originated as a method of self-knowledge and communication with oneself. Should everyone try this? Most likely not. Not everyone can withstand such a test, and not everyone needs it. We ourselves have the right to choose our own path of self-improvement and self-knowledge, and there are more than enough of them. Look for yourself, work on yourself, this makes life more interesting and brighter!

To enter the school of philosophers of Pythagoras (6-5 centuries BC), the candidate had to remain silent for 5 years. People went into the forests and mountains - to harmonize with the world or go crazy.

A week of silence in our conditions is hardly possible: to accomplish vital things, you will have to go out into the world where you need to utter words in order to be understood.

But if there is a hero who can endure seven days of silence, then what will happen to him?

Answers from a psychological point of view

Absolutely - you don’t need to tell a psychologist or psychotherapist about the desire to stay in the silence of your own voice for several days. This is acceptable and adequate for persons who exhibit deviations from the psychological norm (silence here is therapy), and for healthy and outwardly successful people doesn't seem like the best idea.

A living example: Eastern monks (some of them work in health centers for tourists) practice meditation combined with seven days of silence. During this period, a person’s soul is cleansed of the dirt of society, and a kind of enlightenment, catharsis occurs.

The desire to master the technique of silence speaks of internal conflicts. There are inconsistencies in the soul: problems with the world, fatigue from useless or stupid conversations, etc. Sometimes this is done for the sake of “fun”: to look at the reaction of friends, to laugh internally.

A living example: remember the movie “Rush Hour”? Agent Lee “does not speak” English and remains silent to all remarks, even unflattering ones. His African-American partner decides that his Chinese colleague does not speak the language and takes liberties in communication. And Lee knows English, he just doesn’t like to “talk about trifles.”

In some cases, a seven-week silence can be regarded as a social experiment: to feel like a mute person, to feel the problems faced by people who cannot speak.

From the point of view of loved ones, acquaintances, strangers

Silence will be perceived as deviant behavior: acquaintances and strangers will “disturb” the silent person, ask questions, and in some cases, shout and make trouble. Voluntary departure silence should be preceded by a conversation with the people who surround you. This will allow you to avoid excesses and soften the already difficult condition at the time of the vow.

If a person is silent for 7 days and does not eat, what happens to him?

If you remain silent, you will learn a lot of interesting things. Especially if you didn’t warn your loved ones about your vow. Out loud, those around him will express all the guesses in his arsenal: from sweet and funny remarks and jokes to aggressive remarks and insults.

The combination of silence and hunger strike suggests two possible scenarios:

  • or are you crazy
  • or practice Eastern philosophy.

The absence of a voice cleanses the soul of vanity, the absence of food brings one closer to a state of euphoria (in Buddhism this concept of nirvana or enlightenment is called differently in different techniques). The essence is the same everywhere - to cleanse yourself.

Fact! – Got sick

Ill - physically or mentally (society usually chooses the second option). They will try to send you to a doctor, they will conduct a dialogue with you through notes, they will ask you to show your throat and, most likely, they will wrap you in a scarf, having previously coated you with warming ointment. And then they call the doctor.

The voice really disappears with a sore throat, flu, etc. diseases. However, whispers remain and no one forbids the patient to express himself on paper. Vocalists sometimes tear their vocal cords, which leads to the same results as loss of voice due to acute respiratory infections, etc.

A living example: the heroine of M. Shishkin’s book “Venus’ Hair” named Bella was a singer. She caught a cold, and the doctor told the girl that she might lose her voice forever. To preserve it, it was necessary to remain silent for several days, without uttering a single sound. The vocalist of the group wrote notes to maintain communication at home. Bella experienced particular difficulty when she wanted to quarrel with someone.

Exactly! — Offended

“I won’t say another word!” - and a stream of verbal garbage covers you. Sound familiar? And some (due to their special mental makeup) keep their promises. That is, in the morning you had a fight, for example, with your other half, and in the evening she does not speak to you. And he doesn’t speak tomorrow, and for another 6 days after that.

It takes as long as the offended person is silent to understand where the mistake was and what the root of the disorder is. This maintains peace in the family: as we have already said, you won’t be able to quarrel through notes, and it’s simply not possible to harbor anger for a whole week.

Thus, the conflict, which could have erupted into a scandal, will come to naught. So you will understand that petty quarrels are not worth the attention that is given to them under normal circumstances.

Uses silence - trains willpower!

This is a rarer option, but effective. The will is trained on what is least achievable. In the age of sound technology, it is not just difficult to remain silent - it is almost impossible. Even if you lock yourself at home, you will receive calls from telecom operators, work colleagues, debt collectors and several other people who urgently need to talk to you.

To resist and not utter a word, you will have to strain the entire volume strong-willed qualities, which will be revealed. Do the results require such sacrifices? He who keeps his word becomes calmer, more philosophical, he does not go into conflict, because he knows: the resentment that was given time to “cool down” goes away without a trace.

If he's silent, he's going on strike!

This case is more typical for children, of course. Although it’s hard to imagine a child who managed to remain silent all week.

A living example: a child did not speak until he was 5 years old, at all. The doctors argued: “Everything is normal, he just doesn’t want to.” The boy’s mother pestered him with questions and requests to talk, to which one day the little philosophical man replied: “Leave me alone.” This was his first word.

The same situation, but longer, is present in the lives of those accused of a crime and prisoners from whom assistance in the investigation is required.

A living example is the Miranda rule: “anything you say can be used against you.” As a result, we get a silent person opposing the system.

Photo of a person before and after 7 days of silence

External changes will be a reflection of internal transformation. We mentioned enlightenment and catharsis - those who have reached this state have a special look and usually soft facial features. They become more friendly and look happy.

Video on YouTube “If you remain silent for 7 days, what will happen?”

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How to live if you remain silent not for 7 days, but for the rest of your life?

Mute people spend their entire lives in silence; the rest, in one way or another, use verbal means of communication. By losing one feeling or one ability (in this case, the voice), we acquire another feeling and another ability (here individually: talents are revealed, deep reflection appears, skills to understand people are developed, i.e. there is empathy, etc.) .

People deprived of speech

In the book by Vladimir Serkin (psychologist, professor, doctor of science) “Freedom of the Shaman” (an earlier version is “The Laughter of the Shaman”), the researcher goes to the taiga, where he meets a hermit - a man who lived in cities back in the 80s. Renunciation of the world was a conscious act, and the story is real: it happened to Vladimir Serkin himself and revealed a lot to him.

The shaman was silent because there was no one to talk to: he looked at the sky, stars, snow, he hunted, collected herbs and berries, and meditated. And there was no need for speech. When meeting people, he resorted to verbal communication, but in an unusual way: the one who asked the question had to wait several minutes or hours to receive an answer. Sometimes the Shaman answered the next day.

People were offended and felt disrespected, and then joined the culture of silence - they noticed the beauty of the world, its bustle, recorded changes in their own souls, looked closely at loved ones and saw in them what was hidden from view under the mask of empty chatter.

What happens if you put water in your mouth and remain silent for 7 days?

Do you know the answer? It lies on the surface... How many days can a person live without water? – Exactly a week, and that’s 7 days! So what will happen?

Guess for yourself...

Nowadays, without communication, a person pronounces more than 5-7 thousand words a day throughout his entire adult life. People have been using speech for centuries to communicate, understand each other and learn something new for themselves. All people try to speak and communicate, many try and learn the languages ​​of other countries and nationalities in order to communicate with more people, or to be able to travel smoothly.

Not all people feel confident and comfortable in a situation where they need to remain silent. Silence is a huge talent and most of us need to learn this art.

What happens if you remain silent for 7 days: what does people’s silence mean?

A person’s silence can mean a lot to himself and to the people around him. People may remain silent because they have nothing to say, because of various grievances, or when a person is practicing some kind of spiritual practice. People profess and practice various subcultures, in this way they test themselves and their bodies.

Many people may also be interested in turning from an ordinary person into just an outside observer for a whole week, while learning a lot about themselves, their place in society and the attitude of others towards them. During 7 days of silence, a person’s mind can be cleansed, the person will understand himself, learn to appreciate loneliness, or, on the contrary, company.

What happens if you remain silent for 7 days: what could be the consequences of seven days of silence

When people are silent, they notice that they are touched and tugged less. Sometimes it may seem to them that others do not even remember that they are nearby. The hardest thing for such people is to restrain themselves and not start talking when they really want to express their opinion on any issue. Thus, in just one week you can realize that a person’s opinion may not be interesting to anyone. After such practices, a person often becomes calmer, more restrained and patient.

After seven days of silence, people realize that most of the words and phrases they use are not needed at all, and this can greatly surprise many. People may always catch themselves on the impulse to say something, but unfortunately they will not have the opportunity to do so. They will need to take a pencil and specifically write on a piece of paper, and during this time the need for words will disappear.

People, after seven days of silence, may also have problems with their voice and cords - they can hurt very much, and not just for one, but for several days. Undoubtedly, remaining silent is harmful, because articulation is important for any speaker, and conversation is its natural training. The ligaments and muscles of the face can weaken during 7 days of silence. For health, very long silence can be detrimental - instead of words, you can begin to pronounce sounds, or even something inarticulate, after which aphasia (inability to verbal communication) can develop.

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