Professions where knowledge of geography is required. Geographical professions

Professions related to geography are distinguished by their diversity. You can master them in various educational institutions. Right now in Russian Federation students study at 24 faculties with a geographical focus. These are just university departments. In addition, there are 41 geographical departments of pedagogical institutes.

All this means that professions that require knowledge of the designated science are in demand, and there are not as few of them as it might seem.

What are the specialties in this area?

Not all professions are listed below in the text, but the most relevant and in demand of them in our time are touched upon. So the list looks like this:

  • biogeography;
  • landscape science;
  • land hydrology;
  • soil science.

Based on this list, you can form an opinion about what profession a student studying at the Faculty of Geography needs.


It implies the study of the fauna and flora of the entire Earth. In biogeography, two more promising “branches” can be distinguished: medical geography, as well as the ecological direction of the subject. In turn, the first involves studying the foci of distribution various diseases, and, most importantly, their primary sources. Also, the medical industry does not ignore hotbeds of disease.

If we define the area where biogeographers work, then their workplace most often becomes various reserves, parks and arboretums. The most common activity of these people is the search for wild animals and various kinds of plants for their further domestication. They are also hired to select the most favorable places for the future construction of cities and other settlements.

Landscape science is a classic specialty for all people who want to study geography. Representatives of this field of science deal with all factors that in one way or another relate to the subject, analyze the relationship of all natural components: from the smallest elements (forest, park, meadow, river, field, pond) to the largest of them - the geographical envelopes of the planet.

People in this profession have the goal of learning absolutely the entire history of a particular landscape. They need to try to predict the development of the soil, not forgetting to include in their field of view a huge number of various factors. Concurrently, landscape scientists should understand not just one area of ​​geography, but absolutely all scientific fields, even biology.

Of course, this profession is divided into various areas, among which the most popular are:

  • geochemistry;
  • geophysics;
  • ethnocultural landscape studies;
  • environmental assessment of the territory;

Experts in geochemistry study various chemical processes that in one way or another affect the soil of a certain area. In turn, geophysics analyzes physical phenomena. Ethnocultural landscape science studies how people and plants influence the soil and, by extension, how the land influences them.

It is important to note that the profession requires mobility from people, because the field of study of its workers is the entire globe. Most often, of course, they can be observed on the territory of Russia, but knowledge of a foreign language allows you to go on business trips around the world. It is noteworthy that the Russian school of landscape design is known throughout the world as the best. And it was founded back in the nineteenth century by the famous geographer Dokuchaev.

Land hydrology

Unfortunately, in the twenty-first century, humanity is faced with a huge shortage fresh water. It gets to the point where entire wars are broken out between individual states over its possession. Currently, a project is even being developed that involves various ways of transporting glaciers from the poles to the arid places of the Earth. It is people who have chosen the profession of “Terrestrial Hydrology” who undertake to rationalize the balance of water throughout the world, thereby providing fresh liquid to all corners of the planet.

Ever since school, everyone has heard about the water cycle in nature. This is precisely the phenomenon that hydrologists study. They also touch upon the influence of man himself on this cycle and analyze various regimes of water flows in various places. In addition, hydrologists try to forecast and assess the optimal consumption of all resources and are directly involved in projects for the construction of canals, reservoirs, dams, dams, hydroelectric power stations and even beaches.

If the question arises, which branch of geography is best to delve into in order to study land hydrology, then it is worth asking:

  • biology;
  • ichthyology.
  • hydraulic engineering;
  • chemistry.

Lake Baikal is also considered by hydrologists to be a promising object for research. Based on some forecasts, it will become a real ocean in the future.

Soil science first began to emerge in Russia. This is due to the fact that it is here that the largest tracts of the most fertile land in the whole world are located. This science includes knowledge not only of geography, but also of biology. She is engaged in the objective use of land resources, studying:

  • dynamics;
  • origin;
  • development;
  • soil condition.

Soil science is taught not only in the departments of geography, but also in biological areas. But people who finished first spend additional time:

  • spatial analyses;
  • soil assessments;
  • mapping.

All notes of these specialists are entered directly into the databases of the Unified Land Cadastre of the Russian Federation.

The task of soil scientists is to study such phenomena as:

  • soil geography;
  • geochemistry;
  • biogeochemistry;
  • hydrology;
  • genesis;
  • hydrogeology.

Indeed, there are a lot of professions related to geography. Based on the descriptions of this or that specialty, you can form your own point of view on the question of which one people need most now.

Professions related to geography are very diverse. Specialists in various fields apply their knowledge in this area.

In their work, knowledge of geography is used by geologists, archaeologists, pilots, navigators, meteorologists, surveyors, guides, and tour operators.

Associated with the discovery of natural resource deposits. He studies the features of the occurrence and location of various rocks.

Geologists take part in research work and expeditions related to the study of the earth's interior.

Knowledge of geology is also used in construction to identify soil features before developing an area.

They study the culture of ancient civilizations with the help of remains and traces of their life activities. Basically the work consists of excavating and finding a place to carry out research.

Archaeological scientists devote entire years to their discovery and piece by piece recreate the life and culture of ancient civilizations. Excavations of archaeological monuments help to learn about peoples who lived thousands of years ago.

The pilot is the navigator. This is an ancient maritime profession. The safety of navigation depends on the pilot, or more precisely on his knowledge of coastal features, the fairway of a certain area and maritime geography.

The pilot studies maps of the seabed and guides the vessel along the optimal route, taking into account the depths and features of the sea relief.

The profession of a navigator is very similar to that of a pilot. The navigator controls air, land, water and underwater transport.

He studies the course, calculates the routes of transport, marks it on the map and monitors the operation of navigation devices. In addition, it takes into account the influence of weather conditions on movement and transport routes.

Meteorologists study the factors that influence weather. They constantly monitor changes in weather conditions, record, evaluate, process and take into account what such changes may affect. Meteorologists also make weather forecasts and study the climate of different geographical zones.

They study the territory using measurements, calculating coordinates and compiling maps that are used by motorists, builders and geologists. Such specialists take part in various engineering and construction works, and also map the area.

A guide or tour guide must accompany tourists during hikes, excursions or cruises. The guide knows well the cities and countries in which he conducts the excursion, as well as cultural and historical monuments, and knows foreign languages.

The work of translators is very diverse. They know many languages ​​and translate texts, documents of various types, films and books.

Can also accompany delegations and translate oral speech. While learning the language, the future translator also studies the customs, culture, history and geography of the country.

Tour operators are well versed in the geographical and climatic characteristics of different countries. They will help you choose the most suitable tour taking into account your preferences, interests and capabilities.

Geography lesson. Introduction to professions related to geography

Choosing a profession in geography lessons.

Goals: help students in vocational guidance,
expand the range of ideas about professions through the school subject “geography”
Tasks: To introduce students to professions related to geography, thereby expanding their understanding of the application of knowledge on this subject in various fields of activity.
Introduction: Geography is one of the most interesting sciences in school education. Modern geography has evolved into many separate disciplines, each of which studies its own part of the geographical envelope. Two branches of a single geography, physical and social, consist of many narrower disciplines, each of which corresponds to one or another geographical specialty - there are about 50 of them in total. Watch this presentation and maybe one of these professions will interest you and become your favorite thing life!

Guess the profession:
I want to become ________ –
I teach different stones.
Here is the ore, it contains metals.
Here are the different crystals.
The stone here is sea coral,
Nearby, pearls sparkled.
The strongest, you know, is a diamond,
I will find him more than once. geologist...

“We are sons of the volcano...
The crater thunders beckoning.
We must find out
Secrets of the God of Fire.
The slag under your feet is hot,
Bombs are smoking all around.
The steps uphill are heavy,
Lapilla hail on helmets.
Stubborn, stubborn and angry,
We're going straight to hell.
Sulfur dioxide eater -
Clenching your teeth, hold on!
Life is given to us once,
We're putting our lives on the line!.." Volcanologist

When the grip of cold walls squeezes you from all sides
Don't be sad, that's the law, the earth tests everyone
And darkness, and cramped conditions, and the roar of rivers, and silence,
And unearthly beauty, and an impregnable wall.

And if you've experienced it all

The darkness recognizes you as its own
And the cold of the incredulous depths!

And conquered forever, having decided the question of his fate
You will strive to go where there are so many fairy tales and threats
There, where rustles live, flowers made of stone, where they grow
And let them pass you by in the service, let them call you crazy

You entered all the caves without missing even one
Each of them greeted you like your father’s home.
But it’s not easy to repeat, you’ll find your cave,
So that it is deep and so that it does not die, and there were no others before!

And if you've experienced it all
I didn’t lie down without strength, I didn’t act foolishly
The darkness recognizes you as its own
And the cold of the incredulous depths! Anthem of Speleologists


The uniqueness of school geography lies in the fact that, like no other academic subject, it introduces students to life in its many manifestations and interrelations, examines the nature of the earth’s surface, the population and its economic activities in the immediate environment in a comprehensive manner, different countries, on a global scale, teaches an understanding of the essence of environmental, economic and social problems, the role of geography in solving them, and in predicting the development of interaction between nature and man at different territorial levels. Without geographical knowledge and skills, without a developed spatial understanding of the earth's surface, a scientific picture of the world cannot be created in the minds of students. Geographical knowledge is necessary for every person in order to understand their role and place in life and in the transformation of reality, and to determine an active life position.

List of literature used:

1.Initial and basic programs general education. Technology. – M.: VentanaGraph, 2012. – P. 183.
2.Averichev Yu.P. Orientation of school youth towards working professions//Soviet pedagogy, 2010, No. 2.-P.25-30.
3. Apostolov S.P. Market: youth policy and career guidance for students/LIK.i pr-vo, 2012, No. 3.-P.73-76.
4. Babosov E.M. Vocational guidance at school.-Mn.: Nar.asveta, 2011.-158p.
5. Klimov E.A. School and choice of profession.-M.: Pedagogy, 2005.-241p.
6. Malkovskaya T.N. Social activity of high school students. M.: Peda-gogika, 2008.- 184 p.

Extracurricular activity

"Geography in professions"

Target: help students with career guidance, expand the range of ideas about professions related to geography.

Tasks: familiarity with intra-subject and inter-subject connections in geography; developing in students a positive attitude towards work as the highest value in life, instilling hard work, duty and responsibility, determination, enriching vocabulary.

Technical equipment and equipment of the lesson: a computer and a screen for demonstrating a slide presentation, a wall map of the hemispheres, atlases, compasses, a herbarium "Wild Plants", a collection of rocks, cards with questions and tasks.

Progress of the event:

1. Introductory speech by the teacher.

2. Presentation of the jury and teams.

3. Speeches by students with reports on professions related to geography, accompanied by a slide presentation.

Profession "Meteorologist"
Meteorology – from the Greek “celestial phenomena”, the science of the earth’s atmosphere and the phenomena occurring in it. An engineer - meteorologist - analyzes materials from various observations and gives an opinion on the state of the atmosphere as a whole, on the physical processes developing in it, discovering patterns in weather changes and their impact on the activities of a particular industry national economy.

There are three main specialties for which meteorologists are trained: meteorological engineer, agrometeorologist and climatologist. Within the meteorological specialty there are many specializations: synoptic, aerological, marine meteorology, aviation, satellite, meteorological instrumentation, etc. For example, a weather forecaster is a meteorologist who specializes in analyzing atmospheric physical processes and predicting the future state of the weather. The most important element of a weather forecaster’s work is a synoptic map (currently, mainly in electronic form), that is, a geographic map that reflects the weather condition over a relatively large area, which allows one to view the weather simultaneously over a large area. In Greek, “synoptikos” means one who observes everything together. This Greek word gave the name to the profession of meteorologist-forecaster, synoptic weather map and the science of weather prediction - weather forecaster.

Aerologists are involved in studying the state of the atmosphere at altitudes, marine meteorologists are involved in providing meteorological information to maritime transport, and aviation meteorologists are involved in air transport. Radio meteorologists are working on the use of various radio equipment to study the atmosphere.

Meteorologists are people with special education. They include weather observers, weather radar operators, technicians, engineers and scientists.

The place of work of a meteorologist can be Meteorological stations and posts, research vessels. Hydrometeorological Service of Russia, weather information center, airports, seaports, aerological stations, urban planning organizations, research institutes.

Necessary qualities that ensure success in the profession - Observation. Patience. Persistence. Accuracy and thoroughness when taking measurements. Tendency to monotonous work. Ability to endure adverse weather conditions and loneliness. Ability to analyze and compare facts; ability to predict the situation.

The basis of the profession of a meteorologist is school knowledge of geography; mathematics; physics; chemistry.

Meteorologists competition

What is the name of this graph? What can you determine from it?

What is the name of this meteorological instrument? What does it measure?

What is this type of cloud called? At what time of year can they be seen most often?

Profession "Geologist"

The purpose of the geologist profession is to study areas of the geosphere for the content of minerals in them, for the purpose of their development and extraction, the study of various rocks earth's crust to determine their age, affiliation, educational history, renewal.

There are several specialties within this profession. These are mineralogy, petrography, mining geology, paleontology, hydrogeology, space geology, geophysics, geochemistry, geoecology and engineering geology;

Working conditions for geologists of different specialties may be different, but most often the work of a geologist involves frequent business trips and expeditions working in the field.

Anyone who decides to become a geologist must have such qualities as Observation. Ability to analyze. Good imagination. Volumetric vision. Ability to draw. Physical endurance. Working in a small team also requires the ability to be tolerant of other people.

Geologists competition

Teams are given rock samples. Students must name the breed, talk about its origin and use.

(granite, limestone, marble, coal, peat, brown ironstone)

Profession "Oceanologist"

Our planet could reasonably be called the planet Ocean, since 71% of its surface is occupied by seas and oceans. Life originated in the Ocean. The ocean is the most important source of food resources. The ocean floor contains huge, yet unexplored reserves of minerals. There are many different gases, salts and rare chemical elements dissolved in sea water. The ocean is an inexhaustible source of fresh water, and seawater desalination plants are already operating in many countries. Tidal energy is used to generate electricity.

The ocean is not only a source of material resources and benefits, but also a dangerous, formidable element. Powerful typhoons arise above it, and tsunamis arise as a result of seaquakes.

The enormous role played by the World Ocean forces man to explore it from all sides. The ocean is a complex natural environment, and therefore oceanology synthesizes the methods and principles of various sciences.

Specialists - oceanologists study the composition and properties of the waters of the oceans and seas; assess changes in oceanological parameters and the entire atmosphere-ocean-land climate system caused by natural and anthropogenic causes; provide oceanographic information government agencies and business entities create information databases; organize and conduct routine oceanographic observations; make marine hydrological forecasts.

Research is carried out both in individual points of the ocean from ships, autonomous buoys, and using satellite equipment.

Independence and a creative approach to the problem being solved are one of the main features of an oceanologist. A qualified specialist is not only erudite in scientific and technical terms, but also has high strong-willed qualities and good physical fitness: after all, he often works underwater with scuba gear, without which it is impossible to carry out many experiments. A long stay at sea is associated with great psychological stress. Working in difficult, sometimes stormy, conditions requires endurance, composure and accuracy.

Oceanologists Competition

1. Name the largest ocean and show it on the map.

2. In what units is the salinity of the ocean waters measured?

1. Name the coldest ocean and show it on the map.

2. What are the names of the underwater vehicles on which oceanographers carry out deep-sea diving?

1. Name the deepest ocean and show it on the map.

2. At what temperature does ocean water freeze?

Profession "Cartographer"

Each of us has been familiar with geographical and historical maps since childhood. Without a map, it is impossible not only to study, but also to master the world. Each map is the work of many people. Based on measurements and surveys carried out using sophisticated equipment, cartographic engineers draw up detailed plans for a given area and develop a draft map. A map project is a document system consisting of several volumes or folders, which indicate the purpose of creating the map, its future scale, and tables of symbols.

Then the cartographers-compilers get to work. Using a special device - a coordinateograph - they build a coordinate grid: a kilometer grid or a grid of parallels and meridians. The program for this device is compiled by cartographers and mathematicians. After applying the grid, the cartographer draws the map with great accuracy (up to a tenth of a millimeter). This work can last up to six months and requires the utmost attention and concentration from a specialist.

When the original map is drawn up, another specialist begins working on it - a proofreader. He checks everything and makes the necessary additions and amendments. After this, the map goes to the cartographer-draftsman, who prepares the publishing original of the map for the printing house. Cartographers work in large halls. There is always silence there, although 20–30 people can work in one room.

A qualified cartographer is distinguished by a developed eye, perseverance, composure, and the ability to dose muscle efforts with great precision (steady hand).

The profession of a cartographer can attract a person who loves specific, painstaking, neat work. It is suitable for a person who is not very sociable and avoids sharply changing working conditions.

Cartography competition

1. What is the longest parallel called?

2. What are the names of the lines on the map connecting the North and South Pole?

3. Is it possible to find a point on the map whose latitude is 110°?

1) Define geographical feature by its geographical coordinates:

Aconcagua -32° S 70°W

2) Identify a geographic object by its geographic coordinates:

New York -41°N 73°W

3) Identify a geographic object by its geographic coordinates:

vdp. Victoria -18° S 27°E

Profession "Soil scientist"

The main task of soil science is the study of processes in natural and agricultural soils in order to rational use natural resources and nature conservation.

Soil scientists work primarily in agriculture. They are involved in increasing soil fertility, exploring the possibility of using certain fertilizers, giving recommendations on land reclamation, fighting erosion, and carrying out economic assessments of land. Soil science data are also used in the construction of roads, various structures, etc., and when carrying out measures for the sanitary protection of soils (from clogging with wastewater, solid waste, etc.). The structure and properties of soils are studied by a variety of methods: expeditionary, stationary, laboratory (physicochemical, radiographic, radioisotope, etc.). An important function of a soil scientist is the preparation of soil maps necessary for agrotechnical and reclamation recommendations.

Requirements for the individual characteristics of a soil scientist are:

Calm, balanced character;

Independence of thought and ability to make important decisions;

Tendency to painstaking laboratory work;

Large amount of long-term memory;

Concentration, stability and selectivity of attention (without which successful research work is impossible);

Logical thinking (helps ensure scientific consistency in research).

The profession of soil scientist also has medical contraindications. These are skin and allergic diseases and bronchial asthma;

A soil scientist must know:

Objectives for agricultural development;

Fundamentals of land legislation;

Agronomy; land reclamation

You can get a profession as a soil scientist at biological and biological-soil faculties of universities, in all agricultural and many forestry universities.

Soil scientists can work in design and research institutes, real estate agencies, construction companies, farms, environmental services.

Soil Science Competition

1. Tundra gley. 2. Peat bog. 3. Podzolic. 4. Soddy-podzolic. 5. Swamp-podzolic. 6. Gray forest.

7. Typical chernozem. 8. Meadow-chernozem. 9. Chestnut. 10. Brown desert-steppe. 11. Solonets. 12. Salt marsh.13. Serozem.

14. Zheltozem. 15. Red soil. 16. Alluvial-turf.

1. Find tundra-gley soil and red soil in the picture.

2. Find gray forest soil and chestnut soil in the picture.

3. Find typical chernozem and podzolic soil in the picture.

Profession "Geodesist"

It is impossible to compile more than one map without the work of surveying engineers. People in this profession can be called true pioneers. To measure and show on a map the heights of mountains, the depths of depressions, the flow of rivers, the levels of seas and lakes, surveyors with a level, rods and theodolite, making all kinds of measurements, walked the entire country. The contours, elevations, and other characteristics of natural features depicted on maps are used by designers and builders. Therefore, surveyors are the first to appear on construction sites, where cities and factories will grow in the future, dams and high-voltage power lines will appear, and railroads and highways will be laid.

During the construction process, they carry out geodetic control over the relative position of industrial, residential, hydraulic and other structures, using the latest control and measuring equipment.

Surveyors work in the taiga and tundra, on high mountain plateaus and rocky steppes, in deserts and major cities.

The main task of a surveyor is instrumental surveying and various calculations related to the preparation of plans and maps.

Anyone who wants to devote himself to geodesy must have a good knowledge of mathematics and geography, have keen eyesight, be physically tough, and be a hardy, courageous and cold-blooded person.

Surveyors competition

1. identify conventional topographical signs using cards

2. Teams are given compasses and given tasks to determine azimuth.

Profession "Biogeographer"

Biogeography - the science of the distribution of various biocenoses around the globe, as well as animals, plants and microorganisms.
Biogeography It is one of the frontier sciences and develops at the intersection of biology and geography. It forms the theoretical basis for the rational use of vegetation and animals living in a given territory, and contributes to the development of norms and terms for the use of plant and animal resources in connection with the characteristics of the geographic environment. The extraction of fur-bearing animals and game, the collection of medicinal and technical plant raw materials, and the use of fodder grasses are impossible without knowledge of reserves, growth and other quantitative indicators. The development of measures to combat agricultural and forestry pests, pathogens, carriers and vectors of human diseases also requires knowledge of the quantitative features of their distribution and distribution within the area. Studyingbiogeographical the characteristics of various zones and physical-geographical regions is also necessary for the proper organization of nature conservation. Jobbiogeographers has a predominantly field and expeditionary nature. They compose complex or partial comparative geographical descriptions of the surveyed territories, identify ecological and biogeocenotic connections and dependencies, quantify the biological power of the biogeocenosis as a whole or its individual components, composebiogeographic cards. For a future biogeographer, knowledge in school subjects such as biology, geography, chemistry, and ecology is important. Get a specialtybiogeographer possible at biological departments of universities.

Biogeographers Competition

1. Find the extra plant: 2. Find the extra animal:

Cedar, larch, oak, fir. Squirrel, bustard, elk, woodpecker.

3. Find the extra animal:

Turtle, lemming, arctic fox, deer.

Based on samples from the herbarium, determine in which natural zone these plants grow: beech, dwarf birch, larch, saxaul, feather grass, camel thorn.

Profession "Geomorphologist"

Geomorphology is the science of relief, its appearance, origin, history of development, modern dynamics and patterns of geographical distribution. The fundamental question of geomorphology is: “What does the process that forms the relief look like?” Geomorphologists try to understand the history and dynamics of landform change, and predict future changes, through field measurements, physical experiments, and mathematical modeling. In practice, the discipline is directly related to geography, geology, geodesy, archaeology, soil science, paleontology, as well as construction. Specialist geomorphologists conduct quantitative analysis interconnected processes such as the role of solar energy, the speed of the water cycle and the speed of lithospheric plates to calculate the age and expected future separate forms relief. The use of precision computing technology makes it possible to directly observe processes such as erosion, whereas previously it was possible to rely on assumptions and conjectures. Computer modeling is also very valuable for testing a specific model of an area with properties that are similar to the real area.

In the profession of geomorphologist, there are several narrow specialties, for example:

Paleogeomorphology studies the appearance of the Earth's surface during certain periods of history.

Fluvial geomorphology (or channel studies) - studies the influence of rivers on surface topography.

Glacial geomorphology (or glaciology) - studies glacial landforms.

The practical application of geomorphology consists of engineering assessment of the relief during construction, measuring the impact of climate change on the relief, forecasting and mitigating the consequences of catastrophic phenomena (landslides, landslides, mudflows, etc.), monitoring the water supply of territories, and coastal protection.

Main tasks to be solved:

studying the history and dynamics of relief changes;

prediction of future changes in relief;

conducting field measurements, physical experiments and mathematical modeling.

Geomorphology Competition

1. Name the highest mountains in Russia and show them on the map.

2. Name the longest mountains in Russia and show them on the map.

3. Name the plain on which our region is located and show it on the map.

4. Summing up the results of the competition and awarding the winners.

5. Final word from the teacher.
