How to make a bouquet of strawberries and roses. Delicious bouquets of vegetables and fruits with congratulations

Today I am posting a master class on creating candy strawberries and strawberry flowers. Such a bright and tasty bouquet will certainly please anyone with a sweet tooth.

For work we will need the following materials:

  • Corrugated paper in red, white, yellow (not pictured) and green.
  • Floral wire (I have #1).
  • Double sided tape.
  • Tape tape (in the absence of tape tape, you can use strips of green corrugated paper).
  • Threads.
  • Scissors.
  • Wire cutters (in my case, side cutters).
  • Candies (it is better to use candies of different sizes so that our “berries” look more realistic in the composition).

So, let's get to work.
From a roll of red corrugated paper, cut a strip 2-2.5 centimeters wide.

Then we cut this strip into 5 equal parts. But here I will make a small reservation. The fact is that candies have different sizes. This needs to be taken into account. If you have a large candy (“Autumn Waltz”, “Inspiration”, “Truffle”, etc.), then the strip needs to be cut into four parts so that we have a tail to which we will later attach the wire.

After we have cut the strip into pieces, we take the workpiece and fold it in half, thereby marking the middle of the workpiece.

This is what should happen.

Once we have made the required number of blanks for the berries, we proceed to the wire. I'll explain why I take the wire. When assembling a bouquet, our task is to create the most realistic look of the composition. You all know that in life a strawberry does not stick out with the berry up, but hangs down. Using wire, we can bend the leg in any position.
So, we divide the wire into three parts.

Then we make loops using wire cutters. We make loops so as not to pierce the candy.

We begin to attach the candy. At the same time, do not forget that we need to bend the upper tail of the candy wrapper, twisting it 2-3 times at the top at the base. We do not tear off the thread.

After our candy is securely fastened, we dress it in a “strawberry outfit” and secure it with thread. Our berry is almost ready, but we are not tearing off the thread yet, because... we need to put a sepal on the berry.

For sepals, we will need blanks of green corrugated paper 4 centimeters high and 3 centimeters wide. We make them exactly as many as we have berries.

And now we attach the sepal to the berry. We cut off the thread.

Taping the leg.

All that remains is to put the dots and that’s it, our berry is ready.

Let's move on to creating strawberry flowers.

To do this, we take yellow corrugated paper and cut blanks 3 centimeters high and 4 centimeters wide. I'm skipping this process. Next, to create one flower, we take two blanks and do the following. We cut off the upper left corner of the first piece, as in the photo on the left. We cut the second blank with “noodles”, not cutting to the bottom edge of approximately 1.5 centimeters. Photo on the right.

Then we move on to white corrugated paper from which we cut out blanks 4 centimeters high and 2 centimeters wide. From the resulting blanks we cut out the petals of the future flower. We need 5 petals for one flower.

Once we have everything prepared, we begin assembling our flower. We attach the candy to the wire and start with yellow blanks.

We wrap the candy without cutting the thread.

Then, we wrap our candy with a blank cut into “noodles”. We do not cut the thread.

It should look like in the photo.

Now let's move on to the petals. We attach them one by one.

The result should look like this.

We tape the stem. And our flower is ready.


A bouquet of fruits is an original decoration for a festive table, a tasty delicacy and an unusual gift, a worthy replacement for traditional flower arrangements. It is a picturesque bunch of beautifully cut fruits that match in shape and color. The bouquet can also use greenery, candy or toys if it is intended for a child. In addition, creating a fruit bouquet with your own hands is a very interesting activity that can turn into a hobby for the whole family if you involve children in culinary creativity. A bright and stylish dessert will surprise guests and decorate any feast.

Secrets of creating fruit bouquets with your own hands

Even a novice cook will easily understand how to make a fruit bouquet with his own hands if he uses our instructions.

Preparing fruits for a spectacular bouquet

To create bouquets, you will need any berries - for example, strawberries, kiwi, pineapple, melon, grapes and all the fruits that you or the hero of the occasion like. The fruits must be beautiful, ripe, without stains or damage, and most importantly, not too juicy, otherwise the pieces will not stick on the skewers. Naturally, the fruits need to be washed well, dried and peeled (if we are talking about pineapple and citrus fruits), seeds and stalks, so to make the process easier, buy seedless grapes. It is best to cut the fruit just before serving so that it does not darken and retains its attractive appearance, and if this is not possible, sprinkle it with lemon juice, which will preserve the natural color of the fruit. By the way, banana darkens in any case, so it can be used in fruit bouquets only if it is glazed.

For greater preservation and a pleasant gloss, pieces of fruit and berries can be dipped in an acidified gelatin solution of water, lemon juice, gelatin and a small amount of cognac. After hardening in the cold, you can make a second layer of jelly.

When stringing pieces of fruit onto skewers, sharp ends are sometimes visible, which can be covered with grape halves. Grapes are also used to support large elements - such as pineapple flowers. If they slide down the skewer, they need to be strengthened with grapes, placing the berries under the “flowers”. If you are preparing a bouquet for an adult, you can inject a few drops of alcohol into the grapes with a syringe - for piquancy and an unforgettable taste. Pieces of fruit are also sometimes soaked in wine or strong alcohol.

Devices for beautiful cutting

You can beautifully cut fruits with a regular knife, as well as using a slicer, a slicer knife for curly slicing vegetables and fruits, special graters, a Thai knife for cutting out patterns and other carving devices. Stores sell universal and multifunctional sets, which feature a whole arsenal of knives for creating relief patterns on fruits, as well as a variety of carvings for removing fruit cores, seeds and pulp from citrus fruits.

There are kitchen tools that help you cut out flowers, petals and animal figures from fruits - it all depends on the designer’s design idea. To work with pineapple, for example, metal cookie cutters with sharp edges are used, and melon balls are formed using an ice cream scoop. Figured pieces of fruit are strung on long wooden skewers - one at a time or several pieces, depending on your imagination.

Choosing a vase for a fruit arrangement

Fruit bouquets are usually served in a wide and low vase or basket, in which a soft base is placed, into which skewers with fruit are stuck. This can be a piece of tight dough, a head of lettuce, or an “oasis” for flowers, from which the base is cut out to fit the shape of the container. Such an “oasis” can be bought at any flower shop; the most important thing is to cover it with cling film so that this material does not come into contact with the edible elements of the composition. When making fruit bouquets, you can do without a base, using tall vases and very long skewers.

If you decide to use a clear vase, hide the unsightly dough or “oasis” at the bottom of the container by wrapping the base in a pretty napkin. You can string grapes onto the lower end of wooden skewers placed in a tall transparent container, and then the bottom of the container does not need to be covered - the bouquet will look stylish and unusual. You can do it even simpler - put a vase or glass on a napkin, lift its edges and tie a bright ribbon around the container.

Additional decorating techniques

Vegetables, flowers, herbs, candies, chocolate, cookies, toys, ribbons and bows are often used to create fruit bouquets. Such compositions are created for weddings and other celebrations. Chocolate glaze is often used, into which pieces of fruit are dipped on skewers, then they are dried in air using a special stand.

Before glazing, the berries can be soaked for 10 minutes in cognac or rum, rolled in powdered sugar and only then dipped in chocolate glaze. Try dipping part of the fruit in white chocolate and the other part in dark chocolate, it will turn out very original. After dipping fruits and berries into the glaze, they are often sprinkled with coconut, poppy seeds, chopped nuts or other toppings, but this must be done immediately before the glaze hardens.

A fruit bouquet is very beautiful, in which pieces of fruit and berries are decorated with patterns of chocolate, cream or fondant - such patterns can be made using a cornet, a cone-shaped paper tube.

When composing a bouquet, evenly alternate long and short skewers, different shapes and shades so that the bouquet looks harmonious. The gaps between the elements of the bouquet and the wooden skewers are covered with greenery, so the composition looks more natural.

A miniature fruit bouquet on one skewer looks very stylish for decorating cocktails, juices, compotes, jelly and fruit drinks.

DIY fruit bouquets: step-by-step instructions

At the master class on making fruit bouquets, you will see how simple and beautiful fruit bouquets are created, which are then arranged into a single composition. So, we will learn how to make a fruit bouquet with our own hands step by step.

For the bouquet you will need: large pineapple with greenish spots on the skin. Such fruits are denser and do not fall apart in the bouquet, round seedless grapes, strawberries, oranges, green and red apples, lemon for juice, grapefruit, lettuce, long wooden skewers for kebabs, flour, water, salt, vegetable oil for unleavened dough .

Tools: sharp knife, slicer, basket, long wooden skewers for kebabs, cookie cutters or carving cutters.


1. Wash the fruit well.

2. Knead a tight dough, similar in consistency to plasticine, so that the skewers hold steady in it. Let the dough rest for a while under a towel.

3. Form the dough into a ball and place it in the bottom of the basket.

4. Cut the pineapple into circles approximately 1.5 cm thick and cut out flowers and hearts from them using cutters.

5. Place pineapple flowers on skewers, paired with a grape, which will become the center of the flower.

6. Pierce the pineapple hearts with skewers not across, but lengthwise.

7. Cut green and red apples with a knife or slicer, sprinkle them with lemon juice and place on skewers.

8. Place 5-6 grapes on each skewer.

9. Cut the orange and grapefruit into slices and rings directly in the peel and also put them on skewers.

10. Place the strawberries on skewers without removing the green stems - they will give the bouquet a more interesting look.

11. Assemble the fruit composition by inserting skewers into the dough, experimenting with their length.

12. Decorate the free space between the skewers with lettuce leaves.

Fruit carving bouquets are short-lived, so you will have to eat them as quickly as possible, and usually this is not a problem, especially if there are many children in the house. And to ensure that luxurious fruit compositions “live” until tasting, after cooking, sprinkle them with ice water mixed with lemon juice. This DIY fruit bouquet master class will teach you the basic rules of how to create stylish and appetizing fruit arrangements, and you can use these techniques to create your own unique arrangements. Use your imagination and let your holiday table always look spectacular!

Festive themed bouquets have gained incredible popularity - compositions of flowers and, at first glance, completely foreign objects - food and drinks, or various accessories - are in fashion. They can be both humorous and sophisticated and luxurious.

Thanks to this trend in floristry, even the most banal gift for a man on February 23rd, like socks, can be decorated in an unusual way - for example, they make the most gorgeous roses, which you can combine with beer and roach and pack into an original bouquet that will amuse your loved one.

This unique bouquet captivates with its original design and execution technique. Especially if it contains non-standard materials. Do you want to surprise those present and charm the hero of the occasion with your gift? Make a bouquet of fruits. A fruit composition is a successful combination of pleasant emotions with the beneficial properties of a present.

For example, you can put together a simple bouquet for your beloved woman at home with your own hands, where you can hide a box with a treasured engagement ring. Or a New Year's citrus bouquet with champagne for your mother, or a bouquet of sweets and nuts with good wine for your spouse. Or with candies, bananas and pomegranate - for children. Even from dried fruits, if you try, you can come up with and make a gorgeous bouquet!

Below is a small MK: descriptions and pictures, how to put it all together, how to attach it, etc. And of course, examples of finished work.

A unique bouquet enchants with its original design and execution technique

A delicious bouquet is a relatively inexpensive and edible gift, during the preparation of which you can try the components. Playing with the colors of fruits and berries, together with ideas for creating a bouquet, will captivate children, and the unusually charming frame and wrapper will attract the attention of adults with its exquisite simplicity.

From threads

You will need:

  • Large dishes with a rounded bottom, a lampshade is ideal;
  • PVA glue, tape;
  • Cling film;
  • Woolen or acrylic threads of bright colors;
  • Tape for masking the handle;
  • The wire is hard.

How to do:

  1. Place the dishes upside down. Cover the surface generously with cling film. Secure with tape.
  2. Starting from the bottom, glue the thread one by one in any order, without going beyond the film. In the process, take into account the nuance - the higher the walls of the future frame, the less stable it will be.
  3. After the first layer of thread, we form a wire rim according to the principle of more, then less. We make the base of the wire rim for the bouquet handle, pulling the wire up.
  4. Wetting it well with glue, make a second layer of thread in a random order. In the process, we focus on the wire clips of the frame - they must be well hidden under the thread.
  5. Be sure to leave room at the base for fruit skewers.
  6. After thorough drying, carefully remove the frame.

This frame base is useful for light compositions consisting of several small fruits and berries in combination with flowers and leaves.

Gallery: bouquet of fruits (25 photos)

Made of metal

You will need:

  • Thick wire;
  • Pliers.

What to do:

  1. Wrap the wire around the ring several times. You can use a wooden shovel handle as a winding device. Fix the wire, bring the end through the inside of the base, and leave it for the handle.
  2. We make a large circle of wire, fix the circle with the base by winding wire around them, and place each piece on a handle.
  3. Make five or six windings with identical pieces of wire.

The frame will support voluminous fruit bouquets containing products of different densities. You can use colorful wrapping paper to cover. By the way, make improvised skewers from the remaining pieces of wire by wrapping them with green satin ribbon or paper of the appropriate color.

Made from dough, polystyrene foam or floral sponge

The frame is very convenient when forming a gift in a basket, box or net. The main material allows you to make fruit compositions in the shape of a heart, a pyramid and other non-standard shapes.

The main material allows you to make fruit compositions in the shape of a heart, pyramid and other non-standard shapes

To make a frame from foam or sponge, use a sharp object to form the desired shape of the base. The dough is mainly used for small, light fruit bouquets consisting of small fruits.

Before you start creating a fruit masterpiece, you should know:

  1. Collect fruits and berries of the same density into the composition.
  2. Whole fruits and berries retain their appearance longer.
  3. For a bouquet, take only ripe fruits, without visible external or internal damage.
  4. Products with a soft consistency do not last long on skewers, so under a juicy berry or fruit it is necessary to skewer a harder base. For example, place a piece of apple on a skewer under the strawberries.
  5. Do not overload the weight of the fruit on the frame.
  6. When weaving bunches of grapes into an edible bouquet, weave the grape sprig to the skewer with ribbons.
  7. To give a piquant unusual taste to composite products, the fruits are pierced with small doses of alcohol.
  8. A grape berry will help hide the tip of a skewer sticking out of the product.
  9. Cut fruit compositions must be wrapped in cellophane, since products used in cut form tend to weather or darken when cut in the open air. Within the first two hours, such a bouquet loses its appearance and becomes dull.
  10. The original decor for bouquets are sweets in colorful packaging. Take a couple of sweets on skewers and decorate the free niches of the bouquet with them.

How to make a bouquet of fruits (video)

DIY whole fruit bouquet for beginners

The composition is already attractive, since the integrity of the components used maintains a presentable freshness and neat appearance. We take fruits randomly, observing neutral coloring.


  • Iron frame decorated with yellow thread;
  • Apples, bananas, tangerines, lemons, peaches, apricots;
  • Iron skewers;
  • Decor for decoration;
  • Wire, rope.

We take fruits randomly, keeping neutral colors

How to do:

  1. Thread each fruit onto a skewer. We use apple slices as a base for soft fruits.
  2. Decorate the middle of the frame with gift paper.
  3. Insert skewers into the base, evenly distributing the weight of the food. It is best to do it symmetrically - four apples on the sides, one banana between them, decorate the middle with peaches, small tangerines, apricots. The basis of the delicious flower will be small round lemons.
  4. As decoration for the bouquet, you can choose flowers of the appropriate tone - daisies, roses.
  5. Secure the handle well with a rope.

How to make an edible bouquet of berries step by step master class

Large decorative leaves, used in flower bouquets to give visual volume, are very suitable for the main frame of such a work. Branches of berry trees, such as cherries, are also suitable for decoration. Choose leaves used in the composition that are intact, with clear veins and rich color.


  • plums, grapes, strawberries;
  • Wooden skewers;
  • Wrapping paper;
  • Basket;
  • Branches of currants, cherries, grapes.

How to do:

  1. Since berries are a less heavy composite material, we take a floral sponge as a basis. Secure the sponge to the bottom of the basket. Cover the sides with wrapping paper. Fluff the edges of the paper with scissors.
  2. Place the berries on wooden skewers, strengthening them at the bottom with apple slices. Divide a bunch of grapes into branches, attach each one to a separate skewer, and wrap it with ribbons or paper.
  3. Stick one at a time into the sponge - the base of the skewer, and ensure that the weight of the composition components is balanced.
  4. When the basket is full, decorate the bouquet between the berries with branches with leaves and flowers.

To give the bouquet a more presentable and official look, you can make a frame from the appropriate web threads without adding wire. This base will replace wrapping paper.

Making flowers from fruits

Bouquets of sliced ​​fruits are truly a masterpiece of fruit art. Since it is not easy to keep such bouquets fresh, production requires skill and trained movements of the master. You can learn how to make exquisite compositions, but you need to carefully train and improve your imagination.

Pineapple pulp. Quite juicy and pliable product. You can cut out flowers with cookie cutters.

Apples. Using a figured or regular knife, cut out the peony. Cut the petals not all the way to the base. Then wet the apple and sprinkle with lemon juice.

Bouquets of sliced ​​fruits are truly a masterpiece of fruit art

Grape. The berries look very harmonious as a base - a mug for chamomile made from plum slices. You can also string several berries separately onto a separate skewer.

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The wonderful holiday of March 8th is ahead. Such an original, tasty and beautiful bouquet will delight a woman of any age, so men, take it into your arms and dare for your loved ones!


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This bouquet will be a wonderful decoration for the festive table and on any other occasion! Amaze your family and guests with an unusual dessert and fruit flowers, namely strawberry roses, will become a real miracle for them!


The charming bouquet will surprise both adults and children - just imagine the wild delight and questions about whether these are real flowers and can they be eaten?

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You will need:

  • A sharp small knife is important, since it will be extremely difficult to work with a large blade
  • Fresh large strawberries - quantity as desired
  • Dish and/or small glasses
  • Toothpicks



We rinse the strawberries and leave them in a colander to drain properly. We take the water-dried berry and start making petals. Mentally measure out about a third of the strawberry stalk and make a vertical cut.

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You need to grab literally a few millimeters and immediately, without finishing it, otherwise the petal will simply be cut off, bend it back. Leave about 4-5 mm at the bottom so that it does not fall off.


We cut off the first row of petals along the entire perimeter, there will be about 3 - 5 of them, depending on the size of the berry, and then we immediately make the second one. We start it almost from the very top, stepping back from the top no more than 5 mm. We bend the petals outward in the same way.



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The top either remains unprocessed if it is too small, or we can make several vertical cuts on it, imitating 2-3 petals. All is ready!

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Watch the video master class:

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Decorating a festive table with strawberry roses!

Fruit flowers on an adult table will go well with champagne and other low-alcohol drinks.

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And at a children's party, such roses will delight little guests with their originality and go well with a milkshake and ice cream.

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In addition, remember that not all children eat strawberries, because “they are sour”, “they need to be peeled”, etc. In our version, there will be no difficulties with its use, and the non-standard presentation will make you try it.

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If you want to make strawberry flowers, collected in bouquets, one of the full-fledged dishes of the fruit table, serve whipped cream, cream, or grated chocolate in separate rosettes so that the berries can be dipped.

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You can put 2 - 3 pieces in addition to cream, sponge cake or sweet soufflé. A miniature strawberry bouquet will also look great. For this we need toothpicks. Just stick them into the berries and you're done! Now we collect 5 - 6 roses in one glass and place several of these tiny vases around the table.

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Also, fruit flowers can be a unique option for chocolate fondue. We will place a fondue bowl full of melted milk or dark chocolate in the middle of the table, and in front of each of the guests, in addition to the traditional bananas, plums or tangerines, we will place a mini vase with strawberry flowers.




You'll see, your friends will appreciate your imagination and culinary skills. They don’t have to know that it’s so easy to make flowers from fruits with your own hands!

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It’s not for nothing that they say the best gift is the one made with your own hands. This is true, because in the process of creating it the author invests part of his own soul. At the moment, on social networks you can see a lot of advertisements for making handmade gifts, because it is very popular. Such products will replace the usual store-bought items, and, most importantly, they will show how dear the person is to you. A bouquet of chocolate-covered strawberries is currently in trend and its popularity is understandable. It's not only original, but also incredibly tasty.

For what occasion can you give chocolate covered strawberries?

It’s already nice to receive an ordinary bouquet as a gift, but if it also comes with sweets, then how can you resist? Most often, a bouquet of strawberries is given for birthdays, Valentine's Day, March 8, or an anniversary. You can present such a delicacy for no reason; the recipient will appreciate your attention. If you want to make such a present yourself, we will give detailed step-by-step instructions where you will have complete control over the preparation process.

A bouquet of chocolate-covered strawberries can be given to your girlfriend for any occasion.

How to prepare such a bouquet

Materials and products you will need:

  • strawberry;
  • dark chocolate bar;
  • white chocolate bar;
  • nuts, coconut flakes, or any other decorative elements (to taste);
  • a plastic bag or pastry envelope with a very narrow neck;
  • two containers for separately melting dark and light chocolate;
  • a saucepan with water;
  • wooden skewers;
  • cup;
  • tape or other sticky tape;
  • scissors;
  • wrapping paper;
  • satin or floral ribbon.

Step-by-step cooking instructions

  1. Choose the ripest and juiciest strawberries and rinse them well. There should not be any damage on it. Then decide on the size of the bouquet and put the required amount of berries in a cup.
    Select whole, undamaged berries
  2. Melt dark and light chocolate separately. It is necessary to melt in a water bath and low heat, otherwise the structure of the chocolate will be heterogeneous. Place the bowl in a saucepan of water, but be careful not to let it touch the bottom. Be sure to stir to ensure even melting. Do not cover with a lid. Once the chocolate has melted, remove the pan from the heat and remove the bowl. You can melt it in the microwave, but it is important not to overdo it and constantly monitor the process. For beginners, we advise you to choose the option with a water bath.
  3. Do not completely pierce one berry with a wooden skewer so that it holds well and does not fly off.
  4. Then completely dip the strawberries into a bowl of melted chocolate and set aside to harden, preferably in a glass. This way there will be no deformation and the surface of the shell will be smooth.
  5. If you want to decorate the berry with nuts or other free-flowing elements, do this immediately after dipping it in chocolate. If the chocolate hardens, you won't be able to do this.
  6. Once the base chocolate shell is hard, start designing. Fill a plastic bag or pastry envelope with a narrow neck with a small amount of melted chocolate and cut a small hole. Don't make it too wide if you want finer lines. Take the finished skewer with strawberries and start creating a design. You can simply apply stripes, or you can apply patterns. It all depends on your imagination.
  7. If you want to make the design not embossed, you will have to combine Step 6 with Step 4. This means that after dipping the berry, immediately apply the design so that the chocolate “merges” with the base

  8. So, the strawberries are completely frozen, which means it’s time to start decorating. Collect all the skewers with berries into one bouquet and secure with tape or other sticky tape. Then set it aside, or better yet, place it back in the glass so as not to crush anything.
  9. The final stage, during which we wrap the skewers in a “package”. Floral paper is perfect for this purpose. There are several options for twisting a bouquet, but we will look at the simplest one. Take a square piece of paper and fold it into an envelope. Make sure that the wooden sticks are not visible from the side. Tie the envelope with a satin ribbon.

So it turned out to be a beautiful and original gift!

Possible design options for a berry bouquet

On the Internet you will find many examples of a delicious bouquet, and it is not at all necessary that it consists entirely of strawberries. If desired, you can dilute the composition with other sweets or even flowers.

Basket with chocolate covered strawberries
