Famous people named Peter. Origin and character of the name Peter

Interpretation of this male name- stone, rock. The boy so named is restless, inquisitive, and loves outdoor games. As an adult, he demonstrates strength of character, loyalty to chosen goals, and integrity in judgment, which already corresponds to the meaning of the name Peter.

As a child, the baby shows curiosity and an inquisitive mind towards all the objects around him. He bombards adults with questions and sometimes confuses them with his reasoning. The best toy for a child named by this name is a construction set. Petya is a sociable and sociable boy. He always has a lot of friends in the yard or kindergarten. Until adolescence, he prefers the company of boys - tomboys like himself.

As a schoolboy, he studies without much zeal, but already with primary classes enjoys sports. For a boy, it matters what sport he chooses, since his future often depends on it. The meaning of the name Peter is reflected here to a greater extent - the teenager shows strength of character in achieving best result in sports.

IN school years Petya already knows where will he go study further. Often the choice falls on sports career. In any case, he takes his education seriously and from a young age, in parallel with his studies, begins to work. Independence from parents and independent life are the main goals of a young man.

Infatuation with the opposite sex during these years, as a rule, is not serious and is limited to flirting and courtship. The meaning of the name Peter during the period of growing up is characterized by determination, hard work and perseverance.


A man so named is visually attractive, physically strong, intelligent and possesses good feeling humor. All these qualities attract the opposite sex. This means that it is not difficult for the owner of the name to win the woman he likes. In his youth, he often flirts with girls, but rarely does this game lead to a serious relationship.

A young man's early marriage is often unsuccessful. But having married at a more mature age or for the second time, he is happy in his marriage. Having a naturally passionate temperament, a man can commit treason. Sex is of great importance to him, but feelings are still more important.

As a husband, he can cheat on his wife; declaring his love to his chosen one, he is able to be in a close relationship with another woman. However, intimacy for him is not as paramount in love as kinship of souls and mutual understanding. While he cheats on his beloved with his body, he remains faithful to her with his soul.


The family life of this person develops successfully if he marries closer to 30 years old. In the period of 20-30 years, he, from a purposeful but frivolous young man in love, turns into a man who knows his worth with a stable worldview and the desire to create a strong family union.

The importance of family in Peter's life is enormous. This means that, being the father of the family, he makes every effort to ensure that his wife and children live comfortably, and the atmosphere in the family is favorable. This is a caring dad who loves and pampers his children. He is an example of a real man for them. Grown-up daughters are looking for chosen ones similar to their father, and sons copy him in everything.

Peter leads healthy image life, takes care of his physical shape, reads a lot, holidays in his house are always held in the cheerful company of relatives and close friends. While married, a man can cheat on his wife. However, betrayal does not matter to him of great importance and are of a one-time nature.

Business and career

Petya starts his career from the very bottom. He, like a sponge, absorbs all the information he receives at work in the process of moving up the career ladder, which means this is his undeniable advantage over his colleagues. Possessing a good memory, he uses the accumulated experience in his rapid rise to the professional top.

Often, having gained practice, he organizes his own business. Charm and sociability help him resolve conflicts and problems at work. This employee often acts as a guarantor of completing assigned tasks efficiently and on time, as he does not throw promises to the wind. Colleagues prefer to work with him as a team because he meticulously and accurately carries out the duties assigned to him.

For him, the material component of his work is of considerable importance. If the owner of this name knows that as a result of the efforts he puts in, he will receive a good reward, then he will work harder and more diligently. Areas of activity can be varied: sports, trade, production. Whatever direction he chooses, he will achieve success everywhere thanks to his perseverance.

Origin of the name Peter

The etymology of the name is Greek. It is not known exactly where it came from. The origin of the name Peter possibly stems from the Apostle Peter, whose name was derived from Christ himself. The Hebrew word “kypha” (from Hebrew - stone), which Christ called the fisherman Simon, was translated into Greek as “petrus” (from Greek - stone). Therefore, it is quite possible that the history of the name has Jewish roots.

Characteristics of the name Peter

Peter's character is distinguished by his balance and friendliness. In reality, it has both pros and cons. This is a person you can rely on, you can trust him with a secret and at the same time be sure that it will remain between you.

Petya will never refuse help if he can do it. There is no rancor in this person’s character, and after a major quarrel he quickly moves away. It doesn't matter to him what kind of person asks him for help. He is even ready to come to the rescue of his enemy.

The disadvantages include absent-mindedness and inattention. If you want him to hear you, repeat your request several times. Due to absent-mindedness, he may not hear what is being said to him, thereby causing offense on the part of the interlocutor. In general, the characteristics of the name Peter have more advantages than disadvantages and endow its owner with a real masculine nature.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone - amber, emerald.
  • Name days - January 3, January 29, June 25.
  • Horoscope - Virgo, Capricorn.
  • Color - light brown, dark red.

Famous people

  • Peter I - the last Tsar of All Rus' and the first Emperor Russian Empire.
  • Pyotr Mamonov is a Russian rock musician, actor, and poet.
  • Peter Chernyshev is a Russian, American figure skater, five-time US champion.

In different languages

Translation of the name from Greek (Πέτρος) - rock, stone. How Peter is translated, according to its meaning, into Japanese: 石- Ishi. Let's look at the spelling and pronunciation of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages:

Japanese: ピョートル (pyo-to-ru) Chinese: 彼得 (bi-de) Spanish: Pedro (pe-dro) French: Pierre (pierre)

Name forms

There are many diminutives, abbreviations and derivatives of this name. The following derivatives are popular in colloquial use: Petya, Petrusha, Petrukha, Petryai, Petyunya, Petenka, Petrik, Petechka. Full name Peter is used to emphasize respect.

This is what boys are called by mostly Christians, regardless of denomination. The name became widespread in America and Europe. In Russia, compared to the beginning of the twentieth century, children are now less often called this way. According to church custom, the name Peter is given at baptism without change and, as a rule, the patron saint of its owner is the Apostle Peter.

Declension of the name: Peter, Petra, Petru, Petra, Petrom, Petre.

According to Popov

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: “Stone, rock” (Greek)

Energy of the name and character: There is a saying - “make a soft bed, but sleep hard.” Approximately the same can be said about the energy of the name Peter, which begins very softly and ends with significant tension. In addition, the energy of the name is noticeably reflected in the largely contradictory activities of the Russian Tsar Peter Alekseevich, who in our time continues to excite minds, however, this time in the form of a scandalous multimillion-dollar monument by Mr. Tsereteli. And the Apostle Peter, who alone of all the twelve apostles continually tried to combine Christian humility with belligerence and a tendency to rage - if this character of his was reflected throughout the entire Roman Catholic Church, then what can we say about a simple man named Peter ? Of course, to one degree or another, all these contradictions will be reflected in him.

From childhood, most Petrovs have significant pride, often painful. Usually he grows up to be a fairly active and good-natured child, but he reacts extremely hard to insults. This is all the more unpleasant because diminutive name- Petya - inclines him to show gullibility, gentleness, perhaps even excessive childish tenderness, the more painful it is for him when faced with rudeness and insult. There is absolutely no plasticity in the name Peter; it must be said that the Western version - Peter - is much more advantageous in this sense. In a word, the Russian Peter, poorly equipped to mitigate conflicts and grievances, will most likely try to hide his vulnerable soul behind some kind of mask. Often, cynicism becomes such a mask; in a more relaxed form, this manifests itself in irony and mockery; it is also possible that Petya will turn into a closed, unsociable person, finding an outlet in books, music, creativity, or in communication with really close people, whom he will not have the same too much.

It is interesting that, with all his vulnerability, Peter often considers it his virtue to be able to tell people to their faces what he thinks about them, not noticing that similar actions of others are the source of his own tragedies, because it is easy to judge, but if you try to understand a person, then often and no court is needed. If you get rid of this habit and learn to understand and accept people for who they are, then Peter will free himself from many painful experiences and will be perfectly able to show the truly bright sides of his character, which will provide him with a successful destiny, a happy family and many true friends .

Secrets of communication: Often it is Peter’s pride that is his main driver, it makes him strive for primacy in everything, but it can also be the lever with which Peter is not difficult to control. Sometimes it is enough to simply doubt his abilities or give some example, so Petya needs to be careful not to provide his ill-wishers with such a powerful weapon of influence. In conflict situations, it should be taken into account that due to his painful perception, Peter will most likely remember the offense for a very long time.

The name's trace in history:

Peter Kapitsa

They say that once Academician Pyotr Kapitsa (1894–1984) asked Academician Lysenko an insidious question: “You claim that the heredity gene does not exist and that everything depends on external influence, which is fixed as a hereditary trait. But why then, despite thousands of years of influence, Jews and Muslims are born uncircumcised and women are born virgins? In fact, the caustic irony of Kapitsa, the great Russian physicist who worked under the leadership of Rutherford himself, had a basis - he did not tolerate it when someone hid his ignorance under a smart mask, although ignorance itself could easily be understood and forgiven - behind the shoulders The scientist was expelled from the gymnasium for poor performance in classical languages. However, this very expulsion remained the only dark spot in Kapitsa’s biography, and after high school his career began to develop very successfully: first, the position of Rutherford’s deputy for magnetic research, then work in Cambridge in his own laboratory and, finally, when Kapitsa became restricted from traveling abroad, his own laboratory in Moscow.

After the scientist was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1978, they tried to involve him in the creation of an atomic bomb, but, having received a decisive refusal, he was removed from scientific work, and Pyotr Kapitsa continued his work unofficially, in a small laboratory equipped right at the dacha. Like many of his namesakes, Pyotr Kapitsa did not accept compromises, preferring a clear conscience not only to honors and awards, but also to the opportunity to simply work normally.

1. Personality: men of heart

2.Color: yellow

3. Main features: intuition - activity - reaction speed - receptivity

4. Totem plant: oak

5. Totem animal: ram

6. Sign: Aries

7. Type. Nervous choleric patients. They are independent, militant, always do everything their own way, it is not easy with them.

8. Psyche. These men are like dynamite.

9. Will. Unstable, sometimes bordering on stubbornness.

10. Excitability. Strong excitability combined with an explosive character causes a lot of trouble for others. These are men who always strive to start from scratch. They can be convinced, but not right away. Let them think, digest your arguments, and they may eventually accept your point of view.

11. Reaction speed.. Prone to attacks and aggression. Very sensitive to damage. The disappointment lasts a long time, but sometimes it is somewhat theatrical.

12. Field of activity. The decision is made with lightning speed, but then they forget about it. There is a lack of stability in their actions. They work in jerks. They are undisciplined dreamers, curious but not attentive, very capable but lazy. Not suitable for physical work. Rather, they are actors, writers, journalists, brilliant intellectuals and scholars.

13. Intuition. They have intuition from God, they are almost seers.

14. Intelligence. It is not consistent: today it is stunning, and tomorrow it is simply disappointing. For these natures, imagination prevails over reason. They are unsurpassed storytellers, but it is often difficult to understand where in their story there is truth and where there is fiction for the sake of a catchphrase.

15. Receptivity. They feel a lack of love and sensitivity, but they need to be given attention with great tact.

16. Morality. Following moral principles, they do not always act in accordance with their desires.

17. Health. Excellent. They should avoid stimulants, as they can easily become drug addicts... Weaknesses - musculoskeletal system and eyes.

18. Sexuality. A developed imagination combined with strong sexuality makes life difficult for them. You never know whether they really love or just dream of love, especially since they hide their feelings. These men are very charming and women like them.

19. Activity, often bordering on madness. They are capable of organizing a real “circus,” but only when it amuses them.

20. Sociability. Depends on their mood: they can shine in society, or they can deliberately avoid it.

21. Conclusion. If such young men are brought up in strictness, then enormous opportunities open up before them, but if they begin to flutter from flower to flower, then it will not be easy to catch them!

According to Mendelev

A kind and gentle name for a small and reliable person. This name does not shine with good and bright signs; everything that Peter achieves in life is achieved not thanks to the qualities inherent in him from birth, but in spite of them.

In terms of his intellect, Peter is not inclined to analysis and calculation further development events, which, together with weak intuition, can lead to serious mistakes, especially since Peter himself is confident in the infallibility of his decisions and the accuracy of his foresight. Moral problems also do not interest him very much, at least his actions do not indicate this.

He tends to choose an occupation that does not correspond to his tastes, inclinations and capabilities, and therefore rarely reaches the heights of his career and professional success. Peter's reaction speed is often very good; the trouble is that the reaction itself does not always correspond to the event, often it is inadequate, Peter does not accept other people's advice and opinions, he decides all issues himself - right or wrong, but according to his own understanding. Not having a strong will, he tries to lead, influence the course of events, actively interfering in them, which is not always possible. True, a balanced psyche helps him to endure failures and “stay in the saddle.”

If you don’t make too many demands on him, you can quite get along with Peter: he is attentive and courteous, successfully solves all current everyday problems, which provides him with a relatively good standard of living.

He is reliable in the family. He can be too edifying and boring, but all his comments are dictated, of course, by the best intentions.

The colors of the name Peter are yellow-green and orange.

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

Peter is a self-confident, sober-minded person, and he remains so in close relationships with women. His sexual behavior is always predictable, he thinks through everything in advance, and does not like impulsive actions or cavalry attacks. With his love, he usually does not evoke strong emotions; in some cases, spiritual communication is more important to him than physical intimacy, but at the same time, sex also plays a role in his modest life.

Petra is not the last place. He wisely includes sex in communication with a woman so that it enriches their relationship without creating discomfort for Peter himself. He is very sensitive to any failures in his intimate life, so he prefers slow success to quick success. Peter does not like to change his partners; having found understanding in a woman, he will try to keep her next to him for as long as possible. Peter's is quite strong

sexual excitability, usually already at the beginning physical contacts strives for sexual intercourse, but he has good self-control and the ability to curb his passions.

It is difficult to involve Peter in any kind of love adventure; in this he is very careful and circumspect. His inner world is somewhat unstable, he is subject to sudden changes in mood, and this greatly interferes with his intimate life. In love, Peter is secretive; he does not trust his love secrets to anyone. He greatly values ​​female affection; a well-established and orderly sex life gives him a sense of peace and stability. “Winter” Peter is sexy, freedom-loving, he can tolerate his wife’s commanding habits for a long time, but one fine day he will leave her without any explanation.

According to Higir

Comes from the ancient Greek word “petra” - rock, cliff, block of stone.

Petya is growing up as an inquisitive boy. Nothing passes his child's mind, he looks at everything and wants to know everything: how a swallow's nest is built, where an owl sleeps and how a bearing works. He has a strong sense of solidarity, and if the boys in the yard have caused trouble, Petya will most likely be with them. Little Petya, as a rule, is musically gifted and has a good voice. Parents will do the right thing if they take their son to a music school. In his youth, he often collected photographs and records of his favorite artists. There are almost no problems with studying. Petya is drawn to knowledge and, after graduating from school, strives to continue his education. He chooses his profession according to his vocation, treats his professional training thoroughly, and strives to be one of the best. He has a penchant for analysis and systematization, which is why investigators, scientists and writers are often found among Peters.

Peter has been looking for a wife for a long time and, having finally met one who matches his ideal, acts quickly and decisively. If he makes a mistake, then he does not blame anyone but himself for what happened. A wife, according to Peter, must first of all be faithful. All her other qualities are not so important to him.

Loves to take care of helpless animals, small children, and helps old people. He is very attached to his mother, and the wife will have to come to terms with the leading role of the mother-in-law in her husband’s actions. He does housework according to his mood. Jealous, unrestrained in jealousy. Cheating can only arise on the basis of a conflictual relationship with a wife - as a way of self-affirmation. He drinks little.

The best wife for Peter would be Angelina, Alevtina, Alina, Varvara, Vera, Veronica, Vesta, Gella, Glafira, Danuta, Diana, Evgenia, Ekaterina, Larisa, Lyudmila,

Marta, Natalya, Roxana, Svetlana, Christina, Ella, Yadviga. Life with Borislava, Valeria, Dina, Elena, Zinaida, Inga, Irina, Marina, Nelly, Oksana and Tatyana may not turn out well.

Lunar calendar for today

The symbol of the day is moderation, which clearly echoes the XIV Arcana of the Tarot cards “Moderation”, calling us to maintain calm, purity of thoughts, balance in emotions. This is a pure day - justice, purification. This...

Today the church celebrates Peter's Day. We found out which of the bearers of this name became most famous in our country

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July 12 all Orthodox Russia celebrates the day of the apostles Peter and Paul or simply Peter's Day. This church holiday has become one of the people's favorites.

According to Peter and Paul, they measured the end of the “Kupala” holidays, haymaking and the summer wedding season. It is with the latter circumstance, by the way, that one now little-known proverb is connected: “Before Peter, a girl is cunning, but against Petra, at least wipe her face.” Like, she wants to get married by any means necessary before the Day of the Apostles, and then she sheds tears that she didn’t have time.

And on the first Sunday after Peter's Day Eastern Slavs They organized a comic funeral for Kostroma and Yarila (spirits of spring and fertility). For this reason or another, the name Peter has become one of the most popular among the Russian people. Let's see which of its bearers became most famous.

1st place. This is undoubtedly (1672 - 1725), the ninth Tsar and the first Emperor of Russia. The youngest son of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich from the Romanov dynasty literally turned the country and the geopolitical situation in the world upside down. He created a modern army and navy, built St. Petersburg, defeated Sweden, changed the entire system of government of the country, modernized industry, opened a window to Europe, in the end. It was not for nothing that in 1721 the Senate presented Peter with the title of emperor and the nickname the Great. However, this is one side of the coin. On the other - the strengthening of serfdom, great human losses in the war and great construction projects, the destruction of the institution of the patriarchate. Even Peter planted a mine on his own dynasty, bringing the heir Alexei Petrovich to the death and not approving the new order of succession to the throne. One way or another, in order to “raise Russia on its hind legs,” you need to be a truly great person.

2nd place. . Tsar Peter created the Russian Empire, but 200 years later it found itself on the brink of crisis. The flames of the revolution of 1905-1907 were still burning in the country, the peasant riots were again replaced by terrorist attacks organized by the underground, and the State Duma was fully criticizing the emperor. Petr Arkadyevich Stolypin (1862-1911) must save the state, which was teetering on the edge of an abyss. A representative of an old noble family, second cousin of the poet Mikhail Lermontov, a brilliantly educated official rose to prominence during the leadership of the Grodno and Saratov provinces. His fearlessness, intelligence and ability to restore order attracted the attention of Emperor Nicholas II, who in 1906 appointed Stolypin Minister of the Interior, and three months later Prime Minister. The positions were executed by firing squad at that time (two of Stolypin’s predecessors as head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were killed by terrorists).

There were 11 attempts on the life of the new minister. But in 5 years at the helm of Russia, Stolypin managed to extinguish the embers of the recent revolution, resettle 3 million landless peasants in Siberia, organize a new electoral system for elections to the III and IV State Dumas, and carry out a number of important economic reforms. The Prime Minister said: “Give the state 20 years of internal and external peace and you will not recognize today’s Russia.” Alas, no one gave Russia so many years; the First World War and revolution soon broke out. Stolypin himself was given even less time: in 1911 he was shot and killed by the terrorist Bogrov. By the way, in the “Name of Russia” project, organized in 2008 by the Rossiya TV channel, Stolypin took second place, and Peter I took fifth place.

3rd place. (1840-1893). Perhaps the most famous Russian composer. A lawyer by training, Tchaikovsky left his service in the Ministry of Justice and entered the St. Petersburg Conservatory. “I traded law for the pipe,” they said in the family. As life has shown, the exchange was not in vain. Tchaikovsky left the world 10 operas, 3 ballets, 100 romances, and many symphonic and individual orchestral works. Peter Ilyich wrote such music that Leo Tolstoy, listening to it, burst into tears... His ballets “Swan Lake”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “The Nutcracker”, the operas “Eugene Onegin” and “The Queen of Spades” are still staged.

The composer was unhappy in his personal life, which gave rise to rumors about his homosexuality. But Tchaikovsky's biographers note that his novels were exclusively platonic in nature.

4th place. (1765-1812). One of the most famous generals and heroes of the War of 1812. A descendant of the Georgian royal house of Bagrationov began his service as a private in the Astrakhan infantry regiment. In 17 years he rose to the rank of major general, distinguishing himself in the Russian-Turkish wars and the Polish campaign. In Suvorov's Italian and Swiss campaigns in 1799, General Bagration commanded the vanguard. This campaign glorified Bagration as an excellent general, whose characteristic was complete composure in the most difficult situations.

Participant in the wars against Napoleon, distinguished himself in the battles of Schöngraben, Austerlitz, Preussisch-Eylau, Friedland. The French emperor considered him one of the best Russian generals. And this despite the fact that Bagration had no military education.

By the way, about Pyotr Ivanovich’s composure. Denis Davydov, who served as Bagration’s adjutant, somehow rushed in with the news that the enemy was already at hand! To which Bagration replied to the snub-nosed Davydov: “If, Denis, it’s on your nose, then it’s really close; if it’s on mine, then we’ll still have time to dine!”

During the war with Sweden, his troops, having crossed the Gulf of Bothnia across the ice, occupied the Åland Islands and reached the shores of Sweden, causing a wild fright in Stockholm.

During the war of 1812, Prince Bagration commanded the 2nd Western Army, insisted on a general battle with Napoleon and waited for it. On September 7, the general was mortally wounded by a French cannonball while commanding a counterattack of the Russian army on the left flank.

5th place. (1878 - 1928), black baron from the Red Army song, last commander of the White Army in Crimea. He came from a Baltic noble family originating from Denmark. The Wrangel family gave Russia 18 generals and two admirals. Pyotr Nikolaevich himself, being a graduate of the Mining Institute, volunteered for the Life Guards Horse Regiment. Then he passed the exams for the officer rank at the Nikolaev Cavalry School and went into the reserve. During Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905 volunteered in Transbaikal Cossack army. He retained his passion for the Cossack uniform throughout his life. Repeatedly distinguished himself in the Russian-Japanese and First world war. From 1914 to 1917, the brave and talented officer rose from captain to major general.

Wrangel did not accept the revolution; in 1918 he joined the Volunteer Army. Successfully commanded a division, corps, and army. But due to a conflict with Denikin, he went abroad. He returned in April 1920, when he was chosen commander of the Armed Forces of Southern Russia. He managed to defend Crimea and Northern Tavria from the Red Army for seven months, but in November 1920 he still admitted the defeat of the Whites. Emigrated with the remnants of the army. Wanting to preserve the military unity of the white emigration, in 1924 he created the Russian All-Military Union. He died suddenly in 1928 in Belgium. According to one version, he was poisoned by NKVD agents,

6th place. (1867-1906), naval lieutenant and revolutionary. He went down in history as one of the leaders of the Sevastopol uprising of 1905, who led the unsuccessful mutiny of the cruiser Ochakov. Shot by court-martial in 1906. During the Soviet years, Schmidt was portrayed as a romantic hero who laid down his life on the altar of revolution. Modern researchers point out that the legendary lieutenant (and in fact, a retired captain of the 2nd rank) was a man with a disturbed psyche, extremely dissatisfied with his unfulfilled career, and before his resignation he was also accused of embezzlement of government money (the situation was saved by his uncle, Admiral Vladimir Schmidt, repaying a debt for his unlucky nephew). Like, all this pushed Pyotr Petrovich to take an adventure.

It is interesting that Schmidt’s son Evgeniy, who was with his father on the rebel “Ochakovo”, Civil War fought in the White Army. Maybe the failed officer would have sunk into oblivion, but Ilf and Petrov brought out their charming adventurers Bender, Panikovsky and Balaganov in the role of “children of Lieutenant Schmidt.”

7th place. (1894 - 1984), Soviet physicist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Laureate Nobel Prize in physics (1978) for the discovery of the phenomenon of superfluidity of liquid helium, introduced the term “superfluidity” into scientific use. In World War I he volunteered to go to the front. In 1921-1934 he worked in Cambridge under the guidance of the famous Rutherford. In 1934 he was summoned back to the USSR and received the status of being restricted from traveling abroad until 1965. First director of the Institute of Physical Problems at the Academy of Sciences (1934-1946 and 1955-1984). Thanks to Kapitsa's intervention, future academicians Fok and Landau were released from NKVD prison. Participant of the Soviet atomic project. Twice Hero Socialist Labor(1946, 1974).

By the way, in his free time from science, Pyotr Leonidovich was interested in playing chess and making household utensils and furniture in his own workshop. And his son Sergei Kapitsa, also a physicist, hosted a popular TV show about science, “Obvious - Incredible,” for more than 30 years.

8th place. (1887 -1914), Russian military pilot, staff captain. The founder of aerobatics (Nesterov loop). Killed in air combat. One of the best graduates of the Mikhailovsky Artillery School, Nesterov became interested in aeronautics in 1910 and two years later passed the exams to become a military pilot. Actively participated in the improvement and modernization of aircraft, designed new system engine. Possessing deep knowledge in the field of mathematics and mechanics (thanks to his artillery past), Pyotr Nesterov substantiated the possibility of performing deep turns, and in August 1913 he made a loop! At the beginning of 1914, he set a flight distance record on the route Kyiv - Gatchina (9 hours 35 minutes).

With the outbreak of the First World War, he took part in the battles for Lviv. Nesterov carried out aerial reconnaissance and carried out one of the first bombing missions in Russia. The bombing was carried out by the pilot so effectively that the Austrian command promised a large monetary reward to the one who shot him down. On September 8, 1914, he went to ram the Austrian Albatross aircraft. It was the world's first aerial ram! Pyotr Nesterov destroyed the Austrian, but he himself died in this clash. One of the aircraft is named after the pilot. state awards Russian Federation - Nesterov medal.

9th place. (1827-1914), Russian geographer, botanist, entomologist, statistician, statesman and public figure. In 1849-1853 he made a series of trips around central Russia, compiling a description of the flora. And in 1856 he went on an expedition to the Tien Shan mountain system. Over the course of two years, Semenov visited Altai, Semirechensky and Zailiysky Alata, and Lake Issyk-Kul. He was the first European traveler to penetrate the Tien Shan and the first to visit the highest mountain group - Khan Tengri. Initiator of a number of expeditions to Central Asia.

In 1859-1860 he participated as an expert member and manager of the affairs of the Editorial Commission for the preparation of the peasant reform of 1861. In 1873 - an honorary member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. Organizer of the first Russian population census in 1897. In the same year, he became a member of the highest legislative body of the Russian Empire - the State Council. He was awarded many Russian orders, including the highest - St. Andrew the First-Called. And in 1906 he received an honorary prefix to his surname - Tian-Shansky. By the way, it is depicted in Repin’s famous painting “The Ceremonial Meeting of the State Council.”

Children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of Semenov-Tyan-Shansky continued the scientific activities of Pyotr Petrovich, both in Russia and in the USSR.

10th place. (1725-1796), one of the best Russian commanders of the 18th century. During the Seven Years' War he distinguished himself in the battles of Gross-Jägersdorf and Kunersdorf, but real glory came to him during Russian-Turkish war 1768-1774 years. In July 1771, at the Battle of Larga, Rumyantsev's 25,000-strong army defeated an 80,000-strong Turkish-Tatar corps. And two weeks later, in the Battle of Kagul, he defeated the Turkish army, which had a 10-fold superiority. What followed was a series of successful assaults on Turkish fortresses. And in 1774, Rumyantsev forced the Turks to conclude the Kuchuk-Kainardzhi Peace Treaty, which was beneficial for Russia. For this, Empress Catherine II bestowed on her commander the title of field marshal and the honorary prefix Zadunaisky to the surname.
