Sour cream is good for the pancreas. Sour cream at chronic and other stages of development of pancreatitis

Sour cream is a tasty and healthy fermented milk product that is widely used in cooking (suitable for seasoning soups, salads, as a base for sauces and creams, etc.). But due to its high calorie content, sour cream is not included in the list of dietary products.

In case of inflammation of the pancreas, this product should be introduced into the diet of patients with extreme caution and in minimal quantities.

Composition and beneficial properties

Sour cream is a source of proteins, milk fats, and calcium that are easily absorbed by the body. Benefit dairy product It also lies in the fact that the complex of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, as well as group B contained in it helps the human body to recover faster. Lactose (milk sugar) facilitates the absorption of calcium and is necessary for normal microflora intestines. The rich mineral composition allows you to normalize metabolic processes and has a beneficial effect on the digestive system.

Doctors may allow fermented milk products to be introduced into the patient’s diet, because such food is easily digestible and quickly satisfies hunger. In this case, sour cream for pancreatitis can be included in the patient’s menu only in exceptional cases. High calorie and high fat content can aggravate the patient's condition and reduce the result of treatment, but some patients feel worse from debilitating strict dietary restrictions.

When used rationally (to improve the taste and enrich the composition of some dietary dishes), sour cream will be healthier than cream or butter, since fats and proteins are more easily absorbed after the milk fermentation process.

Selection rules

The quality of products intended for nutrition of patients with pancreatitis plays a decisive role at any stage of the pathology and most directly affects the course of the inflammatory process. The quality of sour cream is determined by GOST R 52092-2003. When choosing dairy products, you should pay attention to the expiration date and composition.

Sour cream should be made only from natural cream and fermented milk starter. Any thickeners, preservatives, stabilizers, vegetable fats and starch must be absent from the composition. Products made with additives are prohibited for people with medical conditions digestive system.

The prefix “BIO” on a product released in accordance with GOST indicates that sour cream is enriched with bifidobacteria and probiotics that are beneficial for digestion. To confirm the presence of living microorganisms, the manufacturer indicates CFU in the composition.

The expiration date also affects the correct choice. Natural sour cream is suitable for consumption within 2 weeks from the date of production, and after opening the package - 72 hours. If the shelf life is a month or more, then the product was produced using high temperatures. Heat treatment is needed to extend shelf life, but it is detrimental to lactic acid bacteria. Such a product loses its value; it does not contain microflora and nutrients beneficial to the body.

Features of use

With pancreatitis, patients may be allowed to consume sour cream, but not in its pure form (for a snack or instead of breakfast), but only as an addition to dietary dishes. The fat content of the fermented milk product should be as low as possible.

In acute form

During this period, the patient is strictly prohibited from consuming sour cream. For an inflamed gland, even the lowest percentage of fat content will be detrimental and will place an excessive burden on the organ. Even the smallest portion can cause severe complications.

In the chronic stage

The patient must take responsibility for his health and monitor the state of the body and the reaction to a particular product. Nutritionists recommend including sour cream in the menu only when a stable phase of clinical and laboratory remission occurs. If the patient has no pain, but steatorrhea persists ( increased content undigested fats in feces), then consuming fermented milk products (even as part of dishes) is unacceptable.

If the patient’s condition is good and tests confirm stable pancreatic function, then the doctor may allow the patient to add 1 tsp every other day. natural product in dietary dishes.

During exacerbation of the disease

Sour cream is prohibited for consumption due to the risk of an extremely severe relapse.


Low-fat dairy products in small quantities can be included in the diet of patients with cholecystopancreatitis. Both diseases require following the principles of diet plan No. 5.

This suggests that fermented milk product is useful in small quantities, and it should not have a high degree of fat content.

How to use

People who are forced to adhere to strict dietary nutrition, you shouldn’t risk breaking the established routine. Even if your doctor allows you to occasionally include sour cream in your menu, you should not consume it in its pure form. It can become an ingredient in the composition of the usual dietary dish(vegetable puree, soup), it can be used to season fruit and vegetable salads; milk and sour cream sauce will add a piquant taste to meat dishes.

But even cooking requires caution from the patient; one must carefully monitor the body’s reaction. If heartburn, diarrhea or nausea occurs, sour cream should be excluded from the diet.

Sour cream for pancreatitis is limited to the diet in the first place. This is due to the fat content in its composition and high calorie content. When symptoms of pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas - appear, treatment begins with diet No. 5p according to Pevzner. When the signs of an acute inflammatory process subside, you can introduce sour cream into the diet, but little by little - no more than a tablespoon per day.

Composition of the product and its benefits for pancreatic diseases

At the ripening stage, sour cream loses a large amount of sugars contained in the cream. It is this loss that makes it more easily digestible.

The remaining components are retained:

  • complex of vitamins – A, B, C, D, E, PP, H;
  • compounds of proteins and carbohydrates;
  • organic and fatty acids;
  • milk sugar.

The negative aspects include the high calorie and fat content of sour cream, which is dangerous for pancreatitis.

Is it possible to eat sour cream if you have pancreatitis?

Despite the positive properties, you should not get carried away with excessive consumption of sour cream, especially if you suspect pancreatitis. The product can be harmful, since an excessive concentration of fats overloads the pancreas.

In the acute phase

In the moment acute pancreatitis The patient is prescribed a strict diet. If the condition is severe, you cannot eat or even drink at all for a certain time. The use of sour cream for pancreatitis during an exacerbation is completely impossible. The product in small portions or even in diluted form can lead to serious complications that will require a long course of therapy.

During remission

During the period of weakening of the symptoms of chronic inflammatory processes in the pancreas, you can go beyond the restrictions and pamper yourself a little.

The introduction of sour cream into the diet for pancreatitis is allowed provided:

  • stable long-term remission;
  • absence of clinical manifestations of pancreatitis (abdominal pain, diarrhea);
  • no signs of steatorrhea (fat in stool);
  • clinical tests are within normal limits.

If the above points are observed, sour cream can be consumed in moderation. You can eat no more than 1 tablespoon per day. However, if even minor disturbances appear in the body while consuming a fermented milk product, even in a small dose, you should immediately remove it from the menu. Signs to look out for:

  • Digestive disorders in the form of loose stools mixed with undigested fats.
  • Diarrhea with dyspeptic symptoms (nausea, vomiting) and painful sensations indicates a problem with the pancreas due to excess fat in food.

The return of these symptoms may indicate an exacerbation of pancreatitis.

How to choose the right sour cream

In case of pancreatitis, not only the condition of the diseased organ, but also the entire organism as a whole depends on the chosen product. When purchasing sour cream, it is recommended to pay attention to the following:

  • Suitability. A high-quality product with live bacteria can be stored for no more than 14 days from the date of manufacture. A long shelf life indicates that the raw materials were subject to heat treatment.
  • Fat content of fermented milk product. Sour cream with the lowest fat content is excellent for people with chronic pancreatitis.
  • Compound. The presence of substitutes significantly reduces the quality of the product. Natural sour cream should contain only cream and sourdough.

What can be replaced

Sour cream is included in the diet of patients with pancreatitis with extreme caution. Doctors allow it to be eaten based not on its usefulness, but on the wishes of the patient himself. If the patient can do without this product, there is no need to include it in the diet. To replenish the body with the necessary components and calcium, you can replace sour cream with Greek yogurt, thick kefir, and low-fat cottage cheese. Unsweetened homemade yoghurts and sourdoughs are good as salad dressings.

Healthy and tasty recipes with fermented milk products

Patients with pancreatitis should not consume sour cream in its pure form. It is added only to add flavor to dietary dishes.

Summer vegetable salad

In the summer, in the midst of an abundance of vegetables and fruits, you want to make the most of all natural vitamins. Making a salad from these ingredients is not difficult. For the salad you will need fresh cucumbers, boiled eggs, lettuce, parsley, onion and dill. Cut the cucumbers into small rings and mix with chopped eggs. Add chopped herbs. Season the finished dish with sour cream 15% fat.

Cabbage soup with cabbage

White cabbage, cut into squares, is added to the secondary broth resulting from cooking the meat. After half an hour, add chopped vegetables (potatoes, carrots) and onions and cook until fully cooked.

When serving, the dish is decorated with herbs, sour cream and pieces of boiled meat.

Adding a little sour cream to regular dishes, you diversify your diet and get a portion of calcium and vitamins.

Curd pudding

You can compensate for the lack of calcium using dishes made from other fermented milk products. To prepare, you need to separate the whites from two eggs. Add 2 tsp to the whites. semolina, sugar and 200 g of cottage cheese. Mix thoroughly. The mixture is placed in a baking dish and sent to the oven.

Apple pie with kefir

Several apples are peeled and cut into small slices. For the charlotte base, beat 250 ml of kefir with two eggs. Add one glass of semolina and flour to the mixture. Mix everything until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Place apples on the oiled bottom of the frying pan and pour the resulting dough on top. Bake in the oven for 40 minutes.


To make dietary cheesecakes, take 0.5 kg of low-fat cottage cheese, mix with a glass of flour, 2 tbsp. sugar and egg. Flat balls are made from the resulting dough and placed on a frying pan covered with parchment. Place in the oven for 35 minutes.

With pancreatitis, any new dish should be introduced into the diet with caution. Even the most diet pie can aggravate the course of the disease. Be sure to listen to how your body reacts to dishes with sour cream.

Sour cream is one of the most beloved and popular products of residents of many countries, where it is present on the table in almost every home. Not every one of them modern people boasts excellent health, so the question is always relevant: is it permissible or not to use sour cream for diseases of the digestive system?

Despite the fact that sour cream has many beneficial properties, in case of pancreatitis it should be included in the menu with caution.

Chemical composition and beneficial qualities

Sour cream is produced by fermenting cream using a special fermented milk starter. In terms of fat content, it can be low-fat (10%), medium-fat (15 - 25%) and fatty (30% or more). Sour cream contains:

  • vitamins ─ A, B, C, D, E, H;
  • microelements ─ Ca, P, Mg, K, Fe;
  • easily digestible proteins, carbohydrates;
  • organic and fatty acids;
  • milk sugar.

This composition is most suitable for stabilizing metabolic processes not only of the pancreas, but also of the entire body.

Useful properties of sour cream

The disadvantages of the product include high fat content and calorie content, which is why sour cream is not included in many diets.

High fat content of sour cream causes overload of the digestive organs

Patients with pancreatitis should remember one more feature of this product. Sour cream contains choline ─ vitamin B4. In the body, it is transformed into acetylcholine ─ a chemical compound, a neurotransmitter. Its physiological effect is to stimulate receptors. The activity of acetylcholine leads to increased secretion of the pancreas, increased peristalsis of the stomach and intestines, which is unacceptable in case of pancreatitis. And, despite the fact that this substance is unstable and does not have a long-term effect, it is better to eat sour cream in limited quantities.

Sour cream for acute and chronic pancreatitis

In order for the treatment of pancreatitis to be successful and the risk of complications to be minimized, in acute forms of inflammation, as well as during periods of exacerbation of the chronic process, eating sour cream is contraindicated.

Sour cream for pancreatitis in the chronic stage is allowed for consumption, but under certain conditions:

  • stable long-term remission;
  • absence of clinical complaints from the gastrointestinal tract: pain after eating, nausea;

If you have dyspeptic symptoms - lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain - you should avoid eating sour cream

  • absence of steatorrhea (fat in stool);
  • test results are within normal limits.

Sour cream can be introduced into the diet only after the permission of the attending physician or nutritionist. An important principle is that you need to start consuming the product in small portions, strictly controlling and recording any reactions of the body to eating such food. If the patient’s well-being does not deteriorate, the amount of sour cream can be increased.

Eating sour cream as an independent product, for example, as an afternoon snack, is not allowed if you have pancreatitis.

Since the diet for pancreatitis is quite poor in taste, low-fat sour cream is a good product in order to diversify the taste of food. Sauces are prepared from it with the addition of fresh herbs for meat dishes and side dishes. This fermented milk product is ideal as a dressing for vegetable salads. Sour cream is used to prepare dietary cream for fruits, casseroles, and added to first courses.

Casserole with sour cream - a great option for an afternoon snack or snack

How to choose a good product

With pathology of the pancreas, the quality and naturalness of products comes to the fore. This depends on the condition of the diseased organ and its recovery process.

When purchasing sour cream, you should consider the following:

  1. Product sales period. Natural sour cream is suitable for consumption within two weeks from the date of production. Therefore, when choosing, you need to pay attention to the date of manufacture. If the shelf life is a month or more, this means that the manufacturer used high-temperature treatment, which is detrimental to lactic acid bacteria. Such a product ceases to be useful; it contains no nutrients.
  2. Today sour cream is produced in different containers: polyethylene, glass, plastic. The packaging itself does not affect the quality.
  3. You should always read the label carefully. Natural sour cream contains exclusively cream and sourdough. If the composition includes vegetable fats, starch, additives and stabilizers, it is no longer sour cream, but a sour cream product.

Using lactic acid starter, you can make real sour cream yourself

For pancreatitis, you are allowed to eat only natural sour cream, and not its substitutes, which can be called differently, for example, sour cream product or sour cream.

Sour cream for endocrine pancreatic dysfunction

Sour cream does not have a therapeutic effect on diabetes, but diabetics can consume it in small quantities.

The bread unit (XU) of the product is close to the minimum. XE is a conventional unit for assessing the amount of carbohydrates contained in foods. 1XE = 10 grams of carbohydrates, this is approximately 20 - 25 grams of bread, depending on the type. 100 grams of low-fat sour cream contains 1 XE.

The glycemic index (an indicator of the effect of a product on blood sugar levels) of sour cream is relatively low ─ 56. But in comparison with other fermented milk products, it is quite high.

If the endocrine function of the gland is impaired, fatty sour cream will have to be abandoned.

In any case, you should not abuse the product, since sour cream in excessive quantities causes serious consequences that rapidly worsen a person’s general condition. If you have diabetes, you can eat a product with a minimum percentage of fat content. Fatty sour cream “country style” is strictly forbidden.

In type 2 diabetes, the danger of consuming sour cream lies in its calorie content, which is important for obesity and endocrine disorders. People with insulin-dependent diabetes You are allowed to eat sour cream 1-2 times a week. For type 2 diabetes, it can be consumed every other day, 1-2 tbsp. l. per day.

When consuming sour cream for pancreatitis, it is important to monitor the condition of the body and the functioning of the digestive system. If after taking it you feel heaviness, nausea and discomfort in the epigastric region, then it is better to abandon it. You can replace the product with kefir, fermented milk yogurt, and low-calorie cottage cheese.

You will learn how to choose the right sour cream from the video below:

Pancreatitis is a very serious illness, expressed as inflammation of the pancreas.

To protect yourself from severe consequences illness, you need to know what you can’t eat if you have pancreatitis, as well as what rules you should follow to avoid dangerous exacerbations.

Proper nutrition as a guarantee of health

Inflammation of the pancreas occurs mainly in people who abuse alcohol, as well as in those who suffer from gallstone disease.

The course of the disease is accompanied by certain symptoms in the form of continuous aching pain, most often in the left upper abdomen and severe vomiting. Sometimes there are cases of slight yellowing of the skin.

Pancreatitis can manifest itself in acute form, and in cases of not following the necessary rules in nutrition, as well as leading an incorrect lifestyle, it can develop into chronic form diseases.

In this case, the symptoms become less pronounced, but with periods of exacerbation and further relief of the general condition. Symptoms appear in the form of certain manifestations:

  1. pain in the left upper abdomen;
  2. nausea;
  3. weight loss;
  4. weakness, poor health.
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If chronic pancreatitis is not treated and the course of the disease will pass long time, this can lead to disruption of the normal functioning of the pancreas, which, in turn, increases the risk of developing diabetes mellitus with serious disorders of the digestive system.

To relieve inflammation in the affected organ, as well as reduce pain, the use of pancreatic enzymes is recommended.

In some cases, failure to provide qualified medical care in a timely manner can lead to the most dire consequences. You can help a person with an acute attack of inflammation of the pancreas by providing him with first aid. first aid if signs of the disease are obvious.

Actions to be taken in this case:

  1. apply a cold heating pad to the abdominal area;
  2. let you take the existing antispasmodic drug (“No-shpa”, “Spazmomen”, “Papaverine”);
  3. prohibit food intake;
  4. monitor compliance with bed rest.

The pancreas has the ability to recover, although this requires a lot of effort. If pancreatitis is detected, specialists prescribe drug treatment.

But first of all, a very important criterion in the fight against the disease is the condition of adhering to certain dietary standards with the obligatory observance of a special diet.

Dietary requirements

Nutrition for pancreatitis should be as correct as possible

The concept of a diet for many people seems like a burdensome procedure, forcing them to give up their usual goodies. Its compliance with pancreatitis is no exception.

Although this can also find its advantages, because thanks to the diet, a person gets used to a healthy and proper diet.

Maintaining a diet is mandatory for patients with all forms of the disease, also in the stage of reducing severe negative symptoms, in order to avoid further exacerbation.

The order of eating during the period of exacerbation of the disease should be as follows. Fasting and bed rest are required for 1 - 3 days. It is only permissible to drink in sufficient quantities, consisting of the following drinks:

  • still mineral water;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • green tea;
  • rare jelly.

After the feeling of pain subsides, it is recommended to gradually introduce lean meat into the diet menu; cottage cheese, low-fat cheese, and soup based on vegetable broth are useful.

Nutrition outside the acute stage

For pancreatitis, the diet should be rich in protein

The basis of a nutritious diet during remission should be food rich in protein, which is required to renew the affected pancreatic cells.

Various types of cereals saturate the body with fats and complex carbohydrates. The consumption of easily digestible carbohydrates, which are found in sugar, honey, baked goods, and jam, should be reduced.

Food should be consumed warm, excluding hot food, as well as cold food, in order to avoid an irritating effect on the gastric mucosa and increased secretion of enzymes.

It is advisable to cook dishes using a double boiler, either boil or bake. It is also necessary to exclude fried foods, spices, and canned foods from the menu. Smoking and drinking any type of alcohol is strictly prohibited.

You need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day

Due to the inflammatory process in the pancreas, this organ cannot function at full capacity and cannot cope with normal digestion fatty foods due to insufficient enzyme numbers.

Therefore, it is necessary to exclude from the valid menu:

  1. pork, duck, goose, lamb;
  2. salmon, mackerel, herring;
  3. liver;
  4. any types of canned food.

It is not advisable to consume raw vegetables and fruits; it is permissible to use them in food after heat treatment, and some should be completely removed from the diet. Among them:

  • White cabbage;
  • spinach;
  • beans;
  • tomatoes;
  • radish;
  • cucumbers

Eating these vegetables, especially in large quantities, leads to increased fermentation in the intestines, resulting in bloating and distension in the abdomen. It is also not advisable to consume some fruits and berries that have an acidic taste.

In this case, baked apples, berries in the form of jelly, jellies, compotes with the addition of dried fruits are useful.

You can list the dishes that should not be used in the diet of a patient with pancreatitis:

  1. mushrooms and a decoction of them;
  2. millet and pearl barley porridge;
  3. eggs, raw and fried;
  4. marinades, spices;
  5. sausages and various smoked meats;
  6. pastries, cakes, ice cream; chocolate candies;
  7. coffee, black tea, chicory, cocoa, bread kvass, and hot chocolate.

What is allowed

Some foods will have to be abandoned forever!

Despite quite large restrictions on the consumption of products, in diet menu Various healthy dishes may be present, especially if they are prepared using a steamer.

It is clear that at the beginning of following a special diet, the taste of the low-fat food taken with an insufficient amount of salt for the usual diet may seem unusual and bland.

But over time, this will pass, a person gets used to it, and subsequently most correctly used products will taste quite pleasant.

For pancreatitis, it is allowed to add vegetable and butter to dishes in small doses. Minimize the consumption of confectionery products with the addition of margarine, full-fat milk, all types of nuts, and seeds because great content they contain fat.

Due to White bread not recommended for dieting; it should be replaced with a whole grain or bran product. At the same time, fresh baked goods are not allowed, since stale flour products are more useful for the normal functioning of the pancreas.

Dietary nutrition involves eating low-fat fish, rabbit, turkey, and chicken. Dishes made from them should be steamed or boiled, preferably in crushed form. These can be meatballs, cutlets, pates, meatballs with a minimum salt content and without the addition of spices.

The following sweet products are allowed to be consumed:

  1. honey;
  2. marmalade;
  3. marshmallows;
  4. marshmallows;
  5. dried fruits

It is better to bake fruits

Due to the undesirable use of raw fruits in the diet, they can be made into purees, fruit drinks, and used in various casseroles. It is allowed to eat melons and watermelons in small quantitative doses.

But grapes, as well as figs and dates should not be consumed, so as not to provoke unwanted increased gas formation in the intestines.

In the treatment of pancreatitis, cinnamon is used, which has healing qualities. It helps cleanse the bile secretion system, and also regulates the smooth functioning of the digestive tract, thereby having a positive effect in restoring the inflamed organ.

It can be used as a seasoning, and also as an infusion consisting of 1 tbsp. spoons diluted in 1 glass of boiled water. For normal absorption of permitted products, it is forbidden to wash down food with water, as well as consume it 3 hours before going to bed. Otherwise, there will be a large load on the inflamed organ in order to digest the food taken.

And the pancreas must rest at night in order to fully recover and function normally. If you follow all these simple rules, you can avoid frequent attacks of exacerbation of pancreatitis, the overall well-being of the body will become much better, and your health will be stronger.

This video will explain what nutrition should be like for pancreatitis:

Once a diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis has been established, the first step towards cure is switching to special diet. This diet is prescribed for a long time, but even with complete recovery, it is recommended to adhere to strict dietary restrictions until the last days of life.

Pancreatitis and the diet of a person with such a diagnosis

Steamed dishes - diet No. 5

Often patients, having received a diagnosis, perceive it as a death sentence, which clearly does not improve their mood and ability to set the body up for recovery. Another category of patients experiences a feeling of irritation from the need to change their habits and unwillingness to give them up, and begins to bully their loved ones. They say about such people - a bilious person.

Both of them can be understood: the basic function of the body has been disrupted. However, it should be borne in mind that according to statistics, about 80% of pancreatic diseases are caused by a person’s careless attitude towards his body. This is constant overeating, excess fatty, sweet and salty, fried and smoked foods. Alcohol has the most destructive effect on the pancreas.

If we talk about changing the diet, it is aimed at eliminating all of the above destructive factors. Otherwise, the patient’s table remains varied and nutritious. As for tasty food, eating habits change over the course of life: having learned to savor the dishes of their new diet, very soon a person recognizes them as truly tasty.

Diet No. 5 for chronic pancreatitis

The diet, developed by Soviet medical scientists for patients with chronic pancreatitis, is aimed at ensuring the most complete calm of the pancreas and reducing its secretion. This is achieved through the right choice chemical composition food, format of dishes and volume of a single meal.

In practice, this means the predominance of protein foods, a reduction in carbohydrates and fats, and the rejection of rough foods (plant fiber) and heavy meat. It is preferable to steam dishes, which is also beneficial for a healthy person. If there is a chronically ill person in the family, then by purchasing a steamer, you can provide him with adequate nutrition and reduce the risk of illness for other family members.

Not only a diet, but also a certain way of eating

At chronic pancreatitis You should stick to not only your diet, but also special way power supply:

  • Hot and cold drinks and dishes are strictly prohibited, any food must be warm;
    you should stick to eating at the same time every day;
  • the daily nutritional intake should be divided into 5-6 meals; it is strictly forbidden to overeat or endure hunger for a long time;
  • the content of protein foods in the menu should predominate, the pancreas is restored on it; the amount of fat should be reduced to a minimum, including vegetable oil;
  • the daily intake of salt is limited to 10g;
  • You should be critical of the list of permitted products, focusing on your individual well-being. If you feel unwell when eating any dish or product, it should be immediately excluded from the diet;
  • New foods should be introduced into the diet carefully, in small portions.
  • at the slightest discomfort, you should refuse until the functioning of the pancreas is more completely stabilized;
  • The recommendation to chew food thoroughly is also appropriate for a healthy body, but if you have a disease of the pancreas, this rule should be observed especially carefully, even if puree soup is served.

This significantly reduces the amount of food needed to receive a signal of satiety and, therefore, eases the load on the digestive system.

Diet No. 5 - list of allowed foods

Fish in a slow cooker is not only healthy, but also tasty

For pancreatitis in the chronic stage, the following foods and dishes from them are allowed:

  • bread - wheat flour premium grades yesterday's baked goods (if fresh, then dried), crackers made from it, unsweetened and low-fat dry biscuits (crackers);
  • cereals - oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina, rice in the form of semi-viscous or mashed porridges, cooked in water or with the addition of milk; cereal casseroles, puddings, soufflés with cottage cheese and adding a small amount of butter or sour cream;
  • Only boiled, well-cooked pasta is allowed;
  • dairy products - low-fat and non-acidic cottage cheese can be consumed in its natural form or dishes made from it (casseroles, soufflés, puddings); hard cheese with low fat content and without spicy additives;
  • sour cream, cream, butter used for seasoning soups and cereals; fermented milk drinks are not too sour; skimmed whole milk, diluted with water - for making soups and cereals;
  • meat and poultry - lean beef or veal, skinless chicken or turkey, rabbit. Use boiled. Meat dishes: chopped or ground in the form of steam cutlets, meatballs, beef stroganoff in low-fat sauce, puree, souffle, quenelles without hot seasonings;
  • eggs - chicken egg white in the form of a steam omelet is recommended; It is better to discard the yolk; you can use one no more than 2 times a week, diluting it in half with water;
  • fish - low-fat varieties: boiled in whole pieces or ground in the form of steam cutlets; boiled can be prepared in the form of aspic;
  • vegetables - potatoes, carrots, beets, pumpkin, zucchini, cauliflower, green pea: used boiled or baked, preferably in the form of puree or puree soup;
  • soups - vegetarian with vegetable broth or weak chicken broth. Vegetables are prepared in the form of pureed puree soup, adding half a spoon of sour cream when serving. Chicken soup is seasoned with noodles or well-boiled, pureed cereal;
  • fruits and berries - ripe, non-acidic, can be eaten raw or pureed; Apples should be baked. Pureed compotes, jellies, and mousses are prepared from dry and fresh fruits, using a little sugar or its substitute (sorbitol, xylitol) for sweetening;
  • beverages - weak tea with lemon or milk without sugar or slightly sweetened, rosehip decoction, fruit juice without sugar diluted half with water;
  • daily intake of butter 30 g, refined vegetable oil 10-15 ml (less than a tablespoon), added when preparing dishes.

Diet No. 5 - list of prohibited foods

Proper nutrition is the key to successful treatment

In chronic pancreatitis, the following foods and dishes are prohibited:

  1. fresh wheat bread, Rye bread, baked goods, puff pastry and shortcrust pastry products;
  2. soups with meat and fish broth, strong vegetable and chicken broth, mushroom soups, dairy soups with undiluted milk, cold soups (okroshka), sour soups (cabbage soup, borscht);
  3. all fatty meats, pork, duck, goose, liver, brains, kidneys, sausages, smoked meats, canned food;
  4. fatty fish, fried and stewed, smoked and salted, canned fish and caviar;
  5. fried and hard-boiled eggs;
  6. all crumbly porridges and limit the consumption of dishes made from millet, corn, barley, and pearl barley;
  7. from vegetables, avoid legumes, mushrooms, white cabbage, eggplant, radishes and radishes, turnips, sweet peppers, sorrel, spinach, onions and garlic, tomatoes and sauces made from them;
  8. all spices;
  9. from fruits: grapes, banana, dates, figs;
  10. confectionery products: jam, chocolate, caramel, ice cream, cakes;
  11. drinks: coffee, strong tea, cocoa, grape juice, carbonated soft drinks;
  12. alcohol.

Drinking mineral water

For chronic pancreatitis, a therapeutic course of mineral water is often prescribed. To achieve the effect, water is drunk not to quench thirst, but according to the recommendations for intake, certain types and according to the specified system.

The role of mineral water is enormous

As a rule, it is recommended to take frequent small doses at regular intervals. The greatest healing effect can be achieved if you drink water directly from the source, but a course of taking it at home will also be beneficial. The bottle should be opened no later than 10-15 minutes before use, the water should be slightly lukewarm. Consume half an hour to an hour before meals, drink water very slowly, in small sips.

For general stabilization of the digestive tract, you can use waters such as Essentuki No. 17, Naftusya, Arkhyz, Slavyanovskaya.

In chronic forms of pancreatitis, a course of taking water from the Essentuki No. 4, Borjomi and Smirnovskaya brands, which have a special effect on the pancreas, is prescribed:

  1. prevent stagnant processes in the bile ducts and in the pancreas itself;
  2. reduce the risk of inflammatory processes;
  3. normalize the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

A course of treatment mineral water lasts from three weeks to six months. In case of exacerbation of the disease or attacks, it is recommended to stop drinking water.

Diet for pancreatitis, nutrition for pancreatitis. What they should be like - see in the video:

Fermented milk products are very beneficial for the human body. Sour cream is especially popular. You can simply eat it or use it in the preparation of various dishes and even sauces. The presence of certain types of diseases is a direct contraindication to its use.

Pancreatitis, or in other words inflammation of the pancreas, is a disease that has become quite common lately. The causes of this disease can be different. But when it appears, the first thing doctors recommend is to introduce certain restrictions on food. Sour cream for pancreatitis is a high-calorie product that carries a certain load on the pancreas. Therefore, it is not surprising that the question arises whether this product can be eaten by people with this disease.

Is it possible to eat sour cream if you have pancreatitis?

As a rule, sour cream is used as a specific additive to main dishes. Some people cannot imagine their life without using sour cream. Therefore, you should decide how useful this product is, and what harm its use can cause, particularly in the presence of pancreatitis, and, first of all, you should pay attention to age category the patient, the development of the disease and some other factors.

Sour cream can be consumed in moderation to obtain enough proteins, milk fats and calcium that are easily digestible. Vitamins A, E, categories B and D are also presented in this product in sufficient quantities. In other words, this product is a source of many useful substances necessary for the body.

In addition to the positive effects, experts also note that the calorie content of this product is too high. The use of sour cream in the daily diet should be done in moderation. Basically, doctors allow sour cream to be eaten in extremely small quantities at the request of patients who cannot imagine their life without this food product. Thus, consuming sour cream in the presence of pancreatitis is not contraindicated. The most important thing is to follow general condition person and any changes.

As soon as negative trends in the development of the disease begin to appear, it is better to exclude the product from the menu.

Acute pancreatitis and sour cream

Sugar level

Any acute course of the disease or exacerbation of a chronic form requires adherence to a strict diet on the part of the patient. In some particularly difficult cases, doctors recommend fasting for a certain time, and using sour cream is out of the question, since this product puts too much strain on this organ.

Even a minimal amount of sour cream, both in pure and diluted form, during a strict diet, can lead to even more serious consequences for the body. It is better not to take risks, but to consult a doctor in advance. If you really want sour cream or something similar, the doctor will try to find replacement options.

In addition to the fact that exacerbations and the acute course of the disease are a direct indication for a strict ban on the use of sour cream, it is also necessary to take into account that there are other food products that are prohibited for consumption. For example, butter, fermented baked milk, cream, etc. are prohibited.

It is better to exclude these foods from the diet in advance than to undergo an intensive course of treatment over a long period of time.

Chronic pancreatitis and sour cream

The course of the disease of pancreatitis is practically unchanged, there are no complications and its chronic form- these are the main indications when the doctor may allow the introduction of a certain amount of sour cream into the diet.

Even minimal complaints of pain or other disorders of the pancreas, as well as test results outside the normal range, are an immediate prerequisite for prescribing a strict diet.

Attention should be paid to the following features of the patient’s condition:

  1. The presence of loose stools for a long period of time, while undigested fats are present in the stool. This indicates that it is necessary to follow a strict diet to avoid complications;
  2. Loose stools in combination with some other symptoms, even in the case of relatively good general health. These factors indicate that the body and, in particular, the pancreas, is not able to cope with the available amount of fat;
  3. If the doctor allows the use of sour cream in a certain amount, you should start with a small amount, namely 1 tbsp. throughout the day, not more often. It is best to choose varieties with the least amount of fat.

You should pay attention, first of all, to the fat content of sour cream (it should be minimal). The shelf life and quality of the product play an important role. It is necessary to choose a natural product when the benefits of consumption significantly exceed the possible negative effects on the body. Sour cream products without vegetable oils, having thickeners, preservatives and various stabilizers, have an even more negative effect on the body than natural sour cream, but with a slightly higher fat content.

Natural sour cream should consist of cream, milk and directly sourdough of natural origin.

Only in this case can we talk about the benefits and speed of sour cream absorption, as well as minimal negative effects on the human body.

The use of sour cream for pancreatitis and its composition

As previously mentioned, the use of sour cream in the presence of pancreatitis is more than limited.

This product should not be available in its pure form, while its use in other recipes as an additive is acceptable. For example, combination with cottage cheese, addition to various soups or purees are permissible only after prior consultation with a doctor and provided there is no period of exacerbation, if the disease is not in a period of exacerbation.

Correct use of sour cream, appropriate fat content, as well as the naturalness of the product have a direct impact on the course of the disease.

The production of natural sour cream involves mixing cream with a special starter. The fat content of sour cream varies, from 10% to 30% or more, while this product contains different kinds vitamins, microelements, proteins and carbohydrates, quickly digestible, organic and fatty acids, as well as milk sugar.

Among useful properties sour cream is isolated:

  • the presence of the required amount of lactic acid, which helps improve intestinal function;
  • providing a choleretic effect on the body, which has a positive effect on the suppression of pathogenic flora;
  • regulation of the balance of microflora with the help of fermented milk bacteria, the quality of digestion in this case increases significantly, the use of sour cream in moderation is especially relevant for problems with the enzymatic function of the pancreas;
  • sour cream contains a sufficient amount of calcium, which is easily digestible, but the fat content of this product should be taken into account, which can significantly interfere with the absorption of this substance;
  • carbohydrates and proteins contained in sour cream have beneficial influence on the body, primarily to restore strength.

Patients with pancreatitis should not forget that sour cream contains substances that help stimulate the receptors of the pancreas, stomach and intestines, and with pancreatitis this is unacceptable. Therefore, if there is an exacerbation, or other contraindications, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to eat sour cream with pancreatitis is definitely no.

Low-fat varieties of the product are even more or less acceptable only after receiving doctor's recommendations. There are situations when even a limited amount of a low-fat product can lead to serious consequences, including inflammation of the gallbladder or the appearance of cholecystitis.

Useful and harmful properties sour cream are discussed in the video in this article.
