The main character traits of Libra. Libra - characteristics of the zodiac sign

The main character traits of Libra.

The zodiac sign Libra symbolizes balance: human justice, law and order.


Libras tend to make social contacts easily. Libra is a wonderful partner and friend who is supportive and willing to share the abundance of what he has. Libras don't pay attention to details in life..


Libras are responsible for their own luck because they have the right perspective. Libra can turn a hut into a love nest, bad vibrations into good ones. Libras are fully aware of the latest trends in art and love beauty and nature. Libra's talent for creating a life that brings pleasure is their main contribution to the art of love..

Tend to be lenient.

Libras enjoy the power that their spirit of exclusivity gives them. Libras tend to think they deserve the best. The world, they believe, owes them for everything they bring to it. Libras tend to adore the good life and believe that fate will bring them everything they need. In general, for Libra, a lot of things turn out for the better..


There is a hidden side to Libra's nature. It is a kind of gray melancholy and morbid sensitivity. From time to time, Libra can be passive and depressed. They may think that people are only pretending to love them. Libra may be overwhelmed by the feeling that their whole life is a deception, just a decorated showcase in which there is little reality. Fortunately, this is usually nothing more than a passing condition. Libra can jump out of it after receiving a gift, a bouquet of beautiful flowers or a small sign of attention. Warning to Libra: You may spend so much energy building your image and creating a friendly environment that you have little time and energy left to nourish yourself..

Putting things off until later.

One of Libra's greatest problems is the tendency to procrastinate. This trait reduces self-confidence and effectiveness. Libras are passive when it comes to decision-making and most often allow the choice to be made. They tend to follow the path of least resistance, endure whatever happens, wait for something to happen. This approach works to a certain extent, but when it binds and life begins to resemble a knotted rope, no one benefits from this state of affairs..


In business, Libra can make decisions showing great competence. In their personal lives, however, Libras shy away from decisions that involve emotional risk. They don't want to be held responsible for hurt and pain. To avoid unfavorable results, they carefully evaluate all points. And it often happens that Libra spends so much time weighing the pros and cons that the decision is usually made by default or by another participant in the situation. The only way to combat indecision in practice is to make decisions and act on them.

Compliant. Easy to adapt.

Libra's hidden priority is to please others. However, in serious decisions, Libra must learn to assert themselves. It is also important that they are able to evaluate and differentiate between important and unimportant decisions. Sometimes, with the help of indecision, Libra avoids responsibility. In this case, accommodation, which should usually help people share their experiences with each other, becomes a source of irritation for others and a potential sore point in communication..

Full of paradoxes.

Charm, gentleness, and a reserved approach work best for Libras, unless they get angry. In those cases when Libra allows themselves to let off steam, they turn into a stunningly aggressive person who, it seems, has never heard in his life about the subtleties in relationships with people. People are full of contradictions, and Libra is no exception. They are paradoxical, like the midnight sun. Libras can be superficial or thorough, sophisticated or arrogant, compliant or assertive. Most often highly regarded, Libra is first and foremost a person dedicated to partnership, beauty and pleasure..

Strong. Aggressive.

Trying, as a rule, to please, Libra, however, has a certain innate aggressiveness. Among the many famous personalities who showed themselves in the war, there are many who belong to the Libra type. Libras have a certain military streak, which they keep under control, giving it free rein only in certain cases. When Libra feels that they are backed into a corner, or when some issues that are obviously fundamental to them are raised, Libra can instantly turn into a tiger. Cruelty and injustice are the quickest things to drive Libras crazy..

Tend to cooperate, but like to argue.

Libras cooperate with people on principle. They want to get along with others, but Libra often ends up attacking them in the name of their ideals. Libra's tendency to argue is enhanced by the fact that they daily life overwhelmed by feelings of conflict. Libras rarely think it's okay to disagree, so their disapproval often takes the form of hostility. Very often, Libra hesitates in choosing an opinion on the most important issues in life. And as their lack of determination accumulates, tension and hostility grow. Because they rarely explain what they feel, they just start arguing over small things..

Tend to manipulate people.

Although Libra sometimes gives themselves free rein, direct tactics still cause them some discomfort. Libra strives to defuse tension in explosive situations before true feelings break out. Libras often use their subtle sense of humor to avoid emotional scenes or confrontations. They are able to gain the upper hand in communication with the opposite sex with the help of a cold tone and behavior in the spirit of “don’t bother me with your problems.” They can manipulate people to take off everything that needs to be done, leaving them with the most necessary tasks..

Rational. Separated. Restrained.

Libras can treat their feelings as if they were a time bomb waiting to explode. Libras are mental creatures and try to give rational explanations for everything, ten times the same thing. They want to think through ways to enter and exit any situation without getting bogged down by emotions. Logic and abstract thinking are their friends, irrationality and emotionality are their enemies. When passions boil over, Libra tends to withdraw, although they can behave completely unpredictably and become an aggressor themselves. Libras are emotionally detached, partly to protect themselves from perceived slights, but they are reluctant to admit it. They are always ready to tell stories and give reasons, but if you want to know how Libra feels, ask them. You will find that they may not know themselves.

Calm. Able to work in a team.

Beneath the Libra shell lies a calculator. They are usually effective in business, and prefer traditional development methods. They also work well in a team. Libras are very careful about taking risks and tend to consult their colleagues on every decision. Libras hate chaos and lack of logic. They are precise and selectively organized. Libras can remain cool under pressure. If you notice a person with a charming but tense smile on his face, who manages such matters that the head of state would think twice, this means that you are looking at Libra.

Ugly duckling. Prone to narcissism.

As is the case with many people, the Libra story is one of inner transformation. Libra is the ugly duckling who grows up to be a swan. They tend to be narcissistic and usually have a lot of power, but they also tend to doubt themselves. Libras are humane, but can be insensitive. They are compliant, but can also be aggressive on occasion. Libra is definitely an extraordinary person. And don't want to act like one.

Popular personality. Suffering from self-doubt.

Smooth façade, smile in place. The facial expression is always pleasant, the manners are polished. It's no surprise that Libras are loved everywhere. They have such a powerful need to be noticed and accepted that they are constantly overwhelmed by anxiety about how successful they are in this matter.

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A person belongs to the zodiac sign Libra if he was born between September 23 and October 22. Representatives of this sign usually have a sanguine temperament. The character of Libra is sociable, polite, and diplomatic. Usually this is a harmonious, charming person with a sense of beauty, refined manners and is an intellectual. He has a diplomatic gift, knows how to combine opposite things. When characterizing the sign of Libra, it should be noted that their desire for harmony and agreement sometimes leads to compromise.

They know how to adapt to any person. A negative representative of this sign is a deceiver, a hypocrite, an unreliable partner in business, a person playing a double game, a sycophant.

Together with the signs of Aquarius and Gemini, this sign is attributed to the element of air. Libra is the sign of the cardinal cross, which also includes the signs Aries, Cancer and Capricorn, and belongs to the stabilization zone. The ruler of the sign of Libra is Chiron, the second ruler of Venus. Saturn is exalted here.

Representatives of this sign easily get along with people. They have a subtle psychological gift, they know how to please and adapt. They know how to smooth out rough edges in conflict situations, they know how to easily and naturally reach reconciliation. At the same time, they are guided by logic and common sense.

Libras tend to be intellectuals and good tacticians. They feel good where there is a confrontation of opposites.

The characteristics of the sign of Libra show their ability to maneuver between opposite sides of a conflict and gain benefit for themselves. They always try to come to an agreement with their opponents.

Areas of activity of representatives of the Libra sign

Libras have excellent abilities in the legal field. They make good judges and lawyers. They are invaluable as consultants and experts.

They have a natural aesthetic taste. They often achieve success in areas related to art. They successfully engage in painting and design.

They love to show off and follow fashion trends. Often these are beauty salon workers and cool hairdressers. They make excellent clothing designers, creators of cosmetics and perfumes.

Libras often make good jewelers. Representatives of this sign can often be found in the production of various jewelry.

They have a natural psychological gift, so they often work as psychologists and teachers. They are also endowed with musical abilities, and they make successful singers and musicians.

Libras are very fond of social activities and are the organizers of various holidays. Very often they work in palaces of culture and registry offices. These are excellent strategists and tacticians, so they have proven themselves well in the field of diplomatic activity.

Libras are often fascinated by athletics. They love beautiful and harmonious sports: rhythmic gymnastics, sports dancing.

Representatives of this zodiac sign strive to deepen their knowledge and are always in search of something new. They have psychological abilities and often help people sort out relationships and get rid of psychological problems.

Libras are very enterprising, they know how to persistently move towards a goal without making too much noise. They usually have a good relationship with their boss. They know how to present themselves in such a way that the boss does not see them as a competitor, for which he may pay later.

They love to work in a team. It should be added to the characteristics of the Libra sign that for successful activities they need useful partners. Representatives of this sign do not like open aggression, so they sometimes need a more punchy partner.

The Libra character clearly shows a love for luxury and convenience. They often collect various works of art. They love money very much and spend a lot on the pleasures of life. They are great aesthetes. They subtly sense the mood of those around them. They do not like rudeness and rudeness.

In a love relationship, mutual understanding with their partner and common interests are important for them. They greatly value spiritual and intellectual connections with their significant other.

However, this is not the only thing they are interested in. They pay due attention to sexual relationships and strive to get maximum pleasure and positive emotions from it.

Health of representatives of the Libra sign

Representatives of the zodiac sign Libra often experience various kidney diseases. Nephritis and urethritis are possible. Dancing, aerobics, and gymnastics classes are useful for them.

Libra's health is strongly influenced by their emotional state Therefore, it is important for them to have calm, harmonious relationships with others.

Representatives of this zodiac sign are well versed in psychology and know how to get along with other people due to their innate tact. It is pleasant to communicate with them, they are not inclined to exaggerate problems and are optimistic. Libra, unlike many other people, sees the shortest path to achieving their own goal, but in this case we are not talking about strength of character. Libras try to surround themselves with influential people and find ways to be useful to them. If they cannot cope with difficulties on their own, then with the help of their allies they succeed without much difficulty.

Libra is the most sophisticated sign of the zodiac, their craving for grace and art is expressed in everything. If representatives of this zodiac sign have a creative occupation, they manage to receive both moral satisfaction and a good income from their work. If things are different, and the chosen profession does not bring them joy, they have a parallel activity that they like, which will definitely bear fruit, even if not immediately. Libra slowly but surely moves in the chosen direction, and, as a rule, achieves success.

Character Weaknesses

Libras are indecisive; it is most difficult for them to choose from two mutually exclusive options due to suspiciousness. Representatives of the air element take the consequences of their steps more seriously than other people, even if there is no real danger. They hesitate for a long time in making any decision and consider everything, even unlikely turns of events. If a situation arises where Libra does not know what to do best, but nevertheless needs to act, they waste time and aggravate the problem.

Libras are superficial in communication, but not because of their insincerity. They are self-critical, unsure of themselves, afraid of comments from the outside and do not want to let even the closest people into their inner world, because they are very vulnerable. They also have similar characteristics, but unlike Libra, they do not hide their grievances and sincere indignation. Libras keep everything to themselves, as a result of which they can become even more confused and lead themselves to depression.

In my personal life

Libras are very charming, pleasant and easy to talk to, and therefore know how to charm without pretending to be someone they are not. It is easy to establish contact with them at the beginning of acquaintance, but they are not inclined to take the initiative to get closer. Representatives of this zodiac sign are pleased with the persistence of their chosen one, but only if we are not talking about his arrogant behavior. Libra prefers gradual rapprochement, does not tolerate familiarity, but knows how to appreciate sincere sympathy for oneself. They are distrustful and need time to think.

Libras rarely dominate love relationships and are drawn to the decisive and strong people. There are contradictions in their requirements for the chosen one. Libra wants to be under the care and protection of a loved one, but at the same time not feel pressure from him. At the same time, they enjoy communicating with soft and delicate people, and such a couple can develop on the basis of mutual understanding and a tolerant attitude towards each other, but when the first difficulties arise, it quickly becomes clear that there is no one to solve them.

The most unbearable situation for Libra is a love triangle. If it happens that a representative of this zodiac sign has to choose between two contenders for his heart, he will hesitate to the last and will remain with the one who shows more perseverance. Indecision prevents Libra from setting priorities in the right order in time, as a result of which they are often dissatisfied with their choices.

See Libra's compatibility with other zodiac signs:

Libra Man

The Libra man has a flexible mind and easily adapts to any circumstances. He most often solves his problems with outside help, but one way or another achieves the desired result. He is able to simplify the most complex tasks, because most of all he does not like to complicate his life. This person is afraid of difficulties, therefore, no matter what is discussed, he chooses the easiest path, even if not the most attractive. This also applies to relationships with women. He will not waste time and effort seeking the affection of a proud and unapproachable representative of the fairer sex and is unlikely to risk expressing his sympathy to someone who already has an arranged personal life, even if this is quite appropriate due to the circumstances. A Libra man can easily abandon his chosen one if she cannot cope with her difficulties on her own. He does not like unnecessary troubles and does not pretend to be a reliable shoulder in the life of his beloved.

The Libra man is sociable, there are many people around him whom he calls his friends, but at the same time he is lonely. He is a superficial person, trusts few people and is not interested in the emotional experiences of even the closest people. Despite the apparent relaxedness, Libra is a very secretive zodiac sign, whose outward carefree nature can hide the most unexpected thoughts and intentions.

Libra Woman

The representative of this zodiac sign diligently takes care of her appearance: she is elegant, dresses not brightly, but with taste, looks modest, but at the same time charming. Appearance Libra women are a complete reflection of his inner world. She is intelligent, has innate tact in communication, knows how to patiently listen to her interlocutor and delicately give him practical advice. To people who do not know her well, she may seem like a person who moves through life easily, since she is not inclined to exaggerate problems and sees the shortest path to solving them. In theory, things are exactly like this - she thinks soberly, but she doesn’t always know how to apply her own conclusions in practice due to indecision. An ideal life partner for her would be a man who listens to her ideas and helps her turn them into reality.

The work of a Libra woman is most often creative, since she has been interested in art since childhood and does not like monotonous and boring tasks, even if they can bring her a good income. A representative of the Libra sign loves to surround herself with beautiful objects and elegant souvenirs, and her home is always cozy and tidy. She is hospitable and sociable, but conversations with her many friends are most often of a secular nature. The Libra woman is not inclined to be frank even with her closest people, because she is very vulnerable and trusts few people fully.

Video: LIBRA ♎ Zodiac sign

Libra (Latin Libra) is the seventh sign of the Zodiac. The Libra period runs from approximately September 24 to October 23 (dates may vary slightly depending on the year). Astrologer Natalya Voloshina talks about the main features of people born during this period

Background information about the sign Libra

Ruling planet - Venus

Planet in decline - Sun

Element - Air

Symbol - sign of scales

Libra character

Libras are sweet, pleasant and charming people. They do not create fuss around themselves and do not cause inconvenience to anyone. They live in such a way that it is good for both them and those around them. They easily make concessions on small things because they value good relationships above their petty interests. But the big ones always win and don’t sacrifice what is truly important to them. However, Libra manages to achieve even their goals so softly and imperceptibly that those around them can only wonder how Libra managed to pull it all off.

Libra Man: Characteristics

Libra men are well-mannered and pleasant to talk to. They avoid aggression. Women like them, even those who prefer strong and courageous men: it is difficult to remain indifferent to someone who is so attentive, sympathetic and knows how to give appropriate compliments. Men don't like them.

Libra Woman: Characteristics

Libra women are all charm. Even if nature deprived them of the right traits, she more than showered them with charm and charm. Libra women never argue, sort things out, or get hysterical. They are calm, soft and friendly, but at the same time, like Libra men, they have an iron will and the ability to get their way.

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Lifestyle and psychological portrait of Libra

A harmonious and calm atmosphere is very important for Libra. They feel best surrounded by aesthetics, peace and goodwill. If they find themselves in a nervous and tense situation, after that they need to restore strength by treating themselves to something beautiful. Their “habitats” are theaters, exhibitions, social events, restaurants with beautiful interiors, and the home of their loved one.

Their home is aesthetically pleasing. It contains a lot of impractical beautiful things, paintings, flowers, handicrafts. They have well-developed taste, so their housing usually meets all design requirements. If they have the opportunity, they create an elite interior, and if this is not possible, then at least they try to make the home light, airy and attractive.

Libras love to relax among works of art. They love nature, but alleys botanical garden and well-kept courtyards with designer landscaping attract them much more than the riot of wild nature. To relax, Libra needs the company of a close friend or loved one, because they love to share their impressions.

Libra in relationships and love

Libra gets along best with Fiery Leos and Sagittarius. Air signs are not far behind them - Libra has excellent relationships with Gemini, Aquarius and people of their own sign. It’s more difficult with Aries: Aries can become an ideal couple for Libra, but sometimes these signs cannot find a common language in any way.

Water signs attract Libras with their deep emotionality. Libra feels that Cancers, Scorpios and Pisces will be able to love them as much as anyone else. For this, they are ready to forgive them for their tedious tediousness and soul-searching.

Libra has a hard time with the Earth - Virgos are not interesting to them, and Capricorns are no less ambitious and have the same strong inner core as Libra themselves. And only with Taurus the romance develops relatively calmly and comfortably, especially in the version of a Libra man - a Taurus woman.

Libra in work and the business world

In business life, the greatest advantages of Libra are diplomacy, tact, charm, and the ability to establish personal connections in the business world. Therefore, among them there are many administrators, people managers, and consultants.

Traditional professions for Libra also include the work of a judge and a social worker. But in order to be a judge, not every representative of the sign will have enough severity, but go to social media. workers are disgusted by aestheticism and reluctance to deal with socially disadvantaged people. So if you're a Libra and considering one of these jobs, weigh your options. You certainly have a talent for these jobs, but will you be comfortable?

The second direction in which Libra works successfully is professions related to beauty. Aesthetic flair and a thirst for beauty incline Libra towards art, show business and fashion. Libras make gifted actors, models, designers, and stylists.

Libra and money

Libras do not like worries and troubles. But they like all areas of life to be in balance. Therefore, they will not sit without money - they are well aware that it is money that makes life pleasant and carefree. But they won’t tear veins for the sake of making money. Most often, Libras have several familiar and stable sources of income, and they do not care about how to develop and expand them, and have more money.

Libras are so charming that those around them forgive them their debts, invite them to relax at their own expense, and give them gifts. To be fair, Libras do not use this for mercantile purposes: warm relationships and the company of truly pleasant people are more important to them than money. Libra is in no hurry to part with their money. They spend it on things that make life more enjoyable and comfortable. Although occasionally they are able to do something stupid or get into history, and then they themselves are surprised how it happened.

Larisa Tsareva

Libra is the only sign in the horoscope that is not an animate symbol. There are others interesting facts- this constellation has accumulated greatest number celestial bodies than in all other signs. The characteristics of Libra according to their zodiac sign are very contradictory. It seems as if in one bowl there is all that is good and bright, and on the other is the dark sides of the soul. And every now and then one cup outweighs the other. Here we present detailed description person born under this constellation. Let's find out what the symbol of the zodiac circle means, what objects, elements, spheres favor Libra people, and what signs they have the most favorable relationships with.

Libra birth dates: when does the sign come into effect?

Ruled by Mercury, Virgo's reign ends on September 23rd. The time of Libra begins on September 24th. The zodiac symbol, ruled by the planet Venus, gains its strength gradually over 7 days. It is believed that people born during this period are partially absorb the characteristics of the previous sign.

When the month of September ends, Libra gains full power, exerting maximum influence on everyone who is lucky enough to be born during this time. The reign of Libra ends on October 23rd.

Libra character, strengths and weaknesses

Libra is ruled by Venus - the planet of love, beauty, harmony and everything beautiful. People born under the sign of Libra are very refined, sensual, and gravitate toward aesthetic perfection.

For the most part they are endowed high level of intelligence, and good manners and the ability to present themselves in society were given to them from above. Libras really do not like conflicts, scandals and other noise. They are diplomatic and prefer to solve all problems through tactful conversations. Their inner sense of justice does not allow them to play unfair games. Lies, hypocrisy, and betrayal cause them pain and suffering.

Despite the apparent balance on the outside, inside Libra there is constant struggle. They tend to doubt everything, they are characterized by indecision and they can think about their plans for a very long time.

Libra knows how to carefully hide their fears and doubts, and in public they look confident

Due to the fact that they sometimes fail to balance the two cups within themselves, they begin to listen to other people. On the one hand, it is good when a person can follow wise advice. But on the other hand, not everyone is able to give correct instructions, and the sign is often ends up losing, being led by someone else's opinion.

Libras are prone to mood swings. A strong and strong-willed person can turn into a hunted animal in 15 minutes, succumbing to his thoughts and doubts.

What Libras always do excellently is take care of themselves. They pay attention to everything: appearance, health, wardrobe, accessories.

In relationships, Libras are caring, kind, and romantic, but they can also express themselves as... egoists. The sign is very amorous, but it is capable of losing interest in its passion just as quickly as becoming carried away by it. They place high demands on their partners, so they enter into a serious relationship or marriage with difficulty, sometimes even mature age.

They are successful in the labor sphere and achieve high incomes only if they love their work with all their hearts.

It is worth considering that personality traits also depend on her gender. Find out in more detail the characteristics and what qualities are inherent.

Positive character traits:

  • the ability to see and appreciate beauty;
  • ideal manners, good manners;
  • determination;
  • love of truth, justice;
  • the ability to easily and quickly win people over;
  • diplomacy;
  • reliability;
  • generosity;
  • good sense of humor.

Negative qualities:

  • sudden attacks of laziness;
  • constant internal doubts about everything that is encountered in life;
  • sometimes manifested selfishness;
  • tendency to sudden mood swings;
  • irritability, outbursts of aggression;
  • vindictiveness towards those who caused offense and pain;
  • uncertainty, self-criticism;
  • desire to argue and defend one’s point of view;
  • exposure to other people's influence.

Libras are very responsive and happily help those who need their support.

Compatibility of Libra with other zodiac signs

Let's consider in the table who is suitable for Libra in love, friendship, marriage, and with which signs there is low compatibility.

Signs of the zodiacCompatibility in loveMarriage CompatibilitySexual compatibilityCompatibility in friendship
Capricorn AverageAverageHighHigh
Aquarius HighHighHighHigh
Fish AverageLowLowAverage
Aries HighAverageHighAverage
Taurus AverageAverageHighHigh
Twins HighHighHighHigh
Cancer AverageLowAverageAverage
Lion HighHighHighHigh
Virgo LowLowAverageAverage
Scorpion AverageAverageLowLow
Sagittarius HighHighHighHigh
Scales AverageAverageHighHigh

According to astrologers, the most suitable relationship for marriage with Libra, they develop in Aquarius, Gemini and Sagittarius. It is with Gemini that Libra has a very similar worldview and temperament. The best sexual compatibility can be with a representative of the same sign, Taurus, Capricorn. Neither in sex, nor in relationships, nor in friendship, Libra fails to find harmony with Scorpios and Pisces. It seems as if these people live in different worlds, and there is nothing in common between them.

Natural element of Libra

Libra's natural element is air. It gives people lightness, mobility, changeability. People under the protection of the air element very sociable. There is a constant whirlwind of thoughts in their minds, which they can instantly voice. Such individuals make excellent speakers, capable of commanding the attention of a huge audience.

This is the element that is in perfect harmony with the other three: water, fire, earth and has an influence on them. After all, as soon as the wind blows, ripples appear on the water surface, the flames of the fire die out, and dust rises from the ground. If a person of the Libra sign develops the strength and power of his element, he can easily influence other people. Of course, it’s good if this quality is used in a positive way.

The negative side of the air element is inconstancy. Light breezes can give way to hurricanes or complete calms. This manifests itself in Libra's mood swings. The best way to set the speed of your wind is to learn to consciously control your thoughts and mood.

Libras are always drawn to new knowledge, love to read and learn easily

Libra children - what are they like?

A girl born under the sign of Libra, from the very early years shows her refined feminine essence. She is drawn to everything beautiful, loves to play with dolls, dress up in dresses, and enjoys wearing bows and hairpins. She doesn't know how to fight and is very reacts painfully to aggression from peers. She needs to feel protected and approved by her parents. Dancing, drawing, sculpting, gymnastics, acting - what suits Libra girls best. Parents should not send such children to karate or hard sports.

A Libra boy may begin to show interest in reading, music, and science early. He is not particularly interested in typical boyish war games. He reaches out to more sublime spheres and is frightened by rudeness, cruelty, and violence. Such a child is a real gift for parents. He is a little capricious, is constantly passionate about something and knows how to play alone. If a boy is not taught responsibility from an early age, and masculinity is not instilled in him, he may grow up too sensitive and unadapted to the realities of this world.

It is better to choose a sonorous name for a child born under the sign of Libra. Suitable names for a girl are: Anastasia, Aurora, Miroslava, Leonella, Margarita, Juliet, Elizabeth.

Suitable names for boys: Daniil, Maximilian, Elisha, Dmitry, Valentin, Kirill, Marcel, Radislav, Stefan, Philip.

Profession for Libra: what are they talented at?

Routine, monotonous work, as well as physically exhausting work, is something that is completely unsuitable for Libra. This sign will make a bad teacher or educator. Despite the fact that a person easily establishes contacts with people and can speak in front of an audience without fear, a tendency to irritability and an inflated ego do not allow him to work productively with children.

Men perform best in such professions as lawyer, lawyer, judge, secretary, interior designer, architect, salesman, manager, coach, programmer, agent. Libra men often end up in science, where they achieve success. They also have stage talent, they make excellent actors, showmen, theatergoers, and producers.

Women belonging to the Libra sign often find themselves in the beauty industry and in the design field. These are talented singers and actresses, excellent doctors, active marketers. Thanks to high intellectual abilities and a penchant for calculations, Libra ladies make the best accountants, mathematicians, and researchers in science. Women also often choose the legal profession and defend the weak and enslaved with great passion. They like to fight for justice and help people.

Libras are definitely blessed with ambition and determination, but their energy is constantly fluctuating. They get tired quickly, and their enthusiasm can suddenly give way to apathy.

The sign knows how to handle money, save money when necessary, and save finances. Having a good income, Libra surrounds themselves with beautiful things with great joy, and every now and then they allow themselves pleasant purchases and entertainment.

People born under the sign of Libra are not at all greedy, but they are unlikely to take off their last shirt for the sake of someone

Libra symbols and talismans

The main symbolic sign for Libra is the image of two bowls in balance, personifying balance, harmony, and tranquility.

The relationship with the planet Venus is expressed in all signs , symbolizing love: heart, swan, dove, angel. Libras are advised to carry figurines or images of their talismans with them at all times.

Astrologers are sure that books are one of the best talismans of this zodiac sign, and the larger the library in their home, the more their strength and energy will increase.

Which tree and flower are suitable for Libra?

Libra is patronized by several trees:

  • maple,
  • rowan,
  • olive,
  • hazel.

If you have a plot of land, it will be very useful to plant any of the trees listed on it. Living in an apartment, you can purchase any figurines, boxes and other cute little things carved from suitable wood.

Of the flowers Libra favors:

  • rose,
  • lilac,
  • orchid,
  • violet,
  • azalea,
  • marigold,
  • chrysanthemums,
  • hydrangea.

Plants bring peace to a person’s life, help to come to inner harmony, promote acceptance wise decisions. By observing the talisman flower and touching it, you can get the right answers in difficult moments of life.

Good Luck Colors for Libra

In order for everything to go smoothly in life and good luck in business, Libra should surround yourself with the following flowers:

  • Yellow - helps not to lose heart in difficult situations, gives energy to solve complex problems.
  • Blue - calms the mind, eliminates unnecessary thoughts, helps to concentrate.
  • Green – promotes rest and relaxation, helps restore strength.
  • Pink – softens, reveals love, promotes the manifestation of kindness, mercy, tenderness.
  • Blue - expands the boundaries of consciousness, promotes the emergence of new ideas, non-standard solutions, awakens creativity.
  • Gray – brings to a neutral state, reduces impulsiveness, excessive emotionality, helps to calm down.
  • Brown - gives peace, a sense of security and confidence.

These colors can be used in the interior, clothing, and surrounding objects. The color should be chosen depending on what's missing at a certain moment (according to the description) and contemplate it for some time.

Metal for Libra

Two types of metals are suitable for scales: copper and gold. It is recommended for the zodiac sign to wear copper products in moments of low mood, apathy, in a state of melancholy and depression. Metal absorbs negative energy and returns vitality to a person.

Gold attracts good luck, wealth, abundance. Astrologers advise Libra to wear at least one gold piece of jewelry constantly so that fortune does not leave their path.

Suitable stones:

  • aquamarine,
  • tourmaline,
  • opal,
  • ruby,
  • amethyst,
  • emerald,
  • topaz.

Gold pendant with aquamarine and cubic zirconia, Maskom(price on the link)

Libra, like no one else, is afraid of loneliness. Throughout their lives, they try to make many friends, willingly make new contacts, and when they get married, they expect to spend the rest of their lives with this person. There are many children in their families, and for them there is nothing better than getting together at the table with a large, friendly family in the evenings and having cozy gatherings in the company of loved ones. Family - main value in life for Libra.

29 May 2018, 13:34
