Is it possible to live with herpes for the rest of your life? Living with genital herpes? How to treat genital herpes, medication and traditional methods

Genital herpes is a viral infection that is sexually transmitted. This type of virus affects the genitals of men and women, and can also affect the anus and buttocks.

There are two types of herpes simplex:

  • Type 1 is the cause of herpes around the mouth, causing almost 50% of cases of genital herpes;
  • Type 2 affects only the genitals.

Once it enters the human body, it remains to live in its nerve cells forever.


Symptoms of the disease can be expressed in different ways: from mild sensitivity to severe blistering rashes, pain, and itching. During the illness, there is aches throughout the body, general malaise, and moderate fever.

During sexual intercourse, discomfort is especially felt. The rash is expressed by single and group blisters. This situation repeats for about 14 days, then the rash goes away without leaving any traces. With genital herpes, the following organs are most often affected:

  • the entrance to the vagina and the vagina itself;
  • cervix and its body;
  • ovaries;
  • fallopian tubes;
  • anus;
  • urethra;
  • bladder;
  • ampulla of the rectum.

In men, the genital type of herpes most often appears on the penis and scrotum, on the thighs and buttocks. There are many places where the virus is affected, therefore, the consequences of the disease can be varied: from cystitis to rectal fissure.

Features in women

In women, symptoms occur in several phases.

  1. During the first phase, general symptoms appear: fever, weakness, aches, itching and pain in the perineum. Also, sometimes there is pain in the hip area, radiating to the lower back, and swelling in the genitals. Redness appears. The period lasts 2-3 days.
  2. Further, in places of redness, bubbles filled with liquid appear. These areas are very painful and very itchy. Then the bubbles darken and become white-yellow. The acute period lasts 4-5 days.
  3. The blisters burst, the liquid pours out, an ulcer forms, which then becomes covered with a crust. After 6-8 days, everything goes away: the skin is regenerated, the ulcers heal, the crusts disappear. There are no traces left.

Living with herpes is most difficult for women. For some of them, herpes disease causes consequences such as psychological disorders. This is due to the stress of realizing that she has contracted a sexually transmitted disease. Some withdraw into themselves, arise depressive states, neuroses, fear of sex.

Type 2 herpes virus can be asymptomatic. A person may not even realize that he carries such a disease within himself, but at the same time he can be a dangerous transmitter of this disease to his partner.

More than 40% of virus carriers do not know that they are sick. That is why patients are in no hurry to go to the doctor, hoping that it will go away on its own and there will be no consequences.

The time when the first symptoms appear after infection is not clearly defined, how many there will be - there is also no exact answer. They can appear months or years later. It all depends on the human immune system.


People who have had genital herpes may experience relapses, the recurrence period of which is from 2-3 times a month to once every few years. It also depends on the characteristics of the organism. Most often, relapses recur after 2-3 months.


It is possible to diagnose the disease and determine its type by visual examination, however, to confirm this fact it may be necessary laboratory tests. The simple type of herpes can be detected by analyzing vaginal discharge.

A blood test can also determine the presence of antibodies to the virus.

The analysis will show the presence of the virus, even if the disease is inactive during this period. Genital herpes can be a consequence of other more serious illnesses. To live in peace, you need to be tested for AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis B, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis. Treatment from time to time needs to be carried out on both partners at the same time.


Medicine still does not know how to completely cure herpes. However, those antiviral drugs, which she offers today, can get rid of severe symptoms and prevent their further consequences. The most common are anciclovir, valacyclovir, and farmir.

They reduce itching and accelerate wound healing. Acyclovir causes the least amount of side effects, therefore it is most often prescribed to pregnant and nursing mothers. However, valacyclovir and farmir are more effective drugs.

But at the first symptoms you should consult a urologist, who will prescribe correct treatment in each specific case, taking into account the characteristics of the organism. If you start using antiviral drugs in a timely manner, you can live without complications. Treatment time most often lasts 5 days.

If the formation of bubbles does not go away, treatment does not stop. People with frequent relapses are prescribed antiviral drugs for a long period of time.

For pain relief, local and local anesthetics are used. general action. Antiviral ointments are not taken for genital herpes, as they are ineffective.

If, nevertheless, ointments are prescribed by a doctor, they must be applied with special sticks, and in no case with your finger, in order to prevent contact with healthy skin. During the treatment period, you need to drink as much fluid as the body can accommodate - this makes the urine less concentrated, then pain during urination is reduced.

Doctors prescribe vitamins. You should not use scented soaps, gels, or bubble baths; their consequences are increased dryness and itching. Most often, type 2 of genital herpes affects women, but it also affects men. At the same time, men are much less likely to contact a doctor.


You can catch type 2 herpes virus in three ways:

  • contact with a sick person, contact with his skin;
  • through sexual intercourse, through oral and anal sex;
  • pregnancy period - from mother to unborn child.

Of course, the main method of infection is direct contact between a man and a woman. Infection through household and airborne transmission is possible only through contact with personal hygiene items and towels.

Since the genital herpes virus lives in a person all his life, there must be some factors that provoke its appearance outside. Here they are:

  • stress;
  • hypothermia or, conversely, overheating;
  • cold;
  • alcohol;
  • lack of substances such as vitamins;
  • overwork and lack of sleep;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • chronic diseases.

Women have two more reasons why immunity decreases: menstruation and pregnancy. Menstruation significantly contributes to the increased frequency of relapses of genital herpes.

Relapses also occur during abortions and intrauterine device. The use of oral protective contraceptives also causes an increase in relapses of the disease.

It is known that girls and women become infected with genital herpes 4 times more often than men, even having the same number of partners. This happens because the virus enters the body by contacting the vaginal mucosa.

What about sex life?

Does herpes affect the sex life of partners? Of course yes! Sexual activity during the period of illness should be completely excluded, since this type of virus is contained not only in the fluid of the vesicles, but also on clean skin, so transmission of the virus to a partner is very high.

Using a condom on the penis at this time is not a reliable means of protection, but to some extent it still protects against infection. The cessation of sexual activity should occur from the moment the first symptoms appear and for the period until they are completely cured.

Sex can be had at a time when there are no relapses, and if the partner understands and accepts all the risks. When genital herpes does not manifest itself in any way, the likelihood of infecting a partner is reduced.

However, a small number of infected particles are still present on the surface of the skin, so the risk of infection is always present. For cunnilingus and analingus, you can use a barrier contraceptive - Dentaldam.

During masturbation, you need to make sure that there are no cuts or other injuries on your hands. Having such contact, you must remember to wash your hands with soap after it. In some cases, the rash may spread to the skin of other parts of the body. Genital herpes does not cause infertility or damage the uterus.

Is it possible to protect yourself from genital herpes?

Yes, having contact with one partner. Casual sex increases the risk of infection many times over. An important means of prevention remains the use of condoms and Miramistin during sex. For women, vaccination is an essential preventive measure.

According to existing studies, 73% of women who were vaccinated and during the same period had any sexual contact with an infected man did not become infected themselves.

In addition, you must always monitor general condition your health, that is, your immunity, strengthening it healthy eating, sound sleep, physical culture, walks in the fresh air. Vitamins are required. It is important not to catch any colds and infectious diseases. All personal hygiene products should be strictly individual.

Having type 2 herpes, millions of people around the world live prosperously. It does not cause any complications with proper prevention of relapses and the fight against viruses during exacerbations. Leading healthy life, genital herpes may never remind you of itself.

You can now get tested for antibodies to the virus in many medical institutions, even in some medical centers. It would seem that one can only rejoice at such progress. However, fear is not the best medicine.

Feeling the first signs of pregnancy, Olga, as expected, registered with the antenatal clinic. I conscientiously passed all the tests recommended by the doctor, including testing for viral infections. She felt good; Olga had endured her previous pregnancy without complications, so nothing caused any particular concern. And suddenly, like a bolt from the blue, antibodies to the herpes simplex virus and cytomegalovirus were found in the blood.

“These viruses cause serious malformations in the fetus,” said the local gynecologist. “You have one healthy child, why give birth to someone who is obviously sick?” Olga left the office in tears, with trembling hands she hid the abortion referral in her purse...

The mere detection of antibodies to viruses in the blood does not indicate such a serious danger and, moreover, the need to terminate the pregnancy, says gynecologist-virologist of the Moscow City Herpetic Center Irina Anatolyevna Dolgopolova. - After all, about 98% of the entire population are virus carriers. But not all of them are sick, and not all, fortunately, are at risk of having seriously ill children. The doctor must draw conclusions based on which antibodies are found in the patient.

For example, Olga, who came to us almost in a state of shock, had only those antibodies that indicate a sluggish, latent infection (antibodies G). She hasn't had a relapse for many years. This form of viral infection does not pose a particular danger either to the woman herself or to her unborn child.

When is the herpes virus dangerous?

It is most dangerous for the intrauterine development of a child if the mother becomes infected herpes or cytomegalovirus directly during pregnancy.

It is difficult not to notice the primary infection with herpes: for the first time, itchy, blisters appear on the face or genitals (and sometimes on other parts of the body), the temperature may rise, chills, and weakness may appear. M antibodies are detected in the blood at this moment. If this happens in the first trimester of pregnancy, then it usually ends in a miscarriage. If the infection occurs in the third trimester, then in 50-70% of cases it leads to premature birth and infection of the child. However, and chronic form infection is inevitable. If the virus has settled in the body for a long time and constantly reproduces itself in one of its environments (detected when analyzed in urine or saliva), it can also harm the unborn child. This form is called persistent.

Only the latent form (antibodies G) is relatively safe. Only in the blood with it, intrauterine infection occurs in 5% of cases. But if you consider that during pregnancy a woman’s immunity decreases somewhat, doctors recommend getting tested monthly to notice the activation of the virus.

But most often, a child becomes infected not during pregnancy, but during childbirth (85% of cases), during breastfeeding, and through direct contact with the mother.

What if a herpes infection occurs?

This is really dangerous for a child. How great this danger will be and what form of infection the virus will have depends, first of all, on the state of the immune system of the unborn baby.

Doctors distinguish three forms of infection in newborns:

  • Damage to the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Defeat of the central nervous system(the child is born with signs of encephalitis, which is manifested by lethargy, decreased appetite, convulsions, changes in the cerebrospinal fluid).
  • Disseminated form, which affects the liver, lungs and other vital internal organs.

The first form, of course, is the mildest, and with immediate treatment with antiviral drugs, one can hope for the child’s recovery. In the second form, the situation is more serious. Only half of the babies can be saved. But even those who survive may experience complications in the form of increased intracranial pressure, psycho-emotional problems (especially at critical moments in life), and in the worst case, even cerebral palsy. In addition, infection with the virus can lead to secondary immunodeficiency, and any infection becomes extremely dangerous for the child. The risk of pneumonia, kidney damage, and sepsis increases. A baby with severe immunodeficiency cannot cope with such severe diseases, and he can rarely live more than six months. In the third, disseminated form of the lesion, child mortality reaches 90%.

Is infection with herpes fatal?

All these numbers are, of course, scary. Especially when you consider that once you “catch” herpes, it is no longer possible to get rid of it - it remains with us for life. However, there are methods to reduce the activity of the virus and make it practically safe.

When should you start treatment for herpes?


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If relapses occur four times a year or more often, then it’s better not to delay. If pregnancy is planned in the foreseeable future, then it is very advisable to undergo the course of treatment “before that”.

This course is quite long, lasting several months. It usually includes the use of special antiviral drugs (alpizarin, acyclavir, etc.), an antiherpetic vaccine and immunoglobulin. Pregnant women whose infection is quite active and may threaten the child are prescribed a course of immunoglobulin, and in case of exacerbations, acyclavir (it does not have a harmful effect on the fetus). If, at the time of delivery, tests show that the infection is still quite active and the baby can become infected while passing through the birth canal, the woman is recommended to have a cesarean section. Thus, those 85% of cases of infection that occur during childbirth are by no means fatal. If during breastfeeding a woman takes antiviral drugs prescribed by a doctor, then the child can no longer become infected through milk. In general, the main problem is to contact a virologist on time, get tested and undergo a course of treatment. In Moscow there are already quite a few medical institutions involved in the diagnosis and treatment of viral infections.

By the way, treatment with homeopathic medicines also gives a good effect. And here you don’t even have to undergo special tests. Properly selected homeopathic medicines literally help against all diseases, as they increase immunity and allow the body to suppress the infection itself, in this case a viral one. However, it is impossible to determine in absentia which patient will benefit better from traditional allopathic treatment and who is more suited to homeopathy. This is decided by doctors in practice and depends on the individual characteristics of the person.

Herpes chooses the weak

Genital herpes is usually classified as a sexually transmitted disease. Therefore, having received a disappointing analysis result, you involuntarily ask yourself the question: who “awarded” me with it?

Only if you were close to your sexual partner when herpes was rapidly “blooming” on his lips or intimate parts of the body, can we assume that he infected you. The likelihood of illness and its severity depend mainly on the state of your immune system. If your immunity is weak, then you can become infected even from a person whose disease is latent and who is not aware of it. In addition, herpes, even genital, can just as easily be transmitted through airborne droplets and household contact. The rash first appears approximately 7-10 days after infection. So, if there were no “suspicious” contacts during this period, there is clearly no need to blame anyone. Herpes itself chooses its victim among the weaker. Well, the reasons for decreased immunity in recent years known: environmental degradation, stress, excessive use of antibiotics. Of course, the “sexual revolution” also contributed to the spread of herpes.

Regarding cytomegalovirus, then it is transmitted with equal success both sexually and by airborne droplets. By the way, these two infections “love” each other very much: in about 25% of cases they occur together. By further reducing the immunity of their “host”, they contribute to infection with a wide variety of sexually transmitted diseases.

How to live with herpes?

Of course, you don’t have to think that life is over. Herpes is contagious mainly during exacerbations. These days, of course, you need to refrain from sexual contacts, including oral-genital. When contacting a new partner, a condom will always help out: it reliably protects against all sexually transmitted diseases. Of course, pregnant women don’t often seek adventure, but if this happens, the “condom rule” should be unshakable. Much more often, husbands cannot resist the temptation to “have sex” when their wife is pregnant. Issues of marital fidelity do not, of course, fall within the competence of a virologist, but a man must be aware of the risk he may expose to his wife and unborn child. How are you feeling, embryo? According to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Medical Academy named after. Sechenov, only 15% of women with herpes experience intrauterine infection of the fetus.

If you fall into this group, you will not be relieved by the fact that 85% of women give birth to healthy babies. How can this be? In most cases, the factors on which its proper development depends can be influenced with the help of antiviral, immunostimulating, and homeopathic remedies. And only in in rare cases, when the likelihood of giving birth to a seriously ill, handicapped child is very high, doctors advise terminating the pregnancy. As you can see, viral infections, although they can be truly dangerous, are still controllable. It is only important not to neglect examination and treatment.

Herpes is an infection that is unpleasant in itself. But, among other things, it is also a highly contagious disease. Often, the presence of a virus in the body can interfere with relationships and sex.

This form of herpes infection occurs in almost every person. Blisters on the lips due to a weakened immune system, after a cold or flu, are not uncommon in men and women. Should we be afraid of such localization of the virus?

If one of the partners suffers from herpes labialis, the other is likely to contract this infection sooner or later. However, you shouldn’t panic too much about this, because, most likely, he is already an asymptomatic carrier of the virus.

Nevertheless, preventive measures against labial herpes should not be neglected.


The infection can enter the partner's body through any contact. Characteristic feature Herpes is that it is contagious even in its inactive form, when there is not the slightest trace of rashes on the face. However, in this case the probability of getting the disease is quite small. And there are no specific preventive measures.

Labial herpes becomes highly contagious in the acute period, especially at the stage of formation of blisters and erosions. At this time, the following become dangerous:

  • kisses;
  • sex;
  • close contact;
  • shared utensils;
  • bed sheets;
  • towels

You can also become infected with the virus through airborne droplets, without direct contact with a sick person. In this case, the pathogen reaches the partner with the smallest particles of saliva.


Sometimes it happens that the partner has never really had this disease. And then methods of protection are mandatory. The main measures to prevent infection with labial herpes in the acute period are:

  1. Isolation of the sick person.
  2. Lack of close contacts if it is not possible to isolate your partner.
  3. Compliance with personal hygiene rules.
  4. Frequent hand washing.
  5. Timely treatment of the disease with antiviral ointments.
  6. Avoiding oral sex, so as not to transfer the infection to the anogenital area.

Genital herpes

With this disease the situation is somewhat more complicated. It can be caused by viruses not only of the second type, but also of the first type - those that usually live on the lips.

Genital herpes affects the genital area and anus. In women, the rash can be located in the vagina and even on the cervix.

Why is genital herpes dangerous? Often it causes real suffering to the sick person. Severe itching and pain at the site of the blisters cause constant discomfort. The symptoms reach their highest peak when the blisters open and ulcers form. The situation is aggravated by the fact that it is difficult to dry the elements in the anogenital zone, and constant wetting causes even greater pain, irritation and itching.

In addition, with an exacerbation of this pathology, pain may be noted in the lower back, lower abdomen, or radiate to the hips. In men with frequent relapses of genital herpes, a specific complication is observed - herpetic prostatitis. Its outcome could be erectile dysfunction and even infertility.

Transmission routes

The mode of transmission of genital herpes is contact, or sexual. In rare cases, household infection is possible - through shared towels and linen. However, in the vast majority of cases, the virus is transmitted when a couple chooses to have unprotected sex.

In addition, genital herpes can pass from mother to newborn through the birth canal and lead to the development of severe diseases - for example, herpetic encephalitis.

If a pregnant woman becomes infected with this disease for the first time during sex, it is extremely dangerous both for carrying the baby and for its development.

The disease cannot be cured, nor can herpes be completely eliminated from the body. But it is very easy to become infected with it.

Risk of infection

As with a labial infection, the pathogen is always present in the body. Even if a person has not had exacerbations for a long time, and there are no visible rashes, the possibility of transmitting the infection exists.

If blisters or ulcers appear in the anogenital area, the concentration of the virus increases significantly, and the disease becomes highly contagious.

It doesn’t matter what kind of sex the partners practice – regular or anal, the risk of contracting genital herpes during this period is very high. In the case of oral sex, the virus is usually transmitted from the lips and nose to the anogenital area.

Genital herpes in one of the partners can threaten any relationship. Few people want to get an incurable disease that occurs with unpleasant symptoms and can often get worse. Therefore, protection against herpes during sexual intercourse becomes especially important.

What methods can help in this situation? No method of prevention guarantees 100% protection against genital herpes. However, it is quite possible to reduce the risk of infection.

Protection methods

First of all, you should remember that you cannot have sex during an exacerbation. This applies to both standard sexual intercourse and other options for obtaining pleasure. Even with petting, there is a small chance of infection.

Outside of exacerbation, sex should only be done using a condom, always. Otherwise, very soon the second partner will discover unpleasant symptoms.

If a sick person has herpes that often recurs and there is reason to suspect a high concentration of the virus in biological fluids, you can additionally apply protective antiviral agents to the condom.

In addition, it is necessary to constantly increase immunity - both for the healthy and the infected partner. This can protect against infection even if the virus does enter the body. You can strengthen the immune system with vitamin therapy, hardening, and a balanced diet.

But a condom is not able to protect a person completely from herpes infection. The size of the virus is small enough to penetrate through the smallest pores. In the case of a low-quality product, the likelihood of infection is much higher. Should you warn your partner about genital herpes?

Partner warning

Warning your partner is a very important step in any relationship. And you need to talk about this before the couple starts having sex, even if condoms were used. Since there is no complete protection against viral infection and there is always the possibility of infection, the other partner should be aware of it. It is he who makes the decision to continue or break off this relationship, because he will always be at risk.

There are situations when both a man and a woman suffer from genital herpes at the same time. It would seem that this is the best scenario for the development of events. After all, in this case they may not be protected. But in practice, even this couple is better off using condoms so as not to provoke a relapse of the disease in each other. In case of exacerbation, barrier methods of protection in combination with antiviral treatment are required.

Responsibility for contamination

Surely most people know that there is criminal liability for intentional infection with a sexually transmitted disease. Does this apply to genital herpes, since the route of transmission of the virus is also sexual? Many people are concerned whether there is any liability for concealing information about their infection from their partner.

Genital herpes is not officially classified as venereal diseases, it's just a sexually transmitted disease. And even if one partner hides such unpleasant information from the other, he will not face punishment. However, this will not have the best effect on the relationship, because sooner or later genital herpes will manifest itself in both.

Sexually transmitted infections

Genital herpes

Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted infection. Many people infected with the genital herpes virus do not develop symptoms of genital herpes, but they may be contagious to their sexual partners.

Symptoms of genital herpes can range from mild soreness to painful blisters on the genitals and surrounding area. The first manifestation of genital herpes lasts about 2 – 3 weeks. Recurrences of genital herpes occur from time to time, but are usually less severe than the first episode of genital herpes. Antiviral treatment relieves symptoms of genital herpes. With frequent relapses of genital herpes, preventive antiviral treatment is carried out.

What is genital herpes?

Genital herpes is a viral infection of the genitals (penis in men, vulva and vagina in women) and surrounding skin. The cause of genital herpes is the herpes simplex virus. Genital herpes can also affect the buttocks and anus.

There are 2 types of herpes simplex virus:

Herpes simplex virus type 1 is a common cause of cold sores around the mouth. It has now been proven that herpes simplex virus type 1 causes more than half of cases of genital herpes

Herpes simplex virus type 2 affects only the genitals.

How is genital herpes transmitted?

The herpes virus can be transmitted through contact, sexual contact and from mother to fetus.

Genital herpes is transmitted through skin-to-skin contact of a person infected with the herpes virus. The mucous membranes of the oral cavity, genitals and anal area are the most susceptible to infection by the herpes virus. This means that genital herpes can occur through vaginal, anal, or oral sex. For example, if you have herpes sores around your mouth, you can spread the herpes virus to your partner through oral sex.

What are the symptoms of genital herpes?

When you first become infected with the herpes virus, it is called a primary infection. Primary infection with the herpes virus may occur with or without symptoms. After the initial infection, the virus remains in the body in an inactive state in nerve cells. During an exacerbation, the herpes virus comes out of nerve cells and along the nerve endings it affects areas of the skin and mucous membranes. This causes a recurrence of genital herpes symptoms if the primary infection was in the genital area or a recurrence of cold sores if the primary infection was around the mouth.

Genital herpes is often asymptomatic

Most people who are infected with the herpes virus show no symptoms or have minimal symptoms that are not recognized as genital herpes (for example, slight redness with moderate itching that goes away quickly). At least 8 out of 10 people with herpes simplex virus type 2 do not know they are infected. In such people, the virus remains in an inactive form in the nerve ganglion that innervates the genitals, but never causes a recurrence of genital herpes symptoms. However, even people with asymptomatic genital herpes can be infectious to their sexual partners.

First episode of genital herpes symptoms

An exacerbation of genital herpes begins with the appearance of malaise, moderate fever, burning and pain in the genital area and/or anus. Then, groups of painful blisters filled with clear contents appear on the genitals and/or around the anus. After a few days, the contents of the blisters become cloudy, the blisters rupture, resulting in the formation of ulcers. The ulcers crust over and then heal. The lymph nodes in the groin area are enlarged. May cause pain when urinating, especially for women.

In some cases, genital herpes is not limited to damage to the external genitalia. In women, the pathological process involves the vagina, cervix and uterine cavity, ovaries, urethra and bladder. In men - urethra, bladder, prostate, testicles. Ulcers and blisters gradually heal, the process lasts from 10 to 20 days. After healing of ulcers caused by the herpes virus, scars do not remain.

Sometimes genital herpes occurs with minimal symptoms. For example, single bubbles appear for a short time, a burning sensation, redness and swelling in the genital area are disturbing.

Please note:

Sometimes the first episode of genital herpes symptoms appears months or years after infection. This is the reason why the first episode of genital herpes symptoms may occur during sexual relations with a regular partner. You may have been infected months or years ago from a previous sexual partner who did not know he had the herpes virus.

It is not clear why some people infected with the herpes virus develop symptoms, some have no symptoms, and some experience their first episode of genital herpes months or years after infection. Scientists suggest that this is due to the immune system's response to the herpes virus in different people.

Repeated episodes of genital herpes (relapses)

After an initial episode of genital herpes, 50–75% of people experience relapses. It is not clear why the herpes virus becomes active, causing symptoms. Relapses are usually shorter and less severe than the first episode of genital herpes. Symptoms of recurrent genital herpes last 7–10 days, as opposed to 10–20 days for the first episode. Most people do not have a fever or malaise during a relapse of genital herpes. Tingling or itching in the genital area for 12 to 24 hours indicates the onset of a relapse of genital herpes. The time period between relapses is variable.

Some people experience genital herpes recurrences six or more times a year. For others, relapses occur less frequently or are absent. On average, the recurrence rate of genital herpes is 4–5 per year during the first two years after the first onset of symptoms.

Some people know what can trigger a recurrence of genital herpes. These triggers for a recurrence of genital herpes include sunlight, exposure to cold, colds, alcohol, or stress. If you know what triggers a recurrence of herpes, then it is useful to avoid it in the future as much as possible.

Do I need any research?

Yes. The doctor or nurse makes a smear from the contents of the vials, then sends the smear to a laboratory for testing. This may confirm that the herpes simplex virus is causing your symptoms. However, this method is rarely used.

A more accessible rapid diagnostic method for detecting herpes virus antigens in the blood is the immunofluorescence reaction. To detect antibodies to various types of herpes simplex virus, enzyme immunoassay(ELISA).

Treatment of genital herpes

With severe swelling, burning sensation, itching and severe pain anti-inflammatory drugs are used (for example, indomethacin, voltaren). Anesthetic ointments (lidocaine 5%) also reduce itching and pain. Some people use a numbing ointment before urinating if it causes pain. Please note: If you are allergic to pain-relieving ointments, the ointment may worsen skin symptoms.

Ice wrapped in a towel and applied to the wounds for 10 minutes can reduce pain. Do not place ice directly on the skin as this may cause an “ice burn.”

Drink plenty of fluids. This makes the urine less concentrated, which reduces pain when urinating without irritating the genital mucosa.

Do not use scented soaps or bubble baths as they may irritate the skin and increase pain. Treat the genitals carefully using cotton swabs and clean or salted water. Gently dry the genital area with a towel. Instead of a towel, you can use a hairdryer, setting the most low temperature so as not to cause burns.

During an exacerbation, you should use a separate towel, sponges or napkins so as not to infect other people with the herpes virus.

During the period of exacerbation of genital herpes, you should stop sex life. You will be able to resume sexual activity once the symptoms of genital herpes have subsided.

Antiviral treatment

Antiviral treatment does not completely remove the herpes virus from the body. Antiviral treatment prevents the virus from multiplying. Antiviral medications include: acyclovir, famciclovir, valacyclovir.

Antiviral treatment reduces the severity and duration of symptoms if started within five days of the onset of symptoms. The course of treatment is usually 5 days, but it can be extended over several days if blisters are still forming.

To reduce the duration and severity of recurrent genital herpes, start antiviral treatment as early as possible (preferably before blisters appear). Initial treatment will help reduce the severity of genital herpes.

For frequently recurrent genital herpes, maintenance antiviral treatment is recommended.

Sexual life and genital herpes:

If you have an exacerbation of genital herpes (initial episode or relapse)

The herpes simplex virus is highly contagious, large quantities is contained in the contents of the bubbles. There is a high chance of transmitting the herpes virus to your partner during sexual intercourse. You should avoid sexual activity from the time symptoms appear until they disappear. During an exacerbation of genital herpes, a condom does not completely protect the partner from infection.

If genital herpes is in remission (that is, there are no symptoms or manifestations).

You are less likely to infect your partner during sex. However, small amounts of the virus will occasionally be present on the surface of the genital skin. Therefore, there is a small chance that you can pass the virus to your partner during sex, even when you have no symptoms. It's better to discuss everything with your sexual partner. Using a condom every time you have sex is believed to reduce the risk of contracting genital herpes. However, using a condom does not completely eliminate the risk of contracting the herpes virus. In addition, people who take antiviral medications to prevent recurrence of genital herpes have a reduced risk of transmitting the virus.

Please note: If your sexual partner already has the same virus then you cannot re-infect each other. Your partner may be infected but may not show symptoms. You need to see a doctor.

What are possible complications genital herpes?

In a small number of people, the infection may spread to the skin of other areas of the body. When bacteria are attached, genital herpes can be complicated by purulent inflammation of the skin of the genital organs. Note: Genital herpes does not damage the uterus or cause infertility.
