What stones are for lions. Which stone is suitable for Leo women? Leo healing stones

Natural minerals correctly selected according to the zodiac sign can impart special energy, develop positive qualities and hidden talents, and help fight various diseases. When choosing stones for Leo as a talisman, you should take into account that he is protected by the Sun, which means the gems should be bright, warm, and fiery in color.

For a strong and proud sign, the mineral will provide a calm life, emphasize character traits, protect against negative energy and bring good luck. If the stone is chosen correctly, it will become a real talisman and amulet for its owner.

Talismans for Leo

Regardless of gender and date of birth, minerals are suitable for the sign of the element of Fire, which will help strengthen control over outbursts of emotions, reduce irritability, and increase the spiritual level. The gem must have a special property to soften the explosive nature of Leo and direct his energy in the right direction.


A symbol of material wealth and a high standard of living, it has a calming effect, helps to cope with anger and outbursts of aggression. Gives endurance, relieves fatigue and irritability, strengthens health, prolongs youth, increases well-being, protects against negative energy.

According to legend, a diamond will bring happiness and good luck to its owner only if he got it honestly. A stolen stone has black energy and brings misfortune and even death.

The stone will help you find the right solution in difficult situations, win the respect of colleagues, make useful contacts, and will give you cheerfulness and good mood. The talisman promotes financial enrichment, brings happiness to family life, protects from betrayal and quarrels.


Restores internal energy, helps cope with depression, gives strength, stimulates logical thinking. The mineral has healing properties, helps strengthen the immune system and cardiovascular system, helps cope with insomnia. The stone can help lonely people find their soul mate and create a happy family. Gambling Leos will bring success in new projects and good luck in games.

It is considered one of the strongest talismans for Leo, it gives strength, confidence and courage, eliminates cowardice, and helps overcome fears. Has the ability to inspire great things and make the right decisions in difficult situations. The mineral “clears” the mind and gives mental strength, fills it with energy and regulates the level of activity.

In ancient times, it was believed that ruby ​​helped a childless woman become pregnant, bear and give birth to a healthy baby, and helped men get rid of prostatitis.

Possessing healing power, they contribute to treatment colds, diabetes, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, strengthens the functioning of the cardiac and nervous system, improves immunity. It is a symbol of strong and passionate love, helps in creating a family nest.


Relieves stress, gives vigor, energizes optimism, and puts you in a positive state. Increases internal potential, gives strength and energy, develops hidden talents and good intuition. Calms the nervous system, helps strengthen the immune system and normal heart function. Improves leadership qualities, suitable for people in leadership positions.


Improves mood, helps fight fears, prevents nervous breakdowns and relieves insomnia. Able to control outbursts of emotions, reduces irritability and softens the explosive nature of Leo. Reveals creative potential and helps find a way out of difficult situations. Strengthens family relationships and brings happiness and harmony to the home.

It is believed that the stone will be a good talisman for a little Leo; it improves a baby’s sleep, protects against household injuries, reduces pain during teething, lowers fever, relieves swelling from bruises, and helps cope with fears.

It has an analgesic effect and can be applied to painful areas of the body to reduce pain. Helps in the treatment of diseases of the joints, spine, and cardiovascular system.


Helps resolve conflict situations in the family and at work, gives courage, strength and reveals hidden talents. Eliminates bad thoughts, irritability, develops intuition, strengthens the immune system. Suitable for creative people and businessmen, it calms nerves, inspires new discoveries, helps solve problems and get around rough edges in business.


Gives peace of mind and harmony, helps maintain health and youth. Will protect you from serious illnesses, negative energy and ill-wishers. Helps to reveal creative abilities, develop leadership qualities, find the right solution, and strengthen social status. Attracts love, helps create a happy family, protects against adultery. Possessing healing properties, it helps in the treatment of diseases associated with the nervous and cardiac systems, as well as blood pressure.

Gems are able to protect their owner from negative influences and rash actions. They help avoid manifestations of anger and control emotional outbursts. Talismans endow Leo with nobility, courage, generosity and strengthen the nervous system, protecting against nervous breakdowns and depression.

Selecting a stone by decade

For a gem to be a truly good amulet for Leo, it must be chosen not only according to the main characteristics of the mineral, but also according to the date of birth of the sign itself.

1 decade

For strong Leos, distinguished by their special tenacity and explosive character, who were born from July 23 to August 3 and who are patronized by Saturn, stones with strong energy are needed:

  • moonstone;
  • Arabic diamond;
  • alexandrite;
  • bloody jasper;
  • sapphire;
  • tiger's eye.

The stones will soften the hot-tempered nature of the sign, suppress rage and anger, teach you to listen to the opinions of others, protect against negative energy and help fight excessive obsession.

2nd decade

Magnanimous and generous Leos, born from August 4 to 12, are influenced by Jupiter, he gives them hard work, dictatorial abilities, and peacefulness. The following gems are suitable for such people:

  • amber;
  • jade;
  • opal;
  • onyx;
  • sardonyx.

The stones will help improve basic character traits, gain calm and balance, and reveal creative abilities.

3rd decade

Powerful Mars shapes the character of people born from August 13 to 22, it gives them strength, power and excellent health. The following minerals will help develop leadership qualities and get rid of phobias and various complexes:

  • ruby;
  • sapphire;
  • topaz;
  • pomegranate;
  • diamond;
  • tourmaline.

These stones will help develop intellectual qualities, suggest the right decisions, protect against ill-wishers and calm the nervous system.

Stone for Leo woman

A correctly chosen stone, a talisman for a Leo woman, will not only smooth out the unevenness of the fiery character, but also impart its energy, bring good luck, and give good health and youth for many years. The following stones are suitable for the fair sex:

  • diamond ;
  • diamond;
  • ruby;
  • pomegranate;
  • topaz.

Minerals are able to endow their owner with good intuition, give determination, perseverance and strength. They will bring peace and harmony to the home, get rid of negativity, irritability and help deal with problems and failures.

Stones for Leo men

For generous, courageous representatives of the stronger sex, stones are suitable that can help cope with attacks of sudden aggression, protect against bad thoughts, and prevent conflicts; these are the following:

  • aquamarine;
  • alexandrite;
  • topaz;
  • heliodor;
  • onyx.

Minerals will help you find good relationships with loved ones and colleagues at work, concentrate on problems and find the right solution. They will protect you from risky decisions, relieve anxiety and insomnia. At the same time, stones have healing properties that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body.

What stones are not suitable for Leos?

Of the wide variety of gems, there are some stones that Leos should be wary of. An overly sensitive and emotional zodiac sign is not recommended to wear minerals that have unstable energy.


Induces one to take rash actions and actions, which subsequently leads to financial losses. Reduces performance and negatively affects health. Relaxes the nervous system, which often leads to prolonged depression.

Black opal

It can not only harm your health, but also ruin your career. It tends towards depression, attracts failure, and brings uncertainty, confusion and worry into life.


Able to attract problems and troubles, provokes nervous breakdowns and loss of strength. It has the ability to negatively influence the functioning of the entire body, dull the sense of danger, and aggravate chronic diseases.

Despite the strong character and authority of Leo, they also need energy protection and support, but when choosing a talisman it is very important to listen to your inner voice. And it doesn’t have to be a stone; you can choose a figurine from a certain mineral that will protect the house from negative influences and maintain harmony in the family.

If, when choosing a stone, it does not evoke any emotions, it is better to look for another option. Only by listening to your intuition can you choose a mineral that will truly bring joy and become your favorite amulet for many years.

Nowadays, it is almost impossible to imagine astrology without talisman stones. They are always constant companions of stars and celestial bodies. Each zodiac sign has its own amulet, which gives it maximum strength and energy.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign Leo

Leo is one of the most interesting signs of the zodiac. This is a strong and powerful representative of the element of Fire. Well, if this is also a woman, then you should take care of her. This is a real lioness.

The Leo woman is always demanding not only of herself, but also of the people around her. She is smart, often beautiful and unusually charismatic.

The Leo woman does not accept criticism addressed to her, and for a long time she remembers the one who subjected her to this. Often vindictive and hot-tempered, but quickly moves away. Such a lady is an optimist and a careerist. She achieves a lot in life and business, stands firmly on her feet and weeds out competitors.

The Leo woman attracts men to her like a magnet. She is almost never alone; there is always a man next to her. The Leo Lady always has an impeccable appearance.

She never loses her dignity and can always find a way out of any situation. It's hard not to fall in love with her, however, being with a lioness is very difficult. You must definitely meet her requirements, otherwise she will not be interested in you.

Stones for Leo woman by date of birth

The ten-day period in which she was born also has a certain influence on the character of the lioness. Two lioness ladies can be completely different if they are born in different months. When choosing a talisman stone for a lioness, you must take into account the decade.

1 decade from July 23 to August 3

Ladies born during this period are incorrigible optimists. They are cheerful and sociable, but such women are not afraid of loneliness either. The Leo Lady of the 1st decade may well be in a state of harmony alone with herself.

Certain stones are well suited for such a woman:

  • – protects from ill-wishers, reconciles quarrels and brings family harmony and well-being to the home. The stone helps with childbirth, skin diseases and thyroid diseases.
  • – protects home and family from envy and quarrels. Charges the owner with positive energy. Treats heart diseases and diseases of the circulatory system.
  • Rhinestone – cleanses consciousness and frees from negative energy. Helps calm conflicts and promotes quick reconciliation. Improves the functioning of the brain and spinal cord. Treats varicose veins and heart disease.
  • - they believe that he is able to fulfill wishes. Such a stone is an ally of fearless and persistent people. It clears your thoughts and induces the ability to rationalize your brain. The stone treats rheumatism, joint diseases, asthma and otitis media.

2nd decade from 4 to 12 August

The Leo woman, born in the second decade, is an idealist. She rarely compromises, considering only her principles to be correct. Such a lady is demanding of her surroundings. If she is in a leadership position, then there is always order in the team. They don’t particularly like her, they are even afraid of her, but they always respect her.

The following talismans are most suitable for such a lioness:

  • Amber – protects the owner from the evil eye. It gives good spirits, good luck in your endeavors and victory in battles. The stone attracts good friends. It brings happiness and good energy to the home. Amber treats diseases of the thyroid gland, ears and vision. He's filming headache, improves the activity of the cardiac system and metabolism.
  • Onyx – protects the owner from accidents and thefts. It helps to achieve recognition and respect among colleagues. Onyx creates an energy field around the owner that can protect him and give him energy. The stone treats insomnia, depression and nightmares. Helps people suffering from poor memory.
  • preserves love and family comfort in the home. Protects its owner from the evil eye and damage. Instills self-confidence, helps to find harmony, and establish contact with loved ones. The stone helps treat headaches and eye diseases. It perfectly helps in the rehabilitation period after operations.
  • Cat's eye - protects against sudden death, improves energy and cleanses the aura. The stone brings peace to the owner, helps to control oneself and not commit rash acts. He makes thoughts clear. Cat's eye treats cardiovascular diseases, liver, kidney and nervous system diseases.

3rd decade from August 13 to 23

The lady, who was born in the last decade, has a difficult character. She is the one who does not like criticism and reproaches addressed to her. The Leo woman is touchy; she may even try to take revenge on her offenders.

To calm her violent temper, you need to choose the following stones:

  • Ruby – a very powerful talisman. It gives strength and inspires confidence. Ruby is an excellent assistant in matters of the heart. Saves you from cowardice, helps you overcome your fears. Treats bronchitis and tonsillitis, diseases of the blood and spine. It is believed that it helps to get pregnant and contributes to the successful course of pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Pomegranate - inspires strength in those people who know exactly what they want in life. It protects on the road and travel. Garnet stone for Leo women helps you come into harmony with your thoughts and clear your mind. They bring material well-being. Stones are involved in the treatment of heart diseases and chronic infections.
  • Tourmaline – helps strengthen family ties, brings harmony and happiness to the home. The talisman develops wisdom and a desire for self-knowledge. It is a good amulet for young children. The stone helps prevent nervous breakdowns. It treats spinal hernias and joint pain. can be found here.
  • Sapphire – patron of friendship. It helps you find good friends. The stone gives courage and strength weak people. Protects against betrayal and family quarrels. The talisman relieves anger and apathy. It helps relieve fatigue, reduce fever and improve appetite. Treats heart diseases and brain diseases.

The Leo woman is a passionate and independent person. She strives to show it everywhere. The choice of jewelry for her is no exception. For a lady of the fire element, stones of warm colors are best suited: yellow, orange, red, brown.

Most suitable natural stones for Leo woman: amber, topaz, citrine, carnelian. Wearing green chrysolite also has a very beneficial effect on the state of mind of a lady of the fire element.

The Leo woman knows her worth and always strives to look great. If you want to win the heart of such a lady with jewelry, think about more expensive items. Most suitable gems for Leo woman – these are ruby, garnet, diamond, emerald and sapphire.

Amulets for Leo women

To choose a talisman for a lady of the fire element, you need to think carefully. Each stone carries its own energy, the main thing is that this force, combined with character traits, does not harm the Leo woman.

When buying a talisman for such a young lady, follow our recommendations:

  • For an idealistic lioness, the stone must be thorough in appearance and shape. If such a lady is financially secure, you should not give her a cheap amulet. A stone for a Leo woman should correspond to her status.
  • Consider options with warm, clear crystals. A representative of fire, such a decoration will calm her down.
  • Pay attention to the pinkish tints of the stones. A little frivolity and eccentricity will not harm a self-confident lioness.
  • Light onyx will give the Leo lady creativity and allow creative thinking to work.
  • Sunny amber will help improve the situation on the love front. This amulet is responsible for the heart, cardiac activity and amorous affairs.
  • Heliodor stone is considered a symbol of the sun. It is perfect for a Leo lady. Heliodor improves mood and helps cope with melancholy and depression.

How to wear stones correctly for Leo women?

To create an exquisite piece of jewelry with the desired talisman stone, you can use various metals:

  • The ideal option for a sun sign is, of course, gold. This noble metal in combination with a yellow-orange or bright red stone can cause a storm of positive emotions in a Leo woman.
  • Diamond in gold setting is a harmonious and delightful amulet for a fiery lady. He is able to take control of all the emotions of a passionate woman, thereby smoothing out the unevenness of her character. It is worth considering here that the frame for the decoration should not overshadow the stone. The diamond is worn as close as possible to the skin of its owner. Then its energy is transmitted with greater force.
  • Bright garnet or ruby not only looks advantageous with gold, but also gives the owner perseverance, strength and reserves energy. These gold-framed amulets are very powerful amulets for ladies of the fire element.
  • If you want an economical version of the amulet, you can use a frame for decoration made of metal alloys of yellow shades. Although such a talisman will yield in price, it will not yield in power. A good combination for such a frame would be with sardonyx. This stone brings peace, love and good luck to the Leo woman. Heliodor in a frame of warm colors will give the lioness strength and restore the spent reserve of the body.
  • A wonderful gift for a Leo lady would be a ring with amber or jasper. It is recommended to wear it on the index finger. Such decoration will charge its owner with positive energy.

Necklaces, bracelets, watches and other amulets for a lioness should be chosen in a round shape. These options will be especially successful for representatives of the fire element. After all, the circle resembles the sun, and everything connected with the celestial body is positive for Leo women.

Stones that are contraindicated for Leo women

Of all the variety of stones, there are still those that lionesses should be wary of. There are few such talismans, however, they can not only not bring any benefit, but also harm their owner.

The following stones are not suitable:

  • Black opal- they say that this particular amulet carries negative energy to an optimistic Leo woman. He inclines his owner to depression and even nervous breakdowns. Black opal can harm not only a woman’s health, but also her career.
  • provokes loss of strength and frequent mood swings. Such a stone can attract troubles and create problems out of nowhere.
  • Turquoise brings loss in the financial affairs of Leo women. In addition, it can cause diseases of a woman’s nervous system and ruin her relationships with friends and colleagues. This stone is most contraindicated for lionesses. Just like other blue and blue amulets.
  • causes self-doubt, indecision and confusion in lionesses.
  • Amethyst will also bring only uncertainty and worries. This stone will only bring unnecessary confusion and frustration into the life of a Leo lady.

Leo is a very hot-tempered, active and stubborn zodiac sign. It is no coincidence that he is patronized by the majestic Sun. Such people are always cheerful, sociable and sociable. Among the shortcomings of the zodiac sign, one should note laziness and a painful attitude towards any criticism. Today we will tell you which stones are suitable for Leos, will reveal their creative potential and bring happiness.

Selecting a stone by date of birth

First ten days – period from July 23 to August 3. Leos born at this time will be helped by Saturn. It is important to choose stones that will match the strong character of such people.

  1. Tiger's eye.
  2. Bloody.

If Leos were born in the second decade, namely from August 4 to 12, then Jupiter will be their patron. You need to choose minerals that will fill a person with light, goodness and sincerity. Please note:

Third ten days – period from August 13 to August 23. Lviv will be protected by the mighty Mars. Representatives of the third decade are considered very smart, strong and persistent people. Therefore, stones of the Leo zodiac sign should patronize the military and any leaders:

  1. Cycron.

Amulets and talismans of Lviv

It is important that the stone for Leo contributes to happiness in life and leads the way to success. At the same time, the amulet should warn of any danger and try to hide negative energy from its owner. The following minerals will cope with these tasks:

  • . According to the horoscope, the Leo stone remarkably restrains the anger of a hot-tempered person. Using the amulet you can improve relationships with work colleagues and find new friends. If you frame the stone in a thin setting, then it will come into closer contact with the skin and bring health benefits.
  • Amber. Develops kindness, sincerity and generosity in Leos. The owner of the stone immediately becomes cheerful and optimistic. Great for creative professions, helps to get inspiration and create masterpieces.
  • Topaz. Lviv bestows great wisdom and the ability to listen to loved ones. The mineral drives away any fears and anxieties and calms the human nervous system. In addition, according to the horoscope, the Leo stone attracts great wealth.
  • Tourmaline. To develop new creative possibilities in yourself, you need to turn to the power of this stone. It’s enough to look at it for a while and inspiration will come by itself. This stone for Leo helps to cope with insomnia and creates a feeling of peace in the soul.
  • Ruby. If you are opening your own grandiose business, be sure to use the stone as an amulet. He will help in any endeavor. The mineral will also clear your mind of unnecessary information and help you concentrate on work.
  • . Helps to discover logical abilities in every person, which will help in any work. Stone for Leo gives enormous forces move forward and reach the top. For women, heliodor will serve as a love talisman. He will help you meet a real man and create a happy family with him.
  • . Gives great luck and love to its owner. The stone saves from any negative energy and from the evil eye. This is the ideal protector of the family hearth. If you keep a sardonyx amulet at home, then the husband and wife will never cheat on each other and quarrel.

As you can see, stones of the Leo zodiac sign reveal the best qualities of their owner, help to move forward and be happy. At the same time, they restrain all natural flaws and help a person look ideal in the eyes of others.

What stones are suitable for Leo women?

To discover beauty, new talents and find family happiness, you need to turn to the following stones for help:

  1. Heliodor. To attract the attention of the opposite sex, wear any jewelry with such a stone. Then in any company you will always look at your best and will be able to catch admiring glances.
  2. Ruby. Ideal for older Leos. The stone will help improve health, especially the heart.
  3. Pomegranate. If you often communicate with people and spend a huge amount of energy, the stone will help you easily replenish it. Hold a pomegranate in your hands and you will feel a huge surge of strength.
  4. Cornelian. It is suitable for creative women. If you create hairstyles, paint pictures, play a musical instrument, be sure to take the mineral with you. It will unlock your artistic potential and help you create incredibly beautiful works of art.

What stones are suitable for Leo men?

For a man of this zodiac sign, it is important to be able to restrain impulses of anger and listen to people. At the same time, stones for Leo should develop hard work in a person and fight natural laziness. Here are the minerals that will help men show off their strengths and hide minor flaws:

  1. Sardonyx. Develops determination and self-confidence in representatives of the stronger sex. The stone attracts great luck and money. Use it as a talisman for your work. It helps you move up your career ladder and implement various creative projects. Sardonyx actively fights laziness, fears, and pessimism. It saves Leo from any shortcomings and allows them to achieve any goal.
  2. Alexandrite. This is the stone of leaders and successful Leos. It further enhances the ability to lead people and give them tasks correctly. The stone drives away all sadness and self-doubt.
  3. . Allows men to be more tolerant of others and not worry about their mistakes. The stone reveals talents and has a great effect on creativity. With its help, you can win the attention of your audience and feel more confident.
  4. Carnelian Saves you from any troubles, failures and fears. Helps manage people effectively and develops public speaking skills. It will be a great help for teenagers who have complexes and feel that they have achieved nothing in life. The mineral will add confidence, strength and optimism.

What stones are contraindicated for Leos?

There are minerals that can attract trouble and even fear. They will only reveal the negative qualities of Leo and scare away luck. These stones include:

  • . He will develop complexes and self-doubt. Leos will feel suspicious and fearful.
  • Any blue stones.

The most dangerous stone for Leo is. She is too calming and relaxing. This leads to rash actions and mistakes in work. As a result, Leos lose a lot of money and become unhappy. The stone will influence your communication with loved ones and colleagues. You will often break down and quarrel without listening to people. Turquoise reduces Leo's performance and talents too much. Experts believe that the mineral is even harmful to health. Stones for the Leo zodiac sign must be chosen with great care so as not to come into contact with dangerous minerals. If you see that a new piece of jewelry with a stone brings bad luck for several days, you should definitely remove it.

  • For Lionesses, a ring with amber or jasper will be a wonderful amulet. To get maximum energy from the talisman, put it on your index finger.
  • It is important to note that all stones can be framed in gold or bronze. Leos need to treat silver with caution. It may not be compatible with stones and limit their magical properties.
  • Since the zodiac sign is protected by the Sun, all decorations should be only round in shape. You can buy earrings, bracelets, watches or rings that will be decorated with round stones.
  • To make a woman lucky and successful, she can have a corresponding engraving on the stone. An image of an eagle, peacock, lion or swan would be suitable. Such a talisman will reveal all its power and will bring happiness to the girl.
  • If there are several Leos in one family, it is better for them to choose one type of stone as an amulet. Too much accumulation of various active minerals in the house can cause unpredictable effects.
  • Leo men need to be sure to wear a suitable stone to work every day. After all, representatives of this sign sometimes become lazy and unwilling to work. And the mineral will give new strength, motivation and ideas.
  • At the moment of a quarrel with a friend or loved one, you should not abruptly break off the relationship. Go alone for a while, look at the stone and try to describe the problem to it in detail. Within 15-20 minutes you will want to communicate with the person again, make peace and improve relationships. A talisman made from a suitable stone will help pacify anger.
  • Leo travelers definitely need to take a talisman made of carnelian or alexandrite on the road. The stones will help you be careful while traveling and not get scammed. With their help, you will spend less money, but at the same time you will have time to see many beautiful places. Just always be vigilant and do not lose your talisman. Astrologers consider this a bad sign and the beginning of trouble.
  • Stones for the Leo zodiac sign do not need to be carried with you all the time. Sometimes the powerful energy of certain minerals can harm Leos. Therefore, it is best to buy something for your home, decorated with a certain stone. Then such a talisman will protect your property, family comfort and give you health.
  • Stones for Leo should evoke a smile, peace and spiritual harmony. If you see a stone that suits you in a store, but it does not evoke any emotions in you, it is better to look for another option. It is your soul that must choose the right mineral.

Leo Man A person with strong charisma should choose precious and semi-precious stones that will enhance his energy, emphasize his regal character, leadership qualities and serve as protection.

When choosing your mineral, you should rely on the specifics of the sign, the desired action, age and position.

Features of the zodiac sign

Leo (July 23-August 23) ruled by the planet Sun and the fire element. Outwardly, Leos are not always beautiful, but they look impressive, carry themselves with royal confidence with their heads held high and move with the grace of a cat.

Distinctive features of the sign:

  1. Pronounced self-centeredness and the need for constant attention to one’s own person. Leos love self-admiration, compliments, flattery and are sensitive to criticism, even constructive ones. Men of this sign are very sociable, capable of charming everyone around them, quickly gaining trust and giving compliments even to strangers.
  2. High demands on yourself and others. This is expressed in the fact that the Leo man always carefully looks after himself, dresses stylishly and beautifully, preferring elegant brands from leading brands. When choosing a partner, he gives preference to spectacular and bright women who know how to impress. During the courtship period, he does not skimp on beautiful gestures.
  3. Huge work capacity, endurance, workaholism, mathematical mindset, competence, ability for logical thinking combined with ambition, desire for material wealth, inexhaustible energy, excellent leadership and organizational skills and the ability to curb one’s hot temper (cope with outbursts of anger and irritation). In this regard, Leos often occupy high positions or strive to climb the career ladder. Chief Leo is always surrounded by a retinue of subordinates, hanging on his every word.
  4. In a family he can surround his wife with luxury, adores children, but prefers to be a dictator and does not tolerate insubordination;
  5. Masculinity, love, optimistic attitude and quick enthusiasm for new ideas and women.

Selection of stone by date of birth

  1. First 10 days(July 23-August 3). The planetary patron is Saturn. Leos born on these dates are distinguished by perseverance, self-will and obsession with power. For the purpose of energy replenishment and suppression of rage, sapphire (but not blue), alexandrite, jade, carnelian, bloody jasper, rock crystal (Western or Arabic diamond) and
  2. Second 10 days(August 4-August 12). Men are influenced by Jupiter, which exacerbates character traits such as pedantry, hard work, prudence and dictatorial abilities. Calmness, balance, diplomacy and peacefulness will be provided by jadeite, onyx, amber, cat's eye, tiger's eye (tiger iron), citrine, sardonyx, jade and opal filled with light inside.
  3. Third decade (August 13-August 23). The character of those born in the third decade is formed under the influence of Mars, which patronizes belligerence, power, power, triumph, creativity and struggle. “Bloody” ruby ​​(pyrope), fire opal, yellow beryl, garnet, diamond, emerald, sapphire (blue), tourmaline, topaz and alexandrite will help develop the qualities of a leader, manager, and get rid of complexes and phobias. Emerald and yellow beryl will give wisdom and prudence; Carnelian and jade will indicate a way out of a difficult situation.

Precious talismans for Leo

The most effective will be amulets in the form of a star, sun, lion, king of birds (eagle), swan, some flowers (peony, chrysanthemum, gladiolus) or ladybug framed in gold.

A talisman in the shape of an eagle helps to quickly resolve complicated life puzzles, gives respect and the ability to find a common language with colleagues and acquaintances, in the form of a peony it increases prosperity and protects against black forces, in the form of a chrysanthemum it strengthens health and prolongs life, a gladiolus will save you from death at the hands of the enemy.

Leos are not advised to wear:

  • aventurine(gives self-doubt, develops suspicion and complexes);
  • turquoise(excessively calms, completely deprives of fear and the instinct of self-preservation, reduces labor productivity, leads to large financial losses, business failure, provokes inexplicable impulsive actions, conflicts with others, reduces sexual activity, in extreme cases leads to infertility);
  • natural pearls, obsidian and chrysopase(have properties that are not inherent in the sign, as a result of which Leo suffers from internal psychological contradictions, memory disorders, decreased mental activity and learning ability);
  • opal and amethyst(have a bad effect on well-being and worsen the energy level in the family).

Mother of pearl, obsidian, serpentine and rhodonite are also undesirable for the king of beasts.

Thus, the lion's good luck talisman is diamond, jade, amber, carnelian, sardonyx, topaz; moonstone attracts love; emerald, sardonyx, heliodor and chrysolite keep the warmth of the family hearth.

Blue stones, as well as pearls, amethyst, opal, obsidian and chrysopase are contraindicated for Leo.



  1. Choose with ruby ​​and amber in a thin gold frame;
  2. Pendants with precious stones are worn in the center of the chest;
  3. Choose tie clips and cufflinks with amber, brooches with obsidian and rock crystal;
  4. At home and in the workplace, have figures and figurines in the form of a star, sun, lion, eagle, swan, peony, chrysanthemum, gladiolus, ladybug framed in gold;
  5. A talisman with a ruby ​​is necessary for a lion to reach adulthood;
  6. Diamond, onyx, alexandrite, and ruby ​​will help to pacify your character and acquire new connections.

Lions- bright representatives of the fire sign. Born from July 23 to August 22, they are patronized by the Sun itself. Hot and hot-tempered, like our star, Leos also have a truly royal character: they have no doubts, are noble, ambitious and stately. However, on the other hand, sometimes they can flare up. Leos are also persistent, purposeful and more often materialistic. People around them are drawn to warm representatives of this sign, but Leos are quite self-sufficient, so they can easily do without society. In their manners, Leos are optimistic, cheerful and sociable people.


Leo is patronized by the Sun itself. Therefore, representatives of this sign are bright, impressive people, ambitious and purposeful. They actively pursue their goals and often occupy a high social position. The sun generously endowed them with fortitude, regal charisma, and leadership qualities. They feel their right to power and know their worth. Leos crave power - they cannot consider themselves successful if they achieve what they want only to some extent, and not completely.
They know how to inspire trust and convince others, they like to be the center of attention and feel loved.
Some Leos seem too self-confident - this is how they hide their inner doubts and fear of failure. Representatives of this sign do not like to be alone, they are disgusted by silence, so they strive to spend every minute among people.
Leos tend to lecture others, sometimes they cross the line and with this behavior offend their acquaintances and friends. Leos need to constantly work on themselves and develop, otherwise they risk turning into a dummy with unreasonably high demands. But if Leo fully realizes the possibilities given to him by nature, he will achieve everything he wants.
Leos love to be at the center of events and actively influence them. They are not afraid to take responsibility. These are born leaders. A subordinate position is not for them. They strive to manage the process, and not to conscientiously carry out the will of others. Representatives of the sun sign know how to achieve success. Endowed with extraordinary intelligence, determination and ambition, they know how to develop the right strategy, find skillful assistants and achieve patronage from the right people– all this ensures the successful implementation of their plans.
Representatives of this sign can be described as bright and bright people, full of vitality and optimism. Light orange or golden stones are suitable for such people - with their help, Leo will become more hardworking and strong, both emotionally and physically.


Heliodor is a type of beryl. This talisman is golden in color, light, closer to yellow than orange. Heliodor is the first stone of Leo according to the horoscope, closely associated with their patron planet. It acts as a talisman because it has a positive influence and intellectual development, gives clarity of mind and sobriety of thoughts. Thanks to him, Leo can easily “throw the garbage” out of his head. In addition, heliodor improves the mood of its owner and combats melancholy. It is also good as a stone for Leo women according to the horoscope, increasing their luck on the personal front.

Amber is the sunniest stone for the Leo horoscope. This is the frozen quintessence of fire, light and life. It is poetically called the “gift of the sun”, and it could not be more suitable for bright Leos. Amber is the best companion for creative individuals, helping to bring ideas to life and giving inspiration.
The strong energy charge of this stone comes mainly from its warm, sparkling tone. Amber will help representatives of the sun sign to become generous, cheerful and generous, and will give peace, joy and optimism. It is imbued with the energy of the sun, clarifies thoughts, gives cheerfulness, and directs the active nature of Leo people into productive work.
Amber gives strength and improves health. Leos often suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Succinic acid used for cardiac pathology, after operations, for anemia, as a stimulant of the nervous system, respiratory system, and endocrine glands.

If you want to give a gift to Leo, but the recipient prefers costume jewelry, opting for artificial gems, give preference to cubic zirconia, rhinestones and ornamental stones. Attention should be focused on color, since it is this color that gives natural minerals all their valuable and healing properties.

Diamond (diamond) is one of the most expensive precious stones. Therefore, it is ideal for the “king of beasts” and will emphasize his majestic and proud nature. Of course, a diamond will adorn anyone, regardless of horoscope, but it goes especially well with the active and energetic nature of this sign.
Diamond gives vitality and helps in achieving your goals. The amulet will prevent a person from becoming disappointed in himself and will significantly improve his relationships with others. The stone adds courage to its Leo owner, while protecting his body from any dangers and damage. So, a diamond amulet is good for traveling - it will protect against attacks by wild animals and the machinations of the enemy.
The owner of the stone must have honest intentions - the stone will bring nothing but trouble to a dishonest person. The diamond will protect the Leo owner from arrogance and lust, and can also pacify a person’s ardor and teach him to cope with his own anger.
It is advisable to wear the stone in the form of a pendant in a light frame. The talisman must be in free contact with human skin. Only thanks to such close contact can the stone become a reliable amulet.

Garnet is a transparent, bright red stone that literally means “grain” in Latin. Sometimes called “congealed blood,” Leos are sure to appreciate its rich red hue. A bright and shiny garnet stone is ideal for representatives of this zodiac sign.
It has a dual effect. On the one hand, this is the stone of leaders, and on the other hand, creative people. Pomegranate will help you learn to recognize the ideas that move people, to see their essence. And the cunning Leo will find a use for this knowledge - so you can lead and manage, direct your subordinates in the right direction. Power over people, therefore, is given to this sign, and the pomegranate will strengthen it. Sculptors, writers, artists and other creative Leos, wearing a pomegranate, will be able to strengthen their talents, reveal hidden ones and achieve recognition. In any case, together with the stone, a person will become an optimist, will always be cheerful and full of strength. Leos should use garnet to attract love relationships and fulfill their brightest desires. For girls who are looking for their one and only love, it will help them choose a partner. The almandine garnet stone will be a good amulet stone. The red garnet will help Leos overcome difficulties of any complexity and achieve respect and even honor from others. You can take a pomegranate with you to important meetings - it will help resolve all issues. The stone has a healing effect on the lungs. Red garnets are stones for the Leo zodiac sign, but green and brown are less suitable.

Alexandrite is a variety of chrysoberyl. In artificial light it is red-violet, in daylight it becomes dark green. Alexandrite fully possesses reverse - a rare property of minerals to change color when the lighting changes. You can use it to distinguish fake stones - they do not have such clear differences in color, and in the green “shape” they have purple highlights, indicating that the stone has been painted. The property of alexandrite to change color is associated with its ability to predict the future - the appearance of a yellow tint in the color of the stone informs the owner of imminent dangers or an approaching illness. Since it was previously mined only in Russia, it was nicknamed the “Russian prophetic stone.”
It is believed that the duality of the color of alexandrite is magically connected with the duality of human blood - arterial and venous, and the stone regulates hematopoiesis, purifies the blood and strengthens blood vessels. Alexandrite enhances Leo’s leadership qualities, his organizational abilities, gives him self-confidence, helps him achieve power and become a leader. This stone helps Leo forget about feeling like a loser or a weak person and enhances his ability to lead people. It will allow you to reach career heights and give you the respect of your colleagues. Alexandrite will teach you to make important decisions and take responsibility for them. This is a masculine stone of power. It brings wisdom and confidence and will relieve indecision. Grants the ability to make compromises without losing dignity.

Sapphire will add wisdom and calmness. Leo, with the help of the talisman, will begin to move up the career ladder and achieve tangible success. The stone will attract friends and associates. Eliminate secret and obvious enemies. Sapphire will increase self-esteem and eliminate laziness. It will help in creative development and bring success. If the talisman has defects (cracks, stains), you should get rid of such a stone. This means that the sapphire has accumulated a lot of negative energy.

Those who love to rule and teach, leaders and winners, Leos have remarkable vitality and strength. For Leo, the sapphire stone can become a talisman that pacifies pride and vanity. His help is invaluable for the somewhat selfish representatives of the fire element. With its calm radiance, the gem will direct a strong will and fighting spirit into the channel of prudence and self-knowledge.
Leadership positions, which Leos often occupy, require not only organizational abilities, logic and competence, but also wisdom. Sapphire, which has long symbolized wisdom, will serve as a faithful assistant in making important decisions. As a symbol of chastity, sapphire gives Leos fidelity and devotion in love and friendship, helping to win the hearts and sympathy of people. Magic power The precious stone will strengthen the power of Leo, their desire to commit moral and heroic deeds. Sapphire is a Leo stone that brings out the best in the representatives of this sign. The strongest are pink and orange flowers, it is not advisable for Leos to wear blue stones.

Ruby, the best exponent of the element of Fire and a powerful concentrator of the strong principle of Yang. If you think that you lack self-confidence and cannot do great things, then you need to arm yourself with a ruby. It is this stone that can bring Leo self-confidence and even give strength to accomplish the craziest ideas. Ruby gives its owner strength, fearlessness, and wisdom. Leo, this cheerful zodiac sign, will feel a surge of positive energy. He will become purposeful, hardworking, and achieve professional success. The stone will protect against diseases, injuries, and ill-wishers. Will attract into life the sympathy of the opposite sex, sincere love. However, at the same time, the talisman can enhance the negative qualities of an aggressive person. Will add cruelty and anger.
Ruby is a talisman for representatives of public professions and high-ranking administrators. Regulates the owner’s energy balance, replenishes reserves of positive energy, and neutralizes dark influences. Ruby is also able to clear a person’s mind of unnecessary information and significantly increase his intelligence.

Tiger's eye, like garnet, is suitable for both warriors and representatives of creative professions. It has long been used as a talisman against the evil eye, damage, and wounds. It helps improve immunity and has a beneficial effect on the skeletal system.
Tiger's eye will help you avoid rash actions. With its help, Leos will learn to distinguish real needs from momentary whims, all their energy will go towards performing necessary and useful actions. This is a stone of luck. With its help, women will become excellent housewives. And people of creative professions will protect you from the insidious thoughts of competitors. In the hands of an athlete, it will increase the desire to win and win. And it will protect employees of the banking sector from failures and ruin.

It gives Leo men strength and endurance, peace of mind and confidence, and softens their violent temper and restless character. For a woman born under the sign of Leo, the stone gives beauty and youth; for unmarried women, it is an indispensable assistant for finding a life partner. The Leo boss must keep this pebble on his desk. If a person born under the sign of Leo is hospitalized, such a stone should always be next to him; it will speed up recovery and give strong immunity. This is especially true for heart and lung diseases.

Chrysolite (olivine) - beautiful semiprecious stone yellowish-green color. Peridot improves Leo's relationships with the people around him, helps him to be more pleasant and at the same time stronger, reveals his talents and with all its influence helps Leo to attract and win the hearts of people. Peridot brings restful sleep, drives away nightmares, and treats stuttering. Set in gold, olivine strengthens the spiritual powers of the owner and makes it possible to predict the future. Therefore, gold rings with this stone were often worn by astrologers and fortune tellers.

Leo simply needs the ability of sardonyx to attract good luck and success. This sign loves to be a leader and a winner. Indecisive and suspicious Leos need sardonyx as a source of courage, boldness and to remove groundless fears. With the help of “his” stone, this sign is able to climb the social ladder faster and easier, achieve the fulfillment of his desires, win the favor of the people he needs and are simply interesting to him, lead and win. Defeated by failures, Leo becomes a complete nonentity, worthless in this life. In order not to receive such blows to his pride, he needs to use the powers of sardonyx and conquer his fears, reject losses, go forward, no matter what, develop and conquer. The victorious Leo becomes a vivid expression of the positive aspects of this zodiac sign and only then does he feel happy.
The red hue of sardonyx, according to legend, neutralized evil influences dark forces, carried away disturbing dreams and melancholic thoughts. For those born under the zodiac sign Leo, sardonyx serves as a source of love, success, luck and happiness. It sharpens the owner's mind and gives him fearlessness. Sardonyx can protect a person born under a different sign from the evil eye, witchcraft and spells. Sardonyx is a stone associated with victory over time, so it was used for rejuvenation and to prolong life. This stone will also protect you from the evil eye and envy, and will keep you safe on the road. A sardonyx ball kept in the house of Leo will protect the family hearth and help representatives of this sign restrain passion.

Carnelian has especially good mutual understanding with representatives of the Leo sign. The stone protects their health; with its help it is easier to cope with lung diseases and nervous disorders.
Thanks to the mineral, contacts with representatives of the opposite sex become successful, and Leo women acquire sexual charm. With the help of carnelian, Leos manage to build strong family relationships for many years.
In addition, the stone protects Lviv from poverty, helps resolve complex financial problems, attracts good luck in various commercial projects and can neutralize overly active ill-wishers and unscrupulous competitors.

Jasper is a universal talisman stone, both for the first ten days of Leo, and as a talisman stone for a Leo woman. If the woman is Leo by horoscope, beware. But jasper will cope perfectly with the indomitable lioness: it brings the internal forces of the body to spiritual balance and harmony with itself.
This modest stone has the unique ability to prolong life and keep the physical body in good shape until death. Jasper removes all the negativity accumulated by a person and protects him from the evil eye. Oblong-shaped stones help their owner to cleanse herself of bad energy, while round jewelry, on the contrary, contributes to the accumulation and preservation of pure energy. Red jasper should be worn by women suffering from gynecological problems. It also perfectly restores strength and cures mental illnesses.


  • People born in the first decade 23 to 3 August, patronized by Saturn. Representatives of this period are especially characterized by rebellion and strength of character. Talisman stones with pronounced energy are suitable for them - carnelian, tiger's eye and jasper
  • For Lviv born in the second decade August 4th – August 12th, influenced by Jupiter. These people strive to establish their own rules in the team and demand their strict implementation. Talisman stones suitable for the Leo zodiac sign of this period are those that seem to glow from within - heliodor, amber, sardonyx.
  • Those born during 13 to 23 August, are under the power of Mars. Leos of the third decade are the smartest, strongest, most powerful and strong representatives of their sign. Stones that are amulets for warriors and commanders are suitable for them. Examples of such stones are garnet, ruby, alexandrite, diamond, sapphire, and peridot.


To attract the attention of the opposite sex, wear any jewelry with heliodor. Then in any company you will always look at your best and will be able to catch admiring glances. If the young Lioness lacks admirers, she needs to wear heliodor. Older Leo women will enjoy the heart-strengthening ruby.

A ruby ​​will protect its owner from depressive thoughts and bring good luck in love affairs. It is suitable for those who often speak in public or hold a high public position. Ruby enhances the natural qualities of Leo - courage and determination, awakens their passionate nature. This stone also helps to get rid of infertility.

Garnet is another stone for the Leo sign. For a woman, he is the second most important. Such a talisman lifts spirits, revives optimism and gives power over people. By wearing jewelry, young ladies begin to understand people well, understand their inner world more subtly, and predict plans and intentions. Accordingly, manage them. Garnets will become a real helper for those ladies who are looking for a sensual and passionate relationship. The jewel attracts the attention of men; its owner seems to them like a real goddess, a dream, an ideal woman. Pomegranate will be a good amulet for people who are creative. It is especially suitable for writers, sculptors, and artists. The best color of the stone is yellow. But green garnets are absolutely not suitable for Leos. The stone should be worn as a ring on the little finger or ring finger. He will become the protector of his mistress if he is suspended at the level of the solar plexus as a necklace or pendant. It should not be worn by phlegmatic and cold people - a pomegranate will only bring trouble to such young ladies.

Carnelian is a purely “female lion” stone. It is not suitable for men, especially for representatives of another zodiac sign. Wear a bracelet from it. But sardonyx does not like to be a piece of jewelry, preferring to exist independently in a purse - like an ordinary crystal amulet. Malachite loves a copper frame. Wear jewelry made from this stone in your ears, fingers and chest. But diamonds feel great in any product. At the same time, Lionesses do not need a large stone - a small crystal in the middle of the ring is enough.

Amber is a stone for Leo women. He gives them health, longevity, strength of spirit and nerves of iron. The color of the jewel is light and sunny - the embodiment of bright fire and activity. Paradoxical as it may seem, amber does not endow young ladies with a penchant for vigorous activity, but, on the contrary, turns these eternal fidgets into calmer, more self-confident individuals, helps them think clearly and make the right decisions. With its help, the creative Leo develops his talents, revives his muse and begins to generate fresh and creative ideas. Amber has many shades: from light yellow, sometimes whitish, to rich orange, bright scarlet. For Lionesses, a bright color would be ideal: the more striking the stone, the more success it will bring. It is recommended to wear amber in the form of beads. If it is a ring, then it will only work if it is worn on left hand. The same rule applies to the amber bracelet. Such jewelry protects the heart, kidneys, spleen, protects against sore throats and helps relieve pain.

Jasper is an ideal stone. For Leo women it is important: being too impulsive and hot-tempered, with the help of jewelry they will be able to get rid of unnecessary worries, overcome anxiety, and pacify anger. Jasper has a good effect on mental health young ladies and makes them balanced. In addition, decoration protects against the destructive effects of the “evil eye” and dark energy, gives eloquence, activates mental processes, and improves memory. Astrologers say that jasper should be worn on Monday, Friday and Saturday. It is on these days that she is most active. Such jewelry cannot be openly displayed: jasper is one of those stones that must be hidden under clothes. You can also put it in your purse or chest pocket. At home, away from prying eyes, wear jasper on your index finger. At the same time, a spherical stone will promote the accumulation of strength in the body, and elongated shapes - ovals and drops - will cleanse the aura.

Diamond is the most basic talisman. Speaking about which stones are ideal for Leo women according to the horoscope, one cannot help but recall this hard, brightest and most brilliant mineral. As for the representatives of this constellation, transparent, yellow or red stones are suitable for them. It is a symbol of material wealth, luxury and high status. According to legend, diamonds bring happiness only if the owner got them honestly. In this case, the nugget will give endurance, tame anger and outbursts of aggression, and relieve fatigue and irritability. Give your Lioness a diamond ring - it will become a good talisman for a woman. It brings happiness in personal life, which is why parents often give it to their daughters at weddings. The gem is endowed with charisma of influence, so it is perfect for a young lady who is involved in political or social activities. If presented to an entrepreneur, the nugget will contribute to financial success and material enrichment.


Mascots for male Leos should protect their owner from various troubles, which he often gets into due to his temper and aggressiveness. A sapphire will be a good amulet for a man of this fire sign. The stone helps to gain wisdom and enhances intuition. Sapphire is very useful for a man striving for power. A talisman with this stone protects against envy, slander and the machinations of enemies. The mineral promotes informed decision-making and forces its owner to think before speaking. Sapphire can make your most cherished dreams come true and promote Leo highly. But this rule only works for people with pure thoughts.

Alexandrite will help Leos become a leader and achieve success, give them self-confidence and enhance the best qualities of representatives of this sign. This stone will strengthen Leo’s ability to lead people, remove the feeling of self-doubt and prevent him from feeling like a weak person.

Sardonyx- a talisman that will attract good luck to representatives of the Leo sign, giving him masculinity, courage and determination. All this so that Leo can realize his large-scale ideas and plans, as well as quickly move up the career ladder. Sardonyx will help eliminate pessimism, suspiciousness, empty fears and indecision, which representatives of this sign carefully hide.

Carnelian will protect Leo from failures, develop hidden talents and attract good luck. Leo boys simply need this stone, because, having not yet achieved anything in life, they feel self-doubt. Cornelian will help Leos develop and boldly realize themselves, believe in themselves and their strengths. This stone can also teach effective communication and people management.

Peridot allows men to be more tolerant of others and not worry about their mistakes. The stone reveals talents and has a great effect on creativity. With its help, you can win the attention of your audience and feel more confident.

Almandine garnet for the Leo man The Leo man can be capricious and often demands attention to himself, the garnet will pamper the Leo man with this attention and interests from the outside, but the attention will be justified, because a man with the fire sign of Leo is hardworking and honest, and garnet will help channel these qualities in the right directions. Pomegranate almandine for the Leo man The Leo man can be capricious and often demands attention to himself, garnet will pamper the Leo man with this attention and interests from the outside, but the attention will be justified, because a man with the fire sign of Leo is hardworking and honest, and garnet will help channel these qualities in the right directions.

In a Leo man, the tiger's eye will “instill” such qualities as courage and dedication. With a tiger's eye, a Leo man will emerge victorious from any situation.


But there are stones that are contraindicated for this sign: first of all, these are all minerals of the Water element. Adularia, amethyst. Aquamarine and Moonstone, they extinguish the energy of Leo. For the same reason, Leos should not get carried away with wearing silver jewelry.
Leos are not advised to choose amulets that contain turquoise. This stone is able to protect its owner from fears, but if Leo completely stops being afraid of everything, then good consequences it won't. Turquoise can provoke the most courageous representatives of this zodiac sign to make rash, risky decisions. As a result, severe financial losses are possible. Also, this stone can significantly reduce performance, which will not benefit Leo. It is also not advisable to wear blue stones. Otherwise, the person will become very unsure of himself, indecisive and will follow the lead of others.
Black opal, labradorite and serpentine are also not suitable for this zodiac sign. Decoration with such a mineral will deprive Leo of vital energy, strength and creative impulses.
