What does uterine rabies mean in women? What is uterine rabies, or nymphomania? Causes of uterine rabies


Promiscuous sexual contact with different sexual partners is one of the symptoms of uterine rabies. This is a serious disease that has been known since ancient times. A woman is tormented by constant thoughts about sex, lust, and cannot concentrate on anything.

When the uterus goes crazy

Plato himself participated in the creation of the memorable name for this phenomenon. The term "histera" is of Greek origin, meaning "uterus". According to the famous thinker, the female reproductive organ is a wild beast that has settled in a woman’s body and that craves fertilization. In case of prolonged inability to conceive, the uterus begins to “go crazy”, initiating various diseases.

In the medical classification there is no such disease as uterine rabies. This extraordinary concept means nymphomania and hysteria, which are characterized by excessive excitability and sexual desire. So, what is uterine rabies?
Uterine rabies is a pathological sexual desire in women, which is manifested by an uncontrollable desire for sexual intercourse with multiple partners.
Hysteria is considered as a syndrome accompanied by the symptom of persistent sexual desire.

According to statistics, nymphomania is diagnosed in short brunettes with a thin build. However, there are exceptions. The age range of nymphomaniacs is 20-30 years, and ladies after 45.

Depraved behavior is accompanied by a symptom of not being satiated even after numerous orgasms. A woman’s desire is aimed at sexual relations with any member of the stronger sex.

The key sign in making a diagnosis is the lack of selection of partners. A woman has no control over sexual activity; she needs more than ten sexual intercourses daily.

True nymphomania

You should understand what uterine rabies is, what signs and symptoms are inherent in the disease. This diagnosis is very rarely made in medical practice.

Do not confuse mental disorders with hypersexuality and debauchery. Frequent lust, passion and irresistible sexual desire only in one case in two and a half thousand indicate pathology. At the same time, symptoms of uterine rabies are found five times more often in women living in hot countries.

Is not a disease:

  • hypersexuality, large “sexual appetite”;
  • obsession with sexual intercourse among regular partners;
  • high excitability.

The presence of the described characteristics only indicates the healthy development of the body.

Uterine rabies in women is manifested by a permanent desire to engage in promiscuity over and over again. At the same time, the nymphomaniac cannot concentrate, she has difficulties in social terms: the inability to rest normally and work.

The legendary Empress Catherine the Great was famous for her great love of carnal pleasures. In order to satisfy her lust, special services were created. At the age of 60, Catherine hired a lieutenant who performed love duties.

“Mad Uterus” forces the fair sex to go beyond the boundaries of sexual liberation. A suffering woman does not care with whom, where and when to have sex. In such cases, the woman quickly degrades, becoming a carrier of many sexually transmitted diseases.

Uterine rabies is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • uncontrollable desire to have sexual intercourse as often as possible;
  • thoughts only about sex;
  • one partner does not satisfy the “sexual appetite”;
  • the need for constant change of partners;
  • fleeting connections with random men;
  • aggressiveness, obsession, hysteria, and deceit appear.

Such women can experience orgasm more than once, however, this does not give them complete satisfaction. Due to the lack of emotional and psychological release, a desire arises to repeat sexual intercourse again.

It is not easy to determine this dysfunction on your own. However, the described symptoms directly indicate the presence of pathology.

Causes and treatment

Any illness occurs as a result of certain changes in the human body. The main cause of uterine rabies in women is mental disorders, which can manifest themselves from birth.

Nymphomaniacs should not wear tight clothes, because they stimulate blood flow to the genitals. In the Middle Ages, an integral attribute of any lady was a slimming corset. Perhaps he was the reason for their promiscuity in terms of sex.

Pathology occurs for the following reasons.

  1. Improper functioning of the mental system. Often women with manic-depressive syndrome are “obsessed” with sex. They are diagnosed with the “crazy bride” syndrome, in which there is a desire to change partners.
  2. Brain abnormalities. They arise as a result of injuries or the appearance of tumors.
  3. Neoplasms on the ovaries. When a tumor develops, a woman experiences uncontrollable sexual desire.
  4. Hormonal imbalance. Menopause often initiates hysteria.
  5. Endocrine disorders. There are cases when uterine rabies progresses in pregnant women. This is explained by changes in the functioning of many body systems.
  6. Low self-esteem. Frequent sexual intercourse helps a woman realize her attractiveness and assert herself.

This serious illness can occur after an injury or be the result of age-related changes. As a result, a successful lady becomes dissolute and antisocial, regardless of the circumstances. Is it possible to cure a “rabid uterus”?

At the initial stages of therapy, it is necessary to study the symptoms and causes that caused pathological hypersexuality. The presence of tumors should also be excluded. A woman needs to be examined and tested for sexually transmitted infections.

Next, the patient will be referred to an endocrinologist or gynecologist. Depending on the cause of the pathology, treatment of uterine rabies is carried out by a specific specialist. However, a prerequisite for successful therapy is constant monitoring by a psychiatrist.

Alternative medicine methods are also used to treat nymphomania:

  • infusions with a sedative effect from willow catkins, lemon balm, hop cones, mint;
  • relaxing baths with the addition of currant leaves, mint, and sage.

Procedures such as acupuncture, hypnosis, and specialized spa treatment will be useful. True nymphomania requires a serious approach and treatment depending on the reasons that caused it. If you notice symptoms of uterine rabies, contact a specialist. After all, ignoring the disease will lead to complete degradation.

(hysteria) - uncontrolled female hypersexuality due to the characteristics of physical or psychological problems. At different times, there was a contradictory attitude towards this disease: sometimes it was considered a full-fledged disease, and at other times, a manifestation of promiscuity, an excuse for a riotous lifestyle. Now a more current name is nymphomania, named after the creature of Greek mythology, the Nymph, who exhausts men with numerous copulations in the forest.


In the modern world, several types of nymphomania can be distinguished:

  • Nymphomania, accompanied by promiscuity. For a woman, the appearance of her partner, his attractiveness, and physiological state are unimportant; she is ready for constant sexual relations with any man in order to satisfy a strong physical need and find spiritual balance.
  • Frigid nymphomania. Unlike the previous type, physiological discharge is unattainable in principle. This leads to a constant search for other forms and methods of satisfaction, perverted options for physical influence on the body.
  • Erotomania. Manifests itself in constant fantasies and conversations about sex, frequent viewing of pornographic videos.
  • Nymphomania focused on one person. Characterized by fanatical sexual pursuit of one man. Behavior in this case can be antisocial, even illegal.


Different types of women are susceptible to uterine rabies; the reason may lie either in improper upbringing, or childhood trauma, or in a physiological feature. It is important not to confuse the concepts of nymphomania and sexuality. In the first case, physiological cravings do not find satisfaction and dull the rest of the body’s needs; in the second case, this is an adequate characteristic of an attractive woman who knows how to enjoy physical intimacy.


All physiological causes of occurrence are due to hormonal imbalance: a surge and production of excess hormones leads to uncontrollable behavior and an insatiable need for physical contact with another person.

The most popular causes of hormonal changes:

  • Interrupted pregnancy, birth of a child by caesarean section- in both cases there is accumulated energy potential for the birth of a child. When classical childbirth does not occur, hormonal levels are disrupted, unrealized resources of the uterus require the release of energy, emotional release, which is difficult to obtain through sexual intercourse.
  • Hormone-producing ovarian tumor. In most cases, requiring surgical intervention, different types of tumors can have a lowering effect on libido, or increase sexual desire, causing inappropriate behavior and a physical, irresistible craving for sexual intercourse. Tumors:
    • Folliculoma. It can occur in a girl, which will lead to early onset of sexual needs. When formed in an adult woman, after the onset of menopause, it leads to an increase in libido and the appearance of obsessive sexual desire.
    • Tekoma. The phenomenon is rare; among various tumors that occur in women, it occurs in approximately 4% of cases. It can form in both older women and girls - in both cases it leads to excessive production of estrogen, which causes early interest in sexual relations in girls and a renewal of sexual desire in older women.
  • Hormonal drugs. May be the result of excessive use of libido enhancers, or hormonal contraceptives, which cause a similar side effect.
  • Problems with the endocrine system, which have a negative effect on hormonal levels, provoking the manifestation of nymphomania.
  • Brain tumor. In certain cases, it blocks the sensitivity and functions of the reproductive system and does not provide the opportunity to obtain satisfaction.


For the most part, psychological reasons create the conditions for the formation and development of physiological abnormalities in a woman:

Symptoms of uterine rabies

  • Constant uncontrollable sexual desire. It is difficult for a woman to think about anything other than ways to obtain satisfaction and find a partner.
  • Inability to obtain physical and emotional release during sexual intercourse.
  • Complete lack of interest in the partner as a person, perception only as a sexual object.
  • Frequent indiscriminate communication. Partners can be individuals with mental disabilities and antisocial behavior.
  • Inappropriate behavior to achieve sexual intimacy. A state similar to the behavior of a drug addict: the woman is ready to deceive; steal money to pay for sexual services; manipulate other people's feelings.


The primary determination of a woman’s condition is based on her opinion and the stories of loved ones about her behavior. Next, a psychiatrist or sex therapist works with the woman.

A set of tests and diagnostic procedures is carried out to exclude physical diseases that provoke nymphomania:

  • Brain MRI.
  • Hormone analysis to exclude endocrine problems.
  • Tests to detect sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Ultrasound of the ovaries.

Treatment of uterine rabies

If at the initial stage psychological problems are solvable, then when physiological problems are added to them, treatment may turn out to be longer and more problematic. Treatment is carried out only after a comprehensive diagnosis and identification of diseases associated with uterine rabies.


In severe cases of schizophrenia and psychosis, clinical treatment and a complex of drugs stabilizing the mental state are required.


If uterine rabies is associated with stress or trauma, sessions with a psychotherapist and the use of medications as prescribed are necessary.


If a venereal disease is confirmed, the doctor prescribes treatment depending on the type of infection.


Control and stabilization of hormonal levels in nymphomania is the result of treatment and surgery of tumors, the endocrine system, and the prescription or withdrawal of hormonal medications.


Healthy balanced diet: fruits, vegetables, protein foods.

The diet should be varied, but exclude products that increase libido:

  1. Containing Zn: pumpkin seeds, legumes, beef tongue, chicken heart, beef, chicken (excluding white meat), nuts, truffles, dried apricots, greens, seafood, prunes, boiled carrots, egg yolk, brown rice, bran, Cheddar cheese, red and black caviar.
  2. Spices and seasonings: red and hot peppers, ginger, curry, cinnamon, garlic, cardamom.
  3. Fruits: banana, pomegranate, strawberry, dates, nectarine.

Treatment with folk remedies at home

Known methods include treatment using the following means:

  1. Hop cones. Pour a spoonful of the crushed plant into a glass of water. After 2 hours, you can start taking the infusion, always warm: 3 times a day, half a glass before meals, the last dose before bed. Calms, contains phytohormones.
  2. Datura. 3-5 drops of 20% alcohol tincture are poured into 2 tbsp. spoons of water, 3-4 times before meals. Stabilizes the psychological state and is used for gynecological diseases.
  3. White water lily. 1-2 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of the plant into a glass of water, drink 1-2 tbsp. spoons - from 3 to 5 times a day. Calms sexual hyperfunction.

The very possibility of treatment at home is very controversial. Without an accurate diagnosis, self-medication can significantly harm yourself, and not get rid of nymphomania.

It is possible and desirable:

  • Take walks in the fresh air.
  • Get involved in hobbies: knitting, drawing, writing texts, maybe of a sexual nature. Offer your body an alternative outlet for sexual energy.
  • Force yourself to get involved in sports. If there are no contraindications, exhausting physical exercises and a set of regular exercises are useful.


  • use aphrodisiacs in your menu and perfumes containing them;
  • abuse alcohol or food.

Complications and consequences

Nymphomania, which in severe cases results in an antisocial lifestyle, can lead to the following consequences:

  • Venereal diseases, including HIV, HPV, hepatitis and other infections transmitted through promiscuity.
  • Asociality. Unable to cope with her emotional and physical state, the woman withdraws into herself, avoids friends and family, and tries to protect herself from their judgment and misunderstanding.
  • Drug addiction, alcoholism. Without making any distinction between partners, entering into relationships with asocial men, including drug and alcohol addicts, a woman supports their lifestyle, adding other types of addiction to nymphomania.


Often, girls who have revealed themselves sexually, know what they want from a man and know how to enjoy sex are called nymphomaniacs. The public mistakes a self-confident woman who is striving for a relationship with a sexual partner who would completely suit her for uterine rabies. Such women can leave their husband for another man, even if they have children, and change their lives radically.

On the other hand, some girls justify their interest and craving for knowledge of sexual relationships with different men or infidelity by saying that they are suffering from nymphomania. In fact, it is difficult to admit such a diagnosis, and in most cases it is simply a way of avoiding responsibility.

The following manifestations are mistakenly taken for nymphomania:

  • A woman's ability to have many orgasms, increased sensitivity.
  • Increased libido, tendency to change sexual partners according to certain criteria.
  • Increased sexual attraction to one partner during the period of falling in love, at the beginning of a sexual relationship.
  • Psychological desire for rehabilitation. Often after ending a relationship with a regular partner, the next relationship is temporary.

Uterine rabies video

A detailed examination of the concept of nymphomania, hypersexuality, causes and associated diseases.


Uterine rabies in women is a disease that needs to be dealt with with the help of qualified specialists. If the symptom is eliminated: physical or psychological, a complete recovery is possible.

Uterine rabies is an outdated name for Nymphomania. It is an excessive sexual desire in women, one of the types of hypersexuality. Sometimes this term “nymphomania” is also used in a figurative sense to designate a form of sexual behavior in women that is not approved by society, or to express a negative moral attitude towards a woman’s increased sexual activity.

Basics and background of uterine rabies

The ability to control their behavior when selecting sexual partners distinguishes people from those suffering from nymphomania. This pathology, which in the past was considered a direct consequence of “rabies of the uterus,” manifests itself in a pronounced impulsive, often uncontrollable, obsessive desire for varied and numerous sexual contacts with various partners. At the same time, there is usually a high degree of so-called indistinguishability of the sexual object: often the gender, age and appearance of the sexual partner have little meaning for such persons. Uterine rabies or nymphomania is usually associated with the inability to achieve orgasm (the so-called nymphomanic frigidity). In connection with this, any sexual contacts usually do not bring complete satisfaction. At the same time, sexual arousal in the true form of nymphomania is only subjective in nature, without any adequate physiological reactions from the reproductive system. The pronounced obsessive nature of the manifested sexual desire, not accompanied by the involvement of the genital organs in the processes of excitation, directly indicates the presence of psychopathology in patients, as opposed to pathological hypersexuality with various organic lesions in the brain area. It is mainly these circumstances that distinguish nymphomania from promiscuity, which comes from other reasons (such as concomitant mental retardation, asociality, schizophrenia, and others).

For women, this diagnosis brings great inconvenience in the area of ​​sexual life. This fact is explained by the fact that women with nymphomania are unable to receive full pleasure from sex. Their alternating orgasms cannot bring them any satisfaction, which is why, on a psycho-emotional level, they require continued sexual intercourse.

Causes of uterine rabies

This condition can develop as a result of hormonal imbalance, the presence of a number of diseases, the use of certain medications, an existing inferiority complex, lack of self-confidence, and so on. Frequent causes of so-called uterine rabies can be tumors of the ovaries or pituitary gland. The cause of uterine rabies can be pregnancy.

Symptoms of uterine rabies

Women with nymphomania are characterized by constant sexual dissatisfaction and regular erotic fantasies, an ongoing constant search for new sexual partners and, as a result of the disinhibition of their sexual behavior, as well as frequent casual sexual intercourse.

Treatment methods for uterine rabies

The most appropriate treatment for “uterine rabies” is the use of medications that have a calming effect.

The information provided is not a recommendation for the treatment of nymphomania, but is a brief description of the problem for the purpose of familiarization. Do not forget that self-medication can harm your health. If signs of illness appear or are suspected, you should immediately consult a doctor. Be healthy.

A woman - the keeper of the family hearth, mother, lover, friend, daughter - has been worshiped at all times. She is able to give new life, create a positive world around herself, in which everyone who enters it is comfortable. Only under one condition - if she is healthy. One of the diseases that can destroy this world is nymphomania.

Types of uterine rabies

A woman’s disease, which is manifested by increased sexual desire, is called nymphomania, or, in common parlance, rabies. Medicine classifies it as mental, it is quite rare. This term was introduced by Plato, based on myths that endowed beautiful nymphs with hypersexual capabilities.

Scientific research has confirmed that a predisposition to nymphomania can be genetically determined (congenital) and acquired.
Signs of a congenital disease:

  • Appears at an early age
  • It proceeds quickly and violently
  • Difficult to adjust
  • Leads to degradation

The causes of acquired nymphomania are usually mental or somatic disorders.

Menopausal nymphomania is also diagnosed as a result of hormonal disorders and tumors of the female genital organs. This disease is poorly tolerated and difficult for women.

Women with low self-esteem and hidden and obvious complexes are susceptible to pseudonymphomania. In this case, increased libido compensates for low self-esteem, being a stepping stone for its increase.

Theoretical knowledge in this matter will help provide a woman with the necessary psychological support in each specific situation.

Symptoms of nymphomania

Uncontrollable sexual desire and obsessive fantasies are the most important symptoms. Even in ancient times, they were looking for ways to cure hypersexuality, which, despite the repeated number of sexual acts, did not bring the expected satisfaction.

How different women suffering from this disease differ from healthy ones depends on their upbringing and personality traits. Discreet women suffer from the disease, try to hide it and dress strictly. And many sexually liberated women cannot tell the doctor that they have uterine rabies.

Women of a different level of education, due to promiscuity, are susceptible to various sexually transmitted diseases and become carriers of sexually transmitted infections.

For nymphomaniacs it does not matter:

  • Age of potential partner
  • Does he have AIDS, drug addiction?
  • Possibility of protection

Nymphomaniacs are not interested in the desires of men and pleasure; they need sexual intercourse as a process, and not its quality and fullness.

Hysteria and the desire for constant sex significantly reduce the social level of women, lowering them to the bottom. All life values ​​come down to constant sexual intercourse, while women do not feel unhappy.

There is a line between the natural need for sex and hypersexuality. Much is known about rabies from the animal world. In an overexcited state, animals can harm a person, bite, and cause infection. In men, uncontrolled sexuality is called satyriasis. If men and women suffering from this disease are not allowed to satisfy their needs, then their behavior can become uncontrollable.

Correct assessment of the behavior of patients with nymphomania and understanding of the problem will help to avoid various unpredictable situations.

Causes of uterine rabies

Official medicine has identified the main causes of nymphomania:

  • Low self-esteem
  • Mental abnormalities
  • Nervous disorders
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Pituitary gland diseases
  • Tumors
  • Various infections

The causative agents of diseases such as neurosyphilis, toxoplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, Epstein-Barr virus overcome the protective barrier and damage brain structures with all further consequences. Risk factors that contribute to infection are abortion and colds. Their presence and hysteria, combined with hormonal imbalances, increases the possibility of manifestation of this disease.

It is important to choose the right medications, especially hormonal ones, which can also provoke increased sexual desire.
The reasons for the development of nymphomania have not been deeply studied. Some scientists have suggested that one of them is a violation of some stage of sexual development. If this disorder occurs in early childhood, then it cannot be corrected.

A psychophysiological theory of the cause-and-effect basis of nymphomania has been developed. A system is formed in the brain that produces pathological excitation impulses, which, in combination with genetics and late development, can provoke neurophysiological changes.

Following a healthy lifestyle will allow you to avoid many problems that can interfere with the state of comfort in your personal life and society.

Diagnosis of the disease

To diagnose nymphomania, you will need a medical report from an oncologist, psychiatrist, endocrinologist, or sexologist. Symptoms of this disease can be combined with mental disorders, which complicates the diagnosis.

Brain cancer can be ruled out using MRI. In the presence of a mental disorder and its proper treatment, the manifestations of nymphomania decrease. Endocrinology will track hormonal imbalances and level out the background. An integrated approach to treating the disease will certainly lead to the desired result.

In making a diagnosis, it is important to distinguish between certain manifestations of symptoms. Uterine rabies is a disease that does not allow a woman to live a full life, negatively affecting professional activities, relationships and communication, and recreation. Such manifestations as a high level of excitability, numerous orgasms, increased libido and love for sex are inherent in a sexually uninhibited woman, but are not symptoms of nymphomania.

We can talk about a disease or a predisposition to it when:

  • Compulsive behavior lasts about 6 months
  • There are no other signs of mental disorders
  • The woman's behavior does not fit into society
  • Immense drug use
  • Uncontrollable behavior with awareness of all its consequences

Compulsive behavior is characterized by a lack of rational goals; actions are carried out under internal compulsion and bring temporary satisfaction. Refusal of this kind of behavior causes alarming tension, leading, in part, to their lack of control.

The use of alcohol and drugs is considered the norm of social behavior.

Correct diagnosis will allow you to select the necessary treatment.

Basics of treating the disease

After diagnosis, antibiotics are immediately prescribed, since the disease causes inflammation in the uterus. Inflammations of this nature are very resistant to treatment. Douching is recommended; physiotherapeutic procedures provide a good therapeutic effect.

Not all cases require drug treatment. If there are no serious diagnoses from specialized medical specialists, but there is a problem, the woman needs to remember that she is an individual, turn on her willpower and focus her attention on sports and other interesting activities. As an addition, sedatives work well in this case.

Another simple recommendation. It is advisable to avoid wearing tight clothing on the upper body. Medical experts suggest that such clothing promotes blood flow to the genitals, which can affect increased libido. Many cases are known from the history of bygone times, when women wore tight corsets and suffered from nymphomania.

Uterine rabies sometimes affects pregnant women and is associated with hormonal fluctuations. In this case, psychological support is necessary, given the increased vulnerability of the women’s psyche during this period.

Traditional medicine suggests using your experience of treatment with herbs in the treatment of illness: tannin, marshmallow and others.

While watching the video you will learn about the bicornuate uterus.

By summarizing all the accumulated experience and knowledge in the treatment of nymphomania, adding to it all the qualities that give us the right to be called people, we can promote the treatment of the disease by directing the woman to entrust her problem to medical specialists and providing her with psychological support.

Nymphomania is what is now called the disorder, popularly called rabies or hysteria of the uterus. Translated from Greek, this concept means “the mad passion of the bride.” This means hypersexuality, or in other words, excessive sexual desire. Sometimes nymphomaniacs are women who lead an immoral lifestyle and do not obey the generally accepted opinion about sexual culture.

Description of the disease

There is no such disease in medicine. But people know about it well and even consider it quite common. People first started talking about nymphomania several thousand years ago. In Ancient Greece, Plato wrote that a woman’s reproductive organ is similar to a beast that wanders through the body and becomes enraged if a representative of the fair sex does not think about procreation. It is believed that this is why this strange name for this disease appeared.

A woman with hypersexuality is the dream of almost all men, but they don’t even imagine that in her life they are just another, meaningless adventure. Even the name nymphomania was given to this phenomenon for a reason! There is a legend about the mythical inhabitants of the forest, nymphs, who hunted men in the forest. Having noticed a traveler, they lured him deep into the thicket of the forest, and there they indulged in peculiar orgies, bringing the man to exhaustion. Returning to normal life, the men could no longer forget about the nymph and, abandoning their wives, returned back to the forest to experience sexual madness again and again.

Women who have this disease are not able to control their actions. When they select sexual partners, they have a very pronounced uncontrollable desire to have as many of them as possible. In this case, it makes no difference what gender the partner is, how old he is, or whether he is beautiful in appearance. When having sex, nymphomaniacs often do not achieve orgasm, so sexual contact does not bring them any pleasure. It is typical for women with this pathology that the need for sex does not depend on physical arousal, but on obsessive thoughts. That is, we can conclude that they suffer more from mental disorders than sexual ones.

Uterine rabies has a negative impact on a woman's personal life. Due to constant dissatisfaction, nymphomaniacs are ready to begin the next sexual intercourse immediately after one sex. And even if a woman has an orgasm, she does not stop, because she needs more and more. Typically, nymphomaniacs are divided into two categories: those who need a large number of orgasms, and those who seek to capture a large number of partners.

Causes of pathology

The cause of nymphomania may be:

  • hormonal imbalance, for example, during menopause;
  • medications taken uncontrolled;
  • various mental and nervous diseases;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • the presence of a tumor process in the ovaries or pituitary gland;
  • low self-esteem and other various internal complexes.

Most often, various mental disorders (schizophrenia, psychopathy, manifestations of hysteria) cause nymphomania. It happens that this condition is caused by the presence of psychosis in a woman with manic-depressive symptoms - a constant feeling of hunger, anxiety for no reason, poor restless sleep. In this case, the increase in sexual desire, no matter who, should become a signal for the woman that there is a need to be observed and treated in a psychiatric hospital.

Sometimes nymphomania begins to develop after experiencing rape in childhood or due to parental cruelty.


The most characteristic symptom of this condition is constant sexual restlessness and lack of concentration on other problems, due to the fact that the woman is in a state of daily search for some new sexual sensations and intimate contacts, including casual ones. The appearance of this disease is also indicated by the presence of peculiar fantasies of an erotic nature, unpredictable, sometimes immoral sexual behavior. The diagnosis of nymphomania is given to those women who are able to have sex 10-15 times in one day, but never experience satisfaction.


Modern girls often feel a sense of pride that they can satisfy the sexual fantasies of any man, and even more than one. But when excessive interest in sex begins to prevail over all other life needs and feelings, this is a problem that requires competent treatment.

When talking about therapy for nymphomania, psychologists first of all recommend that women forget about what sex is. Being busy with other things will help them with this. By doing a variety of work, a woman will be able to take a little break from obsessive thoughts. It would be nice to take up some kind of sport, but it is advisable to do it alone, without coaches.

You should also pay attention to your diet. The diet should not contain natural aphrodisiacs. These include celery, chocolate, any kind of nuts, a variety of cheeses, and seafood. It is advisable to take some infusions or herbal decoctions that calm the nervous system, such as mint or valerian.

If, after trying all of the above methods, a woman notices that nymphomania does not recede and sexual desire continues to be an obsessive thought, you need to contact a sex therapist who can recommend medication methods for treating this condition.

Nymphomania in history

Catherine the Great had many favorites, which she constantly changed. According to some evidence, sexual deviations were observed in her as a child.

Valeria Messalina - the fact that this woman was the wife of Caesar Claudius, famous in history, is known to many, but not many know that a legion of soldiers visited her bed.

Cleopatra is an obstinate and temperamental queen who has her own harem of young men.
