How to choose a ripe pomelo in the store? Pomelo fruit (shaddock): beneficial properties and harm, calorie content, how to eat, choose and peel How to choose the ripest pomelo.

Pomelo is considered an exotic fruit for our latitudes. This fruit belongs to the citrus family. China is considered the birthplace of this fruit. Today, pomelo comes to the shelves of our supermarkets from all Asian countries. The product has several varieties that differ in appearance and taste characteristics. Some people believe that pomelo is a type of grapefruit. It's completely the opposite. It was from one of the varieties of pomelo that grapefruit was grown, which is significantly inferior in size to it. In order for the body to experience maximum benefits from consuming pomelo, it is important to buy a ripe fruit. But how to choose the right broom?

External characteristics

First of all, when choosing, we always pay attention to the appearance of a particular product. To begin with, it is worth saying that a pomelo can have different colors. In our stores, depending on the variety, you can find the following fruit colors:

  • Green;
  • Yellow;
  • Orange.

So you should not think that the green fruit is incorrect, unripe. As for its size, it is quite impressive. The average ripe fruit reaches 30 cm in diameter. In terms of weight, such a broom will weigh up to 1 kg. But there are representatives that are much larger. Thus, in its homeland in China there are fruits weighing up to 10 kg. Such large brooms, as a rule, are not imported to us.

When choosing a pomelo, special attention should be paid to the peel. It should always be thick, elastic, dense. If you notice any dents or softness, you should not choose such a fruit. The peel of a ripe pomelo always has a natural shine. The color of the peel should be extremely uniform. A slight blush of some areas of the fruit is allowed orange color. It is better to eat this pomelo in the coming days and not store it for a long time.

If you notice small burgundy specks on the surface of the peel, there is no need to choose such citrus. This may indicate the presence of nitrates in it. Also, such spots indicate non-compliance with the rules for storing and transporting exotic citrus. Some supermarket owners try to make the product look marketable by rubbing it special solutions. This helps hide some imperfections. When choosing such a citrus, you will always notice this fact - it will be sticky and the shine will be unnatural.

There is one secret when choosing the right ripe pomelo. So, you need to lightly press on the top of the fruit. If it is slightly soft, but still elastic, it is an ideal ripe fruit. Such a fruit will have a sweetness and pleasant taste. It is also worth noting that the peel of a good ripe citrus will have a slightly tart aroma. Any growths on the correct citrus should be absent.

Quality of ripe pomelo pulp

Having already chosen a pomelo, you can also determine its quality by the pulp of the product. So, when cutting a citrus fruit, there should be a fairly dense film between the peel and the pulp of the fruit. This partition should be white or slightly yellow. The shape of the citrus itself is predominantly round. The difference between a pomelo and an orange or grapefruit is the pronounced fibers of the pulp. The number of seeds in the pulp depends entirely on the type of citrus.

Considering the color of the pulp, the variety also plays a big role here. Thus, orange-colored citrus always has bright orange, almost red pulp. In terms of color characteristics, it completely coincides with grapefruit fruits. If the pomelo is yellow or green, the flesh will also be a light yellow shade. If you find dark spots or dull shades, it is better not to use this pomelo. This may indicate the beginning of the rotting process. Externally, this can be hidden under special packaging.

Properly ripe citrus is quite difficult to peel. But, having done this, the citrus slices should separate very easily. At the same time, they remain hard and elastic. Excessive softness and excessive release of juice are unacceptable. As a rule, when a pomelo is correctly selected based solely on external characteristics, the flesh remains elastic, juicy, and brightly colored. It is worth noting some features of product storage.

So, pomelo cannot be frozen. When too low temperatures almost everyone is lost beneficial properties. But you can preserve it. In world culinary practice, they make marmalades, jams and preserves from the peel and pulp of pomelo. It is worth noting that ripe fruit can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2-3 months. But as soon as you clean it, it starts to dry out. You need to eat this citrus in the next couple of days. Now, knowing how to choose the right pomelo, we can say with confidence that the citrus will bring maximum benefit body.

16.01.2016 Vladimir Zuikov Save:

Hello, dear friends! Today, as I promised, I will tell you about one very interesting fruit. His name is pomelo (also called pamelo). You probably have a question: what kind of fruit is this? I myself didn’t know about it a couple of years ago. But you can’t try anything on a raw food diet!

Now I will tell you what pomelo is and how it is eaten, where you can buy it, how to choose a ripe fruit, how to peel and cut it. In general, the article will be purely practical. Photos are also included to make everything clear.

What is a pomelo and where to buy it?

Let me start with the fact that pomelo (pamelo) is a fruit from the citrus family, and its largest representative. I myself was shocked when I met a pomelo with a diameter of almost 20 cm at the market! This piece of fruit weighed 2.5 kg. Tell me, have you ever seen such a hefty citrus?

The pomelo itself is a hybrid of an orange and a grapefruit. On the outside it has a yellow peel, and underneath it there is a white “cotton” layer like a grapefruit. As you will see further in the photo, this layer is quite thick.

This is very good, because the thick skin protects the fruit pulp from possible external chemical treatment. In general, the outside of the fruit itself is sealed in cellophane, and there is also a mesh outside. This is done for better transportation. After all, it is brought to us all the way from China.

What I liked is that the pulp of the fruit is very sweet, not sour at all, as is typical for all citrus fruits. By the way, the pulp can be yellow or light yellow, but it is always not juicy. Don't be alarmed, this is normal and the way it should be.

It is the pulp that is good for health, and that is what is eaten. It is very tasty and soft, but does not splash. Therefore, you need to eat it like this, and not make juice.

You can buy pamelo at the market from exotic traders or in the supermarket. The fruit costs a little more than other citrus fruits, but overall it’s about the same. It's easy to recognize a broom. It is always of an impressive size and is wrapped in a net, usually red.

Okay, I think it's clear. And now I will share my secrets for choosing a ripe pomelo so that it does not disappoint you after purchase.

How to choose the right pomelo: ripe and sweet

We sell pomelo fruit from the company Honey Pomelo. It's a little elongated at the tail. I will tell you with this example.

1. When I buy a pomelo, first of all I pay attention to the size of the fruit. They are not very large, measuring just over 1 kg. So, never take such small ones, even for testing. You won't like it because it will be dry and tasteless. The pomelo must weigh at least 1.5 kg, and be heavy in itself.

2. Next I look at the peel. It should be smooth, without damage or green spots. You can still see it through the mesh and film. The ripe fruit has a yellow peel, but not greenish. This common mistake, because half of them are unripe and have a greenish skin.

Sometimes I scold random people who choose this fruit with me. I show you which one is better to take so that it is tasty and ripe. We should already charge them money for advice on choosing citrus fruits. What do you think?

How to clean and cut a broomstick

Buying a ripe pomelo is half the battle. Now it needs to be properly cleaned and eaten. This also has its own tricks and subtleties.

First, the fruit must be cleaned of the mesh and cellophane and washed well with warm water. You need to clean the broom with a knife, using circular movements. There is no need to cut it in half as was the case with the avocado. It turned out like this:

It is better to throw away the skins and not use them for anything else. In general, many people experience disappointment when they first peel the fruit and remove the inner “cotton wool”. It seems like I bought a large fruit, but when I cleaned it, there was almost nothing left. Friends, it’s true that at least 45% is waste. But he himself is worth it!

After the fruit is cleared of white “cotton wool”, divide it in half with knives somewhere at the place where the segments are held together. I got it like this:

Now we break off the slices one by one. You can't eat them yet. First you need to remove the white film. To do this I use a knife to pry up the skin and remove it. It turns out like this:

How to use and store pomelo

You can store pomelo without damaging the peel for several months after purchase. If you put it in the refrigerator, nothing will happen to it during this time.

But if the fruit has already been peeled, then it is better to eat it right away. One day I cleaned a broom and left it in the air for several hours. As a result, the remaining white cotton wool on the inner film became rough and the fruit was difficult to peel. To prevent this from happening, because the fruit is large, I began to eat it with Polya at one time.

I think my secrets for choosing a pomelo will be very useful to you. Save the page to social network, share the material with your friends, it’s unlikely that anyone will tell them this. Okay, what questions or suggestions do you have about the article? What other fruit should I write about in a couple of days?

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Nothing was known in our area. Today, this exotic can be bought in any supermarket and market. And although this fruit is not as exotic as carom, it is still unusual for us. How to choose the right one so as not to be disappointed and by what signs can you distinguish ripe citrus from unripe, and healthy from low-quality? Let's figure it out together.

Did you know? China is considered the birthplace of this citrus. There he is a symbol of prosperity and well-being.

Fruit color

Pomelo (pompelmus, sheddock) is a large (up to 25 cm in diameter) fruit of the family. It tastes like something average between and .

Ripe citrus is spherical in shape with orange, yellow or yellow-green peel. The flesh of this pompelmousse is pink, yellow or green.

Fruits have a lot useful substances- , but there may be .


Many people think that they know how to choose a pomelo and avoid green fruits. However, the greenishness of the zest does not mean that the citrus is unripe - it is a special variety.


The yellow color of the fruit also does not indicate its maturity, but only indicates the characteristics of the variety. Outwardly, these resemble the usual orange, only a little larger.


The orange fruits of pompelmousse resemble large grapefruits and are much sweeter than other varieties.

Did you know? Some believe that pompelmousse is a type of grapefruit. But scientists say that grapefruit is a variety of pomelo.

How to make the right choice

Today on the Internet you can see a lot of advice on how to choose the right broom in a store. And everyone needs to know about the main signs.

Good signs

This type of citrus is chosen correctly by touch. Pompelmousse should be quite hard - if you pick it up and squeeze it, the density will be felt even through the thick zest. Only this sign indicates the ripeness of the fruit and its taste. This citrus can be safely added to the shopping cart.

There are a few more rules on how choose a ripe pomelo:

  1. There should be no burgundy stripes or depressed brownish spots on the surface of the fruit - this is a sure sign of a disease characteristic of citrus fruits.
  2. When you press on the top of the citrus, the peel should not be soft and under no circumstances should it tear - this is a sign that the fruit has begun to rot.
  3. The aroma should be pronounced and detectable even at a great distance.
  4. The color of the fruit should be uniform, without greenish spots.
  5. The zest of a ripe fruit is smooth and shiny, without any growths.

Important! In a healthy, ripe fruit, the zest around the branch attachment point should be hard or slightly soft.

Which broom is not worth buying?

Knowledge of how to determine ripeness is sometimes not enough to choose a good, tasty fruit. It is also important to take into account some signs by which this You shouldn't take citrus:

  • If the zest has seals, this may indicate a violation of storage conditions. You shouldn’t take such a fruit - it will be bland, dry, with a lot of seeds and tasteless.
  • It is better to set aside fruits with an uncharacteristic zest color (brown, red, burgundy) - this may be one of the signs of fruit disease. As a rule, this disease is not dangerous, but there will be no benefit from such a fruit.
  • Numerous dark burgundy specks on the peel indicate that chemicals were used during cultivation.
  • Too much bright color citrus can indicate presence.
  • Sticky and overly shiny fruits were most likely treated with special preparations to give the citrus a marketable appearance.
  • Non-fragrant, with unpleasant smell You shouldn't buy fruit either.

Proper storage

After you have learned how to choose a sweet pomelo, you should familiarize yourself with the storage rules. So, fresh fruits can be stored not a month

Pomelo is famous not only for its unique citrus taste, but also for its fairly low calorie content. It is for this reason that this fruit is valued among people who want to say goodbye to unwanted pounds. In addition, systematically eating such a product will have a positive effect on the entire body.


  1. Before buying citrus, the most important step is its thorough visual inspection. You should completely discard the fruit if you see ring-shaped stains of a burgundy hue on the peel. Even though they may be pale.
  2. Carefully inspect the zest; it should also not have deep dents with the same burgundy color. There are often specimens on which entire burgundy patterns can be seen. Despite such beauty, the fruit can be dangerous to humans.
  3. This development of mottling signals that the fruit is becoming covered with bacteria, which are literally devouring it. In addition, you can notice brown spots. Such processes signal that rot is developing inside.
  4. It is also worth noting one fact when choosing such a product. Pay special attention to the top of the fruit. It is this area that is considered the most vulnerable on a citrus fruit. Take the broom in your hands and press on this area. If you feel softness, set the product aside. It's not worth purchasing.
  5. Remember that the top should be as dense and firm as the rest of the fruit. However, this case also has its own subtleties. If, when pressed, you feel a slight softness and elasticity, this will only indicate good taste. Therefore, if there is strong pressing, you should not purchase raw materials.


  1. Asia is rightfully considered the birthplace of citrus fruit. At the same time, delivery to our homeland occurs through several transports. Therefore, when choosing fruits, be sure to carefully examine the appearance of the fruit. You should not observe mechanical damage on the peel.
  2. In this way, there will be virtually no development of rot under the shell. Keep in mind that healthy fruits have an even and smooth skin. You should not observe any shoots or depressions on the zest. In addition, the thickness of the skin ideally has the same thickness over the entire surface of the fruit.
  3. However, such a criterion is quite difficult to determine simply by touch. Especially if the citrus is placed in a pink mesh or plastic film. Therefore, the choice of product should be treated with utmost care. Try to give preference to specimens that are wrapped only in mesh.
  4. Look at the color of the zest too. It should be approximately the same shade. Only a uniform spot on the side of a reddish or orange tint is acceptable. If you see some greenish flecks, don't hesitate. This does not mean that the fruit is unripe. Still, give preference to fruits with an even color.

Signs of maturity

  1. Keep in mind that the choice of ripe fruit is determined not only by appearance. The citrus fruit should be moderately hard and elastic. When pressing on the product you should feel the same density.
  2. Even despite the thick peel, the dense pulp should be palpable when pressed. It is with these indicators that you can choose a truly sweet fruit. In this case, you will not have to doubt the ripeness of the citrus. Feel free to take this fruit.
  3. It is worth noting that if the fruit has an average density, then in most cases its texture and taste will be very similar to cotton wool. The problem is that stale and overripe specimens become almost tasteless. The same sourness also disappears.
  4. Among other things, the citrus fruits described above will already have simply huge seeds. In overripe fruit they reach the size of beans. As for high-quality citrus fruits, the seeds in them are almost invisible. Therefore, you definitely won’t get the same pleasure from a stale copy.


  1. It is also worth talking about whether the shape of the fruit somehow affects the taste. If you look closely, you can also see pear-shaped citrus fruits in supermarkets. They can also be slightly flattened or almost round.
  2. There is an opinion that if the tip of the fruit tapers slightly towards the top, then the citrus will be ripe and sweet. However, such a feature simply cannot exist on spherical fruits. Therefore, when choosing a product, you should not be guided by this feature.


  1. When cut, the pulp should have a dense and slightly yellowish septum, which is located between the pulp and the peel. It is noteworthy that depending on the variety, the pulp can be colored in different colors.
  2. What's remarkable is that the pear-shaped orange fruit has an almost reddish flesh, similar to grapefruit. The fruit in question is yellow and green has yellowish flesh. Remember, in any case, there should be no foreign spots on it; the structure of a healthy fruit is uniform.

Other Features

  1. Keep in mind that even high-quality and tasty citrus fruit can have a noticeable bitterness, and quite a strong one at that. This means that it was frozen before you purchased it. Unfortunately, negative temperatures negatively affect the taste of citrus.
  2. Therefore, it is worth knowing how to purchase fruit that has not been frozen. Frozen fruits can even be identified by touch. You know that good citrus is hard and elastic. However, a specimen that has been frozen will be soft and will be strongly pressed when pressed.

If you choose the right citrus, it will delight you not only with its pleasant aroma and unique taste, but also with its valuable composition. Systematic consumption of the product in moderate quantities will improve general condition and avoid the development of vitamin deficiency.

Video: about the benefits and harms of pomelo

Kira Stoletova

The evergreen fruit plant pompelus produces large, juicy fruits. It is a hybrid of orange and grapefruit. It is difficult to choose a pomelo in a domestic store, since the product is imported while still unripe, and defects are almost invisible due to the thickened peel.

External quality criteria

The first step to choosing a ripe pomelo is a careful examination of the external data. You should not buy a fruit whose peel is covered with ring-shaped red stains. Deep burgundy depressions indicate fetal illness. Eating such a product can result in serious poisoning.

Dents indicate the beginning of the rotting process. The pulp is already rotting, but outwardly it is almost imperceptible. Such fruits taste sour and have a damp taste.

Peel evaluation

You can choose the right pomelo if you examine the condition of the skin. Citrus is grown in Asia and imported in several types vehicles. Along the way, fruits fall, rub against each other, creating favorable conditions for the development of rot. Inspection of the skin allows you to exclude the purchase of damaged fruits.

Condition of the skin of a healthy fruit:

  • smooth, even structure, without dents, bumps, or seals;
  • the color is uniform, one side may be browned.

Green spots are a sign of immaturity and unsafe cultivation. The fruit was removed from the branch too early or chemical fertilizers with nitrates were used. Too bright color of the peel also indicates that the dosage of fertilizers has been exceeded.

Structure and elasticity

Delicious ripe fruit is elastic, hard, dense in structure. The density of the pulp is felt even under a thick layer of peel. Medium-density fruits have already been dried, which means that the storage conditions were not fully met or the products arrived at the store in this form initially and were not rejected.

In such cases, taste qualities are noticeably reduced. The pulp resembles cotton wool when chewed. Long-term storage at temperatures below 15°C dries out the fruit. It overripes, becomes tasteless, and loses useful microelements.

Fruits lose their properties when frozen. It is easy to choose a pomelo fruit that has not been frozen based on its density. The citrus is too soft; when pressed, it leaves indentations that take on a brownish tint.

Varieties and their features

You can choose a high-quality pomelo with high taste characteristics if you rely on the characteristics of the varieties. The sweetest fruit is the Honey Pomelo. The shape of the fruit is pear-shaped, the skin is thick and dense. The weight of a high-quality specimen is at least 2 kg. The heavier the fruit, the more juice it contains.

The round, flattened variety should be selected by weight. The minimum weight of high-quality fruit is 1 kg. Taste qualities are largely determined by the color inherent in the variety:

  • green fruits are sweet and sour, with a refreshing note;
  • bright yellow pear-shaped citrus fruits are juicy and sweet;
  • Kao Yao peel has a high concentration of nutrients, the pulp has a spongy structure, white, sweet, with a refreshing sour note;
  • Tong Di is a small fruit with a skin thin for a pomelo (1 cm), the flesh is pink and sweet.

A ripe fruit of any variety exudes a distinct citrus aroma with a hint of bitterness. Feels from a distance.

The top of the fruit is elastic, of uniform structure.

Shelf life

Unripe fruits should be kept in the refrigerator or a cool, dark room. Unpeeled fruit can be stored for 2-3 weeks. Shelf life of purified products:

  • fresh pulp is eaten within 2-3 days;
  • Dried slices are stored in the refrigerator for 2 months.

Products will last longer if good ventilation is provided. Shelf life is reduced by placing citrus next to other types of fruit: apples contribute to overripening.

Useful properties and contraindications

A good pomelo includes large number antioxidants that improve skin structure, reduce blood cholesterol, fiber and fructose, etc. useful components. Regular consumption of citrus improves health. The product belongs to the group of active fat burners and is recommended in the diet.

Citrus has contraindications for use:

  • stomach diseases, with increased acidity;
  • diabetes;
  • acute renal and liver failure;
  • age up to 3 years;
  • product intolerance.

There are a number of cases when it is better to refuse to buy fruits:

  • products are wrapped in cling film - packaging hides defects and reduces shelf life;
  • unnatural shine - the peel has been treated with chemicals (wax), a thick layer of peel does not protect against the penetration of harmful substances into the inner layers of the product;
  • It is better to buy ripe tasty citrus in January-February;
  • there is no citrus aroma - the fruit is unripe or grown on chemical fertilizers.

Pamela fruit benefits, how to choose pamelo.mp4

How to choose a pomelo

About the benefits and harms of pomelo

Having seen several varieties of citrus on store shelves, they take 2-3 fruits of different varieties. This way you can determine the most attractive fruit in terms of taste. Buying thick-skinned specimens is a waste of money. In reality, the weight of the peel is negligibly small to significantly affect the price, and the quality indicators are superior to thin-skinned analogues.


You need to choose a broom based on several criteria. The main thing is to learn how to identify fruits treated with chemicals.
