How to understand your boyfriend. How to understand that this is your person by destiny? Is this my man?

All men appear in our lives for a reason. They turn out to be very useful, but each comes with its own purpose.

The calm, measured life of any, most successful woman, independent of anyone, is filled with new bright colors when THAT man appears in it.

Any single woman dreams of meeting that one person with whom it will be more wonderful than ever, completely different from before. However, as a rule, many have no idea how to recognize it.


When seeking advice from specialists of various kinds, from a psychologist to an astrologer, many girls say something like this: “I have a boyfriend, but it seems to me that he is not my prince. When will HE appear?

To the natural question: “How do you recognize your man, what should happen to you?”, they usually answer: “I will feel it, some inner click will tell me.”

Perhaps the readers of this article also think so. However, this is not true. It just clicks and sticks only when a man appears with whom you fall in love at first sight.

It blows the roof away so that it is impossible to pass by.

One gets the impression that it was HIM, you felt it.

The trouble is, however, that most women quickly become disappointed after such a storm of emotions.

It turns out that this is not HIM at all, and such a meeting later becomes very painful!

How can you realize that exactly the man you need has appeared in your life, with whom you will feel like a real woman?You can't miss this!

Your man

We need to start with the fact that all men appear in our lives for a reason. They turn out to be very useful, but each comes with its own purpose. To make it clearer, let's highlight three groups.

1. Teacher

Such partners appear to a woman to teach her something, but disappear as soon as the lesson is completed.

Teachers can be all sorts of things: picky and kind, gentle and evil, destroying your life or causing pity.

Such men develop your feminine qualities, increase your self-esteem, and at the same time they teach you a lesson on how to properly build relationships with your soulmate. There may be one teacher, or maybe several, but the lesson is the same.

Stubborn women can get him as a legal husband or a permanent lover for a long time. However, as soon as a woman learns the lesson presented, such a man leaves her. All conditions for divorce have been created.

Since now a completely different man must come to the woman - school is over, real life begins.

2. Random fellow traveler

It happens that a woman begins a relationship with a man due to a fatal coincidence of circumstances.

Here, either she gives him a lot, or her man puts a lot of emotions and strong experiences into the relationship. But the woman does not feel love for him, or even just warmth. It happens that a couple cannot decide to separate because circumstances do not let them leave each other. But as soon as they are filled with such relationships, exchange a certain amount of energy, a divorce occurs.

My friend was proud of her excellent relationship with her legal spouse. She was the keeper of the family hearth, and he gave her vitality and self-confidence.

But then the day came when they had a heart-to-heart talk and realized that nothing was holding them together anymore.

All that was left was some kind of gratitude for the calm and quite happy years of life together. There is nothing more.

They decided to leave, and after a short time both found new partners. They formed wonderful couples that gave powerful further development. They even became family friends and go on vacation together.

This happens sometimes, but it is the best case scenario. What happens much more often is that a woman seems to become stuck on a certain man, although he is, in principle, indifferent to her.

She considers him a gift from fate, puts all her energy into him and literally prays for him. The best solution in such a situation is to love from afar. You may just want everything best wishes to the person, but never get close to him. Actually, this is a big topic for a separate article; we won’t dwell on it now.

3. The man of a lifetime

Now this is exactly the group that interests us. It is with men that one must build a family in order to live. They give a lot to a woman, fill her life with happiness, with them a woman develops and blossoms.

It's about revealing feminine nature. Some of us simply need to go through both of the previous men's options to be ready to start a family.

Often, a woman develops immature family relationships precisely because she did not decide to first take the life lessons prescribed for her, and got married before the necessary moment.

The woman simply did not wait for her man, and in this case she agrees to at least some kind of life partner or continues to live in illusions, waiting for a prince on a white horse. It is important to understand that a worthy partner will appear only when you have either been through the school of life in practice, or have been raised very well.

Relationships with men for life, in principle, can be quite complex or even incomprehensible, but there are a number of factors that demonstrate to us that a given man is, in fact, necessary at the moment.

It is he who will bring good to the woman.

It is not necessary that such a relationship will last until the end of life, but these factors absolutely show that this partner appeared on your life path It's no coincidence. How can you determine that a man is yours?

First, let's clarify.

Our happiest and most accomplished female visitors, who created relationships with the most worthy partners, did not feel anything at the first meeting.

They did not have any heavenly insight, and it did not become a crazy love. The relationship developed gradually, without any of the madness and haste so often demonstrated in popular films.

It's safe with him

The first sign that shows that you need this man is security. Next to him you feel completely protected. This is the most important thing in a woman's life. If such a feeling does not arise, then it is not worth going through later life with such a companion.

At the same time, your man does not necessarily have to have impressive muscles or master karate techniques. But it is with him that you will be safe, you will always be sure that he will not give you offense, no matter what happens. This will not be a noble knight of our time, a representative of a famous family in the city.

One can say more, he himself may have a dangerous job, but with him next to you you will not need to worry about your own safety, since he will take it into his own hands.

It would seem that we are not on the front line and do not sleep with weapons at our side, what threatens us?

But this is the essence of female nature, we need strong man, capable of protecting future children. He will not be afraid to give birth, because in any situation he can find protection.

This is the essence of all women on the planet - the desire to feel completely safe. Most men get annoyed when their women simply fall for big money and social significance, but they cannot be blamed for this. In this way, a woman tries to gain security if she cannot rely on her other half.

She is looking for the monetary equivalent of this, since material well-being and power can also protect.

If you already have a relationship, think carefully and answer yourself - are you safe with him?

If so, then a woman can allow herself to relax and reveal her natural feminine qualities.

This is perkiness and a cute smile, girlish carefreeness and complete spontaneity.

We think that most women have experienced similar feelings.

You open up. HE will help you reveal your feminine qualities, or rather, even they will begin to reveal themselves. If you have exactly the right man next to you, then you will learn how to cook deliciously, you will begin to follow the latest fashion trends and, in general, your appearance.

Your natural feminine qualities will begin to appear - tenderness, softness, warmth.

Strange desires will arise, for example, to give him a massage that you have never done before. You will eagerly await him from work and greet him at the door, even if you were previously completely independent and managed your own time. Moreover, all this, oddly enough, happens naturally, without any effort on oneself. You simply stop recognizing yourself.

Nowadays there are many trainings designed to help women in family life, teach housekeeping skills, raising children, and so on.

But with him, all this wakes up by itself, fortunately, the missing knowledge can be gleaned from the Internet. The main thing is that you want to be a worthy companion for this man.

By the way, about the same thing happens to them next to the woman they love. The best masculine qualities are included, strength, enterprise, the desire to earn money for your family.

Let's summarize.

Answer yourself, how much have your feminine qualities blossomed with the advent of a new life partner?

Do you want to take care of him like a woman?

You pay more attention to your appearance

You want to wear fashionable clothes and sexy lingerie underneath.

You began to carefully study new cosmetic products. On the Internet, you are primarily interested in sites related to feminine beauty. In stores you spend a long time looking at the counters with various trinkets and jewelry.

Your look has become happy and mysterious. Moreover, all this was noticed by your loved ones and colleagues.

This means that your man has awakened in you the desire to be beautiful. This is one of the main female instincts.

A desire to relax should be considered an alarming sign. “He’s already mine anyway, why do I need regular makeup and a strict diet now?”

If such thoughts arise in a relationship with a partner, it is very bad sign, this will not lead to good things. Do you want to put on something more comfortable at home, for example, sweatpants, style your hair somehow and walk around in front of him like that? Love me as I am.

This means that your man does not awaken your femininity, the desire to remain beautiful always. Now, if you, while waiting for your man, want to take a bath, lubricate yourself aromatic cream to turn into the most delicious woman in the world, then this man is yours.

Moreover, all these things happen absolutely naturally, without any effort on yourself. At some point you will want to become better, acquire completely new skills and qualities.

This does not mean at all that you want to turn into a good girl just for his sake, in order to become worthy of his love. This man will awaken your inner energy, you will have a desire to explore completely new areas of activity.

This applies not only to some intimate moments, but to everything.Some kind of internal transformation is happening to you, completely new abilities are opening up. All this is thanks to him.

Mental traumas are healed

YOUR man fills your inner space with his own energy. All past relationships fade into the background.

Sometimes it seems that they were not there at all before him. The memories remain, but you catch yourself thinking that all this happened somewhere in another life.

Perhaps not even with you.

Some past attachments, mental traumas are treated by the acceptance and boundless love of this man, who is always ready to take care of you. In addition, internal transformation is launched.

You want to forgive all past grievances, even if there were a lot of them throughout your life.

You no longer need this heavy load and you let it go. Internal state loving woman filled with gratitude and warmth.

By the way, man's love is also capable of much.

You love yourself If a man is ready to devote himself to a woman, some time passes and she begins to see herself with different eyes.

You are loved, which means you are beautiful and priceless.

Psychological rehabilitation occurs and self-esteem grows. The beloved woman is revealed in a completely new, extraordinary light. This state of mind has a beneficial effect on your well-being. You almost always good mood and the people around me celebrate this.

Some painful symptoms that haunted you recent years, appear less and less often. Happy woman very rarely gets sick. Sexual contact With your beloved man, your sexual relationship ceases to be just some kind of body movements. The strongest emotional exchange takes place in bed.

Do you feel sexual contact not only in the appropriate place, but also in the heart itself. It is not at all necessary that intimacy with him should be accompanied by some kind of enchanting orgasms. You shouldn't die of pleasure at such moments.

However, YOUR man may not be a fantastic lover at all.

However, regardless of the technique of such sex, after its completion you will feel great. You become feminine and happy, and your brain switches off completely. As for some sophisticated technique at the moment of intimacy, this is not difficult to learn. It must be said that in a relationship, looseness and passion come gradually.

Partners who are very kind to each other are at first even embarrassed to show excessive passion, and do not talk about any of their preferences for a long time.

This is also observed in men. In relation to the woman he loves, he does not allow any liberties that he considered normal in bed with an ordinary sexual partner.

A man in love treats his beloved very carefully. At the same time, the woman, feeling such respect, gradually opens up in bed.

It doesn't matter how much sexual experience she has. She may be a fairly experienced lover, but at first she may even be shy about her desires. You should not focus your attention on the technique of your beloved man. Don't try to compare how good he is in bed if you have someone to compare with from a past relationship.

Listen to your feelings during and after contact. This moment is the most important.

Are you ready to follow him?

A very significant factor for a woman who decides to link her destiny with this man. You want to follow him not because this is a woman’s lot and this has been customary from time immemorial.

You really want this yourself. You trust him so much that you are ready to give up everything and go to the ends of the world. If only with him.

But if the path chosen by a man seems dubious to you and does not inspire unconditional trust, then this is a bad sign. It is worth thinking about the correctness of your choice.

A woman can rediscover herself only by completely trusting the man she loves.

Only in this case is all her feminine power revealed, capable of working miracles. You want to give birth to his child. This is the most important of all the factors that determine exactly the man you need.

You want to give birth to him not because of his age or simply based on healthy logic. No. This desire comes from within, no reason is needed.

Just the thought of future children with this man makes you incredibly happy. You want to continue his family, raise and love his children!

Of course, not all of the listed signs of your man appear at the same time. They can appear gradually, passing the baton to one another.

Think about your current relationship. They can become full-fledged only if you have completed all your lessons and paid off the debts presented by fate..

When communicating with a man, listen to your feelings that arise when he is nearby. If you are inspired by his ideas, you feel peace and warmth - this will bring good results.

But violent emotions and a powerful attraction, ending in euphoria from meeting him, do not bode well. True love comes unnoticed, like a timid light arising in your heart. Gradually it grows, which makes it warmer not only around you, but also in the entire universe.

Don’t try to wait for insight, an inner click, when you meet a new man. Feel safe and at ease next to him. published If you have any questions about this topic, ask them to the experts and readers of our project

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

If you believe a beautiful legend, which is found in minor interpretations among almost all peoples of the world, once upon a time people were bisexual. Since they did not have to wait to meet their one and only, they were in complete harmony with themselves and the world around them. It is not known why, but one day these people angered the Gods, for which they divided people into two halves and sent them different parts Sveta. And ever since then, we have had to subordinate our lives to the search for soul mates.

Regardless of faith, age, social status, temperament and life preferences, deep down every person hopes that somewhere in this world his soulmate is waiting for him. It seems to all of us that meeting our destiny will definitely resemble an episode of a beautiful film: music is playing, the aroma of autumn leaves is in the air, your eyes meet and you understand that this is forever. Sometimes the belief in a happy and fateful meeting takes over our emotions so strongly that every time we meet a new person, we wonder in confusion: is he or not? We are simultaneously afraid of missing out on our soulmate and at the same time afraid of recognizing the wrong person in our destiny. But the paradox is that for some reason most of us are sure that acquaintance with that one and only true love must necessarily be meaningful and memorable, but life sometimes gives us gifts without notifying us at all about it.

So how can you not make a mistake and recognize your soulmate in a string of numerous meetings?

1. Irrational love

As a rule, in our youth, we choose as the object of our passion a person who is distinguished by either a beautiful appearance, or a rebellious character, or leadership qualities, or other striking external and internal features. As we mature, we begin to take a more rational approach to choosing a partner. Adults choose a mate based on similar views on life, material priorities, respect for each other, etc. However, it is unlikely that all these relationships correspond to the ideal of eternal and pure love between two halves. True love does not need any reinforcement. If you cannot answer the question - why do you love your chosen one and what exactly do you like most about his appearance and character, perhaps this person is the one who can be called destiny.

2. Opposites and similarities

There is an opinion that truly loving people must have a similar worldview, temperament and passions. Common interests really strengthen relationships, but don't forget that opposites attract too. If you and your partner do not have the same interests, this does not mean that you are not compatible. After all, you can look at life from different angles, but still go in the same direction.

3. Harmony of two hearts

Sincere in relationships loving people Harmony reigns. When you meet your soulmate, you will be surprised how interesting communication, leisure and even silence with each other can be. The expression well characterizes the relationship between the two halves: “they understand each other without words.” Indeed, in order to understand loved one, you do not need to have the gift of clairvoyance, because you will feel any fluctuations in his mood and well-being as your own.

4. Love without hesitation

Surely every woman, in order to maintain a relationship with a man, tried to appear before him only from her best side, delicately hiding minor shortcomings and weaknesses. As a rule, relationships of this kind do not last long, because our shortcomings are an integral part of us, and hiding them means pretending to be someone else. If you are lucky enough to meet your true love, you will immediately forget about all feminine tricks, because you will no longer need to play the role of an ideal lady. The essence of true love lies in the ability to accept a partner for who he really is.

5. Boundless attraction

Two halves are attracted to each other not only psychologically, but also physically. The nature of this attraction can often be confused with passion, but passion, most often, craves only momentary pleasure. The desire to constantly be with a partner, to touch him or just be nearby, is an integral part of true love.

6. You don't want to change your partner

Often, being in a seemingly happy relationship, we cannot call it ideal, because some of our partner’s habits, preferences or behavior are discordant with our inner world. And involuntarily we try to eliminate in a person what does not suit us, remaking him to suit our ideal. If you really met your destiny, such a problem will not arise in your relationship, because you will be satisfied with everything about him. Gradually, you will adopt your partner’s habits, and he will adopt yours.

7. Conflicts without offense

Many people believe that in ideal love there are no quarrels. However, it is hardly possible to live life with a person without encountering conflict situations. But the difference in quarrels between people connected only by habit and two halves lies in the ability to compromise and the ability for constructive dialogue. As a rule, even when quarreling, these couples prioritize each other’s feelings and emotions, avoiding hurtful words and stubbornness.

8. Love without fight

It is often said that you have to fight for love. However, any struggle implies the presence of barriers and obstacles. In addition, the goal of struggle is mastery and dominance, which is unlikely to have anything to do with true love. The two halves simply have nothing to fight for, because their love develops and blooms on its own. If after meeting your partner you realize that your life has only changed in better side, and to build relationships you not only spend energy, but also receive it with interest, you can rest assured that this person is your destiny.

9. Open relationships

Having met your soulmate, in addition to the elusive emotional connection, you will feel the need to share your most intimate thoughts with this person. Your relationship will be built not only on romance, passion and mutual respect, but also on friendship.

10. “Déjà vu” effect

Very often, people who have already been lucky enough to meet their destiny notice that during their first acquaintance they were overcome by the “déjà vu” effect - the feeling that they had already known this person once. People who believe in reincarnation explain this phenomenon by saying that two souls destined for each other must meet throughout all earthly incarnations. According to psychologists, the effect of “already seen” can be explained by the fact that subconsciously each of us draws a desired ideal in our imagination, and when meeting it, the brain perceives this person as an already familiar object. Be that as it may, the feeling that you know this person is a clear harbinger of meeting your soulmate.

No matter how common and true the above advice may be, if you have not yet met your soulmate, do not try to adjust your personal feelings to them. You will definitely meet and learn your destiny, but the feeling of true love often arises spontaneously and has unique characteristics. The most important thing to remember is: don’t be afraid of new emotions, trust them and let them take you with you.

The strong connection established between lovers will allow them to very much feel each other’s energy. Looking for an answer to the question, how to understand that this is your person according to Fate, remember how often you, without saying a word, dialed each other’s phone number or at the same time appeared to your loved one in a dream.

How to find out if a person is destined for you

How to understand that he or she is your judge, how to find out that you have met true Love, and have not become another passing hobby for a person, answers to simple questions will help. The main thing is to be honest with yourself and not try to make light of the situation. Test your chosen one:

  • When needed help, is he nearby or busy with “urgent matters”?
  • Do you discuss difficult or important life issues together?
  • Does he call first if something serious happens?
  • Do you know his relatives and friends?
  • Does your loved one use the expression “we” in conversation?
  • How often do you have to make concessions to him?

You can talk about strong and mutual feelings only if the answer to each of the six main questions is in your favor. If the object of your adoration often demands to “understand him and forgive him,” is in no hurry to introduce you to relatives and friends, and is always busy at the very moment when you ask for help, this is not your person!

Many women think that Love is the ability to sacrifice oneself or the willingness to forgive insults and humiliation. However, the risk that you will simply be used in their own interests is too great. Mutual love involves an exchange of energies and a willingness not only to give, but also to receive something in return. A man who is mutually in love will never demand sacrifices or understanding from you for his problems. On the contrary, he will try to apologize even for something that is not his direct fault. If in a love game you take the role of a victim, then your feelings will soon cool, and your place will be taken by a more cunning rival.

Ritual to find out if he is destiny

Every woman wants to know whether it is worth continuing a relationship with a man, fighting for his love, having a child with him, or making plans for the future. A powerful ritual that can be performed any day Lunar calendar, will give the correct answer to the question. The only restriction is that the ritual cannot be performed on Friday the 13th.

In order to perform the ritual, you need to obtain the hair of your chosen one and purchase a blessed candle in the church. Next, the candle is placed in the center of the table, lit with a match, and the hair of the loved one is taken in the left hand and the spell is whispered:

“Help me, Higher Powers, find out the truth. Give an answer to the question: is it my destiny to (name of beloved) or not? Reveal the truth to me, will this person be with me! Amen"
The man's hair is burned on a candle so that one can smell the smoke. After this, you need to go out into the street and ask the first person you meet any question that requires a “yes” or “no” answer (for example, did he read today latest news in the country?). If you are answered in the affirmative, the ceremony was successful and your loved one is ready for a long-term relationship. When the answer is “no”, you need to come to terms with the fact that this is not your man according to Destiny.

Who is destined for you

There are quite a few effective ways, how to understand a person by Fate and check the authenticity of the chosen one’s feelings. For example, you can try to “let go of the situation” and not remind yourself at all for a while. Next, look at the reaction of your loved one: if he is worried and offers help, he loves and appreciates you, if he does the same in return, and is even offended by where he went, the relationship is “raw” and not worthy of serious attention.

Your subconscious will also tell you how strong the Love is between you. Tell yourself honestly, what do you pay more attention to: his appearance, the opportunity to be with him more often, or the essence of your conversations and the warmth of your relationship? If you are little interested in his hobbies and inner world, then you are deceiving yourself: there is no real love, what attracts a man is his social status and nothing more.

If you want to ask the Higher Powers how long the relationship with a man that you have in reality will last, do such a ritual on the Full Moon. A photograph of a mysterious person is placed under the pillow with the words: “If you love, dream, if there is no love, go away and never come back.” I will ask the sky for help, I will invite my beloved into my sleep. Whatever you dream about, so be it!”

After that, go to bed peacefully, and the next morning try to figure out what you dream about. A good sign if you dream about water, a park, a flowering tree, a stork, the aroma of expensive perfume, a pair of shoes or a young moon.

Be wary if you dream of rain, a dolphin, an eclipse of the Sun or Moon of an unusual color, a wedding (your own or someone else's), your own naked body, earth, stones, sand or a dark room without light. If you couldn’t remember the dream at all, it means that the time for a serious relationship with a man has not yet come.

Also, throughout the next day, look closely and listen to the prompts of Fate; perhaps the exact answer to your question will come in a completely unexpected form.

Every girl dreams of an ideal relationship, but in most cases, on the way to it she has to deal with men who are not suitable for her. All women strive to meet a suitable partner and spend their entire lives with him. Some girls say that they were able to feel their soulmate intuitively, others carefully evaluate the personal qualities of a potential chosen one, and still others choose a husband based on his date of birth or zodiac sign. You can understand that this is your person by destiny by analyzing your relationship with him.

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Clues of fate

Numerous chance meetings, prophetic dreams, a sudden meeting after a long separation, interesting coincidences - all this makes the girl think that a particular young man is destined for her.

There are a number of events that can be considered fateful:

  1. 1. A man whom the woman has never met in real life, comes to her one or more times in a prophetic dream. In such dreams, all the images seen can be symbolic, hiding clues of fate. Often a girl from a dream meets a girl in real life and it is with him that she manages to fall in love with each other and stay together for life.
  2. 2. An unexpected meeting occurs after a long separation, and during it a flare-up breaks out between people. strong feeling, forcing you to stay together once and for all. Such stories are part of the plot of romantic films, but they happen in life.
  3. 3. A meeting between a woman and a man, which took place due to interesting, unforeseen, and sometimes fatal coincidences, can also turn out to be fateful. An unexpected delay for transport, an unforeseen visit to friends or a move can result in a meeting with a loved one destined for fate.

Many girls who were lucky enough to meet their soulmate and establish a strong relationship with her say that they were able to feel that same man at the level of intuition, and their heart itself pointed to this particular person.

However, in order to start a serious relationship, you need to take into account not only the romantic circumstances of the acquaintance and the flared passion, but also the personality traits of the partner himself and his attitude towards the chosen one. The secrets of psychology will help you figure out whether your partner is suitable for living together or not.

Psychology of fateful encounters

Every woman will be able to understand whether a man is suitable for her as a life partner, but to do this, she needs to analyze not only the person’s personality, but also the characteristics of the relationship with him.

There are signs by which you can recognize the ideal guy or man for yourself:

  1. 1. The partner respects the chosen one, her life goals, hobbies and the people who surround her (friends, parents).
  2. 2. A man never tires of showing concern and does it naturally, and not in order to gain the sympathy of the object of passion for a while.
  3. 3. The partner’s words never diverge from real actions, especially if they concern the beloved.
  4. 4. People perceive each other’s character traits and shortcomings, know how to easily find compromises and never express their doubts about the viability of their other half.
  5. 5. With a man destined by fate, the woman herself becomes better and wants to improve herself.
  6. 6. A man and a woman are suitable for each other in an intimate relationship.
  7. 7. The partner has stopped searching for a life partner and intends to start a family with his current chosen one.

If a woman has found most of the listed signs in her relationship with her lover, then there is a good chance that she will be able to create a happy family with this person.

However, you have to work on any relationship, even the most ideal one, so as not to lose your feelings and carry your love throughout your life.

Is the man suitable?

Many women can fall so much in love with a man that they begin to idealize his image and see him as a future husband, even though the man is completely unsuitable for a happy life.

3 Sep 2016

Lovers with their sparkling eyes are the very embodiment of joy, romance, dreams. They inspire and charge everyone around with positive energy. They soar on the wings of love, and it seems to them that the whole world is also filled with love. People in love perceive all events completely differently from people in their normal state. It seems to them that even telepathy becomes subject to them.

For example, they can, without saying a word, dream about each other. Or at the same moment think about each other and immediately pick up the phone. We women usually in this state tell ourselves that all searches for the ideal are over: “This is the man destined for you by fate.”

How do you understand that this is probably your man by destiny, and not just another crush, and that you can go through life with him and build a family? Break this most important question of life into sub-questions and try to answer them honestly and sincerely. Here are examples of such test questions.

When you need help, is he nearby or does he always have urgent things to do?

From generation to generation, Cossack women test their men this way. You need to do something nice for your partner three times. For example, buy him his favorite beer, if he is going to watch a football broadcast on TV, prepare his favorite omelet in the morning, give him a relaxing massage. And then you need to lie down on the sofa and say in a plaintive voice that you have a terrible headache and ask for water.

His reaction to this weakness of yours can tell a lot about how your life together will develop. He may be genuinely worried, bring water and a painkiller of his choice, ask if you need to be seen by a doctor, etc. Or maybe just bring a glass of water and go about your business as if nothing had happened. He may answer that there is no way for him to interrupt now, he will bring it later. Or maybe just pretend that he didn’t hear you.

Some individuals may also reproach him, saying that you laid out on the entire sofa, because he planned to watch football here. In general, it would seem such a simple case, but there are so many interesting things you can learn about your chosen one. And you don’t need to rack your brains about how to find out that this man is your destiny. It’s enough just to show weakness at the wrong time.

Does he discuss with you all the issues that are important to him?

You are most likely just waiting for the evening to tell him about how your day went, how much interesting or not so much happened, and you share your most secret thoughts with him.

If he reciprocates your feelings and also talks about himself and his affairs, albeit not as verbose as you, but freely, as if with himself, then this is wonderful, it means that everything is fine with you.

If he prefers to remain silent most of the time, thinks about every word before uttering it, leaves most of your questions unanswered - think about whether everything is really all right with you.

Does he tell you first if something happens?

Does he call you just to find out how you are doing or if something wrong happens? It would seem that just phone calls - but they mean so much in building one happiness for two. It’s bad if he disappears suddenly and stops answering your calls.

If there is “no answer, no hello” from him for several days, and then he appears and starts telling how he saved someone from terrible trouble or something like that is not very believable. There is such a certain type of people. Of course, such behavior cannot but raise questions. And if this already annoys you initial stage relationship, it is unlikely that anything will change in the future - it will only get worse.

How does he behave when introducing you to his friends?

Is he proud of you, is he in a hurry to introduce you to everyone who is dear to him: parents, relatives, close colleagues, or does he prefer that you always spend time alone. Usually a man in love is ready to shout about his feelings to the whole world and introduce his chosen one to everyone. If this is not the case, then watch him more closely, perhaps you can identify some other oddities of his in relation to himself. This will help you decide whether he is your destiny or just a passerby.

Does he often use the pronoun “we”?

How to understand that this is your person by destiny? Analyze how he communicates with you, what does he use more often: the egoist’s pronoun “I” or the partner’s pronoun “we”? Is he ready to build a future together or so far all his ambitious plans are built solely around his personality. If he uses “we” even in such an insignificant situation, such as, for example, discussing plans for the coming weekend, then this is a clear sign that he no longer thinks of himself as a free unit, but as your partner.

Are you ready to make concessions to him and how often?

Women love to sacrifice themselves in the name of love. They can make concessions to a man in everything, they are ready to endure humiliation and insults, his constant unfulfilled promises, his refusals to your requests...

Do you really think that it’s normal for a man to pay absolutely no attention to you and be completely immersed in his own affairs and problems? Are you okay with the fact that he always doesn’t have time to even meet with you for a couple of hours? Remember, idle people usually don’t have time, busy people have everything clearly planned and they can always find an opportunity to meet their loved one in their schedule.

How do you understand that this is your man by destiny? Answer at least the above questions, only honestly, and a lot will become clearer to you both about him and about yourself. It is very important to understand who you need, what shortcomings you are willing to put up with, and which ones you will never be able to accept, and based on this, choose your man.
