Natural remedies to improve vision. Treatment and restoration of vision - folk recipes

Traditional medicine recipes are the path to youth and longevity of your vision. Precisely vision treatment folk ways was able to help many gain self-confidence and begin to live a full life.

Causes of visual impairment

Today there are many factors affecting vision. This could be mental overstrain, lack of essential vitamins, unhealthy lifestyle, frequent stress, computer work and much more.

But since our visual functions are very fragile, they practically do not improve. Over time, vision can only worsen. Today, even young people have already had to get acquainted with contact lenses and glasses. Weakened vision does not allow you to enjoy life, because it interferes not only at work, but also at home.

Of course, the intake of all necessary vitamins and microelements into the body is of great importance for the quality of vision. The most basic folk methods for improving and restoring vision are based on the consumption of fruits, vegetables and freshly squeezed juices. The juice of carrots and fresh apples is considered one of the most beneficial for vision. Some traditional healers recommend drinking these juices as often as possible, adding nettle juice to them. There are also several folk methods that are based on drinking carrot juice with onion juice.

Video about preserving and restoring vision

Traditional recipes for treating vision

The most popular way to treat vision is a bandage made from coleander leaves. Such dressings must be applied every day for 10-20 minutes. You can also lubricate your eyes with honey mixed with onion juice. To improve visual acuity, it is necessary to consume carrots fresh. Rose hips, which can be consumed in any form, also help a lot.

You can improve your vision by eating 150 g of sprouted wheat grains daily.

Prepare grain sprouts as follows. The day before eating, the grain should be thoroughly rinsed several times. After this, the grains must be filled with water so that it does not cover the grain completely, but is at the level of its top layer. After this, covering the vessel with grains with a paper napkin, you need to put it in a warm place. After a day, the sprouted wheat grains must be washed and passed through a meat grinder. Then the grains are poured with boiling water or hot milk in a 1:1 ratio. You can add honey to taste and butter. The resulting porridge cannot be boiled. The vessel in which the grains are prepared must be glass, enamel or ceramic, but in no case aluminum.

Having decided to start treating vision with this folk method, it is worth reducing the consumption of flour products and bread.

Decoctions and lotions to improve vision

For those whose work involves constant eye strain, medicinal decoctions will help. Here are some recipes.

  • Eyebright decoction. To prepare such a decoction, you need to take 10 g of herb, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Take twice a day before meals, after straining.
  • A decoction of plantain herb also helps. 10 grams of seeds of this herb must be poured with two tablespoons of boiled but cold water, and then add half a glass of boiling water. The broth should cool slightly, after which it needs to be strained. You can drink it 1 tbsp. spoon before each meal, and use for lotions.
  • The most effective and best known remedy is lotions made from. It’s easy to prepare a decoction: pour 20 g of chamomile into one glass of boiling water and leave for an hour. After this, strain the broth.

  • Bird cherry decoction can also be used for lotions. 5 g of herb should be poured with half a glass of boiling water and allowed to brew for half an hour. Using the same recipe, you can prepare a decoction from.
  • Datura decoction has unusual properties. It is especially effective for severe swelling of the eyes. To prepare it you will need 20 grams of herb poured with a glass of boiling water. Leave the broth for half an hour, then strain it and use it as a lotion.
  • Another proven one folk method- potato lotions. Grate the potato on a medium grater, wrap it in gauze and place it on your eyes for 20 minutes.
  • Onion decoction is great for red eyes. It is easy to prepare: boil one onion in a small amount of water, add a couple of drops of boric acid to the broth and rinse your eyes with the resulting broth twice a day.

Juices to improve vision

  • Mix fresh carrot and parsley juice in a ratio of 1:3. The resulting juice should be drunk in a glass three times a day. The course of taking this juice is a week, after which you need to switch to another juice.
  • Wash the herb thoroughly, chop finely and squeeze out the juice. Then mix the resulting juice with honey and fennel juice in equal parts. You need to take this product three times a day, one tablespoon at a time. You should be careful, rue juice can cause allergic reactions.
  • Mix liquid honey and fennel juice in a 1:1 ratio and take a tablespoon three times a day. You can also make lotions from this juice.
  • In a ratio of 5:4:1, mix freshly squeezed cucumber, blueberry and celery juices. Drink a glass of juice twice a day for two weeks.
  • To improve visual functions, it is also recommended to drink home-made apricot juice twice a day. There is no point in buying store-bought juice.
  • Blueberry juice in the form of drops has long been used to improve vision. Squeeze the juice out of 5-6 fresh blueberries and dilute with distilled water, taking into account 2 drops of water per 1 drop of juice. Apply the resulting drops to your eyes once a day, 1-2 drops for each eye. The duration of such treatment is strictly individual, but after 3-5 days you can notice an improvement in visual functions.

There are several simple exercises that will help train the eye muscles. It is these muscles that are responsible for accommodation, a process that determines the clarity of vision. This must be repeated every day.

  1. With your fingers spread wide, bring your palms to your face. Imagining that your fingers are something like a picket fence, begin to make turns with your head. At this moment it is necessary to look not at the fingers themselves, but into the distance, through them. Such turns must be done 20-30 times, alternating as follows: three turns with eyes open, three with eyes closed.
  2. You need to imagine that there is a large sheet of paper right in front of you. Mentally draw a square in the upper corner of the sheet. Try to fit a circle into it, and a ball next to it. Then draw a rectangle with a horizontal long side. This exercise can be repeated several times a day.
  3. Stand up straight, stretch your arm forward in front of you and look at the tip of your middle finger. Start slowly moving your finger closer until it begins to double. Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.
  4. You need to blink quickly for 15-20 minutes.
  5. On the correct eyelid of both eyes, you need to lightly press with three fingers of each hand. Hold for 2 seconds. Repeat 3-4 times.

1. Try to close your eyes for a few minutes as often as possible to let them rest.

2. When you are not working at the computer, but just sitting at your desk, turn off the monitor.

3. Try to periodically move your eyes and blink.

Over the years, a person's vision gradually deteriorates. Today, in the age of computerization and modern technologies, the load on the eyes increases, and problems with visual function often arise in childhood. Stress and poor lifestyle can cause vision impairment. Also often, pathology of eye refraction occurs after head injuries or as a result of some disease.

Treatment of vision should begin with eliminating the cause that caused its decline. Visual function can be improved using various techniques, vitamin complexes and special exercises for the eyes.

Alternative medicine has collected many recipes for treating vision. With the help of available folk remedies, you can adjust your visual function. Let's take a closer look at the methods.

Table of proven recipes

Recipe Content
1) Carrots The simplest “cure” for treating vision is considered to be fresh carrots or juice from them. The following remedy should be prepared daily and consumed in the morning on an empty stomach: 150 grams of grated carrots, juice of half a lemon, a spoon olive oil.

This salad can be alternated with drinking juice, where one spoon of vegetable (olive) oil is taken for half a glass. The drink is drunk twice a day.

2) Calamus and marigold flowers Take three tablespoons of fresh crushed calamus root and marigold flowers. Pour the plant mixture with 500 milligrams of vodka (or moonshine). Leave for at least two weeks in a dark place. Next, take one teaspoon of the tincture three times a day. For the entire course of treatment, you will need four such servings (4 half-liter bottles of the product). The break between courses should be 1-2 weeks.
3) Chinese lemongrass Take 150 grams of well-dried berries of the bush, crush them and pour 500 milliliters of 70% alcohol. Then they insist. Keep for two weeks in a dark place. The healing tincture is taken in 25 drops. It is recommended to take the product half an hour before meals. The duration of treatment is 20 days. After a break of 15 days, take the tincture again.
4) Ginger root 150 grams of plant root are ground into powder and poured with 800 milliliters of vodka, diluted alcohol or homemade moonshine. For two weeks, the product is infused in a well-dark place, shaking occasionally. Then the tincture is filtered and taken: 20 drops three times a day half an hour before meals.
5) Wheatgrass 3 tablespoons of plant root are boiled for an hour in one liter of water. There should be approximately 2 times less liquid left. Drink one tablespoon of this decoction at least 5 times a day.
6) Eyebright and cornflower Mix 1:1 eyebright flowers and cornflower petals. Separate two spoons of the mixture into a saucepan and pour half a liter of boiling water. Next, put the composition on the fire and boil so that no more than half of the original liquid remains. Cool and filter through cheesecloth. Divide the prepared decoction into three equal portions and drink each portion before meals.
7) Dill seeds First you need to grind the dill seeds. Next, take one teaspoon per glass of boiling water. The drug is infused for at least 15 minutes in a thermos. The entire infusion is divided into 3 servings and drunk during the day before meals. Courses of treatment are carried out according to the following scheme: a month - taking the infusion, two weeks - a break. Treatment is continued for at least one year. The result will definitely please you.
8) Calendula tea For a glass of boiling water you should take two spoons of flowers. During the day you need to drink at least two glasses of the healing drink.
9) Aloe Grind fresh aloe leaves (150 grams) and pour them into a saucepan. The following dry plant components are also added there: cornflower flowers and eyebright (60 grams each). Next, fresh May honey and red fortified wine are poured into the collection - 500 milliliters each. The whole mass is mixed and heated in a steam bath. Warm-up time: 40 minutes. The cooled product is poured into a jar, which is stored in the cold or in the refrigerator. Take a tablespoon of it three times a day every day.
10) Elderberries Elderberry berries are twisted in a meat grinder and the mass is placed in a jar, which is exposed to the sun for two days. Then the juice is squeezed out through cheesecloth. Directions for use: take a teaspoon three times a day, half an hour before meals.
11) Eastern drone recipe They catch drones, dry them and grind them into powder. Every day, an hour before meals, eat 0.5 grams of this “medicine” three times a day. It is recommended to drink this medicine with water; you can also take the powder with honey or blueberry and red currant jam. Active substances, which are contained in dried drones, stimulate the functions of the optic nerve.
12) Aromatic oils Ancient Arab healers applied aromatic oils to the eyebrows, eyelids and temples, gently rubbing into the skin. The most commonly used mixture was olive, palm, jasmine, camphor, saffron, mustard and sandalwood oils. Cedar, sea buckthorn and pumpkin oils are suitable for the same purpose. To obtain a therapeutic effect, the aromatherapy procedure must be carried out for six months.
13) Herbal collection Take 2 tablespoons of calamus root and cornflower flowers, 1 tablespoon of rue, 3 tablespoons of dandelion roots and blueberries. Mix all the ingredients and separate 4 tablespoons of raw materials into the pan. Pour all 300 ml of boiling water and boil at the minimum temperature of the stove for 10 minutes. Next, the broth is cooled and filtered. Apply 3 drops of the prepared product to the eyes at least twice a day.
14) Honey solution It is recommended to prepare and use it as follows: a teaspoon strong tea take a very small amount of honey (on the tip of a knife), dissolve it and drop 6-7 drops into the sore eyes. After the procedure, you should lie down for 20 minutes, relaxing and closing your eyes.

To maintain visual function in good condition, you should take good care of your eyes throughout your life. When reading and working at a computer, you must take precautions: position the light source or book correctly in relation to your eyes, do not read in public transport, and do not work at the monitor for more than one hour at a time. Avoid overstraining the visual muscle. Take breaks from work that involves focusing your vision for long periods of time.

Prevention of vision impairment also includes compliance with proper nutrition. The daily food menu should include foods rich in vitamins D, C and A: beef liver, chicken yolks, butter, carrots, pumpkin, greens, blueberries, currants, apricots.

Rosehip and hawthorn fruits will increase the elasticity of the blood vessels in the eye. Once a year, to prevent diseases associated with poor vision, you need to take a course of fish oil. Almonds, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds and peanuts are a storehouse of vitamin E, which reliably protects our eyes from the destructive power of free radicals and the development of cataracts.

Regular (at least once a year) visits to an ophthalmologist will prevent the process of vision deterioration. A preventive examination will reveal the slightest disturbances in the quality of vision and help take timely measures.

Practice shows that in modern world more and more people of different ages face problems associated with a drop in visual acuity. In search of remedies that can help restore it, most people prefer to turn to medical specialists - ophthalmologists. However, there are also those who seek to eliminate existing problems with the help of folk remedies.

As the doctors themselves note, the use of folk remedies goes well with professional manipulations. That is why most ophthalmologists strongly recommend the use of some folk remedies even in the treatment of diseases associated with vision loss. Which ones are the most effective? Let's consider further full list such.

Main causes of visual impairment

Most medical experts claim that by eliminating the main causes of deterioration in visual acuity, it is possible to improve it or stop further decline.

One of the main reasons for the massive deterioration in vision is the computerization of modern life. Practice shows that constant contact with a computer monitor, as well as watching TV, puts serious strain on the eyes, as a result of which the ability to see deteriorates. Moreover, modern statistics show that this problem occurs even among young children.

The cause of vision deterioration can be an incorrect lifestyle, as well as frequent exposure to stressful situations. Moreover, this problem is often observed in those people who have suffered head injuries or any disease - in this case, pathology of eye refraction may develop.

All folk remedies for improving vision at home are quite simple. They are easy to find and also easy to apply. Let us consider next the most effective of them.


You can often hear the opinion that the simplest and most effective folk remedy for improving vision in myopia is carrots. Miraculous properties of this vegetable are associated with the fact that it contains large number carotene, which has a beneficial effect on eye health. If you want to improve the health of your eyes, it is recommended to consume this product exclusively fresh or make juice from it.

Based on carrots, you can prepare a miracle remedy that helps restore vision in a relatively short period - reviews say that if the problem is minor, it can be eliminated in 2-3 months. To prepare the medicinal mass, you need to chop 150 g of washed and peeled carrots on a medium grater, add a spoonful of olive oil, as well as juice squeezed from half a lemon. The ingredients should be mixed and eaten every day, twice. Practice shows that the most effective treatment This will be the case if you consume a salad prepared according to the specified recipe in combination with freshly squeezed carrot juice. For greater effectiveness, you can add a spoon of olive oil to the juice.

Calamus with marigolds

This folk remedy for improving vision is prepared on the basis of marigold flowers and calamus roots. To prepare the product, you should stock up on dried calamus roots, which you can either prepare yourself or purchase at the pharmacy. After this, they need to be crushed and combined with dry marigold flowers in equal proportions.

Three tablespoons of the finished mixture should be poured into 0.5 liters of vodka and, tightly covered with a lid, let the mixture brew in a dark and cool place for a couple of weeks (a little more is possible). To improve vision, the finished product should be taken orally, a teaspoon three times a day.

Reviews about the tincture of calamus and marigold flowers say that if you take it regularly, you can significantly restore your vision. To do this you will have to cook it at least three times.

Chinese lemongrass

Reviews of a folk remedy for improving vision, prepared from schisandra berries, say that it is ideal for treating myopia at any stage of development.

In order to prepare an effective remedy, you should take 150 g of pre-dried and crushed berries of the bush and pour 0.5 liters of alcohol (70%) into them. After this, the mass must be infused for a couple of weeks in a dark and cool place.

To significantly improve vision in case of myopia, it is recommended to take the finished folk remedy 20-30 minutes before meals. The use of the tincture should be regular (25 drops every day). As for the duration of the course of treatment, ophthalmologists do not recommend it for a long time - 20 days of regular use will be quite enough. After the specified time period, you must take a break for 15 days and continue treatment.

Ginger root

Many people know about the medicinal properties of ginger, but not everyone knows that it has a beneficial effect on eye health and visual acuity, even in old age.

A folk remedy for improving vision according to this recipe is prepared quite simply. To do this, you need to take 150 g of pre-dried and powdered root the specified plant, and then pour 800 ml of alcohol (or moonshine) into the mass homemade). The ingredients must be mixed and, covered with a lid, left to infuse in a dark place for a couple of weeks. During the infusion process, the mass must be shaken periodically.

After the tincture of alcohol and ginger root is ready, it needs to be strained through cheesecloth. Now the product can be eaten. The regularity of use should be stable: 20 drops three times a day. Doctors recommend using this folk remedy to improve vision 20-30 minutes before meals.

Creeping wheatgrass

This herb makes an excellent decoction, the use of which has a beneficial effect on visual acuity, as well as on eye health in general.

To prepare it you need to take three tablespoons of the root. creeping wheatgrass and pour the ingredient with a liter of water. Next, the mass must be placed on low heat and brought to a boil. The mixture will be ready when the water level in the pan is reduced by half.

Reviews of a decoction of creeping wheatgrass say that this remedy perfectly helps eliminate problems associated with vision, and also has a beneficial effect on increasing the level of immunity. The recommendations of medical experts say that with daily use of the drug at least five times a day, an improvement in visual acuity will be noticeable after a couple of months of use.

Decoction of eyebright with cornflower

Reviews of folk remedies for improving vision often say that a decoction made from a mixture of dried eyebright and cornflower (1:1) is quite effective.

To prepare the decoction, take a couple of tablespoons of the prepared dry mass and pour boiling water (500 ml) over it. After this, the container should be tightly covered with a lid and the broth should be allowed to brew. For greater effectiveness of the remedy, many fans of traditional medicine can simmer the decoction over low heat until half of the liquid has evaporated.

The resulting decoction should be filtered and divided into three equal parts. Each of them should be consumed orally half an hour before meals. The course of taking the remedy in question should be no more than 20 days, and after the specified time has elapsed, it is recommended to take a break.

Dill to improve vision

Dill seeds are often mentioned among folk remedies for improving vision. For cooking effective remedy from them you need to take a teaspoon of the crushed ingredient and pour a glass of boiling water over it. The resulting mass should be poured into a thermos and left for 15 minutes. After the specified time, the decoction should be drunk in one day, dividing it into three equal parts. Reviews from experts say that the greatest effect can be obtained by using this remedy before meals - that’s all useful components will be much better absorbed.

As for the comments left by people who practice using a folk remedy for the eyes to improve vision, they very often say that in this way it is possible to restore lost vision in just a year. If necessary, treatment can be continued longer.

Calendula tea

When choosing the most suitable folk remedy for improving vision in children, you should definitely pay attention to calendula tea, which can enrich the human body with useful components.

To prepare a miraculous tea, you need to take a couple of spoons of dried and crushed flowers of this plant, and then pour a glass of boiling water over the ingredient. After 15 minutes of infusion, the product should be drunk like ordinary tea.

Reviews of calendula tea often say that this remedy is excellent for restoring vision not only in children, but also in adults. The product prepared according to the specified recipe has a pleasant taste and gives a good effect.

Ophthalmologists note that to obtain the visible desired result, you should drink this tea at least three times a day until eye health is restored.

Elderberry juice

Elderberry juice is an excellent folk remedy for improving vision after 40 years. Comments about it very often talk about the amazing effect that can be observed in the case of proper preparation main ingredient.

In order to extract the juice correctly, you need to dry the elderberries twisted through a meat grinder in the open sun for two days. After this, the resulting juice should be poured into a separate clean container - it is in this case that it is suitable for consumption. You need to take it three times a day, a teaspoon, 20-30 minutes before meals.

Folk remedies for improving vision with cataracts

Practice shows that even cataracts can be cured with the help of folk remedies. Which ones are the most effective? Reviews from specialists and patients indicate that the most effective remedies include drops made from honey and natural apple juice. To prepare them, the components should be mixed in equal proportions and dropped into the eyes 2-3 times a day. Drops made from onion juice, as well as from potato infusion, also have an excellent effect.

Anyone who wants to get rid of cataracts is often recommended to use compresses. Excellent options for these are those made from a decoction of dill, honey, and also carrot juice.

Medical experts recommend combining standard treatment using folk remedies, as well as performing eye exercises.

As for folk remedies separately, the most effective of them include decoctions made from sleep herbs, nettles, and shoots wild pear. Moreover, reviews from fans of alternative medicine say that decoctions of dill, lingonberry and birch leaves help cure glaucoma.

Often, in the case of the development of glaucoma, compresses made from honey, as well as decoctions of nettle, eyebright, dried rose hips and plantain, have a life-saving effect.

Eye diseases are one of the most common diseases nowadays. Modern man cannot imagine his life without a TV, computer or mobile phone. Increasingly, we prefer to read e-book its paper counterpart. All this creates a huge strain on the eyes and, without proper attention on our part, creates the preconditions for the development of serious diseases.
According to the World Health Organization, 285 million people in the world have moderate to severe visual impairment, 39 million of whom are blind. But, according to doctors, preventive examinations and timely treatment, especially at the initial stage, can not only avoid the progression of the disease to a more severe form, but also completely restore vision.
And here, in addition to medications, herbs that improve vision can come to our aid, the effectiveness of which has been proven by traditional medicine for centuries and which, unlike their pharmacy counterparts, are completely natural and have virtually no side effects.

What eye diseases are treated with herbs?

First of all medicinal herbs for the eyes have proven to be highly effective for the treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases such as trachoma, blepharitis, keratitis, conjunctivitis, purulent discharge, inflammation of the lacrimal sac, lacrimation, barley, etc.

Also, medicinal herbs for vision are successfully used for chronic diseases eye: myopia, farsightedness, eyesore, glaucoma, cataracts, age-related visual impairment, etc. The greatest results are achieved with initial stages diseases.

Herbs are used to improve vision, both for treatment and prevention. In addition, they have found their use for problems such as puffiness under the eyes, dark circles, etc.

Herbs for vision in folk medicine

Traditional medicine is used to treat and restore vision, as well as for preventive purposes the following plants: quince, rosehip, swamp beetle, mint, elderberry, hawthorn, blue cornflower, nettle, wallflower, chamomile, honeysuckle, ginseng, dogwood, dill, raspberry, celandine, pigweed, thyme, cornflower, calendula (marigold) , eyebright, dandelion, wildflower, wheatgrass, plantain, parsley, wild mallow, fennel, duckweed, motherwort, pigweed, aloe, tartar, sorrel, bird cherry, blueberry, pine, etc.

Inflammatory and infectious eye diseases

Many herbs that are beneficial for vision have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing effects, and therefore are widely used to treat eye diseases.


Trachoma is an infectious chronic disease of the conjunctiva and cornea. If left untreated, the cornea becomes cloudy, and visual acuity sharply decreases.

 1 tbsp. l. pour 300 ml of toadflax herb. boiling water, cover with a lid, wrap and let it brew for about half an hour. Strain. Use as a lotion for trachoma and inflammation of the eyelids.
 Squeeze the juice from the celandine herb, strain through cheesecloth and mix with natural honey in a ratio of 1:1 (by volume). Cook the mixture over low heat until it stops foaming and acquires the consistency of honey. Lubricate the eyelids for trachoma and cataracts.


Blepharitis is an inflammation of the edge of the eyelid or hair follicles: as a result, the edges of the eyelids thicken and become covered with yellowish crusts, purulent ulcers form at the base of the eyelashes, and the eyelashes stick together.

 1 tsp. Mix pharmaceutical alcohol tincture of calendula flowers in 250 ml. boiled warm water. Rinse your eyes several times a day for blepharitis, styes and conjunctivitis.
 Lubricate the eyelids with castor oil (castor oil) several times a day.


Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, the mucous membrane of the eyelids and the eyeball, caused by infection, harmful physical (intense visual work in poor lighting, etc.) or chemical exposure (polluted air, dust, smoke, some chemicals etc.).

 2 tablespoons of marshmallow leaves and flowers pour 250 ml. boiling water, cover and leave for half an hour. Strain. Use the infusion for lotions.
 Apply the leaves of drupe to the eyes.
 1 tbsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over rosehip flowers and leave until warm. Strain. Wash your eyes with the resulting infusion for conjunctivitis and blepharitis.


Barley is an acute purulent inflammation of the hair follicle or sebaceous gland at the root of the eyelashes.

 3 tsp. Pour 500 ml of eyebright. boiling water, cover with a lid, insulate and let brew for 2 hours. Strain. Use as eye baths and washes for barley, blepharitis, conjunctivitis.
 Mash fresh burdock root and apply to the sore spot.

Eye inflammation

In addition to those already listed inflammatory diseases folk remedies help in the treatment of the following ailments: inflammation of the lacrimal sac, purulent discharge, lacrimation, etc.

 2 tbsp. pour 250 ml of chamomile flowers. boiling water, cover with a lid, insulate and let brew for 1 hour. Strain. Use the herbal infusion to rinse your eyes 2-3 times a day.
 3 tbsp. pour 300 ml of lily of the valley flowers. boiling water, leave until cool. Apply lotions 2-3 times a day. Duration 15 min. The course of treatment is 1.5 months.

What herbs treat eyesight?

Traditional medicine successfully uses medicinal herbs for vision, both on their own and in the form of herbal teas for the treatment of various chronic eye diseases, including: astigmatism, myopia, farsightedness, eyesight, glaucoma, cataracts, optic nerve atrophy, age-related visual impairment, hemeralopia (night blindness), etc. The sooner treatment is started, the greater the result can be achieved.


A cataract (leukoma) is a persistent clouding of the cornea of ​​the eye that occurs as a result of damage, inflammation or an ulcerative process. A thorn located opposite the pupil reduces vision, sometimes to the point of blindness.
If the eyesore is not pronounced, then using herbs for the eyes helps restore vision.

 Tajik traditional medicine advises using red onion to resolve the cataract, as well as to restore vision. Finely chop the onion, squeeze out the juice using gauze and mix with boiled milk in a 1:1 ratio. Place 1-2 drops in each eye. Carry out the procedure 1-3 times a week.
 Squeeze the juice from the flowering heads of red clover, strain through cheesecloth and mix with natural honey in a ratio of 2 parts juice and 1 part honey. Lubricate the eyelids with the resulting mixture 2-3 times a day or instill 3-5 drops.


Glaucoma is an eye disease, the main symptom of which is increased intraocular pressure. If left untreated, it can lead to complete blindness.

 1 tbsp. pour 250 ml of cumin fruits. water, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 3-5 minutes. Remove from heat, add 1 tsp. blue cornflower flowers, cover with a lid, insulate and leave until cool. Strain through several layers of cheesecloth. Instill 1-2 drops 1-2 times a day.
 1 tsp. pour 250 ml of dill seeds. water, bring to a boil. Remove from heat, cover with a lid, insulate and leave until cool. Drink 1 tbsp. 4 times a day. The course of treatment is two weeks, then a break of 10 days and the course is repeated. During treatment with dill seeds, diuretics should be taken.


Cataract is clouding of the lens. It develops mainly in older people as a result of malnutrition of the eye tissues. Other causes of the disease include: prolonged chronic diseases eyes (retinal detachment, myopia, glaucoma, inflammation of the choroid, etc.), diabetes mellitus, prolonged exposure to ultraviolet and infrared radiation, radiation, prolonged work at high temperature, mechanical damage, etc. Causes a sharp decrease in vision.

 Remove sprouts from sprouted potatoes and dry. 1 tbsp. pour 200 ml of sprouts. high-quality vodka, tightly close the container with a lid and leave in a dark place for two weeks, shaking occasionally. Strain and squeeze out the raw materials. Drink 1 tsp. 3-4 times a day for cataracts. It also helps with any visual impairment.
 Mix fresh (liquid) fir or pine resin well with sea buckthorn or sunflower oil in a ratio of 1 part resin and 4 parts oil. Instill 1 drop once a day.


Myopia (myopia) is a disease in which a person sees objects that are close to him clearly, but cannot see what is at some distance from him. Myopia treated successfully medicinal herbs for vision.

 200 gr. cut off aloe leaves (do not water the plant before doing this), rinse well under running water, let dry and put in a plastic bag or wrap in foil. Place the package in a dark, cool place, for example, in the refrigerator, and leave there for 12-15 days at a temperature of 4-8°C.
Peel the leaves from thorns, finely chop (you can use a meat grinder) and mix well with chopped dry eyebright herb (50 g) and blue cornflower petals (50 g). Pour the collection into 600 ml. liquid honey and 600 ml. natural dry red wine, for example Cahors.
Stir the mixture, transfer it into a glass jar, preferably dark in color, cover tightly with a lid and place in a dark place at room temperature for 10-14 days. Periodically, the contents of the jar must be shaken well. Strain and squeeze out the herbs.
Take 1 tbsp. three times a day half an hour before meals.

 Squeeze juice from fresh wheatgrass. To do this, rinse the grass well under running water, pour boiling water over it and pass through a meat grinder. Dilute the resulting mass with the same amount of boiled water, mix well and squeeze through several layers of gauze. Bring the resulting juice to a boil and boil over low heat for 2-3 minutes.
Take 0.3 tbsp. three times a day before meals. Course of treatment – ​​season: from early spring and until late autumn, while wheatgrass is growing.
In one course, vision can be improved up to 1.5-2 diopters.


Farsightedness is a disease in which a person sees distant objects well, but it is difficult for him to see what is next to him.

 2 tsp. pour 250 ml of blueberry leaves. boiling water, cover with a lid, insulate and let brew for 1 hour. Take ½ tbsp. 2 times a day.
 Pour Chinese lemongrass with vodka or 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1:3, close the lid tightly and place in a dark place at room temperature for a week. Shake the mixture well periodically. Strain and squeeze.
Take 20 drops in the morning before meals. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

Herbs that restore vision

Here are some of the herbs that help restore vision:

How to improve vision with folk remedies? We will consider the most healthy fruits, vegetables, herbs, berries, as well as simple and effective folk recipes to restore vision.

Do you want to know how to effectively support your vision in our information age, when visual load has increased many times over? Then read the article!

Folk remedies for vision

Restoring vision is always a comprehensive approach. In addition to special ones, the use of folk remedies will be of great help in this matter. So, what foods should you eat and what folk recipes should you use to restore your vision?

1) Blueberry- the most important summer berry for vision. Everyone has heard about the benefits of blueberries for restoring vision. It’s not without reason that a huge number of blueberry-based dietary supplements are produced. But it is natural berries that are most useful! Blueberries improve blood circulation in the retina, effectively relieving tension and spasm of the optic nerve. By regularly eating blueberries, we maintain and improve visual acuity, and also protect our eyes from harmful environmental factors.

2) Carrot useful for myopia, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, fatigue and pain in the eyes. This vegetable is good remedy to prevent degeneration and visual impairment with age. Carrots also improve twilight vision, eliminating the so-called “night blindness”. Carrot tops also help restore vision, and you can eat them plain or add them to salads.

3) Fresh herbs: parsley, spinach, dill, cilantro, celery, onions. In the mountainous regions of Russia, greens are added to almost any dish. But you rarely see a Caucasian centenarian wearing glasses. This indicates the effectiveness of greenery in protecting vision. It's simple: greens are life, greens contain a huge amount of vitamins and elements that have a positive effect on the human body, including vision.

4) Honey + strong tea. Stir honey into strong tea, drop 5 drops into each eye, then it is advisable to lie down for a while. This folk remedy relieves inflammation in eye diseases and generally has a positive effect on vision.

5) Juice from aloe leaves. Can be taken orally or dropped into the eyes, mixed with water and honey. The plant itself must be at least 2-3 years old. Cut the aloe leaves, place them on a plate and refrigerate for 10-12 days. During this time, substances called “biogenic stimulants” are formed in the leaves, which stimulate the vital activity of cells. Next, squeeze the juice out of the leaves and take 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Or you can mix aloe vera juice with distilled water and honey to drop into your eyes. In both the first and second cases, we get an excellent remedy for strengthening and restoring vision. Store the squeezed juice in the refrigerator for up to 3 days (this is the maximum), because further they are significantly lost. medicinal properties. You can take aloe juice for 2-4 weeks, then it is better to take a break. Contraindications: It is not recommended to drink aloe juice for pregnant women, as well as for those who have heart and liver problems.

6) extremely useful for preserving and improving vision.

7) Horsetail infusion, namely, washing the eyes with this infusion calms a nervous tic, removes the pain and feeling of sand in the eyes. This folk remedy for improving vision helps those who spend a lot of time at the computer. Recipe: Pour 1 tablespoon of horsetail into 1 glass of water, then boil for 30 minutes. Ready! You can wash your eyes with this infusion, or apply warm cotton pads soaked in it to your eyelids.

8) Mint sometimes called "eye herb" for its effectiveness in preserving vision. Recipe: peppermint oil (sold in pharmacies) is diluted in distilled water (1 drop of oil per 100 ml of water) and dropped into the eyes.

9) Nettle helps with decreased visual acuity, especially in old age. An infusion for internal use is prepared as follows: 1 tablespoon of dry crushed nettle is poured with a glass of boiling water, the resulting mixture is infused for 1 hour. Drink the resulting nettle infusion 1/3 cup 3 times a day. However, without any infusions, nettle is also effective; it is useful to eat it fresh in the form of salads or after meals 2 times a day.

10) Hawthorn very useful for myopia. You need to grind the dry fruits, mix with honey in a 1:1 ratio and take the mixture 3 tablespoons per day.

11) Potato lotions, applied to the eyes, relaxes well and relieves eye fatigue. The potatoes are grated on a medium grater, then wrapped in gauze and placed over the eyes (for about 20 minutes).

12) Nettle and lily of the valley compress excellent for glaucoma early stage. Take half a glass of nettle, 1 teaspoon of lily of the valley flowers, and pour all this into a glass of water. Place the infusion in a dark place for 10 hours. Then add half a teaspoon of regular soda, and use the resulting mass to make eye compresses 2 times a day for 15-20 minutes.

13) Eyebright effective in treating vision, especially cataracts. Half a teaspoon of dry crushed eyebright herb is poured into 100 ml of boiling water and left until cool. Then the infusion is filtered. Ready! The resulting infusion of eyebright is instilled into both eyes, 2 drops 2-3 times a day. It's good to drink the rest. The course of treatment is 30 days.

14) Rosehip infusion useful for restoring vision, including retinal dystrophy and cataracts. Take 1 teaspoon of dry rosehip petals and pour 2 cups of boiling water. Cool the resulting mixture, squeeze and add 1 tablespoon of honey. The drink should be consumed before bedtime and immediately after waking up; it is also a good idea to drink it during the day.

15) Parsley root + lemon= an effective folk remedy for improving vision. Grind parsley root in equal proportions with lemon, add honey to taste and for 2 months take this mixture daily 1 hour before meals, 1 teaspoon.


Folk remedies help preserve and improve our vision, but you should understand that in addition to them you just need to take care of your eyes. Even if it takes days, folk remedies for restoring vision are unlikely to be able to somehow change the situation. The main thing is not to overstrain our eyes, which, of course, is not so easy in the age of information.

I hope you guys found this article about improving vision with folk remedies useful.

Please write reviews as well as your recipes.

See you soon!

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