College for a lawyer after 11. Law and organization of social

Over the past centuries, the work of a lawyer has been prestigious, in demand and, importantly, highly paid. Jurisprudence is a difficult but interesting science. A specialist must have office management skills, know the current legislation, and understand the order of organization and activities of the authorities of his country. This knowledge can be obtained at Galaxy College.

When entering a law college in Moscow after 11th grade, you need to keep in mind that in order to receive higher education need to continue studying at a university. Be sure to pay attention to the teachers of the educational institution, because these are the people who will guide you in your professional development. The Galaktika teaching staff includes lawyers of the highest category from various branches of law:

  • constitutional
  • administrative
  • criminal
  • civil
  • family
  • financial
  • international

Lectures are held with the participation of candidates of sciences, professors and the best scientists of Moscow. People with extensive experience will be happy to share their knowledge and skills with students.

College with Faculty of Law

College with a law faculty is an excellent opportunity to get the desired profession. The modern labor market offers vacancies for young legal professionals. College graduates will have no difficulty finding a job. Young people often set a goal to obtain a higher education. You can enroll in a university after graduating from college without passing the Unified State Exam. "Galaxy" provides an extensive knowledge base, sufficient for further development in the specialization "Law".

Our educational institution uses latest methods and technology, making learning as interesting, accessible and effective as possible. The college has a library where a young lawyer can find everything he needs teaching materials. There is also electronic library, to which only college students have access.

Law College after 9th grade

Modern youth are in a hurry to live, and this is expressed in the desire to quickly get a profession. Many finish their schooling after 9th grade and go in search of their desired specialty. On this path, applicants often encounter colleges and schools low level education, with a poor staff of teachers, with a complicated admission system.

"Galaktika" invites applicants to receive an education in the specialty "Law". College of Law after 9th grade is exactly the place where you will begin to learn the intricacies of your chosen profession before your peers. Agreements were signed with several practice bases in Moscow, thanks to which each student can choose the desired place of internship.

Law College in Moscow after 11th grade

College of Law - Quality Legal Education

Enter the College of Law after 9th or 11th grade, transferring from another college.

The main questions that applicants and their parents have when choosing an educational institution.

Why is it better to go to college after 9th grade?

1. Opportunity to obtain a specialized specialty and education in 3 years.

2. for a shortened training program.

3. Possibility to combine work and study.

4. Deferment from the army.

Where to go to study after 9th grade in Moscow?

First of all, when choosing a college or technical school for admission, you need to make sure you have a valid license to conduct educational activities. Next, familiarize yourself with the accreditation of the educational institution and its annex. These legal documents are a guarantee of receiving a quality education.

Where and how to get an education in law?

02/40/01 Law and organization of social security Graduate qualification - “lawyer”.

Qualification characteristics of the graduate. The graduate must be prepared to professional activity aimed at implementing legal norms and ensuring law and order in various areas of social protection of the population as a lawyer in the social protection authorities, in the bodies of the Pension Fund of Russia, and non-state pension funds. The main activities of a lawyer: organizational and legal - work on organizing and monitoring compliance with laws and other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation; informing and consulting citizens and officials on the application of legislative acts in the field of social protection of the population. Practice bases: district courts, lawyer and notary offices, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, social protection services.

What form of study should I choose for admission?

The choice of form of study depends on the desires and capabilities of each individual applicant.

For admission to the College of Law, we offer the following forms of training

full-time training(for applicants based on grades 9 or 11, transfer from another institution)

evening training

weekend group(for applicants based on grades 9 or 11, transfer from another institution) of any age

distance learning(for applicants based on grades 9 or 11, transfer from another institution) of any age

distance learning(for applicants based on grades 9 or 11, transfer from another institution) of any age.

Receive a legal education after 11th grade at the Economic Business College of Moscow South-Eastern Administrative District, majoring in lawyer. Prepare to enter law college after 9th grade.

  • Admission without exams
  • Dormitory with Internet access
  • Flexible payment terms
  • Assistance in education

40.02.01 “Law and organization of social security”

Advantages of the specialty Lawyer

This specialty is one of the most prestigious

Great choice of places to get a job after college

Individual program education

Training of our graduates in an abbreviated form at universities

Qualification: Lawyer

The profession of a lawyer is very important, because such a specialist guarantees citizens the protection of their rights and freedoms and regulates the order in relations between authorities state power. The specialty “Law and Social Security Organization” is very prestigious, and the legal profession is considered respectable and highly paid.

IN everyday life a person is often faced with the need to turn to a lawyer to manage and make important decisions, while lawyers themselves are in serious personnel positions. The qualifications of employees in legal positions directly affects the success of any large enterprise. The higher it is, the more successful the company will be. It is these specialists who conduct the activities of business entities, relying on the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

What can a lawyer do after graduating from college? Competent specialists are especially in demand during a crisis situation to quickly make the most rational decision in a given situation and normalize it within the framework of the company’s economic activities. Lawyers help people resolve controversial and conflict situations in accordance with the law. They try to minimize losses and prevent the development of conflict. Such specialists are in high demand in the social sphere.

They provide legal support to citizens in social security agencies, departments pension fund and other government organizations. Lawyers provide assistance in obtaining social benefits and pensions, provide consultations on legal issues, provide support in controversial situations, and regulate property relations.

What do law school students study?

First of all, students at our College of Law in Moscow study the legal system of the Russian Federation. Thus, they receive a basis of legal knowledge and skills, as well as legal practice and support skills. Having completed their studies in the specialty “Law and Organization of Social Security” at EBK College, graduates can continue receiving a legal education at a higher educational institution.

The programs of our law college and partner universities are similar and complement each other. Therefore, graduate lawyers after our college can continue to deepen their knowledge of the legal specialty, because they have already developed the foundation. Creating partnerships between educational institutions helps to prepare competent specialists with a legal basis and practical experience, ready to continue the further educational process.

The student gains knowledge both in narrow areas and in social, cultural and humanitarian disciplines.

Where can a college graduate lawyer work?

College graduates with a degree in Law and Social Security Organization can be employed in legal and law enforcement agencies of the public or private sector. Graduates of our law college in Moscow based on 11 classes are in demand in social protection authorities and branches of the pension fund and other government organizations with a social orientation.

Activities of the Faculty of Law

Faculty of Law

  • conducts theoretical and elective classes;
  • develops games and competitions on legal topics;
  • supervises research papers;
  • develops complex thinking;
  • teaches you to think independently;
  • helps in forming your own opinion on the world around you.

Is it possible to enter a law college in Moscow after 9th grade?

No, you can enroll in EBK College in Moscow to become a lawyer only after completing 11th grade. The student will study for 1 year 10 months. Students in grades 9-11 can attend preparatory courses during the school year.

List of Subjects for Law Students to Study in College

  • theory of state;
  • municipal law;
  • law and civil procedure;
  • family law;
  • tax law;
  • right of special protection;
  • environmental law;
  • notary;
  • business law;
  • judicial and executive acts.

Where does internship take place at the College of Law?

Our students undergo internships in the judicial system, departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other organizations engaged in legal activities.

  • pension fund branches;
  • social protection authorities;

Continuation of legal education after college in Moscow based on 11 classes

Lawyer - college graduate receives a diploma of secondary education vocational education. Then he can receive specialized education in legal fields at partner universities using a shortened form of education.

The following universities are perfect for continuing your specialized education after graduating from our college:

  • Academy of the FSB of the Russian Federation;
  • Russian Economic University named after. G. V. Plekhanov;
  • Moscow Finance and Law University (MFUA);
  • Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation named after. V. Ya. Kikotya;
  • Moscow Financial and Industrial University “Synergy”;
  • Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after. I. M. Gubkina;
  • Moscow University named after. S. Yu. Witte.

What positions do legal graduates of our college in Moscow hold?

  • investigator;
  • passport office worker;
  • legal consultant;
  • HR specialist;
  • paralegal;
  • court employee;
  • an employee of a public or private organization engaged in legal and legal activities;
  • HR inspector;
  • employee of junior and mid-level officers in judicial and law enforcement services.

Professional activity of a lawyer after college

Among the legal colleges of Moscow in the South-Eastern Administrative District, after graduating from our college, a young lawyer will have all the necessary skills to conduct law enforcement and legal activities that meet the plan of secondary vocational education and do not require higher education. A notary's assistant, an investigator, a passport office employee, a junior investigator, and an assistant lawyer will always be in demand in various fields.
