What are the symptoms of stomach cancer in the early stages. Causes and first signs of stomach cancer at an early stage

If people noticed the first signs of stomach cancer immediately after the tumor began to form, all the difficulties with treating this disease could be avoided - this is what all oncologists say. However, this pathology still remains one of the most dangerous diseases. Despite the unprecedented rise in medical technology, it is still considered difficult to treat. According to statistics, cancer in half of cases is diagnosed at stages 2 or later.

Knowing the initial symptoms of stomach cancer will allow you to start treatment on time and avoid progression of the disease.

This is due, first of all, to the fact that in stomach cancer the first symptoms are erased or expressed so weakly that they are simply not noticed. That is why diagnosis in the early stages in most cases occurs by chance during a routine examination or during the diagnosis of other gastrointestinal diseases.

Particular attention should be paid to the state of their health by people diagnosed with chronic gastritis, adenomatous polyps of the intestines and stomach, as well as patients who have ever undergone surgery on this organ. They form the basis of the risk group for cancer of this organ.

As for stomach ulcers, it has been found that not always this disease can provoke the degeneration of cells into cancerous ones. Most often, ulcerations appear on the mucous membrane, which has already been changed by the oncological process.

Men are more likely than women to develop stomach cancer

In addition, there is a gender dependence of risks - stomach cancer occurs 3-4 times more often in men than in women. Experts tend to explain this by the fact that they prefer foods that are harmful to the digestive tract:

  • pickles and canned food;
  • smoked meats, which contain a lot of carcinogens and fat;
  • fried foods.

Doctors note that the main reason for the degeneration of cells into cancerous ones is violation of the rules of a healthy lifestyle. The likelihood of becoming a victim of cancer among fans of fast food, carbonated drinks and dry food is higher than among those who have a genetic predisposition to gastrointestinal cancer.

The likelihood of developing cancer depends on your diet

The importance of early diagnosis of gastric cancer

A cancerous tumor cannot develop instantly. If on initial stages possible without significant consequences To remove pathological cells from the body, then already at the second stage irreversible changes in tissues develop - cancer cells begin to rapidly grow and penetrate into neighboring tissues and organs.

What happens as stomach cancer progresses and what consequences the disease may have can be seen from the table:

Stage of tumor developmentWhat's happeningSymptoms and prognosis
Stage 0Malignant cells are few in number. They are localized inside the gastric epithelium. The mucous membrane is not affected or is slightly changed.At this stage there are no symptoms, however, if a tumor is detected, the prognosis is 90% favorable - after subtotal gastrectomy (up to 20% of the organ is removed), in most cases there is a complete recovery.
Stage 1The tumor is located in the submucosal layer or in the lower layers of the mucous membrane without exiting into the lumen of the stomach. The diameter of the neoplasm reaches 2 cm.The first symptoms of stomach cancer appear in the form of mild dyspepsia. If detected at this stage, up to 80% of patients cope with the disease.
Stage 2The tumor covers the mucous membrane, submucosal layer, muscular layers of the stomach, as well as regional lymph nodes. The diameter of the neoplasm can reach 5 cm.Detection of a tumor to this degree occurs in 4-10%, since the symptoms are already quite pronounced. Full recovery occurs in 50% of cases; in the other 50%, five-year survival is guaranteed.
Stage 3The malignant neoplasm becomes larger and clearly limited. It extends beyond the walls of the stomach and grows into neighboring organs and lymph nodes. The diameter of the main body of the tumor can reach 10 cm. Regional and distant lymph nodes (up to 15) are affected.Detection of the disease is not complicated by the absence of symptoms, as numerous signs of gastrointestinal dysfunction and scarlet vomiting appear. The prognosis cannot be called favorable, since up to 7% of patients remain alive within 5 years. Most patients are inoperable.
Stage 4The tumor extends into the lumen of the stomach and reaches an impressive size. Cancer cells are found in other organs of the abdominal cavity and pelvis, in the bone marrow and brain.Due to the powerful intoxication of the body, the manifestation of the disease becomes obvious even without diagnosis. The prognosis is disappointing - less than 5% of patients survive for 5 years.

Experts note that several factors can influence how quickly stomach cancer develops in individual patients. The main catalysts for the tumor growth process are poor diet, bad habits and lack of therapy. An important role also plays emotional condition person - severe stress can accelerate the progression of the disease.

For some patients with stomach cancer, it may take only a few weeks from stage to stage.

Since the danger of stomach cancer at an early stage is much lower, and the chances of a full recovery remain high, detection of the disease in the zero or first degree is an important task for maintaining a normal quality of life in patients. Due to the fact that the disease begins to manifest itself too late, the overall statistics of stomach cancer remain unfavorable.

Availability bad habits is a predisposing factor for stomach cancer

The first signs of a tumor process in the stomach

According to doctors, the symptoms of stomach cancer in the early stages in 90% of cases are similar to other diseases of this organ due to their nonspecificity. They appear after the disease progresses from stage zero to stage one, when the tumor just begins to develop in the submucosal layer of the organ.

Doctors call the following manifestations the very first symptoms of stomach cancer:

  • dizziness - occurs due to iron deficiency and decreased hemoglobin levels in the blood;
  • fatigue and fatigue are a consequence of the same iron deficiency anemia;
  • pallor of the skin.

The appearance of causeless and regular fatigue may indicate the development of stomach cancer

Among the eating disorders, the patient experiences only periodic sensations of heaviness. When the stomach is damaged, the reasons for this phenomenon lie in the fact that gastric juice is secreted in smaller quantities, and the evacuation functions of the organ deteriorate. However, even with adequate treatment, the symptoms of stomach cancer mentioned above do not disappear.

The voiced symptoms of stomach cancer in women over 45 years of age can be mistaken for manifestations of menopause, and in young women - for manifestations of pregnancy.

Later, the following symptoms are added to the described symptoms:

  • an increase in the volume of the abdomen due to the accumulation of fluid in it;
  • epigastric pain radiating to the back or lower back;
  • causeless weight fluctuations;
  • persistent stool disorder (constipation or diarrhea).

As the disease progresses, pain begins to radiate to the lower back

As a rule, the presence of such symptoms indicates the transition of stomach cancer to a new stage that is more difficult to treat.

What to do if there are signs of illness

A thorough diagnosis helps differentiate the disease, the main task of which is to identify the root causes of a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood and establish the source of iron deficiency anemia. It is possible to say that the initial stage of a stomach tumor manifests itself in this way only after the following have been excluded:

  • chronic infectious and/or inflammatory diseases that provoke a violation of the reproduction of red blood cells;
  • physical exhaustion due to strict dieting (most often found in women);
  • chronic hidden bleeding;
  • deficiency of certain amino acids, vitamins and enzymes;
  • consequences of long-term use of Ibuprofen, Aspirin and other NSAIDs.

To diagnose cancer, stool is tested

To establish the true picture, the examination must include an MRI procedure, lab tests blood (necessarily expanded). If the above diagnoses are not confirmed, additional studies are carried out:

  • cancer screening diagnostics;
  • examination of stool for occult blood;
  • gastroscopy of the stomach with sampling of material for biopsy.

They are performed in both women and men, especially if the early symptoms of cancer are not accompanied by signs of other diseases.

What happens if the cancer progresses further

If gastric cancer is not detected and confirmed, the symptomatic picture becomes more severe over time due to intensification negative influence tumors on the body.

Tumor growth leads to significant weight loss

In this case, the patient may experience:

  • signs of dysfunction of organs and metabolic processes in the body;
  • symptoms of stomach and intestinal obstruction;
  • aversion to certain foods (most often meat);
  • severe weight loss to the point of anorexia;
  • depressive disorders.

The general intoxication of the body also increases, which manifests itself in the form of the constant presence of fatigue, diffuse abdominal pain, vomiting and belching. At the same time, patients cannot explain which first manifestations of the disease appeared earlier, since many of the prerequisites for them were observed quite a long time ago.

A growing tumor causes vomiting

Progressive cancer, despite the growth of the tumor and damage to the lymphatic and other systems, is more difficult to diagnose, since other organs are involved in the pathological process.

What to do if stomach cancer is confirmed

After confirming the diagnosis, it is necessary to begin treating cancer as quickly as possible, since even a slight delay can lead to rapid growth of the tumor and the transition of the disease to a new, more severe stage.

The list of treatment measures depends on the stage at which specialists diagnosed the tumor:

  • when the diagnosis is made at stage zero, patients undergo gastric resection;
  • when cancer is detected at stage 1, patients are prescribed a course of chemotherapy and radiation treatment, and then the tumor and part of the stomach are removed;

Gastric resection is a method of treating cancer at an early stage

  • if oncology is detected at stage 2, hormonal, radiation treatment, as well as chemotherapy are indicated, and in the absence of complications and contraindications, gastrectomy (complete removal of the stomach) and resection of the affected regional lymph nodes are performed;
  • When diagnosed with gastric cancer at stages 3 and 4, treatment consists of maintaining basic body functions and curbing tumor growth and metastases.

In order for the therapy to be as effective as possible, patients are advised to strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations during each period of treatment. It is important to remember that this disease is very insidious and if initial stage If the tumor grows and does not bother the patient, then at the final stage life can turn into torture.

You can learn about the signs of stomach cancer from the video:

Symptoms of stomach cancer allow you to diagnose the disease gastrointestinal tract and start the necessary treatment on time. Let's look at what stomach cancer is, how to identify it and, most importantly, how to cure this disease.

Early symptoms of stomach cancer

Early symptoms of stomach cancer are very difficult to track, but they can also help diagnose the onset of a serious disease. The first symptoms of stomach cancer are very vague and scarce. Both patients and doctors often consider early symptoms of stomach cancer to be gastritis or peptic ulcers. Therefore, all treatment is limited to taking various medications and following a special diet, but the cancer continues to progress. If you pay close attention to the symptoms of the disease at an early stage, you can track a number of symptoms that allow you to diagnose stomach cancer.

For the first time, the symptoms of stomach cancer at an early stage were diagnosed by the famous oncologist L. I. Savitsky. It was Savitsky who introduced the concept of small trait syndrome. By themselves, these symptoms do not represent anything significant, but they are what allow experienced oncologists to diagnose stomach cancer at an early stage.

  • The early stages of the development of stomach cancer do not show any symptoms for quite a long time and do not cause discomfort in the patient. Sometimes the symptoms of stomach cancer in the early stages present themselves in the form of polyps and gastritis, that is, precancerous diseases. Often, this fact becomes the reason for late application for medical care. Thus, according to statistics, more than 80% of patients seek medical help only in the late stages of stomach cancer. No more than a year passes from the onset of the disease and the early symptoms of stomach cancer.
  • Some patients in the early stages of stomach cancer may experience gastric discomfort - heaviness in the epistrum, heartburn or belching of air. General symptoms of stomach cancer are very rare. Symptoms of stomach cancer in the early stages largely depend on the location of the tumor. This relationship can be traced only in advanced forms of gastric cancer.

Vivid symptoms of stomach cancer begin to appear in the final stages. Patients begin to suffer from constant headaches that radiate to the back; vomiting, weakness, anemia and severely progressive weight loss are also possible. If a patient has stenosis, that is, a narrowing of the outlet of the stomach due to a tumor, then after eating there is a feeling of overeating, belching, vomiting, and nausea. In addition to these symptoms, the patient’s appearance also changes. The skin becomes pale and loses its elasticity; in the last stages of stomach cancer, the skin takes on an earthy tint.

The first symptoms of stomach cancer

The first symptoms of stomach cancer manifest themselves in causeless weakness and changes in well-being. The patient feels constantly tired, and the level of performance also decreases significantly. Decreased appetite and even aversion to food are also among the first symptoms of stomach cancer. In addition, the patient experiences gastric discomfort, a feeling of heaviness from small meals, nausea, and vomiting.

The first symptoms of stomach cancer are accompanied by sudden weight loss, which is accompanied by pale skin, depressive state, loss of interest in others, in work, complete alienation and apathy. All these symptoms can appear both in a completely healthy person, and in a person who has just suffered a stomach disease, ulcer, gastritis, or something else.

As the disease progresses, the tumor grows, which gives the body new symptoms of stomach cancer:

  • Diarrhea, constipation, bowel dysfunction.
  • An increase in the size of the abdomen due to accumulated fluid in the abdominal cavity, that is, ascites.
  • After eating, there is a feeling of heaviness and nausea, and sometimes vomiting occurs.
  • Sudden, uncontrolled weight loss.
  • Pain in the upper abdomen that surrounds the back.
  • If the tumor destroys the blood vessels, gastrointestinal bleeding may occur.

In case of gastric bleeding, the patient feels severe weakness, and in some cases there may be loss of consciousness. There is also severe vomiting with dark blood with clots and black stools. If the tumor ruptures, the patient develops peritonitis, which is accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen, high fever.

Stomach cancer mainly affects older and middle-aged people. It is the stage of development of the disease that makes it possible to predict the outcome and prescribe treatment. Please note that the first stages of stomach cancer are treatable and have a favorable prognosis. If you want to avoid the possibility of getting stomach cancer, then reconsider your habits. Stop smoking and drinking alcohol, treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and gastritis in a timely manner.

Symptoms of stomach and intestinal cancer

The symptoms of stomach and intestinal cancer at the initial stage of development are very minor, so they are difficult to identify. Let's look at the main symptoms of stomach and intestinal cancer:

  • Discomfort, pain and discomfort in the navel area.
  • Nausea, vomiting, dizziness.
  • Feeling of heaviness after each meal and rapid satiety.
  • Difficulty swallowing, decreased appetite or complete absence of it.
  • Bleeding may occur as cancer cells eat away at the blood vessels.
  • Apathy, weakness, fatigue.

Symptoms of stomach and intestinal cancer can have a hidden course. Gradually, symptoms manifest themselves in the form of intestinal obstruction and colitis. The most informative symptom of stomach and intestinal cancer is the presence of blood in vomit and stool.

Symptoms of stomach and esophagus cancer

Stomach cancer, like esophageal cancer, is the most common disease; almost 90% of esophageal lesions are cancerous tumors. The esophagus consists of three sections, the third is considered the most vulnerable, which is located at the level of 4-6 thoracic vertebrae.

The main symptoms of stomach and esophageal cancer:

  • The disease is practically asymptomatic or disguised as an inflammatory disease.
  • The first symptom of a cancerous tumor of the esophagus is a feeling of discomfort, burning and discomfort in the retrosternal area, which can be diagnosed as esophagitis.
  • Symptoms also include difficulty with dysphagia and swallowing. It is this symptom that signals a large tumor that narrows the esophagus. Dysphagia begins to develop slowly, in stages.
  1. At the first stage, there is pain when swallowing solid food; you have to drink water while eating.
  2. At the second stage, it is difficult to swallow even porridge-like food.
  3. At the third stage, it is almost impossible to drink liquid due to severe pain.
  4. At the fourth stage, there is complete obstruction of the esophagus, which causes apathy and fatigue.

Symptoms of signet ring cell cancer of the stomach

Signet ring cell carcinoma of the stomach is a histological form of gastric carcinoma. The disease is characterized by the fact that the tumor consists of more than 50% cells, with mucin contained in the cytoplasm. Mucins are glycoproteins with polysaccharides. The main function of mucin is to protect the body from viruses and infectious diseases.

Highlight following symptoms signet ring cell cancer of the stomach:

  • Vomit.
  • Nausea.
  • Belching.
  • Painful sensations in the stomach area.
  • Digestive disorders.
  • Pain when swallowing.
  • Weight loss.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Gastric bleeding in stool and vomit.

Please note that in the early stages the disease does not make itself felt and the symptoms of ring cell gastric cancer are very difficult to notice. But this is very dangerous, since the disease is transient and quickly moves from the first stage to the last - irreversible.

Stages of stomach cancer

Like all cancers, there are stages of stomach cancer. Stomach cancer is divided into four stages, depending on the strength and extent of damage to the organ and the spread of the cancer. Let's look at the main symptoms and features of each of them.

  • Stage zero of stomach cancer – cancer cells are found in the gastric mucosa, but not in more than 6 lymph nodes. It is almost impossible to diagnose stage zero stomach cancer. Medicine does not know many cases where stage zero was correctly diagnosed according to the patient’s symptoms.
  • The first stage of stomach cancer - submucosal tumors and cancer cells appear, but in no more than 6 lymph nodes. If there are more cancer cells, then we are talking about a subserous tumor, but the cancer cells do not spread to neighboring organs or lymph nodes.
  • The second stage of stomach cancer – the tumor has spread under the mucous membrane. Cancer cells affected from 7 to 15 lymph nodes. In other cases, if at this stage no more than 6 lymph nodes are affected, then the main tumor may be in the muscle layer. The peculiarity of this stage is that the tumor has not affected the lymph nodes, but has penetrated the outer layer.
  • The third stage of stomach cancer - the tumor is located in the muscle layer and has spread to no more than 15 lymph nodes. But the tumor is also in the outer layer and also in no more than 15 lymph nodes; the tumor has affected the spleen and liver.
  • Stage four of stomach cancer – cancer cells have spread to more than 15 lymph nodes. Cancer can also be diagnosed in other organs that are located near the stomach.

Symptoms of stomach cancer in stage 1

Stage 1 stomach cancer – the tumor has affected less than six lymph nodes and muscle tissue in the affected organ. The tumor is fully formed. There is a classification of stage 1 stomach cancer, the stage has two degrees A and B. Stomach cancer stage 1, stage A symptoms are characterized by the spread of cancer cells throughout the gastric mucosa. In stage B, at the first stage, cancer cells affect up to 6 lymph nodes, which affect the muscles of the diseased organ or are located in the area affected by the tumor.

Very often, stage 1 gastric cancer is confused by its symptoms with a peptic ulcer. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully look at the symptoms of the disease and, at the slightest change, go to full examination to the doctor. First of all, pay attention to the process of eating, have your taste preferences changed, do you feel heavy after eating? All this may well be the result of cell mutation and the beginning of the first stage of stomach cancer.

Symptoms of stomach cancer in stage 2

The second stage of stomach cancer is severe damage to the serous layer of the organ wall. During stage 2 cancer, about 15 lymph nodes and absolutely the entire gastric mucosa are affected.

Stomach cancer stage 2, symptoms and main characteristics:

  • The tumor has spread to the entire mucous membrane, which causes vomiting and a burning sensation inside after eating.
  • A cancerous tumor affects not only the walls of the stomach, but also other organs.
  • At the second stage of stomach cancer, there are 2 degrees - A and B.

Stage 2 gastric cancer, grade A:

  • The tumor has formed, but has not spread beyond the inner layer of the stomach.
  • Cancer cells have progressed in more than six lymph nodes.
  • The tumor affected the muscle layer of the stomach.

Stage 2 gastric cancer, grade B:

  • The tumor is limited in distribution to the inner layer of gastric tissue and has affected more than 7 lymph nodes.
  • The tumor has spread beyond the outer layer of the stomach, but has not yet invaded the lymph nodes of other organs.

Stomach cancer stage 3, symptoms

Stomach cancer stage 3, symptoms of the first and second stages are aggravated by sharp abdominal pain that radiates to the back, internal bleeding is also possible. At the third stage of stomach cancer, only some organs and lymph nodes are not affected. The tumor affects nearby organs, metastases go to the spleen, liver and intestines.

Stage 3 stomach cancer is divided into 3 grades A, B, C, each of which depends on the nature of the spread of the disease.

Stomach cancer stage 3, grade A:

  • The tumor progresses in the muscle layer of the stomach and has affected at least seven lymph nodes.
  • Perhaps the cancerous tumor has affected all layers of the stomach, and cancer cells are progressing in a couple of lymph nodes.

Stomach cancer stage 3, grade B:

  • The tumor had grown beyond the outer walls of the stomach and affected more than seven lymph nodes.
  • It is possible that the tumor has penetrated into the tissues surrounding the stomach and cancer cells in no more than 2-3 lymph nodes.

Stomach cancer stage 3, grade C:

  • The tumor had spread beyond the outer wall of the stomach and affected 3 to 6 lymph nodes.
  • In addition to the stomach, several other organs are affected.

Stomach cancer stage 4, symptoms

At the fourth stage of stomach cancer, almost the entire lymphatic system of the body is affected. The tumor has invaded all nearby organs and gradually spreads to the peripheral ones. At this stage of the disease, no more than 15% of patients survive.

Stage 4 stomach cancer is an irreversible and uncontrolled process that provokes the growth of tumor cells into neighboring tissues and organs. Tumor metastases form even in neighboring organs and organs that are far from the stomach.

Stage 4 stomach cancer, symptoms:

  • The tumor affected the bones, brain, liver and pancreas.
  • At this stage of the disease, cancerous tumors grow very quickly.
  • In addition to stomach cancer, bone cancer can develop.

Treatment of the fourth stage of cancer is almost impossible, but a specialist must perform the following tasks:

  • Limit and reduce the spread of the tumor.
  • Do everything possible to stop the tumor process.
  • Avoid all kinds of complications and maintain the functioning and vitality of organs and systems.

How to identify stomach cancer?

How to identify stomach cancer if it is very difficult to diagnose this disease in the early stages? Symptoms of stomach cancer are very diverse and completely depend on the shape and size of the tumor, as well as the stage of the disease, the location of the tumor and the background on which the tumor disease appeared. Please note that the signs of the disease are practically independent of the histological characteristics of the tumor. As a rule, with stomach cancer, symptoms of complications come to the fore, for example, profuse bleeding from a disintegrating tumor, stenosis of the gastric outlet or perforation.

Symptoms of stomach cancer can be divided into general and local.

Local symptoms:

  • Dull pain in the upper abdomen.
  • Belching.
  • Vomit.
  • Nausea.
  • Aversion to certain types of food.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Dysgaphia.
  • Quick satiety during meals.
  • Gastric discomfort.
  • Heaviness after eating in the epigastric region.

The frequency of occurrence of the above symptoms allows you to determine stomach cancer. The frequency of symptoms depends entirely on the size of the tumor and its location.

General manifestations:

  • Fast fatiguability.
  • Excessive unreasonable weight loss.
  • Excitability.
  • Apathy.
  • Irritability.
  • Unmotivated general weakness.

As a rule, it is these symptoms that make it possible to identify stomach cancer, which is an extensive lesion. If the patient exhibits general symptoms, then we are talking about one of the last stages of stomach cancer.

Symptoms of stomach cancer appear in patients who are over 50 years of age. Early diagnosis of stomach cancer involves annual prevention and screening examination. Do not forget that timely diagnosis of stomach cancer allows you to start treatment on time, this allows you to make the most optimistic prognosis.

Symptoms of stomach cancer allow timely diagnosis and treatment of the disease. The survival rate of patients with stomach cancer is no more than 20%. Such a low percentage means that treatment is impossible due to the diagnosis of the disease at a late stage. But do not forget that each case of cancer is individual and depends on the age, health and lifestyle of the patient.

Gastric cancer is a widespread malignant formation of epithelial cells of the mucous membrane of the organ, ranking 2nd in the world among the causes of mortality. Both women and men are susceptible to the disease; the tumor can develop in any part of the stomach and is prone to metastasis.


The clinical manifestations of the disease largely depend on what stage of development the cancer is at. Long time the pathology is asymptomatic. The first signs of a malignant neoplasm are most often disguised as gastritis, stomach ulcers or duodenum, cholecystitis, pancreatitis or hepatitis. If the cancer is localized in the cardiac region, chest pain may be present, as a result of which the disease is mistaken for a pathology of the cardiovascular system.

Nonspecific manifestations of cancer include small sign syndrome. It involves prolonged discomfort in the epigastric region; stupid, nagging pain at the site of the projection of the stomach, which does not go away after the use of painkillers. When eating food, a person quickly becomes full, and a feeling of heaviness appears.

Nausea, heartburn, and sometimes vomiting of stagnant contents often occur, which provokes bad smell from mouth. Increased salivation may be present. An aversion to certain types of products develops, most often meat, sausages, and dairy products.

arise general signs, characteristic of the oncological process in the human body. These include loss of appetite, weight loss, fatigue, and weakness.

Elevated temperature in cancer is the leading symptom, especially if there are no other reasons for its increase. The color of the tongue becomes grayish due to a dense coating, which is difficult to remove.

If stomach cancer occurs, symptoms of the disease include gastrointestinal bleeding. This symptom is characteristic of the later stages of tumor development, when blood vessels are destroyed. An admixture of blood appears in the vomit, the nature of the stool changes (it becomes black).

Increasing tumor size worsens a person's well-being. If the cancer is located in the upper part of the stomach, it can lead to difficulty swallowing due to a narrowing of the lumen of the esophagus. Vomit contains particles of recently eaten food from the stomach.

Malignant tumor of the stomach is different rapid development metastatic nodes in nearby organs. Atypical cells disperse with the blood and lymph flow. The most common localization of metastases for gastric cancer is the lungs, liver, and lymph nodes. This leads to the appearance of cough and other accompanying symptoms, especially in men, who abuse more often than women. alcoholic drinks and smoke.

Signs in children

Clinical manifestations of cancer in children appear only when the pathological process spreads deep into the walls or even spreads to other organs. This is due to the high adaptive capabilities of the child’s body.

As the pathology progresses, complaints appear, on the basis of which one can suspect diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - gastritis or peptic ulcer. These include loss of appetite and pain in the stomach. More specific signs of cancer are severe weakness, rapid weight loss, and problems swallowing food. The development of gastrointestinal bleeding is manifested by impurities of fresh blood in the vomit and black feces.

Types of cancer

Stomach tumors can occur in different parts organ. Based on this, the following forms of the disease are distinguished:

  • antrum;
  • cardiac department;
  • pyloric department;
  • body of the stomach (lesser and greater curvature, anterior and posterior walls).

Malignant cells can affect tissue not only of the stomach, but also of nearby organs, including the esophagus. In this case, the pathology is diagnosed as cardioesophageal cancer.

Based on the growth pattern of cancer cells, exophytic and endophytic types of stomach tumors are distinguished.

The first is characterized by the growth of atypical cells into the lumen of the affected organ. Depending on the structural features of the cells, they are distinguished:

  • plaque-shaped;
  • saucer-shaped, with ulcerated borders, the edges are raised and clearly defined;
  • polypoid - delimited from surrounding tissues, has the most favorable course.

The endophytic type of stomach tumor grows deep into the walls of the organ, covering the mucous, submucosal and even muscle layers. Highlight:

  • diffuse fibrous, spreading to the entire wall of the organ and leading to impaired motor function;
  • infiltrative, characterized by rapid growth in all directions, has the most unfavorable course.

Based on the results of histological examination of cancer cells, the following types of tumor are distinguished:

  1. Adenocarcinoma, or glandular cancer. The most common type of neoplasm.
  2. Mucous, or colloid, cancer. Localized in the submucosal layer, it is an accumulation of mucous masses, which leads to a pronounced thickening of the walls of the stomach and an increase in its size. When cutting out the tumor, copious mucus oozes from the incision site.
  3. Fibrous carcinoma, or scirrus. Malignant cells are small in size; the tumor structure contains a large number connective tissue. It is difficult to determine fibrous cancer, since there are few pathological cells in the formation. Often leads to gastric bleeding.
  4. Brain cancer. The tumor tissue is anaplastic, there are many atypical cells, and, on the contrary, there is little stroma.
  5. Small cell cancer. Rarely encountered, it consists of small lymphocyte-like cells, from which large layers and other structures are formed. The cells contain serotonin, gastrin and other peptides.
  6. Squamous cell carcinoma. Comes from the altered glandular epithelium of the stomach.

The morphological division of stomach tumors is conditional, since each type is capable of transforming into another, forming mixed forms.

There is another histological classification of the tumor:

  1. Intestinal, or intestinal, cancer. It has a polypoid or mushroom shape. Occurs against the background of chronic stomach diseases (gastritis, ulcers), accompanied by metaplastic degeneration of epithelial cells.
  2. Diffuse gastric cancer. It occurs in young patients, most often in the form of a signet ring-shaped morphological form.

Gastric adenocarcinoma cells have characteristic differences. Depending on this, the following types of glandular cancer are distinguished:

  1. Papillary adenocarcinoma. It is distinguished by the formation of finger-like outgrowths located on a fibrous base.
  2. Tubular adenocarcinoma. It is characterized by the formation of expanded tubular structures in the fibrous stroma of the organ. This is possible due to the accumulation of mucus in them.
  3. Mucinous adenocarcinoma. The tumor contains large amounts of extracellular mucin.
  4. Cricoid cancer of the stomach. Mucin is part of the cancer cells themselves. As a result of this, the nuclei are compressed and shifted to the sides, which provokes the formation of a specific ring-like shape.

Based on the degree of cell differentiation, adenocarcinoma is divided into 3 types:

  1. Highly differentiated cancer. The cells are practically no different from healthy elements. The disease has a good prognosis and a high probability of complete recovery for the patient.
  2. Moderately differentiated cancer. It is a transitional form, characterized by an average degree of malignancy.
  3. Poorly differentiated cancer. Atypical cells tend to rapidly divide and spread throughout the human body.
  4. Undifferentiated, or adenogenic, gastric cancer. The cells are completely atypical. are unable to perform their functions, as a result of which the normal functioning of the organ is disrupted. Cells are prone to uncontrolled division. It is impossible to determine the histological form of the disease. This type of cancer is characterized by the highest aggressiveness.

Causes and risk factors for

The causes of stomach cancer are different, including both external and internal factors. The main ones:

  1. Helicobacter pylori infection. The pathogen has the ability to survive in an acidic environment, gradually destroying the gastric mucosa. This provokes the occurrence of gastritis and peptic ulcers, which are precursors of cancer, since they create favorable conditions for the rapid spread of atypical cells.
  2. Poor nutrition. Regular use large quantity fatty, spicy, salty, smoked foods, as well as foods containing a lot of starch (potatoes, bread, rice, etc.) lead to overload of the digestive tract and weakening of the protective functions of the stomach. Fasting, frequent snacking, overeating and other similar factors have an adverse effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Nitrates and nitrites entering the human body with food. This is possible by consuming vegetables and other products that were grown using chemical substances. An excess of nitric and nitrous acids is recorded in smoked and dried products, tobacco, beer, etc. Nitrates and nitrites have the ability to destroy epithelial cells stomach, provoking their further degeneration into cancer.
  4. Bad habits. Stomach cancer often appears in people who abuse alcohol and smoke. This is due to the fact that alcohol contains ethyl alcohol, which has a pronounced irritant effect on the gastric mucosa and provokes damage to cells with further development ulcers and erosions. Nicotine also has an adverse effect on the functioning of the stomach, exacerbating existing problems.
  5. Long-term use of some medications. Stomach cancer can be provoked by nonspecific anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, glucocorticosteroids and other drugs, the prolonged use of which can provoke a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane and the development of ulcers. This increases the risk of cancer in the future. Therefore, these drugs should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor and in accordance with the recommended dosages.
  6. Radioactive radiation. The likelihood of a malignant formation in the stomach increases sharply when living in environmentally unfavorable areas with high levels of radiation.
  7. Heredity. People at risk for stomach cancer are those whose close relatives have had malignant neoplasms of any organ.
  8. History of operations on the stomach and other organs of the digestive tract.
  9. Age. In older people, a gradual transformation of the cells of the gastric mucosa occurs with their further thinning. This creates favorable conditions for degeneration into atypical formations.


Depending on the degree of spread of atypical cells, the following stages of gastric cancer development are distinguished:

  • Stage 1 is characterized by localization of the pathological process within the mucous and submucous membranes of the organ. The size of the formation does not exceed 2 cm in diameter.
  • Stage 2. Cancer cells grow into the walls of the organ and affect nearby lymph nodes (up to 15).
  • Stage 3. The tumor spreads to the entire wall of the stomach and can spread to nearby organs.
  • Stage 4. Distant metastases are recorded.

Diagnosis of the disease

Stomach cancer can be suspected based on the patient's complaints. However, in order to confirm the diagnosis, a person must undergo a thorough examination, including the use of special laboratory and instrumental methods research.

These include:

  1. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy - examination of the gastric mucosa using special equipment. It takes place under local anesthesia. If cancer or other suspicious areas of the gastric mucosa are detected, a biopsy of the formation is performed during the procedure. This is necessary to obtain a sample of the material for the purpose of further cytological and morphological examination. At the same time, you can remove small polyps, prevent or stop the development of bleeding from damaged blood vessels, and carry out other manipulations.
  2. Endoscopic ultrasonography. An ultrasound sensor installed at the end of the endoscope makes it possible to determine the depth of spread of cancer cells deep into the walls of the organ. With the help of endoscopic ultrasound, it is possible to resolve the issue of the possibility surgical treatment, including identifying whether cancer cells have grown into large blood vessels.
  3. Computed tomography of the chest and abdominal organs. Indicated for determining metastases in nearby lymph nodes and organs.
  4. PET-CT (positron emission computed tomography). Makes it possible to diagnose a stomach tumor in the early stages of the disease and determine the presence of distant metastases. The method consists of intravenous injection into the human body of a special radioactive tracer, which accumulates in organs characterized by accelerated metabolism, typical for the uncontrolled division of cancer cells).
  5. Ultrasound of the abdominal organs. This is a screening method of examination that makes it possible to examine organs adjacent to the stomach cancer.
  6. X-ray of the stomach. This is a diagnostic method that can be used to determine the presence or absence of a filling defect within the shadow of the stomach, a change in the relief of the mucous membrane, the absence or reduction of peristalsis in the affected area, deterioration in the elasticity and extensibility of the organ wall. During fluoroscopy, a contrast agent (barium sulfate) is administered orally, after which the process of filling the stomach with this substance is monitored using a series of x-rays.
  7. Laparoscopy. Necessary for examining the abdominal organs and peritoneum, identifying metastases at the stage of preparation for open surgery.
  8. Chromogastroscopy. During this procedure, special dyes are introduced into the organ cavity, with the help of which healthy cells can be separated from cancerous ones.
  9. General blood analysis. When a malignant tumor occurs, the test results change. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate sharply increases, which indicates an inflammatory process. However, if a person takes antibacterial drugs for any reason, the ESR level will be normal. At the initial stages of the disease, leukocytes are within normal limits or slightly reduced, later their level increases. Many young cells appear in the leukoformula. Hemoglobin levels drop and anemia develops.
  10. Blood chemistry. Carried out to determine damage caused by cancer cells internal organs. A malignant formation in the stomach provokes the development of some changes in the biochemical blood test. These include a reduction in the number total protein and glucose, increased levels of lipase, alkaline phosphatase, glutamyl transpeptidase, aminotransferase activity, bilirubin.
  11. Stool analysis. Makes it possible to determine the presence of bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract. Even if there are no visible traces, the stool is sent to the laboratory to identify hidden blood.
  12. Blood test for tumor markers. This is the definition of specific proteins that arise only during the development of a neoplasm in the human body. With the help of the study, it is possible to establish the malignancy of the process, the stage of development of the disease and monitor the effectiveness of the therapy. If gastric cancer is suspected, the tumor marker CEA or CA-19–9 is used for analysis.

Differential diagnosis of a malignant tumor of the stomach at the initial stage of the disease is carried out with atrophic gastritis, ulcers, polyps, tuberculosis, syphilis and benign formations.

Therapeutic measures

The choice of treatment method for stomach cancer depends on the stage of the disease, the degree of germination of pathological cells into the walls and into nearby organs, and the presence or absence of metastases in the lymph nodes. The patient’s condition, age, and existing chronic diseases also play an important role.

The most common treatment for cancer is surgical removal of the tumor. In this case, not only the tumor is removed, but also the healthy tissue around it (at least 4 cm on each side). Depending on the size of the formation, a subtotal or total gastrectomy (partial or complete removal of the stomach) may be performed.

When the disease is resolved, when the tumor has clear boundaries and is located in the mucous or submucosal layer, it is possible to perform surgery using the laparoscopic method. In other situations, an open cavity approach is required.

To increase the effectiveness of the operation, the doctor may prescribe chemotherapy. This treatment is also indicated after organ resection. The main disadvantage of this method is that not only atypical cells die, but also healthy ones, this leads to the development side effects and complications.

For stomach cancer, monotherapy or a combination of several chemotherapy drugs is used. These may be Docetaxel, Irinotecan, Paclitaxel, Oxaliplatin, etc. Treatment is carried out in cycles lasting 14, 21 or 28 days.

Chemotherapy makes it possible to reduce the risk of relapse if surgery is performed to remove part or all of the stomach. If the cancer is inoperable, this treatment method can slow down the active division of cancer cells, prevent further growth and development of the tumor, and also improve the patient’s well-being.

Targeted therapy refers to gentle methods of treating stomach cancer. The main advantage of this method of combating malignant tumors is its selective action. Healthy cells located near the tumor are not affected.

Treatment consists of introducing into the human body special synthetic substances designed to combat atypical cells. Targeted therapy is used as the only method or is used as a additional treatment at surgical removal tumors.

For stomach cancer, the following types of targeted drugs are used:

  1. VEGF blockers. Cancer cells produce this substance in order to activate blood circulation and the formation of blood vessels. They are necessary for the active growth and reproduction of atypical cells. In this case, the use of the drug Ramucirumab is recommended.
  2. HER2 blockers. This is a protein located on the surface of cancer cells and provokes their increased division. Trastuzumab will help reduce its activity.

Radiotherapy is used only in conjunction with surgical and chemotherapy treatments malignant neoplasms. It is characterized by a precise effect on pathological foci and minimal effect on healthy tissue. Radiotherapy is not used as the only method of treating a tumor, as it is the least effective.

Palliative care is designed to improve the patient's well-being. It is used at those stages of the disease when it is impossible to completely remove the tumor by surgery or any other way. With its help you can reduce clinical manifestations diseases - nausea, vomiting, dizziness, to prevent the development of massive bleeding.

If the tumor is large and blocks the lumen of the esophagus, the doctor may decide on the need to install a gastrostomy tube (extending a special tube from the stomach to the surface of the body through which the patient is fed), or forming a bypass anastomosis between the intestinal loops and the stomach itself. This will improve the patient’s well-being and prolong his life. If the tumor blocks the entrance to the stomach, endoluminal laser therapy is used, in which the tumor is cut with a laser beam to free the lumen of the esophagus.

In order to reduce pain the patient is prescribed non-narcotic and narcotic analgesics, fractional sounding and other therapeutic procedures. Immunotherapy is indicated to strengthen the immune system and increase the body's own defenses.

Rehabilitation after stomach cancer is a long process. After all, a person must recover not only from a cancer diagnosis, but also from the negative consequences of the treatment (surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, etc.).

The rehabilitation program is developed individually for each patient and includes physiotherapy, acupuncture, physical therapy and other methods. Psychological work with the patient also plays an important role.


A malignant tumor of the stomach is characterized by a high probability of developing complications. These include:

  1. The occurrence of bleeding. Damage to tumor tissue occurs under the influence of an acidic environment or due to the disintegration of the tumor. This causes bleeding, which can gradually lead to anemia. With massive blood loss, vomiting with blood is possible, and the stool becomes black.
  2. Perforation. As a result of tumor growth through the wall of the stomach, it may be perforated and malignant cells may enter the abdominal cavity. In this case, signs of an acute abdomen appear: sharp pain, positive Shchetkin-Blumberg sign, muscle tension abdominal wall. If such a complication occurs, emergency surgery is indicated to eliminate the perforation.
  3. Tumor infection. Penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into malignant tissue can provoke the development of an inflammatory process. The infection subsequently spreads to the lymph nodes, liver and other organs. The main manifestation of tumor infection is a sharp increase in body temperature.
  4. Cell growth into other organs. It is distinguished by the occurrence of sharp pains in the stomach area, which become encircling in nature. When the tumor is actively growing, atypical cells at this time can grow into the head of the pancreas, hepatoduodenal ligament and transverse colon.
  5. Development of metastases. Cancer cells from the stomach spread throughout the human body by lymphogenous, hematogenous and implantation routes. The tumor metastasizes mainly to the lymphatic system, liver and lungs. Cases of spread of atypical cells into the brain and spinal cord are recorded much less frequently.
  6. Ascites. Accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity with stomach cancer is possible at the stage of tumor metastasis. This is because cancer cells quickly spread throughout the peritoneum, increase the permeability of blood vessels and lead to obstruction of the lymphatic system. A violation of the outflow of lymph develops, as a result of which fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity.

Cancer prognosis and prevention

Cancer is a malignant formation, the survival prognosis for which directly depends on the stage of development at which the pathological process was detected, the depth of germination into the walls of the organ, metastases and complications.

Survival of stomach cancer patients after surgery depends on the presence of metastases and whether all pathological cells are completely removed during surgery.

If a tumor is detected in the initial stages of development, the probability of complete recovery reaches 80–90%. At the second stage of oncology, the five-year survival rate decreases sharply and amounts to 50–60%. At the third stage it reaches 38%, and at the fourth stage it reaches only 5%.

Prevention of stomach cancer is that a person should healthy image life, organize a complete and balanced diet, exclude spicy, salty, fried, pickled foods from the diet. When preparing food, use only high-quality natural products. Avoid the use of flavors, dyes, leavening agents and other harmful substances and carcinogens.

It is necessary to give up alcohol and smoking. Do not overuse medicines, especially from the group of nonspecific anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, glucocorticosteroids, hormonal contraceptives and etc.

If signs of gastritis or ulcers occur, immediately consult a doctor and undergo a full examination, including fibrogastroduodenoscopy.

Gastric cancer is an oncological disease accompanied by the appearance of a malignant tumor formation formed on the basis of the epithelium of the gastric mucosa. Stomach cancer, the symptoms of which most often occur in patients aged 40-45 years (although an earlier age limit of 30-35 years is also allowed), is in second place in terms of morbidity and subsequent mortality, thereby following lung cancer in such comparison criteria.

general description

As we have already indicated, stomach cancer is a fairly common disease, and this pathology can develop in any part of the affected organ with subsequent spread to other organs (this clarification especially applies to the liver, lungs and esophagus). It should also be noted that there is a specific figure corresponding to the mortality rate of stomach cancer, which is about 800,000 people annually, which was determined on the basis of the studied indicators for 2008. In addition, it was found that this disease is more often diagnosed in men.

Approximately 80% of cases of stomach cancer are accompanied by the development of metastases. Let us recall that metastasis (metastasis) is understood as a process in which tumor cells begin to spread to other organs, thereby forming a pathological process in them in the form of a secondary focus. Metastasis in general occurs in tumor diseases through blood vessels (which defines hematogenous metastases), through lymphatic vessels (respectively, these are lymphogenous metastases) or through the space that the body cavities are located (which defines implantation metastases).

Returning to the characteristics of stomach cancer, we can also determine survival, which can be considered as a prognosis for stomach cancer. Thus, if the disease is detected early, 6-month survival is allowed in approximately 65% ​​of cases, while its detection within the framework of progression to more serious ones determines it only in 5-15% of cases. It should also be noted that in approximately half of the cases of patients complaining of dyspepsia (a condition in which the normal functioning of the stomach is disrupted, digestion becomes painful and generally difficult), the subsequent discovery of much more serious pathologies occurs, including, in fact, stomach cancer.

As already noted, the prevailing age group is patients aged 40-45 years, however, the possibility of developing the disease in people from 30 to 35 years old and in younger people is also possible. In about 90% of cases the tumor is malignant, and approximately 95% of these malignant tumors– carcinomas. Gastric carcinoma in men is diagnosed mainly between the ages of 50 and 75 years.

Stomach cancer is also characterized by the fact that its course can vary significantly depending on the specific country or region where it is diagnosed in a particular patient; accordingly, on the basis of this we can assume how significant a role climatic-geographical, nutritional, household and other types of factors play in development of the pathological process.

Stomach cancer: causes

It is currently not possible to identify a specific cause that provokes the development of stomach cancer. Meanwhile, certain predisposing factors for the development of the pathological process and, in fact, the disease directly related to it, can still be called relevant, among them the following:

  • The bacterium Helicobacter pylori (helicobacterpylori). It is quite possible that the reader has an idea of ​​what kind of bacterium this is, but we will briefly highlight the features that are inherent in it, defining what it is and what it provokes. And it provokes nothing more than gastritis and an equally common pathology - gastric ulcer. This bacterium also acts as a predisposing factor to the development of stomach cancer, and this bacterium, if present, increases this risk several times.
  • Stomach polyps. They represent a growth of the mucous membrane of an organ of a benign nature; generally, gastric polyps develop against the background of existing chronic diseases that are relevant to the stomach. As an example of a predisposing factor in this case, we can indicate chronic form atrophic gastritis, in which the gastric mucosa is subject to depletion, and the production of gastric juice is significantly reduced. As in the previous case of considering a predisposing factor, a gastric polyp increases the risk of developing stomach cancer several times, and precisely in the area where it is located. This risk is supplemented by such conditions for the existing polyp as certain height indicators (if it is 2 or more centimeters), if it contains cells that cause the production of mucus, and if more than one polyp is concentrated on the gastric mucosa.
  • The presence of chronic diseases of the gastric mucosa. Here, again, we can highlight the already noted atrophic gastritis, which also acts as a serious predisposing factor to the development of stomach cancer in a patient against this background.
  • Heredity. Here, one can traditionally highlight the relevance of stomach diseases, and in particular stomach cancer, among the closest relatives of a particular patient - the risk of developing pathological diseases of this organ and the disease, which is the main one in our consideration, increases.
  • Impact of nutritional factors. In particular, in this case, the dietary habits of patients are considered, namely, addiction to fried, spicy, canned and fatty foods. Chemically active substances damage the gastric mucosa by getting on it, which destroys its protective layer of mucus lining the surface of the epithelium, after which carcinogenic substances freely penetrate into the cells (namely, due to them, the development of cancer becomes possible), after which these cells are either subject to destruction, or are reborn. In contrast, it can be noted that if the patient’s diet contains a significant amount of fruits and vegetables, vitamins and microelements, the risk of stomach cancer is significantly reduced.
  • Smoking, alcohol. These impact factors are almost traditional in identifying factors that contribute to the development of a particular disease or pathological process; stomach cancer is no exception to this.
  • Features of the body's hormonal activity, constitutional features. In considering this item, it considers in particular overweight body and obesity in general, considered as background predisposing diseases, not only traditionally for the organs of the reproductive system, but also for the gastrointestinal tract, which, accordingly, determines a significant risk for the development of stomach cancer.

Peptic ulcer and stomach cancer

Peptic ulcer disease, indicated above as consideration in the context of the impact of Helicobacter on the development of gastric cancer, in its recurrent form, as well as duodenal ulcer - all this is considered as one of the main factors causing the development of gastric cancer. The process of degeneration of an ulcer into stomach cancer sometimes takes many years, but it is the very possibility of such degeneration that is a serious risk.

We will look at the symptoms of stomach cancer below; among them, you can also identify signs indicating that an old ulcer has degenerated into cancer. Stomach cancer develops somewhat less frequently on its own, that is, without a predisposing factor in the form of a previous ulcer. Here, cancer may resemble an ulcer in its manifestations, but the exact difference can only be made by a doctor and only as part of a diagnostic test, which is a biopsy.

Stomach cancer: classification

Based on what cells make up the tumor, the following types of forms of stomach cancer are distinguished:

  • Adenocarcinoma (carcinoma). This form, as we initially noted in the general review, acts as the most common form among the types of stomach cancer. This type of stomach cancer involves the formation of a tumor based on cells that produce mucus.
  • Solid gastric cancer. This form of pathology is extremely rare; dense tissue acts in this case as the basis of the tumor.
  • Signet ring cell cancer of the stomach. This form of cancer is based on cells, examination of which under a microscope reveals their similarity to a ring, which, in turn, was the reason for this definition of cancer. For this stomach cancer, as characteristic features highlight the rapid growth of tumor formation, as well as early metastasis.
  • Leiomyosarcoma. Based on this form of cancer, one can determine its peculiarity, which is the formation of a tumor formation based on the muscle cells of the organ (i.e., the stomach).
  • Lymphoma. In this case, the tumor formation in stomach cancer is based on lymphatic cells concentrated within the region of this organ.

The classification of stomach cancer according to its forms does not end there; a separate part of it is based on the specific part in which the tumor developed; the following options are distinguished:

  • Cardiac gastric cancer. This form of cancer develops in the upper part of the stomach organ, specifically in the place where it “joins” the esophagus.
  • Body cancer of the stomach. In this form, the cancer affects the middle part of the organ.
  • Cancer of the lesser curvature of the stomach. Here the cancer covers the area of ​​the right gastric wall.
  • Pyloric (pyloric) cancer. In this variant, cancer develops from the side from which the anatomical transition of the organ to the duodenum occurs.

And finally, depending on the characteristics of the appearance of the tumor formation, a specific number of forms of stomach cancer are also distinguished, in particular, the following options include:

  • Endophytic gastric cancer. This type of cancer is characterized by the fact that the tumor grows deep into the gastric wall, which, due to such features, determines its similarity to a stomach ulcer (saucer-shaped stomach cancer, ulcer-cancer).
  • Exophytic gastric cancer. This type of cancer is characterized by the fact that the tumor grows into the lumen of the stomach. This type of cancer can manifest itself in a polypoid form (that is, the characteristics of its growth determine its resemblance to a stomach polyp), in a mushroom form (the growth characteristics equate it to a mushroom), and also in a nodular form (the tumor manifests itself in the form of a dense type of node protruding from the side organ walls).

Stomach cancer: stages (degrees)

Based on how intensively the tumor spreads, a number of stages of stomach cancer corresponding to the process are determined.

  • Stage 0. This stage is characterized by the fact that, within the framework of its manifestation, tumor cells are limited in damage only to the inner layer of the organ, without concomitant spread into depth. With timely diagnosis of pathology during this stage of its course, very significant positive results can be achieved.
  • Stage I. This stage of cancer is characterized by a 5-year survival rate in approximately 80% of cases. It is also divided into the following substages:
    • 1A. This substage indicates that the tumor formation has not spread in depth to the inner layer of the organ.
    • 1B. This substage determines the spread of the tumor to nearby lymph nodes or indicates its penetration into the muscle layer of the organ.
  • Stage II. Similar to the previous stage, this stage is divided into substages, 2A and 2B. As for the survival rate within the considered period of 5 years, here it is approximately 56%.
    • 2A. A characteristic feature of the progression of the pathological process within this stage is the lack of spread to the inner layer of the stomach, but at the same time there are already cancer cells in the nearby lymph nodes 3-6 lymph nodes. It is also possible that the tumor has spread to the muscle layer, as well as to 1-2 lymph nodes located nearby. And finally, an option is allowed in which the tumor has grown into all layers of the gastric wall, but with the exception of spread to the lymph nodes.
    • 2B. This substage can also manifest itself in several ways. Thus, an option is allowed in which the tumor is limited only to the inner gastric layer while simultaneously spreading to the lymph nodes (7 or more). It is also possible that the tumor grows into the muscle layer while simultaneously spreading to the lymph nodes (1-2). And finally, such an option is allowed within this stage, in which the tumor is outside the outer gastric layer, but with the exception of the pathological process in this scenario of spread to the lymph nodes.
  • Stage III. This stage is characterized by compliance clinical picture three main variants of substages: 3A, 3B, 3C. At this stage, survival for a period of 5 years is determined in 15-38% of cases.
    • 3A. This substage of the disease indicates that the tumor has spread to the muscular gastric layer, as well as to nearby lymph nodes (7 or more). In another variant of the course of the disease, within this substage, tumor growth is allowed to all layers of the stomach with the simultaneous presence of tumor cells in nearby lymph nodes (in the amount of 1-2).
    • 3B. This substage indicates that the tumor has grown to the outer gastric wall while simultaneously spreading to nearby lymph nodes (7 or more). It is also possible for a tumor to grow into tissues surrounding the stomach while there are simultaneous presence of cancer cells in nearby lymph nodes (damage to 1-2 lymph nodes).
    • 3C. Within this substage, the course of the disease is based on the spread of the tumor beyond the outer gastric wall, as well as its spread to nearby lymph nodes (7 or more). In another variant of the course of the pathological process within this substage, the spread of the tumor process occurs to the tissues surrounding the gastric organ with spread to 3-6 lymph nodes.
  • Stage IV. Grade 4 (stage) of stomach cancer is characterized by the fact that the pathological process has spread through the lymphatic pathways to other organs (in other words, metastasis occurs). As for the 5-year survival rate in this case, here it hardly reaches 5%.

Stomach cancer: symptoms

In fact, this disease does not have any symptoms specific to it. Meanwhile, certain manifestations can be considered as signs of stomach cancer. To begin with, we can define two main groups to which such signs (symptoms) can be attributed.
  • Symptoms that are not specific to the stomach. These types of manifestations include weakness, fever, weight change (loss), change in appetite (it is either reduced or completely absent). In addition, patients may develop depression, which manifests itself in loss of interest in what is happening around them, alienation and apathy. In this case, special attention is paid to changes in the patient’s typical symptoms (ulcerative or gastric), in particular, to their intensification and addition of other manifestations.
  • Symptoms of a specific nature of manifestation. In this case, specific manifestations of symptoms mean such manifestations that are generally inherent in stomach diseases:
    • Nausea, vomiting. These manifestations usually indicate the most various diseases stomach, indicating a peptic ulcer, acute gastritis etc. In case of stomach cancer, these symptoms are caused by the fact that the tumor formation, having reached a significant size, begins to block the space at the exit from the stomach.
    • Specific vomiting. In particular, this refers to vomiting with stagnant contents, that is, with such contents that contain food eaten 1-2 days before. This is accompanied by painful sensations for the patient and his general exhaustion.
    • Loose black stools, vomit that resembles coffee grounds. These symptoms indicate that bleeding has occurred from an ulcer or a tumor has developed in the stomach. In any case, all this requires immediate attention medical assistance, which, in turn, will be focused on stopping the bleeding that occurs.
    • Abdominal pain. This symptom can manifest itself in different ways, because the pain can be dull, aching or pulling; it is concentrated in the epigastric region (on the left side under the edge of the ribs). As for the nature of the manifestation, the pain is mostly periodic, most often its appearance is noted after eating. If it appears constantly, then this indicates that an inflammatory process has joined the pathological process or that the tumor has begun to grow into neighboring organs.
    • Difficulty passing food. This symptom can reach a stage at which even the passage of food is impossible. In this case, this manifestation can be considered either as a symptom of esophageal cancer, or as a symptom of cancer of the initial gastric region.
    • Quick satiety with food, feeling of fullness and heaviness in the stomach, general discomfort in its area.
    • Increased symptoms of belching, heartburn. Patients notice such manifestations themselves; this, in fact, may be a reason to contact a specialist to clarify the diagnosis.

You should also pay attention to manifestations that indicate an advanced pathological process. These include the following options:

  • palpable pain in the abdominal area;
  • change in the size of the abdomen (it increases, which occurs against the background of accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity (defined as ascites), or this can occur as a result of an enlarged liver);
  • pallor of the skin and mucous membranes (against the background of anemia), yellowness of the skin and mucous membranes; as part of later manifestations of the pathology, the skin may acquire an earthy tint, in general, within the early stages of special external changes not observed in patients;
  • an increase in the size of the lymph nodes on the left side in the area above the collarbone, as well as lymph nodes located in the axillary region on the left and lymph nodes concentrated in the navel (these changes indicate metastasis of the pathological process).

Let us repeat that the above-mentioned vomiting, which resembles “coffee grounds” in specificity, requires immediate assistance, so you need to immediately call an ambulance.


The main methods for diagnosing stomach cancer are the following:
  • gastroscopy is a method of visualizing the gastric mucosa for current changes, which also allows for a biopsy (removal of tissue in the affected area for subsequent examination);
  • fluoroscopy - this method involves the oral administration of a contrast agent, which uses barium sulfate, thereby determining the possibility of identifying the specific location of the lesion and the extent of its extent along the gastric wall;
  • Ultrasound is an ultrasound research method aimed at studying the abdominal cavity and the retroperitoneal space (it is used without fail for stomach cancer, it also allows one to determine the relevance of metastasis);
  • CT - computed tomography, makes it possible to diagnose stomach cancer, although it is used for a slightly different purpose, which is to assess the extent of the spread of the pathological process and to identify metastases;
  • Laparoscopy is a method that allows you to determine the stage of the pathological process in stomach cancer, determine the presence of metastases in the peritoneum and liver that are not detected by CT and ultrasound.
  • tumor markers - this method is highly specific, although insensitive; the sensitivity of use increases with actual metastasis.


Treatment of stomach cancer today comes down to the only effective method, which is radical removal of the tumor through surgery. Due to gastric resection, in addition, treatment is improved in terms of concomitant with the disease symptoms. So, in this case, the cause of pain, actual dysphagia and bleeding, is directly eliminated. The number of tumor cells in the body can also be reduced, thereby increasing the patient’s life expectancy and generally improving his condition. In certain cases, during such an operation, part of the stomach must be removed, and sometimes the entire stomach. Chemotherapy and radiation exposure are considered as auxiliary treatment methods - these treatment measures are relevant when the tumor has spread beyond the affected organ.

If symptoms appear that indicate possible stomach cancer, you should contact a gastroenterologist and oncologist.
