How to do acupressure for hypertension: technique, active points and precautions. Massage for hypertension: indications, purpose, features and nuances of implementation Therapeutic massage for hypertension

Any disease, including cardiovascular diseases, can occur in different ways. Depending on the severity of the patient’s condition, in case of hypertension, classical and acupressure massage can be either recommended or contraindicated.
So, when hypertension massage treatments can be used in several cases.
Firstly, they are most effective when the patient has only initial symptoms diseases, such as periodic increases in pressure in response to emotional experiences, changes in weather, etc. When measuring its value in a calm state, a slight increase may be noted - no more than 140/90 mm Hg. Art. or even the norm. This condition, if we rely on classic domestic guidelines and American clinical guidelines, is defined as “prehypertension.” This concept means that certain conditions have developed in the human body that will eventually lead to hypertension. In other words, outwardly he is still healthy, but the mechanism for the development of the disease has already been launched. In such cases, massage can be used along with other methods that help stabilize blood pressure: compliance with the work and rest regime, proper nutrition, physical activity etc. If the patient follows the principles healthy image life and use massage, its pressure can stabilize for many years without any drug treatment.
The second case in which such procedures may be useful is in recent onset, mild hypertension. Many doctors, having discovered high blood pressure in a patient, immediately recommend taking medications to help lower it. However, ideally the approach should be different. If hypertension is at the level of stage I (i.e., the increase in systolic indicator is no more than 159 mm Hg, and diastolic - up to 99 mm Hg. Art.) and stage I (there is no secondary damage to the heart, kidneys and other organs) , then the prescription of drugs should be preceded by non-drug measures. Over the course of several weeks (on average 2-3 months), the patient must stabilize his lifestyle, and only after this, based on the results of a repeated examination, should a decision be made about whether to resort to medication. This approach is official, but, unfortunately, is not always followed now. Some people, even taking medications, forget about other ways to lower blood pressure and are more willing to take pills rather than take care of themselves. However, if a person wants to maintain and restore their health, in such situations they should first try alternative treatments and physical therapy, including massage therapy.

Lifestyle changes are an important component of treating hypertension. It is known that a decrease in weight by 1 kg is accompanied by a drop in pressure by 1 mmHg. Art. For people who are overweight, losing weight can help achieve noticeable improvements.

The next category of hypertensive patients who can undergo massage are people with moderate to severe disease who are already receiving drug therapy. For them, such procedures, especially in combination with physical therapy, can be very useful. They help reduce blood pressure, in optimal cases - persistent. Using massage, such patients should regularly monitor their blood pressure levels. Correctly carried out physical therapy along with taking medications can lead to the fact that the pressure may decrease too much, and there will be a need to reduce the dose of drugs. In these cases, the patient should contact their doctor to help them properly reduce the amount of treatment.
In any case, acupressure should be used for stable forms of the disease. Now let's turn to situations where massage procedures turn out to be of little use and can even cause harm.
Massage is contraindicated during a hypertensive crisis. At this time, processes occur in the body that are quite difficult to quickly influence with anything other than medications. Sometimes crises are so dangerous that they can threaten the patient’s life, so during such a period it is better to refuse massage - it will not have a significant therapeutic effect. On the contrary, resorting to it at the time of crisis can provoke complications, such as myocardial infarction. It must be remembered that some changes, such as instability of pressure, swelling of the walls of blood vessels and others, persist not only at the time of a sharp jump in pressure, but also for several days after it. For this reason, you should resort to massage no earlier than 3-4 days after the crisis, when the patient’s condition has already stabilized.
Another contraindication to such procedures is severe course diseases. Severe forms include malignant hypertension, in which the patient experiences a strong increase in blood pressure that is difficult to correct with medications, there are frequent crises and there are concomitant pathologies, such as angina pectoris and other forms coronary disease heart disease, diabetes mellitus, etc. In such cases, massage, regardless of its type, usually does not have a positive effect. Moreover, doctors avoid prescribing additional procedures, because the condition of such a patient is always unstable and can worsen from any influence. For this reason, they prefer to treat such patients extremely carefully, without creating unnecessary reasons for risk.
If a person suffering from hypertension is prescribed massage or any other physical therapy, it is necessary that he be fully examined. In cases where the cause of the increase in pressure is not clear, resorting to such methods of treatment is prohibited. Hypertension can be caused by dozens of reasons, from the banal and most common atherosclerosis to quite rare ones - for example, adrenal tumors or congenital heart defects (coarctation of the aorta, etc.). In some of them, the appointment of a massage can cause significant harm to a person. Thus, intensive stimulation of biologically active points located in the lumbar region in a patient with an adrenal gland formation can cause a hypertensive crisis.

Classic massage technique

During the classical massage procedure, parts of the body are massaged in a certain order. The session begins with performing techniques in the upper back, at the level of the thoracic spine and shoulder girdle. Then the massage therapist moves to the cervical region and rises to the scalp. After this, techniques are carried out on the front surface chest. In the final part of the massage, the effect on the neck and back of the head is repeated. Finally, the massage therapist stimulates the so-called “pain points”.
At the beginning of the session, after the necessary preparation, a massage of the upper back is performed. In this case, the patient is in a prone position on his stomach. It is necessary that during the massage the patient's body is completely relaxed. To do this, if necessary, you can place a folded blanket or cushion under his shins so that the person does not have to strain his legs, trying to hold them straight.
Each technique is performed from 3 to 6 times.
In the upper back, the usual superficial stroking is first carried out, moving from bottom to top, to the neck and armpits. Stroking can be straightforward, when the palm slides over the skin in one direction, and alternate, in which one hand of the massage therapist begins the movement, and the other continues it.
After stroking, they move on to squeezing. It is performed primarily in the interscapular region, where the muscle layer is largest. Can be used for hypertension different types squeeze-ups, including beak-shaped ones. In addition, the usual technique performed with the base of the palm also has a positive effect.
Next, massage is performed in the projection of the location of the long back muscle located along the spine. There are several types of kneading performed there. In this area, fingertips are used for the most intense and precise impact. Kneading can be carried out with the pads of the thumbs, arched or steep, or with the pads of the II - V fingers. In the second case, the technique is performed only in a circular manner. In addition, sometimes they resort to the so-called forceps kneading.
After this intensive reception, stroking is carried out again for 1-2 minutes. However, it may already be deeper than at the beginning of the procedure.
Then the massage area shifts to the area where the latissimus dorsi muscles are located. These muscles are located symmetrically, starting with a wide base from the spine in the lower part of its thoracic region and going towards the armpits. Thus, to massage them, you need to move to the lower-lateral part of the chest on its back surface. Kneading is performed in this area. They use both the usual technique - ordinary kneading, and variations, for example, double ring kneading. After another series of strokes, the impact is carried out in the upper back, between the shoulder blades and above them. There one or more rubbing techniques are performed. Rubbing movements are made with the pad, edge or tubercle of the thumb. Before moving to the neck, this technique is carried out along the entire thoracic spine and the spaces located between the spinous (central) processes of the vertebrae in the upper back are worked out. Finally, repeat the stroking again.
When massaging the neck, the trapezius muscle is simultaneously massaged, which, as you know, begins in the neck and goes to the upper back. To determine its location, you can place the palm of your left hand on your right shoulder and raise your shoulder up (your hand should be down). Where the tension will be felt is where this muscle will be located.

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Stroking is carried out on the neck, which is replaced by one or more types of squeezing. Then perform 3-4 types of kneading, and at the end repeat stroking again.
In the area of ​​the scalp, the massage should be carried out with the patient in the same position, but he should place his hands under the forehead so that the head rests on the backs of the crossed hands. This way the massage therapist gets access to the entire massaged surface.
First, stroke with fingertips. In this case, the fingers do not close, but remain apart. The movement of the hands starts from the top of the crown and goes down to the temples, forehead, and back of the head. Next, a rubbing technique is performed in the same directions. It can be not only straight, but also carried out in a zigzag or circular manner.
After massaging the scalp, the patient turns over onto his back, and a folded cloth or cushion is placed under the cervical spine and the back of the head. In this position, massage the forehead and temples.
Stroking is carried out in the frontal area. In this case, the massage therapist moves the fingertips along the hairline from the central part of the forehead to the sides, ending the movement at the temples. Without following any direction, zigzag or circular rubbing is performed. In addition, pressure on the forehead with your fingers can be used. Finally, the skin is pinched and the massage is completed with stroking techniques.
On the temples, the effect is limited to circular rubbing of the skin, after which the massage therapist proceeds to the effect on the anterior chest wall. On the chest, techniques such as stroking, squeezing, and kneading are alternately performed. Deep techniques are recommended to be carried out in the area where the pectoralis major muscles are located. When performing a squeeze, the massage therapist uses the tubercle of the thumb - the elevation of the hand, which is located under its base. Among the types of kneading, the most preferred are ordinary and beak-shaped.
After kneading, shake and then stroke.
At this stage, the patient changes body position again, turning over from his back to his stomach. The specialist moves on to the final part of the procedure. On the neck and back of the head, the previously performed techniques are repeated again, while their duration and variety of types can be reduced. Lastly, the techniques of stroking, shallow kneading and pressing are performed on pain points. Pain points are skin areas in which sensitive nerve endings are located. They are reflexogenically active, that is, when they are irritated, a certain physiological effect can be observed, in this case a decrease in blood pressure. There are several pain points that can be massaged in hypertensive patients. The first of them is located behind the ears, in the area where the mastoid processes are located. These processes can be felt behind the ears in the form of bone tubercles. The next pair of such points is located on the temples. Others lie on the bridge of the nose, and the last pair is located at the highest point of the head, in the middle of the crown.
The total duration of the procedure is from 15 to 20 minutes. In this case, treatment is recommended to be carried out in courses, each of them can include 12-14 sessions. Massage is carried out either every day or 3-4 times a week. Courses can be not only therapeutic, but also preventive, and if you are feeling well, they can be carried out in the autumn and spring.

Acupressure technique

Performing therapeutic Chinese acupressure can be one of the components of therapy that helps lower blood pressure.
When performing a massage, several conditions must be observed. Firstly, it must be carried out
not once, but in a course of several procedures (16-24). Secondly, to achieve the greatest effect it is necessary that it be repeated 2 times a day. The massage is performed with the patient in a calm state; for at least 10 minutes before the procedure, he must be at rest and not experience physical and emotional stress. Large meals, drinking coffee, and smoking are prohibited 2 hours before the massage. If by the time it is time to take the medications, you should not forget about the need to take a pill.
The course is conducted over several days in a row.
For hypertension, massage of two groups of points is used. The first of them should be stimulated only on odd days: the first, third, fifth, etc., and skipped on the rest. The second group is massaged on even days.
Points No. 4 and 11 are affected using tonic techniques. These include strong compression and vibration. In this case, the massage should be carried out for no more than 0.5-1 minutes. All other areas should be massaged using a soothing technique. Surface pressure is allowed on them, it is possible with elements of rotation, as well as stroking. All active areas are stimulated in the order in which they will be described.

The first group of biologically active points includes the following zones.

Point 1 is single. It is located on the head, along the midline, in the crown area. To detect it, you need to step back 5 cuns from the forehead, from the place where hair growth begins. When massaging this and the next area, the patient must sit.
Point 2 is also unpaired and is also located in the scalp. It is easy to find, moving 3 cm up from the hairline at the back. This point lies in the upper part of the occipital fossa, just below the greater tubercle formed by the occipital bone.
Point 3 and the next few are symmetrical. It is located on the back, above the shoulder blade. At the top of the blade there is a protrusion that is almost horizontal. It is clearly visible in slender people and is called the spine of the scapula. The desired area is located immediately above the spine, in the middle of the fossa lying above it. If we explain the location of this area more simply, we can imagine it as follows. If someone, standing in front of a person, places his right hand on his right shoulder, then the second finger will be in the zone corresponding to the third point. During her massage, the patient should sit, leaning forward a little. In addition, stimulation can be carried out with the patient lying on his stomach. The impact is performed in parallel on both sides.

If acupressure is not performed by a specialist or as self-massage, then during the first procedures the location of active points can be determined in advance and marked on the skin with iodine or a marker. The echo will facilitate and speed up the procedure.

Point 4 lies on the shin. The key landmark to find it is the inner malleolus, a bony protrusion located in the area ankle joint. The point is located 5 cuns up from it. During massage, the impact should be carried out on both sides at once. In this case, the patient sits with his legs stretched out in front of him.
Point 5 lies on the hand. It is located along the line of the elbow, in its outer part (i.e., closer to the thumb). During stimulation of this area, the patient should relax his hand as much as possible. It needs to lie freely, with the back of the patient’s hand facing up. Unlike the zones already described, symmetrical areas are not massaged simultaneously. The massage is performed first on the right side, then on the left.
Paired point 6 is located on the back, on both sides of the spine, at the level of the thoracic region. To find it accurately, you must first determine the vertebrae numbers. In the lower part of the neck, with the head tilted forward, you can see and feel the protruding spinous process of the lower cervical vertebra. In most people it clearly contours under the skin. Below it the thoracic region begins. It is necessary, guided by the spinous processes, to retreat down to a level corresponding to the gap between the fifth and sixth thoracic vertebrae. From this place 1.5 cun retreat to the right and left. This is the location of the sixth acupoint. Its stimulation is carried out with the patient sitting or in a horizontal position. To access this area, he must lie on his stomach.
Point 7 is located nearby, also on both sides of the spine in thoracic region, only it is located lower, between the seventh and eighth vertebrae, at the same distance from the spinous processes. The method of stimulation does not differ from the previous zone.
Point 8 can be found even lower, at the level between the second and third lumbar vertebrae. It is also located 1.5 cun on either side of the vertical line passing through the spinous processes. In order not to get lost in the search for this gap, let us recall that in the thoracic region there are 12 vertebrae, immediately below the last one is the first lumbar one. The impact is carried out in the same way as on the two previous points, simultaneously from both sides.
Point 9, steam room, is on the legs. It is located near the fourth, three cuns up from the inner ankle. Massage of point 9 is carried out according to the same rules as point 4.
Point 10 is localized at the same level as point 4, only slightly inside it. It is located exactly 5 cuns above the inner ankle, on a vertical line passing through its center, and point 4 is slightly anterior, not above the muscle, but above the tibia. When performing a massage of this area, the patient sits with his legs stretched out in front of him. The massage is performed in parallel on both sides.
The 11th point lies on the feet, on the right and left sides. Located on the sole, closer to the toe. If you ask the patient to bend his toes or stretch out his toes, a small depression will form on the sole. The desired area will be located in the center of this depression. The point is stimulated with the patient sitting, first on the right side, then on the opposite side. According to classical sources, optimal pressure reduction occurs if this area is stimulated several times a day for 1-2 minutes. Therefore, the patient himself can massage it.

The second group of biologically active points includes several more zones. All these points are symmetrical.

Point 12 lies in the wrist area. It is located above the level of the fold of skin that is formed when the hand is flexed. From its middle part in the gap between the two tendons you need to move 1 cun to the side cubital fossa. Stimulation is carried out first on the right side, then on the left. In this case, the patient’s hand should be relaxed, it should lie freely, and the back of her hand should be facing down.
Point 13 is also on the hand, but higher. To find it, you need to ask the patient to bend his arm at the elbow. In this position, the biceps muscle, or biceps, becomes clearly visible. The point is located along the inner edge of this muscle, 3 cun above the olecranon fossa. Its stimulation is performed first on the right side. The position of the hand is the same as when massaging point 12.
Point 14 is located on the feet, on their inner part. If you look at the foot from the big toe, then on the highest part of its arch, in the place where the middle of the foot is highest from the floor (if a person is standing). The impact on the 14th point should be carried out with the patient sitting, parallel on both sides.
Point 15 is located behind the previous one, closer to the heel. It is located under the inner ankle. Techniques in this zone are performed simultaneously with the patient in a sitting position.
In order to find point 16, you need to return to the forearm. This zone is located next to point 12 and lies 2 cun above the bend line of the hand. It is located not in the space between the two tendons, which are clearly visible through the skin when a person strains his hand, but on the side of the outer tendon, closer to the thumb. Stimulation of this area is carried out in the same hand position as during the massage of point 12.
Point 17, which is massaged in a similar way, lies along the same line (near the outer tendon), but is located on the wrist, in the fold formed when the hand is bent.

The next two symmetrical areas are on the stomach.

Point 18 is located along a horizontal line passing through the navel. To determine it, you need to step back 4 cun to the right and left. The impact in the area of ​​the 18th point is carried out in parallel on both sides. In this case, the patient should be in a horizontal position.
To find point 19, you also need to step back 4 cun from the midline of the body, only this is done not from the navel, but from the central part of the pubis (the pubic bones are easy to determine by palpating through the skin).
Point 20 lies on the hand, in the fold of skin formed when the hand is flexed, between the tendons. It should be stimulated first from the right and then from the left side.

Hypertension (arterial hypertension) is a disease in which there is a systematic increase in blood pressure. This is the most common heart and vascular disease. More than 50% of older people suffer from hypertension. The upper limit of normal blood pressure is considered to be a reading of 140/90 mmHg. Among the methods of treating hypertension, massage can be noted. Massage for hypertension is an increasingly popular way to get rid of high blood pressure. But you need to know whether it is possible to do a massage with high blood pressure and what contraindications there are for it.

The effect of massage treatments on blood pressure

There are several techniques used to treat different cardiovascular diseases.

The receptors responsible for human blood pressure levels are located in the hypothalamus and the posterior part of the brain. They receive impulses from the vessels about their condition. The point of massage for hypertension is to have a calming effect on these receptors.

Carrying out massage sessions for high blood pressure is aimed at normalizing the patient’s emotional background, removing specific symptoms of hypertension (tinnitus, dizziness, nausea, rapid heartbeat, black spots before the eyes), relieve vasospasm and saturate the brain with oxygen.

Attention! Only a specially trained medical professional should perform the procedure for hypertension!

Massage for low blood pressure (hypotension) has a different specificity. It is needed to tone blood vessels. Thanks to the procedure, the metabolic process is accelerated, the movement of lymph and blood throughout the body is improved. Massage for hypotension will help get rid of headaches and normalize blood pressure.

Indications for procedures

The indication for massage for hypertension is grade 1 or 2 hypertension. The choice of massage technique depends on the degree of disease the patient suffers from.

Degrees of the disease:

  • at the first stage of the disease, the increase in pressure does not occur systematically, but against the background of stress or climate change;
  • the second stage of the disease is characterized by a persistent increase in pressure;
  • the third stage is accompanied by concomitant diseases - vascular atherosclerosis, cardiac ischemia, tachycardia, impaired brain activity, kidney disease.

Also, an indication for the procedure is called a hereditary factor. If there are relatives in the family who suffer from hypertension, after 45 years of age, preventive massage is recommended to improve the functioning of blood vessels and reduce the risk of developing the disease.

Types and techniques of massage

There are several types of massage used to lower blood pressure and treat hypertension. The basic principles of preparation for the session are the prohibition of food for 2 hours before treatment and the cessation of smoking.

Technique for performing acupressure massage for hypertension

Osteopaths and chiropractors. Each specialist can use his own proven methodology. Acupressure is the treatment and prevention of diseases by influencing certain points. When performing acupressure, the doctor acts on two points. One point is located at the top of the head, the second is at the bottom of the head near the neck. This technique involves pressing on the points and light rubbing. An acupressure session helps normalize vascular tone.

There is another technique that involves several points:

  • the first point is slightly below the back of the knee;
  • the massage therapist will select the front side of the knee as the second point, just below the cup;
  • the third stage will be massaging the top of the foot;
  • then the doctor acts on certain points in the ankle area;
  • the fifth point will be the point located on the neck muscles;
  • the sixth point is the parietal part of the head;
  • at the final stage, the doctor will massage the point behind the ear.

This massage is performed in a circular motion. The specialist must devote at least 3 minutes of time to each point. The patient is advised to monitor his breathing and be as relaxed as possible. After the session, you should not make sudden movements. It would be ideal if the patient lies down for some time after the procedure.

Important! Non-compliance correct technique massage can provoke an increase in blood pressure and a deterioration in the patient’s condition.

Massage of the head and collar area

The head massage takes place in 2 stages. First, the patient is placed on his stomach. The massage therapist uses light movements to stroke the head from the neck and above, as well as to the temples and ears of the patient. Movements should be light and not cause discomfort. Then the patient turns over on his back; something needs to be placed under his head. The specialist begins to massage the forehead, from the center to the temples and back. Neck massage can be done at home. For this you will need the help of loved ones. The patient sits down, and the assistant massages the collar area, stroking, kneading and rubbing the neck muscles.

Important! If your blood pressure rises systematically, you should consult a doctor and not self-medicate.

Self-massage technique

Self-massage - good remedy to reduce blood pressure at home. It can be effective when it is not possible to take the medicine or it has not had the desired effect. There is a massage technique whose roots come from alternative Chinese medicine. The procedure involves the use of three points on the patient's face. The first two points are the point below the earlobe and just above the collarbone. You need to make stroking movements along the line connecting these points. The third point is located parallel to the earlobe at a distance of 1 cm. From it it is recommended to make light movements towards the nose.

There is another technique traditional medicine. Osteopathic doctors recommend several points to lower blood pressure. Two of them are on the wrist, the third is in the middle of the palm. Two more points are located on the top of the foot, at the base of the second toe and little toe. To determine which points to massage, you need to find those that are most painful when pressed. They are the ones that should be exposed to pressure—pressure for a short period of time.

To prevent high blood pressure, your doctor may recommend the following procedure:

  • you need to start the session with the muscles of the buttocks, this will improve blood supply in the lower part of the body;
  • then you need to rub your back, from the lower back and above;
  • then, with gentle movements, you need to stroke the abdomen clockwise;
  • The next step will be a neck massage aimed at improving blood circulation and oxygen supply to the brain. Movements should be gentle so as not to provoke vasospasm;
  • the last stage is the head. The back of the head is massaged with light movements and imperceptible pressure.

Such actions should be performed regularly, preferably in the morning.


Acupuncture is a common and effective way to treat many diseases, including hypertension. This Chinese healing technique is recognized traditional medicine. How does acupuncture work for hypertension:

  • the sensitivity of nerve endings increases;
  • needles help absorb pain;
  • the work of internal organs is activated;
  • blood circulation improves;
  • endorphins are produced (they reduce pain and improve a person’s psycho-emotional state);
  • the condition of blood vessels improves and general condition patient.

Attention! Only a qualified specialist has the right to conduct an acupuncture session. It’s good if the doctor provides a diploma in a neurologist or chiropractor.

Restorative massage

Classic restorative massage is most popular for lowering blood pressure. It has a calming effect, relieves vascular spasm, and improves blood circulation. The procedure should begin with the lower part of the body (buttocks or lumbosacral region).

The neck area receives increased attention. Patients notice an improvement in their general condition, and their blood pressure returns to normal. General massage is recommended even for preventive purposes.


Not everyone and not always can do massage for hypertension. The procedure is strictly prohibited in the following conditions:

  • hypertensive crisis and stage 3 hypertension;
  • defects and pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • some blood indicators (for example, poor clotting);
  • oncology;
  • some infectious diseases(tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases).

Relative contraindications:

  • skin rashes of infectious or allergic origin;
  • intestinal problems;
  • increased body temperature;
  • viral and infectious diseases;
  • mental disorders.

Important! Before starting a massage course, a consultation with a cardiologist is necessary.

If after a massage the patient’s blood pressure rises or a headache appears, this type of treatment will have to be abandoned. The cause of increased pressure may be incorrect technique of the procedure. An unqualified massage therapist may overdo it with pressure, and the effect of the massage will be the opposite.

The movements of the massage therapist in the treatment of hypertension are relaxing and do not cause discomfort. Pressure should be of moderate force so as not to provoke a deterioration in the patient’s condition.

Massage for hypotension has the same list of contraindications. In addition, the procedure is prohibited if the hypotensive condition worsens: decreased body temperature, pallor, sweaty palms, fainting, and others. autonomic disorders. Massage for hypertension is an effective and affordable remedy that will alleviate the general condition and prevent the development of the disease.

Many experts note the positive effects of massage for hypertension. That is why it is often used as an adjuvant to lower blood pressure, as well as as a comprehensive technique in the fight against this disease.


Hypertension is a disease that is diagnosed when blood pressure is high. There are a number of reasons that predetermine the development of this disease. Among them are:

  1. Age measurements.
  2. Low level of physical activity.
  3. Having a large percentage subcutaneous fat(obesity, overweight).
  4. Excessive alcohol consumption.
  5. Heredity.

In medicine, it is customary to classify hypertension into stages or degrees, of which there are three:

  • from 140 to 90 to 159 to 99 – 1st degree;
  • from to 179 to 109 – illness;
  • from 180 to 110 – 3rd degree.

To lower blood pressure, you must always act comprehensively, regardless of the stage of the disease, because the number of causes that provoke it is quite extensive and affects many body systems.

Treatment for lowering blood pressure can never be complete unless it includes both drug treatment, and correction of a person’s lifestyle.

Massage procedures and their effects

Without exaggeration, we can say that a healthy lifestyle is at least 50 percent of the success in treating hypertension, if not more. This should be understood as adequate compliance with the work and rest regime. A person must approach his daily activity competently and also rationally and responsibly towards daily recovery.

That is why doctors, in addition to moderate physical activity and a healthy diet, prescribe massage for high blood pressure, and also focus on learning self-massage for blood pressure.

Pressure massage has an unprecedented positive effect on the human body:

  1. Helps strengthen the central nervous system.
  2. Normalizes the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.
  3. Restores breathing.
  4. Leads to balanced functioning of all organs.
  5. Saturates cells with oxygen and nutritional components.

During medical complexes the body relaxes, which leads to a natural decrease in blood pressure.

Pay attention! Massage practices are contraindicated for people in a state of hypertensive crisis, as well as patients who are being treated for the second and have severe headaches.

Exacerbation of the disease, as well as its high stages, should be accompanied by drug therapy. Massage with high blood pressure cannot have any positive effect. It is even possible to develop severe side effects.

Important! Massage can be done when stable condition body. If you were in hospital treatment or suffered a hypertensive crisis, then before undergoing it, you need to consult a doctor.

Types and techniques of the procedure

As an ancient system of influencing the human body, massage for hypertension has evolved into various techniques. It can be performed on individual parts of the body (neck), acupressure (shiatsu massage), or on the whole body at the same time. The degree and form of impact vary, which will be discussed below.

Classic way

It assumes a variant of massage practice that is familiar to our understanding, in which the patient lies down on the couch with his stomach down. This is how the procedure is carried out for both children and adults. In this case, the massage therapist works on the upper back, thoracic spine and shoulder girdle. It is also possible to massage the lower back and lower limbs.

Classic high blood pressure massage also involves treatment cervical spine, back of the head. It involves influencing the so-called “active points”. There are 3 techniques for neck massage with high blood pressure:

  1. Stroking.

It can be carried out with different strengths of influence. As a rule, the specialist begins the massage with relatively light stroking, changing the direction from bottom to top, from left to right. This is a very useful practice if the pressure rises slightly. It is also effective as self-massage for hypertension.

  1. Squeezing.

Used to massage the part of the body between the shoulder blades.

  1. Kneading.

This technique allows for more thorough treatment when the muscles are already sufficiently warmed up and require active work to increase the effectiveness of the procedure itself.

Typically, massage arterial hypertension doesn't last long. On average, it is carried out from 15 to 20 minutes, and the effectiveness of the procedure is measured not by the duration of the sessions, but by their number. To achieve improvement in health, at least 10 sessions are required.

Spot method

According to doctors, it is more effective for hypertension. Patients note an improvement in their condition after the first couple of massage sessions. The therapy is somewhat different from the classical one, since the course is longer and manipulations must be carried out twice a day.

It is very important to prepare for it:

  1. Eat only light food.
  2. Don't drink coffee.
  3. No smoking.
  4. Accept medicines before the procedure.

It is worth noting that acupressure techniques involve superficial pressure, rotational and stroking movements. It is best if such a procedure is carried out by a specialist, however, you can learn the technique and practice self-massage.

Since hypertension is caused by excess weight, it is also useful to carry out anti-cellulite massage.

How to give a massage yourself

It is not always possible to contact a specialist, and there is not always a strict need for this, because doing massage at low pressure over long courses is also not recommended.

Nevertheless, for prevention, relaxation and maintaining excellent well-being, it would be useful to learn an independent technique for influencing the body and, if desired, perform self-massage to relieve tension and vascular spasm.

Self-massage can be perceived as a type of therapeutic restorative exercise. It is best done in the morning. It is very important to take a comfortable body position so that all muscles are relaxed and your movements are as free as possible.

It is best to sit lying down or standing. This is the most optimal. Acceptable techniques:

  • stroking;
  • trituration;
  • kneading.

During the procedure, it is necessary to ensure proper breathing so that the massage is not too bothersome and promotes relaxation. If your blood pressure rises after a massage, you must stop any manipulations and do not hesitate to visit a doctor.

Methods of massage for hypertension

To avoid harm to the patient, tonometry must be performed before the procedure. If the pressure is higher than the individual norm, a massage for hypertension should last no more than 15 minutes. It is also important to improve your breathing and completely relax before the procedure, otherwise the process itself may seem uncomfortable and painful.

As a rule, massage rooms play slow music or sound compositions that put the client in a positive mood. To make the session as productive as possible, the specialist can also offer a cup of relaxing tea (from valerian or mint herbs).

The patient should sit comfortably on a chair or a special trestle bed, which, as a rule, is equipped with massage rooms. It can also be a regular massage chair. Then the master, with moderate pressure, makes massage movements from top to bottom.

In addition to the direct pressure technique on the collar area, massage therapists also use palm stroking. Having placed the latter behind the ears, the massage therapist slowly lowers them from the neck to the shoulder blades and back. The technique of rubbing the shoulder girdle and shoulder blades is widely used.

As a rule, the collar area is rubbed with low intensity, which is similar to a head massage for hypertension. The specialist’s movements can be straight or spiral.

Pay attention! Massage is a kind of muscle training. That is why each technique must be followed by relaxation. Thus, the session consists of exposure and rest (in the form of stroking). It is in this case that the connection between blood pressure and massage will not interfere.

Paravertebral zones

This is a part of the body that belongs to the cervicothoracic region. In this case, it is necessary to lightly rub with your fingertips. Specialists start from the back of the head and go down to the scapular angles. The degree and direction of rubbing gradually changes from light and straight to more intense and spiral-shaped.

After the preparatory process described above, the master also proceeds directly to the paravertebral zones with his fingertips. It is very important to control the force of impact; it should be moderate. In this regard, it is advisable to constantly monitor how comfortable the patient is.

The massage technique includes a short relaxation session in the form of stroking.

Important! The patient's body should always be in line. It is unacceptable for his head to fall forward, it is dangerous.

Shoulder girdles

Exposure to this area brings the greatest degree of relaxation. As a rule, this massage begins with rubbing. They are performed in a spiral direction, from the shoulders. Various kneading techniques are used.

Head massage for high blood pressure

High blood pressure is often associated with severe headaches. Often, it is massage practices that can more effectively combat this symptom. If necessary, it is quite easy to perform a head massage at high pressure on your own, but you can also seek help from a specialist.

As with a classic massage, for the session you need to lie on your stomach. Then the patient comfortably places his head on his crossed hands. After this, the master begins to make stroking movements in different directions. As a rule, from the forehead to the temples and from the crown to the back of the head.

The massage technique also involves rubbing the head and circular movements of different levels of intensity. This massage for hypertension has its own indications, which will be discussed below.

The session continues by changing body position. The patient lies on his back and places his head on a special cushion. In this position it will be convenient for the master to work on the frontal part of the head. The specialist makes circular, pressing and zigzag movements.

All kinds of pinching, stroking, as well as various types of massaging are also allowed to affect superficial and deeper areas.

Important! This type of massage does not require strong pressure. The patient should not feel any discomfort, much less pain. Correct manipulations should lead to complete relaxation.

Neck massage for high blood pressure

This type of influence is easy to implement. It can be done at home. Of course, with an assistant it is easier, more enjoyable, and more effective. As a rule, the patient should sit in a comfortable sitting position, tilting his head slightly forward so that access to the massaged area is open.

To normalize blood pressure, each appointment should take no more than 5 minutes:

  1. Preparation - stroking.
  2. A deeper effect is rubbing. It can be straight, zigzag or spiral.
  3. More energetic stroking, which in the language of massage therapists is called “squeezing.”
  4. Finally, kneading.
  5. The final stage is rest.

Important! If attacks of hypertension become more frequent and previous massage practices have become ineffective, consult a doctor.

Contraindications to massage for hypertension

In certain conditions of the body (critical tonometry), massage for hypertension is not recommended. This:

  1. Direct hypertensive crisis.
  2. Exacerbation of any chronic diseases.
  3. General malaise, colds or acute inflammatory processes.
  4. Diseases that are in active form(tuberculosis).
  5. Tumors.

There are strict or temporary contraindications. For example, the same ARVI is not an absolute ban on massage. Also subject to a conditional ban:

  • fever and chills;
  • gastrointestinal disorder;
  • poisoning;
  • nervous breakdown

Pay attention! Massage is one of the types of treatment that must be carried out in courses on a regular basis. This is his specialty. Only in this case will it be truly effective.

It must be remembered that a similar effect on the body is an extremely useful event, which allows you to restore vitality and prevents high blood pressure and the development of hypertension. After a couple of sessions, the person feels much better.

However, be sure to consult with a good doctor to eliminate the risks of exacerbation of the disease and get only the benefits from massage.

Massage for hypertension is performed to help the patient alleviate the condition and reduce blood pressure. A correctly performed procedure can improve the functioning of blood vessels, the central nervous system and organs. respiratory system. An important condition is that before starting the massage, it is necessary to measure blood pressure in order to exclude conditions in which massage is prohibited.

Therapeutic massage in the complex treatment of patients with hypertension

The origin of massage dates back to ancient times. It is known that massage was used back in Ancient Egypt as a body care product. The Romans divided massage into dry and with oils, strong and weak, long and short. Massage among the Slavic peoples was practiced mainly in a bathhouse using a traditional broom made of birch or oak leaves.

The effect of massage on the body physical exercise In many ways, it pursues one goal - to enhance the activity of vital organs. Massage is an active method of influence by applying dosed mechanical irritations to naked areas of the body using special techniques performed by hand or using devices.

However, massage in terms of the mechanism of action and the effect on the body itself is significantly different from others. physical methods therapy.

Under the influence of massage techniques in the central nervous system Streams of impulses come from the skin, joint capsules, tendons, ligaments, muscles, blood vessels and internal organs. They are perceived by the cerebral cortex and cause a response from the body in the form of various changes in its organs and tissues. Using massage techniques, you can influence the excitability of the entire nervous system, and through it, the functioning of all internal organs. In addition, massage at the site of its impact has a mechanical effect on tissue, as a result of which the movement of blood and lymph changes, stretching and movement of tissue occurs.

Thus, massage causes a physiological reaction from the nervous system, but does not require volitional tension and activity from a person. Under the influence of massage, the regulation of redox processes improves, blood circulation and lymph flow improves, i.e., metabolism is generally activated.

Massage for hypertension: indications and contraindications

Is it possible to do massage with hypertension and are there any contraindications?

As a means of preventing hypertension, (health) massage is most widely used. The main indications for massage for hypertension are a hereditary predisposition to high blood pressure. It is recommended to conduct regular courses of general hygienic massage at least twice a year.

You should know that this method also has contraindications for use.

These for massage are:

  • hypertensive crisis;
  • third stage of hypertension if available severe complications(heart, respiratory, renal failure);
  • acute febrile conditions (high body temperature), acute inflammatory phenomena;
  • bleeding and predisposition to them;
  • purulent processes , infectious and fungal skin diseases;
  • thrombosis , thrombophlebitis, lymphadenitis and lymphangitis;
  • any diseases , accompanied by psychomotor agitation.

In addition, it is highly desirable that the massage complex treatment Patients with hypertension were treated by a qualified specialist with the necessary level of not only theoretical, but also practical training.

Massage of the collar area, neck, ears and little fingers for hypertension

There are many types and methods of massage. If you have hypertension, you can do a classic massage, but you should not use your back above the lower back. The lower back, legs, arms and stomach are treated very easily, without the use of deep kneading techniques and strong rubbing. Then a massage of the collar area is performed for hypertension with the patient in a sitting position. After this, they move on to neck massage for hypertension and head massage. These are precisely the areas that are important to massage in the presence of already developed hypertension.

When performing an ear massage for hypertension, you need to insert the thumbs of both hands into your ears, hold them there for a minute, and then quickly remove them from your ears. This procedure must be repeated 3 times. Then you should place one palm on the crown, the other on the solar plexus and remain in this position for 5 minutes. Finally, you need to press your hands to your sides in the hypochondrium area and hold them there for 5 minutes. This calming therapeutic massage for hypertension should be performed in the morning and evening for 5-6 days. As a result of such an unusual course of treatment, according to traditional healers, the pressure should normalize.

There is an ancient oriental recipe for relieving internal tension, anxiety, and stopping dangerous reactions of the heart and blood vessels to those involved in the mechanism of increasing blood pressure.

It is necessary to tightly close your hands into a “lock”, pressing forcefully with the pads of your fingers between the knuckles of the other hand. You need to press rhythmically for a minute until your fingers crunch. Try to do this - and you will see how quickly your hands will warm up, and therefore your peripheral blood circulation will improve.

Then massage the inner surface of the little fingers. They do this in two stages. First, use the nail of the thumb of the right hand to massage the left little finger from root to tip with scratching movements, and then massage the right little finger with the nail of the thumb of the left hand in the same way. In the East, it is believed that the meridians of the heart end in the little fingers.

In the video “Massage for hypertension” you can see how the procedures are performed:

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The main danger of a stroke is the spontaneous occurrence of symptoms. They can be local or cerebral and, without the provision of qualified assistance within 24 hours, can lead to the death of the patient.

What's the difference?

The difference between ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke is in the symptoms; the diseases have similar precursors, but these are fundamentally different conditions.

The hemorrhagic variety occurs due to rupture of blood vessels with hemorrhage into the brain, under the membrane and ventricles. In other words, intense intracerebral hemorrhage occurs.

Ischemia is a disruption of the lumen or blockage of blood vessels in the brain. Without receiving oxygen for a long time, cells die. A possible outcome is a cerebral infarction.

Pathology of ischemic type

In 85% of cases, doctors diagnose damage to brain cells and tissue due to ischemia.

Complaints of victims differ depending on the location of the affected area: general weakness, numbness of the limbs, double vision, swallowing problems, poor spatial orientation.

Cerebral infarction occurs more often in old age, sometimes during sleep. Less commonly, symptoms appear after physical overexertion, stress, or against the background of an alcohol overdose.

Features of the disease are:

It is possible to diagnose even a small lesion in the first hours of the disease using magnetic resonance imaging of the brain.

Differentiation with somatic diseases is mandatory: brain tumors, myocardial infarction, pneumonia, renal and liver failure.

Types of cerebral infarction:

  1. Thromboembolic stroke is a blockage of a vessel due to rupture of an atherosclerotic plaque. In addition to hypertension, the condition can be triggered by brain injuries, oncology, and thrombophlebitis.
  2. Acute ischemia occurs against the background of prolonged spasm of cerebral vessels. Oxygen starvation is a consequence of hypo- and hypertension.
  3. In the lacunar form, small arteries are affected. It is characterized by loss of sensitivity and finger motor skills. Impaired tissue nutrition leads to the formation of a necrosis zone.

Hemorrhagic stroke

Based on localization, parenchymal and subarachnoid strokes are distinguished. The main cause is considered to be arterial hypertension. Excessive pressure on the walls of blood vessels leads to rupture. Mortality statistics are high, ranging from 50-90%, due to complications such as swelling and displacement of the brain stem.

In addition to general symptoms, disturbances of consciousness, breathing and heart rhythm disturbances are observed. There may be similarities with an epileptic attack, omitted upper eyelid, corner of the mouth. After the peak of the attack, the victim is unable to tilt his head forward due to muscle spasm. Hemorrhage into the ventricles of the brain provokes the onset of coma. The prognosis for this development is unfavorable.

Consequences of a brain stroke

The first two days are decisive. After eliminating the danger to life, the patient’s consciousness becomes clearer, but the sensitivity of one half of the body, paralysis, and neurological disorders may remain. The risk of disability is 80%.

Answer to the question: which stroke is more dangerous - hemorrhagic or ischemic? Both conditions pose a threat to human life. Ischemia can occur in a mild form, in which case the person fully recovers physically and psychologically. With hemorrhagic stroke, the mortality rate is 45-90%, the prognosis is given after three days.

Provoking factors

The risk of ischemic stroke is higher in people with chronic diseases. Please note that you need to be on alert if you have a history of:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • vascular disorders;
  • endocrine disruptions;
  • chronic vasculitis;
  • arrhythmias.

Hemorrhagic stroke results from:

  • aneurysms;
  • inflammatory processes in the blood vessels of the brain;
  • chronic vitamin deficiency;
  • severe intoxication.

People suffering from hypertension need to be especially careful - this factor provokes the development of both types of stroke.

At the same time, stroke is influenced by excess weight and genetic predisposition; in old age, the risk of its occurrence increases due to irreversible physiological processes in the body.

The differences between ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke are based on processes occurring in the cerebral cortex. In the first case, the blood supply is insufficient, in the second, there is an excessive rush of blood to the brain.

Features of symptoms

IN initial stage In the development of a stroke, headache, dizziness due to general weakness, vomiting, and blurred vision may occur. These are precursors characteristic of both types of stroke: ischemic and hemorrhagic. Let's take a closer look at how it differs ischemic stroke from hemorrhagic.

Clinical picture:

  1. If hemorrhage is observed, the condition is accompanied by complete or partial muscle paresthesia. The patient's motor function and spoken speech are impaired, and red circles appear before the eyes.
  2. Ischemia is characterized by a sensation of a blow to the head followed by loss of consciousness. One-sided weakness in the affected part of the body is accompanied by a sharp headache, severe nausea, and vomiting. In severe cases, coma may develop.

Hemorrhage begins suddenly as a consequence of physical or emotional stress. At a young age, stroke often occurs without warning.

General cerebral symptoms prevail over focal ones. These include:

  • severe headache;
  • vomiting;
  • disorientation, disturbances of consciousness.

During coma, there is a sharp drop in blood pressure, respiratory depression, and there is no reaction to conditioned stimuli. Facial hyperemia is noted against the background of bluish lips; cold clammy skin.

How to recognize a stroke

Since the condition develops at lightning speed, you need to remember several simple algorithms based on which you can suspect a stroke. The sooner the patient receives qualified medical care, the more successful the treatment and the minimal the consequences.

If a stroke is suspected, ask the victim:

  1. Smile - as a result of paralysis, the smile will be unnatural, the corners of the lips will be unevenly raised.
  2. Speak – the patient finds it difficult to pronounce speech and is characterized by retardation.
  3. Raise your arms at the same level: a person in a pre-stroke state will not be able to do this.

The difference between ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke is significant, so treatment and recovery programs differ.

Do you know? Scientists from the University of California have found that stimulating biologically active points on a person’s fingers, lips and face helps normalize blood circulation in the brain, being an excellent means of prevention.

How to protect yourself from illness

The main rule of prevention is the elimination of provoking factors:

  1. With regular physical activity, it is necessary to properly organize your exercise schedule, without neglecting rest.
  2. People suffering from hypertension should monitor their readings, and patients with diabetes should monitor their sugar levels.
  3. Staying in the fresh air, an active lifestyle, and the absence of nervous overload have a beneficial effect on the blood supply to blood vessels.

After a stroke, the patient should periodically undergo medical examination by a neurologist. Secondary prevention is based on taking blood thinners, normalizing blood pressure, and controlling blood cholesterol levels. Twice a year, outpatient therapy is required: physiotherapeutic procedures, therapeutic exercises, massage, sessions with a psychologist.

Therapy rules

Treatment of stroke is based on determining the degree of complications obtained, the individual characteristics of the body and the type of disease.

After providing the first emergency care relieve individual symptoms (eliminate breathing problems, normalize cardiac activity, blood counts, motor functions). If necessary, neurosurgical intervention may be used.

The duration of treatment is determined by the severity of the victim’s condition.

Recovery from a stroke is not quick. Autonomic and neurological manifestations are minimized throughout the year. Residual effects can last up to three years.

Strokes, ischemic and hemorrhagic, are various dangerous conditions in the clinic, in which minutes count. If treated late, pathologies lead to disability and often result in death. Timely comprehensive care plays a decisive role in the development of the disease.

Interesting information on the topic can be found in the videos:


Types and methods of rehabilitation for hypertension

Rehabilitation for hypertension is one of the ways to improve the patient’s condition and restore his strength. Arterial hypertension is a fairly common disease in modern world– increased blood pressure is recorded in more than 40% of the Russian population. Hypertension, a symptom of which is hypertension, is subject to serious monitoring by medical specialists, and patients suffering from it must be subject to mandatory dispensary registration.

A little about hypertension

Arterial hypertension is a condition in which patients' blood pressure rises above 140/90 mm. rt. Art. We can talk about its presence when such an increase is recorded in a row after three blood pressure measurements. If a clear cause for this condition cannot be identified, they speak of essential hypertension or hypertension.

The main risk factors and reasons contributing to its development are:

  • stress;
  • obesity;
  • presence of bad habits;
  • excessive consumption of salty foods;
  • increased activity of the sympathoadrenal system;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the renin-angiotensin system;
  • burdened heredity.

The combination of several factors with a high percentage of probability can lead to the development of hypertension. It, in turn, contributes to the development of a number of pathologies of the cardiovascular system: left ventricular hypertrophy, coronary heart disease, etc.

In hypertension, not only the cardiovascular system is affected. The disease affects the entire body as a whole, causing disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys, brain, and organs of vision. This is to a certain extent due to changes that occur in the arteries and arterioles that supply these systems.

Rehabilitation: types, methods, positive effects

Rehabilitation is understood as a number of medical, social and governmental measures that are aimed at maximum compensation or complete restoration of functions lost by a person, i.e. not just restoration or improvement of health, but also adaptation to new conditions - social, economic, etc. – arose in a person due to illness. The goal is to preserve and prevent loss of ability to work as the pathology worsens.

Rehabilitation for arterial hypertension is divided into two main types:

  1. Medical.
  2. Physical.

Medical rehabilitation includes a set of measures that contribute to the transition of the disease to the stage of compensation or its complete disappearance. The main difference from treatment is that it is not carried out in the acute stage of the disease. During this type of rehabilitation, medications, physiotherapy, physical therapy, spa treatment, etc. are used.

Physical rehabilitation for hypertension is part of medical rehabilitation (physical therapy), separated into a special block. Consisting of individually planned exercises and massage techniques, it implies their implementation in stages and a gradual increase in load.

Physical rehabilitation is a significant part of the complex impact on the human body.

What are the benefits of exercise?

Physical activity is perceived by the body as a biological stimulant. By promoting the activation of adaptation mechanisms, they help a person to better adapt to changing conditions of internal and external environment, including the state of illness. A person’s physical activity does not affect a specific organ, but the entire body as a whole, which is important for the cooperative functioning of all its systems.

The main positive effects that occur after rehabilitation for hypertension are:

  • reduction of psycho-emotional stress, increased resistance to stress;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • increase in working capacity.

Components of rehabilitation

The approach to prescribing a particular treatment to a patient must be strictly individual. Before moving on to planning rehabilitation activities, the specialist needs to establish how far hypertension has progressed, suppress its acute manifestations, and only then proceed to the formation of compensation.

Depending on the severity of the condition, the patient may be prescribed non-drug treatment or treatment with drugs that lower blood pressure.

The first consists of physical therapy, formation of a healthy lifestyle (giving up bad habits, proper nutrition), reduced salt intake, taking medicinal decoctions that calm the nervous system. This type of rehabilitation is indicated for patients with mild headache.

If hypertension cannot be corrected by the above methods, antihypertensive drugs are prescribed. medicines. In addition to them, the doctor does not abandon previously used methods.

It must be remembered that the selection of a rehabilitation plan, as well as the treatment of hypertension, is the task of a specialist doctor. Self-medication and mindless exercise without consultation medical worker can only aggravate the patient’s condition, since there are a number of contraindications to physical activity.

Physical rehabilitation modes

After inpatient or sanatorium-resort treatment, patients continue to be observed by the local physician at the clinic at their place of residence. His task is to draw up a plan for the patient’s further health. The doctor must prescribe a set of exercises to stimulate the patient’s adaptive capabilities.

There are three modes of physical activity depending on the severity of the condition of patients with stage II and III hypertension:

  1. Gentle motor regimen – the first week after hospital treatment.
  2. Gentle training – the next two weeks.
  3. Motor training – next month.

The main goal of the first type of training is to improve heart condition. To do this, it is necessary to normalize blood pressure and improve metabolism. There are group exercise classes lasting up to 20 minutes, where the main emphasis is only on large muscles. Massage and physiotherapy are prescribed.

The second type is training the heart, increasing its adaptive capabilities. The time of group classes increases to 40 minutes, they become more intense, and involve all muscle groups.

Compliance with consistency in prescribing a physical activity regimen allows you to avoid serious complications of hypertension, its exacerbation and aggravation of the course. It must be remembered that it is the complex impact of all types of rehabilitation that allows the patient to recover as much as possible, and physical activity alone cannot do it.

Isolated systolic hypertension in the elderly

Isolated systolic hypertension is defined as increased systolic blood pressure with normal or decreased diastolic pressure. With this disease, there is an increase in pulse pressure, defined as the difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Isolated systolic hypertension can be a variant of primary hypertension, usually observed in the elderly, or secondary in nature (secondary isolated systolic hypertension), being a manifestation of various pathological conditions, including moderate and severe aortic insufficiency, arteriovenous fistulas, severe anemia and kidney damage . In the case of secondary hypertension, if the root cause is eliminated, normalization of blood pressure is possible.

Diastolic blood pressure has been considered for many years as a marker for the diagnosis and prognosis of hypertension, and most studies have been devoted to assessing the effect of diastolic pressure on cardiovascular complications and mortality. However, this approach turned out to be irrational and has undergone changes due to the results of a number of recent large studies. They showed the leading role of systolic blood pressure in the development of cardiovascular damage. Thus, it has been shown that systolic pressure, to a greater extent than diastolic pressure, determines the incidence of strokes and coronary heart disease in people over 45 years of age. According to the study, individuals with isolated systolic hypertension have a 2- to 3-fold increased risk of cardiovascular complications and mortality. Moreover, a significant increase in the risk of cardiac and cerebral complications occurred even with a slight increase in systolic blood pressure (not higher than 160 mmHg). The prognostic role of systolic blood pressure increased with age.

How severe is your isolated systolic hypertension?

The diagnosis of “isolated systolic hypertension” is established when systolic pressure levels are greater than or equal to 140 mmHg. Art., with diastolic pressure levels below 90 mm Hg. Art. There are 4 degrees of isolated systolic hypertension depending on the levels of systolic blood pressure:

Note. For any degree of isolated systolic hypertension, diastolic (“lower”) blood pressure does not exceed 90 mmHg. Art.

The prevalence of isolated systolic hypertension in different communities varies quite widely (from 1 to 43%), due to the heterogeneity of the population groups studied. There is clearly an increase in the prevalence of isolated systolic hypertension with age. An analysis of the 30-year Framingham study showed the presence of this problem in 14% of men and 23% of women, while in people over 60 years of age it was noted in 2/3 of cases.

  • The best way to cure hypertension (quickly, easily, healthy, without “chemical” drugs and dietary supplements)
  • Hypertension - folk way recover from it at stages 1 and 2
  • Causes of hypertension and how to eliminate them. Tests for hypertension
  • Effective treatment of hypertension without drugs

With age, a person experiences an increase in systolic blood pressure, but there is no significant increase in average pressure, since after 70 years there is a decrease in diastolic pressure due to the development of stiffness of the arterial system.

The mechanisms of development of isolated systolic hypertension in the elderly seem complex and not fully understood. The development of hypertension is classically associated with a decrease in the caliber and/or number of small arteries and arterioles, which causes an increase in total peripheral vascular resistance. An isolated increase in systolic blood pressure may be due to a decrease in vascular compliance and/or an increase in stroke volume. In addition, factors such as age-related changes in the renin-angiotensin system, renal function and electrolyte balance, as well as an increase in adipose tissue mass, play a role in the development of isolated systolic hypertension.

As a result of atherosclerotic arterial damage, an increase in systolic blood pressure and pulse pressure, in turn, leads to an increase in mechanical “fatigue” of the arterial wall. This contributes to further sclerotic damage to the arteries, causing the development of a “vicious circle”. Stiffness of the aorta and arteries leads to the development of hypertrophy of the left ventricle of the heart, arterial sclerosis, vascular dilatation and weakening of the blood supply to the heart.

Diagnosis of isolated systolic hypertension

As with other types of hypertension, the diagnosis of isolated systolic hypertension should not be made on the basis of a single blood pressure measurement. It is recommended to establish the presence of persistent pathology only after the second visit of the subject, which should be carried out within several weeks after the first visit. This approach is recommended for all subjects except those with high blood pressure levels (systolic pressure above 200 mmHg) or clinical manifestations coronary heart disease and/or atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels.

For elderly people with severe sclerotic lesions of the brachial artery, which prevent compression by the tonometer cuff and inflate blood pressure readings, the term “pseudohypertension” is used.

A temporary situational increase in blood pressure during a patient's visit to the doctor, called “white coat hypertension,” should not be considered true arterial hypertension. To clarify the diagnosis in such cases, outpatient (at home) blood pressure monitoring is indicated.

In some cases, isolated systolic hypertension is not diagnosed in a timely manner. The reason for this may be the presence of severe atherosclerosis of the subclavian artery, which is manifested by significant differences in systolic pressure in the left and right arms. In such situations, the true pressure should be considered the blood pressure in the arm, where its levels are higher. Some older people experience an afternoon drop in blood pressure lasting up to 2 hours, which can also cause “pseudohypotension.” In this regard, when measuring blood pressure, the timing of meals should be taken into account.

Finally, orthostatic hypotension often occurs in older people. It is diagnosed when systolic blood pressure decreases by 20 mm Hg. Art. or more after moving from a horizontal or sitting position to a vertical one. Orthostatic hypotension (hypotension) is often associated with carotid artery stenosis and can lead to falls and injury. To establish its presence, it is necessary to measure pressure 1-3 minutes after moving to a vertical position.

Considering that isolated systolic hypertension can be primary or secondary, measuring blood pressure alone is not enough to clarify its diagnosis in a particular patient. According to indications, it is necessary to conduct additional laboratory tests.

Treatment of isolated systolic hypertension

In the past, negative attitudes towards the treatment of isolated systolic hypertension were quite widespread. This position was justified by the following points. First, an isolated increase in systolic pressure was not considered a significant risk factor for the development of cardiovascular diseases and their complications. Secondly, achieving optimal systolic blood pressure levels was considered a difficult and often impossible task. Third, the use of hypertension medications was associated with a high risk of serious side effects. For example, it was considered that a decrease in diastolic blood pressure of less than 85 mmHg. Art. is associated with an increase in morbidity and mortality.

However, the large SHEP trial found no evidence of an increased risk of increased mortality with either lowering diastolic blood pressure or lowering systolic blood pressure in elderly patients undergoing treatment for hypertension.

The results of large studies conducted over the past 10-15 years have demonstrated a significant reduction in cardiovascular and cerebral complications with adequate control of systolic pressure in patients with isolated systolic hypertension. In particular, a significant reduction in the development of myocardial infarction (by 27%), heart failure (by 55%) and strokes (by 37%), as well as a decrease in depression and the severity of dementia was found when adequate treatment of hypertension was carried out in patients with isolated systolic hypertension.

The above data on the high effectiveness of competent treatment for isolated systolic hypertension convincingly argue for the need for strict control of blood pressure in patients with this problem.

Prescribing medications for hypertension for older people should be carried out with extreme caution and only after repeated measurements of blood pressure (if necessary, daily monitoring), confirming the real presence of the disease. In order to reduce the risk of developing orthostatic hypotension both before and during therapy, it is necessary to control pressure in the supine, sitting, and upright positions. Elderly patients often take various medications for concomitant diseases, and therefore the possibility of interaction with prescribed medications for hypertension should be taken into account, which may affect the effect of the drugs and cause additional complications of therapy.

In modern recommendations for the treatment of isolated systolic hypertension, the target value of “upper” pressure is considered to be less than 140 mmHg. Art. However, it is appropriate to note here that in large studies a beneficial effect was achieved already with systolic pressure values ​​below 150 mm Hg, and an additional effect was achieved when systolic pressure values ​​reached less than 140 mm Hg.

A mandatory requirement is a slow gradual decrease in blood pressure. If lifestyle interventions fail to achieve optimal blood pressure levels, the use of hypertension medications is required. In this case (if there are no critical lesions of internal organs yet), it is recommended to initially prescribe small dosages of drugs, with their gradual increase until target levels of systolic pressure are achieved (i.e. less than 140 mm Hg).

What pills to take for isolated systolic hypertension?

In patients with isolated systolic hypertension, an important issue is also the choice of one or more medications that can successfully achieve target blood pressure values ​​with a low level of side effects. Thiazide diuretics and beta blockers are traditionally widely used in the treatment of this disease. This is supported by the results of several large-scale studies assessing the effectiveness of various treatment regimens in elderly people with isolated systolic hypertension. Thus, in a Swedish study, which included 1,627 hypertensive patients aged 70-84 years (61% of them had isolated systolic hypertension), a favorable clinical effect was established with the use of these groups of drugs (a significant reduction in the incidence of strokes and heart attacks myocardium, overall mortality and mortality in strokes).

Another study also assessed the effectiveness of treatment for isolated systolic hypertension in the elderly. It included 4,736 people aged 60 years or older with systolic blood pressure >160 mmHg. and diastolic pressure< 90 мм рт.ст. Средние сроки наблюдения составили 4,5 года. Первоначальный лечебный режим включал хлорталидон (12,5-25 мг/сутки). При отсутствии адекватного контроля артериального давления дополнительно назначались атенолол (25-50 мг/сутки) или резерпин (0,05-0,1 мг/сутки).

Mean blood pressure levels during the follow-up period were 155/72 and 143/68 mmHg. respectively for the placebo group and the drug group. The 5-year stroke rate in the group of patients taking hypertension medications was 36% lower than in the placebo group. In the group of patients treated with hypertension, there was a reduction in the incidence of non-fatal myocardial infarction and cardiovascular mortality by 27%. The study noted that medications for hypertension were well tolerated and did not have any adverse effects on the psychoemotional sphere.

In the 80-90s of the twentieth century, data were published on the high ability of ACE inhibitors and calcium antagonists (diltiazem, amlodipine, felodipine) to effectively control blood pressure in patients with isolated systolic hypertension. The large Swedish study STOP-2 (Swedish Trial in Old People) included 6614 patients with hypertension aged 70 to 84 years, with background blood pressure levels of about 190/100 mmHg. and target pressure values ​​of about 160/80 mm Hg. The study authors noted similar beneficial effects with low-dose ACE inhibitors and calcium antagonists as with thiazide diuretics and beta blockers. However, among these 4 classes of hypertension medications compared, no differences were found in the ability to control blood pressure, as well as in the prevention of cardiovascular mortality.

In recent years, data have been presented on the good blood pressure-lowering effect of angiotensin II receptor blockers for patients with primary hypertension, including elderly patients with isolated systolic hypertension. Drugs in this class (in particular, eprosartan) are effective medications for normalizing systolic blood pressure. Recently published reports also provide data on the relatively high effectiveness and safety of the use of small doses of spironolactone in isolated systolic hypertension.

  • Hypertension in the elderly - general information)
  • What medications for hypertension are prescribed to elderly patients?
  • Medicines for the treatment of hypertensive crisis
