Dream interpretation: filing for divorce due to infidelity. Why do you dream about divorcing your husband? Dream interpretation

Dream Interpretation Divorce from wife

In our dreams, we often encounter events that cause anxiety and fear in reality. One of these tragedies is divorce. This painful process rightfully takes pride of place in human misfortunes and plunges many people into a depressed state, taking away the meaning of life. Why is he dreaming?

It would seem that this is a harbinger of separation and adversity, because no person wants to experience the incident seen in a dream. But not everything is so simple, because very often such a plot carries the opposite meaning in reality. Famous psychologists and seers will help you understand this complex issue.

What does the interpreter say?

If you dreamed of a divorce from your wife

Starting to analyze why this phenomenon is dreamed of, first of all it is necessary to note your role in the dream. Who, by their own or someone else’s will, became a victim of divorce from their wife?

Divorce from your own wife

Sometimes life circumstances develop in such a way that you have to leave the woman you once loved and spend your future life without her. Why see such a picture?

Experienced Emotions

An experienced event can cause very contradictory emotions. Some people were eagerly awaiting this moment and took the initiative themselves, while for other men this statement came as a complete surprise.

If you dream about divorce proceedings and you feel joy, a sense of lightness and freedom, then this is a very good sign. You are confident in the devotion and sincerity of your beloved wife, and she, in turn, burns with the same feelings for you.

There will be no room for doubts or any misunderstandings in your home. Only warmth and peace of mind settled in your hearts.

If you happen to see yourself upset, discouraged, or even in tears, you should reconsider your attitude towards your significant other. You are filled with mistrust and jealousy, which greatly offends the woman you love. Do not forget that trust is the foundation of all relationships, so try to be more tolerant of her personal space.

Circumstances in a dream

In the foggy world of dreams, many different situations and circumstances await us. Remember what you encountered in the vision, and the dream book will tell you why you dreamed about it.

Divorcing other people

It also happens that other people appear in a dream. Why dream of a divorce from a friend or father who has lost his beloved woman?

  1. Friends. A very unkind sign that speaks of possible deception and betrayal. The dream book notes that these may not only be those people whom you happened to see in a dream. Take a closer look at your surroundings to understand who you can’t trust. In any case, not now best time to reveal hidden secrets and secrets.
  2. Celebrities. But if you have witnessed the separation of pop and television stars, you can be sure that in the near future you will gain authority in certain circles. Respect will be caused by your action, which, in addition to universal recognition, will bring some glory and fame.
  3. Own son. Do you dream that your own son divorced his wife? Take a closer look at your child, maybe he is in a difficult situation. A heart-to-heart conversation will not only help determine whether he needs support and help, but will also strengthen the blood bond between son and father.
  4. Parents. Quite often, such a picture is witnessed by people who in reality experience some difficulties in communicating with members of their household. Perhaps you speak different languages and they don't want to accept your position. The interpreter advises not to get involved in conflicts, but to wait out this period of mutual misunderstanding. Very soon the situation will change for the better.

The esoteric interpreter claims that such incidents will certainly lead to a showdown with close friends.

Other interpretations

Continuing to analyze the phenomenon that has visited us, it is worth turning to other sources. What will seers and psychologists, who have been studying the issues of the foggy world of dreams for a long time, tell?

Miller's Dream Book

Was the dreamer married or not?

The famous psychologist focused on whether a man was married in reality or was still looking for an ideal partner.


Miller gives an ambiguous interpretation, depending on the emotions experienced in the arms of Morpheus. So, if you felt joy and happiness, then this is an indicator that you do not trust your own friends and treat everything new with some caution. Because of this trait, many misunderstandings arise with loved ones, so the psychologist advises to be more lenient and open to everything that comes into your life.

Well, if you cried or experienced depressed feelings, then life has been routine and empty lately. Pay attention to how you spend your free time and with whom you share company. You need to fill your days with bright colors, otherwise there is a high probability of depression or apathy.


In reality you did not tie the knot, but in the arms of Morpheus you were married and divorced? Take a closer look at how your new girlfriend or potential spouse behaves. There is a high probability that she is only taking advantage of a predisposition towards her, but is not actually torturing reciprocal feelings. Think about it, maybe she needs you for some selfish purposes?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

But why observe such a picture according to the prediction of the great medium? Divorce proceedings indicate that you sincerely regret the actions you committed earlier. Conscience bothers you both in reality and in moments when you are unable to control your own thoughts and actions. Try to resolve the consequences of this unpleasant situation and atone for your guilt.

Did you pay alimony to your ex-wife? This is a sign that in the future you will have to spend a lot of mental energy sorting out your relationship with a woman. The interpreter claims that you just have to get to know her. Therefore, you should protect yourself from suspicious, untrustworthy individuals.

Well, if you have already received alimony from your chosen one, then you will finish your current affairs with unprecedented success. Don’t be afraid to take risks and make extraordinary decisions, because in the near future luck will be on your side.

To answer the question of why you dream about divorcing your husband, you need to analyze the details of the dream and seek help from famous dream books and psychotherapists. A considerable number of authors believe that a dream in which the divorce process is displayed may indicate the fear of separation on a subconscious level. According to other authors, divorce is a symbol of upcoming important events, after which life will be subject to dramatic changes. For the interpretation to be most accurate, you should remember as many details as possible.

The opinion of psychotherapists

Due to the unique features human body and mind, the subconscious is directly related to real life. Quite often it signals in some way about upcoming events, including through dreams.

Divorce in a dream means fear and separation from a loved one and a strong fixation on such thoughts. You need to know that dreams definitely have a basis and just like that, without any prerequisites, the likelihood of seeing such a dream is very small.

Consequently, in family life there are probably suspicions of infidelity, deception, or lost love. In this regard, there is a subconscious premonition about an imminent divorce, and the projection of these thoughts is carried out in a dream.

In such cases, psychologists recommend analyzing personal relationships so that it is possible to determine what is the reason for such fears. There will most likely be a reason it should be solved on your own as soon as possible or contact specialists who will help you set everything up. As a rule, after all the actions taken and problems resolved, the divorce process will leave night dreams.

Psychotherapists are not inclined to trust dream books; they define divorce from a husband in a dream as a feeling of insecurity in a partner and a desire to change something. Family life is a very complex process emotionally, to maintain it in a favorable state, many psychological methods and tactics are used that can help maintain harmony in relationships.

In cases where everything is fine in family life, there is confidence in each other, and there is no doubt, it is worth turning to the interpretations of popular dream books to determine what divorce means in dreams.

What does divorce mean according to dream books?

There are many predictions, like dream books. Many of them have confirmation and great trust from readers. These are the ones that should be considered. You need to remember the dream in all details and give an interpretation, using these predictions:

  • According to Denniz Lin’s dream book, divorce in a dream tries to convey to a person that in reality behavior is very wrong. Unexpected, thoughtless actions can serve as a reason for the development of conflicts in the family. You need to try to change your attitude towards others, otherwise problems in the family cannot be avoided.
  • A man dreams of separation - he very often thinks about leaving his wife, but still doubts whether this is the right decision. Fears and uncertainty do not leave him alone; he is constantly in tension. In such cases, you should try to give the relationship another chance. After all, if there is some doubt, then all is not lost.
  • A woman dreamed of a divorce from her husband - the time has come to deal with her inner experiences. Usually, on the surface, she looks the same as always, but deep down in her soul she absolutely cannot find a place for herself. It may seem to her that love has passed forever, or that her man did not live up to her expectations and turned out to be the wrong one, there are many options.

And also, according to the dream book, a divorce from your wife promises troubles in the intimate life of the spouses, possibly health problems in this regard. However, after a lull, a new surge of sexual desires and emotions is expected.

In each case, a dream about divorce is a reason to reconsider and analyze personal relationships. Try to improve them or, conversely, put an end to them and get rid of obsessive thoughts. If family life does not cause any problems, such a dream can be considered insignificant.

Who wants to get divorced in a dream

The person who initiated it plays a huge role in the interpretation of a dream about divorce. After all, it can be either a husband or wife, or relatives or friends who urgently demand a divorce. You need to remember and look for an interpretation:

  • This decision was made by the husband - it means that in reality there are many unforgotten grievances and unresolved problems, claims. In this case, the dream is a direct signal - it’s time to change your worldview, learn to find compromises and make serious decisions. Of course, it will be difficult to immediately find a common language and come to harmony, but if you do absolutely nothing, the dream will soon happen in reality.
  • The girl dreamed of divorce - she needs to be more careful. It is possible that a loved one will turn out to be a vile traitor, and after a divorce he will demand a division of property. A dream about divorce before the wedding ceremony is especially dangerous. It is a warning that ill-wishers will try with all their might to destroy the union.
  • A woman dreams that she herself decided to divorce her husband - she should reconsider her immediate environment. Among your loved ones there is a person who envies success and a good life. This may go too far and family relationships will suffer at his hands. It is advisable not to talk about personal things at work or with unfamiliar people, because, as you know, happiness loves silence.
  • Relatives and friends are against marriage - it is advisable for the dreamer to take a closer look at his best friends, perhaps they are impersonating others. Sincerity and kindness are not at all the qualities that they have. They may not actually want a divorce, but they are definitely against it and are hiding something.

There are other interpretations. For example, Hasse’s dream book indicates that if The decision to divorce was made jointly, then in real life will experience a lot strong feeling guilt. Soon something will happen for which there will be an acute feeling of shame. In addition, serious punishment will come, which can manifest itself in the most unexpected ways. You should be as careful as possible and not take rash actions.

It cannot be said that dreams mean something good or bad. It would be more accurate to note that they are neutral. A dream about divorcing your husband can serve as a signal of infidelity, as well as emotional burnout and disruption of harmony in the family. And a dream about divorcing your wife is about a lack of attention or about the fear of loneliness.

And also the famous fortuneteller Vanga said that divorce in dreams is a reason to think over whether the love and care of loved ones, their support and recognition are sufficiently valued. If everything is taken for granted, then a person needs to get rid of selfishness towards his family.

Divorce proceedings in the kingdom of Morpheus are not always a sign of something truly important. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you need to learn to cope with fears and be more loyal in love affairs.

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Dreams can be both a harbinger of certain events and a reflection of internal experiences. about a divorce from a husband has a double meaning - on the one hand, it foreshadows the love and fidelity of the spouse, and on the other hand, treason and betrayal. The vision also indicates the psychological state of the woman. It all depends on the details, so why dream of divorcing your husband?

Meaning according to different dream books

    Family dream book

    Dream reflects the internal state of a woman who is either afraid of divorce or expects it. For men, divorce from their wife in a dream means a happy marriage, fidelity and spouses. For unmarried girls, such a dream means failure in their personal life, worries about past mistakes in love relationships.

    Miller's Dream Book

    For married people such a dream speaks of the dreamer’s dissatisfaction with the people around him, including his significant other. A person cannot realize his dreams, plans, and takes it out on his loved ones.

    A dream prophesies to a young girl betrayal of a lover, and for brides, the dream speaks of a possible disruption of the wedding due to external circumstances.

    Being the initiator of a divorce in a dream means finding in the near future an envious person who is plotting against the dreamer.

    Freud's Dream Book

    Dream about divorcing your wife is a reflection of a person’s childhood impressions, a memory of some traumatic experience associated with relationships with the opposite sex. If such a dream is repeated often, this indicates the dreamer’s unrealized dream, which he never tires of thinking about. This often speaks of depressed state person and strong internal conflict.

    Loff's Dream Book

    Dream about divorce from husband indicates internal doubts about the fidelity of the spouse, which have a basis. In addition, this speaks of hidden dissatisfaction with the spouse, a hidden grudge against him.

    A married woman has a similar dream speaks of a cooling of feelings between spouses, about the loss of passion, the spark between them, but this does not always indicate a collapse - perhaps this period will pass and the relationship will improve.

    An unmarried girl's dream promises long-term loneliness or a break in relations with your lover. For a married man a dream about divorcing his wife speaks of dissatisfaction with his wife - he has to do hard work to please her, but she still remains dissatisfied. It may also indicate that the man feels that he is not worthy of his wife and is doing everything to become a better person.

    Dream Interpretation of Hasse

    A man dreams of a divorce from his wife if he feels guilty for his unseemly, even criminal, act. If a married woman dreams of a divorce from her husband, this indicates an excellent relationship between the spouses, a happy and lasting marriage.

    If you dreamed about divorce unmarried girl, this indicates an imminent quarrel with friends or close relatives.

    Dream about parents' divorce to receiving letters or news from relatives living far away. Divorce of friends speaks of repayment of a debt that the dreamer has long forgotten about.

    Vanga's Dream Book

    Dreamed of divorce from my husband portends imminent important events in life, which will allow a woman to see her family and friends from a new perspective, to look at the situation objectively.

    If the dreamer observes a divorce of strangers, then this speaks of his lack of restraint in words and emotions. A careless phrase can offend or anger someone and lead to negative consequences.

    For a married woman, seeing a divorce from her husband in a dream promises a shameful, immoral act for which others will blame her. It is possible that someone else will persuade the woman to cheat on her husband.

    If in a dream a divorce was avoided or canceled, this indicates the dreamer's prudence, on his ability to solve problems without giving vent to emotions, and also on the fact that troubles can be avoided.

    Modern dream book

    Divorce in a dream speaks of the dreamer’s subconscious doubts about marriage or love relationships. If in a dream a man threatens a woman with divorce, this indicates her lack of confidence in her partner, as well as lack of confidence in her own attractiveness, which is why the woman constantly suspects her husband of cheating.

    If a divorce in a dream seems unexpected, somehow absurd, this portends empty chores and vain expectations in reality. If the reason was someone’s betrayal, this indicates an unstable relationship between the partners in reality.

    A dream about your parents' divorce suggests that although the dreamer misses them, he still cannot find a common language with them. If the parental divorce took place without mutual insults, this promises happiness for the dreamer, restoration of relations with the older generation, and achievement of plans.

    Islamic dream book

    Dreamed divorce of husband and wife in reality portends financial well-being, sudden enrichment and family happiness.

    Universal dream book

    Divorce with scandal and screaming - such a dream foreshadows a situation in reality in which the dreamer will have to defend his point of view and resist pressure from outside. Preventing divorce speaks of the dreamer’s persistent desire to avoid conflicts, as well as the ability to reconcile quarreling people.

    If a woman sees her divorce from her ex-husband in a dream, this indicates that she cannot forget this man and let go of the past. Perhaps the woman still has feelings for him or cannot forgive old grievances.

Seeing your parents' divorce in a dream

Seeing your own parents’ divorce in a dream foreshadows misunderstanding on the part of others in reality. Even the closest people can condemn a person for an unseemly act, in their opinion, turn away from him and leave him in some isolation. To avoid such a situation, you need to turn to relatives for help or advice.

Seeing a divorce in a dream from parents who are already divorced in reality indicates the mistakes the dreamer has made. The dream says that the dreamer unconsciously repeats the mistakes of his parents in his own love relationships. In addition, such a dream indicates improper upbringing of your children.

Seeing your parents' public divorce in a dream means the dreamer's strained relationship with them. The reason may lie in understatement or misunderstanding of the parties, as well as in excessive parental care, from which a person suffers and cannot get rid of.

For single, lonely people, a dream of parental divorce foreshadows his long-term, subconscious reluctance to tie the knot. Seeing your parents' divorce on the eve of your own wedding does not bode well - this is just a projection of consciousness due to pre-wedding excitement and a lot of troubles before the celebration.

Divorce of friends

Seeing close relatives divorce indicates the dreamer's dissatisfaction with his life, dissatisfaction with the fact that everything is not happening the way he wanted. The dreamer often experiences tension in communicating with friends and relatives, and demonstrates strange behavior that he cannot explain.

To have a dream where a daughter or sister gets divorced, talks about a fun conversation soon, meeting with a childhood friend or girlfriend, naughty get-togethers.

Seeing friends or acquaintances getting divorced in a dream means a quarrel, disagreement with these friends, which can lead to a break in relationships for a long period or even forever. If a woman sees her friend getting divorced in a dream, then she subconsciously envies her happiness or external attractiveness.

If a friend talks about her divorce in a dream, this portends empty talk and promises time wasted on something.

Seeing divorce of unmarried friends in reality indicates numerous obstacles on the way to the goal. If a single, lonely person dreams about a divorce of friends, this indicates the dreamer’s desire to start a family and children, finally settle down and become a decent family man.

Seeing strangers getting divorced in a dream foretells the rebirth of the spark in a love relationship, the so-called second honeymoon. Seeing a divorce of famous, public people means recognition of the dreamer's merits, a promotion or the fulfillment of his dreams.

Divorce in reality is a complex matter and people do not come to it in one day, so it is difficult to predict what dreams mean about divorce. For everyone, sleep can be individual, and whether to listen to your subconscious or not is everyone’s business.

A dream in which there was a divorce warns of a difficult situation in your personal life. Analyze what is happening in your family, how things are going with your friends, what is the state of your relationships with people close to you. If you understand the causes of conflicts and misunderstandings in time, you will be able to smooth them out in time. The main thing is not to sit idly by. Spend more time with your family and loved ones.

Interpretation from famous dream books

According to Freud, divorce in a dream reflects the dreamer’s strong internal need for a relationship with a bright, extraordinary personality. If you yourself are such a person, this image indicates a mental trauma that worries you. Perhaps these are difficult memories from childhood. You need to see a specialist or try to deal with these experiences on your own, otherwise they will have an impact. negative impact for your future life. If this is not the first time you dream of divorce, Freud’s dream book explains this as a big unrealized dream. You should either reconsider it and abandon it, or implement it anyway.

Freud interprets divorce in a dream as a desire to have a relationship with a bright personality

Miller's dream book interprets a dream of divorce as your dissatisfaction with friends. Perhaps you should reconsider your social circle or talk frankly with your friends. In addition, Miller recommends paying attention to family. Try to bring more joy and peace into the lives of your loved ones.

Psychologist Loff explains the divorce you dreamed of by your uncertainty about the fidelity of your other half. The dream may mean dissatisfaction with your partner, which you are trying to hide. Think about whether you want to continue the relationship? Call on all your determination and diplomacy to clarify the situation once and for all.

According to Vanga’s dream book, divorcing your spouse in a dream means that important events will happen in reality very soon. Thanks to this, you will look at your loved ones in a new way and will be able to admire their best qualities more deeply. If in the dream it was not you who got divorced, but strangers, be careful in what you say or do. Because of careless words and actions, you can find yourself in a difficult situation or offend your loved ones.

The Islamic dream book interprets such a dream as a harbinger of an imminent big profit. According to the medium Hasse, getting divorced in a dream means that you are blaming yourself for some action.

Dream warning

A divorce dreamed by an unmarried girl means insincerity and perhaps even infidelity of her chosen one. The dreamer should be prepared for an unpleasant surprise from her lover, otherwise the disappointment will greatly traumatize her.

For married woman who dreamed of a divorce from her husband, such an image means that their relationship will soon change. To prevent conflicts, it is important to devote time to your husband and try to create a warmer atmosphere in the family.

For a pregnant woman, a dream of divorce does not predict anything negative. The dream reflects her own uncertainty about her husband or worries about her unborn child.

If a man dreams of divorce, most likely he subconsciously condemns some of his wife’s actions. To harmonize relationships, it is important for the dreamer to devote time to his wife and discuss his experiences with her. According to some dream books, such an image means that the man will soon have difficult work. With its help you can provide for your family. At the same time, you will seriously undermine your health. You should assess the risks before making a decision.

Who got divorced?

Did you dream about getting a divorce after just having your wedding? In reality, you tend to rush things too much. You may act hastily in a situation or require others to act hastily. If in a dream a divorce followed after a long life together, you don’t have to worry about real family relationships. They are strong and stable.

If you have been divorced with stormy scandals and showdowns, in real life you will need to defend your interests. Do you already guess what controversial situation we are talking about? Prepare for the discussion in advance.

Divorce with clarification of relationships is a dream of disputes in reality

In a dream, you got divorced, and your husband managed to immediately marry another woman - a rival. It is quite possible that you know her well. It could even be your friend or close relative.

Divorced from ex-husband? Remember how you felt at the same time. If you felt uncomfortable around him, it meant trouble. If you felt calm, expect good news in the near future. Perhaps even your ex-husband will bring the news.

If in a dream you experienced a divorce from your husband, who is no longer alive, then you are worried about disagreements with your deceased spouse. Remember the deceased, mentally ask him for forgiveness and forgive him.

To see a divorce from someone else's spouse in a dream means a secret admirer. If you broke up with a person you don’t know at all, such a dream reflects your desire to diversify your intimate relationships.

Seeing your parents separating in a dream means that there will be minor disagreements between them and you. However, as a result, you will be able to better understand each other’s desires and aspirations and become closer. If the divorce of your parents in a dream occurred by mutual consent, joy awaits you. Circumstances will work out in the best way for you, and you will be able to realize long-standing plans.

To experience a divorce of close relatives (for example, a sister and her husband) in a dream means that you are dissatisfied with the situation that has developed in your life. You feel tension in communication and experience strange situations. Be attentive and careful in relation to strangers and loved ones, so you can prevent the deterioration of your situation. If in your dream your daughter got divorced, expect sincere, intimate communication.

Did you dream about acquaintances or friends divorcing a marriage? Soon you may have a serious quarrel with them. It is quite possible that your friendship and communication will end. Seeing strangers getting divorced means a warming of relations with your significant other. If you have watched the stars separate, famous people, such a dream promises you fame and universal recognition.

Talking about divorce in a dream means empty communication

If you dreamed that you were going to get a divorce and were having a difficult conversation about it, in reality you will have to endure several empty and meaningless conversations. Be patient! Make promises after thinking carefully, and pay attention to the implementation of what you promised.

In a dream, did your spouse declare that he wants to get a divorce? Subconsciously you doubt his loyalty. Most likely, such thoughts come not because of his behavior, but as a result of your lack of confidence in your attractiveness.

Divorcing in a dream because of infidelity means that you care more about your own interests, comfort and well-being than about the desires of loved ones. Perhaps you should devote more time to your significant other and bring more warmth into your relationship.

If you dreamed about divorce due to infidelity, pay more attention to your loved ones

Did you dream that you decided to cancel the divorce? This is a favorable sign. You will show prudence, be able to make the right decision and realize your plans. The difficulties that may arise in this case will be temporary and will be quickly resolved.

If in a dream you talked with a friend about breaking up with your husband, in reality you will be faced with gossip and gossip. A stamp in the passport indicating a rupture warns of lengthy processing or re-issuance of documents. Seeing divorce proceedings in court is a sign of solving difficult situations.

In your dream, did you get divorced and then get married again or get married? In reality, you will find yourself in a strange situation, an awkward misunderstanding will happen. If in a dream you vigorously celebrated your divorce, expect guests.

In general, divorce is an unkind dream. Usually it means difficulties in business, family, and communication. Treat it not as a sentence, but as a warning. Perhaps your loved ones need your attention, your warmth right now. Try to bring in family life more joy, try to create more pleasant moments. Now even little things can become important steps towards mutual understanding.

Women's dream book

  • Why do you dream about divorce? this dream is a warning. If you dreamed of a divorce, then this indicates your dissatisfaction, either with family relationships or with friendships. Therefore, you need to think about how to make your life joyful and calm.
  • I dreamed of a divorce (for a girl) - this dream warns you against the infidelity of your loved one. You may remain a lonely girl forever.

Russian folk dream book

Meaning of the dream: divorce - this dream speaks of your secret desire to completely change everything, in other words, cut it with one blow. But at the same time you have self-doubt.

Dream Book of G. Miller

Dream Interpretation: Divorce from your husband or wife - this dream means that you are starting to not trust your friends. You should think about how to make your life more peaceful so that your family can only rejoice. This dream is also a warning for a young girl. In the future, you may never get married, and all because your lover will cheat on you, and you will no longer be able to trust men.

D. Loff's Dream Book

Divorce is a dream - now divorce is not considered a luxury. But due to certain prohibitions, divorce began to turn into a kind of ritual. If you dream about divorce, then the dream symbolizes your doubts about the fidelity of your loved one, you secretly do not trust him, and you begin to feel dissatisfied. As a result, these doubts end in the divorce of completely different people, but who mean something to you. If you are truly tired of your relationship, then you need to cut this person out of your life. But the dream suggests that you do not have the determination to put all the dots in your relationship, which is why they remain strained. Think about this situation, because this can no longer continue.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

To see divorce in a dream means you will commit an act that will be worthy of punishment.

Esoteric dream book

I dreamed of a divorce - this dream suggests that soon you will begin some kind of showdown with friends or work colleagues.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

If you dream of divorcing your husband or wife, this dream means fidelity in your family.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

  • Interpretation of the dream: divorce - you will blame yourself for what you did for a long time, and you are sure that this act deserves punishment.
  • Dream: divorce from your wife or husband - the dream is a symbol of adultery.

Autumn dream book

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about divorce - in real life you will have a quarrel with your loved one and this will happen because of your intractability.

Summer dream book

If you dreamed of a divorce from your wife or husband, in reality you will have to sort out your relationship.

Spring dream book

Dream Interpretation: divorce from your husband - this dream is a symbol of a long-term marriage.

English dream book

To see divorce in a dream (for married people) - in fact, you should not be afraid about the fidelity of your spouse, your love is strong, so you should not have waking thoughts about divorce and your partner’s infidelity.

Eastern dream book

  • If you dreamed of a divorce from your husband or wife, this dream is a sign that big changes will soon happen in your life.
  • Why do you dream of a divorce from your husband? For a woman, this dream is a symbol of the fact that she will spend many years completely alone.

Family dream book

Dream Interpretation: someone else's divorce - this dream serves as a warning for you; you should think carefully about making your family relationships calm and joyful.

Azar's Dream Book

If you dreamed of a divorce, in reality you will begin to blame yourself for an act that requires punishment.

Dream book for lovers

  • Dream: divorce from your wife - in reality, you should improve relationships in your family. This dream is a kind of warning for you.
  • Dream: divorce from her husband - but if the girl is not yet married, then this dream suggests that she will not be able to marry her loved one, and the reason for this will be his inconstancy.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Dream Interpretation: divorce - think about whether in reality you have the feeling that you want to leave the person? Maybe you have a secret desire to break off the relationship? Maybe you are afraid that your relationship may end in divorce? You urgently need to evaluate the whole situation and your actions that need to be taken to achieve the goal you are striving for.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

  • Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about divorce - this dream speaks of hard work that will allow you to earn a lot of money, but at the same time it will greatly undermine your health.
  • You dream of divorcing your wife or husband, but at the last moment you decide to change your mind - in real life you will be able to show care and increased attention to your loved ones.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

  • Dream Interpretation: someone else's divorce - this dream serves as a warning against a real divorce.
  • Dream: divorce from your husband - the dream suggests that your loved one may be cheating on you.

Universal dream book

  • Why do you dream about divorce? In reality, you may have a situation where your friends or acquaintances get divorced.
  • If you dreamed of a divorce, first of all you need to pay attention to the reason for the divorce in the dream. This will show you how much a person will test your patience before you want to break up with him in reality.

Dream Interpretation of N. Grishina

Why do you dream about your parents’ divorce? In reality, you will experience big changes or you will be able to start new love affairs. (cm. )

Dream Interpretation of Seraphim

Dream: divorce - this dream indicates that your significant other is beginning to move away from you.

Dream Interpretation of Evdokia the Healer

Tol forging a dream: divorce - this dream symbolizes, on the contrary, the strengthening of your marriage.
