Registration of a newspaper for truth and justice. Andrey Fefelov for truth and justice in support of new popular movements

I was allowed to become a participant in the fifth media forum of independent regional and local media by winning the All-Russian competition of journalistic works of the ONF Foundation “Truth and Justice”. More than five hundred people took part in the large-scale event, including leading journalists from all over the country - from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok. Bashkortostan was represented at the forum by eight employees of the republican media.

According to merit
Previously, all media forums were held in St. Petersburg, but this time the organizers gathered journalists in the westernmost point of the country - Kaliningrad.
On the first day, the Yantarny Sports Palace hosted an award ceremony for the winners of two competitions, “Truth and Justice” and “Why I’m Going to Elections,” which was held by the Union of Journalists of Russia jointly with the Popular Front. The awards were presented to us by representatives of the ONF Central Headquarters, State Duma deputies Olga Timofeeva, Natalya Kostenko, Nikolai Buduev, as well as the chairman of the Union of Journalists of Russia Vladimir Solovyov.
- With your materials, stories, articles, blog posts, you change the situation. Thank you so much for this. The ONF considers you, journalists, our partners, because you publicize problems. You and I have become a team. You protect your territories and the people who live there,” said Olga Timofeeva, opening the award ceremony.

She also emphasized that the ONF Media Forum is a powerful platform for regional and local media, where journalists from all over the country exchange experiences and have the opportunity to raise topics that are important to them at the federal level.
Chairman of the public council of the ONF Truth and Justice Foundation Nikolai Buduev noted that the ONF, in cooperation with journalists and ordinary people, solves real problems of citizens throughout the country.
- Thanks to publications in the media, the activities of officials come under public control. “I thank you for the work you are doing,” he concluded.

On the future of journalism: print media will not die
If on the first day of the media forum only the awarding of the laureates took place and the journalists got to know each other, then on the second day the participants plunged headlong into their work. At the foresight session “Journalism of the Future. Industry Development Strategy” discussed the future of our profession, the survival of printed newspapers and magazines, the possibility of their existence next to the rapidly developing Internet space and blogging.

The Internet, according to Vladimir Solovyov, now rules the roost around the printed word.
- During the technological revolution, our professional field is changing significantly. More and more new tools are emerging, and the possibility of their use will lead to a rethinking of the forms and methods of the journalistic profession. And, it seems to me that this will contribute to the improvement of journalism and the emergence of an increasing number of independent media,” noted Vladimir Gennadievich. - The modern digital environment offers a large amount of information, and the developing space is more likely to indicate a boom in journalism than its crisis. They say that journalism is dying, and news will be written by robots. And yet, I am almost sure that print media will not die in our lifetime.
Alina Suleymanova, director of the All Ufa television company, also spoke out in defense of the journalistic profession, emphasizing that talk about bloggers ousting journalists is incorrect, since their working conditions are completely different.

- You and I will never be able to keep up with bloggers. We have an information policy, we have other technical channel capabilities. We must process the information that comes to us and then broadcast it. And it is clear that our information will appear later than on the network. But we can provide analytics both on air and on the pages of our publications, which a blogger does not do. We can conduct a journalistic investigation, to which we will also involve experts. Nowadays analytics has a high rating; people make this or that decision based on the analytical article. This is our road that we will follow,” Alina Nailievna clarified.

Putin, Guberniev and Russian Post
During the second day, the participants of the media forum watched and discussed with political scientists and sociologists the President’s Address to the Federal Assembly, and then were distributed among the venues.
On the “Print Media” platform, there was a discussion about the opacity of setting tariffs for the services of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Russian Post”, the low quality of delivery of correspondence to subscribers, and issues of control by Roskomnadzor were raised.
A sore subject was the refusal of citizens to subscribe to periodicals. The reason why previous subscribers do not want to renew the contract is late delivery, when instead of the due date, subscribers receive the newspaper a week later or not at all. A representative of Russian Post said that the department continues to work to improve the quality of delivery and has created a single window to receive citizens’ requests on such issues.

The second day ended with a creative meeting with five-fold Olympic champion synchronized swimming Natalia Ishchenko and famous sports commentator Dmitry Guberniev. Dmitry conducted a master class on stage speech: he demonstrated several exercises from articulatory gymnastics. In front of those gathered, in literally ten minutes, adults who could not pronounce the letter “r” began to pronounce it quite clearly.
Of course, the most anticipated event of the forum was the meeting with the head of state Vladimir Putin. It became the final chord of the ONF Media Forum. The President answered pressing questions from regional journalists, and also took part in an informal quick survey.

The President of Russia thanked the Popular Front for organizing the fifth media forum and said that he considers such an event in the life of journalists very important.
- This gives you the opportunity not only to communicate with each other, to exchange the best practices of your work, but also to convey both your concerns and your hopes to the All-Russian Popular Front. You are exactly the people who are on the front line, you work directly with people, you know and feel best of all what is happening in the territories, and this, in essence, is the most important thing, because literally all of Russia is behind you, - Putin emphasized.
Nikolai CHUKAEV. Photo by the author, Indira ZAGIDULLINA and the ONF press service

In the Year of Literature in Russia Party A JUST RUSSIA established a Literary Prize for young, talented authors literary works who are capable of making a significant contribution to the artistic culture of Russia and creating works of patriotic orientation. The motto of the Prize is “In search of truth and justice.” The Secretary of the Presidium of the Central Party Council for organizational and party activities, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Literary Prize spoke about the idea of ​​​​creating the Literary Prize and further plans for supporting writers, Russian literature and culture in Russia A JUST RUSSIA Ruslan Vladimirovich Tatarinov:

Ruslan Vladimirovich, how did the idea of ​​creating a party Literary Prize come about?

Ideologist of the establishment of the Literary Prize A JUST RUSSIA became Chairman of the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA Sergei Mironov, who headed the Prize Jury. He also suggested not limiting himself to the Year of Literature and making the party’s Literary Prize an annual event. At the solemn ceremony of awarding the winners and laureates of the prize, held under the motto “In search of truth and justice,” Sergei Mironov announced the start of a new cycle of the 2016 Literary Prize.

Young writers, poets, journalists send applications to the Organizing Committee before September 1. Then the work of experts and members of the Jury begins. Last season, authors under 35 years of age from 76 regions of Russia and foreign countries took part in the competition for the prize: Georgia, Lithuania, Lugansk People's Republic, Donetsk People's Republic, Ukraine, Estonia. This year we are looking forward to new works with interest and hope to discover new names.

Who is on the Prize Jury?

The idea received support from real masters in the field of literature and journalism. It is a great honor for young authors to receive the attention and opportunity to receive advice from literary critic Lev Anninsky, dean of the Faculty of Journalism. M.V. Lomonosov Elena Vartanova, editor-in-chief of "Roman-Gazeta" Yuri Kozlov, Honored Artist of the RSFSR, deputy of the "FAIR RUSSIA" faction in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, first deputy chairman of the Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for Culture Elena Drapeko, deputy editor-in-chief of "Literary Gazette" Maxim Zamshev , editor-in-chief of the magazine "Moscow" Vladislav Artemov, chairman of the Moscow branch of the Union of Writers of Russia Vladimir Boyarinov, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, head of the department of creativity at the Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky Sergei Yesin, head of the department of history of Russian literature of the 20th century, Faculty of Philology, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, professor, Ph.D. Mikhail Golubkov, deputy editor-in-chief of the magazine “Our Contemporary” Alexander Kazintsev, secretary of the Moscow Union of Journalists Viktor Cheremukhin. And I have not listed the names of all the “literary stars” of our Jury.

Why exactly the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA did you have such an idea?

– Literary Prize A JUST RUSSIA– a landmark project aimed at supporting national culture. The award was created in order to help young authors who want to live and work in Russia and for Russia to open up. They want to realize their talent and give it to their country, but sometimes they are faced with a situation where their talent is left without the necessary support. Most literary awards require authors to submit already published works to the competition. We refused this demand. Marina Tsvetaeva published her first book of poetry at her own expense, at that time she still had such an opportunity. Many aspiring poets and writers do not have this opportunity. Sharp, bright publicists, whose polemical articles are written “on the table”, do not have such an opportunity either. best case scenario- to the blog. And we are meeting such people halfway, they will be read and appreciated by real professionals, best works will be published in the Roman-Gazeta magazine, with which the party has been cooperating for a long time. And the awards received will help authors publish their books, albeit in small editions.

In order to attract the attention of society and the younger generation to issues of cultural and historical continuity, the party has been implementing socio-patriotic cultural projects throughout the country for many years: “Living Memory”, “Living Memory against Oblivion”, “World War I. Photos from personal archives”, "The history of the Great Victory in the history of the family." We cooperate with public organizations and support citizen initiatives aimed at preserving and developing culture in the regions. This is necessary to form and support the country's intellectual elite.

What do you think needs to be done to support writers and Russian literature and culture in Russia? What does the party plan to do?

– The Party not only plans, but also does. On March 14, Sergei Mironov held a meeting at the State Duma with writers and editors-in-chief of literary and artistic publications in Russia. Writers talked about the reduction of libraries and bookstores, “thick” literary magazines, and the lack of social support for writers who do not receive a normal pension due to the fact that their activities cannot be taken into account as work experience. The forms and decisions of the Ministry of Education today do not contribute to the study of literature at school or to encouraging schoolchildren to engage in creative work.

Meanwhile, Russian literature is the pinnacle of literary creativity at the global level. The development of literary creativity requires certain socio-economic conditions, and the state is obliged to create these conditions. In the meantime, we see that, for example, such a landmark publication as literary magazine"Moscow", where the novel "The Master and Margarita" by M. Bulgakov was first published, wanted to be expelled from the office on Old Arbat. Sergei Mironov was forced to turn to Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin. So far, the old magazine has been saved.

We stand for the adoption of a new federal law “On Culture”, taking into account the proposals of cultural workers and the creative community, for increasing the share of funding for culture, art and cinematography to 3% of GDP, for increasing wages for employees of state cultural institutions. Faction "A JUST RUSSIA" in State Duma opposes the Unified State Exam and the Bologna process, which cause irreparable damage to the intellectual future of Russia. And we consistently and systematically pursue our policy at the legislative level.

Four Oryol journalists became laureates of the All-Russian Journalism Competition of the ONF. Among them is Oryol Sreda correspondent Sergei Milyakhin.

The journalistic competition of the All-Russian Popular Front Foundation “Truth and Justice” is being held for the fourth time. This year, the Foundation's public council identified 350 laureates. In total, more than five and a half thousand journalistic works were sent to the competition.

The winners of the competition included four of our colleagues from the Oryol media. This is the editor of the Kommunalka Online newspaper Olga Zhernakova, the correspondent of the Orlovsky Vestnik newspaper Vitaly Rumyantseva, the correspondent of the First Regional TV channel and the Orlovskaya Sreda correspondent Sergei Milyakhin (pictured). Let us note that this is already the fourth award for our newspaper: in three previous ONF competitions, Orlovskaya Sreda journalists also became laureates.

“This competition was unprecedented in terms of the number of works submitted by journalists and the number of participants. More than 2.5 thousand media representatives touched upon such important issues for regional residents as housing and communal services, corruption, creating a comfortable urban environment, and road repairs. A lot of work was devoted to the topic of volunteering, ecology, financial literacy of people and others. All laureates, which are 350 people, will be awarded at the ONF media forum and receive prizes,” said Nikolai Buduev, chairman of the public council of the ONF Truth and Justice Foundation, State Duma deputy.

According to him, the works sent to the competition are distinguished by their professionalism and in-depth study of the topics: “As a journalist, I am pleased to see interesting investigative journalism, reports made by people who are masters of their craft. We see a series of publications in which some problem is raised, then there is a reaction from authorities, civil society institutions, and then the result appears. When specific problems of specific people are solved, this is the most important thing.”

As noted on the official website of the ONF, most often the competition participants devoted their materials to the problems of housing and communal services (14%), corruption (12%), comfortable urban environment (12%), quality of services in the social sphere (12%), roads and road safety (9%). Media representatives worked in the genres of news reporting (52%) and investigative journalism (48%).



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  • The words of officials again do not coincide with the realities of the Oryol industry

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  • Orel is in traffic jams due to the repair of three bridges, and there is still confusion with minibuses

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  • In Orel, defrauded investors demand justice, but they are fed with promises

  • In our region, there are now more than 400 people without hard-earned square meters, Nikolai Zlobin, deputy chairman of the regional government for infrastructure development, informed the people’s representatives.
  • Time of personnel passions: why Vitaly Rybakov did not approve of the governor’s proposals

  • An extraordinary session of deputies of the regional council was held today. People's representatives had to agree on the candidacies of deputy prime ministers proposed by Andrei Klychkov. One of the names caused confusion among deputy Vitaly Rybakov. We are talking about the candidacy of Vadim Tarasov for the position of chief financier of the region. War on the Friendship Bridge... After the repair of the bridge began, Orel was stuck in traffic jams. In recent weeks, motorists have been especially angry that traffic is blocked and almost no work is being carried out at the site. On September 18, Vitaly Rybakov held a press conference at which he denied the information that he did not intend to participate in the gubernatorial elections and was not collecting signatures municipal deputies in your support. Vitaly Rybakov denied information that he did not intend to participate in the gubernatorial elections
  • What to believe – the reports of officials or your own eyes? A trip to Ovsyannikovo with Rybakov dotted the i's

  • The day before, as part of parliamentary control, Denis Blokhin, who is responsible for housing and communal services and road infrastructure in the region, reported on how the road was restored in the village of Ovsyannikovo after replacing the drainage system. If you believe a member of the regional government, there, in the village, everything is in order with both the sewerage system and the roads.
  • First-hand: why Rybakov doubted the results of the elections for governor of the Oryol region

  • The elections have passed - the governor is known. Andrey Klychkov won with 83.55% of the votes. However, not everyone was happy. Ex-gubernatorial candidate Vitaly Rybakov held a press conference today where he explained why he considers the past elections illegitimate and what he intends to do next.
  • Expert: Klychkov is conducting his campaign not for residents, but for reporting to Moscow

  • In the Oryol region, where acting governor Andrei Klychkov, thanks to the municipal filter, was left without a bright competitor in the elections, Vitaly Rybakov, election campaign is proceeding extremely sluggishly due to lack of funds from the other candidates.
  • The election of the governor of the Oryol region is already causing heated debate in the regional council

  • The extraordinary meeting of the regional council began with the most important issue - the election of the governor. He was even put first at the request of the speaker. It seemed like a formal question, but it caused such a stir.
  • The head of the regional industry department Gennady Parakhin was left without Rodina

  • The personnel changes, announced in Oryol the day before by representatives of the Rodina party, did not come as a surprise to fellow party members. Gennady Parakhin lost trust at the federal level a long time ago and received a legal resignation.
  • “Not spilled, not milled”: the city manager appreciated the pothole repairs in Orel

  • This season, both Andrey Klychkov and Alexander Muromsky dared to take personal control of the pothole repairs of Orel roads. Unfortunately, we do not know exactly how the head of the region controls the work.
  • Again about the same rake: both motorists and deputies complain about pothole repairs in Orel

  • Pothole repairs in Orel are now in full swing. And like any large-scale creative action carried out at the expense of the budget, it is difficult and dramatic.
  • The mayor of Orel rated his work as a three: what do citizens and deputies think?

  • Every year in the small hall of the administration there is nowhere for an apple to fall. This is the time for traditional reports on the work of the leaders of the regional center. The speech is given to deputies and the public.
  • Deputies of the regional council were outraged by the refusal of the head of the economic development department to report on the implementation of investment projects

  • Head of regional department economic development and investment activities Sergei Filatov on February 13 during a meeting of the committee on economic policy refused to speak to deputies on the issue of implementing investment projects in the region, on which agreements had previously been concluded.
  • Experts: Over the year, the quality of life in the Oryol region has deteriorated

  • The Oryol region has worsened its position in the quality of life ranking. The results of the study are shared by experts from the RIA Rating rating agency of the MIA Rossiya Segodnya media group.
  • Deputy: Klychkov did not take measures to bring the municipal automobile enterprise out of bankruptcy

  • Employees of the municipal institution “PATP No. 1” in the city of Oryol held single pickets at the entrance to the administration of the President of the Russian Federation and the State Duma building. They demand to stop the deliberate bankruptcy of their enterprise. On February 8, City Council deputies Igor Konovalov and Evgeny Kosogov met with dismissed employees of the bankrupt municipal enterprise PATP-1.
  • Workers of the Oryol PATP-1 were left on the street and without wages

  • Employees of the Oryol municipal transport enterprise were not only left without work, but also did not pay their debts wages
  • Oryol transport is being saved by a Moscow second-hand store

  • The authorities claim that for now this is the only way to update the rolling stock of public transport in the city, but the gift could be expensive
  • The Miratorg pig farm scandal could cost Mikhailov his governorship

  • Governor Alexander Mikhailov said that provocateurs are inciting residents against the construction of the Miratorg pig farm near Kursk and the reserve. Meanwhile, Vice Governor Alexander Zubarev personally recommended that the company abandon the implementation of the controversial project.
  • Is the new governor to blame? Why are the ratings of the Oryol region falling?

  • Why is the investment attractiveness of the Oryol region decreasing? Did the figure of Andrei Klychkov as acting governor influence this? Experts answered AiF-Chernozemye's questions.
  • “The murmur has already begun.” Political scientist about the reign of the Oryol acting governor

  • What the acting governor Andrei Klychkov managed to do during his three months of stay in the Oryol region was found out by the AiF-Chernozemye correspondent.



Vetsanutilzavod and lies of regional authorities

Deputy Rybakov speaks: about defrauded shareholders in Naryshkino

Vitaly Rybakov inspected the Friendship Bridge in Orel

Evgeny Kosogov at a press conference dedicated to the overhaul of the Friendship Bridge


Deputy Rybakov V. does not agree with Tarasov V.’s report and asked a number of questions

Deputy V. Rybakov asked a number of pressing questions to S. Filatov.

Muzalevsky L.S. forces deputies of the United Russia faction to increase housing and communal services tariffs

Deputy Rybakov called on Speaker Muzalevsky to resign due to public lies

Vitaly Rybakov: the regions are again imposing another problem

Oryol residents turned to Putin with a request to resume the work of PATP-1 and punish those responsible for its bankruptcy

Deputies Elesin S. and Konovalov I. opposed taking a loan of 500 million rubles

Deputy Vitaly Rybakov checked the condition of the roads in the city of Oryol

In Tatarstan, unprecedented awards from the fund for supporting independent regional media went mainly to representatives of Tatmedia

Yesterday's summing up of the results of the journalistic competition of the Truth and Justice Foundation, established by the All-Russian Popular Front, turned into a scandal. An unprecedented amount of 90 million rubles was spent on awards for journalists who covered “corruption, arrogance and wastefulness of officials.” One of the three hundred winners refused the prize, another promised to spend it on charity. In Tatarstan, four out of five winners work in state publications.


Today, the results of the competition of journalistic works were commented on by BUSINESS Online at the Truth and Justice fund for supporting independent regional and local media. The fund was established by the All-Russian Popular Front. On Monday, the first deputy head of the ONF executive committee Dmitry Minenko announced the results of the competition - they were published on the foundation’s website.

In Tatarstan, five journalists became winners. Despite the fact that the goals of the fund are stated as “supporting independent regional and local media, as well as strengthening the role of independent regional and local media in improving the quality of life of citizens,” the awards were received mainly by journalists from state media. The winners included Vladimir Matylitsky(magazine "Tatarstan"), Irina Khalitova, Farida Yakusheva(newspaper “Republic of Tatarstan”), Nikolay Artyushkin(Karl Fuchs magazine) and Ilnur Yarkhamov( Four of the five winners represent publications that are part of the Tatmedia state holding. The exception is KazanFirst, which controls Yaroslav Muravyov. But it should be noted that his arrival in the media business coincided with receiving generous funding for information services from the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The fund itself, in response to a request from BUSINESS Online, explained that only journalists themselves had the right to take part in the competition - editorial offices were not allowed. The fund began accepting work on September 22 last year from journalists covering the implementation of the “May decrees” of the leader of the ONF Vladimir Putin and anti-corruption policy.

“In November 2014, the public council of the foundation decided to admit to the competition works of journalists whose works are published in media that cannot be called independent of the authorities,” said the chairman of the public council of the Truth and Justice foundation. Dmitry Minenko. “But these works must correspond to the competition theme, and therefore reflect a particular problem of the region, city, or settlement.”

At the same time, Minchenko was surprised at the small number of works received from Tatarstan. Participation in the competition could only be on the initiative of the journalists themselves, who submit their work for professional evaluation by their colleagues.

“Yes, we are a little surprised by the inactivity of Tatarstan journalists,” he added. “Because the media sector of the republic is very developed and the region has something to be proud of in the area of ​​solving problems.”


The foundation's first journalistic competition received about 1.5 thousand applications from almost all regions of the country. The competition commission selected 500 works, and then the public council selected 279 winners. In addition, the public council of the foundation allocated a separate nomination “For helping to increase trust in the media” and awarded 21 journalists from federal publications and television channels who did not submit applications. In total, 300 people were awarded in this way - each of them will be paid 300 thousand rubles. The award fund amounted to 90 million rubles.

A 300 thousand award (and in September the amount was slightly less than $10 thousand) is an extremely rare phenomenon in journalism. For example, government awards in the field of media are 1 million rubles, but they are awarded to only 10 journalists. Here they spent 9 times more - and in fact on PR support for the “May decrees” and the fight against “official arrogance” in the form of opposition to government procurement of something luxurious.

Against this background, the widely publicized struggle of the same “Popular Front” against the spending of regional authorities on financing the media, which the ONF positions like “PR budgets.” The ONF compiled the next rating of such expenses in February, in which Tatarstan took 5th place with expenses of 1 billion 152.5 million rubles.

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Perhaps this one cognitive dissonance and led to rare demonstrative refusals to receive bonuses. For example, a Vedomosti journalist refused money Suzanna Farizova, explaining this by the publication’s policy. As writes, a journalist from the Yekaterinburg publication Ekaterina Vinokurova, also included in the list of winners, announced on Facebook that the money received would be donated to charity. “For me personally nothing will change. I will continue to communicate with sources and criticize the authorities,” Vinokurova noted.

Commenting on the decision of Farizova and Vinokurova, Minchenko noted that the work of a journalist is public by definition. “She is appreciated by both readers and colleagues. How to manage the fund's premium is a personal matter for everyone. As well as the attitude towards the assessment of one’s work by fellow writers,” he noted.


BUSINESS Online correspondents congratulated their colleagues and asked how they managed to take part in the competition.

Vladimir Matylitsky - journalist in the publication “Tatarstan”:

I had no idea about the competition. It wasn’t me who submitted the application; we have a person in our editorial office who monitors competitions. I only found out about this a week ago when I reached the finals. For me, winning is a big surprise. As far as I know, the selection was based on one article - for me it was an article about housing and communal services called “Leaping for tariffs.” Its essence lies in eternal struggle states with citizens: we install meters, start consuming wisely, the volume of consumed services falls, and accordingly, monopolists raise prices. As for independent publications, I think it was the article that was evaluated; it was written, let’s say, not from an official position. Apparently, the assessment had in mind the very principle of independent journalism.

I'm still not sure that what they are talking about is reality. For example, I would not be surprised if I come to the St. Petersburg forum (by the way, if they are invited to it at all, because so far I have not received any letter), and there they will choose winners who will be given a decent bonus. For the rest, well, a handshake, for example. It seems to me that this will be the case.

Ilnur Yarkhamov - KazanFirst journalist:

Since I am a journalist and communicate with representatives of the Popular Front, my acquaintances sent me information about this competition. I submitted texts to the competition on the topic of interethnic relations. In particular, I wrote material about how it is impossible to compare the number of mosques and churches in Tatarstan. Representatives of the Russian culture society raised a discussion about the fact that there are fewer churches in the republic. I did not agree with them, at least, the Alexander Nevsky Church was being built near my house in Azino, and I saw that no one was stopping it. It is not clear why Mikhail Shcheglov ( head of the Russian culture society - approx. auto.) decided that this was not so. Plus, I had other texts - from the court hearings in the Hizb ut-Tahrir case. I try to note such things, it’s interesting to me because I’m a historian by education. I don’t know yet how I’m going to use the cash bonus. This is the first time I hear from you exactly what prize the laureates will receive.

Artem Naumov - Executive Director of TRO "OPORA Rossii":

As far as I understand the theme of the competition, we are talking specifically about works covering the activities of the ONF, and not just independent media. Since no one here except the state media covers the work of the All-Russian Popular Front, you can feel the proportion. Apparently, they chose from those who write about it.

How could journalists find out about the competition? When they say that “we didn’t know”, it’s about the same as in the case of supporting entrepreneurship. There is help, but “we didn’t know.” It seems that through official sources, through regional representative offices, through Tatmedia, as far as I know, a newsletter about the competition was sent out. Most likely, the local executive directorates of the ONF were instructed to notify all regional media. Perhaps communication was interrupted here, since the task was precisely to gather the widest group of people who would work in this direction. The ONF has recently become a serious source of relevant and interesting information. Maybe they expected that the political media regularly monitored their website, where they posted the regulations on the competition; those who needed it were aware.

Alexander Latyshev - editor-in-chief newspaper "Republic of Tatarstan":

How my employees found out about this competition, I don’t know. I officially assure you that I personally did not receive any information. This is truly the initiative of Farida Yakusheva and Irina Khalitova. At planning meetings, I always encourage employees to actively participate in competitions, because, I believe, the potential creative capabilities of our journalists are very great.

It was a big surprise for me when an employee came this morning and said that she was among the winners, then it turned out that another of the journalists was also awarded. It was a pleasant surprise. It's always nice when your employee is awarded at the federal level.

I would like to add one more thing. Firstly, we are not part of the Tatmedia structure. Secondly, why do state publications not have the right to participate in the competition? This is not about the status of a journalist, whether he is from a state media outlet or from an independent one, although, in my opinion, there are no such things. It's about the quality of publications. I remember the two materials that were sent to the competition well and consider them quite worthy. One text, as I learned later, was awarded in the “Quality of Life” nomination about the real well-being of the population, the second was devoted to government procurement and the topic of corruption.

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Ex-deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Kaluga Region Vyacheslav Gorbatin sent a letter to the head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia Yuri Artemyev with a request to check the activities of the Governor of the Kaluga Region Artamonov
12/19/2017 iKaluga.Com

11/28/2017 iKaluga.Com

Deputy Chairman of the Village Duma of the municipal joint venture "Mikhali village of the Iznoskovsky district Elena Bolgova on behalf of the residents of the municipal joint venture "Mikhali village", the villages of Raevo, Vozzhikhino, Mikhali, Kozlakovo, Orlovo, Mezhetchina, Pavlishchevo,
11/22/2017 iKaluga.Com

The Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation, in its response to the editors of the newspaper “For Truth and Justice,” explained the sharp increase in gas prices in the Kaluga region for private consumers from July 1, 2017 to the fact that
08/28/2017 iKaluga.Com

Unnoticed by the public, Order No. 56-RK of the Ministry of Competition Policy of the Kaluga Region dated June 14, 2017 “On approval of retail prices for gas sold to the population in the Kaluga Region” was issued.
07/18/2017 iKaluga.Com

The head of the department of affairs of the City Mayor of Kaluga, Alexey Volkov, said that the wife of Governor Artamonov no longer has anything to do with the Kaluga regional charitable foundation “Vozrozhdenie”,
07/05/2017 iKaluga.Com

An amazing answer came from the Department of Education of the city of Kaluga to one of the requests from the editor-in-chief of the newspaper “For Truth and Justice” Vyacheslav Gorbatin.
07/03/2017 iKaluga.Com

The editor of the newspaper “For Truth and Justice,” ex-deputy of the Legislative Assembly Vyacheslav Gorbatin, contacted the Kaluga Interdistrict Environmental Prosecutor’s Office.
06/14/2017 iKaluga.Com

Former deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Kaluga region, editor-in-chief of the newspaper “For Truth and Justice” Vyacheslav Gorbatin sent a request to the Kaluga prosecutor’s office about a possible gross violation by Zoya Artamonova Federal Law from 02.
05/13/2017 iKaluga.Com

The court rejected the claim of Svetlana Mochalova, head of the municipal administration of the Yukhnov urban settlement, and her deputy against the independent newspaper For Truth and Justice.
03/24/2017 iKaluga.Com
