Physicists have explained why the clock rises after the death of its owner. Why does a person's wristwatch stop when he dies? Why does his wristwatch stop when he dies

Criminologists have repeatedly noticed that the clocks of deceased people stop at the exact moment of their death. This fact is even recorded in the protocol. Moreover, sometimes not only the wristwatch stops, but also all the clocks in the house of the deceased. This unusual phenomenon is much more difficult to explain

Historical evidence

For example, for almost 400 years at Hampton Court Palace in London, the wall clock always stopped when one of its occupants died. The first such case was noted in 1619, when Queen Anne died.

Exquisite watch of the King of France Louis XIV, which he received as a gift from the famous Dutch watchmaker Christijn Huygens, worked uninterruptedly until 8.15 am on September 1, 1715 - on this day the king died. After he died, no one was able to start them again.

Another famous example is Mussolini's castle. During Mussolini's execution, all the clocks in the building stopped. US President Abraham Lincoln's watch also stopped at the moment of his assassination.

Sometimes the clock in the house of a dying person stops before his immediate death, as if predicting future death. One famous American judge woke up at night in his house at the beginning of the third night and was surprised to find that his wall clock had stopped working. In the morning he learned that his old friend, who gave him this watch, died that night.

In Prague, on the Old Town Square, there is an ancient astrological clock from the 15th century, which shows not only the time, but also lunar phases, current calendar, zodiac sign, sunrises and sunsets. Every hour a skeleton figurine, as a symbol of everything earthly and mortal, rings a bell. Local residents believe that stopping the clock portends some kind of misfortune for the whole country. They say that in ancient times, when they did not work, natural disasters, military clashes, and so on regularly occurred in the country.

How do parapsychologists explain the stopping of the clock?

Why the clock stops after death is explained differently by parapsychologists. Some suggest that they somehow “adjust” to the owner’s heart rate and freeze when the owner’s heart stops beating. Others say that a dying person releases a huge amount of psychic energy, which throws off the precise mechanism of the clock. Perhaps there are some energy fields, affecting the clock. It is not without reason that with the effort of thought, the famous psychic Uri Geller was able to stop the mechanical clock on London's Big Ben. There have also been cases when, in sessions in which people with disabilities took part psychic abilities, the spectators' broken watches began to run or completely functional watches stopped. But supporters of traditional science have a different opinion.

Why the clock stops with death: the opinion of physicists

Scientists explain the phenomenon of stopped watches by the fact that after prolonged wear they become part of the owner’s electromagnetic field, are firmly included in his electromagnetic “circuit” and play the role of a part that reduces electrical voltage. There is a special term for such a technical component in electronics - a plug or terminator. That is, all the energy of the human body flows into this device located on his hand, especially if the watch is metal with an iron or leather strap. The watch receives electromagnetic field energy from the owner and is “charged” with it, and after the death of a person, deprived of his energy, it stops.

There is also a belief that if a clock continues to run after the death of its owner, then the relatives, out of respect for the deceased, need to stop it themselves. It is unnatural for a watch to continue counting the owner's time when it has already stopped for him.

I had a similar situation.

When my father died, I, while still a schoolgirl, was

in my sister's house - the wall clock stopped, but later it served my sister again.

I realized then that this incident was connected with the death of my father, but I didn’t know how to explain....


The strange phenomenon has lost its mystical coloring!

Usually, during the death of a person, his wristwatch stops, and not only wristwatches, but even wall, floor and others. There are several real stories who talk about it.

“When my grandfather died, the clock on the wall in his room stopped, and I never managed to start it again.”

“When Kursk sank, my dad’s watch stopped. He used to be a submariner, and is now retired. Although he himself was in Sochi on vacation at that time. I was on vacation. And he wasn’t the only one whose watch stopped.”

When a person dies, his wristwatch stops.

It’s true that this problem is more often noticed when you have a cheap Chinese watch, rather than a high-end watch such as an American wristwatch.

“When I was at school, I had a classmate. During her senior year, she was hit and killed by a truck. In her purse there was a watch with a broken bracelet. They stopped at the moment of her death. I know another interesting case: when my grandmother was dying, ALL the clocks in the entire apartment stopped. Both antique floor ones and modern cheap ones with an alarm clock.”

There are several opinions on this matter, fantastic and physical. Parapsychologists say that when the body dies, it releases powerful energy that stops the clock. The opinion of physicists does not agree with this.

When a person wears a metal watch on his left hand for a long time before death, especially when the strap is leather or metal, then they become part of his electromagnetic field. They seem to be included in electrical diagram humans and play the role of grounding. All energy is directed into the clock mechanism on the hand. After just two or three months of wearing it on the hand, the watch receives a charge from its owner’s field and is powered by it, and therefore after the death of a person, the watch remains without its energy, and therefore also “dies.”

Fans of the detective genre know for sure: if a watch is found on a murdered person and it stops, then the exact time of death has been recorded. And the discerning “Pinkertons” will look for the criminal, taking into account the readings of the hands frozen on the dial.

Death and stopping the clock: fact or fiction?

All famous literary detectives from Sherlock Holmes to Hercule Poirot know that at the moment of death a person’s wristwatch stops. What is this, beautiful fiction or reality? Is it used by real criminologists?

The first memories of such a strange combination of events date back to the beginning of the 18th century. When she died queen of england Anna, her favorite clock stopped in the palace. A little later, at the death of Louis IV, a large pendulum clock also stopped in the imperial chambers. Moreover, they could not start them afterwards.

Similar coincidences were repeatedly observed by both investigators and pathologists. And ordinary people often notice this feature when their loved ones leave. This phenomenon happens too often to be an accident.

What is the nature of such a phenomenon? The human inquisitive mind, on the one hand, loves to mystify everything, on the other, it tries to better understand every unclear situation.

How do experts in different fields explain this phenomenon?

Teaching "Fukuri"

There is such an entertaining Eastern teaching - “Fukuri”. According to him, on the hand (just where it is customary to wear a watch) there is a special “Tsun” point. It is directly connected to our heart channel and is located on the left wrist in men, on the right wrist in women.

Esotericist version

Esoteric mystics attach a certain sacred meaning to watches. This item symbolizes the transience of time and is considered a kind of counter for the minutes of life allotted to a person. Therefore, it seems natural to them that the clock should stop simultaneously with the death of its owner.

Surely, this is where the roots of many signs and superstitions associated with this device come from. You cannot just accept it as a gift; you must definitely lend a coin - “buy” them. It is considered a bad sign to give a watch to newlyweds or, for example, to your boss’s office. In these cases, they mean the start of the countdown to the end family life or tenure.

Opinion of parapsychologists

Parapsychologists are sure that when a person dies, there is a powerful release of psychic energy, a kind of energy exhaust. This is what causes the mechanisms to stop. For the same reason, even some household appliances in the house may turn off.

According to this theory, it is advised to take a closer look at how your watch works. They may begin to fail when health deteriorates severely, during serious, prolonged depression or other negative conditions. And, if in the frantic pace of modern life we ​​do not immediately notice our problems, our watch can hint about this to us in advance.

Coincidences according to Jung

A very interesting explanation of the phenomenon can be found in the works of the famous psychologist Carl Gustav Jung. He was fascinated by the nature of such extraordinary coincidences. Jung called them “synchronicities” and described them in his work “Synchronicity and Human Fate.”

The essence of his discovery is that the external and internal world for a person are two sides of one whole. There is a deep relationship between them and these worlds mirror each other. Changes in external, material life depend on our internal mental state, on changes in our consciousness.

This metaphysical principle is very popular in modern psychology (“positive thinking theory”, etc.). In light of this scientific hypothesis It becomes much clearer why the clock can stop at the same time as a person dies.

Merging of electromagnetic fields

Physicists also did not remain aloof from the problem. Their version is this: mechanical watches with a metal case, as well as quartz or electronic ones, create electrical or magnetic impulses during operation.

It has long been known that man himself is also a carrier and generator of various kinds of biofields, including the electromagnetic field. With prolonged contact, the pulses of the fields of a person and a wristwatch merge into one, single electromagnetic field. They interact and feed off each other.

The clock is included in the general electrical circuit of a person and works in it as grounding. Electronics specialists call such a link in the circuit, which collects all the energy, a plug.

Scientists believe that it is enough to constantly wear a metal watch for about two months for it to accept the charge of its owner’s field. After the death of a person, this ideal symbiosis is destroyed and, left without energy recharge, the wristwatch stops.

Which one is right?

It is worth noting that the phenomenon under consideration concerns not only wristwatches. For example, in the stories with monarchs we were talking about wall paintings. Moreover, facts were observed when the clock stopped and recorded the time of death not of the owner, but, for example, of the donor. Moreover, the sad event could have occurred in a completely different city or even country.

There are also reports of broken watches suddenly starting to tick after the joyful news of the birth of a child in the family. Mere coincidence or synchronicity?

And if the version of physicists is correct, then it turns out that the mutual electromagnetic field is so large in size that it works not only on the human body, within his home, but also at a distance of thousands of kilometers?

Impressive scale, don't you agree? Maybe Carl Jung's explanation is closer to the truth after all?

As for modern criminologists, it is reliably known that they take note of such coincidences and enter data about them into the protocol.

Usually, during the death of a person, his wristwatch stops, and not only wristwatches, but even wall, floor and others.

There are several real stories that tell about this.

“When my grandfather died, the clock on the wall in his room stopped, and I never managed to start it again.”

“When Kursk sank, my dad’s watch stopped; in the past, he was a submariner, and now he is retired. Although he himself was in Sochi at that time on vacation. He was on vacation. And he was not the only one whose watch stopped.”

How many times in detective films do investigators determine the time of death by looking at his watch. How do they do it?

There is a belief that when a person dies, his wristwatch also stops. It is this sign that many famous detectives use in films.

Is this fiction or partly true?

In fact, there is still some truth in this sign. Often investigators and morgue workers confirm this theory with practice.

But why does his wristwatch stop when a person dies?

This problem can be looked at from two sides. Superstitious people are sure that a clock is a kind of mythical object that grows together with a person’s soul, and when a person dies, the clock no longer runs, since there is no one to show the time.

Of course, in modern world It’s quite strange to believe in such superstitions, but no signs arise out of nowhere. Scientists have also found an explanation for this mysterious fact, which has been confirmed in practice more than once.

The operation of mechanical and quartz watches directly depends on the electromagnetic force field. After some time after constantly wearing the watch on your hand, the electromagnetic field of the watch adapts to the electromagnetic field of the human body. After a person dies, his electromagnetic field disappears, which causes the clock to stop.

Experts' opinions

Watchmakers believe that the serviceability of a watch mechanism directly depends on how correctly it is handled, and they do not see any mysticism in the fact that watches suddenly begin to break down and stop.

We can only seriously talk about the electromagnetic fields of the refrigerator and TV, on which you absolutely cannot place a watch, because they can stop.

Physicists are also confident that the human electromagnetic field is not capable of magnetizing or demagnetizing something, and if the watch has stopped, then you should simply take it to the workshop.

These are boring arguments that can be safely challenged, because amazing stories related to watches happen again and again, and often it is simply impossible to find a reasonable explanation for them.
