Boris Grachevsky: The daughter turned out to be Judas! Biography and filmography of actress Ekaterina Belotserkovskaya. Ekaterina Belotserkovskaya and Grachevsky Boris Grachevsky Boris and his young

Emmanuel Vitorgan was the first to congratulate the newlyweds, posting a festive post on his microblog: “Our dear Borenka and Katyusha! Congratulations to YOU ​​on the happiest day of your life! You both so deserve this day!!! We love YOU very much! Be happy!!!"

However, fans did not share the enthusiasm and did not join in the congratulations. They were very hurt by the 37-year age difference between husband and wife. They spoke quite negatively about this:

“Unwashed, calculating general store + old guy.”

“Poor girl, what does she need this old stuff for?”

“Is she really so poor that she would go to bed with someone like that?”

“Old men are moneyed, but the girls are not the same these days.”

“What should we do with this junk? Its raw materials are scrapped..."

The young wife Ekaterina Belotserkovskaya could not stand the insults and answered the envious people:

“Gentlemen! Live your life! And I am very happy and loved!”.

And earlier, Catherine spoke out about the age difference between her and Boris:“I am so often asked the question: “What is the difference between you?” etc. So! The difference never interferes. I don’t feel it at all. There is only one conclusion: Age cannot interfere, only someone’s opinion can interfere. Thank God that our family definitely doesn’t care about anyone’s opinion.”

Let us recall that the romance between the artistic director of “Yeralash” Boris Grachevsky and Ekaterina Belotserkovskaya became known at the end of 2015. And shortly before the New Year, Grachevsky’s chosen one received a gorgeous ring and a marriage proposal from her lover for her 31st birthday. In February 2016, the couple already accepted congratulations on the occasion of their marriage. But then the couple limited themselves to only going to the registry office and a wedding ceremony on exotic islands.

27 February 2014, 21:44

Grachevsky met a 22-year-old girl several years ago in GUM at the premiere of Valery Todorovsky’s film “Hipsters.” An affair began, and for the sake of a new passion, the director divorced his former wife Galina, with whom he lived for 35 years. In his marriage to Panasenko, Grachevsky had a daughter, Vasilisa, who is now one and a half years old.

At first, the lovers’ relationship seemed cloudless, but then everything changed overnight. Panasenko wanted to realize herself, disappearing day and night on film sets, and Grachevsky saw in her, first of all, a keeper of the hearth. In addition, they say that she began a close relationship with VJ Artem Sotnik.

In order not to be considered a cuckold, Grachevsky set a requirement for his wife: no public appearances with Sotnik until they officially divorced. This was the reason why Boris defended his wife’s honor, and, strictly speaking, his own. Despite all the warnings, from time to time Anna and Atrem are caught by the paparazzi. The pictures show that they are happy together.

Boris and Anna tied the knot in 2010 after a two-year romance. To do this, in 2009, Grachevsky divorced his wife. They lived with their wife Galina for 35 years. Because of the father’s relationship with a young mistress from Kharkov, which caused the breakup of the family, the children from his first marriage crossed out their father from their lives. Well, karma, it’s such karma...

Panasenko claims that she was sincerely in love with Grachevsky. “I wanted to be a legal wife, and not just another young lady,” she emphasizes. - I understand perfectly well that from the outside it looks like this: a young girl married a famous man much older than herself, amassed good fortune for herself in four years, gave birth to a child - a golden egg, got hers and gave it to her uncle. But no one knows the truth. And there was a lot of things: I gave him gifts, tried to make him as comfortable as possible with me, listened to the music that he listened to, read the books that he wanted me to read, worked next to him.”

Panasenko also denied all accusations of her selfishness, retorting that in this case she would now have everything. “But in the end I have only one Vasilisa and a bunch of problems,” she complains. - I don’t have any real estate, I don’t have an account, I don’t even have a car. The one I drive is registered to Boris. In the Moscow apartment, which was purchased during marriage, I am registered together with Vasilisa, and the house and all the property are registered in his name.”

A significant role, according to Panesenko, was played by Grachevsky’s indifference to little Vasilisa. He allegedly stated that he did not know how to handle such tiny children. A woman complains that she doesn't even have one family photography with Grachevsky, where the three of them would be together.

According to Panasenko, she did not want to make the details of the divorce proceedings public. But after a series of scandalous publications in the media and odious television programs, she still decided to give an interview in order to dot all the i’s. “When I watched programs about high-profile divorces with scandalous revelations, when all kinds of lies and dirt were brought to the light of God, I thought: “God forbid that this happens to me.” But in the end, this is exactly the nightmare that is happening now. Speaking with you, I’m taking a risk, because I don’t know how the situation might turn out,” states Anna Panasenko.

Boris Grachevsky is a legend; he recently celebrated his 65th birthday. No matter what, the director does not stop working and filming Jumble. Work is always in full swing!

The same cannot be said about Boris’s personal life. He recently divorced his 2nd wife Anna Panasenko. Before her, Grachevsky had a wife, with whom he lived for 35 years! Their divorce was not without scandals, but was soon forgotten.

Grachevsky with his ex-wife Anna

But, as it turned out, not for long. Boris's young wife also could not keep the talented director and repeated the fate of Galina (his first wife). During their life together with Grachevsky, they had a daughter, Vasilisa. It would seem that everything is fine. But this real life, and here everything is not so simple.

Grachevsky with his ex-wife Galina

And so, Anna and Boris divorced. Why? Who will the child stay with? One thing is clear, this separation will be less scandalous, but no less sensational. Anna is not trying to sue ex-husband, he leaves his daughter an apartment in Moscow and does not give up impressive elements.

Grachevsky with his ex-wife Anna

Grachevsky speaks little about the divorce, but it is clear that he does not like this whole situation. Every word and action is accompanied by a bunch of gossip and yellow news. He doesn't care about slander against him. He loves his daughter madly and will do everything to ensure that she is raised in good conditions.

Grachevsky with his ex-wife Anna

So far, Boris and 27-year-old Anna live together, but he has already bought her a three-room apartment. The producer's ex-wife will move there with her daughter. He does not speak ill of his wife, he says that there was real and sincere love between them. But what happened happened: we don’t know the reasons for the divorce.

So far, we do not know about Boris’s new hobbies. But who knows, perhaps another magnificent wedding awaits us, hopefully without divorce.

In March, the founding father of the children's television magazine "Yeralash" will celebrate his 65th birthday. He is still in service - he is filming regular humorous episodes. It seemed that everything was working out for him in his personal life - after a scandalous separation from his first wife Galina, with whom Boris Yuryevich lived for 35 years, the filmmaker married young Anna PANASENKO. Soon they had a daughter. Here, as they say, live and rejoice! However, as it turned out, their family life has not been so rosy lately. The other day, the news came out like a bolt from the blue: the founder of Yeralash is divorcing his young wife. The spouses pretend that they are separating in a civilized manner, although Boris Yuryevich does not comment on the divorce. It became known from the couple’s lawyer that Grachevsky is leaving Anya and his daughter a Moscow apartment and will pay generous alimony. Express Gazeta tried to figure out what happened in the family of the famous director.

During a break between takes, I talked with the director of the episode, Vladimir Panzhev.
- You have been filming for Yeralash for 20 years. Which actors do you remember?
- I work with many artists with joy. For example, with Stas Sadalsky. Only in isolated cases did sediment remain. This was the case with Gennady Khazanov and Elena Vorobey. The comedian behaved arrogantly, showing - be glad that I personally appeared on your set. Lena simply lacked dramatic skill - she felt like a pop singer. But working with the talented actress Maria Shukshina was memorable for another reason...

Which one?
“I’m embarrassed to talk about this, but when Maria left the set, her suitcase of cosmetics disappeared with her. No, of course, I don’t directly accuse you; as they say, I didn’t hold a candle. Maybe where those ill-fated cosmetics or something else ended up. But I remember that the makeup aunties remembered that incident for a long time.

What is your relationship with Grachevsky?
- We've been friends for a long time - we're almost relatives. Naturally, we don’t keep secrets from each other. After all, everything happened before my eyes - how he divorced his wife Galina, and how his daughter Ksenia was deeply offended by him for this. As far as I know, they still don’t communicate. I saw how Boris met a 22-year-old girl in GUM at the pre-premiere screening of the film “Hipsters” and how then, to the surprise of many, he decided to marry her. For the first time after the wedding, I flew as if on wings - I kept praising my Anechka. I also remember very well the moment when, glowing with happiness, he flew into the pavilion and shouted: “I will name my daughter Vasilisa - because she is beautiful, like her mother, and wise, like her father!” I was especially proud that the doctor in the maternity hospital, not yet cutting the umbilical cord, said: “The spitting image of Boris Yuryevich!” Everything has changed in recent months. The euphoria has disappeared, he walks around sad and depressed, and has lost weight from worry. I ask what's the matter. The answer is monosyllabic - problems in the family. Well, specifically, why his young wife didn’t please him, I didn’t try to find out - I’m not used to prying into his soul.

Boris Yuryevich reacted aggressively to my call:
- Got it! Well, what do you want? So that I can say that we are divorced? No, we didn't get divorced. Anya disappears in the gym all day long - we hardly see her. I have nothing more to say for now!

Anya refused to talk at all. But how eloquently the photographs on Instagram, which she began to actively fill out in May last year, speak for her! Having carefully studied the material, it becomes clear that “pussy-pussy” addressed to “Borenka” is a thing of the past. Now Grachevskaya positions herself as an actress, designer and TV presenter (the line that she is the “casting director of Yeralash” has evaporated like drops of water under the hot sun).

All last summer the young mother actively collaborated with the channels “Russian Musicbox” and “Humor-TV”, and now participates in the show “Only Girls in the Ring” of the TV company “Sport-Strana”.

Grachevskaya now willingly makes out with young, tanned boys, even allowing them to kiss her neck. Anya especially has a lot of similar pictures with VJ Artem Sotnik. Probably, new acquaintances became the reason for discord in the family. There are also rumors that Anechka met a more influential person than Grachevsky, who took on not only her television career.

Boris Grachevsky told the site about his new film and talked about his affair with actress Ekaterina Belotserkovskaya.

The artistic director of “Jumble” filmed his beloved in his new film “Between the Notes, or Tantric Symphony.” True, her role is quite small - no more than five seconds in the frame. One might say, inconspicuous, but the girl herself has been noticed more than once by journalists in the company of the 66-year-old talented director. Boris Grachevsky spoke about his new film work and lifted the veil of secrecy about his personal life.

The film premiered in Moscow cinemas in October this year. Soon the whole country will be able to see his creation, albeit in a slightly modified version - a four-part series. The film is called “Love by Notes”. Starring Andrey Ilyin and Yanina Melekhova. The plot of the film is simple and complex at the same time. This is a film about love of different ages. He is a 50-year-old famous composer, she is a 23-year-old provincial girl. Very similar to the director’s life events. If anyone has forgotten, let us remind you that in 2012 Grachevsky met Anna Panasenko (now Grachevskaya), who, according to rumors, worked part-time as a stripper. He divorced his first wife Galina, the mother of two adult children, with whom he lived for 35 years, and married a new passion. But two years later the marriage broke up, and the 3-year-old daughter Vasilisa did not save the family. However, Boris Yuryevich himself tries not to draw parallels between his life and the film, because the idea to make a film about love came to him 10 years ago.

– I wanted to make a melodrama about love of different ages, which is condemned in our society, no matter how much you tell people: “What is your business? This is my rake, and maybe it’s a lucky ticket,” they will still condemn, Grachevsky complains. – The idea for the film came a long time ago, but I couldn’t formalize it. First, I formulated the first version of the story: a girl marries the son of her lover. But at the same time, the premiere of an English film with Jeremy Irons took place with approximately the same plot. I began to develop a new story.

Grachevsky is accused of choosing an actor similar to himself for the main role / editorial archive

Grachevsky wrote the script for the film together with screenwriter Maria Khmelik. It was she who worked on the film “Little Vera”. And she gave the name to the television magazine “Yeralash” 41 years ago.

By the way, the young provincial girl Yulia, with whom the composer falls in love, was to be played by a graduate of the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio Sofya Lebedeva. But shortly before the start of filming, it became known that she had also been cast in the role of Lisa Brichkina in the film “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet...” The filming time coincided, Grachevsky gave Sofia a choice. The actress decided to star in a war film. 10 days before the start of the filming process, the director was left without the main character.

– Four days before filming, Yanina came to the Gorky film studio. She needed to try on a suit, as she had been cast for a small role as a saleswoman in a store. It's not in the film version. This episode was created for a four-part run. After trying on the suit, she comes into my office and asks: “I heard you don’t have a main character? Try me! At first I kind of grimaced. And she: “Well, try it. What does it cost you? I decided to take a risk. The auditions were amazing, Yanina turned out to be an amazing actress, easy to work with. Plus, she calmly undressed in those scenes where she had to be naked, without hysterics. Although now I’m very embarrassed to watch this film.

30-year-old Yanina Melekhova is one of those girls whose affair was attributed to Boris Grachevsky after his divorce from Anna.

– Yanina has a husband, he was present at the filming. Not long ago they had a child. I was in love with her as an actress, but not as a woman.

And not so long ago, the tabloids informed their readers that Boris Grachevsky began to appear in public with the 30-year-old singer and actress Ekaterina Belotserkovskaya.

Maria Khmelik wrote the script for Grachevsky’s new film / editorial archive

“Yes,” confirmed Boris Grachevsky. - We live together. This is my wife... Many in the film are trying to discern the details of my life. They say that I also chose an actor for the main role who was somewhat similar to me. But that's not true. My painting is not a life story. The script for the film was written long before my divorce from Anna. Besides, my heroine and my ex-wife- completely different characters. Anya (Grachevsky’s ex-wife) is too mercantile. The ending of the film is also sad, but at the same time it is still bright.

According to Boris Yuryevich, during the premiere screening at the end of the film, TV presenter Nikolai Drozdov approached him with the words: “Borya, can you imagine, I cried.”

But no matter how much the director denies that the story of his life and the story played out in the film, this is absolutely different worlds, there are still parallels in them. Some of the events described in the film actually happened to Grachevsky. For example, when the composer tells his beloved about his first love:

– I was four years old, and she was five years old. She was the daughter of a kind aunt who worked in a laundry. My love resolutely refused to notice me. And suddenly one day she herself came up to me and said that she wanted to show me something. My happiness knew no bounds. And of course, I trustingly followed her. And this girl - an angel with clear blue eyes - led me into a thicket of nettles. And she left there. And I stood and was afraid to move, so as not to get burned, I cried, but not from pain, but from resentment.

At the end of the conversation, the director of the film “Between the Notes, or Tantric Symphony” admitted: despite everything, he still believes in a happy ending to love of different ages:

Yanina Melekhova and Andrey Ilyin in the film “Between Notes, or Tantric Symphony” (2015) / editorial archive

– My father lived with his second wife for 25 years, although she was 26 years younger than him. Of course, when my parents divorced, I was worried and did not accept his choice. But then I noticed: after the divorce, mom stopped constantly getting sick, began to look better, and dad lived in love for 25 years. He was very sick. And his new wife supported his father, thereby extending his life. He is no longer there, but his wife goes to the cemetery once a week to look after the grave.

Main life principle Boris Grachevsky - to live with God in the soul and walk on the sunny side of life, no matter what happens around.

– You need to believe in the future. But not a miracle, but something you can create with your own hands. I've never won anything. I earned everything myself. You can’t hope that something will happen somewhere, that you’ll get lucky, etc. This is all nonsense. You need to live, create and hope for the best. And of course, we all dream of living longer and having time to do as much as possible. I really want to see my daughter Vasilisa as an adult.

Returning to the topic of love of different ages, I would like to add that Boris Grachevsky, it seems, really decided to prove to the whole world that all ages are submissive to love.
