How long will it take for a child to start teething? Baby is teething

The development of each baby is accompanied by various processes, which, although identical in nature, the nature of the manifestation for each is individual. This is especially true for those situations when a child’s first teeth appear, the symptoms of which may change during the teething process. Very often their eruption is accompanied by fever, runny nose, restlessness, etc. In some children, these signs occur in full, in others partially, and in others, everything goes unnoticed. But the result is always the same - the appearance of milk teeth.

The first tooth in a child, the photo of which is presented in this article, often appears at 6 months. This period is general for everyone, but there are exceptions. All of them are caused by certain deviations. For example, there are situations when children are already born with teeth, or they appear after two years, or with a very long period of time.

Disturbances in the normal development of a child with all accompanying processes may depend on the following factors:

  1. Hereditary predisposition. Teeth may appear very late or too early as stated.
  2. Availability infectious diseases . Frequent colds, infectious or changes in the normal state of metabolism, intestinal function can cause delays in the process of teething.
  3. Poor quality nutrition for a child or nursing mother. Absence from the daily diet necessary products and elements can affect the development of the dentofacial apparatus and the frequency of tooth appearance. Products should not only be of high quality, but also healthy, affecting protein and mineral metabolism. At six months of age, babies are recommended to start feeding. Porridge and liquid foods are ideal, since children are not able to eat solid foods. Even if there are already several teeth, this does not allow babies to chew it well. They can only take a bite.
  4. The amount of vitamin D absorbed is not adequate. Teething occurs in every baby different period. It is especially difficult during the cold season. Due to bad cloudy weather, vitamin D production is very poor, which ultimately affects teething. Thus, the climate of the region in which the baby lives plays a big role.

Teeth eruption sequence

Many young parents are interested in the question, which teeth cut first?

Without taking into account various disturbances in the process of teething, the following periods are typical for most children:

  1. 6-7 months – the central incisors of the lower row appear;
  2. 8-9 m – central incisors erupt in the upper row;
  3. 9-11 – lateral teeth of the upper row;
  4. 11-13 – lower lateral;
  5. 12-15 – the turn of small molars begins;
  6. 16-20 – fangs, which are called eye canines, erupt;
  7. 24-30 molars are large.

Scheme of teething in babies - sequence

The frequency and sequence of eruption of baby teeth is a purely individual process for each baby. For some, everything happens according to instructions, for others there are delays or the order of appearance changes. Only a dentist can talk about any irregularities or improper eruption, since only a specialist can qualitatively assess the processes taking place. Thus, although a delay in the appearance of teeth of two to three months is considered the so-called norm, a consultation with a doctor should still take place. It is possible to determine which first teeth appear in a child, photos of which are available in this article, based on a generally accepted fact.

With the normal development of a child, without any delays or disorders, the baby should be “armed” with 20 teeth at two and a half years old.

Condition of the baby during teething

Each period of development and ongoing process has its own characteristic features and symptoms. It is customary to identify certain signs when a baby’s first teeth are cut, photos of which are presented in this article. So during teething you can observe:

  1. There is increased irritability and tearfulness. This condition can be caused by pain.
  2. The gums change. They become more sensitive, swollen, red or white. A photo of the gums during the eruption of the first teeth is presented in this article.
  3. A very common occurrence is an increase in body temperature, appetite may decrease, and stool consistency changes (disorder).
  4. Insomnia may occur.
  5. Puffiness appears in the cheek area and under the eyes.

The severity of these symptoms depends on the specific type of teeth that are in the process of erupting. Their greatest strength is characteristic of the canines and molars.

Baby's first teeth erupt

To determine when and how the first teeth are cut (photos, symptoms of the teething period are described in this article), it is necessary to monitor the child’s condition.

Features of assisting a child with teething

Regardless of which teeth erupt first, the baby's condition may worsen. During the period of teething, the task of every parent is to somehow help the baby, alleviating his condition. It is customary to highlight the following areas of effective measures:

  1. Massage. Of particular importance is massaging the gums, which is a kind of circular movements in the desired area of ​​the oral cavity. Before you begin this activity, you should pay attention to the manicure. Its neat condition will reduce to zero the risk of injuring the child, since massage actions must be performed by an adult with special care so as not to cause harm. The duration of this process is on average 2 minutes. As an object for massaging, in addition to your finger, you can use an ice cube wrapped in a towel, hard fruits, and vegetables. When using food, it is necessary to supervise the child, as there is a risk of biting off a large piece, which could cause choking. Photos of the eruption of the first teeth are presented in the gallery of this article.
  2. Teethers. Depending on the production, they can be unfilled or with thermogel. The peculiarity of using the second type is their cooling. Placing this teether in the refrigerator makes it possible to influence blood vessels, as well as soothe itching in the gums, remove swelling, soreness, and sensitivity. Thus, the baby’s condition can be alleviated a little.
  3. Use of medications. There are tablets and special gels. Before using a particular drug, you must familiarize yourself with its features and also consult a doctor, since there is a risk of an allergic reaction. You can choose a gel with or without an anti-inflammatory focus. The frequency of use of this product is about 3-4 times a day for three days. The peculiarity of using gels is the duration of its action (20 minutes). It is most advisable to use it before meals, since soothing the gums will allow you to eat calmly and fully, and also before bed. These measures are quite necessary when the first tooth appears, a photo of which is presented at the end of the article.

One of effective drugs is Dentokind. It belongs to homeopathic remedies. Features of its action: it can have a calming, analgesic effect, and normalizes the baby’s condition. The maximum frequency of taking Dentokind is 6 tablets.

The appearance of the child's first teeth

  1. Unloading the intestines. The amount of food consumed should depend on the wishes of the baby. The feeding process should not be forced. During the teething period, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids, which will help restore the required volume of fluid in the body.
  2. Decrease in temperature. Since teething is often accompanied by an increase in body temperature, antipyretic drugs will come to the rescue. During this period, it is necessary to carefully monitor the child, since some children almost do not react to the increase in temperature indicators, continuing to behave as usual, but others experience lethargy, irritability, and drowsiness. Thus, based on the individual characteristics of the children, each parent is obliged to carefully monitor the child’s condition. If the temperature rises, antipyretics are used. They can be used in various forms, for example, in tablets, suspensions, suppositories. Before using any product, you must read the instructions and administer strictly as prescribed. When these drugs do not have an effect, you need to call a doctor at home.
  3. Nutrition. Regardless of which teeth come out first, it must be balanced. In the process of chewing food, the child’s blood supply to the gums improves, and the newly formed teeth become stronger. Thus, in order to achieve maximum effect, it is necessary to change the consistency of the food consumed. The mushy and homogeneous mass should be replaced with food with small and then large pieces. This helps not only in the process of teething and their further strengthening, but also in the subsequent development of the speaking apparatus. Often, children who have eaten solid food speak very well and speak clearly, unlike others, their speech is difficult and unclear.

Particular attention is paid to the pacifier. It has been established that sucking it when the first teeth appear has a detrimental effect on the bite. The habit of thumb sucking can lead to a similar or even worse condition.

There is an opinion that a large amount of dairy products has a beneficial effect on the process of tooth growth. Unfortunately, this fact has not been proven in practice.

Teething in children - photo

Signs and symptoms of a child’s first teeth erupting make it possible to respond to the situation in a timely manner, as well as provide the necessary assistance to the baby.

Changing baby teeth

Regardless of which teeth appear first, the peculiarity of primary teeth is that they are prone to change. This process is not only necessary, but simply mandatory. Often, the appearance of temporary teeth is similar to that of milk teeth. Thus, the central incisors are replaced first at the age of 6-7 years, the lateral incisors - 7-8, small molars - 9-11, but the canines and large molars are replaced at 10-12.

Pattern of teeth appearance in young children

After the signs of the first teeth appear in babies, teething is a fairly long process, which usually begins from six months of age. A child’s first tooth (symptoms, photos are presented in this article) is both a long-awaited and unexpected occurrence, since it can appear at any time.

It is impossible to name the final period for the appearance of teeth, since a very long period of time can pass between the eruption of molars and wisdom teeth. Although this process is often accompanied by pain and discomfort, it is possible to cope with them thanks to auxiliary means and medications. Having overcome all difficulties, you will eventually receive a reward - a beautiful and charming smile.

When do babies' first teeth appear?

With the advent of a newborn, a lot of reasons for joy appear in the lives of young parents: the child’s smile, his first words and steps. Among the important moments of child development, a special place is occupied by the period when the child is cutting teeth, the symptoms of which often frighten adults to the point of horror. The baby becomes restless, cries constantly, sometimes his temperature rises or diarrhea begins. It is much easier to survive this time if you know how babies teeth erupt and what can be done to alleviate the baby’s condition.

How children teeth grow


At the age of 4-8 months, the first symptoms of teething in infants begin to appear. They usually look like this:

  • redness and swelling of the gums;
  • increased salivation;
  • the child’s desire to keep something in his mouth all the time, to gnaw and bite toys;
  • loss of appetite;
  • vomit;
  • tearfulness;
  • increase in temperature;
  • restless sleep;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • nasal congestion, cough;
  • diathesis.

Each baby deals with teething teeth differently. Some children experience indigestion when teeth begin to appear on the lower jaw, and a fever when on the upper jaw.

It would seem that the body reacts too violently to such a natural process as teething: the symptoms may indeed resemble an incipient disease. But the pain that accompanies this “happy” event is so strong that adults could withstand it no better. Before “showing itself to the world,” the tooth must grow through the bone tissue and gum mucosa.

Dangerous signs of teething in a baby

Despite the fact that indigestion, fever, stuffy nose and cough are common accompaniments of teething, some doctors do not consider these symptoms to be so clear-cut. The explanation for this opinion is very simple: the first years of a child’s life are marked not only by growing teeth, but also high risk get an infection. Therefore, ordinary diarrhea can be either a completely harmless “incident” or a manifestation of a dangerous disease. In this case, how can you understand that teeth are being cut and pathology is not making itself known?

Wet cough

When teething, symptoms such as excessive salivation and a slight cough are quite normal. Saliva collects in the throat area, and the lying baby wants to get rid of it by coughing. In a sitting position, a wet cough also appears, but much less frequently. It usually goes away in 2-3 days and does not require special treatment.

It’s another matter when a child coughs very hard and often, and there is also excessive phlegm. The cough lasts more than 2 days and is accompanied by wheezing and shortness of breath, causing the baby to suffer. In this case, you should immediately contact your pediatrician.

Runny nose

During the period when children are teething, the amount of mucus secreted in the nose increases significantly. It is transparent, liquid and does not look painful. Normally, a runny nose is not severe and goes away in 3-4 days. As a treatment, you can limit yourself to simply rinsing your nose to remove accumulated mucus.

Parents should be alerted to a profuse runny nose, which produces cloudy white or greenish mucus. If such nasal congestion does not go away within 3 days, you should consult your doctor.


Teething in infants is accompanied by the active production of bioactive substances in the gum area. This process provokes an increase in temperature to 37-38 C for 1-2 days. Then the baby's condition returns to normal. Parents can bring down the temperature with the help of antipyretic drugs that are harmless to children.

But sometimes the child’s well-being does not improve, and the temperature lasts more than 2 days. This is a serious reason to visit your doctor. A visit to the pediatrician is also required if the temperature rises above 39 C.


The body noticeably increases salivary activity when children begin teething. Because of this, the baby constantly swallows saliva, which speeds up intestinal motility. The result is diarrhea, characterized by watery stools. The act of defecation in a child does not occur too often - 2-3 times a day. Diarrhea usually goes away within 2-3 days.

You should consult a doctor if diarrhea is prolonged, very frequent and intense, as it can provoke a dangerous state of dehydration for a small child. Parents should also be wary of mucus or blood in the stool.

Sometimes the opposite of diarrhea is a digestive disorder - constipation. It should not be allowed to last more than 3-4 days. It is necessary to discuss with your doctor how you can help your baby’s intestines cleanse.

Parents who observe symptoms of teething in infants for the first time should consult a pediatrician in all unclear situations. It is better to bother the doctor once again than to allow the child to develop the disease. With your second baby it will be much easier, and the signs of teething will not seem so scary.

When do children start teething?

The date of appearance of teeth, like other statistical information, is determined approximately rather than accurately. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the child: someone becomes a “nibbler” much earlier than expected, someone later. It is noticed that boys are slightly behind girls. On average, children begin to erupt teeth at this age:

In today's infants, the first tooth appears at approximately 8.5 months, which slightly delays the growth period of the rest. Before the first year of life, the baby can boast of at least one tooth. As a rule, by the age of 3, a child will have a full set of 20 baby teeth.

Many children have 2 or even 4 teeth coming out at once. Such a load can be difficult for the baby to bear, but paired teething is a completely normal phenomenon.

It is not so important at what month the teeth begin to cut and in what order: this does not affect the “quality” in any way. Therefore, there is no need to worry that the child is a little behind or ahead of his peers - he simply develops at his own rhythm.

It is necessary to carefully care for your child’s oral cavity:

  • For a baby up to 1-1.5 years old, wipe his teeth with a special silicone brush;
  • from 1.5 years of age, buy your child a baby brush;
  • From the age of 2, teach your child to rinse his mouth after eating.

The first visit to the dentist with a child should be made upon reaching 1 year of age.

How to help your child

What to do to relieve your baby's teething symptoms

Babies react very sensitively to the behavior of their parents, especially their mother. Therefore, you can brighten up the teething period by simply giving your child maximum friendly attention. Need to:

  • hold the baby in your arms more often;
  • talk kindly to the child, sing to him;
  • distract the baby with toys;
  • do not quarrel in the nursery, avoid screaming in the presence of the child.

Babies who are on breastfeeding When teething begins, they tend to come into contact with the mother’s breast as often as possible. During this period, there is no need to set a strict feeding schedule: this will only worsen the child’s condition. In 2-3 days everything will return to normal, but in the meantime you should breastfeed your baby as often as he asks. This will calm him down and reduce his level of irritability.

During the period when teeth are being cut, children have a strong need to scratch their gums with something. As a rule, they use their favorite toy for this purpose. But there are also special teethers made from safe materials that help the baby get through a difficult period. Their prices vary significantly:

  • Curababy girl teether – 1450 rub. In fact, it is a combination of a rattle, a massage toothbrush and a teether. Material: soft rubber and hard plastic;
  • Curababy boy set – 2000 rub. Boy's version of the previous model. Also included is a children's toothbrush;
  • cooling teether “Eight” from Canpol – 270 rub. Made from a polymer frame and filled with distilled water;
  • “Eight” teether from Nuk – 160 rub. Made of polyvinyl chloride, it has a textured surface that allows you to massage your gums. The set includes 2 pieces;
  • Bright Starts teethers – 350 rub. for 3 pcs. They have a textured surface that develops motor skills in children. Made from soft polymer and filled with water;
  • combined teethers from Nuk – 520 rub. for 3 pcs. Their main difference is that each teether varies in degree of rigidity and is suitable for a certain period of tooth growth.

Naturally, when a child is actively teething, you want to remove the symptoms of what is happening as quickly as possible. But you shouldn’t place too much hope on teethers: babies often refuse them, preferring a regular rattle to such “specialized” items. In this case, you need to make sure that the child puts only a safe object in his mouth: without sharp corners or small parts that can be chewed off. Many parents “slip” a chilled spoon or pacifier to the baby, or even make do with ordinary drying.

Medicines that relieve teething symptoms in babies

Some parents are sure that their child should not be given any medications. But this opinion exists only until the moment of learning how babies teeth cut. Under the influence of the child’s suffering and relatives tired of his screams, the parents decide to go to the pharmacy. What medicine can relieve teething symptoms in children?

  1. Dantinorm baby. Homeopathic medicine in the form of a solution. It relieves pain for a long time and also reduces the severity of digestive disorders. Estimated cost – 300 rubles.
  2. Dentokind. Homeopathic medicine developed specifically for children. On average, its cost is 700 rubles. for 150 tablets. The medicine relieves all the unpleasant symptoms of teething in infants, including nasal congestion, diarrhea and fever. Children are supposed to swallow the tablets, but they are often too young to do so. So the pill can be dissolved in a teaspoon of water and given to the baby to swallow.
  3. Kamistad. Gel. It has an anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, regenerating and antiseptic effect. The main active ingredients are lidocaine and chamomile extract. Average price– 150 rub. for 10 g. Not recommended for children under 3 months.
  4. Dentinox. Gel or solution. The average cost is 180 rubles. for 10 g/ml. Relieves pain and inflammation of gums. Safe even if the child swallows a little of the gel.
  5. Holisal. Gel. Cost – 330 rubles. for 10 g. Anesthetizes, relieves inflammation and kills germs. May cause an allergic reaction in the form of a short-term burning sensation.
  6. Kalgel. Gel. The main component is lidocaine. Suitable for children over 5 months. It has a weak analgesic effect and can provoke an allergic reaction.

Homeopathy and gels do not always alleviate teething in children, the symptoms of which are almost always accompanied by pain. Therefore, you can give your child an age-appropriate pain reliever:

  • Paracetamol for children. Suspension. Relieves pain, lowers temperature. Do not take for more than 3 days in a row;
  • Panadol. Candles, suspension. It is based on paracetamol. Candles are convenient to use if the child is very small;
  • Nurofen for children. Suspension. Contains ibuprofen. After a single dose, it relieves pain for a long time.

During the period when a child is teething, symptoms cannot be relieved with Aspirin. It is completely unsuitable for children as an antipyretic or analgesic.

Folk remedies

All the unpleasant signs of teething in children were known even when medicine was not so developed. Therefore, there are many ways to alleviate the child’s condition with the help of folk remedies. Among them:

  1. Cold. You need to keep a spoon or pacifier in the freezer and give it to your baby. The cooled item will relieve pain and soothe the gums a little. For older children, you can offer vegetables, fruits, and juices from the refrigerator.
  2. Massage. You should soak a small piece of gauze in peroxide or chamomile decoction. They need to carefully wipe the area where the tooth began to cut.
  3. Motherwort decoction. You need to pour 1 tsp. herbs 0.5 liters of boiling water. Allow the drink to cool slightly, add some sugar and offer it to your child. You can also use valerian root tea.
  4. Honey. You should carefully smear your gums with honey. It perfectly calms and relieves irritation.
  5. Chicory or strawberry root. You just need to let the baby chew on the root. This way the child will massage the gums and soothe the pain.
  6. Soda solution. When teeth are being cut, 1 tsp will help relieve symptoms. soda diluted with a glass of water. You need to moisten a piece of bandage in the solution, wrap it around your index finger and treat your gums with it.

It is also necessary to carefully wipe away any saliva that has accumulated around the mouth. If teething is accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, the child should be fed liquid pureed food and given plenty of fluids to drink.

There are several folk ways used for the appearance of teeth that must be discarded:

  • press firmly on the gums with your finger. This will only increase pain and irritation;
  • giving your child stale bread or cookies. He may choke on crumbs. Teethers are much safer in this sense;
  • wipe the gums with undissolved soda or pick them. There is little benefit from this, but there is a risk of infection.

During the period when the baby is teething, the symptoms are difficult to bear not only for the child, but also for his parents. Baby cries are not one of the classic “joys of motherhood,” but you can’t do without them. But when the baby survives the painful days of teething, he will successfully go through another stage of growing up.

What does Dr. Komarovsky think about this topic?


In this article:

Teething in a baby is both a great joy and a small tragedy in the life of parents and baby. It is at this time that many young mothers must undergo a test of strength and endurance for the first time. It’s great if the child reacts calmly to the first teeth. But more often than not, teething symptoms bring a lot of stress to babies. discomfort, to which they respond with a violent reaction.

All children are unique, and observations carried out on infants have proven that the symptoms of teething in infants vary widely and depend entirely on certain factors and individual characteristics of the body. The main thing is to carefully monitor the child’s well-being at this difficult moment for him and, if necessary, provide him with help.

At what age does teething begin?

A child's teeth begin to develop long before he is born. The formation of the rudiments of baby teeth occurs at the 7th week of pregnancy in the womb. And the time when the first signs of teething appear in a baby is quite individual. It varies over time for different children, and various factors influence the age and speed of teething.

Among them it should be noted:

  • features of pregnancy;
  • climatic conditions in which the child was born and lives;
  • heredity;
  • height and weight of the child;
  • time of fontanelle closure;
  • illnesses in the first weeks and months of the baby’s life;
  • individual characteristics of the body.

Sometimes a newborn is born with one or more teeth already present. Of course, this is an exception to the rule. In most cases, symptoms appear much later when the first teeth are cut. According to statistics, many children erupt their first tooth at the age of 7 months.

According to average values, infants’ teeth appear in the following order:

  • lower incisors - from 6 to 9 months;
  • upper incisors - 7-10 months;
  • upper canines - 12-24 months;
  • lower canines - 2 months later than upper ones;
  • first lower molar - 12-16 months;
  • second lower molar - 20-25 months;
  • first upper molar - 13-19 months;
  • second upper molar - 20-25 months.

It’s worth noting right away that these timings are quite approximate, the baby’s teeth may appear a little earlier or later than these time values, only one thing coincides - usually they always appear one after another according to this schedule.

IN in rare cases The moment of appearance of the first teeth may be delayed for indefinite time, and the baby can celebrate his first birthday with a toothless smile. In any case, there is no need to panic: most likely, this is an individual characteristic of the child’s body, and teeth will definitely appear soon.

Signs of teething

The process of teething in infants often occurs with accompanying ailments: increased excitability nervous system, disruption of the child’s sleep, causeless crying and persistent lack of appetite. In this case, the baby will try to put everything that gets in his way into his mouth - this is caused by severe itching and irritation of the gums. Signs that occur during teething are divided into general, local and controversial. Let's take a closer look at them.

General signs

General signs of teething in babies affect the functioning of the entire body. At the same time, they can be characterized both as signs of rapid teething, and as symptoms of the development of a disease, for example: colds, intestinal infection, poisoning, etc.

Common symptoms of teething of the upper and lower teeth in children include:

  • increased body temperature;
  • weakness, general feeling unwell;
  • lack of appetite;
  • sleep disturbances, severe anxiety.

If the listed signs appear unexpectedly and last for quite a long time, while the baby’s gums and behavior are not typical for signs of the appearance of first teeth, you should consult a doctor. Most likely, we are talking about some kind of disease that has nothing to do with the baby’s dental problems.

Local signs

Local signs of teething in children first appear at the age of 5 months.

These include:

  • increased salivation;
  • gastrointestinal disorders, diarrhea, frequent regurgitation, flatulence;
  • refusal of breastfeeding;
  • swelling of the gums, redness;
  • nasal congestion, slight runny nose;
  • The child constantly keeps his fingers or fist in his mouth.

A little later, when the teeth begin to approach the very surface of the gum, small whitish bumps form on it.

In rare cases, a rash may be noticed as a local reaction on the baby's chin and cheeks, which is also the body's reaction to teething.

Controversial signs

Controversial symptoms of teething in babies include the following:

  • bowel dysfunction due to ingestion of large amounts of saliva with food: diarrhea appears, which can last up to 3 days;
  • itching covering the gums, cheeks, ears, nose, resulting from irritation of the mucous membranes and skin by increased salivation;
  • one-time vomiting, which is quite rare, but this sign should not be excluded (if vomiting is repeated, and against its background the body temperature has increased, we are more likely talking about the presence of a viral infection in the body, rather than symptoms of teething syndrome);
  • an increase in body temperature, which can be observed in almost 50% of babies: normally the temperature can rise to 38°, it should last no more than 3 days.

If your baby's teething symptoms resemble clinical picture ARVI, perhaps you should think not about the child’s new teeth, but about visiting a doctor. You can often hear the opinion among young parents that fever and diarrhea during teething are a banal phenomenon. This is true, but only on condition that the body temperature does not rise above 38° and does not last longer than 3 days. Otherwise, we are talking about an infectious process in the body, and not about teeth. Of course, the body reacts by raising the temperature to inflammation in the gums, but this reaction cannot last long and cannot be pronounced.

Teething diarrhea also has its own characteristics; it has nothing in common with ordinary diarrhea. The child has loose stools up to 3 times a day due to swallowing too much saliva. If diarrhea continues for more than 3 days, the child may have brought something into his mouth that became the impetus for an intestinal infection. You need to see a doctor.

Features of teething

Many mothers are interested in why some babies teeth erupt earlier and others later. Dentists explain this by the rate of formation of the tooth root, namely the rate of division of its cells, since the roots of the teeth, like other organs in the human body, have a cellular structure.

Artificially influence this physiological process impossible. Therefore, it is not recommended to “help” teeth erupt from the gums, as some especially compassionate parents do by deliberately cutting or damaging the child’s gums. Firstly, it is completely useless - the tooth will erupt only when its time comes. Secondly, it is painful, and thirdly, an infection can be introduced into the resulting wound surface.

There are cases when children’s teeth after eruption have their own characteristics, for example:

  • if the baby’s teeth are yellow-brown, most likely his mother, while pregnant, took antibiotics during the formation of tooth buds at the very beginning of pregnancy;
  • a dark edging on the root neck of the tooth indicates that iron-containing preparations were used or that the child’s body has chronic inflammation;
  • a yellow-green tint of teeth appears against the background of liver disease, impaired bilirubin metabolism and death of red blood cells;
  • if the enamel has a red tint, then we can talk about a congenital pathology of porphyria pigment metabolism or about the mother taking tetracycline drugs during pregnancy;
  • if the baby’s teeth are positioned incorrectly, the reasons may be the constitutional characteristics of a particular person (usually small jaw size), trauma, or a congenital metabolic disorder connective tissue, jaw tumors.

If a baby’s teeth grow correctly and in a timely manner, this indicates the child’s normal development, since the process of teething is directly related to general condition his body.

But there are situations when not everything is so smooth, and problems that arise during the eruption of baby teeth indicate the presence of pathology:

  • abnormal development of the tooth (wrong color, size, shape) - the cause of this pathology must be diagnosed by a doctor;
  • teething with a slope from the general arch of the dentition indicates incorrect localization of the tooth axis;
  • the appearance of baby teeth several months earlier: possibly the result of endocrine pathologies in the body;
  • the first teeth appear with a delay of 2 or more months from the general schedule: speaks in favor of a chronic infectious process in the body, disruption of the digestive tract, and metabolic pathologies;
  • violation of the proper order of teething or the absence of any tooth also indicates potential problems in the body or is the result of infectious diseases suffered by the mother during pregnancy.

How to relieve pain?

Signs that a child will soon have his first teeth will be immediately noticed in the family. At this time, rare children remain calm and do not cause trouble to their parents. Most children experience this difficult period in their lives, showing violent discontent. How to relieve pain and discomfort for a child?

What can a young mother do?

  1. Monitor body temperature. If a child does not sleep well, refuses the breast or bottle, is capricious, and all this happens against the background of an elevated temperature, it must be brought down. First, you can try to bring down the temperature without medication: undress the baby, remove his diaper, put him naked under one sheet, offer water - these simple methods can reduce body temperature to normal values. If this does not happen, the child should be given an antipyretic drug based on Paracetamol.
  2. Relief of discomfort in the gum area. To solve this problem, you will need refrigerated teethers, a hard pacifier, and a gel with an anesthetic effect. Since each child is unique, a remedy to relieve itching and pain in the gums must be selected individually. Some people like teethers, while others cannot do without anesthetic gels.
  3. Often, to relieve discomfort in the gums, young mothers use a chamomile decoction, which is gently rubbed into the gums and irritations on the baby’s cheeks and chin. Bee honey has the same effect.
  4. As soon as the teeth begin to cut, the baby is offered solid food- apple, fresh cucumber. If your baby persistently refuses his usual food, you can temporarily replace it with cool baby foods, such as fruit puree or yoghurt. It is also important to prevent dehydration, since along with increased saliva production, the child’s body loses a lot of fluid.

What signs are common to all children when teething? It must be remembered that their appearance is a purely individual process. The sensations during teething, the speed of the process and the child’s tolerance of pain - it all depends on the individual baby. Fortunately, this picture concerns only the appearance of the first milk teeth.

Useful video about the appearance of the baby's first teeth

The first year of a baby’s life is a wonderful and, undoubtedly, the most worrying time for parents. Moments of joy are replaced by concern when unusual symptoms or changes in the child's behavior occur. This is especially true during the teething period. In some cases, this time passes quite calmly, but much more often it is accompanied by a complex of unpleasant manifestations. To distinguish normal phenomena of this period from signs of diseases and help the baby, you need to know all the stages, symptoms and conditions.

Timing and stages of teething

In medicine, only approximate dates for the appearance of the first teeth in infants are presented. It is not possible to calculate this period absolutely accurately, since it is individual for each child.

Vimania! There is no need to worry if teeth erupt earlier or later than the established time - most likely, this is the individual norm of the child.

However, there are a number of factors that influence this process. These include:

  • heredity. Often, close relatives have similar timing of dentition formation;
  • calcium level in the child's body. An important role is played by the baby’s nutrition, which must be rich in vitamins and minerals, including this microelement for the proper formation and growth of the body. It must be taken into account that receiving nutrients carried out before the birth of the child, during its intrauterine development. The formation of baby teeth occurs at 3-4 months of pregnancy. Therefore, it is important that calcium reaches the baby not only after birth, but also at the stage of intrauterine formation of his body;
  • climatic conditions. It has been observed that children living in hotter environments erupt teeth earlier;
  • gender. It was revealed that girls are somewhat ahead of boys in this matter.

As for the timing, the norm is the appearance of the first tooth in infants between the ages of five months and one year. Such a wide interval additionally indicates the presence of an individual norm for each child. The most common timing of teeth appearance is shown in the following table.

Table. Approximate timing of teething in infants.

Types of teethAge period, months.
Lower central incisors (2 teeth)6-7
Central incisors from above (2 teeth)8-10
Lateral incisors from above (2 teeth)9-12
Lateral incisors from below (2 teeth)11-14
Front molars from the side (upper first molars) - 2 teeth12-15
Front molars from the side (lower first molars) - 2 teeth12-15
Fangs (4 teeth)18-22
Posterior molars from the side (upper and lower second molars) – 4 teeth24-32

Teeth eruption occurs in stages. Usually the lower incisors appear first, followed by the upper ones after a while. However, here too there are individual differences, so do not worry if there is a violation of the order and other teeth erupt first. When the baby reaches one year, the next 4 lateral incisors usually appear. The first molars (molars) are cut around the age of one and a half years, and by the age of two the child’s fangs have erupted. By the age of three, the second molars (molars) appear. This completes the process of teething. Their number by the age of three years is 20 pieces.

On average, the first tooth appears at the age of seven months. However, even a significant delay in meeting deadlines is often the norm for children. Usually by the age of one year the baby has at least one tooth. There is no need to worry about timing and appearance; these indicators do not affect “quality”.

Video - How a child cuts teeth

Teething symptoms

In some cases, the period of teeth appearing passes quite calmly or with minimal symptoms of illness. Basically, this time is associated with a whole complex of symptoms, which can be difficult to distinguish from manifestations of diseases. Usually the first unpleasant signs of this period appear at the age of 4-8 months of the baby.

Your baby is teething - symptoms

The main symptoms of teething include:

Attention! Sometimes, several weeks before the appearance of a tooth, a tooth appears in the eruption area containing a liquid of a transparent or bluish color. There is no need to worry - this is not a pathological phenomenon and there is no need to touch it, just observe. It is opened and the liquid is released only in case of excessive growth.

Video - What are the signs of teething

Warning signs

Signs of the eruption of the first teeth in babies are similar to the symptoms of many diseases, so it is important to monitor them and, in some cases, seek treatment. medical care. Signs of concern include:

Attention! This age period(after 6 months) the child loses the immune protection received from the mother, since even with continued breastfeeding, her antibodies are no longer in the milk. Your own immunity is just beginning to manifest itself.

The child's slight malaise, irritability, tearfulness, loss of appetite, sleep disturbance, swelling and looseness of the gums usually indicate the period of teething and do not pose any danger. If symptoms increase and new ones appear, you should consult a doctor to rule out diseases with similar symptoms.

Relief of teething symptoms

Both pharmaceuticals and traditional methods. The choice of symptom relief depends on their intensity, degree of discomfort, and individual characteristics of the body.

Among the pharmacological methods there is a wide variety of specialized drugs:

  • Dental gels with anesthetic are most often used (Kalgel, Detinox, Kamistad, Cholisal and others). They do not affect the process of teething, but they can reduce pain due to lidocaine and menthol in the composition. The effect lasts about 20 minutes, they can be used no more than five times a day, not exceeding three days. Allowed for children as young as 4 months;

Important! The child must be monitored during use. Allergic reactions may occur.

Answers to the question: “What to do?”

QuestionExpert opinionPhoto
Increased salivationIf saliva has irritated the skin around the mouth and chin, you can take advantage of the drying effect of creams containing zinc. Moreover, such a cream is most often found in a baby’s medicine cabinet and is used to prevent diaper rash.
MoodinessFeed your baby breast milk on demand - this will calm the baby and reduce his irritability. Offer your baby a dryer or cracker to “scratch his teeth.” Carry in your arms more often - the vertical position favors the outflow of blood from the site of inflammation, thereby reducing the severity of symptoms
Increased body temperatureIt is worth reducing the temperature by using antipyretics containing paracetamol or ibuprofen. They also have an analgesic effect. Do not forget about non-medicinal ways to reduce temperature: cool air in the room, drinking plenty of fluids, light clothing
Loose stoolTreatment of this symptom is carried out only after consulting a doctor observing your child. And in the case of vomiting, increased regurgitation, frequent (more than 3 times a day) and profuse loose stool with an admixture of mucus or blood, a decision on a medical examination should be made immediately
Nasal dischargeIf you and the doctor observing the child have come to the conclusion that the cause of the runny nose is teething, then you can limit yourself to simply rinsing the nose from accumulated mucus, if desired, using one of the children's aspirators to remove “snot.”

Traditional methods

Non-drug ways to relieve teething symptoms are usually used for mild discomfort; in particular, this includes:

The following traditional methods should not be used for safety reasons:

  • finger pressure on the eruption area. This will not speed up the process of tooth emergence, but may provoke increased pain;
  • treat the gums with undissolved soda, and also pick them out. In this case, there is a risk of infection;
  • give your baby stale bread, cookies, carrots. This method is an alternative to teethers.

Important! Using this method is dangerous for the child's life. Without strict supervision, he may choke on crumbs. It is preferable to use teethers.

Combining folk methods of alleviating the manifestations of the described period with pharmacological agents is effective. However, complete disappearance of symptoms will occur when a small white tooth appears above the surface of the gum.

Video - Baby's first teeth

A child is a great joy for parents. Together with them, he experiences all his main moments in life - his first words, his first steps. Parents must monitor the child’s development, teach him, and help him. An important stage of life, both for the baby and for his entire family, is the eruption of the first milk teeth. The appearance of the first teeth is a very important process, and parents should help the baby during this period of his life.

Parents, get ready! Soon your child will start biting.

Dental development is a long-term process

The formation of baby teeth occurs in the womb. Then the rudiments of baby teeth are formed.

According to research by Ukrainian scientists in 2013, in order to prevent the child from developing caries in the future, the mother must ensure that a large amount of fluoride enters the body during pregnancy. Sea and river fish are rich in fluorine.

If the mother does not eat fish or the body does not accept it during pregnancy, then you can purchase sodium fluoride at the pharmacy. It contains fluorine in high concentration and does not harm the health of the child and mother.

River fish should be one of the favorite dishes of the expectant mother.

However, before using any medicinal product During pregnancy, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

The order of appearance and subsequent change of teeth in a child

I don’t promise you a quiet life!

A baby's first teeth appear at the age of six months. This is a rather unpleasant and painful process for the baby, so it will be difficult for parents not to notice. In some children, teeth may appear earlier or later - from 4 to 9 months of life.

At what age teeth appear depends on the course of pregnancy, the health of the baby and environmental factors.

The first to appear are the incisors - the front teeth, followed by the canines and molars. Children have a total of 20 primary teeth: 4 incisors on the lower and upper jaw, 2 protruding canines and 4 molars. Unlike adults, a child does not have premolars (adults have 8) and “wisdom teeth.” The famous Ukrainian pediatrician Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky gives the following time frame for the appearance of the first milk teeth:

  • The lower central incisors appear at 6 months.
  • The upper central incisors erupt at 8 months.
  • Upper lateral incisors (two incisors on each side of the first central incisors) at 10 months.
  • Lower lateral incisors - at 12 months.
  • The first molars appear at 12 - 15 months.
  • Fangs appear no earlier than 17 months, and can erupt at 20 months.
  • The second molars are the last to appear - by the end of 2 years of life.

When all of a child's first teeth erupt, there are usually no gaps between them. This is absolutely normal and correct. But as the child develops, mainly before the teeth change to permanent ones and in the process of jaw enlargement, small gaps begin to appear. This is quite an important process, because molars are always larger in size than milk teeth.

Just a few years and the foolish baby will turn into a charming lady.

If physiological spaces between the teeth do not form, the teeth cannot fully grow and partially remain in the jaw. As a result, this child develops crooked permanent teeth. While normal spaces appear between the teeth, the roots of the first teeth begin to “resolve” and the teeth become loose. After this, baby teeth gradually fall out.

A baby who is just starting to walk cannot yet report his condition, cannot say what is bothering him and where it hurts. Very often, colds in young children are accompanied by coughing attacks. Our article will tell you how to cope with unpleasant symptoms.

Can't sleep at night? Does your husband have difficulty getting up and is often late for work? Does your child cry for days on end? How to be and what to do? Mothers of young children have been asking themselves these questions for many years. We have published advice from doctors and experienced mothers that will help you quickly and effortlessly put your baby to sleep.

Signs indicating possible teething

Throughout the period of the appearance of baby teeth, the baby’s health status changes. This manifests itself as various symptoms. Symptoms precede the eruption of each new tooth, but they may vary from child to child. And even one child may have one symptom when the incisors are erupting, but when the canines and molars are erupting - completely different. This is due to the development of the child’s body and nervous system. The first signs may develop a month before the first tooth appears.

  1. The very first and most important symptom is swelling and inflammation of the gums. When the gum is touched, the baby feels pain and reacts with strong screaming, indignation and crying.

    Real men endure pain with a smile on their face.

  2. Closer to the time of teething, the child feels pain not only when touching the gums - the gums begin to hurt constantly. The child may wake up at night in pain and scream.
  3. Due to constant feeling of pain the child loses appetite and interest in food. During this period, you need to force the child to eat - he needs energy.
  4. Excessive salivation is one of the first symptoms that a child is teething.
  5. Practically All children have a fever. For some, this is not very pronounced - maybe only 37.2˚C. But in some children the temperature rises above 38˚C. This is most often observed at night. Even if parents know that an increase in temperature is associated only with the eruption of baby teeth, it is imperative to call a pediatrician and go to the hospital. Temperatures above 38˚C are dangerous for the life of a small child!

    If the child high temperature consult a doctor immediately!

  6. The child begins to put various objects into his mouth and tries to chew them. This helps his tooth “break through” the gum. Currently there is large number teethers - special toys that children can chew. They prepare the gums for the appearance of the tooth.

    The famous children's dentist Ivan Vladimirovich Chizhevsky advises giving children biscuits instead of rodents. The child does not eat it, but simply “grinds off” his gums on it. At the same time, it is softer and the gums are less injured. When a piece of cookie falls, the child can be given another, and the rodent, after falling on the floor, must be boiled and then allowed to cool. Otherwise, the child risks getting an infection in the oral cavity.

  7. Some children develop teeth when they appear. symptoms of general intoxication– nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
  8. The appearance of the first teeth may be accompanied by a runny nose. Because of this, parents do not immediately understand what is happening to their child.

    Oh, how tired I am. It would probably all be over.

Many children develop a small white line on their gums, along which “smart” parents tap with a teaspoon and get a soft, booming sound. According to the grandmothers' rules, a silver spoon is used. In fact, the thin white line is a tooth protruding from the gum. AND hitting the line with any spoon or any other object, parents severely injure the gum, tooth and cause mass pain child. So it's not worth doing this.

The temptation is great, but control yourself!

If you have a great desire to find out that your child will soon have a tooth, it is best to contact a pediatric dentist.

Do you know what helps the passage of gases in a newborn, relieves smooth muscle spasms, improves digestion and has an antimicrobial effect. It can be used from 2 weeks of age. Dill tincture is also useful for nursing mothers.

Finger games are one of the most effective means of developing motor skills in young children. Developed motor skills are a guarantee of normal intellectual and physical development child. For more complete information follow this link.

Young mothers will find it useful, which details the role of the fontanelle for the child’s body and the time when the soft crown should tighten.

What to do when teething?

For a child, the appearance of the first teeth is a huge stress. He still does not understand what is happening to him and why he is in pain. All parents think about how to help their child.

Who, if not dad, will cheer up the little one.

The child needs to be distracted. Children during this period are subject to whims and frequent mood changes. It is necessary to switch the child’s attention away from the feeling of discomfort. To do this, you can play with him, throw him up, tell him something and teach him to speak.

With older children, you can go for walks and have active games in the fresh air. A person receives 90% of information through the visual analyzer; if you turn on cartoons to your child or show bright, colorful pictures, this will attract his attention for a while.

Shouldn't we start building?

Another way to calm your child is to keep his hands busy. You can buy a large children's Rubik's cube or a construction set with large parts. At the same time, the child not only focuses on the toy, but also develops fine motor skills of his fingers.

Mom and dad must take the child in their arms, caress, pat the head, and lull him to sleep. It is especially important to do this at night, when the child is most restless. The baby should feel that he is not alone, that his parents are nearby, they take care of him.

At night, you can put the baby not in his crib, but with mom and dad. This way the baby will sleep more peacefully. The child should be given painkillers. You can buy them only with the permission of your pediatrician and pediatric dentist. Otherwise, the medicine may negatively affect the child's body.

You should immediately prepare for the fact that painkillers will not be able to completely eliminate the pain; the child will still feel it. But the pain will be less pronounced.

Sleeping with your beloved mom is the best medicine.

It is best to use ointments - they begin to act faster than syrups, which still need to be absorbed into the body. gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the concentration of the active medicinal substance in the ointment is higher (a smaller dose of medication will be required to achieve the desired effect).

When the baby begins to be capricious, he needs to be put to the breast. During this period, he may eat less, but more often.

We actively help the teeth come out.

The child should be given something to chew on - this prepares the gums and speeds up the process of tooth emergence. After a year, you can congratulate your child on the purchase of a new toy or a beautiful ball for each new tooth.

When a baby is teething, it is difficult for everyone - both the child and the parents. But parents must provide their child with maximum support and care. Then the baby will endure this period easier and will grow up happy.
