What does March mean? What does the name Martha mean: characteristics, compatibility, character and fate

The female name Martha has Hebrew roots and means “mistress”, “mistress of the house”. It is found in many countries of the world; in Russia this name is also common (despite the fact that its variant Marfa was used more often in the past), but at present it cannot be called popular.

Characteristics of the name Marta

The name Martha gives its owner an independent, purposeful, emotional and demanding character. This woman can hardly be called sincere, because she communicates with people dryly, does not like to open up to them, is difficult to make contact, preferring exclusively business communication. As a child, Martha shows great pride, which does not allow her to give her affection to her parents and friends, and at the same time requires attention to herself. She studies well at school, already at this age, as a rule, having clear plans for life. Martha retains her determination and assertiveness into adulthood, when she turns into a real businesswoman with a cool mind, prudence, straightforwardness, and courage in making decisions. It’s quite difficult to get her angry, but there is emotionality in her, since Martha leads a very active life and tries to try a lot. The owner of this name puts her interests above everything else, so in life she does everything only to satisfy them. Finding a common language with the outwardly cold Martha is quite difficult, which is why she cannot boast of many friends.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

The name Martha is suitable for a girl born under zodiac sign Scorpio, that is, from October 24 to November 22. The straightforward and secretive Scorpio is in many ways similar to the owner of this name; he is able to preserve her love of struggle, determination, desire for success, adding to Martha’s difficult character loyalty, decency and desire to protect the weak.

Pros and cons of the name Martha

What are the pros and cons of the name Martha? Its positive qualities are its beautiful sound, giving the impression of spring freshness and familiarity. It is familiarity that allows this name to go well with Russian surnames and patronymics. In addition, the name Martha is rich in beautiful diminutive forms (for example, Martochka, Martuska, Martusya, Martik), which make it even more multifaceted. The only drawback of this name is the complex, vain and demanding nature of many of its owners.


Martha’s health is quite good, but she should pay special attention to the condition of her stomach and pancreas, eat right and be sure to exercise.

Love and family relationships

Martha is married more than once. As a rule, it is difficult for men to get along with her, even though the owner of this name loves her home very much, works a lot around the house, and takes good care of the children. The reason for Martha’s family failures lies in her demandingness and pragmatism, because she asks a lot, but gives little in return.

Professional area

In the professional sphere, Martha shows great diligence and careerism. As a rule, she chooses work that is intellectual or related to trade. For example, she can make an excellent restaurateur, salesman, owner of a cafe or small store, lawyer, translator, therapist, accountant.

Name day

Martha does not celebrate her name day, since only the name Martha is listed in the calendar, which is already considered independent.

When giving the name Martha to a newborn baby, parents often do not even suspect what a strong influence it has on her. future fate. It is these 5 letters that determine the character and behavior of a girl, help her win the sympathy of others, build relationships with the opposite sex, start a family and achieve success in the professional sphere.

History and meaning of the name

The name Martha has origin and meaning are inextricably linked. According to the most popular hypothesis, this name appeared when the Hebrew word “martha” was translated into a European style. Translated from Hebrew, it means “lady” or “mistress”.

There are other versions that determine the origin of the name Martha, the meaning of the name and the fate of the girls who received it at birth. Thus, Asian linguists believe that it comes from the Arabic word “marufa”, meaning “eminent”, “famous”, “crowned with glory”. At the same time, many researchers believe that this name first appeared in Rus'. In their opinion, this is what the Slavs called girls born in the first month of spring.

Talismans and totem items

Garnet is considered a totem stone for girls with this name. This mineral gives them vigor, vitality and the ability to look at things optimistically. Also, talismans for owners of this name are:

  • plants - chamomile and chestnut;
  • planet - Mercury;
  • Zodiac sign - Gemini;
  • animal - ladybug;
  • color - bright orange.

Favorable day of the week is Wednesday.

Patron saints and name days

Martha is a Catholic name. Therefore, it cannot be found in Orthodox church calendars. In Orthodoxy, the similar-sounding name Martha is considered an analogue of the name Martha, and the martyr Martha of Asia is recognized as the patron saint of girls who received it at birth. Marches celebrate name day twice a year - February 19 and July 17.

General description of character

Martha is a purposeful, ambitious and energetic woman. As a rule, she:

There is only one way to negotiate a deal with her - by offering her a mutually beneficial compromise.

Girls with this name are very stingy emotionally. They rarely show cordiality and never trust their secrets to unfamiliar people. Other people's emotions have little impact on women named by this name. Moreover, excessive emotionality causes open hostility in them. The material benefits of the owner of the name are valued much more than spiritual ones.

Childhood and youth

Martha is a very restless, persistent, stubborn, daring and mischievous girl.. Playing with her peers, she very often becomes the instigator of children's pranks. Having set a certain goal for herself, she does not calm down until she achieves what she wants.

Martochka studies well, but does not have a special love for learning. The little girl likes much more to participate in sports clubs, attend clubs and participate in extracurricular school activities. In adolescence, a girl becomes very narcissistic. She remembers all the insults inflicted on her for years and is never the first to reconcile.

Knowing what the name Martha means for a girl, it is easy to predict how her relationships with men will develop. Girl named so at birth, has no shortage of fans. However, she herself does not give in to feelings and meets with representatives of the stronger sex only for selfish reasons.

Martha gets married very late. If a girl considers her marriage successful, then she can completely focus on the family: raising children and housework. And, on the contrary, if problems arise in relationships, Martha easily files for divorce.

Girls bearing this name can hope for a happy marriage with Arkhip, Mikhail, Oleg, Roman, Yaroslav, Mark and Pavel. They can build more or less calm relations with Svyatoslav and Semyon. At the same time, Martochkas are completely incompatible with Nikitas, Nikolai and Kirills.

Profession and career

Girls named Martas build a career very easily. They sincerely believe in success, easily infect the team with their sense of purpose, and know how to lead people. Self-confidence and perseverance help the owners of this name to quickly occupy leadership positions.

Most often, girls choose professions that require active mental activity. They become scientists, teachers, top managers of large companies, heads of their own businesses, accountants, doctors or lawyers. Among representatives of working professions, there are very few girls bearing this name.

For Martha, the meaning of her name, character and destiny are inextricably linked. Girls named so at birth live a vibrant life full of pleasant impressions. They are always surrounded only by loyal friends and people who are ready to move mountains for them.

Attention, TODAY only!

Purposeful Strong-willed Brave

Martha Helen Stewart, television presenter and writer

Origin of name: Hebrew

When you're lucky: Saturday

When there are problems: Wednesday, Friday

Important years of life: 27, 35, 48

Zodiac sign: Aries

Lucky number: 3

What does the name Martha mean?

The generally accepted meaning of the name Martha is interpreted as “mistress”, “mistress”, and this is exactly what women who bear this unusual name become.

Its sound is firm and sonorous, it exudes strength and inflexibility. This largely determines the character of its owners. Martha is brave, decisive, courageous.

This meaning is further enhanced by the rarity of the name; it attracts with its powerful energy and masculinity.

This name is capacious and eloquent, it exudes stability and calmness; the persons who wear it amaze those around them with their sedateness, balance and inner harmony.

By its nature, the name is open, its energy is devoid of duality or hypocrisy, it is endearing and inspires confidence.

Would you name your child this name?
Not really

It is believed that Martha is an ancient Syrian name that appeared in the Aramaic kingdom, which existed ten centuries BC.

In the Syriac language, from which it actually originated, this word was interpreted as “powerful,” “she who instructs,” and in literal translation it means “mistress.”

However, the origin of the name Martha has another version, which testifies to its Hebrew roots and is associated with biblical legends.

As the story goes, the first mention of it is associated with a certain Martha (Martha), the sister of Mary, who, according to legend, washed the feet of Jesus Christ with myrrh and wiped them with her hair, and Lazarus of Bethany, whom Jesus subsequently resurrected.

All her life, Martha was a follower of Christian teaching and did everything possible to attract more believers to it.

Forms of the name Simple: MartaFull: MartaAntique: MarfaTender: Martusenka

The owner of this name inspires respect; it seems that her character is devoid of weaknesses and flaws.

Remembering what the name Martha means, you understand that she is the true mistress of the situation and her destiny as a whole. No matter what happens, she always thinks rationally and knows what to do.

Speaking about Martha’s characterization, it must be emphasized that this woman cannot be unsettled, she is not afraid of difficulties, does not allow herself to be offended and knows how to accept defeats with dignity.

Common sense and wit give her an excellent sense of humor and help her establish contacts with the most different people. However, she is domineering, selfish and devoid of self-irony.

Regardless of her origin, she always strives for wealth and material well-being, paying less attention to her spiritual development. Martha lives solely by reason, and emotions have no power over her.

This name has many purely masculine qualities - willpower, determination, courage, perseverance, the ability to stand up for oneself, which help to always be on top.

Authority, pragmatism, logic, independence - this is what the name Marta means. She is confident in herself, her beliefs and what she does, independent of the opinions and assessments of others.

She goes ahead towards her goals and always achieves what she wants, because she knows how to calculate and predict everything, avoiding risks and not giving in to emotions.

Despite such a strict description, Martha can become a loyal and reliable friend; her spiritual breadth and inner strength do not allow her to remain indifferent to other people's problems.

She knows how to win over and organize common leisure time, and defuse tense situations with sparkling humor. He gets along better with men, among whom he is very popular.

In general, the characteristics of the name Martha contain more positive qualities, but it is advisable for such a person to treat the weaknesses of others with understanding and with irony towards herself.

Character Traits Freedom Courage Responsibility Initiative Purposefulness Selfishness Callousness Stubbornness Demanding Powerfulness

Martha is a confident, sociable, successful woman who enjoys success with the opposite sex.

She will always have fans, and she will not face loneliness. However, the secret of the name Martha lies in caution and fear of making mistakes.

Martha is cautious about marriage, but there is a high probability that she will walk down the aisle at least twice.

Good and bad couples Bogdan Boris Dmitry Evgeniy Pavel Yaroslav Stanislav Vladislav Oleg Anton

Family in her life is of great importance, it is important that it be ideal, therefore Martha is very demanding in choosing a life partner and takes a responsible approach to everything related to setting up a home and raising children.

She does not wait for her husband to give her the blessings of life and provides for both herself and her family. But Martha wants to see a strong and successful man next to her.

Her domineering character and perfectionism prevent her from finding selfless happiness. Over time, Martha becomes wiser, more tolerant and will be able to create a prosperous family.

When is the name day?

February 19 June 17, 22 July 17, 19 September 14 November 21 © Author: Alexey Krivenky. Photo: depositphotos.com

Origin and meaning of the name Martha

When choosing a name for a newborn baby, parents dream that it will bring her happiness and good luck in life. The name Martha, the origin and meaning of which is described below, will help you decide and make the right choice.


The name Martha, like many other unusual female names, has several versions of its origin. Most often it is said that it comes from the Hebrew Martha. In this case, the meaning of the name Martha will sound like “mistress”, “mistress”, “mistress”.

In Arab countries they think a little differently. According to their version, given name is a European form of the less common female name Marufa. It should be noted that currently the original version is practically not used. If we adhere to this version, then the meaning of the name Martha will be “famous” or “famous”.

The Slavs offer their own version, according to which this is the name given to girls born in the first month of spring. The meaning of the name Martha will be very easy to understand, because it sounds like “born in March.”


From birth, the baby is restless. The meaning of the name Martha for a girl gives her a strong character. She prefers to play with boys, and sometimes even fights with them, proving that she is right. Martha is daring, reckless, mischievous, and is often the instigator of all children's pranks. He makes decisions almost instantly and never deviates from his own.


IN school years Marta is a leader among her classmates. She is respected equally by both girls and boys. The meaning of the name Martha characterizes the girl as a sociable person who can do everything, everywhere. She is interested in board games, plays in the sports section, and participates in various school events and Olympiads. The name Martha, the origin and meaning of which is described above, suggests that its bearer is a rather narcissistic person, so it is under no circumstances recommended to offend her. The girl has an overly developed sense of self-esteem; she will remember the insult inflicted on her for a very long time and will never be the first to reconcile. She studies well and from the very beginning early age determines for himself future profession. Marta is interested in languages ​​and exact sciences.

Martha: name meaning, character, health

The name Martha gives its owner not very good health. As a rule, she has digestive problems, cardiovascular system, thyroid gland. To avoid the development of diseases, a girl should be taught proper and regular nutrition from childhood, and should also be forced not to neglect preventive measures.

Martha: the meaning of the name, character and fate

With age, Martha's character practically does not change. She is still reckless and emotional, although now she is trying to be more diplomatic and restrain her words and actions. From the outside, sometimes it may seem that the girl is completely indifferent to what is happening, but in fact, passions are raging in her soul. Owners of this name, as a rule, are economical, businesslike, persistent, straightforward, and always achieve their goals. Inert people irritate a woman, and she tries to avoid their company. Also worth noting is Martha’s cunning, her power and mercilessness towards her offenders. Her developed pride makes her a slightly scandalous person. Moreover, Martha herself knows about this and tries to hide unpleasant character traits.

The girl is quite sociable; it is not difficult for her to get used to a new team. Marta has a unique style of communication - she tries to demonstrate her own strengths and makes fun of other people's shortcomings, albeit in a light form, so as not to offend her interlocutor too much.


In her endeavors, Martha quite often achieves incredible success; it would seem that fate is spoiling her, but her achievements do not bring satisfaction to the girl herself. Martha is very demanding, and this is expressed not only in relation to others, but also to herself. The girl is domineering, loves to teach, so she often chooses the profession of a teacher. He can also become a coach in any sport, a doctor, an engineer, an accountant, or a translator. At work, Marta always strives for success and charges others with her positivity. Quite often, work is the most important part of life for her. She is ambitious, always strives for wealth, so she will never agree to a “penny” job. Most often occupies leadership positions.

Family, children

As a rule, the owner of the name Martha is attractive in appearance, so she has no shortage of admirers. It should be noted that the girl almost never gives in to feelings and even love relationship builds according to calculations. She will be completely satisfied with the connection with married man so as not to have any obligations to each other. Martha gets married in adulthood; very often her first marriage ends in divorce, which, however, does not upset her at all. Having married a second time, Martha focuses on her family. The woman is very attached to her husband and children. The man has to do household chores in this family. Martha doesn’t really like this, but if necessary, she will do everything flawlessly, without waiting for her husband. She devotes a lot of time to raising children. They study at prestigious educational institutions, always fashionably and expensively dressed, restrained, well-mannered. Martha has a special relationship with her grandchildren. She idolizes them, allowing them everything and forgiving any of their mistakes.

The mystery of the name

The secret of the name Martha, as a rule, is her kindness. A woman tries to hide this character trait because she considers it a weakness that interferes with her business.

  • Zodiac sign - Gemini.
  • The planet of the name is Mercury.
  • The animal is a ladybug.
  • Lucky color is orange.
  • The plant is chamomile.
  • The tree is chestnut.
  • The stone is garnet.

Name compatibility

The ideal couple would be with Ilya, Miroslav, Mikhail, Pavel, Oleg, Roman, Peter, Svyatoslav, Yaroslav.

Relationships with Nikita, Semyon, Nikolai, Orest, Stanislav, Felix, Yuri will be unsuccessful.

What is the meaning of the name Martha?

Every person is given a name at birth. Its choice depends on various factors: parents like its sound, meaning, or it is given in honor of a relative. It has long been known that each name has its own meaning and gives its bearer certain character traits, talismans, talents and much more. Often girls are given the feminine name Martha at birth. Quite a few people like the sound. And many are interested in the meaning of the name Martha.

It comes from the Aramaic language. The meaning of the name Martha is “Lady”. In the Russian version it is modified to Marfa. Martha is characterized as follows. Since childhood, girls with this name are characterized by emotionality, perseverance and stubbornness. They are demanding both of others and of themselves. Thanks to all these properties, they study well at school, sometimes showing outstanding success.

Growing up, Martha turns into a charming, attractive woman. She is characterized by determination, self-confidence and confidence in her actions. Even in the most difficult situations, she does not lose her courage and determination. She has a highly developed sense of self-esteem, is vindictive, does not forgive an insult for a long time and does not take a step towards reconciliation. In society, Martha feels like a duck to water, easily attracting the attention of men. The ability to dress beautifully also helps her in this.

Pragmatism and caution lead to the fact that women rarely take rash steps or make hasty decisions.

Girls with this name have a well-developed intellect, which is why they most often choose the appropriate job. However, they can also be excellent salespeople, fitness trainers, and more.

Despite their great success with men, Martha girls get married late. They often marry twice. However, sometimes, after staying too long, a woman remains unmarried. In this case, she devotes all her energy and love to her work and achieving career success.

Having created a family, the girls are very devoted to it, putting all their strength into comfort and peace in the house. They do a lot with their own hands, without relying on help from other household members. They knit and sew well. They love to receive guests, while demonstrating a cozy atmosphere in the house and perfect order. They are very jealous, but they try to hide it as much as possible, which is not always possible. Against this background, scenes of jealousy may be thrown at the husband.

The Martha girl's favorite colors are blue, red and green. Hobbies are skiing and reading books. They love to eat sweets.

Now the meaning of the name Martha is clear. What kind of men are suitable for such girls? What names should they have? Marriages with Ilya, Miroslav, Mikhail, Oleg, Peter, Paul, Svyatoslav, Roman and Yaroslav are favorable. You should not build a family with Nikolai, Nikita, Orest, Semyon, Stanislav, Felix, Yuri and Yakov.

Thus, Martha is a name that characterizes a self-confident, demanding, beautiful and intelligent girl who is successful among men. But once they get married, they devote themselves completely to their family. In general, the meaning of the name Martha - “Mistress” - fully corresponds to the character of its owner.

Girls' names according to Saints: March

Choosing names for girls is very difficult, since there are a lot of beautiful, unusual female names. How to make the right choice in this case? Will the Saints be able to help in this matter? For those who believe in God and honor the Orthodox Saints, choosing a name according to the Saints is the right decision. What names of girls can you choose according to the Saints in March? How do you select names for girls according to the church calendar? - we will talk about this and much more today.

So, the names of girls according to the Saints: March

All parents should know that a name is one of the main carriers of information about a person, more precisely about his character and destiny. In ancient times, parents chose names for their children based on rituals and religious subjects, observing all Orthodox (Catholic) church rites. Choosing a child's name according to the Saints remains one of the ancient and beautiful customs. The child is named in honor of the memory of one of the great Saints. According to tradition, the Saint in whose honor the child is named will patronize him for the rest of his life.

Children born in March, the first month of spring, are very flexible, gentle and indecisive. In addition, they are also sensitive, vulnerable and very impressionable. They are easily angered or offended, and the resentment of March children remains in their hearts for a long time. But, with all this, children born in March are very active, talented, charming, know how to win people over, and quite often express their emotions through art. That is why the names of girls according to the Saints in March need to be chosen more carefully. Making a choice in favor of a bright, strong and strong-willed name can reveal all the child’s advantages and give him confidence and strength.

In March, according to the Saints, there are a lot of beautiful female names. Remember, if you wisely choose a name for your daughter according to the Saints in March, then you will be able to correctly emphasize the individual qualities of your child, and they will serve as reliable protection for him.

Girls' names according to Saints: March

Names of girls born in March

Pregnancy is a happy time for many families; future parents look forward to meeting their baby with pleasure. Somewhere around 6-7 months of pregnancy, when the sex of the child has already been determined, most parents begin to think about a name for the child. Let's look at the character traits and names of those born in March

What are the character and lucky names of those born in March

This is a very important moment not only in the life of the parents, but also of the child. After all, the name, in essence, gives rise to a new life, affects the baby’s character, and, to some extent, his fate. Before choosing a name for your child, you need to know not only the gender of the child, but also what time of year the baby will be born, which is important, in this case the month of birth.

March- “March” people are very sensitive and impressionable. Failures are difficult to bear and therefore poorly promoted. If they show stubbornness and persistence, it is most often to their detriment. They are cowardly, indecisive, and easily vulnerable. They believe that their life has not worked out. Among the “March” people there are many losers and envious people. All their lives they strive for success, but remain unrecognized. And if they find themselves at the pinnacle of glory, it is not for long, and the fall for them means the collapse of all hopes. These “spring” people are selfish and ambitious. They are irritable, sarcastic, and perceive the success of others as their own failure. They are very boring and pester their loved ones with endless complaints about their fate. Suspicious people believe in superstitions and often turn to fortune tellers.

Names for March girls:

Let's imagine the situation that your baby will be born in the spring, in March, and you will have a girl. How to choose a name for her? What names of girls born in March brought happiness to their owners? - these are the first questions that come to mind. March is the first month of spring. Children born in spring are flexible, they show flexibility in many matters, so it is very difficult for them to achieve success in life. In addition, March children, in particular girls, can be very impressionable and sensitive. Distinctive features children born in March is their talent; March children mainly express their emotions through art. Children born in spring have a soft character, they are pliable, so the names of girls born in March should be “hard” and sonorous. It is desirable that the name contain the letters P or N, for example, Nadezhda or Ruslana.

The most suitable names for those born in March are: Antonina, Evdokia, Ruslana, Seraphim, Stella, Stanislava, Rostislava, Bronislava, Sophia.

Names of girls born in March according to the calendar

Perhaps you do not like the names listed above, then in this case, study the meanings of the names you have chosen. Believing families can choose a name for the child according to the Saints, that is, name the child in honor of the Saint based on his birthday. Don't forget to take into account the child's middle name. After all, the name must be consonant with the patronymic.

Sometimes some parents want to make their child stand out from the crowd, and for this they give the baby an extraordinary name. Perhaps, at a more mature age, your daughter will thank you for such an unusual and unique name, but until she is 17-20 years old, she will have to put up with the ridicule of friends and acquaintances; it will be especially difficult for her in life. kindergarten and in elementary school. Therefore, first think about how your daughter will live with a name like Bronislava, for example, or Pavlina. It is unlikely that the baby will be pleased if children deliberately distort her name and mock her. Therefore, choose names that are pleasant to the ear and gentle, especially for those born in early spring.

What name is suitable for a girl born in March? Female name for March?

Female names for March

For girls who were born in the wonderful month of March, the following names are suitable:


Christina (Christina),





You can also look up the name depending on your zodiac sign.

Female names by zodiac sign

If the girl was born before March 19, then the zodiac sign is Pisces and the appropriate names are Marina, Margarita, Antonina, Valentina

If the daughter was born after 19, then this is already an Aries sign and the names are Lida, Alexandra, Galya, Larisa, Dasha

Names according to the Orthodox calendar:

Marianna (Mariamne) 1st

Iraida on the 18th


Choosing a name for your child is an important step in the life of young parents. Giving your girl (or boy) a name means giving it uniqueness and beauty of sound. All girls want to be beautiful, and their name was associated with warmth and tenderness. And everyone approaches this issue from different angles. Someone turns to the horoscope, someone reads and studies the meaning of this or that female name, what it means when translated into Russian from a foreign language.

You can find information on the Internet that girls born in March are distinguished by their curiosity and perseverance. But they can also be quite envious. Well, below is a list of the most unusual female names for girls born in March.


Girls born in spring are able to show flexibility in any situation, but at the same time they are very indecisive. Impressionable, sensitive, talented, timid. It is desirable that the March name be tough and strong; this will give self-confidence and resistance to future adversity. March girls are feminine and capable of self-sacrifice. Any request is fulfilled selflessly and unselfishly. They feel the other person perfectly, due to their well-developed intuition. They are great listeners and will always help. kind words and advice.

The following names are suitable for March girls: Margarita, Marianna, Evdokia, Marina, Galina, Kira, Nika.


The most suitable girl's name for the month of March will be the name Anastasia. I would also like to note that the owners of this name are easy to teach, they themselves love to teach others. And communicating with everyone born in spring is a pleasure.

A name that contains two letters “H” will also be successful, as an example - Marianna, but these letters do not necessarily have to be together. It is possible that there are three of these letters, but I can’t remember a single such female name.

Children born in spring have a soft character, they are pliable, so names for girls should be “hard” and sonorous. Preferably. so that the name contains letters R or N. These are the more popular names for a girl born in March: Alla, Galina, Ekaterina, Irina, Kira, Christina, Lydia, Marina, Nika, Svetlana, Tamara, Ulyana. Personally, I like all these names the most.

If you don’t have any special preferences on what to name a girl who was born in March, then you can use the pro-Vaslav calendar, which lists all the names whose name day is celebrated in this particular month.

I didn’t use a calendar, we relied on my mother’s wishes and named the girl Alexandra, and I gave birth to her on March 8)


Irina, Taisiya, Maria, Anastasia, Alexandra, Anna, Nina. If you are guided by the calendar, then choose a name that will be closer in date or on this very day to the commemoration of a saint. He will be your girl’s guardian angel.

What to name a girl in March?

Those born in March are very capricious, but home-loving and love children. The following names are suitable for a March girl: Angela, Lydia, Lyudmila, Rosa, Marta, Maya, Lika, Antonina, Nina, Ekaterina, Elena.


In fact, there are many names... You can even call her Martha, but in my opinion the name is a little specific. But of course it’s up to you... You can call it Liza, Vika, Dasha, Katya, Sasha, Zhenya... But ideally, of course, Nastya!!

I am a March cat :)

They gave me the name Tatyana.

You can give names such as Martha (very symbolic, by the way), Marianna (also in tune with March), Erica, Lilya (like drops, light and relaxed), Mila, Lika.

The generally accepted meaning of the name Martha is interpreted as “mistress”, “mistress”, and this is exactly what women who bear this unusual name become.

Its sound is firm and sonorous, it exudes strength and inflexibility. This largely determines the character of its owners. Martha is brave, decisive, courageous.

This meaning is further enhanced by the rarity of the name; it attracts with its powerful energy and masculinity.

This name is capacious and eloquent, it exudes stability and calmness; the persons who wear it amaze those around them with their sedateness, balance and inner harmony.

By its nature, the name is open, its energy is devoid of duality or hypocrisy, it is endearing and inspires confidence.

Would you name your child this name?

It is believed that Martha is an ancient Syrian name that appeared in the Aramaic kingdom, which existed ten centuries BC.

In the Syriac language, from which it actually originated, this word was interpreted as “powerful,” “she who instructs,” and in literal translation it means “mistress.”

However, the origin of the name Martha has another version, which testifies to its Hebrew roots and is associated with biblical legends.

As the story goes, the first mention of it is associated with a certain Martha (Martha), the sister of Mary, who, according to legend, washed the feet of Jesus Christ with myrrh and wiped them with her hair, and Lazarus of Bethany, whom Jesus subsequently resurrected.

All her life, Martha was a follower of Christian teaching and did everything possible to attract more believers to it.

Name forms

Simple: Martha Full: Martha Antique: MarfaAffectionate: Martusenka

The owner of this name inspires respect; it seems that her character is devoid of weaknesses and flaws.

Remembering what the name Martha means, you understand that she is the true mistress of the situation and her destiny as a whole. No matter what happens, she always thinks rationally and knows what to do.

Speaking about Martha’s characterization, it must be emphasized that this woman cannot be unsettled, she is not afraid of difficulties, does not allow herself to be offended and knows how to accept defeats with dignity.

Common sense and wit give her an excellent sense of humor and help her establish contacts with a variety of people. However, she is domineering, selfish and devoid of self-irony.

Regardless of her origin, she always strives for wealth and material well-being, paying less attention to her spiritual development. Martha lives solely by reason, and emotions have no power over her.

This name has many purely masculine qualities - willpower, determination, courage, perseverance, the ability to stand up for oneself, which help to always be on top.

Authority, pragmatism, logic, independence - this is what the name Marta means. She is confident in herself, her beliefs and what she does, independent of the opinions and assessments of others.

She goes ahead towards her goals and always achieves what she wants, because she knows how to calculate and predict everything, avoiding risks and not giving in to emotions.

Despite such a strict description, Martha can become a loyal and reliable friend; her spiritual breadth and inner strength do not allow her to remain indifferent to other people's problems.

She knows how to win over and organize common leisure time, and defuse tense situations with sparkling humor. He gets along better with men, among whom he is very popular.

In general, the characteristics of the name Martha contain more positive qualities, but it is advisable for such a person to treat the weaknesses of others with understanding and with irony towards herself.

Character Traits


The origin of the name Martha has Hebrew roots. Its meaning is translated as “mentor”, “mistress” or “mistress”. This name is a Western European form of the name Martha, which has taken root in our country.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Gemini
  • Patron Planet: Mercury
  • Talisman stone: garnet
  • Color: orange
  • Tree: chestnut
  • Plant: chamomile
  • Animal: ladybug
  • Favorable day: Wednesday

Character Traits

Despite the fact that the meaning of the name Martha carries a “shade” of a certain importance, in childhood her character is distinguished by mischief, impudence and disobedience, being very far from its interpretation. The girl is extremely active, so she prefers to play with boys. But even in the game he makes clear decisions that he tries to carry out to achieve his goal.

Martha's character does not change during her school years: she remains hyperactive and sociable, managing to do a million things at the same time. And due to the fact that such names for girls give their owners a good understanding of what they want to achieve in life, a girl begins to plan her future from adolescence. She chooses a profession and standard of living for herself, and then begins to move step by step towards her goal.

The name Martha belongs to a very confident person, possessing some kind of “solidity” and firmness. She does not like long, purely feminine conversations, therefore, both in behavior and in work, she chooses a restrained, “masculine” style of communication, which is why she has few friends.

Interests and hobbies

The secret of the name Marta hides an amazingly athletic woman, so her hobbies are somehow related to an active lifestyle. She enjoys skiing, mountaineering, horse riding, traveling, sports games, overnight trips, etc.

Profession and business

Marta is more than hardworking and finds herself in any field of activity. She can become an excellent doctor, pharmacist, hostess of an entertainment establishment or cafe, educator or teacher. Using only her common sense and knowledge in her work, she does not rely on intuition, although she is not deprived of it.

Martha has necessary qualities to become successful enough in business, so he can calmly begin to conquer this field. Her energy and determination help her achieve significant heights in the business sphere. But the business she has started must be interesting to her, otherwise she can raise the business “from scratch” and then sell it to the first person she meets.


Martha has good health, the only drawback is her tendency to be overweight. But if she follows a diet, she is not at risk of obesity or serious illnesses gastrointestinal tract. Its real weak points are the thyroid gland and genitals, so they need to be treated with special attention.

Sex and love

The characteristics of the name Martha do not endow her with special sexuality, but, on the contrary, impart a certain aggressiveness towards the stronger sex. Perhaps this is why she is not characterized by sensuality and impulses of passion; she chooses lovers on the basis of cold calculation. Always being among men, the girl enjoys their attention, but the origin of this interest is rather “brotherly.” She is perceived not as a woman, but as “her boyfriend,” but this is exactly what suits Martha.

She does not feel the need for sex, so for her it always remains only an addition to the relationship. If desired, she can turn into an ardent, sultry young lady, capable of giving a man unforgettable moments.

Family and marriage

Martha is in no hurry to get married; she prefers easy, meaningless relationships. As a rule, she gets married twice - the first marriage quickly breaks up precisely because of the girl’s love for freedom without borders. The second union becomes more successful - she takes into account the mistakes made and tries not to repeat them, becoming over time a wonderful mother and wife.

Having gotten used to everyday life and family, Martha begins to arrange her home, take care of the housework and children, whom she loves madly. But at the first opportunity he tries to “sneak away” from household responsibilities and prefers to spend time with his family outside the home.
