Allergy to badger fat. Treatment with badger fat (Doctor Komarovsky)

Fat extracted from a badger caught in the pre-winter period has a particularly valuable biologically active composition, which is known folk medicine our lands for more than two centuries. The substance is endowed with the ability to protect against cancer and atherosclerosis, improve the functioning of the heart and stomach, but badger fat is most often used for coughs. Even some doctors recognize the healing properties of the product and recommend including it as part of the complex therapy of lung diseases.

Surprisingly, the most valuable product of animal origin, the effectiveness of which has been confirmed by the experience of more than one generation, is still not included in the list of official medicines. Fat serves as the basis for the preparation of home medicines, and in pharmacy - for the manufacture of dietary supplements. In the instructions for the latter, cough is often not even mentioned, creating additional doubts about the advisability of using the product.

When will it help?

Badger fat best known as a stimulant of the immune system. But its ability to eliminate cough at all stages of development often remains behind the scenes. At the same time, treating cough with badger fat is advisable for:

  • colds;
  • ARVI;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • whooping cough;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pleurisy;
  • laryngitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • lung cancer;
  • sore throat;
  • smoker's cough.

The effectiveness of the product is the same for dry and wet coughs. Fat relieves soreness and irritation in the throat, eliminates the infectious factor of origin, and softens the mucous membranes. When taken regularly, the product restores the function of the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi and helps remove accumulated mucus.

Why badger fat helps with cough

The healing properties of badger fat for coughing are due to its chemical composition. Polyunsaturated content fatty acids, vitamins and antioxidants have a beneficial effect on the condition of blood and blood vessels. Due to this, the product has the following effect:

  • improves peripheral blood circulation;
  • normalizes blood flow in the smallest capillaries;
  • increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • stimulates the saturation of all body cells with oxygen.

As a result, all tissues and organs begin to better perform their physiological functions and the lungs are no exception. Under the influence of fat, metabolism is normalized, metabolism is accelerated, and protein metabolism is optimized. What does this do for a cough? High-viscosity sputum is formed from mucopolysaccharides of a special composition that disrupt gas exchange. Normalization of protein metabolism causes the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi to produce sputum of normal viscosity, as a result of which the movement of the cilia of the bronchial mucosa is normalized, and accumulations of thick sputum are removed.

The immunostimulating properties of badger fat, its ability to activate protective cells and the production of interferon, significantly accelerate recovery, prevent the transition of bronchitis to chronic form.

Healers claim that badger fat quickly acts against inflammatory processes and eliminates infection. This happens by stimulating blood flow and increasing local immunity at the site of application of the substance. Action results:

  • anti-inflammatory effect– improved blood supply to the lungs ensures rapid elimination of toxins and inflammatory mediators;
  • decongestant effect– tissue swelling is eliminated, due to which the blood supply to individual fragments of the respiratory system is normalized;
  • antibacterial effect– a sufficient number of immune cells enter the source of infection, completely eliminating foreign agents.

External and internal use of fat helps to overcome cough due to two actions - improving blood circulation and enhancing immunity. The content of antioxidants significantly speeds up the body's elimination of toxins accumulated during illness, which shortens the recovery time after illness.

Are there any contraindications

Badger fat is a completely natural product, however, its origin determines some specificity. Fat may contain special protein compounds that cause allergies. Allergic reactions that occur to badger fat can be delayed or reactive. The latter is indicated by redness and an allergic rash when testing the product. In this case, any methods of using fat should be abandoned. Delayed reactions do not threaten the patient’s life. They manifest themselves as urticaria, occur after several uses and require discontinuation of the drug.

Pregnant women should avoid using a natural remedy, as well as breastfeeding. The reason for this is insufficient knowledge of the effect of the substance on the development of the fetus, the condition of the pregnant woman, as well as the degree of its penetration into mother’s milk. Regarding the use in children, expert opinions vary, but:

  • fat should definitely not be given to babies;
  • internal admission is possible only after three years;
  • external use is theoretically possible from one year onwards;
  • For different ages different doses are used;
  • It is better to coordinate the use of the product with your pediatrician.

Doctors warn against consuming fatty foods for chronic liver problems, renal pathologies and diseases of the pancreas.

How to take for adults...

Treatment of pulmonary problems accompanied by cough using badger fat follows the basic rules of preventive administration of the drug. An important feature: continuation of the course of treatment until symptoms are completely eliminated - for 10-14 days. At this time, adults are recommended to drink badger fat for cough, a dessert spoon three times a day. Be sure to take it half an hour before meals so that all healing components are fully absorbed. After the symptoms have subsided, you can switch to a double dose.

You should drink fat that has stood for some time at room temperature. This will ensure its transition to liquid form and ease of dosing. According to reviews, some people have problems swallowing the product (due to the specific smell and oily taste). You can make it easier to use natural medicine in the following ways:

  • add to milk– carefully crush a dessert spoon of the product with milk heated to body temperature;
  • mix with honey - the amount of honey should be equal to a third of a dessert spoon; it is more convenient to mix the product immediately for the whole day;
  • apply to bread - this method is recommended for those who experience bouts of vomiting when trying to swallow fat.

You should take the medicine with sweet tea, herbal infusion or water with lemon juice. This will help you get rid of the unpleasant taste faster. It is easier to drink badger fat in capsules when coughing. The dosage and regimen are indicated on the packaging and may differ for supplements from different manufacturers. The product should only be purchased at a pharmacy.

...and children

In the treatment of cough in children, it is important to adhere to age restrictions. Internal intake of fat is possible only after the child reaches the age of three and only after consultation with a specialist. Badger cough oil for children is dosed as follows:

  • a third of a teaspoon– for ages up to six years;
  • half a teaspoon– for children from seven years old;
  • teaspoon – for children from 12 to 16 years old.

The dosage regimen corresponds to an adult: three times a day in the first week of therapy, twice - from the second week of treatment. Give so much fatty product It’s even more difficult for a child than for an adult. For these cases, folk craftsmen have come up with cunning recipes:

  • add jam - the amount of the additive is equal to a third of the child's dose;
  • add onions - suitable for older children, you can use a little vegetable salad;
  • add chocolate– also recommended for older children.

The listed methods will help make it easier for your baby to take the medicine, but you should use sweet additives only in medicinal purposes and in limited quantities, since the product must be ingested on an empty stomach.

Features of external procedures

The external method of using badger fat for cough involves rubbing with the product chest, area of ​​the shoulder blades, neck, and feet. This improves blood circulation at the local level and accelerates tissue warming. The advantage of rubbing with badger fat when coughing is that the procedure can be performed even at elevated body temperatures, which cannot be said about herbal and warming balms or compresses. They operate according to the following scheme:

  • fat is removed from the refrigerator in advance– for ease of application;
  • applied to the chest and shoulder blade area– rub until completely absorbed, but avoid the heart area;
  • put on a T-shirt - and if there is no temperature, a warm jacket;
  • rub it into the feet - and insulate the feet with cotton socks;
  • go to bed– before going to bed, it is advisable to drink a warm drink (milk, tea, infusion).

External use itself is a good complement to taking medications prescribed by a doctor. Even if you take fat internally, evening procedures will not be superfluous; on the contrary, they will speed up recovery.

Anti-tuberculosis prescription

In ancient times, badger fat was a popular remedy for the treatment of tuberculosis. The antimicrobial properties of fat, combined with its immunostimulating qualities, made it possible to put almost hopeless patients back on their feet. Anti-tuberculosis recipes for using the drug have been preserved to this day. The most common one is:

  • mix one and a half tablespoons of fat and a spoonful of aloe crushed into porridge;
  • add a couple of teaspoons of cocoa, as well as one spoon of high-quality cognac;
  • The mixture is eaten in one go - in the morning on an empty stomach or before bed.

This recipe at home can only supplement the therapy prescribed by the doctor. Reception folk remedy It is better to agree with a specialist.

Choosing a quality product

For therapeutic and preventive purposes, it is necessary to purchase fresh, high-quality badger fat. Purchasing at a pharmacy requires the buyer to carefully study the following points:

  • production and storage periods;
  • storage conditions;
  • compliance with these conditions in the pharmacy;
  • manufacturer data;
  • product composition.

If the fat is packaged in the pre-winter months, has a shelf life of no more than a year, does not contain preservatives, and the container is filled with a whitish mass, then the product can be purchased. All specifications meet the standard, and in the pharmacy the fat is stored in a refrigerator.

You can only buy fat from your hands from hunters you know well. Otherwise, there is a risk of buying a counterfeit or spoiled product. After all, the badger as a trophy is now a phenomenon common only in certain latitudes. When purchasing the product, you should open the container. The mass in it must have the following characteristics:

  • White color;
  • characteristic aroma;
  • viscous consistency, but not hard;
  • homogeneous structure;
  • no impurities.

If the seller offers yellowish fat that frankly smells like rot, carrion, and tastes sour, this is a clear sign of deception. The product, even if it is badger fat, is spoiled.

Before taking badger fat for a cough, you should make sure of its quality, as well as the patient’s absence of allergies. You can do a skin test, or carefully observe the body's reaction after the first day of treatment. In addition to cough, the product will cure vascular disorders, increase immunity, strengthen nerves, and improve skin health. Treatment with badger fat, if you follow all the rules, will only bring benefits.

Since ancient times people have known about healing properties natural fats of animal origin and skillfully applied in practice. Fresh badger fat, which has a thick consistency of white or cream color, is still in demand today as an effective antibacterial, wound-healing, immunostimulating agent prescribed for many diseases.

Composition of the product

Badger lard, cleared of impurities and melted in a water bath, contains:

  • linoleic, oleic and other essential fatty acids that are not synthesized human body;
  • vitamins A, B, E, mineral salts necessary for the normal functioning of all organs and systems (hematopoiesis, protein and fat metabolism, formation of the skeletal system, growth of new cells, active formation of enzymes).

Medicinal properties of badger fat, use, precautions

With the help of high-quality badger fat, obtained in late autumn, diseases are successfully treated musculoskeletal system(osteochondrosis, radiculitis, arthritis), gastrointestinal tract(gastritis, ulcer); get rid of pain and inflammatory processes in the respiratory organs (tuberculosis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, acute respiratory infections, influenza). This natural remedy is used to treat wounds, burns, and purulent lesions on the skin; drugs based on it are recommended for men to increase potency.

Do not use badger fat if you are allergic to the active substance, as well as with exacerbation of pancreatitis or cholecystitis. In any case, taking the medication, both internally and externally, must be agreed with your doctor.

Badger fat is widely known as an effective general tonic. To do this, melted fat (100 g) is mixed with cocoa powder (in the same quantity), freshly added to the resulting mixture. butter and aloe juice (50 g each), just a little mumiyo (5 g) and propolis tincture.

For compresses and rubbing (for coughs, arthritis, arthrosis and other pathologies) use the following recipe: every day, before bed, a thin layer of fat is applied to the affected area, then rubbed in with massage movements and covered with a warm natural cloth.

What is included in badger fat and how does it work?

A special feature of badger fat is that it contains a variety of fatty acids, including those that are more often found in plants - oleic, linolenic and linoleic. These fatty acids normalize metabolism , they are the source of the formation of “good” cholesterol, which is involved in all metabolic processes and suppress the formation of “bad” cholesterol, from which atherosclerotic plaques are formed that clog blood vessels.

A large amount of vitamins (A, group B) and minerals also helps to activate metabolism . It has been established that badger fat has anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, restorative effects, and inhibits the development of atherosclerosis. It is taken for pulmonary diseases, decreased immunity, frequent colds, and in all cases when the body requires additional support.

But badger fat can also give side effects. Like any fat, it can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Abundance biologically active substances creates conditions for the development of allergic reactions. Therefore, when taking badger fat, you need to take into account the features of its composition, the main and side effect, as well as contraindications for use.

The first contraindication is chronic pancreatitis

Chronic pancreatitis is a disease characterized by periodically occurring inflammatory processes, as a result of which pancreatic tissue gradually loses its function and is replaced by connective tissue.

The main function of the pancreas is the secretion of digestive juice, which contains enzymes that break down fats, proteins and carbohydrates. And since in chronic pancreatitis little of the enzyme for breaking down fats (lipase) is produced, taking badger fat leads to the patient’s inflammatory process worsening, diarrhea and abdominal pain appearing shingles, loss of appetite, aversion to fatty foods.

Second contraindication – diseases of the liver and biliary tract

Diseases of the liver and biliary tract are closely intertwined with diseases of the pancreas. The liver produces bile, which is involved in the digestion process. Bile is excreted through the bile ducts into the gallbladder, from where it is released in portions when food enters the gallbladder. duodenum. The common duct opens into the duodenum, which carries pancreatic juice and bile.

Therefore, pancreatic disease always lead to disorders of the liver and biliary tract, and vice versa, diseases of the liver and biliary tract cause disturbances in the function of the pancreas.

The physiological role of bile is associated with the digestion and absorption of fat. Entering the duodenum, bile activates pancreatic juice lipase, thus facilitating the digestion of fat. In addition, bile is involved in the emulsification of dietary fat in the intestine, which makes its further absorption possible.

If the formation of bile is impaired (this occurs in liver diseases), its stagnation in the biliary tract or in gallbladder there is a violation of the breakdown and absorption of fat. Taking badger fat for diseases of the liver and biliary tract will aggravate the underlying disease and negatively affect the functioning of the pancreas.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body. If a person lives in an area where there are no badgers and has never consumed badger fat before, then their body may not have enough enzymes to break it down. In this case, taking badger fat will also bring harm, not benefit. For the same reason, badger fat is contraindicated for children under six years of age.

Badger fat promotes rapid recovery and restoration of strength by adding it to your diet. Medical studies have proven the full value of this product - how badger fat is beneficial for the human body. Especially if this product is extracted in winter. It is filled with the maximum amount useful substances.

A little history

The usefulness of badger fat became clear more than two centuries ago. It was used by Russian hunters of the Far East and Siberia. It contributed to the warming of certain areas of the body in very coldy, as well as open areas of the body to prevent frostbite and chapping. Russian healers used badger fat to boost the immune system, to treat tuberculosis, colds, coughs, etc. In ancient times, badger fat was used for healing, and the animal skin was used for sewing hats, fur coats, mittens and high boots.

What are the benefits of badger fat?

Features of badger product:

  • Has a high concentration of vitamins A, E and B;
  • High biological value;
  • Good absorption in the blood (up to 100%);
  • Enhances protein metabolism;
  • Has a beneficial effect on the immune system;
  • High content of unsaturated fatty acids such as Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9.
  • Cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine, digestive, reproductive and muscular system respond positively to the use of badger fat when certain diseases occur.
  • Regulates blood and sugar levels in the human body.
  • Improves the condition of skin, nails and hair.

Features of the use of animal lard for adults

Currently, there is the necessary research and determination of why badger fat helps. It has found its wide application in the treatment of bronchitis, pneumonia and tuberculosis. The product perfectly and quickly suppresses pathogenic microflora in pulmonary diseases.

Despite the low cost of animal lard, it responds well to organic problems of varying degrees of complexity:

  • Immunity impairment;
  • Pulmonary diseases;
  • Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Open burn areas and wounds;
  • Joint injuries and diseases;
  • Diseases of the skin, head, hair;
  • Infections due to stings of wasps, bees and other insects;
  • Infections after bites from dogs and other animals.

Many people use badger fat to bandage their legs for varicose veins or for treatment. open wounds in people with diabetes.

Scientists still have a lot of work to do to explore the benefits of badger fat. Find out why badger fat helps. Recent studies have shown excellent treatment results cancer lungs on early stages development.

In the treatment of lung cancer, polyfloral honey (forbs), an alcoholic drink, and aloe juice are used, mixing everything in equal parts. It is recommended to use 1 tbsp three times a day. l 30 minutes before meals.

If a person has chronic pancreatitis, then when using badger fat, the pancreas becomes overloaded. This may affect your appetite, upset stomach, and shingles.

Pregnant women are required to use fat under the strict supervision of gynecologists. Since this product has not been fully studied how it affects pregnancy.

Badger fat can provoke a severe allergy, which can manifest itself in the appearance of pimples, itching, nausea, etc. on the body. In this case, you should immediately stop using this product.

Badger fat - method of application

When using badger fat correctly, the method of application eliminates side effects. The dosage of use is calculated individually.

Firstly, you need to take into account the person’s weight, and secondly, age category, type and complexity of the disease. Correct calculation treatment will pass smoothly and with minimal time wasted.
Badger fat is contraindicated:

  • In infancy and children under 6 years of age;
  • For diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract and gall bladder;
  • For allergies;
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Features of the use of badger fat for children

For children under 6 years of age, only external use is recommended. This is explained by the fact that in a young body the large digestive gland (liver) reacts poorly to the absorption of this product. As a result, an allergic reaction is possible, which can lead to Quincke's edema.

Currently, many villages use badger fat for umbilical hernias in newborns. It should be noted how badger fat is useful for the treatment of childhood diseases.

A proven method is the external use of badger fat during childhood colds and pulmonary diseases. By lubricating the back, chest and feet of children, excellent results are observed.

For dry cough best result obtained by internal use of the drug. Children swallow the tasteless drug without much pleasure. To make the taste more aromatic, parents need to dilute it with warm milk or mix it with honey.

Badger fat is used 3:1, i.e. three servings of the drug with one serving of honey or warm milk. Give this composition to the child three times a day 30 minutes before meals. A noticeable improvement is observed already on the third day, and within two weeks the child will be completely cured of this disease.

How to take badger fat - intake and dosage

You must carefully read the instructions which describe how to take badger fat. For better absorption of badger fat by the body, it is recommended to drink it with tincture of rose hips or St. John's wort flowers.

If you are not allergic to honey, fat is used with linden honey in a 3:1 ratio, which means three servings of badger product and one serving of honey. A product containing blackcurrant jam in the same proportion has an excellent effect on the human body.

The classic method of treatment is to use the product with warm milk. Treatment is recommended with 1 tbsp three times a day. l with a subsequent transition to two-time and then one-time use. Just be sure to take it half an hour before meals, and two hours after dinner in the evening.

Exists a large number of all sorts of recipes that reveal the secret of why badger fat helps. It is necessary to remember that the more active substances are in one recipe, the worse each of them acts on a specific pain area.

The pharmaceutical industry introduced badger fat to the market in gelatin capsules. The drug is recommended only for adults and children over 12 years of age.

The use of badger fat in cosmetology

Among the ingredients in cosmetic masks and creams there are badger fat additives. Daily use of the products helps to avoid the appearance of wrinkles and premature aging.

In adolescence, what is useful about badger fat is that many people have acne. You can get rid of this problem by diluting the fat with dark chocolate in equal proportions. Apply for 10 - 15 minutes daily to problem areas of the face.

The hair structure improves after daily rubbing a small amount of fat into the hair root system. The result is shiny, manageable, smooth hair.

Useful tips

  • Badger fat cannot be stored for long;
  • It is necessary to avoid direct sunlight on the drug;
  • Avoid heat treatment;
  • Low-quality fat has a sour odor and rancid taste;
  • White color is high-quality fat, and yellow is low-quality fat.

IN modern medicine Badger fat is considered an excellent addition to the treatment prescribed by a doctor during the treatment of pulmonary and other diseases. It is necessary to pay attention to how to take badger fat with medications.

In contact with

Badger fat is a widely known folk remedy for the treatment of various diseases, including ENT pathologies. The problem of coughing in children is especially common; we will tell you in the article how to combat this symptom with the help of badger fat.

Badger fat is of animal origin, its popularity is due to the presence of various microelements, as well as a complex of useful substances, such as oleic and linoleic acids, vitamins A, E and group B.

Thanks to its composition, the product helps in the treatment of:

  • Gastrointestinal tract.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Pathologies of the respiratory tract.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Inflammation of the lungs.

Badger fat is also useful for normalizing metabolism and strengthening the immune system.

Impact on ENT diseases

This natural product is often used in the treatment of ENT diseases, such as bronchitis, pneumonia, colds(including cough), sore throat, pharyngitis, laryngitis, chronic tonsillitis.

Badger fat is often used to treat these pathologies, as it:

  • Relieves inflammation.
  • Has an antibacterial effect.
  • Removes phlegm.
  • Has a softening effect on the membranes of the bronchi.
  • Improves the functioning of the mucous membranes of the throat.
  • Removes painful sensations while swallowing.
  • Promotes coughing.
  • Activates the body's defenses.
  • Improves overall well-being.

Due to these properties, badger fat is used to relieve coughs in adults and children. The product is used internally, externally by rubbing, and compresses are also made from it at night.

The method of application is chosen depending on the type of pathology, its severity and the age of the patient.

Contraindications and adverse reactions

The product is safe for cough relief, but it, like any other remedy, there are contraindications for use:

  1. Badger fat can be given orally to children no earlier than 3 years of age. For external use - from the 1st year, but only with the permission of a doctor. The baby's liver in this early age She’s not yet ready to fully absorb fat, so you shouldn’t experiment.
  2. Individual reaction to badger fat, that is, allergic manifestations.
  3. Presence of liver and urinary system diseases.
  4. Reactions to additional components present in recipes with badger fat, for example, honey, aloe, milk, dried apricots, etc.
  5. Problems in the functioning of the pancreas.

Carefully monitor your child's condition after you give him fat; vomiting and diarrhea may occur if consumed excessively. After rubbing and compresses, children may complain of a rash and itching in the areas where the product was applied.

If these side effects are noticed, stop treating your child with fat and consult a doctor to change the method of therapy.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

Many people have questions about whether badger fat should be used for coughs in children? And Komarovsky is a highly respected specialist, his opinion is taken into account by many parents, only recognized evidence-based medicine, therefore, people are skeptical about the effectiveness of badger fat. He classifies rubbing and applying compresses with this remedy as distracting procedures.

The pediatrician explains the positive effect after using badger fat by the thermal effect on the body. Since fat prevents heat transfer through the skin, this leads to an increase in temperature, and exposure to heat helps to dilate blood vessels and activates blood circulation.

That is, the remedy can be used for cough in the form of rubbing, but only at the stage of recovery, when there is no longer a fever and the child feels better. You can prevent worsening cough and stop the occurrence of complications by treating with badger fat.

Treatment of cough in children

Coughing is a natural defense reaction to expel mucus, but is often accompanied by unpleasant sensations and can develop into a chronic form. Before using badger fat, be sure to visit a doctor, check the child’s diagnosis, the causes of the cough, possible drug treatment. To treat ENT diseases, badger fat is used in rubbing, compresses and taken orally.

There are a number of rules for using this folk remedy for coughing, among them are:

  1. When rubbing, do not apply the product to the heart area.
  2. Do not buy fat that is yellow or acidic unpleasant smell and a bitter aftertaste. This may mean that the fat is of low quality, old and has already deteriorated due to long-term storage. Buy the product only from those suppliers who can document the quality and production time of the product.

  3. Follow the dosage according to the child’s age and doctor’s instructions.
  4. Fat should not be exposed to heat before use; it should melt on its own at room temperature.
  5. Store the product properly, in a cool, dry place, preferably in the refrigerator.
  6. Do not rub your baby with fat if your baby has a high fever.
  7. It is recommended to use the remedy from the very beginning of the onset of symptoms of the disease. There is no need to stop treatment at the first signs of its retreat.

If these rules are followed, the treatment will be effective and will speed up the healing process.


Often, parents are faced with children’s opposition to eating badger fat in its pure form, as it has a slightly unpleasant taste and smell. Therefore, we present to your attention recipes for treatment with the addition of additional ingredients:

  • With milk. If the child does not have lactose intolerance and loves this product, mix the required amount of badger fat in 1 glass of warm milk (taking into account the age of the baby). Let's drink the product 3 times a day, preferably in small sips. It is advisable to use for at least 5 days.
  • With honey. Fat and honey are taken in a 1:1 ratio, mixed thoroughly, taken three times a day until recovery.

  • With the addition of jam or preserves. To improve the taste of the medicinal drug, the indicated products are added in a 3:1 proportion with badger fat. Give the prepared mixture to the child throughout the day, divided into 3 doses.
  • Cough preventative. For 100 g of product, add the same amount of honey, nuts, dried apricots and raisins. There is 1 tsp. in a day.
  • You can treat a cough by rubbing with badger fat. The product should melt a little at room temperature, apply the product with light movements to the skin of the feet, chest and back (shoulder blade area). Dress the child in warm clothes and wrap them well. Carry out the procedure before bedtime.
  • Compresses. Take honey and badger fat, 2 tbsp of each component. l., combine the components and apply to a bandage made of thick fabric. Apply to your chest or back, leave the compress overnight, and wrap well.

To enhance the effect, you can simultaneously use badger fat for rubbing and, for example, consume it orally.
