US presidential elections: how the struggle for the position of head of state is going. Donald Trump won the US presidential election When is the American presidential election in the year

The New York primaries did not bring any surprises: Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump won a decisive victory (each from their own party). Elections in America are gaining momentum. The presidential race is entering the home stretch soon. The whole world is waiting for the results with great interest, since they are directly interested in the result.


These differences are significant. First, candidates for the presidency are selected within political parties by voting at conventions, after which slates of electors are submitted, who pledge to support a particular candidate. The first Tuesday of November marks the voting of residents across the country directly at polling stations. And only in the states of Nebraska and Maine the procedure is much more complicated: two candidates are elected in the state by direct elections, the rest go to district elections.

Each state declares exactly the same number of electors as are represented in Congress. The fight for the presidency is usually between Republicans and Democrats, since these are the strongest parties. Best Method determine the deserving - primaries, all-party national primaries by party. Only then does the population vote directly. More often than not, elections in America do not go against the results shown by the primaries.

Democrats and Republicans: differences

The main difference is the electorate. Democrats are chosen by the poor, while Republicans are chosen by the middle class and wealthier citizens. The second difference is in ideology. Republicans are right-leaning centrists, while Democrats are left-leaning. The third difference is political views. Democrats advocate increasing taxes and are not afraid of budget deficits, while Republicans want to develop the economy and add aggression to politics. The elections in America clearly show what the people of the United States want at the moment - peace or war.

No president in the United States can remain for a third term, since the Constitution provides for a special amendment in this regard. But everyone can sponsor their candidate there. For example, this time the elections in America will certainly bring victory to Hillary Clinton, since billionaire Soros has already “voted” for her with six million dollars.

Who can run

First of all, the candidate needs to meet some special requirements.

  • US citizenship by birthright.
  • Over thirty-five years of age.
  • Residence in the United States for at least the last fourteen years.

The winner must take the oath of office on January 20 next year after the American elections are completed. Accordingly, the next candidate will be able to take office on January 20, 2017.

What's happening now

Barack Obama said through his press secretary that he would support any Democratic candidate who could win the primaries. Clinton won. lost. And for some reason Obama no longer says that Hillary is an outstanding Secretary of State, a wonderful candidate and an excellent president in the future. It seems that the prospect of Hillary Clinton's presidency scares not only the whole world, but also the current president.

The Republicans have a huge number of nominees: Senators Rand Paul, Tedd Cruz, Mark Rubio, Governors Scott Worker, Jeb Bush, ex-Governors Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee, Rick Perry, Senators Lindsey Graham, Chris Christie, Congressmen Paul Rhyne and others. Republicans are on the rise, they dream of taking over the presidency, since they already control both chambers of Congress. And among them is investor Donald Trump, who won the primaries. However, no one can yet accurately predict the outcome, namely, who will be the next president of the United States.

Social cyclism

This is not the influence of planets, the Moon, stars or secret radiations, this is not even mystical enthogenesis. Social generations are simply changing, which number three types: the dominant one with social priority, then the generation of comrades who live in the shadow of the dominant one and serve as support for him, and, finally, the generation of superfluous people, rebels who are always fussing, criticizing everything, but never doing anything. They don’t achieve it.

Generational groups are formed within a thirty-year cycle. From 1995 to 2025 we need to wait for a new dominant generation. Representatives of the old dominant will have a strong position until a new dominant appears. Just now you can notice what is happening in America on the eve of the elections - the power-political system is being reorganized. In the Russian Federation this process is almost over, but in the USA it is at its apogee. The dominant generation of the old model - Hillary Clinton born in 1947 from the Democratic Party and Donald Trump born in 1946 from the Republican Party - will certainly replace the dominant generation with the new one at the next elections. Well, now the question remains open: who will be the next president of the United States?

Hillary Clinton

This woman has a great chance of becoming no longer the first lady. The 2016 US presidential election, according to most experts, will end in her victory. She was both a senator and a secretary of state, and received the degree of Doctor of Law, and has been a prominent member of the Democratic party from time immemorial. She is considered the most influential of all first ladies in US history.

The first attempt to run as a Democrat in 2007 failed, despite the support of her husband Bill and a significant part of the voters, a huge advertising campaign (very expensive), and leadership in all ratings and polls. Obama won. Nevertheless, few now doubt her victory. However, the US presidential elections in November 2016 will show how correct the forecasts are.


Hillary is now 69 years old. If she wins, the only US president left older than her is Ronald Reagan, who turned seventy when he first won the election. And, by the way, not by much. There are numerous candidates for the US presidency this time. Why didn't the younger Sanders win among the Democrats? The election program he presented was distinguished by a certain socialist radicalism, and there are not so many extreme leftists in the States today. Clinton's program has a much more even impact on different segments of the electorate.

Of course, Hillary has moved significantly to the left, but still her program looks balanced, in some places even slightly republican - it takes into account the interests of different segments of the population, including big business. Hillary's statement about the fight for social and economic justice and for business development in the United States is also attractive. Moreover, a very large-scale plan has been developed for the implementation of these postulates in life, which stimulates economic growth, and wages increase. in America? People are carefully familiarizing themselves with the candidates’ programs. Last time, an independent with a very populist program, Obama, won. This time the people did not fall for populism. Hillary convinced everyone with rationality: no radical reforms - only economic growth and stability.


Here everything is even more ambiguous. The Republican camp nominated fifteen candidates. Nevertheless, the top three have been the same ones for a long time. First of all, Jeb Bush, the governor of Florida, the son of President George Bush and the brother of the president - the other George Bush, was constantly called the first and most successful. Running for president of the United States is a family tradition, but apparently not this time. Despite turning down all directorships at various companies, Jeb did not win the primaries.

Second most popular among the Republican electorate was Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. Moreover, he was the favorite in the election race. However, he refused to run for the presidency - his popularity fell sharply, no one gave money for advertising, and election campaign was planned to be wide and expensive. Republican voters somehow shifted very sharply to support Trump, leaving Walker with less than one and a half percent. The remaining candidates will compete with the charismatic billionaire and model lover from Eastern Europe Trump was powerless.

Donald John Trump

This is a prominent American entrepreneur, construction magnate and owner of a huge chain of casinos and hotels, a billionaire. In addition to business, he was engaged in writing - a number of books on self-development and business were published. He is a member of the Republican Party. Graduated brilliantly in 1964 military academy, after which he attended university and business school in Pennsylvania. Having received a bachelor's degree in economics, he entered the family business.

The highest paid presenter on television. In 2002, he launched a reality show where participants became candidates for the position of top manager in the Trump firm. He dismissed the losers with the phrase: “You are fired!” The first season initially brought in fifty thousand dollars, but the beginning of the second raised the price of each episode to three million. He organized beauty contests and bought Miss America and Miss Universe. In 2007, he received his own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for creating The Apprentice.

When is the next election?

Trump had been predicted to run for president for a long time, since the early 80s, but at that time he himself had not yet decided whether he was left-wing or right-wing in his views, and only in 2009 did he join the Republican Party. Since his success in economic knowledge and management skills is very high, he was nominated as a candidate already in 2011, but Trump was not ready to leave the business. In 2015, he was ripe for the fight for the presidency. His campaign is very carefully thought out, like everything that Trump starts.

First there was a visit to New Hampshire, a Republican stronghold, followed by a tour of California and Nevada, which he had previously sponsored extensively. And, of course, Trump skillfully entertained the electorate, one might say professionally. Several character traits made him popular: he is not a diplomat, he does not use euphemisms, he speaks openly about everything. Slightly eccentric, but a truth-teller - people like him like that.

Donald Trump program

The topics of his program included health care, immigration, domestic politics and, of course, the economy. This politician openly does not like the residents of Mexico and the Middle East: he advocates the immediate and complete elimination of ISIS, and threatens to build something like the Great Wall of China on the border with Mexico. He really doesn’t like Obama’s medical reform, which is too expensive for the state, but he has cheaper and more effective methods that taxpayers will like.

Regarding the economy, no one can argue with him; even the Democrats listen to him and take note of what he says. From the main thing: production must be returned to the United States, duties on American goods made abroad must be increased significantly, and economic war must generally be declared on China. Voters like all this, but few believe that Trump will win this time. Although no one knows how the elections in America will end. The candidates are of equal value - they can not only stand up for themselves financially, but also interest them in their election programs.

How are the US presidential elections going?

The election process in the United States differs from the Russian one. It all starts with the election of candidates for the presidency: they are determined by political parties through voting at conventions. Next, they submit lists of electors in each state. The latter undertake to vote for a specific candidate.

In an election year, on the first Tuesday of November (in 2016 it is the 8th), residents of the country go to the polling stations and cast their votes for one or another list of electors.

Jim Young/Reuters

This election process applies to every state in the country except two: Maine and Nebraska. There the procedure is a little more complicated. Two electors are elected by direct elections in the state, and the rest by direct elections in the districts of these states.

Each state has as many electors as the number of representatives from that state serving in the US Congress.

How are candidates for the presidency selected?

Typically, presidential candidates are representatives of the Democratic or Republican party. In this case, certain methods are used that make it possible to select exactly the one who, in the opinion of the party, is better suited for this position than others. One such method is often all-party national primaries (primary elections for a party).

The main differences between Democrats and Republicans are:

Electorate. The so-called middle class and wealthy citizens mainly vote for the Republicans, and the poorer segments of the population vote for the Democrats;

Ideology. Democrats are on the left, and Republicans are on the center and right;

Political Views. Republicans advocate economic development and aggressive policies, Democrats advocate increasing the tax burden and increasing the budget deficit.

Mike Segar/Reuters

What is the difference from the Russian election system?

In Russia, the presidential election procedure takes place in the format of direct, secret, equal and universal voting. The President of the Russian Federation is elected for 6 years, and not 4 years, as in the USA. An amendment to increase the presidential term was introduced into the Constitution of the Russian Federation in 2008. This provision began to apply after the 2012 presidential elections.

In Russia, candidates for the position of president can be nominated in two ways: by political parties (a party can nominate only one candidate) or by self-nomination (the candidate must be supported by a group of voters of at least 500 people registered with the Central Election Commission).

Can Barack Obama remain as president of the country for a third term?

No, Barack Obama does not have this right due to term limits under the Twenty-Second Amendment to the US Constitution.

Who is eligible to run for president?

In order to become a presidential candidate, the applicant must meet the following mandatory requirements:

Be a US citizen by birthright

Be at least 35 years old

Have resided in the United States for at least the last 14 years

When does the president take office?

The winner of the election takes the oath of office on January 20 of the year following the election year. Respectively, new president America will take office on January 20, 2017.


What are the results of the primaries so far?

On February 1, 2016, Iowa held its first primary caucuses - these are meetings of voters in public places where they discuss candidates, argue, openly express their pros and cons, and then make a choice.

Among Democrats (49.9%). Bernie Sanders trailed just 0.3% with 49.6%. Among the Republicans, Ted Cruz won 28% of the electoral votes, and Donald Trump 24%, Marco Rubio came third with 23% of the votes.

On February 9, 2016, the New Hampshire state primaries will be held, and on March 1, 2016, the so-called Super Tuesday will be organized (more delegates are chosen on this day than on any other day in the election race, so victory on this day is very important for all presidential candidates ).

The next presidential election in the United States will be the 58th in a row. If you are just interested, When will the US presidential elections take place?, then they will pass November 8, 2016. Presidential elections in the United States have their own characteristics; they take place according to an indirect, two-stage system: first, the so-called presidential electors are elected; The Electoral College, in turn, elects the President and Vice President of the United States. Such an unusual election system developed historically, under the influence of social and political characteristics, since various states had their own ideas about voting rights citizens. First of all, these features are associated with disagreements about the rights of the black population, and, in addition, with differences in electoral qualifications for certain factors - property, education and the criterion of residence.

The selection of electors for the college occurs during party conventions in each individual state. As a rule, congressmen, senators, famous politicians, or people close to the presidential candidate are selected for the collegium. The number of electors is equal to the number of state representatives in the US Congress. Thus, the most large number The college has electors from the most populous state, California (55 people), and the smallest from Wyoming (3 people).

Presidential candidates are most often elected in all-party national elections called primaries. Any US citizen can become a candidate for the presidency, provided that he was born a US citizen, has lived in the country for at least 14 years, and is at least 35 years of age. In 2016, four candidates will compete for the presidency, the strongest of which are (Democratic Party) and (Republican Party). The Vice President of the United States, if Hillary Clinton wins, will be Tim Kaine, or, if Donald Trump wins, Mike Pence. In addition to Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, two more candidates will take part in the presidential race - Gary Johnson (Libertarian Party) and Jill Stein (Green Party).

Hillary Clinton has a solid track record. She was the 47th First Lady of the United States, served in the Senate, and also served as the United States Secretary of State. Her main competitor, Donald Trump, is a media mogul, writer and businessman who has made an astronomical fortune in the construction, hotel and gaming businesses; also owns many companies in a wide variety of industries.

Debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump on Russian video

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Let's get loud…

"Turn it up!" - Jennifer Lopez sings and publicly suggests voting for Hillary Clinton in the elections. And her colleague Jon Bon Jovi went on a tour in support of the Democratic candidate. American stars are campaigning for Clinton, giving free concerts under the slogan “Love Trumps Hate,” which plays on the name of her rival Donald Trump.

Get naked for the election

To support Clinton, singer Katy Perry is using all means - from concerts to campaigning in student dormitories. And even the most radical ones: a comic video in which a naked singer encourages her fans to go to the polls has collected more than 3.7 million views on YouTube.

Trump or Clinton: who do American celebrities support?

Iron fist

Actor Robert De Niro leaves no doubt about who he will vote for on November 8th. In the minute-long video, he criticizes Trump and admits that he “wanted to punch him in the face.” De Niro calls Trump a "national disaster" and a "humiliation for his country." “Is this the one we want to see as president? I don’t think so,” sums up the actor.

Trump or Clinton: who do American celebrities support?

Clint Eastwood votes for "lesser evil"

But film actor and director Clint Eastwood holds the opposite opinion. He seems to be impressed by Trump's outrageousness. “We live among a generation of weaklings, people who say ‘you can’t do this, you can’t do that, you can’t say that,’” he explains. However, while Eastwood supports Trump, he is not a fan of him, but simply considers him the lesser evil.

Trump or Clinton: who do American celebrities support?

Execution cannot be pardoned

Charlie Sheen, it seems, has not yet fully decided on his sympathies: he either scolds Donald Trump or sings his praises. “If Trump calls me, I will immediately become his vice president,” Sheen tweeted in the summer of 2015. And already in February 2016, the actor called on America to wake up, using the hashtag #AnyoneButTrump (“AnyoneButTrump”) in his post on the microblog.

Trump or Clinton: who do American celebrities support?

Meryl Streep departs from principles

Meryl Streep, who usually stays away from politics, has no doubt about who will win the election. "Hillary Rodham Clinton will become President of the United States," announced Hollywood actress from the stage, speaking in support of the Democrats.

Trump or Clinton: who do American celebrities support?

Clooney's house parties

Actor George Clooney supported Hillary Clinton when she was still a senator from New York. The photo was taken at that time - in 2003. Now, at his villa in Los Angeles, Clooney organizes dinners to raise funds for Clinton's election campaign. To get to the party, you will have to pay 33.4 thousand dollars for a place at the table.

Trump or Clinton: who do American celebrities support?

Dancing on camera

Hillary Clinton's appearance on the Ellen DeGeneres television show (far right) in September 2015 made a big impression on the public. The presidential candidate danced alongside Ellen herself, stand-up comedian Amy Schumer (far left) and singer Pink.

Trump or Clinton: who do American celebrities support?

Quiet Trump Supporters

The list of celebrities supporting Donald Trump is relatively small. Among them are wrestler Hulk Hogan (pictured), world champion boxer Mike Tyson and singer Kid Rock. They are all campaigning for the Republican candidate, but they are doing it rather quietly. None of them were seen during election campaign Trump.

Trump or Clinton: who do American celebrities support?

"Hi! How are you? I'm Miley"

When campaigning for Clinton, Miley Cyrus prefers an individual approach. For example, come to George Mason University in Virginia and knock on every door of the student dormitory. “Hello! How are you? I’m Miley,” the singer greeted the students. "One of the world's biggest feminists," as Cyrus calls herself, she hopes the White House will soon have its first female president.

Trump or Clinton: who do American celebrities support?

Kim Kardashian campaigns on social networks

Promotion on social networks is a great chance to get the votes of young voters. American model and reality TV star Kim Kardashian, photographed in the company of Hillary Clinton and her husband Kanye West, has 50 million followers on Twitter.

In the United States, the president is elected. Considering the role of the United States in world politics, presidential elections in this country are, without exaggeration, of the utmost importance not only for America itself, but also for all other states.

On November 8, US citizens choose a president from among six candidates, the main ones being a representative of the Democratic Party, a former Secretary of State, and a billionaire nominated by the Republican Party.

Feature American system is that the electors will ultimately vote for the president. Each state selects electors who will then name the President of the United States.

To win, a US presidential candidate must receive at least 270 electoral votes.

Under the portraits of the candidates you see the number of electors he has already secured.

When you hover your cursor over a particular state, you can see for whom the state's electors will vote and their (electors') number. Red indicates states whose electors will support Trump, blue indicates Clinton, gray indicates states where the election results have not yet been summed up.

US presidential election results online

In particular, according to a Reuters/IPSOS poll in which citizens from different parts of America took part, the Democratic candidate was ahead of the Republican candidate Donald Trump by 3 percentage points: 45% versus 42%. The Economist/YouGov poll gave Clinton a 4 percentage point lead: 45% to 41%.

At the same time, the intrigue of the elections remains until the last: Donald Trump can overtake Hillary Clinton if he wins in the states of Florida, Michigan, North Carolina and Ohio.

Many central states support the Republican, while residents of states on both coasts are ready to vote for his rival from the Democratic camp. More information about the preferences of certain states can be found on the map below. It also displays the voting progress online.

The US elections began at midnight: 8 o'clock Moscow time. Residents of a town called Dixville Scotch were the first to receive the right to vote. It is located in the state of New Hampshire. Interestingly, the polling stations there were open for only one minute. This tradition began back in 1960. The thing is that, according to the United States, these votes do not matter much. They have virtually no effect on the voting results, but everyone is still quite interested in how the candidate race is progressing: of the first 6 people, 4 preferred Hillary, and 2 preferred Trump.

Let us remind you. The 2016 United States presidential election is the 58th presidential election of the United States. They take place on Tuesday, November 8, 2016.

Voters will first choose presidential electors, who will in turn choose the president and vice president. The current US President is not eligible to be elected to a third term due to term limits in accordance with the Twenty-Second Amendment to the US Constitution.

The second article of the US Constitution provides that to be elected President of the United States of America, a person must be a US citizen by birth, at least 35 years of age, and have lived in the United States for at least 14 years.

Presidential candidates are more likely to be nominated by one of the US political parties, in which case each party develops a method (such as all-party national primaries) to select who the party believes is best suited for the office. Party members officially nominate a candidate for the position of president on behalf of the party. During this election campaign, primaries and caucuses of the two major parties took place from February to June 2016 in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and 6 territories.

Billionaire businessman Donald Trump became the official candidate of the Republican Party on July 19, 2016, defeating Senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, Ohio Governor John Kasich and thirteen other candidates. If he wins the election, Trump will become the oldest US president at the time of his election.

Former Secretary of State and Senator Hillary Clinton was nominated on July 26, 2016 after defeating Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. If she wins the election, Clinton will become the first woman to hold this post.
