What can cause swelling of the eyelids? Swelling of the upper eyelids: causes of pathology

If the upper eyelid of the eye is swollen, then a variety of factors can be the cause. Most often, this problem occurs in people over 40 years of age, since with age the skin becomes loose and the muscles become weak. To begin treatment, it is imperative to identify the root cause of the swelling, otherwise the situation can only worsen.

Causes of swelling of the eyelids

Much research has been done on why the upper eyelids swell. The appearance of such edema should serve as a signal of the presence of dangerous diseases, which means it is necessary to check the health of the entire body as soon as possible. It is better not to put off this problem for later, but to seek medical help.

Types of eyelid swelling:

  1. Inflammatory: the eyelid becomes red, itching, pain, and a burning sensation appear in the eye. An inflammatory infiltrate collects inside the eyelid.
  2. Non-inflammatory: no discomfort- redness, pain, itching. There is only an increase in size of the eyelid.

All inflammatory processes that occur in the body often cause swelling of the upper eyelid. One cause is blepharitis, which is a group of very different eye disorders. Together they are united by inflammatory processes of the eyelids, which very often become chronic and accompanied by peeling and itching. In addition, there are other factors for eye swelling that are quite common:

When swelling appears in the eyes, you need to follow simple rules: first, identify the main factor; second - perform an examination, which may indicate the possibility of using a particular treatment method. It should be noted that inflammation of the bone tissue in the eye area can cause swelling.

Swelling of the eyelids after prolonged sleep

Patients are often interested in why their eyes swell in the morning and why their upper eyelids become red. Swelling after sleep can be a common failure of the rest regime or eating junk food. It is necessary to enrich your diet with an abundance of the freshest fruits and vegetables. Instead of carbonated drinks and coffee, you should drink purified drinking water, but stop taking it no later than three to four hours before bedtime. If you get rid of all bad habits, then swelling of the eyelids in the morning will be a thing of the past.

If possible, you should give your eyes more rest. About an hour before going to bed, you need to turn off the TV and computer. The eye muscles are strong, but they also need rest.

Diagnosis and treatment

To find out the cause of eyelid swelling, you need not to delay and undergo diagnostics, which is carried out visually. For a more accurate diagnosis, you need to take urine and blood tests. A blood test is necessary to calculate the level of protein, urine - to identify kidney pathologies. In some individual cases it is necessary to do computed tomography or ultrasound.

At the first symptoms of eyelid swelling, you should not:

  • press or pierce an abscess;
  • warm the eyelid, apply oil compresses;
  • use decorative cosmetics;
  • wear contact lenses.

Quite often, swelling goes away after a certain time, but it is also possible that the situation will only get worse. This can happen if there are any serious abnormalities. In such cases, swelling appears not only on the eyelids, but also on other parts of the body.

The consequences of delayed treatment can be very different, including:

To eliminate swelling, you should definitely consult a specialist. Only the attending physician can say whether these procedures are necessary or not. Procedures that eliminate swelling include:

  1. Masks, lotions and all kinds of creams are high-quality cosmetology products.
  2. The use of suspensions or eye drops on an anti-inflammatory or hormonal basis, antiallergic drugs, diuretics.
  3. Massages, thanks to which you can restore the functioning of the lymphatic system and remove excess fluid.
  4. Traditional methods - masks, lotions or diuretic teas.

If swelling of the eyelids occurs in the morning, then it is first necessary to identify the cause of this phenomenon. If the cause is an allergic reaction, then you need to eliminate the allergen and take an antiallergic drug. If the reason lies in the disease, then the eyes will stop swelling only after complete recovery. In the case where swelling appears after an insect bite or wound, you should wait for complete healing. The release of excess fluid can be accelerated by the following methods: mesotherapy, physiotherapy, medication treatment.

Traditional medicine recipes

If your eyelids are swollen, it will tell you what to do traditional medicine. She has many proven recipes in her arsenal that will help combat this problem. Most of them have parsley as the central ingredient. She's rich useful substances, serves as an anti-inflammatory and diuretic property.

You can also prepare a parsley decoction. For 300 milliliters of water you will need 1 tablespoon of sugar, 3 tablespoons of leaves and 2 tablespoons of crushed root. Boil the mixture for 2-3 minutes, then cool. Take throughout the day.

A flax seed drink will also help remove excess fluid from the body and relieve the inflammatory process: add 4 teaspoons of seeds to a liter of water, bring to a boil, and leave on low heat for 20 minutes. Strain the drink, drink 200 milliliters warm before meals. You need to drink the drink for a course of 3 weeks.

Prevention of edema

To ensure a good morning and the reflection in the mirror does not spoil your mood for the whole day, you need to adhere to the following rules:

By following simple rules, this problem will bypass you. If the eye is swollen, and the upper eyelid has significantly increased in size, then it is best to seek help from a doctor to diagnose and treat the disease.

Throughout our lives, each of us has encountered the problem of swelling at least once. Edema is an excessive accumulation of fluid that is retained in the eyelid area, while thin and sensitive skin becomes tense and red, pain and burning sensations appear, and sometimes nearby lymph nodes become inflamed.

From time to time, a person feels as if he “cannot open his eyes,” and his vision deteriorates significantly. The reasons for this phenomenon are very different: from mechanical effects or allergies to diseases of a systemic nature or local localization.

You need to understand that the eyes can be affected by an inflammatory process, or the swelling will be non-inflammatory in nature. It is difficult to independently assess this condition, so the best solution is to consult an ophthalmologist. An experienced doctor will not only examine the areas of swelling, collect the necessary data, and prescribe tests if required clinical picture disease, but will also constitute the optimal treatment method.

You will avoid mistakes when choosing medications and significantly reduce the time to eliminate eye swelling, and this is important for busy people. Before visiting an ophthalmologist, you can do the following on your own:

  • Brew strong loose leaf tea or make an infusion of chamomile and rinse your eyes
  • Use antihistamine drops if you have had a similar allergic reaction before, and you think it is for this reason (Allergodil, Opatanol, Lecrolin are suitable)

In the case when the swelling has become large and red, you should not self-medicate, you should contact an ophthalmologist for help.

Causes of swelling of the upper eyelid

Inflammatory tumors

Severe inflammation can be a consequence of bacterial or viral diseases. Redness, tearing and swelling of the eyelids are observed with conjunctivitis and blepharitis. They may swell due to an abscess and blockage of the meibomian gland.

In this case, patients experience a high body temperature, and the swollen eye becomes very red. Most often, the tumor forms on one eyelid, the disease is accompanied by purulent discharge. Patients experience photophobia, itching and discomfort.

Allergic reaction of the body

When a person comes into contact with allergens, the eyelids may swell so much that the eye lumen will be closed. They begin to swell at the same time, and the process develops unexpectedly and quickly. All kinds of medications, foods, and chemicals, cosmetics, fungi, etc.

If you do not suspect what caused such a reaction in the body, you need to contact a specialist to conduct appropriate tests for allergens and prescribe treatment.

Systemic diseases of the body

The eyes become swollen due to other ailments, and in this case it will not be easy to relieve severe swelling. It is necessary to treat exactly the cause that caused the symptom. The eyelids may swell due to vascular diseases, problems with the heart, kidneys and liver, due to disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract or thyroid gland.

The cause may be cancer. Pathological processes of lymph flow disturbances and tissue fluid retention cause pastosity. This type of skin appears due to problems with blood supply and improper distribution of intercellular fluid.

Diabetes mellitus, problems with immune and nervous system, liver dysfunction and respiratory tract pathologies. The specialist prescribes complex therapy to treat the disease causing swelling.

Wrong lifestyle

Proponents of a healthy lifestyle rarely complain about the swollen appearance of their eyelids; this happens to them in case of lack of sleep or severe fatigue. Eyes may become swollen and painful from working at a computer for long hours.

The eyelids take on a swollen appearance after eating foods with a high salt content. In order to avoid unsightly swelling, you should limit it in your diet, drink enough water and avoid drinking alcohol. Adequate sleep will be your ally in maintaining healthy skin.

Physiological reasons

These include age-related changes that inevitably occur in the human body and mechanical effects on the facial area. The eyelids “drop” down, and their sagging often resembles swelling. In this case, only plastic surgery will help eliminate the defect.

What is inflammation of the meibomian gland?

Blockage of the canals causes gradual inflammation of the eye tissues. Fat is not removed on time, pathogenic organisms begin to accumulate, which lead to the formation of a tumor on the eyelid. This is a painful process that forces a person to seek help from an ophthalmologist.

Is it possible to squeeze out barley?

If staphylococcus enters the body of a person with a weakened immune system, a stye may form on the eye. The body temperature rises, the tumor grows in size until the abscess opens and its contents are released.

After this, the patient feels better, and the small wound heals and the swelling decreases. You cannot squeeze out the barley yourself. If a large tumor has formed on the eye, the accumulated fat can be removed in the hospital under local anesthesia.

In this case, dangerous bacteria that can lead to serious complications are prevented from entering the body.


Injuries in the area of ​​the nose or eyes cause the formation of hematoma and swelling. If a bruise occurs while playing sports or active recreation It is necessary to apply ice to the site of impact, and then consult a doctor for examination.

Excessive fluid intake

Uncontrolled consumption of water and drinks leads to swelling in the different parts body, and the eyes are the first to suffer in this case. To solve the problem, you may need not only an examination by a specialized specialist, but also a consultation with a nutritionist. Swelling occurs after drinking heavily in the evening, so you should reduce your fluid intake before bed.

Swollen and painful eyelid in children: what to do?

Many parents ask what causes such a reaction. Most often this occurs as a result of a blow when a child is playing and accidentally injures himself. The lower or upper eyelid may become red and swollen as a result of an infection that the child receives after playing in the sandbox or during contact with animals.

An insect bite will cause swelling of the eyelid. Inflammation can begin as a result of acute respiratory infections and other diseases. You can try blowing out the eye to remove foreign matter or dust.

If you have ruled out the above reasons, your child may have an allergic reaction. In any case, specialist help and treatment are needed. Don't hesitate if you notice your baby's right or left eye is swollen. Contact your doctor right away and do not try to treat your child yourself.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

If you have not been bitten by insects or suffered any injuries, but swelling has formed on your eye, you need to examine it and check for debris and other foreign bodies inside the eyelid.

If the swelling does not subside after some time, a feeling of discomfort appears, the temperature rises, or an abscess forms on the surface of the skin, you should consult a specialist. An examination by a doctor is mandatory in the case of a tumor in a child’s eye.

Correct treatment

If you have an eye injury, you will be prescribed cold compresses and vasoconstrictor medications. Antihistamines will be needed for allergies. Depending on the causes of swelling, rubdowns, drops or ointments may be prescribed. Only an ophthalmologist decides what to do in a given situation and how to properly treat a swollen eye. You may consider and choose one of two treatment methods:

Drug removal of tumors

An ophthalmologist should prescribe medications; only in this case can you achieve good effect and prevent complications. Among the most effective drugs are drops and ointments “Dexa-Gentamicin”, “Tobrex”, “Maxitrol”, “Levomycetin”, “Ofloxacin”, “Erythromycin”.

They have different effects, so their incorrect use will not lead to recovery, but can significantly worsen the patient’s well-being. Plus drug treatment is its high efficiency.

A negative result can be observed in the case of progression of other systemic diseases, when due attention is not paid to the main disease causing edema. In this case, relapses occur, and the patient will face the problem until he starts complex treatment body.

Date: 04/21/2016

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If you have swollen upper eyelids, there may be different reasons for this symptom. This problem not only spoils appearance, but can also be a sign of some disease.

Why do my eyelids swell?

  1. During the flowering period of plants, contact with animals, household chemicals, use of cosmetics, eyelash extensions, etc., an allergic reaction may occur. In this case, the eyelids swell, become reddish, itching and watery eyes occur. It is important to establish the cause (that is, identify the allergen), exclude it and, following the doctor’s instructions, use antihistamines and special eye drops.
  2. Acute respiratory diseases may be accompanied by swelling of the eyelids and lacrimation, but in this case there is fever, cough, etc.
  3. Red eyes with puffy eyelids may be a sign of conjunctivitis (“rabbit eyes”). The nature of this disease (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes) can be viral and bacterial. If you discover similar symptoms, accompanied by itching, lacrimation, pain in the eyes and photophobia, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  4. Swelling of the eyelids may accompany wearing contact lenses. Improper care, wearing longer than expected, poor cleaning, lens defects - all this can lead to undesirable consequences.
  5. Everyone knows another reason for swollen eyelids - prolonged crying. Tears are necessary, they moisturize, cleanse and protect our eyes, and the habitual runny nose after excessive production of tears is explained by the fact that they exit through the nasal cavity. There are tears:

  • basal - create a special tear film so that the mucous membrane is constantly moist;
  • reflex - protect the mucous membrane from external influences (foreign bodies, dust, smoke, etc.);
  • emotional - a manifestation of strong emotions; during emotional crying, the lacrimal glands produce a continuous stream of tears, and the surrounding tissues absorb excess fluid, so the eyelids become swollen.
  1. Barley. It looks like a swollen lump on the eyelid. Has a reddish tint. The cause of stye is a bacterial infection. It is worth noting that swelling can not only be local, but also occupy the entire eyelid. In any case, the help of a doctor is necessary. Untimely treatment can cause a serious complication - meibomitis - inflammation of the glands of the cartilage of the eyelid. The best prevention barley - maintaining personal hygiene (do not use other people's towels and cosmetics) and maintaining immunity at a healthy level.
  2. Ocular herpes is a disease accompanied by swelling and, however, it is distinguished from ordinary conjunctivitis by blurred vision, painful ulcers on the eyelids and severe swelling of the eyelid margin. When ocular herpes occurs, qualified medical assistance is necessary.
  3. Chalazion (inflammation of the sebaceous glands of the eyelid). A disease similar in symptoms (formation of painful swelling) to barley. However, a stye develops at the very edge of the eyelid, and a chalazion develops far from its edge.
  4. Orbital cellulitis is a rare but dangerous disease caused by a bacterial infection. The main symptoms of this pathology are painful swelling of the upper and lower eyelids, in some cases of the cheeks and eyebrows, bulging eyes, pain in the eyes when moving, blurred vision and increased temperature. If this disease occurs, you must immediately consult a doctor; failure to provide timely treatment medical care may lead to blindness. This pathology is treated with intravenous antibiotics. A less dangerous disease is periorbital cellulitis, which affects only the soft tissues of the eyelids.

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Edema of the eyelid is an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the subcutaneous tissue in the eyelid area. The pathology is extremely common, and can accompany not only local diseases and disorders, but also be one of the signs of systemic diseases.

What happens to swelling of the eyelids?

Swelling of the eyelid can be inflammatory or non-inflammatory. Separately, they denote reactive edema, which can develop suddenly and for no apparent reason, but most often their origin is associated with inflammatory processes in nearby areas (for example, with sinusitis, frontal sinusitis).

Symptoms of eyelid edema

Signs of inflammatory edema are:

  • severe redness and hyperthermia of the skin;
  • soreness of the skin of the eyelid when touched or pressed;
  • discomfort, pain in the eye area;


  • general malaise;
  • in some cases - the presence of an inflammatory formation, nodule, compaction (for example, with a boil, barley, dacryocystitis).

If the swelling of the eyelid is not associated with tissue inflammation, but is caused by diseases of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys and other organs, it can be bilateral. Such swelling is more pronounced after waking up and is combined with swelling lower limbs, with ascites.

Causes of eyelid swelling

Long-term swelling of the eyelid is one of those signs of trouble in the body that indicates the need for examination. If the edema has an allergic etiology, it may be part of the complex of symptoms of angioedema. This pathology develops very quickly and can go away on its own and suddenly.

With Quincke's edema, the eyelid increases in size on one side (rarely on both sides), but the patient does not experience any unpleasant sensations.

The reason for this condition is the body’s allergic reaction to various irritants - food (chocolate, honey, citrus fruits, eggs, milk, etc.), pollen, medications, cosmetics, household chemicals, etc.

The causes of non-inflammatory swelling of the eyelids can be pathologies internal organs and systems. Thus, kidney disease often provokes swelling of the upper and lower eyelids in the morning.

It was noted that pathological phenomena are more pronounced in the upper eyelid, and they are complemented by a general puffiness of the face and are very watery in appearance and to the touch.

The same symptoms can also be caused by disturbances in the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, connective tissue, liver. Direct eye diseases also often become a prerequisite for the development of puffiness. Etiological factors can also be tumor processes, for example, squamous cell carcinoma eyelids, traumatic injuries to the eyelid area and area around the eye, burns, conditions after surgery.

In total, doctors name more than 70 causes of eyelid edema.

Therefore, with regularly developing edema, it is better not to try to look for the source of the pathology, but to seek help from a qualified specialist. We must remember that swelling of the eyelids is completely unrelated to working at a computer or severe strain on the visual organs.

Diagnosis of eyelid edema

During an appointment with an ophthalmologist, a specialist determines the area of ​​localization of the edema and the color of the skin on its surface (redness or pallor). The doctor also notes whether unilateral or bilateral swelling is present on the patient’s eyelids and checks visual acuity.

Visual examination and palpation of the edema will help determine whether there is hyperthermia of the area (local increase in temperature), erythematous phenomena, or pain when touched. So, swelling of the eyelids on both sides without pain symptoms suggests an allergization of the body, a general disease, or a hernia of the orbital fat layer.

If swelling develops on both sides without causing pain, but is accompanied by redness of the skin, further diagnostics are carried out to confirm blepharitis or conjunctivitis. Unilateral swelling with pain and redness can develop against the background of burns, insect bites, diseases of the lacrimal gland, localization of subcutaneous cellulite in this area, etc.

Severe unilateral swelling with painful erythema is often caused by orbital cellulitis.

Thus, eyelid edema can be diagnosed by clinical manifestations, therefore instrumental and laboratory methods Eye examinations are rarely ordered. Necessity additional diagnostics occurs with head and eye injuries, suspected cellulite, vascular thrombosis, various systemic diseases and pathologies of internal organs.

Swelling of the upper eyelid should be differentiated from a peculiar skin fold that, in some people, sags excessively above the eye (blepharochalasis). Most often, blepharochalasis is observed in older people and is a consequence of age-related weakening of the connective tissue plates of the upper eyelid.

If this problem leads to a pronounced aesthetic defect, it can be eliminated with plastic surgery.

Under no circumstances should you try to remove swelling on your own by performing a massage, applying warm compresses to it, or taking any medications. Before diagnosing the pathology, all these actions are not recommended, as they can provoke a worsening of the situation.

Treatment of eyelid edema

Treatment methods for allergic edema are reduced to eliminating and preventing contact with the irritant. Cool compresses, ointments with corticosteroid hormones, special antiallergic drugs in drops, antihistamines, desensitizing agents in tablet form are prescribed locally.

If an insect bites you, you should accurately determine the location of the bite. It appears as a pale nodule with a pinpoint hemorrhagic center. Usually, after a few days, such bites disappear on their own, and the swelling resolves.

Treatment of any edema will begin with eliminating its prerequisites. Therefore, in many cases, the underlying disease has to be treated, and as it is corrected, the swelling in the eyelids is eliminated.

If the cause of a pathological symptom is excess and accumulation of fluid in the body, it is removed with the help of diuretics in tablets, powders, capsules.

Often they help solve the problem folk remedies- decoctions and infusions from collections of medicinal plants.

Inflammatory swelling of the eyelids due to colds and infections are treated with antibiotics, antiseptics, anti-inflammatory drops, as well as local agents with a vasoconstrictor effect.

If the cause of edema is a banal lack of sleep, disturbance of sleep and rest, then cosmetic products - masks, lotions, creams, massage - will perfectly cope with this problem.

Questions and answers

Question: My eyelids constantly swell on both eyes in the morning. This swelling is especially noticeable on the upper eyelids. Recently, a feeling of pain and dilation of the eyes has appeared. I am already limiting my drinking regimen, but nothing is going away. What is this connected with? Thanks in advance!

Question: Good afternoon I am 22 years old. Within 7-8 days, my eyelids began to swell every day, and the upper ones were especially noticeable. The swelling persists all day, so much so that I have to mask it with cosmetics. There were also pains in the chest and heart. When I wake up, I always feel thirsty, I drink a lot and don’t get drunk. Which specialist should I contact? What kind of disease could this be? And another question, what tests need to be taken?

Answer: There are so many causes of edema that it is simply impossible to answer exactly which one is occurring in your case. It is very important to know whether inflammatory swelling is present on the eyelids or non-inflammatory. In the first case, you can feel redness of the skin, its heating, and pain when touched. If the swelling is not inflammatory, it can be caused by an allergy. It is also important to know whether a pathological reaction to the intake of any food, medications, or the use of cosmetics was previously observed.

Non-inflammatory and regular edema can also develop due to diseases of the heart, kidneys, connective tissue, as well as due to excessive fluid intake. If you are tormented extreme thirst, it is worth checking for pathologies of the thyroid and parathyroid glands, diabetes mellitus, kidney diseases.

Initially, you need to take blood tests: general clinical, sugar, electrolytes and blood biochemistry. Urine tests: general, sugar. Instrumental studies: ultrasound of the kidneys, heart, cardiogram. You should visit a nephrologist or endocrinologist.

Question: I am 17 years old and often wear contact lenses due to myopia. Two days ago I felt slight discomfort, similar to the sensations when barley appears. Yesterday a swelling appeared in the outer corner of the eye, then the entire upper eyelid became red and swollen even more. During the day I made different compresses, both cold and hot. The next morning the eyelid is more swollen, but there is no pain. And in the corner you can feel a small nodule. What should I do next, how to treat this?

Answer: You should urgently visit an ophthalmologist to rule out inflammatory diseases various structures of the eye, and also prescribed you the correct treatment.

Question: C Today my child got up in the morning with swollen eyes, and both the lower and upper eyelids were equally swollen! The child's temperature is 37-37.3; such phenomena have never happened before. What to do, thanks in advance!

Answer: Swelling of the eyelids in children can occur against the background of inflammatory processes, for example, with conjunctivitis, as a result of an allergy to food products or other irritants, for kidney diseases, etc. It is worth contacting a pediatrician, who will make a diagnosis.

Question: Good afternoon After I began to experience severe swelling of my right upper eyelid, I decided to see an ophthalmologist. I was recommended to have an x-ray of my sinuses, as a result of which I was diagnosed with left-sided sinusitis. I followed all the doctor’s orders, completed a course of treatment, and the disease subsided. Only the swelling never went away! What to do?

Answer: You should definitely visit an ophthalmologist and have your eyes thoroughly examined. It is possible that there is a pathology of the eyelids or orbit of the eye. Another option is that the edema developed against the background of an ENT disease, which has not been completely eliminated. An in-person consultation and examination is required.

Edema of the upper eyelid manifests itself as a voluminous swelling on the eyelid, preventing the swollen eye from fully opening. The cause of swelling of the eyelids can be seasonal infectious diseases, and inflammatory processes occurring in adjacent areas. If the eye regularly swells, it must be treated to prevent complications from developing. But before prescribing treatment, it is necessary to understand why swelling of the upper eyelid of one eye occurred and how to prevent its return in the future.

Why does the upper eyelid of one eye swell?

Swelling in one eye is a symptom of more than seven dozen diseases. The appearance of edema is the body’s reaction to stressful conditions or an external irritant, loss of the ability to control the normal functioning of cells and tissues. Among the most common conditions leading to edema are:

  • Viruses, infections. A viral disease can be complicated by swelling of the upper eyelids, swelling of the lower eyelid, or even the entire eye. If left untreated, inflammation develops and pus begins to ooze from the cavities under the swollen area.
  • Allergy. Depending on the type of allergens, ocular swelling may occur as a complication of local dermatitis or as part of a widespread, life-threatening swelling of the entire face (also known as angioedema, requiring hospital treatment).
  • Mechanical injuries. The skin of the upper eyelids is thin and sensitive, so it can be easily injured, scratched, injured by an active solution, decorative cosmetics, etc. Bite small insect, harmless in other cases, will cause swelling on the upper eyelid. The skin turns slightly blue. In the absence of subsequent injuries, the swelling does not progress and resolves on its own after a few days.
  • Stye, blepharitis, other eye diseases. Swelling of the eyelids, which occurs as a complication of other eye diseases, completely disappears only after treatment of the root cause.
  • Chronic diseases. Heart failure, dysfunction of the urinary system, oncology, etc. – conditions due to which many changes occur in the body. Puffy face one of the first signs of illness. If swelling appears regularly, without any obvious reasons, especially in the morning, then it makes sense to visit not only an ophthalmologist, but also a general practitioner.
  • Genetic predisposition. People with thin, sensitive skin may experience eyelid swelling on a daily basis. Glass of water, excitement or intense physical exercise– the background against which swelling occurs. In this case, the condition usually affects both eyes evenly, the swelling subsides within 2-3 hours.

Causes of swelling

The eyelid swells due to weakness and thinness of the skin, oversaturation of capillaries (excess fluid affects the eyes first) and minimal muscle volume in the eye area. Even if you have not experienced painful swelling of the upper eyelids, you probably felt heaviness in your eyes - as if something was pressing on the swollen eyelids from above, preventing them from being lifted. If you look at a person complaining of such sensations, you will notice that the puffy eyes seem smaller than usual. The problem is excess water, which increases the swelling of the upper eyelid of one eye and causes swelling.

Doctors highlight following reasons swelling of the upper eyelids:

  • Inflammation. Accompanied by redness, a noticeable increase in size of the eyelids, and increased temperature. On palpation there is dull pain in the swollen tissues. Inflammatory processes leading to swelling of the upper eyelids can occur both in the eye and in the sinuses.
  • Allergen. The eyelid swells both when an allergenic irritant is eaten or inhaled, and when physical contact with an allergen. Occasionally, the swollen area may hurt or itch, but touching or massaging the swollen eyelid is not recommended to avoid mechanical injury.
  • Metabolic disorder. Both eyes usually swell in the morning, but no complications, redness of the skin or pain are observed. Puffy eyelids may become temporarily pale.

Some popular cosmetic procedures can cause temporary eyelid swelling, which doctors do not consider a sign of illness. In particular, permanent tattooing causes swelling in the area around the eyes, which completely disappears only 2-3 days after the session.

Learn more about the causes of edema from this video:

What to do and how to treat?

Swelling of the upper eyelid is a serious condition that can lead to displacement of the eyeball. Consult your doctor to find out the exact cause of swollen eyelids and get recommendations on how to eliminate it. Medicines and eye treatment methods are selected depending on the irritant.

Treatment of inflammatory edema of the upper eyelid

To eliminate swelling caused by inflammation, drugs with antibacterial or antiviral effects are prescribed. If swelling is accompanied colds or barley, several types of drugs are used: antimicrobial microbes and vitamins for oral administration, antiseptic rinses, anti-inflammatory ointments and drops.

Therapy may include:

  • Elimination of the irritant - if inflammation is caused by contact with the active substance.
  • Rinsing swollen eyes with an antiseptic - in case of accumulation of pus, pain, high temperature. Processing is carried out with special care so as not to damage the thin skin.
  • Instillation of anti-inflammatory drops (Diclofenac, Combinil, Maxitrol, etc.). Conducted daily. For infections with purulent complications, preference is given to corticosteroids (used only when prescribed by the attending physician).
  • Anti-inflammatory ointments to alleviate the condition (Zirgan, Solcoseryl, Bonafton, etc.).
  • Well antiviral drugs according to the patient's general symptoms.
  • A course of vitamins, incl. and in the form of eye drops - to strengthen weakened, swollen tissues and restore tone.

To quickly remove swelling, physiotherapy is prescribed: electrical stimulation, mesotherapy, antiseptic compresses, etc. The admissibility of the procedures is determined by the attending physician.

Treatment of edema caused by mechanical trauma

In case of swelling due to a bruise, scratch or bite, the physical injury is treated first: when the lesion disappears, the swelling will go away on its own. Rehabilitation measures may include:

  • Cold compresses. Chilled herbal decoctions and solutions with small additions can be used as a basis for compresses. medicines, antiseptics, etc.
  • Disinfection of the affected area. Wounds on the eyelids are not considered dangerous, but if an infection occurs, purulent infection with complications can begin. Treatment with bacterial agents 2-3 times a day is enough to prevent inflammation.
  • Isolate the affected area. For a smooth recovery, the wounded eyelid needs additional protection. The affected eye is covered with a medical bandage or bandages, due to which the wound surface is protected from infection.

You should also understand why the eyelid lesion occurred and how to prevent its recurrence. Additional means to eliminate swelling are not required; eye drops are not prescribed. If the swelling does not go away within 4-5 days, it is recommended to consult a doctor again.

Therapy for an allergic reaction is prescribed depending on the type of allergen and the nature of the encounter. There are two cases:

  • Direct contact with the mucous membranes of the eye. In this case, only the affected eye swells; the swelling is local and does not spread. Soothing antiallergic drops (Lecrolin, Allergodil, Opatanol, etc.) are prescribed, which are used at least 3-4 times a day.
  • General defeat. When reacting to a food or respiratory allergen, the area of ​​swelling is rarely limited to a single eyelid. If both eyes are swollen, to relieve symptoms, a drug that stops the allergic reaction (Suprastin, Cetirizine, etc.) is prescribed, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient. If the patient has not previously suffered from allergies, it may take up to two weeks to select a medication. It is important not to delay contacting a doctor to avoid the development of allergic conjunctivitis.

For allergic eye swelling, folk remedies, decoctions and infusions, which can calm inflammation in other cases, are contraindicated. An advanced allergic reaction puts the body into an “emergency” state, due to which the immune system can react to natural components that normally do not cause an allergic attack in the patient.

Treatment of non-inflammatory swelling

If the eyelids swell regularly, the treatment program is designed to normalize the functioning of the main body systems. Depending on the patient's condition, the following may be recommended:

  • Restoring sleep schedule;
  • Adjusting the diet, reducing the amount of salt in the diet;
  • Restoring water balance;
  • Increasing the level of daily physical activity;
  • Refusal bad habits(alcohol, smoking, etc.).

These measures make it possible to neutralize the cause of the swelling, negating its further occurrence. To quickly remove existing swelling, cold compresses are applied to swollen eyes, and diuretics with a mild effect are prescribed.

Of the physiotherapeutic procedures, the fastest results are achieved by hardware or manual lymphatic drainage massage. It refreshes the complexion, restores tone to the skin and muscles, and accelerates the dissolution of stagnant fluid.

In some cases, excess volume on the upper eyelid cannot be removed by using medications, dispersing fluid, etc. This occurs when the eyelid becomes full due to the formation of a fatty hernia. It can occur in one eye, or in both eyes at once while taking hormonal drugs, rapid weight gain or certain endocrine diseases.

The cause of the changed appearance of swollen eyes - a fatty hernia - can only be eliminated with the help of surgery performed by a plastic surgeon. The operation has the following effect:

  • Getting rid of swelling;
  • Fresh look, feeling of lightness;
  • Restoring the mobility of the upper eyelids;
  • Visual enlargement of the eyes.

The procedure is prescribed after determining the condition of the moving tissues in the area of ​​the swollen eyelids. If the eye is affected by a hernia, surgical treatment is necessary, since the body cannot cope with such a problem on its own.

Preventive measures

Preventing eyelid swelling is much easier than removing it. Follow these simple rules to avoid swelling above the eye:

  • Reduce fluid intake before bed. Try to drink your last glass of water at least an hour and a half before going to bed: this reduces the likelihood of puffy areas appearing on your face.
  • Cleanse your body at least once a month. There are various ways to remove excess fluid from internal systems: salt baths, natural decoctions, diuretics, daily fasting. Choose a method that fits into your daily routine - and you can forget about swelling.
  • Maintain moderation in the use of salt and seasonings. Spicy and salty dishes provoke swelling of the eyes, while at the same time weaning us from sensitivity to complex and subtle flavors.
  • Wash with antibacterial products. Swelling of the eyelids, styes, conjunctivitis - all these diseases are more likely to occur if the sensitive area of ​​the eyes is not protected from viruses and bacteria. It is enough to wipe your face twice a day to significantly reduce the risk of infection.
