The usual theme isofra analogues. Isofra instructions and cheap analogues

Isofra is a drug widely used for treatment various inflammations nasal cavity. Contains the active substance antibiotic framecitin with antimicrobial action. Effectively affects the viral microflora of the nose.

The medicine is prescribed for the treatment of rhinitis, sinusitis, and wound healing after surgery. Release form: intranasal spray.

It has practically no contraindications; it is not recommended for those who are sensitive to aminoglycoside antibiotics or for children under 1 year of age. The average price in Russia is 250–400 rubles.

A wide range of nasal drops with antibacterial action allows you to select cheap analogues of the drug from different countries. Depending on the price range, synonyms for domestic producers, Ukraine, and the Republic of Belarus are distinguished.

Russian-made analogues

Russian-made isofra substitutes should be examined in more detail in the table below.

Name of the drug Average price in rubles Characteristic
Grippferon 200–250 An inexpensive analogue of isofra, which has an antiseptic effect. Nasal drops quickly relieve inflammation symptoms.

The active substance is recombinant human interferon. Contraindications: severe allergy to the components of the drug.

Miramistin 100–150 The composition of the medicine is active substance benzyldimethyl chloride monohydrate.

Used for the treatment of otitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis of various types. Not recommended for hypersensitivity. High-quality substitute for isofra.

Nesopin 80–100 It has the ability to quickly constrict blood vessels and relieve nasal swelling. The main substance is oxymetazoline.

It has indications for the treatment of sinusitis, otitis and other inflammations of the nasal cavity. Prohibited during pregnancy, lactation, and children under two years of age.

Rhinostop 35–100 The active ingredient xylometazoline relieves inflammation and has an antibacterial effect. Suitable for various infectious diseases of the respiratory system.
Chlorophyllipt 150–200 Natural preparation based on extract herbal collection. A worthy substitute for isofra.

Effectively relieves unpleasant symptoms, has a pleasant mint flavor. Not recommended for children or people prone to allergies to the components of the medicine.

Xylometazaline 50–75 A cheap analogue of isofra, which has a strong vasoconstrictor effect. It is worth noting that it does not contain antibiotics.

Used to treat acute respiratory diseases, rhinitis and sinusitis.

Requires careful use in case of heart disease, during pregnancy and lactation. Prohibited for atrophic rhinitis, glaucoma, surgical interventions, children under 6 years of age.

Ukrainian substitutes

Ukrainian-made medicines differ in pricing policy.

Among them you can find cheaper analogues of isofra in the list below:

  • Eucazoline. An effective analogue of isofra. Contains eucalyptus extract, relieves symptoms of stuffy nose. Indications for use are acute rhinitis, sinusitis and otitis.
  • Knoxprey. Nasal spray for the nose with the active ingredient oxymetazoline. Relieves hyperemia, restores free breathing, reduces the amount of mucus. Effective for treating various inflammations of the nasal cavity.

    A relatively inexpensive synonym for isophra. It has contraindications during pregnancy, lactation, allergies to the drug, and children under 6 years of age. The average price is 120–150 rubles.

  • Nosalen. Contains the active substance sodium chloride. Due to the low osmolar pressure of the main substance, mucous membranes are moistened and mucus is removed.

    The manifestation of allergies gives contraindications for use. The drug can be used for children. The average price is 150–180 rubles.

  • Boromenthol. Release form: yellow ointment with mint aroma. Active ingredient: boric acid. Used to treat rhinitis, itchy skin, neuralgia.

    The cheapest analogue of isofra has contraindications for allergies and children under 1 year of age. The average price is 10–40 rubles.

Belarusian generics

Modern medicines represent great competition in the pharmaceutical market, so there are few Belarusian-made generics.

Here are some of them described in the table.

Name of the drug Average price in rubles Characteristic
Naphthyzin 40–80 Vasoconstrictor nasal spray containing naphozoline nitrate. Quickly relieves signs of inflammation of the nasal cavity.

Inexpensive high-quality analogue of isofra. Not recommended during pregnancy, lactation, hypertension, atherosclerosis and tachycardia.

Framinazine 30–60 Contains the antibiotic framinazine, which has an antibacterial effect. Allowed to be taken with caution by children under 6 years of age and pregnant women.

If you are sensitive to the components of the drug, use is not recommended. A cheap, almost identical analogue of isofra.

Sodium chloride 50–80 It is an inexpensive prototype of isofra. Liquid for rinsing the nose, moisturizes the mucous membranes, makes breathing easier.

Use during pregnancy and lactation is proportionate, taking into account all possible risks.

Other foreign analogues

Imported analogues of isofra are represented by a large number of them; you can select the cheapest effective synonyms for the drug.

  1. Polydexa. The best analogue of imported isofra with an antiseptic effect. The main substance phenylephrine sharply constricts blood vessels, making breathing easier.
  2. Nazol. The composition of the medicine contains phenylephrine hydrochloride. Suitable for the treatment of inflammation of the nasal cavity, including manifestations of an allergic nature. The drug should be taken with caution during pregnancy and lactation.
  3. Otrivin. The main substance oxylometazoline relieves swelling and nasal congestion. A relatively high-quality replacement for a cheap imported analogue. Used for various ENT diseases.

    It is prohibited to take during pregnancy, lactation, children under 6 years of age, during surgical interventions, allergies, atherosclerosis, atrophic rhinitis, tachycardia, hypertension. The average price is 100–150 rubles.

  4. Xymelin. A cheap analogue of isofra with adrenomimetic action. Effective for the treatment of various rhinitis, sinusitis, acute respiratory infections, and operations in the nasal cavity.

    It has contraindications for diabetes, allergic reactions, atherosclerosis, atrophic rhinitis, children under 2.5 years old, during pregnancy and lactation. The average price is 85–100 rubles.

  5. Milistan. Contains paracetamol and cytirizine. Relieves signs of inflammation, relieves general condition. It is a multisystem drug, which indicates the high quality of the medicine.

In the final part of the article, I would like to summarize and say that choosing a high-quality and inexpensive analogue of isofra will not be difficult.

But it is worth remembering that, how and with what to replace this drug, regardless of the price, only a qualified doctor should! The specialist will select an effective synonym that will meet all the requirements and will not bring undesirable consequences. Be healthy!

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Isofra is an antibiotic for topical use for ENT diseases.

The active ingredient of the composition is framycetin sulfate; the auxiliary ingredients are purified citric acid, methylparaben, sodium chloride and cyrate.

Available in the form of a nasal spray. Indications for which a doctor may prescribe isofra:

  • Rhinitis.
  • Rhinopharyngitis.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Bacterial pharyngitis.

The pharmacokinetics of the drug is poorly understood, but the fact is that it acts as a means of eliminating microbes, gram-positive and negative bacteria.

Since the drug is an antibiotic, it must be used in accordance with the regimen.

Instructions for use:

  • Adults spray one dose of spray into each nostril 4-6 times during the day.
  • Children are allowed one spray into each nasal passage three times a day.
  • The course of treatment should not last more than a week.
  • If no improvement is observed within a week, the course should be canceled immediately.
  • The drug is approved for children over one year of age.

  • No studies have been conducted to check the effect on the body of a pregnant woman and the fetus, so isofru is used only with the permission of a doctor.

Cheap analogues of Russian production

The price of the medicine ranges from 260 to 320 rubles.

Cheaper analogues of the drug can be selected in this table:

Name Price in rubles About the drug
Grippferon From 200 rubles A broad-spectrum drug with antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. The active ingredient is human recombinant interferon alpha-2b.

Thanks to this composition, the product is the best.

There are no cases of overdose, but there is no need to use it in combination with vasoconstrictor sprays and drops, because other substances in the composition of influenzaferon perform this function.

Can be used by children less than a year old and pregnant women, but in accordance with the scheme for a certain age

Miramistin 200-300 The product is a little cheaper, but more effective. The medicine contains only the substance miramistin and purified water.

This unique product, which is used in many areas of medicine. Miramistin is antimicrobial, but is able to eliminate even those infections that antibiotics cannot.

Available in the form of a solution with different attachments. Contraindicated only in case of hypersensitivity, in all other cases it can be used without fear, but for children under one year of age under the supervision of a doctor

Chlorophyllipt From 90 rubles Inexpensive generic plant origin. It is based on eucalyptus globulus leaf extract.

Stops the proliferation of harmful bacteria and kills them. The product has no contraindications.

In addition to the spray, it has such forms as tablets, an alcohol solution of different concentrations (1 and 0.25), a solution in oil

Nesopin From 100 rubles A good replacement for a cheap drug from a domestic manufacturer if you are not worried about serious illnesses.

The active ingredient is oxymetazoline hydrochloride. The alpha adrenergic agonist constricts blood vessels, thereby reducing swelling of the mucous membrane.

The effect of the spray lasts for 8-12 hours. Nesopin is contraindicated for pregnant women, women during lactation, and children under six years of age.

Should be taken with caution by those suffering from heart disease. diabetes mellitus, renal failure, glaucoma

Xylometazoline From 50 rubles This is the cheapest Russian-made generic isofra, because it performs only one function - narrowing of blood vessels, and due to this, reducing swelling.

It has a large list of contraindications and side effects; it is better to consult a doctor before use.

Use with caution and in small doses by pregnant and lactating women; not recommended for children under two years of age.

Sprays and drops should not be used together with MAO inhibitors and antidepressants, as this causes a hypertensive crisis

Rhinostop From 60 rubles It is synonymous with xylometazoline (the same active ingredient), therefore it has the same advantages and disadvantages.

Other foreign substitutes

  1. Polydexa. An imported analogue of isofra (manufacturing country - France), which is sold in a pharmacy in the form of a spray for 300-450 rubles.

    It contains several antibiotics: neomycin sulfate, polymyxin B sulfate, phenylephrine hydrochloride.

    Applicable for effective treatment sinusitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis and other diseases of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and nasopharynx.

    Approved for use by children over two and a half years old, because it has a stronger effect on the body than isofra.

  2. Sulfacyl sodium. It is difficult to call the drug a substitute for isofra, since it is generally used mostly in ophthalmology.

    But many doctors (most of them are pediatricians) prescribe it for the treatment of rhinitis against the background of acute respiratory viral infections, mild colds and acute respiratory infections.

    A Ukrainian-made product in Russia is sold for 30-60 rubles.

  3. Framinazine. Belarusian analogue of isofra. The main component is Framycetin sulfate.

    It has a bactericidal effect and is used to treat sinusitis, sinusitis, and nasopharyngitis. The price ranges from 250 rubles per bottle.

Attention! If you don’t know what else to replace isofra with, try Sialor (protargol) nasal drops.

It has been tested for more than one generation, so many pediatricians prescribe it even to infants. Although WHO does not recommend its use for children under 5 years of age.

Young specialists consider the medicine to be outdated and toxic, preferring modern means.

Thus, there are no structural analogues of the drug, but you can choose a high-quality synonym that will satisfy both its effect and price. The doctor will help you choose the right one.

Prohibited during pregnancy

Prohibited during breastfeeding

Can be taken by children

Can be taken by older people

Can be taken for liver problems

Can be taken for kidney problems

Isofra is a drug used to reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa. Its main active ingredient is the antibiotic framycetin. It is effective against most gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria - the main causative agents of nasal infections. The group of drug-resistant microorganisms included pneumococci and anaerobes.

The medicine is used for rhinitis, nasopharyngitis and sinusitis. The drug is safe, the only limitation is individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

The drug Isofra and its analogues, which are cheaper, will be a salvation for people suffering from infectious diseases of the nasal cavity. The effect of their use occurs within a few days, the action is aimed directly at the cause of the disease, and not at the symptoms.

There are no analogues with identical composition at the moment. The drugs that are closest in composition to Isofra are Rinil and Framycetin. The following drugs are similar in action:

  • Bioparox;
  • Okomistin;
  • Polydex;
  • Rhinostop;
  • Chlorophyllipt oil.

Basically, all of the drugs listed are available in the form of a nasal spray. The exception is Chlorophyllipt, which is produced in the form oil solution.

If for some reason you are not satisfied with the price of Isofra, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with analogues that are cheaper.

Cheaper products for children

There are few similar products that can be used for children early age. Miramistin and Polydexa can be considered the most accessible and safe.

Belongs to the group of antiseptic and disinfectants. The active substance is miramistin. Its effect is based on interaction with the lipids of the pathogen membrane, resulting in destruction of the membrane and death of the microorganism. It also inhibits the enzymes of pathogens, as a result of which the pathogenic cell self-digests and ceases its vital activity. Miramistin's activity is high against gram-positive and gram-negative, spore-forming, anaerobic microorganisms, some fungi and viruses.

The drug is available in the form of a spray. Used topically, the affected area is irrigated 4-6 times a day. The number of procedures varies depending on age. For children from 3 to 6 years old, the required dose of the drug is contained in one click on the dispensing mechanism, from 7 to 14 years old - in two, and for adolescents over fourteen and adults - in three or four. The duration of treatment is determined for each patient individually. However, the average is 10–14 days.

Indications for use of the drug are rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis. Contraindication is increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug. After using the medication, you may sometimes experience a burning sensation that lasts for several seconds and goes away on its own. It is also possible to develop allergic reactions.

Miramistin is one of the most effective analogues of the main drug used to treat children, and its price is lower than that of Isofra, so it is not only effective, but also cheap. In addition, the two medications differ in the type of active ingredient. The group of antiseptics is capable of fighting a large number of pathogens, in contrast to antibiotics, which are active only against bacteria.


The drug belongs to a group of drugs that are used for nasal diseases. It includes:

Available in the form of a spray for nasal use. For adults, the drug is dosed 1 injection 5 times a day, for adolescents over 15 years old - 1 injection 3 times a day. On average, the duration of treatment should not exceed five days, since longer use increases the risk of side effects.

Polydex is used to treat rhinitis and sinusitis. Contraindications include:

  • age up to fifteen years;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • presence or predisposition to strokes;
  • severe forms of hypertension and coronary insufficiency;
  • convulsions;
  • simultaneous use of non-selective monoamine oxidase inhibitors or sympathomimetics.

Side effects can manifest themselves in the form of allergies, increased heartbeat, increased risk of heart attack and stroke, exacerbation of glaucoma, dysuric and dyspeptic disorders.

The difference between Polydexa and the main drug lies in the spectrum of action.

However, in addition to the fact that this analogue is able to cope with a large number of diseases, it also has high risk development unwanted effects. Therefore, it is recommended to use it only in severe cases when other drugs are ineffective.

The best inexpensive analogues

Among the cheaper substitutes for Isofra, there are many effective remedies.


This is a fairly popular drug, but it is worth clarifying that this drug is currently withdrawn from sale due to toxicity. It belongs to a group of antibiotics used for diseases of the throat and nose. The main component of the drug is fusafurgin. Its activity is directed against some representatives of streptococci, mycoplasmas, anaerobes and fungi. Fuzafurgin does not dissolve in water, so its absorption from the surface of the mucous membrane is minimal. Thanks to this, an effective concentration is quickly created directly at the site of infection.

Bioparox is available in the form of a spray. In addition to the bottle with the medicine itself, the package includes separate nozzles for use through the nose and through the mouth. Before first use, you must press the trigger at least four times to fill the dispenser with the drug. Then the required nozzle is put on the balloon and injected into the required cavity.

If you use the drug for diseases of the nose, then you need to do two injections into each nasal passage. If you use Bioparox for the oral cavity, then four injections are made. The medicine can be used a maximum of four times per day.

The duration of treatment is no more than 7 days. If after this time the required therapeutic result is not achieved, the drug is discontinued. Since longer use of the drug increases the risk of developing superinfection.

Indications for the use of Bioparox are infectious diseases upper respiratory tract caused by microorganisms sensitive to fusafungine. Contraindications include the following cases:

  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • patient age under 12 years;
  • a history of predisposition to bronchospasm.

The difference between Bioparox and Isofra is the type of antibiotic included in the composition. Additionally, differences include the form of release of the drug. In both cases, it is a spray, but the presence of different attachments for the mouth and nose in the analogue expands the range of its use.

After using the drug, local adverse reactions may develop in the form of dryness, redness, irritation and distortion of taste. Common negative manifestations include the following:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • hives.

If such reactions are suspected, the drug should be discontinued immediately. In case of a severe allergic reaction, an injection of epinephrine is recommended.


The drug is an antiseptic drug that can relieve swelling from the mucous membrane. The main active ingredient is miramistin. Its activity is very selective, so the medicine affects only the cells of microorganisms: it disrupts the structure of the cell wall and enzyme systems of pathogens. As a result, the reproduction and vital activity of cells is disrupted, and the pathogen dies. The activity of the drug is aimed at the following bacteria:

The spectrum of action covers all the main microorganisms that cause purulent-inflammatory diseases of the nasal cavity. Okomistin is available in the form of a solution. A single dose for children under 12 years of age is 1-2 drops, for persons over 12 years of age - 3-4 drops in both nostrils. It can be used maximum 6 times a day. The duration of one course of treatment is from 7 to 14 days. However, the doctor can change this period up or down depending on the pathogen and the severity of the disease.

The use of drugs is not limited to otolaryngological practice in the treatment of sinusitis, rhinitis and otitis. It is also used in ophthalmology for therapy inflammatory diseases, burns, as well as to prevent the development of pre- and postoperative complications. The only contraindications are allergic reactions to the components of the drug. As a side effect, a brief burning sensation may develop at the site of application, which disappears on its own.

The difference between Okomistin and the main drug is the active substance. An antiseptic fights a wider range of microorganisms than an antibiotic.


Included in the group of antipiritic and analgesic drugs. It contains:

  1. Paracetamol is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Its action is based on blocking cyclooxygenase and stopping the production of prostaglandins, which are responsible for fever and pain.
  2. Pseudoephedrine is an adrenergic agonist. Constricts blood vessels and causes a decrease in secretion, as a result of which the swelling of the mucous membrane subsides.
  3. Chlorphenamine is a component with antihistamine activity. The action is based on blocking the reverse neuronal uptake of neurotransmitters. The main effect is aimed at reducing allergic manifestations. It also has a slight sedative effect.

It is made in the form of a syrup with an aroma and taste reminiscent of raspberries. For children from 2 to 5 years old, the dosage is 1 teaspoon every 12 hours, and for children from 6 to 12 years old - 2 teaspoons every 12 hours. The duration of treatment should not exceed five days. Indications for use are allergic rhinitis, flu and colds. Contraindications include:

  • age up to two years;
  • allergic reactions to the components of the drug;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • Gilbert's syndrome;
  • simultaneous use of monoamine oxidase inhibitors;
  • deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dihydrogenase.

Possible side effects: allergies, dyspeptic disorders, blood picture disturbances, nephrotoxicity, increased blood pressure etc.

Rinostop differs from Isofra in its release form, composition and a large number of side effects. Therefore, the use of this drug is advisable when other drugs are ineffective. In addition, the action of Rinostop is mainly aimed at the symptoms of the disease, and not at the cause of their occurrence.

Chlorophyllipt oily

Belongs to the group of antiseptic drugs. It contains natural ingredients such as eucalyptus extract and one of the basic vegetable oils (corn, sunflower, olive). The action is mainly aimed at stopping the vital activity of staphylococci and reducing inflammation at the site of invasion of microorganisms. The activity against these bacteria is so high that the drug is able to fight even antibiotic-resistant strains.

It can be used both internally and externally. To treat inflammatory diseases in the nasal cavity, the drug is instilled. For adults, the dosage is 10 drops in each nasal passage; for children over 3 years old, it is reduced to 2-5 drops. If the child has not reached the specified age, then instead of instilling the drug, he can be injected with cotton wool soaked in an oil solution.

The time interval between use should be 6 hours. To treat inflammatory diseases in the oral cavity, the affected mucosa is lubricated with an oil solution. You can also take it orally, 20 ml per day. The indicated volume is divided into 4 times and dosed in teaspoons. The duration of treatment is generally 7–10 days.

Indications for use are:

  • rhinitis;
  • ethmoiditis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis, etc.

Contraindications include individual intolerance to individual components. Side effects manifest themselves in the form of allergic reactions: swelling, redness and rashes. Chlorophyllipt oil, unlike the main product, has a natural composition, so it can be prescribed even to pregnant women and small children. Another advantage of the medicine is its low cost and availability.

To get rid of a runny nose and associated unpleasant symptoms, you can use, among other things, antibiotics. You need to handle them more carefully only if you have to treat a child. Isofra is a popular drug used in the treatment of runny nose. But, since no antibiotic can be taken for a long time, it is useful to know the analogues of this pharmaceutical product. By the way, there are a lot of them.

Action of Isofra

In many cases, one is forced to abandon the use of Isofra because this remedy is expensive. Therefore, we have to look for similar drugs that are less expensive. But it is also necessary to understand that in order to determine the most successful analogues, it is first necessary to find out how Isofra itself works. Then you can be sure that cheap analogues will help well in treatment. The mechanism of action present in the drug is simple. Its most important features can be presented as follows.

  1. Isofra is based on one active substance - framycetin. It successfully fights pathogenic microflora, leading to the development of inflammation of the respiratory tract.
  2. This feature indicates the ability to act selectively. Therefore, the drug is indicated for the treatment of rhinitis and sinusitis in combination with other medications.
  3. Release form: spray. This is the most successful implementation option, while analogues cannot always be used without inconvenience.

Only if the analogues are substantially similar to Isofra can they be called suitable. Now it’s worth looking at which products are similar in their action, indications and method of use to this antibiotic, not forgetting that preference is given to products with low cost.


One of the cheapest analogues is Romazulan. It is produced in liquid form and is intended to eliminate microbes accumulated on the nasopharyngeal mucosa. Before use, Romazulan must be diluted in warm boiled water. The main component is chamomile extract. It is not an antibiotic, which makes it safer for the body, including children.

Among the disadvantages of the analogue, it should be noted that it is not the most convenient option for use. Still, Isofra is much easier to use because of the atomizer. But allergic reactions to Romazulan almost never occur. And this is a serious advantage.


This medicine, which belongs to the group of antibiotics, is especially similar in its effect to Isofra. But the composition of the drug is different. It contains three active components not contained in Isofra. This allows Protargol to have a more versatile effect. Unfortunately, this feature is also associated with serious problems. For example, Protargol has many contraindications, and side effects from its use arise quite often. In addition, the cost of the medicine is lower only in some pharmacies. For the most part, it costs the same price as Isofra.


If you can no longer use Isofra because the recommended course of treatment has ended, you can choose Bioparox. It will cost relatively little, but the result will be the same. This remedy is able to cope with pathogenic bacteria, because it is an antibiotic in nature. In some cases, Bioparox turns out to be even more effective. It all depends on what disease you have to fight.


Again, this drug cannot rightfully be called cheap. And it is also not a full-fledged analogue of Isofra. Rather, its action is similar in that it produces an antibacterial effect. It can be used for sinusitis, but not for long. Fugentin is unlikely to become a full-fledged replacement. But it is suitable as a “backup option” in cases where Isofra is inappropriate.

What to choose?

It will not be possible to answer unequivocally which of the products can replace Isofra. Each medicine has its own specific action. This means that when choosing, you need to rely on your doctor’s recommendations. You cannot change one remedy for another on your own without receiving the advice of a treating specialist. A “man on the street” who is not involved in medicine will not be able to take into account all the important features. Accordingly, the desire to save can be expensive. Thus, if the doctor prescribed Isofra, you should not look for cheap analogues. There are practically none anyway.

The off-season has arrived again - a time of rampant viruses, bacteria and other infections, ready to attack the body of adults and children at any moment. The nasal passages are the first to enter the “battle”, stopping pathogenic microflora on the mucous membrane, of course, if the local immunity is able to overcome the pests.

The immune system of our citizens wants to be the best, and, unfortunately, viruses and bacteria often defeat the weakened microflora of the nasopharynx. A banal runny nose becomes more complicated, microbes join it, thick, hard-to-clear green snot appears, complete nasal congestion, and other delights of bacterial rhinitis.

It is for such cases that French scientists developed an antibacterial spray for local treatment of infectious (bacterial) runny nose - isofra. In this article we will look at the cheapest analogues of isofra and compare their effectiveness.

Scrolling through the forums, one can conclude that patients rarely turn to official instructions, and more often they look for advice from discussion participants, or with the help of search engines they try to find non-existent forms of isophra and its analogues. For example, the question is asked about where to buy isofra drops, what is their price? And the answer is simple - there are no isofra drops.

To select analogues for isofra, we will first study the brief instructions for the drug, on the basis of which an adequate review of analogues and their comparison will be made.

Composition and form of the drug

Isofra has only one form - a spray (polyethylene bottle with a spray nozzle), which contains 15 ml of framecithin sulfate (aminoglycoside) + excipients: distilled water, citric acid, sodium chloride, methyl parahydroxybenzoate. The drug is used only intranasally.

The cost of isofra (15 ml) in pharmacies ranges from 270–330 rubles, with an average of 290 rubles.

Pharmacological properties

Isofra is effective against a wide range of bacteria, including staphylococci, streptococci, enterobacter, proteus, and others. But there are also bacterial colonies against which isofra is powerless: anaerobes, some types of streptococcus, and a number of other pathogens.

Worth noting! If isofra is ineffective, during the first two days, the spray should be replaced with another analogue, for example, Polydex.

Indications for use of isofra

Isofra is indicated for complex treatment such pathologies:

  • complicated runny nose with thick and green snot;
  • bacterial rhinitis;
  • nasopharyngitis;
  • sinusitis (with an intact septum);
  • prevention of infection after nasopharyngeal surgery.


The drug is not used in cases of individual intolerance to framecitin sulfate, in which complaints of allergic reactions and disorders may occur. gastrointestinal tract. The use of the drug is not recommended for more than 10 days, because the development of candidiasis of the nasal and pharyngeal mucosa is possible. Uncontrolled instillation leads to addiction and ineffectiveness of the product.

Isofra is contraindicated for children under one year of age, although there are certain studies that prove the safety of isofra spray in the early infant period, i.e. The drug can be used 30 days after birth. Many practicing ENT doctors, especially in hospitals, prescribe isofra for up to a year, because it is an excellent alternative to many systemic antibiotics.

Data on the use of isofra during pregnancy and breastfeeding no, so the decision is up to the doctor.


The course of injections with isofra spray is usually 5–10 days, on average it lasts 7 days.

Adult mode:

  • one spray into each nostril up to six times a day.

For children:

  • the dosage is half as much, i.e. one spray into each nostril up to three times daily.

The position of the bottle during use should be vertical.

How to treat a runny nose in a baby (review of the use of Isofra)

Isofra - list of cheap analogues

Isofra has no structural analogues, therefore, for an adequate replacement, you need to find a cheap or expensive drug that will be almost similar to the effect of the drug in question. First of all, you need to remember that isofra is an antibiotic, so the search should begin with this pharmacological group, followed by antiseptics.

If a drug is selected for children, then the primary criterion is not always to find cheaper analogues, because the cheapest products are unlikely to be able to replace an antibiotic of this class, and parents can’t wait to see healthy child ASAP. Therefore, loved ones are willing to pay any price to treat young patients. When a drug is chosen for adults, the price will most likely take first place.

Let's make a list of isofra analogues and determine which ones are cheaper.

List of analogues:

  • polydex (spray, 15 ml) – 320 rubles;
  • sialor (protargol 2%, 10 ml) – 260 rubles, you can purchase protargol in prescription departments, price up to 100 rubles;
  • chlorophyllipt oil 2% (20ml) – 145 rub.;
  • collargol - prepared in the prescription departments of pharmacies, price up to 100–150 rubles;
  • octenisept (solution, 50 ml) – 570 rubles;
  • Bactroban (nasal ointment, mupirocin 2%) – 500–600 rubles;
  • okomistin ( eye drops, bottle 10 ml) – 140 rubles (also used for the nose);
  • miramistin (solution 0.01%, 50 ml) – 240 rubles;
  • bioparox (aerosol, 10 ml) – 300 rubles.

Analyzing the prices for isofra analogues, we can conclude that only drugs related to antiseptics - protargol, collargol, miramistin, chlorophyllipt, okomistin - will be cheaper. Antibacterial analogues - bioparox, polydex are almost the same in price, sometimes there is only a slight difference, it is in the range of 30–50 rubles.

When choosing a remedy for bacterial rhinitis, the question arises: “Which drops will be more effective, what is better to prefer, for example, isofre or polydex?” Indeed, local antibacterial agents have their own characteristics, some consist of one antibiotic, others of several. So what should you choose?

The antibacterial drugs in question are produced by one French manufacturer, are used to treat infectious rhinitis and sinusitis, and have almost the same price. The maximum course of taking isofra and polydex is 10 days. This is where their similarities end.

Basic distinctive feature is the composition. Isofra is a mono product consisting of only one active antibacterial substance – framecithin. Polydexa is a complex of two antibiotics (polymexin B sulfate and neomycin sulfate), as well as phenylephrine hydrochloride (adrenergic agonist) and dexamethasone sodium metasulfobenzoate (glucocorticoid).

This difference makes it possible to assert that Polydexa is therapeutically stronger, and in addition to eliminating bacteria, it is also capable of eliminating inflammation and all kinds of manifestations of allergic symptoms.

Parents often ask the doctor what is better than Polydex or Isofra for the child? The answer to this question depends, firstly, on the age of the child, and secondly, on clinical manifestations. Isofra is prescribed after 12 months of life, and Polydex only starting from 2.5 years. If children are prone to allergies, Polydex will be the best. Although, for uncomplicated forms of bacterial rhinitis, it is still better to stick to mono drugs.

If a runny nose has just begun, green snot appears, but it comes out easily, it is better to start treatment with isofra. If it is ineffective, the drug is replaced with Polydex. It should be noted that for sinusitis, in most cases, Polydex is more effective.

Isofra is “lighter” in composition and has fewer side effects. If the picture of complicated rhinitis is clearly expressed, you will have to resort to a complex antibacterial spray - Polydex. These drugs are not saline solutions, therefore, they require clear doctor’s recommendations.

Many patients are confused about the identity of these drugs, believing that there is no difference between them, and they are just antibiotics. Unfortunately, this opinion is not uncommon on forums, and the worst thing is when participants give incorrect advice to each other regarding any antibacterial drugs.

Unlike isofra, polydex is available in another form - in drops, and is used to treat otitis media.

Dr. Komarovsky to the question: “Which is better isofra or polydex?” answers as follows. He says that he is not a supporter of prescribing these remedies for green snot. The main reason for Komarovsky’s attitude towards the use of isofra, polydex and bioparox is skepticism regarding the benefits of these sprays.

According to Russian scientists, the drugs in question are able to completely cure green snot in 60% of patients on the fifth day. There is also information that Polydex and Isofra for adenoids in children after 7 days of use effectively relieves inflammation, which is confirmed by x-ray monitoring.

Isofra or bioparox – what to choose?

The drugs are not structural analogues, but belong to the same pharmacological group - antibiotics for topical use. The main task of these products is to fight microbes and eliminate inflammation in the area of ​​use.

The active ingredient of bioparox is fusafungin, and that of isofra is framecithin sulfate.

Bioparox is used not only for the treatment of bacterial rhinitis, but is also widely used for diseases such as laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, rhinopharyngitis. The drug contains an additional nozzle that allows injections through the mouth.

Unlike isofra, bioparox is prescribed only from 2.5 years, because there is a possibility of laryngospasm. Bioparox is also prescribed with caution for allergy sufferers prone to bronchospasms. Bioparox is more likely to cause various side effects.

The price for isofra and bioparox is almost the same, minor fluctuations up to 50 rubles are possible.


After studying the list possible analogues isofra, it is easy to notice that all antibacterial agents are not cheap, but have approximately the same price as that of isofra. Antiseptics are cheaper, often not inferior in effectiveness and spectrum of action, but their effect is still weaker than antibacterial drugs.

Only a doctor can help you choose the right analogue, taking into account the patient’s age, clinical case and allergy history. Don't self-medicate! Follow this rule, the main thing is not to cause harm, and an otolaryngologist will always help with treatment. Be healthy!

Attention, TODAY only!

"Isofra" is a spray for intranasal use that has antibacterial properties. The popular antibiotic successfully copes with inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx caused by the development of microbes.

However, use Isofra long time not recommended, as it can lead to dysbiosis of the nasal mucosa. To eliminate cold symptoms, doctors advise using gentle analogues of the drug.

Why are analogues needed?

Before looking for an analogue of Isofra, you should read the instructions for using the nasal spray.

It is an effective antibacterial agent that helps improve local immunity.

The spray is designed to eliminate infectious diseases that occur in the nasopharynx and paranasal sinuses.

At the same time, the antibiotic has disadvantages that force consumers to look for analogues of the product.

These include:

  • Inability to fight rhinitis of viral etiology;
  • Impossibility of use for the treatment of small children;
  • The appearance of dysbacteriosis with prolonged use of the spray;
  • The cost of the antibacterial drug is quite high.

What properties should an analogue have?

"Isofra" belongs to the antibacterial agents of the aminoglycoside group. The drug contains framycetin, which actively fights gram-positive and gram-negative microbes. But, as already mentioned, it is undesirable to use an antibiotic to treat children, since it can cause an allergic reaction and dysbacteriosis.

Does Isofra have analogues? It is immediately worth noting that the antibiotic has no analogues for the active substance. However, in pharmacies you can find products for intranasal use that are similar to Isofra in their pharmacological group.

To effectively combat inflammation in the nasopharynx, analogues must have the following properties inherent in an antibiotic:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • wound healing;
  • decongestants;
  • disinfectants;
  • moisturizing.

In addition, it is advisable to select drugs for the treatment of children combined action. They must have not only antimicrobial, but also antiviral properties.

In this case, the use of the medicine will be advisable in the treatment of such diseases:

  • rhinorrhea;
  • acute rhinitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • nasopharyngitis;
  • chronic runny nose;
  • frontal sinusitis;
  • ethmoiditis.

List of the best analogues

What substitutes for Isofra are indicated for use to eliminate inflammation in the nasopharynx in children and adults?

Some of the most effective agents similar in action to antibiotics include:

  • "Bioparox";
  • "Rinofluimucil";
  • "Framinazine";
  • "Romazulan".

Before using drugs, you need to read their instructions for use and consult with an otolaryngologist.

Each of them has a specific composition, so not all types of drugs can be used in treating children.


Aerosol "Bioparox" is one of best generics"Isofra". The antibiotic is available in the form of a spray and, according to the instructions for use, has approximately the same pharmacological effect. It contains fusafungin, a substance with a powerful antibacterial effect.

"Bioparox" fights the following types of microorganisms:

  • staphylococcus and mycoplasma;
  • anaerobic microbes and Candida;
  • microbial strains Neisseria.

The nasal spray can be used to treat children over 12 years of age, but not longer than 5-7 days in a row. To do this, 1-2 doses of the medicinal composition are instilled into each of the nasal passages no more than 3-4 times a day.

Contraindications for the use of Bioparox include:

  • sensitivity to the components of the product;
  • children's age (up to 11 years);
  • predisposition to bronchospasms.


Nasal spy "Rinofluimucil"– one of best analogues"Isofra", which has a vasoconstrictor and mucolytic effect. Unlike the original, the medicine contains two active components: tuaminoheptane and acetylcysteine.

As indicated in the instructions for use, the spray can be used for the following diseases:

  • sinusitis;
  • rhinitis of any etiology;
  • frontitis.

Like original drug, "Rinofluimucil" It has a convenient dispenser, which greatly facilitates its intranasal use. The dosage for adults is 2 doses in each nasal passage three times a day, and for children - no more than 1 dose three times a day.

  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • glaucoma;
  • hypertension;
  • allergies to the components of the product.


Framinazine is an antibacterial drug belonging to the group of aminoglycosides. The nasal spray is active against most strains of bacteria that cause inflammation of the nasopharynx. The active component of the product, framycetin sulfate, damages the cytoplasmic membrane of pathogens, preventing their reproduction.

According to the instructions for use of the drug, it can be used to combat the following problems:

  • nasopharyngitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • coryza.

How to use the spray? To treat adults, 1 dose of solution is injected into each nasal passage 5-6 times a day, and when treating children, the procedure is performed no more than 3 times a day.

The main contraindications for the use of antibiotics include:

  • hypersensitivity of the mucous membrane;
  • secondary immunodeficiency.

Features of choosing analogues

Before choosing a substitute for Isofra, you need to read the instructions for its use in more detail. This will help you decide on a group of drugs that fight the same types of diseases.

On this page you will find all the information about Isofra: full instructions on application to this medicine, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogues of the drug, as well as reviews of people who have already used Isofra spray. Would you like to leave your opinion? Please write in the comments.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Antibacterial drug for local use in ENT practice.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Dispensed with a doctor's prescription.

How much does Isofra cost? The average price in pharmacies is 300 rubles.

Release form and composition

The medicine Isofra for the runny nose and some other infections of the ENT organs is available in the form of a spray. The manufacturer, the French pharmaceutical company Laboratoires Bouchara-Recordati, offers the medicine in 15 ml plastic bottles with a spray dispenser, additionally packaged in cardboard boxes.

The drug contains the active ingredient framycetin in an amount of 12.5 mg per milliliter, as well as auxiliary components: distilled water, citric acid, sodium chloride and citrate, methylparaben. The average cost of one package in pharmacies is 300 rubles.

Pharmacological effect

Isofra has a bactericidal effect, that is, destructive to pathogenic microorganisms. This drug affects many bacteria, both gram-positive and gram-negative.

Isofra is used in cases of damage to the upper respiratory tract by staphylococcus, Escherichia coli, Haemophilus influenzae, and Klebsiella.

Indications for use

Can be used in complex therapy of infectious pathologies of the nasopharynx, namely:

An antibiotic is used in the postoperative period to avoid inflammation, for example, with removed adenoids.


The use of drops and spray is contraindicated due to individual intolerance to antibiotics from the aminoglycoside group.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Isofra during pregnancy can be prescribed by a doctor if there is potential benefit and the risk does not exceed the risk to the mother and fetus. The absorption of the antibiotic into the blood practically does not occur; therefore, the drug, as a rule, is not contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women.

Instructions for use

The instructions for use indicate that the spray is injected into each nostril after rinsing or cleansing the nose. The bottle should not be tilted while pressing the dispenser.

  • For adult patients, press the dispenser once four to six times a day.
  • For babies, one press of the dispenser in each nostril three times a day.
  • Duration of use – up to ten days.

Drops should be administered into each nostril, one to two drops, four to six times a day into each nostril no more than once every two hours.

How to properly inject

To get the maximum effect of the spray, you must first apply vasoconstrictor drops or sprays such as Naphthyzin, Galazolin, Xymelin. When breathing becomes freer, try to clear the nasal passages by blowing your nose. Isofra spray is administered with the bottle in a strictly vertical position. The dispenser is first inserted into one nostril and one injection is made into the nose, then the same is repeated on the opposite side.

Do not make several injections at once. This artificially increases the dosage of the antibiotic and provokes side effects. The course of treatment with Isofra for sinusitis is no more than a week. If there is no improvement, the drug is discontinued and another one is prescribed.

Side effects

The relative rarity of side effects is explained by the local method of using Isofra, in which its adsorption capacity, and, consequently, its effect does not extend to the entire body as a whole. In reviews of Isofra, which accumulated during post-marketing studies, only allergic reactions were noted as a side effect of the drug. Overdose with adequate use of the drug is practically excluded.


Overdose with adequate use of the drug is practically excluded.

Special instructions

With long-term use (more than 10 days), the possibility of disturbing the balance of the natural microflora of the nasopharynx should be taken into account. Should not be used to rinse the paranasal sinuses. It should be remembered that during treatment, resistant strains of microorganisms may appear.

Drug interactions

IN laboratory conditions was not identified. However, the drug may reduce the effectiveness of topical antifungals.


We have selected some people's reviews about the drug Isofra:

  1. Anastasia. Can be taken from 6 months. My son was also prescribed it for yellow snot, the snot went away quickly. But be prepared for the fact that the next time you have a runny nose, no drops will help you other than isofra. Antibiotic kills everything! Now my son and I are suffering from snot, we only treat it with antibiotics! It’s a shame I didn’t listen to the pharmacist and recommended not to take the terrible drops.
  2. Elena. My son is 1.7 years old. I recently bought isofra because... The snot had been going on for 3 weeks already, it helped almost immediately, but on the 2nd day a terrible rash appeared all over my body and face, it stopped giving and it all went away. But the drug is very good, it cured my eldest son’s snot for a month in 2 days.
  3. Alina. Isofroy always treats “complex green” snot in myself and my children - when ordinary nasal drops are powerless, it helps. It’s just important not to get carried away, because Isofra still contains an antibiotic.


There are drugs with similar effects, which allows you to choose a cheaper, but no less effective drug.

  • Polydexa. Unlike Isofra, it contains two antibiotics at once, which expands the spectrum of action of the drug. Each of the components acts on a specific group of pathogenic microorganisms, which makes it possible to achieve a more pronounced therapeutic effect. The product is available in the form of a nasal spray and ear drops.
  • Dioxidine. This antimicrobial agent It is produced in the form of a solution, which is sometimes recommended to be dripped for a runny nose or otitis media. In some cases, the doctor prescribes complex drops with this component.
  • Grippferon. Nasal drops that have an antiseptic effect and quickly relieve inflammation. The active ingredient in the drug is recombinant human interferon. The cost per drop is rubles.
  • Framinazine. A cheap synonym for Isofra, costing from 30 to 60 rubles. The drug contains the antibiotic framinazine. Accept medicine It is possible for children under 6 years of age and pregnant women, but with caution and under the supervision of a doctor.
  • Rhinostop. A cheap analogue of Isofra, which also has antibacterial properties, relieves inflammation and can be used to treat infections in the respiratory system. The cost of the drug is from 35 rubles.

Before using analogues, consult your doctor.

Isofra or Polydex - which is more effective?

Sometimes an analogue of Isofra is considered to be Polydex nasal spray. The same manufacturer - the French Laboratory Bouchard-Recordati, similar packaging design. However, these drugs are not the same thing. If you use nasal antibiotics, then you need to know how Isofra and Polydexa differ.

Polydexa contains two antibiotics, not one. Accordingly, the range of its application is wider than that of single-component Isofra;

  1. Polydexa contains phenylephrine, an element with a vasoconstrictor effect;
  2. Polydexa contains the corticosteroid dexamethasone with anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effects;
  3. Polydexa, in addition to a nasal spray, is made in the form of ear drops and is successfully used in the treatment of otitis media.

Thus, Polydexa is a more powerful complex drug with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and vasoconstrictor effects. Therefore, it is impossible to say unequivocally what is better and more effective. But it is logical to start treatment with a simpler drug, i.e. from Isofra. If it is ineffective, switch to Polydexa with the doctor’s permission.

Storage conditions and shelf life

The shelf life of Isofra spray is 3 years from the date of its manufacture. The drug must be stored out of the reach of children at an air temperature no higher than +25° C.






Normax drops

One comment

My son gets sick often, mostly with sinusitis and rhinitis. At the appointment, the pediatrician, seeing his green snot, prescribed Isofra and highly praised the drug. We bought it and tried it. It is easily tolerated and did not cause any adverse reactions. The only thing is that the child winces when I spray the medicine, apparently it tastes bitter. Improvement came quickly. I know that Polydex is also prescribed, but we have not encountered it yet.

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Only a qualified doctor can treat diseases.

Cheap analogues and substitutes for the drug isofra: nasal drops and sprays

Isofra is a drug widely used to treat various inflammations of the nasal cavity. Contains the active substance antibiotic framecitin with antimicrobial action. Effectively affects the viral microflora of the nose.

The medicine is prescribed for the treatment of rhinitis, sinusitis, and wound healing after surgery. Release form: intranasal spray.

A wide range of nasal drops with antibacterial action allows you to select cheap analogues of the drug from different countries. Depending on the price range, synonyms for domestic producers, Ukraine, and the Republic of Belarus are distinguished.

Russian-made analogues

Russian-made isofra substitutes should be examined in more detail in the table below.

Ukrainian substitutes

Ukrainian-made medicines differ in pricing policy.

Among them you can find cheaper analogues of isofra in the list below:

  • Eucazolin. An effective analogue of isofra. Contains eucalyptus extract, relieves symptoms of stuffy nose. Indications for use are acute rhinitis, sinusitis and otitis.

Belarusian generics

Modern medicines represent great competition in the pharmaceutical market, so there are few Belarusian-made generics.

Here are some of them described in the table.

Other foreign analogues

Imported analogues of isofra are represented by a large number of them; you can select the cheapest effective synonyms for the drug.

  1. Polydexa. The best analogue of imported isofra with an antiseptic effect. The main substance phenylephrine sharply constricts blood vessels, making breathing easier.

In the final part of the article, I would like to summarize and say that choosing a high-quality and inexpensive analogue of isofra will not be difficult.

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We are looking for an analogue of Isofra

"Isofra" is a spray for intranasal use that has antibacterial properties. The popular antibiotic successfully copes with inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx caused by the development of microbes.

However, it is not recommended to use Isofra for a long time, since it can lead to dysbacteriosis of the nasal mucosa. To eliminate cold symptoms, doctors advise using gentle analogues of the drug.

Why are analogues needed?

Before looking for an analogue of Isofra, you should read the instructions for using the nasal spray.

It is an effective antibacterial agent that helps improve local immunity.

The spray is designed to eliminate infectious diseases that occur in the nasopharynx and paranasal sinuses.

At the same time, the antibiotic has disadvantages that force consumers to look for analogues of the product.

  • Inability to fight rhinitis of viral etiology;
  • Impossibility of use for the treatment of small children;
  • The appearance of dysbacteriosis with prolonged use of the spray;
  • The cost of the antibacterial drug is quite high.

What properties should an analogue have?

"Isofra" belongs to the antibacterial agents of the aminoglycoside group. The drug contains framycetin, which actively fights gram-positive and gram-negative microbes. But, as already mentioned, it is undesirable to use an antibiotic to treat children, since it can cause an allergic reaction and dysbacteriosis.

Does Isofra have any analogues? It is immediately worth noting that the antibiotic has no analogues for the active substance. However, in pharmacies you can find products for intranasal use that are similar to Isofra in their pharmacological group.

To effectively combat inflammation in the nasopharynx, analogues must have the following properties inherent in an antibiotic:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • wound healing;
  • decongestants;
  • disinfectants;
  • moisturizing.

In addition, for the treatment of children, it is advisable to select drugs of combined action. They must have not only antimicrobial, but also antiviral properties.

In this case, the use of the medicine will be advisable in the treatment of such diseases:

List of the best analogues

What substitutes for Isofra are indicated for use to eliminate inflammation in the nasopharynx in children and adults?

Some of the most effective agents similar in action to antibiotics include:

Before using drugs, you need to read their instructions for use and consult with an otolaryngologist.

Each of them has a specific composition, so not all types of drugs can be used in treating children.


Aerosol "Bioparox" is one of the best generics of "Isofra". The antibiotic is available in the form of a spray and, according to the instructions for use, has approximately the same pharmacological effect. It contains fusafungin, a substance with a powerful antibacterial effect.

"Bioparox" fights the following types of microorganisms:

  • staphylococcus and mycoplasma;
  • anaerobic microbes and Candida;
  • microbial strains Neisseria.

The nasal spray can be used to treat children over 12 years of age, but not longer than 5-7 days in a row. To do this, 1-2 doses of the medicinal composition are instilled into each of the nasal passages no more than 3-4 times a day.

Contraindications for the use of Bioparox include:

  • sensitivity to the components of the product;
  • children's age (up to 11 years);
  • predisposition to bronchospasms.


Nasal spray "Rinofluimucil" is one of the best analogues of "Isofra", which has a vasoconstrictor and mucolytic effect. Unlike the original, the medicine contains two active ingredients: tuaminoheptane and acetylcysteine.

As indicated in the instructions for use, the spray can be used for the following diseases:

Like the original drug, Rinofluimucil has a convenient dispenser, which greatly facilitates its intranasal use. The dosage for adults is 2 doses in each nasal passage three times a day, and for children - no more than 1 dose three times a day.


Framinazine is an antibacterial drug belonging to the group of aminoglycosides. The nasal spray is active against most strains of bacteria that cause inflammation of the nasopharynx. The active component of the product, framycetin sulfate, damages the cytoplasmic membrane of pathogens, preventing their reproduction.

According to the instructions for use of the drug, it can be used to combat the following problems:

How to use the spray? To treat adults, 1 dose of solution is injected into each nasal passage 5-6 times a day, and when treating children, the procedure is performed no more than 3 times a day.

The main contraindications for the use of antibiotics include:

  • hypersensitivity of the mucous membrane;
  • secondary immunodeficiency.

Features of choosing analogues

Before choosing a substitute for Isofra, you need to read the instructions for its use in more detail. This will help you decide on a group of drugs that fight the same types of diseases.

Moreover, when choosing an analogue, you need to take into account the following criteria:

  1. Release form of the medicine. For intranasal use, it is better to choose medications in the form of sprays or drops. This makes it easier to control the dose of the administered drug (Rinofluimucil, Framinazin);
  2. Composition of the medicine. To treat children, it is advisable to use products that contain components of plant origin. They do not dry out the mucous membranes and do not cause irritation (“Bioparox”);
  3. Cost of the drug. If the course of treatment is at least a day, it is more advisable to use nasal agents, which are cheaper than Isofra (Protargol, Fugentin).

When choosing analogues of Isofra, you need to focus on the principle of action of the drug, its versatility and safety in the treatment of children. The best antibiotic analogues include Rinofluimucil and Bioparox.

Analogues are cheaper than Isofra

To get rid of a runny nose and associated unpleasant symptoms, you can use, among other things, antibiotics. You need to handle them more carefully only if you have to treat a child. Isofra is a popular drug used in the treatment of runny nose. But, since no antibiotic can be taken for a long time, it is useful to know the analogues of this pharmaceutical product. By the way, there are a lot of them.

Mechanism of action

In many cases, one is forced to abandon the use of Isofra because this remedy is expensive. Therefore, we have to look for similar drugs that are less expensive. But it is also necessary to understand that in order to determine the most successful analogues, it is first necessary to find out how Isofra itself works. Then you can be sure that cheap analogues will help well in treatment. The mechanism of action present in the drug is simple. Its most important features can be presented as follows.

  1. Isofra is based on one active substance - framycetin. It successfully fights pathogenic microflora, leading to the development of inflammation of the respiratory tract.
  2. This feature indicates the ability to act selectively. Therefore, the drug is indicated for the treatment of rhinitis and sinusitis in combination with other medications.
  3. Release form: spray. This is the most successful implementation option, while analogues cannot always be used without inconvenience.

Only if the analogues are substantially similar to Isofra can they be called suitable. Now it’s worth looking at which products are similar in their action, indications and method of use to this antibiotic, not forgetting that preference is given to products with low cost.

Analogue Romazulan

One of the cheapest analogues of Isofra is Romazulan. It is produced in liquid form and is intended to eliminate microbes accumulated on the nasopharyngeal mucosa. Before use, Romazulan must be diluted in warm boiled water. The main component is chamomile extract. It is not an antibiotic, which makes it safer for the body, including children.

Among the disadvantages of the analogue, it should be noted that it is not the most convenient option for use. Still, Isofra is much easier to use because of the atomizer. But allergic reactions to Romazulan almost never occur. And this is a serious advantage.

Analogue Protargol

This medicine, which belongs to the group of antibiotics, is especially similar in action to Isofra. But the composition of the drug is different. It contains three active components not contained in Isofra. This allows Protargol to have a more versatile effect. Unfortunately, this feature is also associated with serious problems. For example, Protargol has many contraindications, and side effects from its use occur quite often. In addition, the cost of the medicine is lower only in some pharmacies. For the most part, it costs the same price as Isofra.

Analog Bioparox

If you can no longer use Isofra because the recommended course of treatment has ended, you can choose Bioparox. It will cost relatively little, but the result will be the same. This remedy is able to cope with pathogenic bacteria, because it is an antibiotic in nature. In some cases, Bioparox turns out to be even more effective. It all depends on what disease you have to fight.

Analogue Fugentin

Again, this drug cannot rightfully be called cheap. And it is also not a full-fledged analogue of Isofra. Rather, its action is similar in that it produces an antibacterial effect. It can be used for sinusitis, but not for long. Fugentin is unlikely to become a full-fledged replacement. But it is suitable as a “backup option” in cases where Isofra is inappropriate.

What to choose?

It will not be possible to answer unequivocally which of the products can replace Isofra. Each medicine has its own specific action. This means that when choosing, you need to rely on your doctor’s recommendations. You cannot change one remedy for another on your own without receiving the advice of a treating specialist. A “man on the street” who is not involved in medicine will not be able to take into account all the important features. Accordingly, the desire to save can be expensive. Thus, if the doctor prescribed Isofra, you should not look for cheap analogues. There are practically none anyway.

Yes, he has plenty of analogues. It is more important here not to use one for a long time, but to change it regularly

If you really want to avoid runny nose and other illnesses, pay attention to your immunity; if it is strong, then you won’t get sick.

I also prefer to act proactively and not allow illness to occur. but if it has already happened, you have to buy medicine.

She treated the child with protargol. Didn't help at all. Now I want to try something different. For example, the same Isofra.

If you are treating children, you should definitely consult a pediatrician. I don't know if it's suitable for a child.

List of analog drugs cheaper than Isofra

Isofra is a bactericidal antibiotic belonging to the group of aminoglycosides. A drug for local use in otolaryngology (ENT). Used for preventive purposes and treatment of infectious diseases (rhinitis, sinusitis, nasopharyngitis) and inflammation caused by postoperative period.


Duration of treatment is 7 days.

Isofra spray has contraindications: individual intolerance to framecitin, washing the nose and sinuses is excluded, as well as children under 1 year of age.

Composition and release form

1 ml of Isofra contains: Framecithin sulfate – 12.5 mg (8000 IU). As well as additional substances: distilled water, citric acid, sodium chloride, sodium citrate and methyl parahydroxybenzoate.

Isofra spray is available in translucent polyethylene bottles with a 15 ml spray dispenser, packaged in a box with instructions attached.


The drug is used in combination with other medications for infectious diseases of the nasal cavity.

Infectious inflammatory processes:

  1. Rhinitis;
  2. Sinusitis (if the nasal septum is not injured);
  3. Rhinopharyngitis.

Cost in pharmacies

The selling price of Isofra nasal spray ranges from 280 to 339 rubles.

Comparison of Isofra analogues

Analogs of Isofra spray, which are most suitable in composition.


The most suitable analogue drug. This is an antibiotic that effectively fights infectious inflammatory processes. Framinazine is also used to prevent the occurrence of inflammation in the postoperative period. The course of treatment is no more than 10 days. The cost of the drug is from 100 to 220 rubles.


The active substance is xylometazoline. It relieves swelling and has an antibacterial effect. Used for respiratory diseases.

  • Glaucoma;
  • Hypertension;
  • Atrophic rhinitis;
  • Tachycardia;
  • Pregnancy (breastfeeding);
  • Allergy.

Price from 30 to 100 rubles.


Inexpensive analogue, has a vasoconstrictor effect, not an antibiotic. Used to treat rhinitis, sinusitis and respiratory diseases.

Cost from 50 to 80 rubles.


The active substance of the drug is chloride monohydrate (benzyldimethyl group). Indications for use: otitis media, tonsillitis of all types and sinusitis. It is a good substitute for Isofra spray. Price rubles.


The active substance is oxymetazoline, which relieves swelling of the mucous membrane and constricts blood vessels. Treats otitis media, sinusitis and other infectious diseases of the nasal cavity. Not recommended for use during pregnancy, breastfeeding and children under 2 years of age. Cost rubles.


It is natural and contains herbal extract. This drug is a worthy replacement for Isofra. It is not recommended for use in children prone to allergic reactions. The price varies within rubles.


Fast-acting antiseptic drug. There are contraindications in the form of allergies to individual components of the medicinal composition. Cost rubles.

The price of Isofra in different pharmacies may vary significantly. This is due to the use of cheaper components and the pricing policy of the pharmacy chain.

Read the official information about the drug Isofra, the instructions for use of which include general information and treatment plan. The text is provided for informational purposes only and cannot serve as a substitute for medical advice.

Izorfa was forced to be used due to a very persistent runny nose. It was simply impossible to breathe, nothing helped. We bought it at the pharmacy, the pharmacist advised it. We didn't go to the doctor. We were very happy when the symptom began to gradually disappear. This medicine really works. Should we visit a doctor if the problem has already disappeared?


Isorfa is an antibiotic. Perhaps this is the most significant disadvantage of the drug. It is not expensive, but not cheap either. In addition to it, you need to spend money on a probiotic. In principle, the drug helps if you follow the instructions and according to the doctor’s wishes. My attitude towards him is neutral. What else can I use in my case?

Ksenia Borisovna

My three-year-old daughter did not have nasal discharge for a long time. Gradually they became very thick and yellowed. I was afraid that this was the beginning of sinusitis. I went to the hospital for help. They suggested the drug Izorfa to us. Good remedy. It relieves pretty quickly, I can't complain about it. My daughter didn't feel bad. The runny nose disappeared after five days. I don't like that the drug is an antibiotic. What can I take as a replacement?


We got rid of a bactericidal runny nose in a week with the help of Izorfa. The symptom did not go away after the cold passed. Most likely it was a complication. We tried to cure ourselves with other drugs, but they didn’t work. We went to the hospital and were advised to use this medicine. We acted according to instructions. It helped a lot! The symptom went away after a few days and was no longer bothersome. What else can the drug help with?

Isofra is an antibiotic from the aminoglycoside category, which is often prescribed by otolaryngologists and is suitable for local use. The drug has a bactericidal effect and helps cope with infections that affect the upper respiratory tract. Despite its high efficiency, sometimes it is necessary to select an analogue of isofra.

Characteristics of Isofra

The medicine contains framycetin sulfate. It also contains additional ingredients. The drug is produced in the form of a nasal spray with a concentration of 1.25%.

The substance should be used as part of a complex treatment of infectious lesions respiratory system, including sinusitis, runny nose, nasopharyngitis. The drug is also used for the prevention and treatment of inflammation after surgical procedures.

Adult patients are recommended to use 1 injection into each nasal opening. This should be done 4-6 times a day. Children are prescribed 1 injection three times a day. Treatment should last about 7 days. During use, the bottle must be held vertically.

Rules for selecting analogues

Before choosing isofra analogues, you should analyze the instructions for using the product. Thanks to this, it will be possible to select drugs that help cope with the same pathologies.

Choosing cheap analogue isofra, it is worth considering the following criteria:

  1. Release form of the drug. For intranasal use, it is recommended to choose products in the form of drops or sprays. This will keep the amount of medication used under control. Framinazin and rinofluimucil meet these criteria.
  2. Composition of the substance. When choosing an analogue of isofra for children, it is best to give preference to herbal remedies. Such drugs do not lead to dry mucous membranes and do not cause irritation. For example, bioparox will help to cope with the problem.
  3. Composition of the medicine. If the course of therapy is at least 15-20 days, you should choose analogs that are cheaper than isofra. These include fugentin and protargol.

Of no small importance when choosing a drug is its versatility, mechanism of action and safety for children.

List of cheap analogues of Isofra

There are no structural analogues of the substance, therefore, as an adequate replacement, a drug with a similar mechanism of action should be selected. First of all, it is important to take into account that isofra belongs to antibacterial agents, therefore preference should be given to this particular pharmacological group. Then come antiseptic substances.

The list of drugs with a similar principle of action includes the following drugs:

  1. Polydex - produced in the form of a spray, 15 ml of which costs approximately 320 rubles;
  2. Sialor - 10 ml of the product will cost approximately 260 rubles. In prescription departments you can buy 2% protargol. It costs slightly less - up to 100 rubles.
  3. Chlorophyllipt is produced in the form of an oil solution, the cost of 20 ml of which is 140 rubles.
  4. Collargol - this product is prepared only in prescription departments. Its cost is about 100-150 rubles.
  5. Miramistin - produced in the form of a solution with a concentration of 0.01%. 50 ml of this product costs about 240 rubles.
  6. Octenisept - 50 ml of the substance will cost 570 rubles.
  7. Bactroban is available in the form of a nasal ointment and costs 500-600 rubles.
  8. Okomistin is available in the form of eye drops, which can also be used for the nose. A bottle with a capacity of 10 ml will cost approximately 140 rubles.
  9. Bioparox - a substance in the form of an aerosol with a volume of 10 ml costs 300 rubles.

The cost of 15 ml of isofra is about 280 rubles. Therefore, when analyzing the prices for similar products, we can conclude that only those drugs that belong to the category of antiseptic drugs will cost less. This could be okomistin, miramistin, protargol, etc. Antibacterial analogues, such as Polydexa and Bioparox, are almost the same in cost. Only a small difference can be noted, which usually does not exceed 30-50 rubles.

Comparison of nasal drops

Isofra or Polydex - which is better?

Isofra or Polydex – which is better? Both substances are produced by the same French company. They are used for the treatment of rhinitis and sinusitis of infectious origin. The cost of the product is also almost the same. The maximum duration of drug use is 10 days. Otherwise the means are different.

The main difference lies in the composition. Isofra is a single drug containing a single antibacterial ingredient - framecitin. Polydex contains 2 antibiotics at once - polymexin B and neomycin sulfates. In addition, this product contains phenylephrine hydrochloride. It also contains a glucocorticoid hormone - dexamethasone sodium metasulfobenzoate.

Therefore, it can be argued that Polydexa has a stronger healing effect. In addition to eliminating bacterial microorganisms, it helps to cope with inflammatory processes and allergy symptoms. This feature should be taken into account when choosing isofra or polydex preparations for sinusitis.

Parents are often concerned about the pressing question: isofra or polydex - which is better for children? To answer it correctly, you should take into account the baby’s age and symptoms of the disease. Thus, Isofra can be used from 1 year, while Polydex is prescribed no earlier than 2.5 years. If you are prone to allergic reactions, preference should be given to Polydex. If there is an uncomplicated bacterial runny nose, a single drug will be sufficient.

If rhinitis is just beginning and green discharge appears that is easily removed, it is better to give preference to isofra. For sinusitis more than effective means It will still turn out to be polydex.

When choosing Polydex or Isofra preparations for a child, it is important to remember that the second product has a simpler composition. Therefore it is much less likely to cause side effects. If a runny nose provokes negative consequences, it is better to give preference to Polydex. These products have a rather complex composition, and therefore require strict adherence to all medical recommendations.

Isofra or rhinofluimucil

When choosing drugs isofra or rinofluimucil, it is worth considering that the only common feature is the possibility of using medications for rhinitis. What exactly to choose should be decided by a specialist, since these substances fall into different pharmacological categories and have different compositions. Manufacturers of the products also differ: for example, isofra is produced by a French company, while rinofluimucil is made by an Italian brand.

It is quite difficult to call these products analogues. Rinofluimucil differs from isofra both in composition and in its principle of action. The only similarity is that both products belong to the category of nasal products for the treatment of rhinitis.

Rinofluimucil has vasoconstrictor properties, which helps cope with swelling. The product also has a mucolytic effect, which allows it to thin mucus. The main components of the drug are acetylcysteine ​​and tuaminoheptane sulfate-acetylcysteine.

Doctors prescribe the drug for rhinitis of different origins. This is a significant difference from isofra, since this remedy belongs to the category of antibiotics and helps cope with bacteria. In other cases, it can even cause harm.

If we talk about contraindications, rinofluimucil has a more extensive list of restrictions. Both products can be used for children over 1 year of age. The instructions for the isofra analogue, rhinofluimucil, contain a disclaimer that this substance should be prescribed with extreme caution to children under 3 years of age. In practice, similar analogues of isofra for children are used from the age of one under strict medical supervision.

Isofra or bioparox

When choosing isofra or bioparox products, it is worth considering that they do not belong to the category of structural analogues. In this case, the substances belong to one pharmacological group - antibacterial agents for local use. The main task of the drugs lies in eliminating microbes and the inflammatory process in the area of ​​application.

The active ingredient of Bioparox is fusafungin, while the basis of isofra is framecithin sulfate. Bioparox can be used not only for bacterial rhinitis. It is actively used for disorders such as pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis. This remedy also helps with rhinopharyngitis. The product has another nozzle that helps administer the substance through the oral cavity.

Unlike isofra, this analogue can be used exclusively from 2.5 years. This is due to the threat of developing laryngospasm. In addition, Bioparox is prescribed with extreme caution if you are prone to allergies or bronchospasms. The risk of adverse reactions with bioparox is much higher.

The cost of these funds is almost the same - there may be minor differences not exceeding 50 rubles.

Isofra or protargol - what to choose

When choosing isofra or protargol, it is worth considering that they have different mechanisms of action. Thus, isofra belongs to the category of antibacterial agents, while protargol is an antiseptic. It contains active silver molecules, which have an antiseptic and astringent effect. In addition, the drug successfully copes with inflammatory processes.

There is evidence that, unlike isofra, protargol also has a good effect on viral infections. This result is ensured by the formation of a special film on the mucous membranes. In addition, protargol has a broader spectrum of action. It is used not only in ENT practice, but also in ophthalmology, urology and other areas of medicine.

The duration of taking protargol in the absence of allergies may be longer compared to isofra. This is due to the fact that the drug does not provoke. Literally after just a few injections of protargol, it is possible to cope with a chain of inflammatory processes, achieve vasoconstriction, and reduce the sensitivity of mucous membranes.

Key indications for the use of isofra include bacterial rhinitis, sinusitis, and nasopharyngitis. Protargol is usually prescribed for bacterial rhinitis, the appearance of green nasal discharge with a thick consistency, and purulent phenomena in the sinuses. In addition, indications include blepharitis, adenoid growths, and conjunctivitis.

The main advantage of protargol is its cost. Prescription solutions rarely cost more than 100 rubles. Therefore, if you have a prescription, you can always order a fresh solution. An alternative could be Sialor. At the same time, when choosing drugs Sialor or Isofra, it is worth considering that their cost is approximately the same. Doctors usually recommend using a freshly prepared protargol solution.

Isofra or dioxidin

When choosing drugs dioxidin or isofra, it is worth taking into account all the differences. Thus, dioxidin is a bactericidal drug that has a wide spectrum of action. This remedy is actively used to combat inflammatory processes.

It is important to take into account that the substance does not have a release form for nasal use. It is often prescribed by doctors to treat bacterial rhinitis. However, the product has a large list of contraindications. Moreover, the instructions note that it can only be used by adults.

Isofra is a fairly effective drug that is actively used for the treatment of bacterial rhinitis. At the same time, many people try to choose cheaper analogues of this drug. In order for the treatment to be as effective as possible, this choice should be made only after consulting a doctor.. Otherwise, the therapy will not give the desired effect and may cause negative consequences.
