Beta carotene is formed from provitamin. Beta-carotene in cosmetics: principle of action

One of the most significant precursors of vitamin A, which takes an active part in almost all redox reactions of the human body, is the provitamin beta-carotene. Because of their beneficial properties it is deservedly called the elixir of youth and the source of longevity.

Biochemical properties of beta-carotene

Beta-carotene is a complex yellow pigment that protects plants containing it from oxidative damage. Accumulating human body, it is converted into vitamin A (retinol) as needed. In this case, each beta-carotene molecule is split not into one, but into two parts, respectively forming two molecules of retinol. Entering the body along with plant foods, beta-carotene is absorbed in the upper intestines, after which it accumulates in the liver, heart, bone marrow, nervous tissue and subcutaneous fatty tissue, and also circulates in the blood in an amount of 80 to 230 mg. This compound is classified as fat-soluble - it does not dissolve in water and is optimally absorbed with dietary fats and bioflavonoids.

In addition to being converted into vitamin A, beta-carotene takes an active part in stabilizing cell membranes, blocking free radical oxidation reactions, reducing oxidized compounds, and eliminating the negative side effects of UV radiation. This compound also has the ability to form complexes with proteins and maintain water balance, helping to normalize intestinal function. Beta-carotene is not toxic - its excess does not lead to hypervitaminosis and does not cause the development of various complications.

Functions of beta-carotene and its importance for the female body

Beta-carotene plays a key role in the female body. The list of main functions of this bioactive compound includes the following.

Antioxidant. By intercepting and eliminating free radicals, it slows down peroxidation, prevents damage to cell integrity, and protects against development various diseases(incl. malignant tumors), prevents premature aging, which is why beta-carotene is called the elixir of youth and longevity. This function is enhanced in the presence of vitamin C.

Antisclerotic. By maintaining an optimal balance between “bad” and “good” cholesterol, beta-carotene prevents blockage of blood vessels with cholesterol plaques and reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis and cardiovascular pathologies (coronary artery disease, angina, heart attacks, strokes, etc.).

Antitumor. In combination with vitamin C, beta-carotene can prevent the development of cystic mastopathy, breast, cervical, lung, stomach, and colon cancer.

Regenerative. Beta-carotene promotes accelerated healing of wounds, burns, boils and trophic ulcers.

In addition to these main functions, beta-carotene performs a number of other important tasks in a woman’s body:

  • prevents the “withering” of female reproductive function, reduces the risk of developing functional and inflammatory diseases genitourinary tract;
  • normalizes hormonal balance, creates optimal conditions for successful attachment ovum and subsequent development of the embryo, reduces the risk of spontaneous abortion (this function is enhanced in combination with zinc and selenium);
  • maintains a healthy complexion, helps maintain healthy skin, hair, mucous membranes, teeth and bones;
  • prevents the development of numerous ophthalmological pathologies;
  • activates the immune system, increases resistance to oxidative stress and various infections, helps in adaptation in difficult situations;
  • normalizes the secretory function of the stomach (in combination with zinc);
  • protects against solar radiation, neutralizes the aggressive effects of adverse environmental factors on the female body.

Products containing beta-carotene

The largest amount of beta-carotene is found in carrots, sea buckthorn, pumpkin, sorrel, spinach, celery, rose hips, wild garlic, garlic, sweet red peppers, apricots and mangoes. It is present in smaller amounts in tomatoes, chokeberry, liver, peaches, sour cream, butter, cheese, cottage cheese, milk and potatoes. Therefore, women of all ages must include these products in their daily diet.

To ensure the normal functioning of the female body, it is necessary to consume at least 5 mg of beta-carotene per day. But, unfortunately, this is not always possible. Therefore, to maintain an optimal balance of provitamins, prolong life, beauty and youth, special vitamin and mineral complexes with antioxidant activity were created. One of these drugs is Selzinc. The vitamins E, C and beta-carotene included in its composition will help maintain a blooming appearance and provide effective protection against aging and disease, selenium will enhance the synthesis and activity of antioxidant enzymes and normalize metabolism, and zinc will maintain hormonal balance, improve visual acuity, and increase intellectual abilities , strengthen nails and prevent hair loss.

Today I will tell you how to get a golden, radiant and attractive skin tone without makeup and a solarium. Intrigued? In fact, everything is quite simple. Experts from the University of St. Andrews gathered a group of volunteers to analyze the effect of diet on skin color. They took photographs of people before and after the nutrition course. It turned out that fruits and vegetables led to an increase in the natural red and yellow undertones of the skin (in fact, it darkened). When assessing attractiveness, such skin is recognized as the healthiest and sexiest.

Vegetables (carotenes) are on the right!

Skin tone depends on the combination of pigments: melanin, hemoglobin and carotenes. Melanin depends on your genetics and the sun, but hemoglobin is found in blood vessels, so the redness of the skin depends on their tone and depth. If you get a bruise, it will change color due to the breakdown of hemoglobin into components of different colors. It is hemoglobin that makes cheeks pink and allows people to blush when excited, when blood vessels dilate under the influence of the release of hormones.

Dr Ross Whitehead, who led the study, believes that vegetables and fruits could be a (much healthier) replacement for tanning beds. A separate experiment was also conducted: scientists asked people to rate the attractiveness of several people. As a result, most often positive reviews received "people with a healthy complexion."

It was previously known that some vegetables, such as carrots, can help orange color skin and yet it was not so revealing. But now it has been experimentally proven that an increase in pigments in the skin can be noticeable to others. Using light sensors, the researchers showed that red and yellow hues were associated with carotenoid levels in the skin.

There are hundreds various types carotenoids. The main representatives of carotenoids in higher plants are two pigments - carotene (orange) and xanthophyll (yellow). But in this experiment, lycopene from tomatoes and red peppers, as well as beta-carotene contained in carrots, as well as broccoli, zucchini, and spinach, had the strongest effect on the skin. Skin color may also depend on chemical substances, called polyphenols, they are found in apples, blueberries and cherries, which cause a rush of blood to the surface of the skin.

Ross Whitehead, the experiment's lead scientist, published the research in the journal PLoS ONE. In his interview, he said that even experts did not expect such a diverse influence of vegetables and fruits, as the experiment showed.

The main source of carotenoids is greens and vegetables. The content of carotenoids in food correlates with their content in the skin, and carotenoids are found in all layers of the skin. These studies also found that the skin tone that carotenoids give to the skin is perceived as healthier and sexier than a tan obtained only from a solarium. Of course, both colors also interact effectively with each other.

Carotenoids and skin color

Carotenoids are a large group of pigments that have a very wide range of positive effects on our health. Of these, only beta-carotene can be toxic in high doses. However, natural sources of carotenes contain a mixture of them (lycopene, beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, etc.), which can be converted into each other, which makes them safe. Also among the carotenoids is the king of antioxidants - astaxanthin, which I recently wrote about.

Animals (including humans) cannot synthesize carotenoids de novo; their intake depends only on food sources. The absorption of carotenoids, like other lipids, occurs in the duodenal region of the small intestine. Under the influence of the gastrointestinal environment (for example, the acidity of gastric juice), the presence of specific protein receptors, carotenoids can be destroyed by oxidizing agents or enzymes or metabolized, such as b-carotene into vitamin A in the mucosa.

Sources of carotenoids:

Among the sources typical for mid-latitudes, one can highlight the fruits of carrots, pumpkins, tomatoes, sweet peppers, sea buckthorn, rose hips, and rowan. Dark green vegetables also contain carotenoids. The green chlorophyll masks the yellow-orange pigment they contain. The green leaves of some plants (for example, spinach), carrot roots, rose hips, currants, tomatoes, etc. are especially rich in carotenes. Alpha-carotene is present in carrots and pumpkin, lycopene is in red fruits (for example, watermelons, red grapefruits, and especially cooked tomatoes).

There is a lot of lutein and zeaxanthin in dark green vegetables, pumpkin and red peppers, and cryptoxanthin in mangoes, oranges and peaches. Some crops accumulate a predominant type of carotenoids: carrots and alfalfa - carotenes, tomatoes - lycopene, paprika - capxanthin and capsorubin, yellow corn - cryptoxanthin and zeaxanthin, annatto - bixin. As an option - tomato paste(the one with only crushed tomatoes!)

Alpha carotene. Alpha-carotene, as well as beta-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin, are provitamins that can be converted by the human body into vitamin A. Their dietary sources include orange foods such as pumpkin and carrots. Low level carotenoids in the blood is associated with the development cardiovascular diseases. The daily recommended intake of alpha-carotene is 518 mcg/day. Among people 19 years of age and older, only 23% receive this standard.

Beta carotene. Beta-carotene is found in many orange and yellow fruits and vegetables - melon, carrots, sweet potatoes. Beta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant that protects the body's cells from damage caused by free radicals. This carotenoid is also thought to promote immune system function and may play a protective role in bone health. The intake rate for beta-carotene is 3787 mcg/day. Among adults 19 years and older, only 16% consume enough.

Beta-cryptoxanthin. Beta-cryptoxanthin is found in vegetables such as pumpkin, peppers, and fruits such as tangerines. Epidemiological studies suggest that the antioxidant potential of carotenoids may protect against oxidative processes that can lead to inflammation. Research shows that a small increase in beta-cryptoxanthin intake, equivalent to one glass of fresh orange juice per day, reduces the risk of developing inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. The norm for beta-cryptoxanthin is 223 mcg/day. Only 20% of people consume this amount.

Lutein/zeaxanthin. Lutein is found in green leafy vegetables and has high levels of antioxidant activity. High levels of lutein and zeaxanthin (a carotenoid closely related to and derived from lutein) reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness in older adults. Lutein and zeaxanthin act as filters for of blue color and create opportunities for vision preservation. One study found that older adults with high levels of lutein/zeaxanthin in their diet had the lowest risk of age-related macular degeneration. The recommended intake for lutein/zeaxanthin is 2055 mcg/day. 17% of adults consume the norm.

Lycopene. Lycopene is extracted from tomatoes and is a powerful antioxidant. Epidemiological studies have shown that there is a correlation between increased tomato consumption and a reduced risk of prostate cancer. The norm for lycopene is 6332 mcg/day. Adult consumption 31%.

Not only shade, but also protection

Thanks to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as their ability to influence cell growth and division, carotenoids protect the skin from photodamage and help prevent skin diseases. The systematic protective effect of beta-carotene on sunburn (erythema) has been widely studied. A meta-analysis of several studies found that target beta-carotene intake for at least 10 months is required for maximum protective effect. Clinical researches, who also studied increased intake of lycopene from fruits and vegetables, showed positive results in the treatment of sunburn.

Not just skin.

Many studies have provided evidence of an association between regular consumption of foods high in carotenoids and a reduced risk of developing a number of diseases. It is believed that the basic mechanisms of protective action are due to the antioxidant activity of carotenoids and their biochemical ability to influence signal transduction in cells.

Therefore, sufficient intake of carotenoids to maintain the body's own antioxidant system prevents the development of diseases caused by oxidative damage to cell components. Since these micronutrients are fat-soluble substances, their action is primarily aimed at protecting cell membranes and lipoproteins from excess oxidation. Carotenoids help prevent cell mutation, and therefore the development of cancer. In addition, they prevent the formation of atherosclerosis, one of the causes of cardiovascular diseases.


1. You can influence the tone and condition of your skin with diet. Vegetables will not only give you a healthy, glowing, attractive skin tone, but also protect it from aging. Plus many other positive effects.

2. By varying the content of different carotenoids, you can achieve your ideal skin tone, while it actually comes from within, rather than being spread on like a cream.

3. At a minimum, this is six weeks and three to four doses of vegetables per day (can be eaten in one or two doses). Consuming at least three servings of vegetables and fruits a day, including carrots, cabbage and kiwi, gives your skin a healthy appearance and a golden glow. Moreover, to feel the effect, only six weeks are enough. In principle, even 30 mg of beta-carotene significantly slows down skin photoaging.

4. Carotenoids are fat-soluble compounds, so be sure to add fat ( olive oil, butter) for better assimilation.

5. Heat treatment and grinding increases the percentage of carotenoid absorption. It should be noted here that most carotenoids in plants, especially in vegetables, are associated with polysaccharides, lipids, and proteins. These complexes help preserve carotenoids, but prevent their absorption by the body. Therefore, the bioavailability of lutein, as well as zeaxanthin from natural raw materials, is 10–20% compared to the pure substance. The bioavailability of pure beta-carotene directly from carrots is no more than 20%, and from rutabaga - less than 1%. Blocks of carotenoids with complexing agents can be destroyed by culinary processing raw materials containing them: grinding, steaming, gentle heating.


The original study is freely available:

Attractive Skin Coloration: Harnessing Sexual Selection to Improve Diet and Health,

Fruit, Vegetable and Dietary Carotenoid Intakes Explain Variation in Skin-Color in Young Caucasian Women: a Cross-Sectional Study.

Vitamin A is very difficult. For example, in its action this vitamin is in many ways closer to hormones.

There are two forms of vitamin A.

1. Beta-carotene, considered its predecessor or, scientifically speaking, a provitamin. Our body cannot produce it, and we must get it from plant foods, since it is practically absent in animals. Beta-carotene itself is extremely useful and necessary for our body; it is a powerful antioxidant. Only part of this substance is converted into vitamin A; it is believed that out of 12 beta-carotene molecules, only one goes into the production of the vitamin. The remaining 11 molecules “work” for our benefit in a different way. An overdose of beta-carotene is practically safe, its main manifestation is yellowing of the skin, more like a tan than jaundice.

2. Retinol- or vitamin A itself. We can synthesize it from beta-carotene. And we can also obtain it in its pure form from animal products, poultry and fish, as well as from multivitamin preparations. This is a very important substance necessary for cell differentiation (the transformation of stem cells into specific cells of the liver, kidneys, muscles and other organs), for the growth and development of the body, for vision and immunity. Carrying out these functions, vitamin A often behaves like a hormone: it regulates the activity of genes and thereby has a strong influence on the formation of our body. And it is in this form, in the form of retinol, that vitamin A can be very toxic: it is extremely easy to get in excess, because there are many foods that contain its daily value in one serving. And in some there are even 9 daily norms, such as 100 grams of beef liver.

What follows from these paradoxes?

Firstly, you should not try to get all your vitamin A from products that contain it in the form of retinol. By getting it with vegetables and fruits in the form of provitamin beta-carotene (see table), you can avoid a lack of vitamin A. That is why it practically does not occur in vegetarians.

Such a diet - with a lot of vegetables and fruits (at least 450-500 g per day) - is considered very healthy. Beta-carotene is found in all yellow and orange vegetables and fruits; it is what gives them their color. But there is a lot of it in the green and red gifts of nature. It’s just that beta-carotene in them is “muted” by other pigments and does not manifest itself so brightly. For example, there is a lot of it in green leaves, and it becomes visible when the green pigment chlorophyll is destroyed in the fall and the leaves turn yellow. Therefore, in people who eat a healthy and balanced diet, vitamin A deficiency is unlikely.

Secondly, if the basis of the diet consists of starchy foods (bread, potatoes, cereals and pasta) with predominantly processed meat (sausages, sausages and cheap minced meat), the risk of such hypovitaminosis is quite real. And - what to hide - this style of eating is common for many. Pickles, ferments and marinades, which many consume in winter instead of fresh vegetables rich in beta-carotene, do not solve the problem. That is why in earlier times, when there were simply no such vegetables from mid-autumn to summer, “night blindness” often developed. This was the name for a condition when a person began to see poorly in the twilight and when it took a long time to “adjust” vision when moving from a light room to a dark one. This is due to the fact that retinol is needed for the visual pigment rhodopsin, which converts sunlight in the retina into electrical impulses that go to the brain. These vision problems used to occur especially often after a long fast, when dairy products and any animal sources of retinol were completely excluded.

Thirdly, in addition to a lack of vitamin A (it usually occurs in poor countries in Africa and Southeast Asia), its overdose is an equally serious problem. This is especially true for developed countries, where the so-called consumer society has formed. We are getting closer to this: preparations with vitamins are popular here (many contain very decent doses of retinol). Plus, many can afford an excess amount of animal food, expensive liver pates, fatty fish, and caviar. All of these are rich in retinol and increase the risk of overdose (see table).

Amount of vitamin and beta carotene in some popular foods

Product Retinol dose, mcg per 100 grams of product Dose of beta-carotene, mcg per 100 grams of product
Carrot 0 up to 9000
Green onion 0 2000
Green salad 0 1750
Sweet pepper 0 2000
Tomatoes 0 1200
Peaches 0 500
Egg 350 60
Egg yolk 1260 260
Granular caviar 450 0
Mayonnaise 600 0
Fish fat 18000 0
Beef liver 8200-9000 1000

How dangerous is an overdose?

This is especially dangerous for pregnant women. Exceeding the daily dose of 3000 mcg significantly increases the risk of fetal deformities. Therefore, they should not overuse liver dishes and eat fatty fish more than once a week. For pregnant women, if they take multivitamins, it is very important to know what dose of retinol they contain. There is a lot of it in some drugs. If you look at the dose of retinol in them, you will see that it is often more than 1500 mcg. Moreover, there are many multivitamins that contain over 3000 mcg of retinol (and this is already a toxic dose for pregnant women). This means that it’s quite easy to “go through” vitamin A. In this case, it is also necessary to take into account the usual food products, in which there is a lot of retinol (see table).

In addition, even moderate excess of this substance can make bones weaker, increasing the risk of fractures. This was proven in a serious and long-term study by Swedish scientists. They assessed not just vitamin A consumption based on surveys, but specifically determined its content in the blood, that is, the study is very accurate and can be completely trusted. The researchers calculated that even taking more than 1,500 mcg of retinol daily poses a risk. What does this mean for the average multivitamin lover? This dose is approximately one and a half times the recommended daily intake for men and 2 times for women.

Here is a list of other signs that may indicate a retinol overdose:

  • Dry skin, cracks, itching, increased sensitivity to sunlight;
  • Brittle and brittle nails;
  • Increased oiliness of hair, hair loss;
  • Inflammation of the gums;
  • Irritability, fatigue, drowsiness, anxiety.

How to Determine the Exact Dose of Retinol

If you start calculating the dose of vitamin A intake by comparing the instructions for multivitamins and data from its content in foods, you will most likely get confused. The fact is that it can be indicated in different units: micrograms (mcg), international units (IU), International Units (IU) and even some strange “mcg RE” (this is the so-called “retinol equivalent” - dose calculation vitamin A one retinol). And if you add to this the conversion of beta-carotene into retinol, you will definitely be wrong. Even doctors cannot always bring all this to a common denominator, but we will teach you this.

To freely make conversions between all these units of measurement, you need to use the following formula that links them all together. Here she is:

1 mcg = 1 mcg RE = 3.33 IU = 3.33 IU = 12 mcg beta-carotene

Why is vitamin A deficiency dangerous?

In addition to night blindness (these are the first signs of vitamin A deficiency), it can cause real blindness. If the degree of deficiency is very high, xerophthalmia occurs: dryness of the cornea of ​​the eye, which over time turns into a cataract.

Retinol is important for the skin and mucous membranes that cover the entire respiratory tract and digestive tract. Therefore, when there is a lack of it, colds, pneumonia, and intestinal problems often occur. The skin can be dry, rough, rough, and often looks like “goose bumps”: it is formed by nodules in the area of ​​the hair follicles, which are usually found on the elbows, knees, buttocks and outer thighs.

There may also be problems with fertility (infertility), and growth retardation in children.

Beta carotene is classified as carotenoid, natural antioxidant. Antioxidants are a molecule capable bind and therefore inactivate free radicals(chemically active molecules that can cause irreparable damage to the cellular structures of the body).

Every day, the cells of our body produce a certain amount of free radicals during the process of respiration; their formation is enhanced by a busy lifestyle (sports, stress) and under the influence of external factors (smoking, sun rays, pollution).

Beta-carotene, being an antioxidant, performs important functions in the body:

  • together with other carotenes is precursor to vitamin A, also called retinol, which, in turn, is important for the growth and development of bones, for vision;
  • binds with vitamin A and forms a compound, protects skin from damage due to sun exposure such as dryness and aging skin.

Not just carrots - where to find beta-carotene

Beta-carotene is a pigment that gives foods their natural orange-red color.

Foods richest in beta-carotene:

  • carrot, potatoes, peppers, zucchini, red peppers, apricots, peaches and grapefruits.
  • some leafy vegetables such as chard, spinach, lettuce and kale, but the beta-carotene in them is hidden by green chlorophyll.
  • beta-carotene is also present in some cereals(corn, barley) and algae.

The effect of beta-carotene on humans

Beneficial effect of beta carotene, as an antioxidant and precursor of vitamin A, manifests itself mainly in several positions:

  • Leather: As I said, beta-carotene is a pigment that protects the skin during sun exposure, preventing the appearance of erythema, i.e. redness accompanied by itching. The accumulation of beta-carotene in the skin of the face, together with melanin, gives the tan a natural tint. In the case of vitiligo, when melanocytes stop working in some areas of the skin, it helps to avoid sunburn.
  • Eyes: Some of the beta-carotene that enters the body is sent to the retina, where it is converted into vitamin A. This vitamin, along with another pigment, rhodopsin, provides the ability to see in the dark. Beta-carotene deficiency can therefore lead to decreased ability to see in the dark (“night blindness”).
  • Hair: Beta-carotene, being a provitamin A, is an important condition for the well-being of skin cells and scalp. Indeed, vitamin A is a component of the cell membrane and when it is lacking, excessive production of keratin can begin, and therefore dry scalp.
  • Acne: Since vitamin A is a component of scars, beta-carotene, both internally and topically, may be helpful in healing acne marks on the face.

Drug assistance - beta-carotene supplements

Despite the fact that beta carotene is present in many foods, sometimes its deficiency can be associated, for example, with intestinal pathologies that limit the absorption of the vitamin and its precursors. Since vitamin A is part of many biological structures, symptoms of its deficiency may include: dry skin and hair, decreased vision, fatigue, poor appetite.

In these cases it will be useful to resort to using beta-carotene based nutritional supplements. They may contain beta-carotene of natural origin (extracts) or synthetic.

There are several benefits of taking beta-carotene supplements:

  • prevents breast and ovarian cancer in women during menopause, due to its antioxidant effect;
  • reduces the risk of sunburn, as beta-carotene is a pigment that protects the skin from damage caused by sun exposure.

A pinch a day, and nothing more - a dose of beta-carotene

Beta-carotene, obtained both from food and through dietary supplements, absorbed in the intestines and accumulates in the liver. When the body requires vitamin A, it begins to extract beta-carotene from the liver.

But how much beta-carotene do we need daily? In fact, very little: only 2 mg per day– this is a medium carrot (30 g), 5-6 apricots (130 g), 50 g spinach or chard.

Concerning food additives based on beta-carotene, usually enough to take one capsule per day to receive your daily dose.

Stomach upsets and side effects of beta-carotene

In order to reap the benefits of beta-carotene, it is enough to take, as we have seen, 2 mg per day, but what happens if you take it in excessive doses?

  • Beta-carotene poisoning: possible " by-effect» Taking beta-carotene gives a pleasant skin color, but if you consume it in large quantities, you may get the effect of jaundice. Which, however, will disappear after stopping taking the supplement.
  • Increased incidence of cancer in smokers: Some studies have shown that in high doses, beta-carotene increases the risk of cancer in smokers. However, the mechanism by which beta-carotene promotes the occurrence of malignant tumors in smokers has not yet been elucidated.
  • Liver and kidney fatigue: Thoughtless use of antioxidant supplements has been proven to be harmful to humans. An increased intake of various substances forces the liver and kidneys to work more actively, which can lead to their damage and premature aging.

A healthy and balanced diet, varied and without excesses, provides the body with everything it needs. The use of nutritional supplements should only occur in cases where there is a real need.

Finally, beta-carotene does not cause weight gain, since it does not participate in the body's energy metabolism and has no effect on overall metabolism!

(English Beta-carotene) is a plant pigment belonging to the group of carotenoids.

famous for its antioxidant, immunostimulating, adaptogenic properties. It is a precursor, in addition, 6 mg of this substance can replace 1 mg of retinol.

Beta-carotene: vitamins It is not a vitamin in the traditional sense of the word.– is a provitamin for vitamin A, i.e. the substance from which the vitamin is formed.

included in the composition

vitamin complexes

or available as a separate dietary supplement.

Beta carotene: color Like most carotenoids, it has a bright yellow-orange color. It is this substance that colors vegetables and fruits (carrots, pumpkin, apricots) orange and yellow. chemically, but it’s still better for the body to get this substance from food. This pigment is found in large quantities in yellow, orange and red vegetables and fruits.

Sources of beta carotene

In plants the concentration of pigment is highest.

The richest sources beta carotene are:

  • carrot,
  • pumpkin,
  • tomatoes,
  • plum,
  • grapefruit,
  • apricot,
  • peach,
  • persimmon.

A lot of beta carotene and in other plants: spinach, green onions, lettuce, sorrel, black currants, and gooseberries.

Sources of animal origin include beef and chicken liver, egg yolk and homemade milk.

Beta-carotene: in carrots

Beta-carotene: for hair

a lack of beta carotene has a bad effect on the condition of the hair: it becomes dry and lifeless and falls out a lot. If you start taking additional provitamins, your hair health will quickly be restored. In parallel with the reception medicines, you can apply masks to your hair with, or buy special remedy oil-based with added beta carotene, which will quickly restore strength and shine to your hair.

Beta-carotene: for immunity

Responsible for strong immunity primarily as a “raw material” for vitamin A, which strengthens the body’s defenses. Provitamin directly activates the formation of the interferon protein, which fights viruses and pathogenic bacteria. If a person is often sick colds, which means that the immune system is weak, it can be restored different ways: drink decoctions and tinctures and, or preparations with exotic. But there is a less exotic way - take vitamins with a high content beta carotene, it will quickly boost your immunity.

Beta Carotene: Antioxidant

How does beta carotene work?

Very simple: Like most carotenoids, it has a bright yellow-orange color. It is this substance that colors vegetables and fruits (carrots, pumpkin, apricots) orange and yellow. successfully fights harmful free antioxidants, further strengthening membrane walls and improving cellular processes. In addition, this substance helps to eradicate abnormal cells and is effective in treating precancerous conditions in all body systems. Although several years ago studies were conducted among smokers, it was found that high levels beta carotene provokes the development of lung cancer. Therefore, doctors recommend that smokers maintain normal levels of this substance.

Beta carotene: vision

It also affects vision; this substance helps maintain its sharpness and strengthens the cornea; in addition, it is responsible for color perception. In action, this pigment is very similar, which is an indispensable substance for the organs of vision.

acts as an antioxidant that fights free radicals and improves metabolism in the cornea.

Beta carotene: colorant Like most carotenoids, it has a bright yellow-orange color. It is this substance that colors vegetables and fruits (carrots, pumpkin, apricots) orange and yellow. Thanks to its rich orange color, Like most carotenoids, it has a bright yellow-orange color. It is this substance that colors vegetables and fruits (carrots, pumpkin, apricots) orange and yellow. used as a dye. If you read the composition of many products, you can find the additive E160a - this is it . Since provitamin is absolutely natural, it is completely safe as a supplement; it will add color to food and will not harm your health. Very often this substance is added to juices: beta-carotene adds color and benefits to the drink. Provitamin as food additives

allowed in all countries of the world.

Beta-carotene: tablets Like most carotenoids, it has a bright yellow-orange color. It is this substance that colors vegetables and fruits (carrots, pumpkin, apricots) orange and yellow. Available in tablets. Tablets are a fairly convenient form; they quickly dissolve in the stomach, and

enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body. But still, the capsule form is considered more effective - the provitamin acts even faster.

Beta-carotene: preparations The modern drug market with beta carotene

is very extensive, the main thing is to choose a really high-quality and effective product. 1. "Natural Beta Carotene" by Now Foods beta carotene- An excellent food additive. Except

The drug contains lutein, alpha-carotene and green seaweed. These components enhance each other's effects and have a good effect on health. It is recommended to take this dietary supplement once a day, 1 capsule with meals. 2. "Beta Carotene" by Nature's Way Like most carotenoids, it has a bright yellow-orange color. It is this substance that colors vegetables and fruits (carrots, pumpkin, apricots) orange and yellow. is considered one of the effective similar drugs. This dietary supplement contains only natural

in a concentration corresponding to the daily norm. You need to take this drug every day with meals, 1 capsule. 3. Beta-Carotene from the company Solgar Like most carotenoids, it has a bright yellow-orange color. It is this substance that colors vegetables and fruits (carrots, pumpkin, apricots) orange and yellow. contains pure

, extracted from seaweed, and fortified with alpha-carotene, cryptoxanthin, and lutein. This preparation contains the daily requirement of carotene for an adult, so manufacturers recommend drinking 1 capsule per day with meals.

Beta-carotene: pharmacy The modern drug market with Preparations with can be bought at the pharmacy, varieties medicines

so many. But the quality of most of them is questionable, so it is better to buy the necessary drugs in trusted places, for example, in a well-known online store.

Beta carotene: deficiency beta carotene harmful to the body. Immune protection falls, which means that a person is more likely to be sick for a long time, fatigue increases, and there is a constant feeling of fatigue and general malaise. A serious lack of provitamin can also affect reproductive function - in women, cycle disorders and the ability to become pregnant, in men - a decrease in sperm activity. Externally, the lack of this provitamin is also clearly manifested: the skin becomes dry, flaky, and psoriasis may appear. The condition of your hair can also indicate a lack of beta-carotene: it becomes brittle, falls out and splits.

Beta-carotene: instructions

The human body constantly needs it. The daily norm of provitamin is 6 mg. This amount replaces 1 mg of vitamin A. But it is believed that Like most carotenoids, it has a bright yellow-orange color. It is this substance that colors vegetables and fruits (carrots, pumpkin, apricots) orange and yellow. more beneficial for humans, since the body itself produces retinol from provitamin.

Dosage beta carotene in international units of measurement it contains on average 25,000 IU, which is 500% of the body’s daily requirement. This dosage is supported by many leading American companies that produce all known dietary supplements.

Beta-carotene: how to take

Considering that most manufacturers of dietary supplements produce drugs with high concentrations beta carotene, corresponding to the daily norm, then it is enough to take 1 capsule or tablet per day, the main thing is to drink the drug with water.

Beta-carotene: contraindications

Undoubtedly Like most carotenoids, it has a bright yellow-orange color. It is this substance that colors vegetables and fruits (carrots, pumpkin, apricots) orange and yellow. It is extremely important for the body, but there are a number of contraindications to its use:

  • excess vitamin A in the body (hypervitaminosis),
  • alcoholism,
  • liver diseases in acute stages,
  • viral hepatitis.
  • hypersensitivity.
