Akhmad Abdulaev. Mufti Akhmad-haji Abdulaev: Dagestani Muslims do not know ethnic conflicts

Analyzing the media that is published in Dagestan today, especially doing an Internet review, you come to the conclusion that among the Muslims of Dagestan there is a pressing question: how could the SAMD, which is under your leadership, dear Ahmad-haji, issue a fatwa giving permission to kill the so-called “ foresters,” conduct special operations, blockade mosques, imprison those people whose ideology you disagree with?

To issue a certain fatwa, the participation of several employees of the canonical department of the SAMD is required: three, five, seven, sometimes ten or more people, depending on its complexity, that is, I cannot bear a fatwa alone. Thus, there can be no talk of any permission personally on my behalf, this is the first thing.

Secondly, this issue was never brought before the council of the canonical department, and if it were, then in this case we are talking about life and death, so the decision would be made at the level of a large convocation of all the Ulama of Dagestan to discuss this issue, which is also not was done, otherwise everyone would know about it.

Thirdly, I want to say what outrages me: why, when, for example, law enforcement officers come to the mosque on the street. Kotrova (Makhachkala) to find out identities, etc., do they call my name? Where does this setup come from? My deputy, member of the council of alims of Dagestan Hasan-haji, works as an imam at the mosque on Kotrova, whom I summon to the SAMD to discuss general issues and make some decisions. And suddenly he calls and tells me: “Ahmad-haji, our mosque was surrounded, they say that you sent them.” This is excessive impudence, I don’t know who invented it; How can law enforcement officials hide behind my name? Do they obey me? I have nothing to do with their work. I think that this is the work of several deceitful provocateurs who want to inflame an already tense situation.

- Once speaking at the Council of Ulama of Dagestan, you said that you want all Wahhabis to get cancer. This also angers some Muslims. I understand that perhaps the murder of more than 30 imams could cause your anger, but, nevertheless, you are first and foremost for everyone - the mufti of a huge republic where the majority of Muslims live.

Yes, I said so. How many years I have been working, I see how this word serves as a dividing factor in our ummah. And then, no matter who I ask from those who are indignant: “Are you a Wahhabist?” - answers: “No, I am a Muslim, praise be to Allah.” I tell him: “May Allah grant that all Muslims prosper, and may Allah deliver us from those who sow fitnah.”

- Muslims complain that law enforcement agencies do not give them the corpses of murdered relatives: they say that the bodies of terrorists are not supposed to be buried. What is your opinion on this issue?

Hiding corpses does not comply with Shariah, and also, in my opinion, contradicts human humanity. We are just talking about a lifeless body, so I would urge the relevant structures not to act on the basis of some principles, but to meet the relatives halfway and allow them to bury their dead. Thus, these people would at least receive moral satisfaction and soften their positions regarding government structures. And if we do otherwise, then, as we know from history, any cruelty only begets cruelty. Today it is necessary to do everything possible to close this chain of bloodshed.

- What can you say about such names as “murids”, “Salafis”, “Ahl-Sunnah”?

I personally consider myself a murid, a Salafist and a follower of Ahl-Sunnah. These names do not separate, but unite Muslims, for all who follow the Sharia must follow the ssalafu-ssalihin and must consider themselves from among the Ahl-Sunnah, and also always be murid-disciples on the path of serving Allah Almighty.

“Currently, an adaptation commission is working in the republic to return those young people who went into the forests to a peaceful life. How do you evaluate her work?

I have a very positive assessment and am glad for every person who decides to return to peaceful life. There is also a benefit from this commission in the fact that people saw: the state can use not only forceful, but also peaceful levers in resolving this conflict. I would like these peaceful means to be used by the authorities in the future. I would like to add my own suggestions, or rather advice, to this answer. Islam calls us to hide our sins from others, so for those who want to repent publicly, let there be television, journalists, and the public, but we must give a chance to those who want to repent secretly. It is enough for the Ulama, authoritative people, to be present at their repentance. I think this way the result would be even more effective.

- When so much blood is shed in a republic over several years, this gives rise to another problem: widowhood and orphanhood. Is there any way you could help this population, and if so, how?

Helping this category of Muslims is the duty of every Muslim. Personally, for my part, I can suggest sending children to a madrasah to study the basics of Islam. And with the help of Allah, I will take upon myself to provide them with what they need.

- I would also like you to give an explanation about takfir among Muslims. What does Shariah say on this issue?

Takfir is a very dangerous issue in Shariah. The danger is for the one who made takfir to another Muslim, but for the one who was given takfir, there is no danger before Allah - the main thing is that he has the correct aqida. If the one who made takfir makes a mistake, he himself will fall into disbelief. I repeat: this is a very complex and dangerous issue in Sharia, so I urge all Muslims not to play with fire. If anyone has doubts, leave them to the will of Allah, Allah knows better than anyone what is in everyone’s soul.

- In conclusion, I would like to ask a question about mosques in the republic. They say that in some localities there are Muslims who want to build their own mosque, but local jamaats are putting obstacles in their way. Are you aware of such conflicts, and if so, what is their solution?

The jamaats that discuss the construction of mosques are Muslim jamaats, and they know their problems and needs better than you and me. If there is a need, they turn to the SAMD with a request to help build mosques and madrassas. If they can build without our help, then it is easier and better for us, since finding funds for construction is not as easy as it seems at first glance. If existing mosques have room for all Muslims who live in a particular area, then another mosque can only worsen the division of this jamaat into two parts. This cannot be done. On the contrary, we must unite the jamaats through common efforts.

- What would you wish for Muslims?

I ask Allah to grant us all sincere and strict adherence to the Quran and Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). I wish all of us a peaceful resolution of all conflicts, patience and protection for Muslim families from all kinds of evil both in our republic and throughout the world! The mercy of Allah in both worlds!

Talked with Mufti Aliaskhab Murzaev

Born on September 15, 1959 in the Dagestan village of Verkhneye Inkho, Gumbetovsky district. Avarets. Adbulaev’s family professed Islam even in Soviet times, when believers were officially persecuted, and raised their children according to the precepts of the religion.

According to some sources, the Abdulaev family belongs to one of the branches of the Avar descendants of the Prophet Muhammad. Abdulaev’s grandfather, the famous Sufi sheikh Abdulhamid-Afandi from Inkho, dreamed that his grandson would become an alim. WITH early years Akhmad Abdulaev studied Arabic and the basics of the Islamic religion. Having started his studies in 1972, a few years later (after graduating from school in 1977) Akhmad Abdulaev began to independently teach believers. At the same time, he continued to improve his religious education, spending a lot of time in conversations with famous theologians.

In 1991, Akhmad-haji fulfilled his grandfather’s wish - he became the imam of a mosque in the Kizilyurt region. In 1992, Abdulaev began teaching at the Islamic Institute, where he served as rector.

In 1998, the former mufti of Dagestan, Said Muhammed Abubakirov, was killed, who (according to the current first deputy mufti of the Muslim Spiritual Directorate of the Republic of Dagestan, Magdi Mutailov) “was blown up by special services or militants.” At the council of alims of Dagestan, Akhmad-haji Abdulaev was unanimously elected mufti and chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Dagestan. Abdulaev had previously been invited to take up this honorary position, but he categorically refused, until the members of the Council of Ulama made a unanimous decision to appoint him mufti. Abdulaev himself said about this that: “The opinion of the Council of Ulama should stand for every Muslim above all his ambitions, desires, life plans, etc. That’s why I took on this very responsible work.”

As chairman of the DUM of Dagestan, Akhmad-haji Abdulaev actively fought against adherents of Salafism (Wahhabism). He described the results of this activity in an interview with the Medina al-Islam newspaper: “I can say that today in this sense the situation is much simpler than in the 1990s. Then many did not understand what Wahhabism means, they drew parallels, but today it is extremely clear, enough work has been done so that ordinary people can distinguish who is a Muslim and who is an extremist. By the will of Allah, those who follow the ideology of Abd al-Wahhab themselves did everything so that the people draw a line between them and Muslims who follow the religion of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet, peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him."

In 2009, Akhmad-haji Abdulaev was awarded the Order " For services to the Republic of Dagestan".

On April 15, 2010, in his address to the people of Dagestan and Russia in the As-Salam newspaper, Akhmad-haji Abdullaev spoke out against the repeal of the law. On the prohibition of Wahhabi and other extremist activities on the territory of the Republic of Dagestan" : “We urge everyone to be vigilant, careful, and not to fall under the influence of extremists. It is high time for us to understand where an alien ideology can lead us. ... But for unknown reasons, there are those among you who do not fully understand the essence of the issue raised. Against the backdrop of what happened in Moscow and Kizlyar, the demands of some officials and human rights activists to repeal the law on Wahhabism look strange." .

On October 3, 2012, at a meeting led by the Mufti of Dagestan Akhmad-Hadji Abdullaev, which was attended by religious figures of the republic and performers of mawlids and nasheeds (religious chants), a fatwa was adopted prohibiting the use of musical instruments when performing religious chants. "Music is prohibited according to Sharia law. Previously, we simply turned a blind eye to this" , - Abdulaev noted.

Akhmad-haji Abdulaev is the murid of the Sufi sheikh Said-effendi Chirkeysky (Atsayev), who was killed on August 28, 2012 in his home as a result of a suicide bombing. Followers of Said Effendi currently control the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Dagestan, Muslim radio and television broadcasts and periodicals of the republic. Although among the murids of Said Chirkey there are representatives of various nationalities, Avars noticeably predominate.

The Mufti of Dagestan, Sheikh Akhmad-haji Abdulaev, held a meeting with young people in St. Petersburg. More than two hundred people gathered at the event, young people stood in the aisles, many came with their entire families to see and hear the sheikh. Muslims of the Northern capital were looking forward to the visit of the distinguished guest and did not hide their joy. Everyone wanted to ask a question and say a few words to the mufti. And most often these were words of gratitude for the visit. Akhmad-haji Abdulaev admitted that he was also glad to meet, because this was an opportunity to find out first-hand how Dagestani youth live.

The most emotional moment was the mufti’s welcoming speech, which touched the hearts of those present. In it he declared his love for all Muslims. "I love you very much. I love you like my own children, like my own brothers, and I wish you what I wish for myself and my family,” said the Mufti of the Republic of Dagestan, Sheikh Akhmad-haji Abdulaev. After such warm words, those present tuned in for a sincere, confidential conversation.

The first question from the audience was:

– Dear Mufti Sheikh Ahmad-haji, what prompted you to come to St. Petersburg?

– To be honest, I had one goal - to meet you, to find out your situation, there was no other goal. (There was friendly, prolonged applause in the hall.) During the 2-3 days of my stay in St. Petersburg, I saw how your “elders” were worried, worried about you, thinking about everything being fine with you,” the mufti continued. – We are also waiting for you, we are waiting for good specialists. You came to St. Petersburg on various reasons– who will study, who will work, and you will return as qualified workers and specialists that Dagestan needs. Try to justify the trust that is placed in you.

The youth representatives had many questions from various areas; everyone wanted to get an answer from a wise mentor. The girls said that in educational institutions many sisters are forbidden to wear a hijab, but they do not want to take off their headscarf, and asked university teachers to intercede on their behalf. So one of the students asked:

– This is not the first time I have encountered the fact that in educational institutions we are forbidden to wear a headscarf. There is a lot of discussion about this. After all, there is a line in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, there is the University Charter, but I also have my religious duties. Tell me what should I do?

Sheikh Akhmad-haji Abdulaev replied:

– I don’t think I’ve encountered a more complex question. That's what I can tell you. A headscarf is a must. No one can cancel this. But those who are now sitting on the presidium should worry about your scarf; they are official representatives of Dagestan who protect the interests of Dagestanis outside the republic. And if they are not able to protect, then they must say: “We apologize and pass the baton to others, to those who are capable.” And I suggest you wear a scarf educational institution until the matter reaches the point of exclusion, if by that time they cannot defend you. But there is no need to lead to an exception.

The Mufti of Dagestan and the employees of the Representative Office of the Republic of Dagestan in St. Petersburg present at the event promised to help resolve the issue, assuring that there should be an individual approach to each situation. The only thing that is required of Muslim women is to seek help and not remain silent about their problems. As emphasized by Isagadzhi Osmanov, a member of the Public Council of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, the official representative of the DUMD in St. Petersburg and the North-West region, they help girls studying in elementary school, not to mention universities. In St. Petersburg, a third grade student did not take off her headscarf, although the school administration forbade her to wear it. Magomed Omarakaev, Deputy Permanent Representative of the Republic of Dagestan in St. Petersburg, said that he was ready to meet with the leadership of the university, especially since such meetings had already been held on campus, and emphasized: “Those who want to wear a headscarf at the institute, wear it.” M. Omarakaev also said: “A program has been launched in St. Petersburg, according to which in the near future they plan to identify the exact number of Muslim students, compile lists of students, and then in each university appoint responsible persons among boys and girls who could quickly respond on the spot to various questions that arise. But if the problem is more serious, we are ready to meet with the university administration.”

Many questions to the respected mufti were devoted to the relationship between representatives different religions in a multi-religious city. The head of the “Commonwealth of Youth of Dagestan” Rasul Abdulkhalikov said that he communicates quite closely not only with Muslim youth, but also with Christians and Jews: “The “Commonwealth of Youth of Dagestan” mainly includes Dagestan Muslim youth, but in our activities we interact with guys who are not only Muslims, but also Christians and Jews. We build dialogue on the basis of respect."

The Mufti of the Republic of Dagestan gave instructions on the need for brotherhood and good relations between representatives of all religious faiths. He emphasized that in his work he also tries to hold events that unite and unite peoples North Caucasus, thanks to which representatives of different religions live in peace and harmony: “For example, from the first day of my work as a mufti, I developed good relations with the Jewish community, with Orthodox Christians. You know well that in Dagestan there have never been disagreements on religious grounds. And you continue in the same spirit, Sharia does not prevent this.”

Representatives of other diasporas and religious denominations were also present at the meeting. The attention of those present was drawn to the question of a Christian married to a Muslim woman. Servant of God Panteleimon, as he introduced himself, said that he learns a lot of new things about religion, sees a lot in common in scriptures, however, it also faces some difficulties, mainly related to the rejection of such a marriage by Orthodox clergy.

The question from Panteleimon was as follows:

Dear Sheikh Ahmad Haji, I am a representative of Christianity. My wife is a Muslim, how can we live together? I learn a lot about religion, I go to Orthodox Church, and my wife performs namaz, everything is as it should be. But there are difficulties that we face because the wife feels awkward. Some Orthodox priests They believe that marriage to a Muslim woman is a sin. I try not to communicate with such people, I try to avoid them. For example, the sacrifice of Abraham, the son of Isaac, and the sacrifice of Ishmael are most likely the same event. And I would like Muslims and Christians to be able to perform divine services together, because we are talking about the same thing, just a little different different languages. Thank you. Servant of God Panteleimon.

The Mufti of Dagestan explained that they pay attention to Panteleimon and his wife because there are few such families. And he said that there needs to be as many marriages like this as possible. Sheikh Akhmad-haji Abdulaev suggested that Panteleimon treat his wife with respect and advised him to recognize the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as a prophet, because his wife recognizes and honors Jesus (Isa, peace be upon him) as a prophet, and said that after this his wife’s love for him will increase , and the people around you will stop making any complaints. The mufti also emphasized that this advice will be in effect until the next meeting, and then they will answer him differently, with more explanations.

It is absolutely clear that the Mufti of the Republic of Dagestan responded to Panteleimon according to the situation that had developed at the moment in this case, and by offering to recognize the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), he wanted to bring him even closer to Islam.

The answer also shows that Ahmad Haji did not speak openly about the solution to this issue, which the Koran clearly indicates, and tried to soften the answer in the hope of Panteleimon accepting Islam, since he came with his question to a meeting with the Mufti of the Muslims, and claims, that he avoids communication with priests who clearly deny the validity of his marriage. If the mufti had directly said that this marriage is zina, and they are committing the sin of adultery, then this would further alienate the questioner from Islam and from religion in general.

For me, as an educated person who understands the basic provisions of Islam and what allegory is, speech pattern etc., one thing is not clear: why did some take the mufti’s answer literally and furiously rush to discuss it?

But we must not forget: in this case there was a dialogue between the mufti of Muslims and a follower of Christianity who is already in a secular marriage with a Muslim woman. The Mufti tried, without frightening him with the prohibitions of Sharia, to bring him closer to coming to Islam, since this man had already entered into marriage and did not refuse it because of the prohibitions of his faith. I understood the mufti’s words “if only there were more such marriages” as follows: in such marriages there would be more such development of understanding between spouses, because, unfortunately, there are many such marriages in Russia as a whole. And it’s unthinkable to even think that the mufti, saying “there should be more such marriages,” did not know that it was forbidden. No, on the contrary, he knows this very well, which means he had something else in mind: that is, marriages in which the wives will bring their husbands to Islam. And if instead of Panteleimon the question had been asked by his wife, the answer would have sounded differently.

The mufti's answer, at first glance, seems to contradict the recognized opinion in Sharia that a Muslim woman under no circumstances can marry a man of other faiths. However, is this what the mufti really says?

What is clear from Panteleimon’s question?

First: he is already avoiding contact with priests who told him that his marriage to a Muslim woman was impossible.

Meanwhile, such a union is not called marriage; these relationships are called extramarital. But the mufti says: “...we need to do such marriages as much as possible.” What kind of marriages are we talking about? Regarding this statement, many mistakenly assume that it refers to marriages between a Christian and a Muslim woman. However, the mufti himself further explains what kind of marriages we are talking about. He said: “She recognizes the prophet Isa (Jesus, peace be upon him), you also recognize her prophet - the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). And she will love you even more, and other people will stop making any claims against you.” That is, the mufti actually called on him to accept Islam, and when he becomes a Muslim, his union with that woman can be legalized according to Islam, and there should be more such marriages - the mufti’s words mean.

Considering that the question was asked by a Christian who began to avoid Christian priests because they said that his marriage was invalid, the Mufti gave him an answer in such a way that he would not avoid Muslims and arouse his interest in Islam. A similar explanation to the mufti’s answer is also confirmed by the fact that he concluded his answer with the words: “Let’s try this way before my next visit (i.e., so that Panteleimon recognizes the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him), then we will answer differently, in shaa- Allah." After the goal is achieved - Panteleimon will accept Islam, then the answer will be given to him in a clearer form.

Answering the question in this way, the Mufti explained to the Christian how it was possible to legalize his marriage and not be subject to the censure of others, and also tried not to alienate him from Islam by making a direct decision on this issue.

Everyone knows that the Mufti of the Republic of Dagestan, Sheikh Ahmad-Haji Afandi, taught Islamic law for more than 15 years, knows the Koran and taught tafsirs, is a great specialist in this field, he is the elected mufti of the republic, known throughout Russia as the republic of alims - experts in Sharia and the canons of Islam. And it would be criminal to think that he did not know the answer to this question, or to believe that his words had any other meaning than what we have explained.

At the meeting, they also discussed disagreements that, unfortunately, arise between Muslims themselves - based on incorrect interpretations of the words of various scientists. It is sometimes difficult for a person without a religious education to navigate the stream of countless videos, audio lectures and publications. The Mufti of Dagestan was asked how to understand which scientists should be listened to and which ones should not, and who should be recognized as representatives of so-called extremism? Akhmad-haji Afandi advised listening to Dagestan theologians, explaining this by the fact that Islam spread throughout Russia through Dagestan. Sheikh Ahmad Haji also suggested looking for answers to questions on Islamic websites..

The venerable Sheikh Akhmad-haji Abdulaev admitted that he always follows the news with bated breath and worries if they talk about Caucasians and Dagestanis in a negative way; he also emphasized how important it is to preserve and support the good image of Dagestanis. The Mufti of Dagestan drew the attention of those present to the fact that, being far from their homeland, Dagestanis, like other Muslims, must comply with all the requirements of religion, and above all, perform namaz five times a day, despite being very busy at work or study. It was also noted that everyone who lives outside the republic is always welcome in their native land; qualified employees are needed in Dagestan and are of special importance.

At the event, nasheeds (religious chants) were performed by representatives of the As-Salam newspaper.

The meeting ended with a group photo, which greatly delighted those gathered, as well as a prayer to the Creator.

This visit will remain in the hearts of St. Petersburg Muslims for a long time. Everyone who attended the event and had the opportunity to hear the mufti’s speeches will for a long time comprehend every word he said and find great wisdom in every instruction. It is a great honor for St. Petersburg to receive such a distinguished guest. All Dagestan people living in Northern capital, joined forces to organize a visit at the highest level, the brothers and sisters became one whole organism, ready to respond to any request.

Aziz Michigishev,

editor-in-chief of the newspaper "As-Salam"

Born on September 15, 1959 in the Dagestan village of Verkhneye Inkho, Gumbetovsky district. Avarets. Adbulaev’s family professed Islam even in Soviet times, when believers were officially persecuted, and raised their children according to the precepts of the religion.

According to some sources, the Abdulaev family belongs to one of the branches of the Avar descendants of the Prophet Muhammad. Abdulaev’s grandfather, the famous Sufi sheikh Abdulhamid-Afandi from Inkho, dreamed that his grandson would become an alim. From an early age, Akhmad Abdulaev studied Arabic and the basics of the Islamic religion. Having started his studies in 1972, a few years later (after graduating from school in 1977) Akhmad Abdulaev began to independently teach believers. At the same time, he continued to improve his religious education, spending a lot of time in conversations with famous theologians.

In 1991, Akhmad-haji fulfilled his grandfather’s wish - he became the imam of a mosque in the Kizilyurt region. In 1992, Abdulaev began teaching at the Islamic Institute, where he served as rector.

In 1998, the former mufti of Dagestan, Said Muhammed Abubakirov, was killed, who (according to the current first deputy mufti of the Muslim Spiritual Directorate of the Republic of Dagestan, Magdi Mutailov) “was blown up by special services or militants.” At the council of alims of Dagestan, Akhmad-haji Abdulaev was unanimously elected mufti and chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Dagestan. Abdulaev had previously been invited to take up this honorary position, but he categorically refused, until the members of the Council of Ulama made a unanimous decision to appoint him mufti. Abdulaev himself said about this that: “The opinion of the Council of Ulama should stand for every Muslim above all his ambitions, desires, life plans, etc. That’s why I took on this very responsible work.”

As chairman of the DUM of Dagestan, Akhmad-haji Abdulaev actively fought against adherents of Salafism (Wahhabism). He described the results of this activity in an interview with the Medina al-Islam newspaper: “I can say that today in this sense the situation is much simpler than in the 1990s. Then many did not understand what Wahhabism means, they drew parallels, but today it is extremely clear, enough work has been done so that ordinary people can distinguish who is a Muslim and who is an extremist. By the will of Allah, those who follow the ideology of Abd al-Wahhab themselves did everything so that the people draw a line between them and Muslims who follow the religion of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet, peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him."

In 2009, Akhmad-haji Abdulaev was awarded the Order of Merit for the Republic of Dagestan.

On April 15, 2010, in his address to the people of Dagestan and Russia in the As-Salam newspaper, Akhmad-haji Abdullaev spoke out against the repeal of the law “On the prohibition of Wahhabi and other extremist activities on the territory of the Republic of Dagestan”: “We urge everyone to be vigilant, careful, and not to fall under the influence of extremists. It is high time for us to understand where an alien ideology can lead us. ... But for unknown reasons, there are those among you who do not fully understand the essence of the issue raised. Against the backdrop of what happened in Moscow and Kizlyar, the demands of some officials and human rights activists to repeal the law on Wahhabism look strange.".

On October 3, 2012, at a meeting led by the Mufti of Dagestan Akhmad-Hadji Abdullaev, which was attended by religious figures of the republic and performers of mawlids and nasheeds (religious chants), a fatwa was adopted prohibiting the use of musical instruments when performing religious chants. "Music is prohibited according to Sharia law. Previously, we simply turned a blind eye to this", - Abdulaev noted.

Akhmad-haji Abdulaev is the murid of the Sufi sheikh Said-effendi Chirkeysky (Atsayev), who was killed on August 28, 2012 in his home as a result of a suicide bombing. Followers of Said Effendi currently control the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Dagestan, Muslim radio and television broadcasts and periodicals of the republic. Although among the murids of Said Chirkey there are representatives of various nationalities, Avars noticeably predominate.


  • Website "Vseportrety.ru": Akhmad-haji Abdulaev.
  • Newspaper "Medina al-Islam": "Mufti Akhmad-haji Abdulaev: Dagestan Muslims do not know ethnic conflicts", No. 57, February 22–28, 2008.
  • Website "Khasavyurt.ru": "Mufti of Dagestan", April 21, 2008
  • Website "Keston.org.uk": M. Roshchin, "Modern Sufism in Dagestan, August 2003
  • Website "Islam in the Republic of Tatarstan": Blitz interview with the first deputy mufti of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Republic of Dagestan Mutailov Magdi Magomedovich.
Akhmad Hadji Abdulaev
Akhmad Hadji Abdulaev
since 1998
Predecessor: Said-Magomed Abubakarov
Predecessor: Said Afandi Chirkeysky
Academic degree: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Birth name: emergency AkhImad KHIazhi GIabdulaev
Birth: September 15(1959-09-15 ) (60 years old)
Verkhneye Inkho, Gumbetovsky district, Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, RSFSR, USSR
Death: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Buried: ((#property:p119))
Dynasty: ((#property:p53))
Autograph: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).

Akhmad Magomedovich Abdulaev(accident AkhImad KHIazhi GIabdulaev; September 15, Upper Inkho, Gumbetovsky district) - mufti, chairman, sheikh of the Naqshbandi and Shazali tariqats, one of the spiritual leaders of the Muslims of Dagestan.


Akhmad Khadzhi Abdulaev was born on September 15, 1959 in the Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, in the village of Inkho, Gumbetovsky district. From a very early age, Ahmad Haji studied Arabic and the basics of the Islamic religion. His family always maintained an atmosphere of devotion to faith and religion, even in Soviet times, when believers were officially persecuted, his relatives cherished their faith and were not afraid to raise their children according to the precepts of their religion. Ahmad Haji is the grandson of the famous Sufi sheikh of the Naqshbandi and Shazalian tariqats Abdulhamid-Afandi.

Theological activity

In 1991, Akhmad-Hadji became the imam of a mosque in the Kizilyurt district. Since 1992, he began teaching at the Islamic Institute in Kizilyurt, where he served as rector. In 1998, at the council of alims of Dagestan, Akhmad-haji Abdulaev was unanimously elected mufti and chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Dagestan.

In 2010, Akhmad Abdulaev received a degree from Said Afandi Chirkeysky spiritual mentor(ijazu), but was not involved in instructing murids. After the death of Said Afandi of Chirkey, his successor Abduljalil-Afandi made an order (amr) to Akhmad Abdulaev to instruct the murids

In 2013, the Mufti of Dagestan, Sheikh Akhmad-haji Afandi Abdulaev, received the honorary status of the Guardian of the Holy Relics of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), and the relics themselves were transferred to him, including the blessed hair of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).


In 2009 he was awarded the Order of Merit for the Republic of Dagestan.

in 2015 awarded the "Gold Star" with the title: People's Hero of Dagestan.


in 2015 the book “The Good Behavior of the Righteous” was published; the book was written in Arabic, its translations were published alternately into Avar and Russian. By the end of 2015 its total circulation exceeded 200,000 copies. A series of video lessons, as well as an audio book, were published on it.

Marital status

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  • http://www.vseportrety.ru/info-abdulaev.html
  • http://assalam.ru/content/story/4003
  • I International Interreligious Youth Forum http://www.patriarchia.ru/db/text/3702792.html

Excerpt characterizing Abdulaev, Akhmad Magomedovich

I had no idea what came over me, and where did I suddenly get so much courage?! Because my head was already spinning from fear, and my legs were giving way, as if I was about to fall to sleep right now, on the floor of that same cave... But it’s not for nothing that they say that sometimes people are capable of performing feats out of fear... Here I am, I was probably already so “exorbitantly” afraid that I somehow managed to forget about the same fear... Fortunately, the scary man didn’t notice anything - apparently he was thrown off by the fact that I suddenly dared to speak to him so brazenly. And I continued, feeling that I had to quickly break this “conspiracy” at all costs...
- Well, how about we talk a little, or can you just laugh? Did they teach you how to speak?..
I deliberately annoyed him as best I could, trying to unsettle him, but at the same time I was wildly afraid that he would show us that he could do more than just talk... Quickly glancing at Stella, I tried to give her a picture of him who had always saved us , a green ray (this “green ray” simply meant a very dense, concentrated energy flow emanating from a green crystal, which my distant “star friends” once gave me, and whose energy apparently differed greatly in quality from the “earthly” one, so it worked it is almost always trouble-free). The girlfriend nodded, and before the terrible man had time to come to his senses, we hit him right in the heart... if, of course, it was there at all... The creature howled (I already realized that this was not a person), and began to writhe like would “tear off” someone else’s “earthly” body, which was so disturbing him... We hit again. And then suddenly we saw two different entities that, tightly grappling, flashing with blue lightning, rolled on the floor, as if trying to incinerate each other... One of them was the same beautiful human, and the second... such horror was impossible for a normal brain neither imagine nor imagine... Rolling along the floor, fiercely grappling with a person, was something incredibly scary and evil, similar to a two-headed monster, dripping with green saliva and “smiling” with bared knife-like fangs... The green, scaly-snake-like body of a terrifying The creature was amazing with its flexibility and it was clear that the person could not stand it for long, and that if he was not helped, then this poor fellow had nothing left to live, even in this terrible world...
I saw that Stella was trying her best to hit, but was afraid of hurting the person she really wanted to help. And then suddenly Maria jumped out of her hiding place, and... somehow grabbed the eerie creature by the neck, flashed for a second as a bright torch and... stopped living forever... We didn’t even have time to scream, much less understand something, and the fragile, brave girl without hesitation sacrificed herself so that some other good man I could have won by remaining alive instead of her... My heart literally stopped from pain. Stella began to sob... And on the floor of the cave lay an unusually handsome and powerful man. Only at the moment he did not look strong, rather the opposite - he seemed dying and very vulnerable... The monster disappeared. And, to our surprise, the pressure that just a minute ago threatened to completely crush our brains was immediately relieved.
Stella came closer to the stranger and timidly touched his high forehead with her palm - the man showed no signs of life. And only by the still slightly trembling eyelids it was clear that he was still here, with us, and had not completely died, so that, like the Shining One with Mary, he would never live anywhere else...
“But what about Maria... How could she?!.. After all, she is very small...” Stella whispered bitterly, swallowing tears... shiny large peas flowed like a stream along her pale cheeks and, merging into wet paths, dripped on the chest. - And the Sun... Well, how can that be?... Well, tell me?! How so!!! This is not a victory at all, it’s worse than defeat!.. You can’t win at such a price!..
