It dries out the skin very much after a shower. Why does the skin on your face peel and what to do?

All people, to one degree or another, sometimes encounter a rather unpleasant problem - flaking skin. For example, after washing your face in the morning. In most cases, flaking is associated with sensitive or dry skin.

Also the skin can react to weather changes in a similar way: Quite often many people experience similar problems during the winter season. Be that as it may, this situation is quite unpleasant and it is necessary to fight it. In addition to the usual factors, peeling can be a “bell” that there is some “problem” in the body that you don't know about yet. So, first, let's look at why and how the skin may peel off.

We have already talked about cold air, but hot air can also cause peeling of the skin. For example, if you stay for a long time in a room that has fairly hot air and does not circulate, after a while peeling may appear on the face. It can also be earned by spending long periods of time under the scorching sun, along with dry air.

Peeling can be caused by:

  • lack of various vitamins and minerals;
  • unhealthy diet;
  • taking certain medications;
  • some foods and plants.

Peeling also occurs quite often due to allergic reactions to various irritants. Itching and inflammation are added to it. In such cases, it is better to immediately contact a dermatologist.

Enough peeling of the skin often occurs due to cosmetics, as a rule, of poor quality. But the main reason for this misfortune is the loss of moisture in the skin.

Read this list and think: “Which of all this can best suit me?” IN You will most likely understand the correct answer yourself.

If you have had this type of skin since birth, then you should use moisturizing gels instead of soap. Avoid too hot water when taking a shower. You can simply replace the soap with soft soap, and the towel with blotting napkins. Don't neglect moisturizing creams.

In some cases, sensitive skin may peel even from using plain water. In this case, you can use any vegetable oil for washing that will be well absorbed into the skin.

All people with problem skin need to buy appropriate creams: restorative, nourishing, ointments that protect from the sun. It is advisable to use such products half an hour before going outside.

If there is a problem, then there must be a solution. First you need to take into account all the above tips and put them into practice. Even a simple increase in fluid intake can solve the problem of dry skin.

So now let's look at more effective ways combat this problem:

  • Honey water. You need to heat the honey to a liquid state and mix it in equal proportions with water. Use the resulting mixture instead of washing with plain water. This simple remedy combats flaking quite effectively;
  • Oatmeal mask. Take 1 tbsp. spoon of oatmeal, 1 teaspoon of honey and mix it all with 1 teaspoon of olive or butter. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin, rubbing it lightly. Leave it on for 15 minutes as a mask, and then simply wash it off with water;
  • Masks based on vegetable oils. Everything here is extremely simple: mix one tablespoon of honey and the same amount of vegetable oil. That's the whole mask. Apply to the face and wear for about 15 minutes, then rinse off;
  • Milk based mask. We take cucumber pulp (about 2 tablespoons) and mix it with almost any dairy product: milk, yogurt, kefir, etc. It is recommended to use only those dairy products that contain a high percentage of fat content.

If all of the above is not for you, you can simply buy a cosmetic product containing hydrocortisone. Typically, such creams are produced specifically for hands and contain 1% of this substance. This will be too much for the face, so it is better to find a cream that contains 0.5% of the substance. It must be applied daily for several weeks.

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How does dry skin manifest itself? This is a feeling of tightness, sometimes peeling, thinning, dullness of color, and a tendency to irritation. Dry skin on the face can lead to the early appearance of wrinkles and sagging. Theoretically, this is characterized by a disorder of electrolyte and fat metabolism, the functioning of the glandular system, and a change in the skin pH environment.

Is it possible to correct this situation? How to help tissues and restore water and fat balance? Perhaps the following information will be useful to many.

Causes of dry skin

It is known that the human body is 90% water, so the normal functioning of all vital processes without moisture is simply impossible. If, due to any circumstances, moisture leaves the body, this can lead to metabolic disorders, which will automatically affect the condition of the epidermis and health in general. In almost all cases, body tissues react sharply to dehydration by withering, thinning, and peeling.

The main reasons can be divided into external and internal.

External reasons:

  • environment - action low temperatures, wind, solar radiation, including ultraviolet burns, etc.;
  • impact chemicals– bad habits (nicotine, alcoholic drinks), excess chlorine in water, aggressive detergents, alkalis, etc.;
  • the presence of infections - fungal, microbial and even viral - skin diseases, systemic pathologies.

Internal reasons:

  • lack of minerals and vitamins (especially retinol, tocopherol, vitamin D, zinc, calcium, etc.);
  • Hormone imbalance – a decrease in the amount of estrogen in females, or testosterone in males. Changes in hormonal levels during pregnancy, menopause, as well as diseases associated with hormonal disorders: pathologies of the thyroid gland, etc.;
  • some diseases nervous system, neuritis;
  • hereditary diseases - congenital metabolic disorders, ichthyosis, etc.

Dry skin can be a reflection of both physiological changes in the body (for example, aging, menopausal changes due to a significant decrease in estrogen levels in the blood) and painful conditions. Among them, the most important are the following.

  • Conditions accompanied by dehydration: acute intestinal infections with loss of fluid during vomiting and diarrhea, long-term use of diuretics or laxatives, burns with loss of plasma from the burn surface, dehydration due to insufficient water intake in the body, with diabetic comas caused by increased content in blood glucose (ketoacidotic and non-ketoacidotic coma).
  • Hypothyroidism (insufficient levels of thyroid hormones in the blood), often in women over 40 years of age.
  • Feverish conditions accompanied by dry skin during a period of rising body temperature.
  • Dry skin is possible with various dermatitis.
  • Poisoning with atropine-containing drugs, such as belladonna.

The above short list includes the main causes of drying of the integumentary tissues, however, a more detailed examination of the body is required for an accurate diagnosis.

Dry body skin may indicate age-related changes - banal aging of the body. Most people notice that after 40-45 years, the surface of the body becomes less elastic and moisturized. The reason for this is reduced activity of the sebaceous glands, a change in the amount of hormones in the blood. You can resist such changes by determining the features of body care and making some adjustments to your diet and lifestyle.

Dry facial skin can be explained by improper skin care. Often women overdo it with hygiene procedures, or do it illiterately, gradually reducing the degree of natural protection of tissues. Over time, the surface layer begins to dehydrate. Insufficient or excessive care, use of inappropriate cosmetics - all this sooner or later leads to drying out of the epidermis. If you are not sure whether you are using the right facial products, seek the help of a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

Dry skin on the hands, like other parts of the body, can be a consequence of insufficient fluid intake. Lack of moisture is a common problem, because many people consider it obligatory to eat food, and for some reason water fades into the background. With a lack of moisture, the fingertips can wrinkle and the condition of the nails worsens. It is not without reason that cosmetologists and nutritionists recommend drinking at least one and a half to two liters of liquid a day, and it is preferable to drink water, mineral water, but still. A sufficient amount of water allows you to saturate the body with moisture and promptly remove toxic substances from the tissues.

Dry skin on the feet can be explained by dysfunction of the sebaceous and sweat glands. Some experience increased sweating or fungus on the feet, while in others this disorder is manifested by excessive tightness and drying of the surface epithelium. Sometimes the cause is various dermatoses, which are almost pointless and useless to fight without consulting a doctor.

Dry scalp can also be the result of improper care. Frequent hair washing, incorrect shampoo, ignoring a hat during the cold season, excess ultraviolet radiation - all these factors negatively affect the hair and skin. Chlorinated and excessively hard water, sea water, lack of vitamins and other nuances contribute to the deterioration of the condition. A doctor - cosmetologist, trichologist, dermatologist can help in this situation.

Itching and dry skin are a common companion for women in winter, and this cannot be a simple coincidence. Winter is a difficult test for organs and tissues, and the presence of other harmful factors only spurs and aggravates the situation. What problematic factors await our body in winter:

  • sharp temperature fluctuations (frost, warm room);
  • reduced level of humidity in the room (heating, heaters);
  • chapping of the skin, especially by cold wind;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • flaw nutrients;
  • Not proper nutrition– abundance winter holidays leads to excessive consumption of fatty and spicy foods, alcohol.

Dry and flaky skin is often the result of alcohol abuse and, of course, smoking. The skin is the most extensive tissue in our body, which can suffer from unacceptable human habits no less than, for example, the lungs or the body’s cleansing system – the liver. In people who do not smoke or abuse alcoholic drinks the surface of the body is much less prone to irritation, moreover, it is less susceptible to the effects of aging.

Severe dry skin may also result from professional activities: hot air in workshops, chemical fumes, an abundance of dust in the air, air conditioners - all this can also provoke drying of the surface of the skin. Working in such conditions requires additional protection and enhanced methods of tissue hydration. Maintaining water balance in this situation is extremely important and necessary.

Dry skin in diabetes

Diabetes appears as a result of metabolic disorders, which cannot but affect the condition of the epidermal layer. Most people with diabetes sooner or later notice that some areas of the skin surface become dry, lose elasticity, and itching appears. Often the condition is aggravated by the addition of a fungal or bacterial infection, ulcers and abscesses appear.

All this occurs due to tissue malnutrition, which significantly increases the risk of infection. It should be noted right away that it is quite difficult to restore the level of moisture and cure skin damage in diabetes mellitus. Therefore, diabetics need to make every effort to prevent tissue from drying out and becoming infected. When washing, you should not use soap, but a special moisturizing gel. The washcloth should be soft, not causing irritation and redness of the body.

Due to the danger of thrush, it is important to maintain natural level microflora in the intestines, in the genital area, on the skin. If unpleasant symptoms appear, you should definitely consult a doctor, because without treating the underlying disease - diabetes mellitus– it is impossible to restore the balance and trophism of tissues.

Dry skin due to allergies

Allergies are most often accompanied by a rash - this is its most common manifestation. However, dehydration of the outer layers is often observed simultaneously with or after the rash. This condition must be treated from the inside.

What is an allergy? This is a peculiar reaction of the body to a certain type of allergen - food product, medicine, household items, etc. This condition is also called increased sensitivity of the body. Allergy symptoms can occur immediately or within 2 days after contact with the allergen. The most common signs are itching, tissue swelling, redness, and rashes. If you noticed, all manifestations in one way or another relate to the skin, so further dehydration of the surface tissues may be a consequence of disruption of their nutrition and metabolic processes in them.

For any allergic manifestations, you should immediately contact an allergist or dermatologist. It is important to determine what exactly causes the allergy and eliminate this factor. Further restoration of skin function should also be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, who will prescribe not only external agents, but also drugs for general restoration of metabolism.

Dry skin during menopause

Changes in the condition of the surface epithelium – characteristic symptom menopause. These changes can be different: in some women it is an increase in greasiness, increased sweating, while in others it is withering and dehydration of tissues. All these signs most often mean one thing - that age-related processes begin to occur in the body.

The menopausal period is a time of regular hormonal changes, when estrogen production decreases. As a result, the synthesis of mucopolysaccharides in tissues is disrupted, which, in turn, negatively affects the production of collagen, the main component of youthful skin.

Over the initial few years of this period, tissues can lose up to 30% of collagen. Between the collagen fibers there is hyaluronic acid, which is designed to retain moisture. With a decrease in the number of such fibers, the amount of hyaluronic acid also decreases, as a result of which the tissues become less and less elastic, and lethargy and flabbiness appear.

Among other things, estrogen deficiency leads to decreased function of the sebaceous glands, which only worsens the situation.

Changes that occur during menopause reduce the protective properties of the skin surface, which increases the risk of developing dermatitis and various infectious skin lesions.

Only a medical specialist can help improve the condition of the body during menopause by prescribing replacement therapy. hormonal therapy. Most often, treatment consists of taking and externally using estrogen-containing drugs.

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Dry skin due to hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a decrease in the production of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland. With this disease, symptoms such as weakness, drowsiness, and memory impairment often appear. The surface of the body is often pale, dry, flaky; hair is dull, brittle, and prone to loss. Peripheral edema may occur. Hypothyroidism has no specific symptoms, so patients usually do not see a doctor right away. Many people do not understand for a long period of time why they have problems with hair, nails, skin and well-being.

It is almost pointless to deal with such problems without starting to treat hypothyroidism. Therefore, it is important to start treatment of hypothyroidism on time, with the appointment of special medicines, correcting the level of hormones in the body. In case of severe dysfunction of the gland, it is necessary to take hormonal replacement drugs - such therapy can sometimes continue throughout the patient’s life.

In case of hypothyroidism, special attention should be paid to diet. We will talk about the rules of such a diet, which restores the balance of the skin, a little later.

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Dry skin after childbirth

Dry hands, feet and face in the postpartum period are usually due to hormonal changes associated with the end of pregnancy and the birth of a child. For many, hormonal balance is restored quickly, for others it is slow, so skin problems may continue to bother you for several months after childbirth. If the situation is critical, you can take a blood test for hormones and consult a doctor. It is possible that the doctor will prescribe some corrective medications.

Another cause of the problem may be a lack of vitamins. And this is a very common phenomenon: first, a pregnant woman gave all the beneficial substances from her body to the unborn child, then the same substances passed to the baby through mother’s milk. It is also necessary to take into account that the diet of a nursing mother is not particularly varied. You need to carefully choose the foods that can and cannot be consumed by a nursing woman.

And the third possible reason– this is insufficient fluid intake. During pregnancy, quite a lot of moisture accumulated in the tissues, and now the body has gotten rid of it. Moreover, fluid is also lost through breast milk. This means that the consumption of clean water should be increased.

Dry skin after shower

The feeling of tightness after a shower, flaking or even redness of the surface of the body can be explained by many reasons:

  • chlorinated water;
  • water is too hard;
  • detergent, soap, shower gel that is too aggressive for your body;
  • hypofunction of the sebaceous glands;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • improper body care;
  • excessive passion for tanning;
  • other factors.

Drying of external tissues can be caused by too hot water and prolonged exposure to the shower using soap or special gels. When washing, we wash away not only dirt, sweat, fat and exfoliated epithelium. At the same time, the protective film covering the skin surface is washed off. Chlorinated water in taps or swimming pools is especially harmful.

Taking all this into account, you can resist dehydration of the body surface after taking water procedures.

Dry elbow skin

The outer surface of the elbows is quite dense; moreover, it is often subject to stretching, which can affect the structure of the tissues and contribute to peeling of the epidermis. The rough, textured covering of the elbows is often covered with cracks and scales. Of course, elbows require special special care.

There can be many reasons for this:

  • malnutrition, lack of vitamins (especially retinol and tocopherol);
  • lack of elbow care as such;
  • endocrine system disorders.

If the whole issue is a lack of care, then the matter can be corrected: properly selected moisturizers, scrubs, and applications will help you quickly get rid of the problem. However, if cosmetics do not work, then the problem needs to be looked deeper.

Unfortunately, only by the condition of the elbows and their appearance it is impossible to say 100% what the cause of the problem is. This can only be done by a qualified doctor. If no positive dynamics are observed with proper care, it is necessary to undergo examination for endocrine system disorders.

Dry skin and hair

The state of health of our body is the state and health of the epidermis, the surface epithelial tissue. This tissue is of great importance for the body, since thanks to it the delicate balance of moisture on the skin surface is maintained.

The epidermis has a unique structure that helps maintain optimal moisture and protect underlying tissues. The flat scales that form the stratum corneum of the outer integument resemble miniature bricks connected to each other by an intercellular lipid layer. Lipids in the epidermis are represented fatty acids, cholesterol, phospholipids, glycosylceramides and other compounds.

The above compounds are produced inside the cells of the granular layer of epidermal tissue. In this layer, basic processes are formed that prevent water from leaving the tissues.

Unfortunately, often when faced with dehydration of the surface of the body, hair and nails, few people turn to specialists. And this is completely in vain, because it is extremely important to determine the reason why surface tissues lose and do not restore the percentage of moisture. Peeling, cracks, tightness, itching – these are already enough reasons to consult a doctor. Dermatologists, cosmetologists, trichologists - all of the listed specialists specifically have a narrow medical focus to help patients with deteriorating skin and hair conditions.

Dry skin on the buttocks

Dry patches in the buttocks area are an unpleasant and delicate issue. Particular inconvenience if there is itching, a feeling of tightness and even pain. So what is this, normal or pathological?

First of all, you need to know why this is possible in the gluteal area.

In early childhood, external tissues are subjected to a large number of tests: irritation and dryness of the skin are caused by wearing diapers, poor hygiene, etc. It should be noted that the epidermal layer of the “fifth point” is initially prone to dryness, since this area contains an insignificant amount of sebaceous glands, and For this reason, the secretion of sebum is very, very small.

Moreover, a person spends a lot of time sitting, so the tissues on the buttocks experience prolonged oxygen deficiency, which is aggravated by wearing synthetic or uncomfortable clothing. A deficiency of moisture, oxygen, nutrients, and impaired trophism can lead to a deterioration in the condition of the skin.

To correct the situation, you should arrange air baths more often and avoid physical inactivity. When taking a shower or bath, do not use alkaline detergents on this area, and after washing, you must lubricate the dry areas with a moisturizer or special oil.

Dry skin on the penis

Unpleasant sensations, a feeling of tightness and burning in the penis area may be signs of an inflammatory reaction of the foreskin or the head of the organ.

Balanitis is a reaction of inflammation of the mucous tissues of the head.

Balanoposthitis is inflammation of the head in combination with the foreskin.

Unpleasant sensations when sexual contact, the presence of discharge, foreign odor, dry peeling and itching - all these symptoms can accompany the above diseases.

In addition, dryness can be a consequence of sexually transmitted diseases or diabetes. Of course, it is unlikely that you will be able to recognize the primary disease on your own; to do this, you should consult a doctor. You should not delay your visit to the doctor, since dehydration of the skin and mucous surfaces, as a rule, is one of the first symptoms of diseases. Further, if measures are not taken, the condition may worsen: erosions, ulcers, redness, cracks, swelling of the foreskin, etc. will appear. Over time, sexual intercourse may become impossible due to an increased feeling of discomfort, pain, loss of sensitivity of the head, which leads to premature ejaculation.

What to do? Consult a doctor, conduct a bacteriological analysis and determine the cause and type of the inflammatory process.

Dry skin in a child

Dry skin in a child is an absolute deviation from the norm, and there is always a reason for this. The delicate body of a child reacts much more sharply to unfavorable factors than an adult body, and help should be provided immediately. Let's look at the main reasons for this problem:

  • Low humidity and high indoor temperature.

Dry skin in winter is especially important during the heating season. Caring mothers tend to wrap their children warmly, regardless of the ambient temperature, and also forget to ventilate the child’s room and monitor the humidity. The optimal temperature in the house should be about 20°C, and the humidity should be at least 40%. Of course, it is advisable to use a special humidifier. If you don’t have one, you can simply place plates of water, a wet towel, etc. on the radiators.

  • Incorrect detergents, including children's cosmetics.

Your child's skin may become dry due to the detergent used in the home. It is advisable to use special baby powder for washing children's clothes and bedding. Soap may also be the cause - it is recommended to use it only for special stains, not every day. In addition, pay attention to the water in which the baby bathes: frequent addition of potassium permanganate, special foam, excessively hot or hard water.

  • Lack of epidermal protection in a child.

We should not forget that in frost, wind, cold or sun it is necessary to use special children's cosmetics to retain moisture. These can be fortified moisturizing or nourishing creams or milk.

  • Dermatitis.

The most unpleasant cause of skin dehydration is dermatitis. In this situation, without medical care can't get by. It is necessary to find a product that causes such a reaction in the child’s body: perhaps in some cases the breastfeeding mother is to blame if she allows herself not to monitor her own nutrition.

Diagnosis of dry skin

Peeling and dehydration can be caused by systemic diseases, which means that in most cases the doctor must conduct certain tests in order to discover the specific causes. However, sometimes a close examination of areas of the body may be enough to suspect, for example, atopic dermatitis.

What diagnostic procedures can a doctor use:

  • general blood test for the presence of an inflammatory process in the body;
  • analysis for hormonal status (as a rule, blood is taken for a certain type of hormone - thyroid hormones, estradiol, testosterone, etc.);
  • blood sugar test (glucotest);
  • study of metabolic disorders;
  • consultations with a dermatologist, geneticist, cosmetologist, endocrinologist, etc.

If the patient suffers from chronic diseases, the doctor may ask for medical history, as well as the results of previous tests.

Treatment for dry skin

Most problems with dehydration of the integumentary epithelium can be solved by strengthening body care, regular use of cosmetics, and correcting nutrition and drinking regimen.

As we have already said, tissues become drier when they lose moisture and natural fat, causing them to become thinner and flaky. Although diseases can be the cause, in most cases factors such as age, dehydration, low humidity and improper care are decisive.

If these problems are ignored, this can provoke more serious diseases: dermatitis, wilting, peeling. However, this can be avoided if you follow a few rules.

How to get rid of dry skin?

  • Don’t forget to drink enough water, compotes, fruit drinks. Eat foods rich in liquid: cucumbers, juicy apples, oranges. All this will help maintain the body's hydration level. Foods enriched with fatty acids, such as sea fish, nuts, and flaxseed oil, can help retain moisture.
  • Try not to take long baths or showers. In this case, do not use hot, but slightly warm water. Don't shower too often: if your body is prone to dryness, limit yourself to once a day.
  • When purchasing detergents, pay attention to the composition: cream soaps and moisturizers have the gentlest effect on the skin. Do not use rough and hard washcloths, which will only increase irritation.
  • Monitor the humidity level in the room. If possible, use a humidifier. Ventilate the room more often, carry out wet cleaning, spray indoor flowers - this will help maintain optimal humidity.
  • After any water procedures, do not neglect special moisturizers: milk, lotion, cream. Choose the one that suits you and use it regularly.

If you are prone to irritation, use soft towels, clothes made of natural fabric, etc.

Remedies for dry skin

Products that restore water balance are presented in a wide range in cosmetic stores and pharmacies. All that remains is to choose the most suitable one for yourself. As a rule, many patients prefer to use natural remedies, which contain natural plant components - extracts, extracts, oils. The content of glycerin and ammonia in such a product is welcome - components that soften the epidermis. It is good if the cream or lotion contains minerals and vitamins.

Good quality products should be easily absorbed, quickly soothe irritation and redness, and should not leave a greasy sheen or film on the skin surface. Of course, before making a choice, it is advisable to consult, for example, a cosmetologist, dermatologist, or pharmacist. If this is not possible, then you will have to act by trial and error.

By the way, when choosing a cream or oil for moisturizing, do not forget to review your detergents and shampoos that are used for bathing and showering, and for washing clothes. They can also cause irritation and dry out the skin, so they often need to be replaced too.

Cream for dry skin

The choice of cream depends on the characteristics of your body. In this case, for withering and dehydration, the following creams can be recommended:

  • “Velvet Hands” is an extra-moisturizing cream that has a softening effect;
  • Natura Siberica – night cream for recovery;
  • Johnson´s ® Body Lotion - 24 Hour Moisturizing « Intensive care and nutrition";
  • Johnson´s ® Daily Essentials Nourishing Cream Cleanser;
  • Lancôme Nutrix Royal for women – intensive restoration of dry and very dry areas;
  • Garnier – restorative, intensive care cream for problem and dry areas;
  • Day cream for dehydrated and sensitive areas L’Oreal Paris Dermo Expertise trio-active.

Baby cream for dry skin

A high-quality baby cream should contain only the most gentle and beneficial ingredients. How to determine such a high-quality cream that not only does not harm, but also helps restore dry areas?

It is important that the list of components of the baby cream does not contain mineral oils, parabens and phenoxyethanol.

Mineral oils in domestic and foreign creams are most often represented by paraffin and petroleum jelly, which have a greenhouse effect - they block skin respiration, disrupt thermal processes and natural self-regulation. Such oils are “foreign” to fabrics.

Parabens are used as synthetic preservatives and are carcinogenic.

Phenoxyethanol is a substance that can cause allergies and aggravate irritation, and with constant use it has a toxic effect on local skin immunity.

It is good if the baby cream contains vitamins (for example, provitamin B5, which is useful even for atopic dermatitis or eczema).

However, it should be noted that the presence of vegetable oils in the cream - olive, almond, shea (shea), jojoba, etc. - indicates that the product is truly healthy and will saturate the tissues with valuable polyunsaturated fats.

Ointment for dry skin

  • Radevit ointment – ​​to soften and nourish the epithelial layer. Helps restore water balance in tissues, relieves cracks, small wounds, and irritation. Strengthens the local natural protective function.
  • D-Panthenol (dexpanthenol) – ointment for external use 5%. Helps not only with dermatitis, wounds, cracks and diaper rash, but also eliminates skin dehydration and wilting.
  • Boro Plus ointment is a natural, effective antiseptic, sold in pharmacies. The drug is represented mainly by herbal components brought from India.
  • Boro-Care ointment - for body care. Reduces inflammation, eliminates itching, prevents cracks, helps with minor scratches and redness.
  • Sulfur-salicylic ointment - eliminates dryness, itching, soothes irritation, helps soften keratinized scales and remove them painlessly. Use 2% sulfur-salicylic ointment (not to be confused with zinc-salicylic or simply salicylic ointments, which, on the contrary, dry out the epidermis).

Vitamins for dry skin

Vitamin deficiency can also cause a deterioration in the condition of the outer epithelium, because vitamins are of great importance in maintaining our health. Thanks to them, the necessary balance of metabolic processes in organs and tissues is restored. However, there are vitamin representatives that are most important for the health and beauty of the body.

  • Vitamin A - retinol - has an antioxidant effect, helps the proper formation and renewal of cellular structures. A lack of vitamin reduces immune defense and affects the structuring of the skin epithelium, which can provoke a violation of the integrity and withering of tissues. To maintain balance, you need to take retinol every day, in an amount of 300-1300 mcg, which depends on age, concomitant diseases and other factors. There is a lot of this vitamin in carrots, greens, pumpkin, egg yolk, milk, apricots, and hard cheeses.
  • B vitamins are usually added to the best means to restore dry areas. And for good reason - these vitamins eliminate cracks, peeling, and itching. And vitamin B³ is specially prescribed for acne. B vitamins are found in cereals, legumes, eggs, meat products, and are components of brewer's yeast.
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) helps renew and form tissues, stimulates the production of collagen - an important ingredient for freshness and youth. Among other things, ascorbic acid is an excellent antioxidant that helps improve blood flow in tissues. This property of the vitamin provides us with a healthy and rosy shine of the skin and hair. With a lack of this vitamin, the epidermis becomes rough, dull, and dry. Ascorbic acid can be obtained from citrus fruits, bell peppers, pineapples, kiwis, tomatoes, and berries.
  • Tocopherol (vitamin E) – designed to protect body tissues from toxic substances, free radicals, harmful influences environment. Some representatives of the fair sex use oil solution this vitamin not only internally, but also externally, as a face mask. Where tocopherol is found: in beans, nuts, seeds, greens, sprouted wheat grains.

If your diet is complete and varied, then most likely you will not suffer from vitamin deficiency. However, in some cases, for example, when there is chronic diseases, you have to take additional multivitamin complex preparations. To improve the condition of the outer layer of the epithelium, the combined drug “AEvit” is most often prescribed.

AEvit for dry skin

The AEvit complex product is often used by dermatologists and cosmetologists in their practice, because its components - vitamins retinol and tocopherol - have a positive effect on skin structures.

As is clear from the name, AEvit consists of vitamins A and E. These are antioxidants that serve to prevent intoxication of cells in the body, thereby preventing the onset of age-related processes.

Retinol accelerates cellular metabolism, increasing the flow of moisture to the tissues, which promotes additional hydration. It stops inflammatory reactions inside tissues, strengthens local skin protection, strengthening the barrier to all kinds of external pathogens. Vitamin A also stimulates the production of sex hormones, which additionally affects health, restoring freshness and youth to us.

Tocopherol potentiates the effects of retinol, preventing the vitamin from being destroyed in digestive system, and also improves the function of the gonads and activates metabolic processes at the cellular level.

Take AEvit 1 capsule 1-2 times a day to prevent age-related changes, in complex treatment wrinkles, acne, wilting and dehydration of the outer skin. The duration of the course of therapy is from 2 to 4 weeks. It is recommended to carry out 2 courses of treatment with the drug annually.

Treatment of dry skin with folk remedies

Herbal infusions and decoctions are often used to treat dry, dehydrated areas. It is best to brew the infusion as you usually brew tea: add hot water +90-95°C. You can also prepare the medicine using a water bath, which is set for 15 minutes.

You can add the required amount of vegetable or essential oils, honey, and other components to the prepared warm infusion. Infusions and decoctions are used for rinsing or wiping the outer skin, for applying applications and wet masks. You can also apply compresses or add to cleansing milk.

What plants can be used in dehydrated areas? Typically, plant materials are purchased in pharmacies or collected independently, selecting herbs individually.

  • Linden blossom - consists of many useful substances, including essential oils, ascorbic acid and carotene.
  • Yarrow – contains large number ascorbic acid and healthy oils.
  • Hop cones - soothe and cleanse the outer skin.
  • Rose petals - contain vitamin C, soften the surface epithelium and give a healthy color.
  • Jasmine flowers - brighten, soothe and moisturize the surface of the epithelium.
  • Dill, fennel - restore and strengthen the protective barrier.
  • Mint – soothing and refreshing.
  • Chamomile color - rejuvenates, gives a healthy tone, strengthens.
  • Coltsfoot - makes the skin surface velvety and soft.
  • Nettle leaves – enrich with vitamins and improve tissue metabolism.

In order to prepare a medicinal infusion, herbs can be used separately or mixed in equal parts.

To eliminate peeling and itching, use an infusion or decoction of a series of tripartite, birch leaves, and horsetail. Baths and medicinal baths prepared with mixtures are effective medicinal plants. For baths, you can prepare a collection in the amount of 100-300 g per 4-5 liters of water. The collection may include succession herb, chamomile flowers, valerian, sage, celandine herb and St. John's wort. The mixture of herbs must be poured with boiling water, left for half an hour, filtered and added to the bath. In this case, the temperature of the water in the bath should not exceed +36-38°C. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes.

After eliminating dryness, you can carry out preventive courses of therapy with plants: rinses, compresses, baths with restorative and stimulating herbal remedies.

Oil for dry skin

The variety of oils on sale today is truly amazing: oil of almonds, olives, coconut, rosebuds, St. John's wort, coriander and many, many other types. With such diversity, it can sometimes be difficult to navigate and choose exactly the oil that is suitable for solving the problem of dry skin tissue. However, when choosing, you should take into account that the moisturizing and restoring oil should be light, absorb well and not weigh down with its fat content, and not leave a dense greasy film.

Olive oil is a common type of oil that is excellent for dull and dull areas. Olives saturate tissues well with moisture and create invisible protection for the whole day. To quickly moisturize and eliminate signs of fatigue, mix a spoonful of olive oil with a small amount of lemon juice - this mixture is useful for wiping your face. On other parts of the body, the oil is used as follows: add a little sea salt to it so that it looks like a scrub. This scrub is used to treat flaky, dry surfaces, thereby removing keratinized scales of the epidermis.

It is beneficial to add a little olive oil to your bath and also use it to remove makeup. For the latter, just a couple of drops of oil applied to a cotton pad are enough.

  • Coconut oil can also help with dry skin problems. This oil has a pleasant aroma and a lot beneficial properties. It is applied overnight to a clean, damp surface of the face or body, left for half an hour, after which the residue is blotted with a paper towel. This procedure is quite sufficient for moisturizing, which does not require the use of additional cosmetics.
  • Rose petal oil perfectly retains moisture. It is often recommended to be used during the natural aging process of the skin. Rose oil nourishes and soothes dry areas. If you mix 15 drops each of rose oil, ylang-ylang oil and almond oil, you can get a healthy face mask. Apply the prepared mixture of oils to a pre-steamed face, avoiding the area near the eyes. After 20 minutes, blot off excess oil with a paper towel.
  • Sandalwood oil will help restore moisture levels, which is indispensable for chapping or excessive sensitivity of the skin. You can simply add a couple of drops of oil to your moisturizer. Excessively dry areas can be wiped with a cloth soaked in oil.
  • Almond oil is light, pleasant, and perfectly moisturizing. It is recommended to use this oil daily. Before rubbing in the oil, wet your fingers with water. After application, you can speed up absorption by lightly patting the surface with your fingertips. After the oil has been absorbed, you can apply makeup on top.

To prepare the scrub, almond oil is mixed with a pinch of “Extra” salt and a small amount of ground turmeric. You can massage your face with this scrub for 2-3 minutes, after which you should rinse off the mass with warm, clean water.

Almond oil is the least fatty oil among all oil representatives. It is perfectly absorbed by tissues, having a positive effect even when other moisturizing products do not help.

Rosehip oil not only moisturizes, but also eliminates wrinkles, stretch marks, improves the structure and color of the skin. As you know, rose hips contain a lot of vitamin C, which has a very beneficial effect on the epidermis. Fats obtained from rose hips are very similar in structure to natural fats human body. That is why rosehip oil is perfectly digestible, absorbs well and does not leave a greasy sheen.

Experts always advise trying several types of oils in order to choose the most suitable one for yourself.

Nutrition for dry skin

Nutrition and healthy skin are interconnected concepts, because eating the necessary foods and excluding others from the diet greatly affects the health of the body.

It is necessary to completely give up sweets, alcohol, and fast food. Sweets can be replaced with dried fruits, fruits, nuts and seeds. Alcohol – non-alcoholic smoothies, freshly squeezed juices. Well, instead of hamburgers, you can eat whole grain bread with herbs.

  • sugar, easily digestible carbohydrates;
  • refined products;
  • salt and spices;
  • sodas and packaged juices;
  • products with preservatives, dyes and other chemical additives.

The basis of nutrition should be:

  • fermented milk products;
  • complex carbohydrates (cereals);
  • vegetables, fruits, herbs, berries, seeds, nuts;
  • clean drinking water;
  • protein foods (fish, meat, eggs).

It is important that the menu contains a lot of vitamins and microelements. For example, it is recommended to enrich the diet with vitamins A, C and E. Such vitamins can be found in most vegetables and fruits: carrots, tomatoes, beets, bell pepper, citrus fruits, apples, etc. Never miss the melon season - watermelons and melons will perfectly cleanse the body and improve appearance.

Berries are excellent food: blueberries, strawberries, cranberries, raspberries, etc. You can eat them not only in compotes or jellies - just eat them fresh, add them to oatmeal, cottage cheese, yogurt.

Of course, nutritional correction cannot always replace the full treatment of skin diseases. However, thanks to a properly composed menu, the condition of the skin can be significantly improved.

Dry skin is a very common phenomenon, especially in people over 45-50 years of age. But you should not assume that you can get rid of this problem only by using expensive professional procedures. Sometimes correcting the eating and drinking regime, the right choice of cosmetics, and proper care of the face and body can help completely restore the balance of moisture in the tissues. The main thing is to want and start taking care of your health.

Most lovely ladies have experienced dry skin at least once in their lives. This is a very common problem among women, men are much less susceptible to this, their skin is not so delicate.

Have you noticed tightness of your skin, peeling, irritation, or unpleasant appearance? Then this article is especially for you; we will reveal all the secrets of combating dry skin.

Causes of trouble

In normal condition, the sebaceous glands form a thin protective film on the surface of the skin, the purpose of which is to protect our skin from the negative effects of the environment. But there are many factors that destroy the protective layer, which leads to excessive dryness of the skin of the face and body. The main ones:

  • loss of moisture (insufficient fluid intake during the day, so the body is forced to take water from the skin);
  • hormonal disorders (menstruation, pregnancy, menopause, etc.);
  • use of shower gels with aggressive components, too hot water;
  • dry, hot climate;
  • going on a strict diet;
  • lack of vitamins, especially A and E;
  • impaired metabolism;
  • frequent exposure to direct sunlight;
  • stress;
  • use of soap;
  • absence or too frequent use of scrubs, cleansing masks, wraps (everything should be in moderation);
  • using inappropriate cosmetics;
  • availability bad habits(smoking, alcohol);
  • dermatological diseases;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • ichthyosis (“fish skin”).

All of the above factors affect the condition of our skin extremely negatively; it is worth excluding contact with harmful substances, spend less time in the open sun, drink enough clean water.

Important! If you feel severe itching, redness, painful sensations, in the area of ​​peeling, then consult a doctor, perhaps you have not just dry skin, but a dermatological disease.

Elimination of dryness and tightness of body skin

First of all, the skin needs to be moisturized, saturated with useful microelements, and protected from the negative effects of the environment. This can be done with the help of special moisturizing creams containing glycerin, oils, and fats.

Glycerin has long been used in cosmetology due to its ability to retain moisture, and recent studies have shown that this component promotes the formation of new young cells, thereby smoothing out fine wrinkles, giving freshness and elasticity to the epidermis.

Linolenic acid creates a waterproof barrier on the skin that protects our epidermis from the effects of sunlight and retains moisture.

The following creams for dry skin are good allies in the fight against skin problems:

  • body cream Garnier Intensive care and nutrition. This product contains natural ingredients: olive oil, avocado, apricot, maple juice; these ingredients provide maximum hydration to dry skin and nourish it with beneficial microelements. The price of this cream is very affordable, only 75–85 rubles;
  • Johnson's baby oil. This oil is intended for the delicate skin of a baby, so it will have a very positive effect on the skin of an adult (especially sensitive ones) (moisturize, soften, eliminate minor irritations, peeling), this product is hypoallergenic and will not provoke an allergic reaction. The approximate price of this product is about 120–130 rubles;
  • cream for dry body skin Nivea SOS-intensive. It contains only natural ingredients, panthenol, which heals microtraumas on the skin, removes the effect of tightness, and the effect lasts for 48 hours. The price of this product is approximately 26–300 rubles.

All of these products can be purchased at almost any hardware store. Pharmacy products more expensive in terms of pricing, but they are aimed at deeper damage to the skin when cosmetics can't get by. Before using such ointments and creams, you should consult a dermatologist.

Also traditional medicine offers a huge number of homemade ointments, creams, mixtures for wrapping, all the most effective recipes you will read further.

Read the page about the properties and use of salicylic acid for the face against acne.

Folk remedies and recipes

Many people do not trust purchased products, but prefer to make their own medicines; various oils and herbs are excellent helpers in this matter.

Recipes for effective remedies against dry skin:

  • milk + honey Use these ingredients to prepare medicinal bath. Take 1 liter of warm fresh milk, add 300 g of linden honey, stir thoroughly, pour the resulting mixture into water. It is recommended to take such a bath for 15 minutes once a week. For very dry skin or irritation, this procedure can be increased to 2-3 times a week;
  • olive oil. This product perfectly moisturizes the skin, instantly gives a pleasant feeling + perfectly protects and regenerates the epidermis. While taking a shower, lubricate with olive oil (preheated to a temperature of 40 degrees), massage into the skin, then rinse with water. After such a procedure, you don’t have to completely dry your body with a towel, but just blot it slightly, with such manipulations you will saturate the skin with moisture;
  • cucumber cream. It is very simple to prepare: take 1 cucumber (without peel), grate it on a fine grater, add 4–5 g of beeswax, then almond oil (about 3 tablespoons) + 50 ml of water, mix all ingredients thoroughly, heat over low fire. Use the resulting cream every day at night, it is perfectly absorbed and does not leave any marks on the bed linen. The cream is suitable for dry skin of the hands, feet and body;
  • oatmeal. Before taking a bath, secure a bag with 50 g of oatmeal under the tap so that water flows through it. It is worth taking such water procedures for at least 15 minutes; after completion, the skin can be lubricated with a cream that contains phospholipids and fatty acids;
  • honey + olive oil. On a steamed body (after a shower), apply a mixture of these two components (1:1), rub with massage movements, you can also apply to the face. Twenty minutes is enough to moisturize, nourish, and restore the skin; after the procedure, rinse off the mixture with warm water;
  • cleansing + nutrition. Remove the pulp from the avocado, add banana pulp, chop the ingredients, add 100 ml of cream, the same amount of butter, you can add a couple of drops of olive or rose oil to this mixture. Mix the mass, distribute evenly over the entire surface of the body, keep for 20-25 minutes. This procedure not only perfectly nourishes the skin, but also delicately cleanses it of any impurities. Use the recipe no more than twice a week, but regularly;
  • wrapping Chop finely seaweed, add 2 tbsp. spoons of honey. Apply the resulting mixture to the body or to individual, most dehydrated areas of the skin, wrap in cling film, stay in this position for 30 minutes, or better yet, lie down listening to relaxing music. After this procedure, take a shower, the skin can be lubricated with a nourishing cream;
  • flax seeds. Make a decoction of this product (boil 2 tablespoons of seeds + 600 ml of water until completely swollen), then filter. Apply the prepared decoction to damaged skin and do not wash it off for 25 minutes.

It will be good if you add to all these procedures drinking 2 liters of water every day and eating fruits containing various vitamins. Another golden rule regarding nutrition: exclude fried, fatty, and alcohol.

Useful tips that will help prevent peeling, irritation, and excessive dryness of the skin:

  • nourish your skin with moisture. As mentioned earlier, 2 liters of water per day is the law. When bathing, do not use soap, it dries the skin. Also, do not wash with hot water, it should be warm and cool in summer. Shower gel should be with cream, no harsh peelings or sauna effects;
  • after water procedures, be sure to lubricate the skin with nourishing oil-based creams or homemade mixtures;
  • Avoid frequent exposure to direct sunlight. From March to September, apply sunscreen with a high UV filter to your skin; in winter, use special moisturizers;
  • dry skin is very sensitive and susceptible to various irritants. Therefore, use hypoallergenic cosmetics, always check the expiration date, read the composition;
  • carry out all stages of skin care: cleansing, toning, moisturizing. Again, only by suitable means. You should be very careful with cleansing. Aggressive scrubs injure delicate skin, use gentle peeling no more than once a week;
  • After swimming, immediately wash off chlorinated water from your skin;
  • include fish (mackerel, herring, salmon) in your diet; it is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids; you can buy fish oil specially at the pharmacy;
  • consume calcium, magnesium, vitamins A, E, C, they normalize the condition of the intercellular substance;
  • healthy sleep is also very important, get enough sleep, go to bed before 12:00, as you know, these hours are called beauty sleep;
  • Treat skin diseases in a timely manner, they provoke redness, itching, burning, peeling, unpleasant symptoms, which soon develop into ulcers and blisters.

The main thing in caring for dry skin is systematicity. If you carry out all the procedures today and forget to do it tomorrow, the effect will be minimal. Also, a huge role is played by what kind of creams and lotions you will use. Lifestyle is also important (proper nutrition, giving up bad habits, general condition body, absence of dermatological diseases).

We hope our article helped solve the problem of excessive dry skin, make it smooth, silky and elastic, without any wounds or irritations.

From the following video you can learn a few more secrets of caring for dry and tight skin:

Does your skin often remain dry after a shower? Dermatologists say: this is a condition that can occur in people suffering from various pathologies and changes in the epidermis. We propose to talk about how to soften dry skin after water treatments: consider the most best methods and tell you about the reasons.

Dry skin and contact with water: is there a connection?

It may seem counterintuitive, but water is the main reason why the body's skin becomes dehydrated. So if you notice dryness and itching after taking a shower, main advice dermatologist - spend as little time as possible under water. What else can you do? Here are options that can bring relief.

Use suitable cleaning products

Those who suffer from dry skin should not use regular soap. You need to choose products that are ideal for dry skin. It should be a gentle formula that does not contain harsh cleansers or fragrances.

Apply moisturizer

Of course, there are a number of health problems that cause dry skin. These include atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. In this case, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist. In all other cases, it is necessary to use cream - it should be applied every time after a shower. Moreover, experts recommend using the cream every day - morning and evening. It is necessary to choose formulations suitable for dry skin. These should be good quality creams without containing numerous fragrances.

Wash only in warm water

In addition to limiting the time you spend in the shower, try to regulate the temperature of the water: avoid showers with water that is too hot. Even when you just wash your face, do it with cool or warm water. The fact is that hot water irritates the dermis and deprives the skin of moisture.

If all of the above methods do not help you get rid of dryness, we recommend that you consult a dermatologist so that he can determine how to relieve you of this problem.

Hard water dries out your skin. Body itches after shower.

Our tap water is most often very hard, which of course has a bad effect on both the skin and the household appliances etc. Water hardness is formed due to the high content of magnesium and calcium salts, which enter groundwater passing through layers of calcareous rocks. Among other things, the water is chlorinated and something else is added so that the pipes do not deteriorate. Of course, our body will not suffer any serious harm, but we are provided with some inconveniences: the skin itches after a shower, the hair becomes brittle and the skin also dries out, which means it ages prematurely. How to soften water at home and how to care for your skin after a shower? There are special shower heads that supposedly soften the water - this is possible, but they only work for a very short time. I was convinced of this from my own experience, because after the renovation, a new high-quality faucet was installed in the bathroom and the water was really soft for some time, but then everything returned. I don’t know, maybe it was a coincidence that the water at that time was already soft - no water tests were carried out.
The quality of network hot water has a very bad effect on the skin. In big cities there is hot water for sure district heating and it causes irritation, dryness and even dermatitis. For example, when the hot water is turned off in the summer, you have to heat it or use electricity. heater - and the water is completely different, have you noticed?

So how can you soften the water so that your body doesn’t itch after a shower?

Advice: It is better to use shower gel with a creamy consistency, i.e. shower cream , ideally it should contain shea butter, shea butter, cocoa and others. The washing gel with these oils perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin.
1. One option is to heat the water yourself for the final rinse, or you can even make a herbal decoction, which is even better for the skin. Any herbs according to skin type: chamomile, string and others. Rinse your hair very well with water acidified with vinegar or lemon juice.
2. Used to soften water flax-seed. Take 4 tablespoons of flaxseed per liter of water and boil for 5-7 minutes, then leave for 1 hour. This decoction is even used for bathing babies. It is poured into a bath of water before bathing.
Of course, it’s troublesome to do this every day, but you can divide 1 liter into two parts and put some in the refrigerator. The same goes with herbal infusion - the decoction sits in the refrigerator for a couple of days.
3. Another very affordable way to soften water is soda. 1 tsp is enough. per liter of water.
4. The composition and quality of water can be improved sea ​​salt, which is very good for the skin, but not the hair.
5. Normal boiling within 3-5 minutes it also makes the water soft and clean.

Skin care after shower.

If you still feel skin tightness, then you need to apply nutrient for the skin immediately after a shower.
We must not forget about nourishing and moisturizing body products. Especially for those who have dry skin type, the use of such products is mandatory. Super nutritious foods are now available body butters. These body butter bars contain cocoa butter, pure shea butter, shea butter, and coconut. I bought companies Lush Lush- handmade cosmetics and the aroma is amazing, but they are not cheap. At Lush you can find for the body: shower gels, soaps, oils and scrubs. The quality is amazing and almost natural.
You won't need moisturizer after your shower if you do natural coffee scrub, and then just rinse without soap. The skin will be nourished with cocoa butter, but may stain white linen.
You can also use baby oil immediately after a shower on still damp skin. Children's cosmetics are usually hypoallergenic.
You should also not overuse body creams, but only as needed. Store-bought creams do not have a particularly natural and healthy composition, but the skin still needs to breathe. Study the composition of cosmetics and give preference to those with a short shelf life, natural ones! If you don’t trust it, then make your own cosmetics - there are many recipes, including our website "website".
