Outline-outline on the topic: Occupation Creation of the visible and invisible world. Abstract of the lesson on visual activity: "Creation of the invisible world

to acquaint pupils with the existence of the invisible world


  • get to know the concept of Holy Scripture (Bible)
  • learn that everything around is created by God
  • realize the existence of the invisible world
  • learn about those who belong to the invisible world


  1. The Law of God: In 5 Books. - M .: Knigovek, 2010. - Vol. 1.

Additional literature:

  1. Slobodskoy S., prot. God's law for families and schools. - SPb., 2006.
  2. Preobrazhensky V. Traditional spiritual education of children. Lesson 1 (Preschool education). [Electronic resource]. - URL: www.portal-slovo.ru/pre_school_education/36466.php (date of treatment 10/01/2018).
  3. Sosuntsov E.F., priest. Lessons of the Law of God for Children. - M., 2002.

Key concepts:

  • The visible world
  • Invisible world
  • world creation

Lesson vocabulary:

  • Bible
  • Holy Bible
  • Sacred Tradition
  • Angel

Lesson content (open )


Test questions:

  1. Who is the Guardian Angel?

During the classes. Option 1:

Teacher's story on a new topic.

Children's answers to test questions.

The work of children with coloring on the topic of the lesson.

Watching the cartoon.

Discussion of the content of the cartoon.

During the classes. Option 2:

Making paper crafts by children.

First, the teacher distributes blanks and scissors, explains the order of the work.

While the children are making crafts, the teacher tells a new topic.

When the work is ready, the children answer test questions.


  1. Telecast "Kind Word". A tale of angels and demons:

  1. World creation ".
  2. The project "Questions of Faith and Thomas, or Tea with Jam". "Angels".
  3. Cartoon "This is my choice":

1) How do we know about God?

No one has ever seen God. How do we know about Him, what He is and what He is? We would not know anything about Him if He Himself, by His grace, did not reveal Himself to us. How does He do it? In three ways: first, the Lord reveals Himself to each person through the world that He created and which we see. Secondly, He still especially reveals Himself through people chosen by Him: prophets, saints. The main revelation we received through our Lord Jesus Christ, Who is God the Son Himself, and revealed to us everything about His Father, about Himself and about the Holy Spirit that we need to know.

2) Holy Tradition and Holy Scripture

God gave us mind. We see the world and understand that it is arranged beautifully, wisely and well. We can guess that he could not have made himself and that the One who created him is much wiser, stronger and better than us. But we ourselves cannot learn anything more about God. And now the Lord Himself, through the people especially chosen by Him, through the prophets and through the Savior, reveals to us what we need to know. What people learned from God and then passed on to each other is called Holy Tradition.

But, passing on to each other what the Lord revealed to us, people could forget something, or add from themselves. To prevent this from happening, the Lord inspired some people with the idea to write books, and God the Holy Spirit Himself invisibly helped them so that everything that these books say about God would be completely correct and true. There are many more than 50 such books. All of them together are called - the Bible or the Holy Scriptures.

3) Old Testament and New Testament

The books of Scripture were written by different people at different times. Some of them were written many centuries before the birth of the Savior. They tell us about how God created the world, how people sinned, how God drove them out of paradise and how the Lord prepared people for the coming of the Son of God, our Savior Jesus Christ, to earth. All of these books are collectively called the Old (i.e. Old) Testament.

Other books were written shortly after the death and resurrection of the Savior. The people who wrote them either saw Him themselves, or lived among those who remembered Him. These books are called the New Testament.

4) Creation of the world

« In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth", - with these words the Bible begins. Those who carefully read this great Book will notice that these words are not talking about the blue vault that we see above our heads every day. This visible sky was created later, but the sky, about which it is said that it was created before everything else, at the very beginning, means something else. Reading the lines of the Bible about the creation of the world, about how God created trees and herbs, the sun, the moon and stars, fish and birds, animals and, finally, man, we can see that this story does not say anything about the creation of Angels. But the Angels then repeatedly appear on the pages of the Bible, fulfilling the most varied commands of God. It is about the Angels that it is said that they watched how God created the world, rejoiced at the same time and glorified the Creator. This means that the Angels are the very spiritual heaven created at the very beginning. So, in the beginning God created the angelic world.

5) the invisible world

The word "angel" in Greek means messenger. The Holy Scriptures call them that because God often communicates His will to people through them. What exactly is their life in the spiritual world that they inhabit, and what is their activity - we know almost nothing, and, in fact, we are not able to understand. They live in conditions that are completely different from our material ones: there is time, space and everything that exists is completely different.

Angels are invisible disembodied spirits. Whoever wants to imagine what the Angels look like, let him try to imagine what his own thoughts look like. Is it possible to weigh them, measure their length with a ruler, determine their color, touch, smell, taste? No, our thoughts are from a completely different substance, they are belonging to the spiritual world. Angels are invisible, like our thoughts, or rather, like our invisible soul. Like people, Angels have their own names, but most often these names are hidden from people. To each person who has accepted Holy Baptism, God gives a Guardian Angel as a gift, who relentlessly follows a person until the end of his life, protecting him from troubles, instructing him on every good deed, warning him from evil deeds. The names of the Guardian Angels are not yet known to people.

6) What do we know about angels

The angelic world is mysterious and mysterious. And very little is revealed to us about him. Although the Angels are invisible, they can appear to people in different guises by the will of God. These images can be anything God wants: in the form of a pillar of fire or cloud, an unusual star, or even just a thunderous voice. But most often in the Bible, Angels look like bright youths. This is how they are depicted on icons. The Angels on the icons do not have a beard, because they do not have old age, they are eternally young and immortal. The faces of Angels are as beautiful as the faces of girls. This means that in the Angelic world there is no male or female at all. Angels do not marry, do not marry, do not give birth to children. Moreover, Angels never get tired, never sleep. They do not need food or drink. The Angelic mind is extremely powerful. They do not forget anything, and if suddenly they needed to make the most complicated calculations, they would not need a pen and paper, a calculator or a computer for this. God has given such strength to the Angels that they can move very quickly in our world. Not instantly, but very quickly. As a sign of this, the Angels are depicted with wings. It is impossible to escape from your Guardian Angel by car or train, or fly away by plane. And even if we rush in a rocket, the Angel will still be next to us. Angels are not hindered by doors and locks, walls and bars. In order to show that Angels are everywhere among people, the Bible says that they are in the air. But this does not mean at all that they need air for breathing, and if we descend into the depths of the sea or rise into airless outer space, then the Guardian Angel will equally follow us.

7) Human Soul

In addition to angels, the human soul belongs to the invisible world. A man prays with his soul. Thus, we belong to two worlds: in the body - to the visible, material, earthly world, and in the soul - to the invisible, spiritual, heavenly.

When a person dies, his soul is separated from the body, and the body can no longer pray, love, rejoice, or suffer. The soul is invisible, but it exists.

The main difference between the human soul and animal souls is that the human soul is able to exist without a body.

Test questions:

  1. What is the name of the book that tells about the creation of the world?
  2. Do you know something that is impossible to see and touch?
  3. Which world - visible or invisible - does a person belong to?
  4. Do angels really have wings?
  5. How does an angel differ from a person?
  6. Who is the Guardian Angel?
  7. Why can we say that the soul exists?

Even before the creation of the entire visible world and man, God created the invisible, spiritual world. In the beginning God created the sky(Genesis 1, 1). By heaven here the holy fathers understand the heavenly world, the heavenly world, close to God and inhabited by disembodied spirits - Angels. The spiritual world is closed to our bodily eyes. We live in a limited three-dimensional space, and the immaterial world, one might say, is in some other dimension, this world is partially revealed to the holy ascetics, who in their lives have come close to God.

Holy Scripture speaks of the destiny of the holy angels: Are not all ministerial spirits sent into ministry for those who have inherited salvation?(Heb 1:14) The purpose of Angels is to serve God and help people in matters of salvation. The Hieromartyr Seraphim (Zvezdinsky) writes about the abilities and properties of Angels: “As incorporeal spirits, the Angels know neither our space nor time; our modes of movement, fraught with many efforts and difficulties, are unknown to them. Angels are fast-flying, fast-moving: the Angel is now in one place, in the blink of an eye - in another; there are no walls, no doors, no locks for the Angels. “They,” teaches Gregory the Theologian, “freely walk around the Great See, because they are fast-moving minds, flames and Divine spirits that travel quickly through the air.” And they pass through the shuttered doors, and see through the walls, and no fortress, the most solid, high and impregnable, can hold back their flight. Angels are irresistibly, freely flying on the wings of their fast-flying ones: before the noise of their spirit (see: Dan 14, 36), like smoke, all space disappears. "

In spiritual literature, the words Archangel and Angel are used in two meanings - private and general.

First, in the biblical texts Angels are ministering spirits, God's messengers to people. Word angel and it is translated from Greek - messenger... This word refers to all Heavenly disembodied Forces. Hence the expression - the whole angelic world... In Greek, the word archi means Start... Thus, the Archangels are the supreme Angels, rulers over all the Angels (see: Jude, ch. 9; 1 Thess 4:16). According to the teachings of the Church, there are eight Archangels: Michael the Archangel (this name means who is like god), Gabriel ( the power of god), Raphael ( God's help), Uriel ( God is my light), Selafiel ( prayer to god), Jeremiel ( the height of god). Jehudiel is also ranked among the Archangels ( praise of God) and Barachiel ( blessing of god).

Secondly, the words Angel and Archangel are used in his creation "Heavenly Hierarchy" by the Hieromartyr Dionysius the Areopagite, but in a different meaning - when he speaks of the nine ranks. According to Saint Dionysius, the heavenly hierarchy has three degrees, and in each degree there are three orders:

- Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones;

- Dominance, Strength and Power;

- Beginnings, Archangels and Angels.

The Archangels, who make up the eighth order, are senior in relation to the ninth order - the Angels.

Some spiritual experiences convince that a person is accompanied by two Angels during his lifetime, one of them is a Guardian Angel. Both Angels appear at the time of death. A disciple of the Monk Macarius of Alexandria (died in 395) says: "When we walked through the wilderness, I saw two Angels accompanying St. Macarius, one on the right side, the other on the left." The life of the Monk Basil the New, a saint of the 10th century, describes the experience of Saint Theodora's aerial ordeals. She said: “When I was completely exhausted, I saw two Angels of God approaching me in the form of beautiful youths; their faces were bright, their eyes looked with love, their hairs on their heads were white as snow and shone like gold; the clothes looked like the light of lightning, and on the chest they were girdled crosswise with golden belts. " At the end of the 19th century in Russia there was an experience of the soul's staying outside the body for many hours. K. Ikskul, author of the book "Incredible for many, but a true incident" (Trinity leaflet number 58. Sergiev Posad, 1910), also speaks about the two Angels: "So, what happened to me next? The doctors left the ward, both paramedics stood and talked about the twists and turns of my illness and death, and the old nurse (nurse), turning to the icon, crossed herself and loudly expressed her usual wish to me in such cases:

- Well, the Heavenly Kingdom to him, eternal rest ...

And as soon as she uttered these words, two Angels appeared beside me; for some reason I recognized in one of them my Guardian Angel, and the other was unknown to me. "

The Bible begins with the creation story. "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. But the earth was formless and empty, and darkness was over the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the water ”(Gen. 1: 1-2).

Creation of Heaven - the invisible world

In the beginning, above all of the visible world and man, God created Heaven out of nothing, that is, the spiritual, invisible world or the world of Angels. Angels are disembodied and immortal spirits gifted with intelligence, will and power. God created countless numbers of them. They differ among themselves in the degree of perfection and in the nature of their service, and are divided into nine faces or ranks, which make up three levels of the hierarchy, three ranks in each. The first hierarchy consists of the Thrones, Cherubim and Seraphim, which are closer to God. In the second, middle hierarchy of Power, Dominance and Power. In the third, closer to us, there are Angels, Archangels and Beginnings.

All Angels were created good, so that they love God and each other, and from this life of love have constant great joy. But God did not want to forcefully force love, so He gave the Angels the freedom to choose: to live in God, to love Him and each other, or not.

One, the highest and most powerful Angel, named Dennitsa (Lucifer), became proud of his power and strength and rejected the will of God - love and life in God. He himself wanted to become God. He began to slander the Lord, resist everything and deny everything, and became a dark, evil spirit - the devil, Satan. The word "devil" means "slanderer", and the word "Satan" means the "enemy" of God and all that is good. This evil spirit seduced and carried away many other Angels who also became evil spirits and are called demons or demons.

Then one of the highest Angels of God, Archangel Michael, spoke out against Satan and said: “Who is equal to God? Nobody is like God! " And there was a war in Heaven: Michael and his angels fought against Satan, and Satan and his demons fought against them.

But the evil power could not withstand the Angels of God, and Satan fell, together with the demons, like lightning, down from the spiritual Heaven. Their place of residence in the lower regions of the spiritual world began to be called the underworld or hell. There, the fallen spirits are tormented in their malice, seeing their powerlessness before God. All of them, out of their impenitence, have become so entrenched in evil that they can no longer become good. They try to seduce every person with cunning and cunning, instilling in him false thoughts and evil desires in order to turn him away from God.

This is how evil arose in God's creation. However, the Holy Fathers point out that evil is not any entity that has an independent existence, similar to God or the forces of the world, but it is the deviation of living beings from harmonizing their will with the will of God. The essence of evil consists in violating the will of God, His commandments and the natural moral law inscribed in the heart of every person (conscience). This violation is also called sin.

The angels, who remained faithful to God, since then live with God in unceasing love and joy, always fulfilling the will of God. And now they are so firmly established in the good and love of God that they can never do evil — they cannot sin, and that is why they are called holy angels. "Angel" - Greek. "Messenger". God sends them to proclaim His will to people, for this the Angels take on a visible, human image.

Creation of the earth - the visible world

After the creation of the Heaven - invisible, the Angelic world, God created out of nothing, with His one Word, the earth, that is, substance (matter), from which he gradually created the entire visible, material (material) world: the visible sky, the earth and everything that is on them ...

God did not create the world at once, but during several periods of time, which are called "days" in the Bible. In all likelihood, these "days" of creation were not ordinary days, at twenty-four hours, since an ordinary day depends on the sun, and in the first three "days" of creation there was not even the sun itself. The Bible was written by the prophet Moses in the Hebrew language, and in this language both the day and the period of time are expressed in one word "yom." Therefore, it is impossible to know exactly what these “days” were, especially since it is known: “The Lord has one day, like a thousand years, and a thousand years, like one day” (2 Peter 3, 8; Psalm 89, 5). “What kind of days are these - it is either extremely difficult or impossible for us to imagine; let alone talk about that ... But we must believe that without hesitation "- wrote St. Augustine of Ippons.

So, at first, the earth (matter) created by God had nothing definite, no form, was unsettled (like fog or water) and covered with darkness, and the Spirit of God hovered over it, giving it life-giving strength.

The Bible begins with the words: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Gen. 1: 1). All three Persons of the Holy Trinity equally participated in the creation of the world: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, as the Triune God, Consubstantial and Inseparable. In the Hebrew original, the word "God" in this scripture is put in the plural - "Elohim", that is, Gods (singular number Eloah or El - God), and the word "created" - "bara" is put in the singular. Thus, the original Hebrew text of the Bible, from its very first lines, points to the consubstantial Persons of the Holy Trinity, saying as it were: “in the beginning the Gods (Three Persons of the Holy Trinity) created Heaven and Earth”.

The first day of creation

“And God said: Let there be light. And there was light. And God saw the light that it was good, and God separated the light from the darkness. "

The object of creation of the first "day" is light. “And God said: Let there be light” (Genesis 1, 3). Modern science can help us get closer to understanding the nature of this light. In the 20th century, the scientific view of the origin of the Universe began to be identified with the so-called "Big Bang" theory. It can be briefly described as follows.

The entire universe was in a compressed state about 20 billion years ago. All its substance was contained in one point, in an atom that had neither time nor space. The universe as such did not exist. There was only foremother, about the initial state of which science knows nothing, and it is unlikely that it will ever know anything. All matter was probably in a plasma, super-compressed state, in which even atoms were absent, and only elementary particles existed in indescribable chaos. And now, for some reason still unknown to science, the original core exploded, and a dazzling flash of light appeared - a fireball that began to expand at an incredible speed. Expanding rapidly, the primary matter of the Universe also rapidly lost its density and temperature. By interacting with each other, elementary particles began to create first atoms, then molecules, stars and planets. But not all elementary particles passed into solid matter, a large number of them remained in the Universe in the form of ray energy. Exploded about 20 billion years ago, the universe is still expanding, thus creating more and more space. This is, in brief outline, the prevailing theory of the "Big Bang" in science.

If this theory turns out to be true, then, like no other theory in the past, it stands close to the mystery of that light, which by the will of God appeared on the first creative day.

In the meantime, we can assume that the light that appeared according to the word of the Creator was that primordial substance, which, according to scientists, appeared as a result of the "Big Bang" and from which the Universe then originated. “And God separated the light from the darkness” (Genesis 1, 4). When matter in the form in which we know it began to form from forematter, then, as we mentioned above, not all elementary particles passed into this state of matter, most of them remained in the Universe in the form of ray energy. Scientists suggest that for each nuclear particle of matter there are a billion photons and a billion neutrinos - the elementary particles of radiation energy. Thus, by darkness in this verse we can understand substance, and by light - ray energy, which at a certain moment of the formation of the Universe separated from solid matter and exists to the present time, although in most of its mass it remains invisible to the human eye.

“And God called light day and darkness night. And there was evening and there was morning: one day ”(Genesis 1, 5). This was the first day of the world.

Second day of creation

“And God said: Let there be a firmament in the midst of the water, and let it separate the water from the water. [And it was so.] And God created the firmament, and separated the water that was under the firmament from the water that was above the firmament. And it became so. And God called the firmament Heaven. [And God saw that it was good.] And there was evening and there was morning: the second day ”(Genesis 1, 6-8). The second creative command forms the firmament. The "firmament" (visible sky) can mean both air space (atmosphere) and interplanetary space. From the point of view of a hypothetical observer on Earth, the origin of the firmament, or the visible sky, can be represented as follows.

The immeasurably huge mass of the primordial water-like substance disintegrated at the behest of God, into millions of individual balls, which whirled on their axes and each rushed along its own separate orbit. The space formed between these balls became the "firmament"; for in this space the movement of the newly created worlds was approved by the Lord on certain and unchanging laws of gravitation so that they do not collide with each other and do not interfere with each other in their movements. The water above the firmament is the newly created water-like balls, which then grew stronger and from the fourth day of creation shone and sparkled in the firmament (stars); and the water under the firmament is planet Earth. All this was still called water because on the second day of creation it had not yet received a solid structure and strong forms.

The beginning of the formation of the atmosphere of our planet probably belongs to the same creative period. It can also well be called "firmament", since protects the Earth from the effects of harsh cosmic radiation.

The third day of creation

Further, the earth receives such a structure that life already appears on it, although it is still only lower, namely plant life. The creative action of the third day can presumably be imagined as follows.

The land was still a solid sea. Then God said: “Let the water that is under the sky be gathered into one place, and let the dry land appear; and it was so ”(Genesis 1, 9). The thickened and gradually cooled substance rose in some places and fell in others; elevated places were exposed from water, became dry land, and depressions and depressions were filled with water merging into them and formed seas. “And God called the dry land earth, and the gathering of waters called the sea: and God saw that it was good” (Gen. 1:10). But the earth did not yet possess what constituted the purpose of its creation: there was still no life on it, only bare rocks looked gloomily at the reservoir of waters. But now, when the distribution of water and land was completed and the necessary conditions for life were formed, then, according to the word of God, the first rudiments of it did not hesitate to appear - in the form of vegetation: “And God said: let the earth grow greenery, grass sowing seed [according to to its kind and after its likeness, and] a fruitful tree, bearing fruit after its kind, in which is its seed on the earth. And it became so. And the earth brought forth grass, herb yielding seed after its kind [and after its likeness], and the tree [fruitful] bearing fruit, in which is its seed after its kind [on the earth]. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening and there was morning: the third day ”(Genesis 1: 11-13).

The fourth day of creation

“And God said: Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven [to illuminate the earth and] to separate day from night, and for signs, and seasons, and days, and years; and let them be for lights in the firmament of heaven to give light on the earth. And it became so. And God created two great luminaries: a greater luminary, to rule the day, and a lesser one, to govern the night, and the stars; and God placed them in the firmament of heaven to shine on the earth, and to rule day and night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening and there was morning: the fourth day ”(Genesis 1: 14-19).

The formation of the earth is followed by the arrangement of the heavenly bodies. The creative command “let there be lights” is obviously equivalent to the previous commands of the Creator: “let there be light ... let water be gathered,” that is, not as an initial creation, but as a creative formation of objects. So here, too, one must understand not as a new creation, but only the complete formation of the heavenly bodies.

During this period, according to the Word of the Creator, the solar and stellar systems were finally established, which had already begun to emerge on the second day. They did not stop developing and improving on the third day, but only on the fourth day they received their completion.

Perhaps, we are also talking about the fact that on this "day" the earth's atmosphere acquired transparency, so that through it the sun, moon, stars and other cosmic objects became visible. And for a hypothetical observer on Earth, everything looked exactly like this: there appeared "luminaries in the firmament of heaven."

The fifth day of creation

On the fifth day of the world, according to the word of God, animals were created that live in water and fly in the air, that is, fish, insects, reptiles appeared in the water, and birds flew over the earth, in the firmament. The creative command of God forms these kinds of creatures from the elements of the earth. In their appearance, a special educational power of the Creator is visible - a new, higher beginning of life is introduced into nature, animate, voluntarily moving and feeling beings appear. Giving the newly created creatures the blessing to multiply, God, as it were, turns into their property the power through which they received their being, that is, gives them the ability to produce new, similar creatures from themselves, each according to his own kind.

The sixth day of creation

On the sixth day of the world, according to the word of God, the earth produced a living soul, and animals appeared on the earth, that is, cattle, reptiles and beasts; and, finally, God created man - man and woman in his own image and likeness, that is, in spirit similar to himself.

As for the production of fish and aquatic reptiles, the Lord turned to water, so also for the production of tetrapods He now turns to the earth, just as He turned to it for the production of plants. This must be understood in such a way that the Lord gave life to the earth.

On the sixth day of creation, the earth was already inhabited in all its parts by living beings. The world of living beings was a slender tree, the root of which consisted of the simplest, and the upper branches of the higher animals. But this tree was not complete, there was not yet a flower that would complete and decorate its top, there was not yet a man - the king of nature.

“And God said: Let us make man in our image [and] in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, [and over the beasts,] and over cattle, and over all the earth, and over all creeping things, reptiles on the ground. And God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female he created them ”(Gen. 1: 26-27). Here, for the third time, a creative act (bara) took place in the full sense, since man in his being again has something that was not in the nature created before him, namely the spirit, which distinguishes him from all other creatures.

Thus ended the history of the creation and formation of the world. “And God saw all that He had made, and, behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day ”(Genesis 1:31). “And on the seventh day God completed His works that He had done, and rested on the seventh day from all His works that He had done” (Genesis 2, 2).

In the next period, that is, on the seventh day of the world, which, as the Holy Fathers teach, continues to this day, God stopped creating. He blessed and sanctified this day, and called it Saturday (Hebrew “Sabbath”), that is, rest; And he commanded that people also rest on their usual seventh day from their deeds and devote it to the service of God and their neighbors, that is, make this day free from everyday affairs - a holiday.

At the end of creation, God left the world to live and develop according to the plan and laws established by Him (or, as they say, according to the laws of nature), but at the same time He constantly takes care of everything created, giving each creation what it needs for life ... This concern of God for the world is called the Providence of God.

NOTE: see Gen. 1, 1-31; 2, 1-3.

Briefly, the days of creation can be presented in the form of a table:

1. Light, separating it from darkness

2. Visible sky, air

3. Separation of land from water and the creation of land, seas and rivers; flora: grass and trees

4. Sun, moon and stars in the sky

5. Fish and birds

6. Beasts and man

In the beginning, first of all, the visible world and man, God created from nothing sky, that is spiritual, invisible world or angels.

Angels are disembodied and immortal perfume gifted with intelligence, will and power. God created countless numbers of them. They differ among themselves in the degree of perfection and in the nature of their service and are divided into several ranks. The highest of these are called seraphim, cherubim and archangels.

All angels were created good, so that they love God and each other and from this life of love have constant great joy. But, God did not want to force love, so He left the angels free to choose - whether they themselves want to love Him - to live in God or not.

One, the highest and most powerful angel, named Dennitsa, was proud of his power and strength, did not want to love God and do the will of God, but wanted to become like God himself. He began to slander God, oppose everything and deny everything, and began a dark, evil spirit - the devil, Satan. The word "devil" means "slanderer," and the word "satan" means "enemy" of God and all that is good. This evil spirit seduced and carried away many other angels who also became evil spirits and are called demons.

Then one of the highest angels of God, the archangel Michael, spoke out against Satan and said: “Who is equal to God? Nobody is like God! " And there was a war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against Satan, and Satan and his demons fought against them.

But the evil power could not withstand the angels of God, and Satan fell, together with the demons, like lightning, down - to the underworld, to hell... "Hell", or "Sheol", is called a place far from God, where evil spirits now dwell. There they are tormented in their anger, seeing their powerlessness before God. All of them, out of their impenitence, have become so entrenched in evil that they can no longer be good. They try to seduce every person with cunning and cunning, instilling in him false thoughts and evil desires in order to destroy.

This is how it came about evil in God's creation. Everything that is done against God, everything that violates the will of God is called evil.

And all the angels who remained faithful to God since then live with God in unceasing love and joy, always fulfilling the will of God. And now they are so firmly established in the good and love of God that they can never do evil - they cannot sin, that is why they are called holy angels... The word "angel" means "messenger" in Russian. God sends them to proclaim His will to people, for this angels take on a visible, human image.

God gives every Christian at baptism guardian angel, which invisibly guards a person throughout his earthly life, does not leave his soul even after death.

NOTE. - This is a short description of the creation of the heaven-angelic world - set out on the basis of the Holy. The scriptures and teachings of Sts. Fathers and Teachers of St. Orthodox Church.

A detailed description of the life of the angelic world is set out in St. Dionysius the Areopagite, disciple of St. Ap. Paul and the 1st Athenian Bishop, in his book: "Heavenly Hierarchy", written on the basis of all the Scriptures that speak of angels.



Before the visible world and man, God created the invisible, spiritual world - the Angels. Angels differ among themselves in the degree of perfection and in the nature of their ministry and are divided into three degrees: the Highest, the Middle and the Lowest. One, the highest and most powerful Angel named Dennitsa, was proud of his power and strength, did not want to love God and do His will, but wanted to become like God himself. This evil spirit seduced and carried away many other angels, who also became evil spirits and since then have been called demons. One of the highest Angels of God, the Archangel Michael, and all the Angels faithful to God, came out against Satan, and a war took place in heaven. Evil power could not resist the Angels of God, and Satan fell down with the demons - into the underworld, into hell. Because of their impenitence, the fallen angels have become so established in evil that they can no longer be good. By cunning and cunning, they try to seduce every person, instilling in him false thoughts and evil desires in order to destroy him. At baptism, God gives every Christian a Guardian Angel, who invisibly guards a person throughout his earthly life, does not leave his soul even after death.

The visible world

After the creation of the invisible world, God created the visible world: everything that we can see and feel: earth and water, air and sky with the sun, moon and stars, plants and everything that lives on earth and in water.

The visible world was not created immediately, but gradually - in six days of creation, and was created in the same way as the Angels - with only one word of God out of nothing. God commanded the earth to be, and it appeared. Then there was no light on her, and darkness, or darkness, surrounded her.

Note that these days of creation were not ordinary days in our understanding of the word; in one day God can have a thousand or several thousand years.

First day creation God said: "Let there be light" - and there was light. And God separated the light from the darkness and called the light day and the darkness night.

On the second day God created the heaven we see, or the firmament, but there were no lights in it yet.

On the third day He commanded the water to separate from the land and called the land land, and all waters - seas. And he commanded the earth that all kinds of plants, grass, bushes and trees grow on it.

On the fourth day God created the sun, moon and stars to shine.

The fifth- reptiles, fish and birds.

In the sixth- terrestrial animals.

And the Lord saw that the world he had created was marvelously good and beautiful. But there was no rational being in him who could understand this beauty, glorify the Creator, enjoy God's creatures and be the master in him. Therefore, the Lord decided on the same, sixth, day to create a man in his image and likeness, that is, similar to Himself in spirit.

God created the body of a man from the earth and breathed into it a spirit, or an immortal soul (like the Angels, the human soul belongs to the invisible world) - intelligent, capable of knowing, loving, and wanting good and righteousness. With these qualities and the ability to speak, a person differs from all other living beings on earth. During the sleep of the first man, God took one of his ribs and from this rib he created a woman - a friend and helper to man, a wife.

The first man's name was Adam, which means "taken from the earth," and the woman's name was Eve.

And the Lord blessed everything that He had created, commanding plants, fish, birds, beasts, and people to be fruitful and multiply. He commanded Adam and Eve to own the earth and everything that was on it, to be its master.

On the seventh day God already did nothing: He rested (rested) from all His works. This day was named Saturday, that is, the day of rest, rest. The Lord blessed and sanctified him.

