Yogurt sponge cake cream. Yogurt cream for cake

Light yogurt cream is great for layering cake layers and greasing surfaces. This cream is low-calorie if low-fat yogurt is used, so it can be used by people watching their figure. The cream turns out soft and creamy.

The light texture of the sponge cake goes perfectly with the yogurt layer. This cake comes out airy and well soaked. The cream does not “clog” the light texture of the cakes, but complements it with its creamy flavor. If desired, you can use yogurt without fillers or sweet yogurt with pieces of fruit and berries.



  1. Any low-fat yogurt - 400 milliliters.
  2. Boiled cold water – ¾ cup.
  3. Gelatin powder - 1.5 heaped tablespoons.
  4. Berry or fruit syrup (you can use liquid jam) – 90 grams.

Cooking process

Everything is done very quickly:

  1. Pour gelatin with water, stir and leave to infuse for 20 minutes (see instructions on the package).
  2. Transfer the swollen gelatin into a saucepan, add syrup and place on the lowest heat.
  3. Heat, stirring regularly, until the grains are completely dissolved.
  4. Pour gelatin cooled to 40 degrees into yogurt and whisk with a whisk.
  5. Pour over the cake mixture and leave for 2 hours at room temperature, then refrigerate overnight.

Curd and yoghurt cream

You can enrich the light cream of natural yogurt and make it even more healthy, especially for children, by adding cottage cheese. Such a layer in homemade cakes turns out to be elastic, dense, holds its shape well, and therefore can be used even in fairly dense products, for example, shortbread.


Take these components:

  1. Non-drinkable yogurt – 400 milliliters.
  2. Homemade fat cottage cheese – half a kilo.
  3. 20 grams of powdered gelatin.
  4. Sugar – 120 grams.
  5. Water (or juice if desired) – 120 milliliters.

Cooking process

Let's start:

  1. Pour gelatin with juice or water until completely swollen (30–40 minutes).
  2. Pass the cottage cheese through a sieve, optimally twice. Add yogurt and grind the mixture one more time.
  3. Melt the gelatin over a steamer and grind it so that there are no lumps.
  4. Enrich yogurt with cottage cheese with sugar and beat.
  5. Directly during the beating process, add melted gelatin, pouring it in a stream.
  6. Place in the cold until the mixture hardens slightly. After this, it can be applied to the cakes. If the cake is made in a springform pan, pour the mixture onto the base and refrigerate overnight. For complete hardening you will need at least 4 hours depending on the thickness of the layer.

Creamy yoghurt cream

Yogurt cream with cream is an airy, soft-creamy, shiny and snow-white mass that goes perfectly with sponge cakes, a base made with sour cream or condensed milk, and can also serve as a decoration for the finished dessert. You can color the layer using fruit or berry juice or add pieces during the cooking process.


You will need the following products:

  1. 100 grams of powdered sugar.
  2. 350 milliliters of yogurt.
  3. Vanilla (sugar) packet.
  4. Gelatin – 60 grams.
  5. Water – 150 grams.
  6. Cream 35 percent - one glass.

Cooking process

Prepare from chilled ingredients:

  1. Soak gelatin in water (150 milliliters).
  2. Mix plain yogurt, vanilla and powdered sugar in a mixer bowl.
  3. As soon as it swells, heat the gelatin and melt it, never bringing it to a boil.
  4. Cool it a little and pour it down the side into the yogurt mixture.
  5. Whip the cream until foamy, spoon it into the main mixture.
  6. Beat everything with a blender for about 3 minutes.
  7. Use the cream immediately or refrigerate it before decorating the cake.

Yogurt cream for cake without gelatin

The cream without the use of gelatin is more delicate, its texture is soft and loose. This cream is very delicate and requires careful handling - long-term hardening in the cold, careful cutting of the cake. But the taste of yogurt cream without gelatin is worth the effort spent on preparing it.


Prepare the following products:

  1. Regular sugar-free yogurt – 270 grams.
  2. Sour cream (20–25%) – 350 milliliters.
  3. One glass of powdered sugar.
  4. Vanilla – 1–2 pieces.

Cooking process

Everything will take you no more than 10 minutes:

  1. Beat the sour cream until it resembles butter.
  2. Add powder and beat again.
  3. Mix the yogurt with vanilla and add this mixture in parts, without ceasing to work with the mixer, into the sour cream base.
  4. If the cream comes out completely liquid, you can add a packet of cream thickener.
  5. Immediately layer the prepared mixture into the cake layers. You can also decorate the surface of the product by leveling it with a knife.

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What gives cakes and pastries their special taste? Of course, cream. Butter, custard, whipped cream - can be used for desserts different recipes. It is worth special mentioning the yogurt cream. It will make the cake airy and keep your waist slim. After all, it doesn’t have many calories at all!

Yogurt cream made with gelatin and cream. It is thanks to these ingredients that it does not flow and hardens well. Otherwise, the consistency will be too liquid. The finished yogurt cream for the cake resembles a soufflé. It is just as airy and tender.

When cooking, gelatin is soaked but not heated. For those who do not like this product, you can use agar-agar. This algae gelling agent is much stronger than gelatin.

When whipping cream for yogurt, the main thing is not to overdo it. Due to too strong beating, the finished mass most often separates, and the cream ends up with pieces of butter. Properly whipped cream should not be dense. If you scoop them up with a spoon, the mass’s cap is clearly visible.


  • Cottage cheese (preferably rustic) - 500 gr.
  • Yogurt - 400 gr.
  • Gelatin - 20 gr.
  • Sugar - 4 tbsp.
  • Water (juice) - 120 ml.


  1. Pour gelatin with water or juice for 40 minutes. During this time we prepare the cottage cheese. If it is grainy, pass it through a sieve. Paste-like cottage cheese can simply be whipped. Add yogurt to the mixture and grind well again. While whipping, add sugar.
  2. Place the gelatin over low heat and heat until the crystals dissolve. Cool the mixture. While whipping yogurt and cottage cheese, pour the gelatin solution into them. Place the finished curd-yogurt cream in the refrigerator to harden. Then spoon it onto the crust using a spoon. Flatten.
  3. The cream can also be used as an independent dessert. To do this, put it in bowls, decorate with fruit or fill it with chocolate. Place in the refrigerator until completely set.


  • Yogurt - 500 gr.
  • Heavy cream (from 30 percent) - 300 gr.
  • Powdered sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Gelatin - 30 gr.
  • Juice - 150 gr. (you can use the same flavor as yogurt)


  1. Pour the juice over the gelatin and let it stand until it swells. Beat the chilled cream until it doubles in size. Add powdered sugar. Lightly whisk the yogurt. Pour gelatin into it. Mix carefully. Pour the yoghurt-gelatin mixture into the whipped cream in a thin stream. Stir the cream again.
  2. Place the finished cakes in a springform pan. Apply cream to each and place cake layer on top. Leave to harden in the refrigerator.
  3. If you are afraid that the cream will be visible from under the cake layers, you can wrap the cake in sponge cake. To do this, bake a layer of dough and wrap it around the mold, like a side. Next, put the cakes and grease them with cream.
  4. If you don’t have cream, you can make the cream without it.

Yogurt cream with syrup


  • Yogurt - 400 gr.
  • Jam syrup - 3 tbsp.
  • Gelatin - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Water - ¾ tbsp.


  1. Dissolve gelatin in warm water. Add it to the water and let stand for 1 hour. Place the mixture on low heat and heat until the gelatin dissolves. Pour in the syrup. Watch the fire - the mixture should not boil! Excessive heating will cause the finished yogurt cream to not set.
  2. Next, you need to let the mixture cool and pour yogurt into it. Mix. Place the cake in the mold and pour cream on top. Let the cake sit at room temperature and then put it in the refrigerator until hardened.
  3. The cake is decorated with a fairly thick layer of yogurt cream. When it hardens, it will turn into a soufflé. A thin layer will not be felt. Amount of ingredients may vary. Usually 900 gr. It takes 20-30 grams of food. gelatin. When served in cakes, the cream can be combined with jam or thick preserves. Sliced ​​fruits and berries are also pre-placed on the crust.

Yogurt cream can be eaten for breakfast. It is healthy, perfectly satiating and has a delicate taste.


  • Yogurt -125 ml.
  • Gelatin - 30 gr.
  • Milk - 5 tbsp. l.
  • Syrup - 4 tbsp. l.
  • White of 1 egg
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp.


  1. Pour gelatin with water. Leave it to swell for 30-40 minutes. Add water to it, heat the mixture until dissolved. Cool the gelatin mixture. Add yogurt and syrup to it. Beat the chilled egg whites to stiff peaks.
  2. While whipping, pour into it in a thin stream. lemon juice. Add the finished protein, spoonful at a time, to the yogurt mixture. Mix carefully. Place the cream in bowls or bowls and refrigerate until completely set (2-3 hours). Decorate the finished dessert to taste and pour syrup over it.

Cakes cannot do without such an addition as cream, but not everyone can afford to eat this dessert due to the increased sweetness of the dish, plus it is also fatty butter cream. Just goodbye figure! But for all those with a sweet tooth, there is a solution - this is yogurt cream for the cake. Today we will tell you a recipe for yogurt cream for a cake that will captivate you with its delicate taste and allow you not to worry so much about your slim figure.

Three simple recipes for yogurt cream for cake

We will give you more than one recipe for yogurt cream for cake, today there will be 3 of them, each of them is good in its own way, and you will appreciate everything yourself as soon as the cooking is finished. The first thing we will have is yogurt cream for.

Yogurt-based cream for sponge cake

Making your own yoghurt cream for a cake is not at all difficult, just a little effort and dexterity and now you have a delicious “additive” to the sponge cake in your bowl. The preparation of this dessert “sauce” will naturally begin with familiarization with the ingredients included in the composition:

  • A packet of gelatin.
  • A glass of granulated sugar.
  • White, only white natural yogurt - half a liter.
  • 2 tbsp. heavy cream.
  • Lemon syrup or juice - 70 ml.
  • 80 ml of water to dissolve gelatin.

Preparing the mixture for soaking the cake

The cooking process for this simple recipe It will take you at home a maximum of 40 minutes. Now let's move on to how to prepare yoghurt cream for a cake with sponge cakes.

The action diagram will now be described step by step, look at the diagram and act:

  1. Arm yourself with a deep bowl and pour all the natural yogurt into it, and then add half a glass of granulated sugar. Take a whisk or mixer and beat the mixture thoroughly until your sugar is completely dissolved.
  2. Pour lemon syrup or juice into the bowl with the sugar-yogurt mixture, turn on the mixer again or take a whisk and start whisking until a fluffy “mash” is obtained. Beat for at least 20 minutes.
  3. Take a small saucepan and pour water into it, put the saucepan with water on gas and wait for it to boil. The water has boiled, remove it and let it cool, the temperature of the cooled water should be 30 degrees, no more.
  4. Pour the entire gelatin packet into warm water and stir until dissolved. You must stir so that there is not a single lump in the water. Stir, leave the gelatinous “slurry” alone for three minutes.
  5. Three minutes have passed, add the gelatinous “slurry” to the yogurt. Turn on the mixer and beat well.
  6. Take a bowl, pour cream into it and pour in half a glass of granulated sugar. Beat until the sugar dissolves for about 7 minutes. Pour the cream into the yogurt and mix these two ingredients until smooth.
  7. Cover the finished mixture with a lid and put it in the refrigerator for an hour and a half. The time is up, you can take your sponge cakes and feel free to spread them with your own prepared cream.

Small instructions for storage - this sweet mass is stored for a whole week, naturally standing in a dark and cold refrigerator. So you can enjoy this snow-white sweet mass for a long time without worrying about its unsuitability for consumption.

Cream with cottage cheese and yogurt

Our second recipe will tell you how to prepare curd and yogurt cream for a cake. Products needed for cooking:

  • 5% cottage cheese - 400 gr.
  • White natural yogurt - 400 gr.
  • 200 g granulated sugar.
  • 20 gr. gelatin.
  • 80 gr. filtered water.

How to prepare the cream

Our instructions for action will be as clear as the previous one, so this cooking at home will not cause you any difficulties. Let's start cooking:

  1. Pour water into a cup and pour out all the powder from the pack of gelatin. We are waiting for the powder to swell completely.
  2. You need a deep bowl to mix granulated sugar, yogurt and cottage cheese, mix them together and start beating using a mixer or an electric blender whisk.
  3. Place the gelatin “slurry” in a water bath and stir all the time until all the lumps are gone. The lumps are gone, remove from the stove and leave to cool.
  4. Place on a mixer average speed, beat the yogurt-curd mass and gradually pour the dissolved gelatin into it. You must beat everything so that you end up with a fluffy curd and yogurt cream for a snow-white cake.

That’s it, the cream is ready to spread, so take the cakes and boldly spread them with the snow-white sweet mass and put them into a beautiful and appetizing cake on a dish suitable for dessert.

Cream with cream and yogurt

Now it’s my turn to tell you how to prepare creamy yoghurt cream for the cake. It won't just be a sweet white mass, it will have splashes of sunny red orange. First, let's go through the ingredients needed for cooking:

  • 800 ml white yogurt.
  • A glass of heavy cream.
  • 100 gr. Sahara.
  • A packet of gelatin.
  • One large orange.

Preparing the impregnation for the cake

Preparation of this recipe, step by step:

  1. Pour gelatin into a plate, add water and leave the gelatin granules to swell. Place the gelatin on the stove in a pre-prepared water bath and melt the lumps. Let cool.
  2. Wash the orange well, and then take a grater and grate the citrus on it. You should end up with citrus zest shavings. We do not remove the orange to the side, but squeeze out all the juice from it, to the last drop.
  3. Pour the yogurt into a deep bowl, add all the grated zest and add orange juice. Mix.
  4. Now pour in the cooled gelatin, knead again and put this mass in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.
  5. Mix the cream with granulated sugar, the sand should dissolve! Pour the sweet cream into the cooled citrus-yoghurt mixture and begin to beat with a mixer until you obtain a beautiful fluffy mass with red specks.

We pack the finished creamy yoghurt cream for the cake into cake layers, layer by layer, and get a great-smelling and very appetizing dessert with sourness.

Now you know the three most best recipes How to make yogurt cream for a cake at home. These recipes can be safely passed on from one generation to another, because all these dishes have an excellent taste that any sweet tooth will appreciate. And our delicious photos for each cooking option will help you choose your dessert favorite.

The most delicate, very tasty yogurt cake will not harm your figure, it is very light: with fruits or berries, sponge cake or without baking. Choose the best recipe!

This recipe uses gelatin to thicken the mixture. Instead of gelatin, you can use other thickeners, for example, agar-agar, which is made from brown seaweed.

If you want to make dessert faster and not waste time on baking, you can save time on preparing the crust. That is, you can buy any cookie instead of a biscuit and use it.

For the soufflé

  • 1 liter yogurt
  • 100 grams of sugar
  • 20 grams of gelatin
  • 250 ml. cream
  • Any fruit -200 grams
  • Vanillin - to taste

For the test

  • 230 grams flour
  • 120 grams of kefir (can be replaced with yogurt)
  • Soda – 1 tsp.
  • 100 grams of butter
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • Pinch of salt

Pour cream over gelatin and leave to swell.

While the gelatin swells, in a separate container mix the dry products - flour, salt, sugar, soda.

Add to dry mixture butter and mix thoroughly until smooth.

To make the dough easier to knead, you need to remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance so that it becomes soft.

Transfer the resulting dough into a baking dish and place it in an oven preheated to 180C and bake until golden brown.

Place the fruits in a bowl and pour over the yogurt. I really love peaches, so I cut a couple of peaches into small pieces. You can add any fruit, banana, kiwi, strawberries, raspberries or even nuts. By the way, yogurt cake turns out very tasty with blueberries.

Add sugar to yogurt with fruit.

If you have the opportunity to replace sugar with powdered sugar, then take advantage of this opportunity. You can grind the sugar in a coffee grinder.

The cream in which you soaked the gelatin must be placed in a water bath so that the gelatin is completely dissolved. However, do not allow the mixture to boil.

Pour the cream with gelatin into the yogurt with fruit and mix everything thoroughly.

Line the bottom of the springform pan with parchment paper and place the crust. Pour the liquid mixture on top of the cake and place our yogurt cake in the refrigerator for 4-6 hours.

Instead of parchment paper, you can take regular cellophane and line the bottom of the pan with it.

When our yogurt cake has cooled, carefully remove it from the mold and transfer it to a large flat plate.

Decorate the cake to your taste. You can sprinkle grated chocolate and coconut on top.

Recipe 2, step by step: yogurt cake with pineapples

The cake turns out wonderful, the tender and fairly low-calorie mousse goes well with pineapples.

If you wish, you can make a cake with other fruits or berries, but I recommend trying it with pineapple at least once. This is not difficult, because the cream with gelatin does not require effort, and anyone can bake a sponge cake.

  • Wheat flour – 50 gr.
  • Starch (potato or corn) – 20 gr.
  • Chicken eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Sugar – 50 gr.
  • Vanillin – 10 gr.
  • Baking powder – 1 tsp.

for cream:

  • Natural yogurt – 600 gr.
  • Heavy cream – 400 gr.
  • Vanillin – 10 gr.
  • Sugar – 130 gr.
  • Gelatin – 25 gr.
  • Pineapple rings – 1 jar
  • Pineapple pieces - 1 can

for jelly:

  • Pineapple syrup – 300 gr.
  • Water 50 gr.
  • Gelatin – 10 gr.

Pour gelatin with cold boiled water and stir. Leave to swell.

Mix the sifted flour with starch and baking powder.

In another bowl, combine eggs at room temperature with vanilla, sugar and beat with a mixer for 5 minutes.

Now carefully, in several stages, pour the flour mixture into them, stirring constantly.

Line the bottom of the pan with baking paper, without greasing the sides. Distribute the dough evenly.

Place the pan in an oven preheated to 190 degrees for 15 minutes.

Cool the biscuit to room temperature.

Remove the biscuit from the mold.

We wrap the sides of the springform pan with cling film. Place the biscuit there.

Cut the pineapples in half and leave them alone for now, mix the yogurt with sugar and vanilla, and beat.

Heat the gelatin in a water bath and carefully pour it into the yogurt.

Whisk the cooled cream until it becomes thick. Carefully, preferably smoothly and in several steps, pour the yogurt mixture into it.

We grease the top of the sponge cake with yogurt mixture (this will be cream), and place half rings of pineapples on the sides.

They also need to be thoroughly coated with cream so that it covers the cake and put in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

Pour cold water over the gelatin and let it swell. Then we heat it again and melt it completely in a water bath. Mix with pineapple juice and cool slightly.

Take the cake out of the refrigerator and place pineapple pieces on it.

Pour over the jelly, distributing it evenly.

Place in the refrigerator for 5-7 hours. We remove it, free it from the film and form.

Cut into beautiful pieces and try. Bon appetit!

Recipe 3: Delicate yogurt cake with berry jelly

We all think about healthy and low-calorie nutrition, which is why today we will prepare a light cake with homemade yogurt. It is very simple to make, and how beautiful it turns out is a sight for sore eyes.

  • Milk 1 liter + 300 ml
  • Yogurt starter 1 sachet (Oursson company)
  • Gelatin 30 grams
  • Tangerine juice 2 tablespoons
  • Sugar 5 tablespoons
  • Cocoa 1 tbsp
  • Jelly 1 sachet
  • Water 200 ml
  • Berries for decoration
  • Pineapple 0.5 cans (canned)

First of all, let's make yogurt at home. We will need 1 liter of pasteurized milk and 1 sachet of yogurt starter. We dilute the starter in milk and cover it overnight in a warm place. In the morning we have thick and delicious natural yogurt ready.

Mix yogurt with sugar and tangerine juice with a mixer. If you like sourness, you can use lemon juice.

Take ¼ of the yoghurt-milk base and add cocoa and mix.

At this time, you can make the top berry layer. We will need 200 ml of boiling water, some berries, I took black currants and 1 bag of berry jelly.

Fill the cake with a layer of berry jelly and put it away freezer for 10 minutes. Everything is ready.

The cake turns out to be very light and tender, it is a pleasure to prepare, and it turns out so beautiful and bright. Choose jelly of any taste and color, berries are also at your discretion. Bon appetit.

Recipe 4: Homemade Yogurt Spinach Cake

This dessert has a very pleasant and delicate taste. It is moderately sweet, and the taste of spinach is not felt in it at all!

  • spinach – 500 gr
  • vegetable oil - 200 gr
  • sugar - 200 gr
  • chicken egg - 4 pcs
  • flour - 400 gr
  • baking powder - 15 g
  • vanilla sugar - 15 g
  • natural yogurt – 500 gr
  • powdered sugar - 150 g
  • cream 35% fat - 300 ml
  • canned pineapples - 1 can
  • gelatin - 10 g

Let's prepare the cream for the cake. Take a deep glass container and place thick natural yogurt in it. It must be absolutely pure, without dyes or various flavoring additives.

Sift the powdered sugar through a sieve and add to the yogurt. This will make the cream more airy and light.

Take a mixer, set the speed to medium (no longer necessary) and thoroughly beat the yogurt with powder for 7-10 minutes.

Pour 150 ml of cream into a separate container. Add gelatin to them and mix well. Let them sit like this for a few minutes. Then make a water bath and heat the cream in it. Let the gelatin dissolve completely (remember to stir constantly). After the gelatin has dissolved in the cream, cool it completely.

Add the remaining 150 ml of cream to the cooled cream mass and continue whipping with a mixer. This time beat until a thick, thick foam forms.

Gradually add whipped cream to the yogurt mixture. First add one third part and mix everything thoroughly with a spatula. After this, add the remaining cream in two more stages. Mix the future cream thoroughly, cover with cling film and place in the refrigerator.

In the meantime, we will prepare our healthy sponge cake. In a separate container, mix eggs with sugar.

Mix them well and let them sit for a few minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then take the mixer, set the speed to maximum and beat until the volume increases 4-5 times.

Now let's get to the most interesting ingredient of the yogurt cake. If you have frozen spinach, remove it and defrost it. Spinach must be rid of excess liquid by gently squeezing. Add vegetable oil to the spinach and blend in a blender until smooth, so that there are no whole particles of spinach leaves.

Add beaten eggs with sugar to chopped spinach. Beat well with a mixer. Meanwhile, sift the wheat flour with baking powder. Gradually add flour to spinach and mix thoroughly. You shouldn’t pour out all the flour at once, because if you added small eggs, you will need a little less flour. The spinach dough should be dense in consistency, but quite elastic. Thanks to the vegetable oil that we added to the dough, it will be smooth and soft.

Take a round baking dish. Cover the bottom with parchment paper and grease the sides with refined vegetable oil. Place spinach batter into pan. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake for 40 minutes. It is advisable to take a mold with a diameter of 25-27 centimeters. You can bake spinach cake in a slow cooker (this is the option shown in the photo), the time and temperature must be set to the same as for the oven, or select the “Baking” mode (in this case, the cake will bake longer: 55-60 minutes).

After the biscuit is baked, let it cool slightly, only then can you remove it from the mold or multicooker. While it is cooling, remove the cream from the refrigerator and let it warm up a little - this will make it easier to apply it to the baked sponge cake.

Cut the completely cooled biscuit into three pieces crosswise. Make the top cake a little smaller, as it will be used to decorate the cake. You can only cut a completely cold sponge cake, otherwise you will damage its integrity and cut it into uneven cakes. When cut, the spinach sponge cake looks even brighter and juicier!

Open the can of pineapple and pour the syrup into a separate container. Take a silicone brush and brush the first and second cake layers with pineapple syrup: this will make the yoghurt cake juicier and more moist.

Let's start assembling our cake. Place the first layer of the future cake on a plate and generously coat it with cream. Place canned pineapples on top. If you don't want to stack whole rings, you can cut them into small cubes.

Place the second cake layer behind the pineapples and spread the rest of the yogurt cream. Gently spread the cream over the sides of the cake.

Break the top layer of the biscuit into pieces and grind in a blender until smooth crumbs.

Take the crumbs into your hand and sprinkle generously on all sides of the yoghurt cake, paying special attention to the sides. Make sure that no white cream is visible through the green crumbs. Due to the crushed crumbs, it looks like it's fluffy.

Place the yogurt cake in the refrigerator for several hours until it is completely soaked. You can decorate it with whatever you want. However, red berries on a green background will look very colorful and contrasting (you can add strawberries or raspberries).

After a night in the refrigerator, you can cut an unusually beautiful yogurt cake.

Recipe 5: how to make a delicious yogurt cake (step by step)

Light, tender and airy yogurt cake. An excellent treat for guests and children. It’s not for nothing that French pastry chefs came up with this incredible cake.

  • Sour cream 200 gr
  • Wheat flour premium 150 gr
  • Chicken egg 3 pcs
  • Sugar 100 gr
  • Soda 1 tsp
  • Gelatin 15 gr
  • Yogurt 300 ml
  • Vanilla sugar 1 g
  • Cream 50 ml

Beat the egg with sugar until white.

Add slaked soda and sour cream, mix.

Now add flour. Mix everything until smooth so that there are no lumps.

Grease the pan or line it with parchment. Pour out half the dough. Bake in a preheated oven for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

While the cake is baking, prepare the cream. Soak gelatin in cold water. When it swells, melt it over the fire until it boils.

Mix yogurt with powdered sugar, vanilla and cream. Mix. Add melted gelatin and refrigerate for an hour. After a while, take it out and beat it well with a blender. You will get a cream mousse.

Cool the finished cake. You can leave large cakes, or you can make mini cakes. Using a glass, cut out identical circles using notches.

Then we put the cake layer, pour it with cream, again cake layer with cream and secure it with cake layer.

At the end, the top can be sprinkled with powder, cocoa or decorated with fruit. Bon appetit.

Recipe 6, simple: delicious yogurt cake with jelly

  • 3 eggs
  • 150 gr. flour
  • 150 gr. Sahara
  • 1 liter yogurt
  • 2 packs of gelatin (30 g)

To prepare the sponge cake, take eggs and separate the whites from the yolks.

Lightly beat the yolks with a mixer, add half the sugar and beat well again. The yolks should lighten a little.

Then beat the whites separately until foam forms.

Add the remaining sugar to the whites and beat well again.

Add the resulting mixture to the whites whipped with sugar and mix well again until smooth.

Place the resulting dough in a mold and place it in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes.

Meanwhile, pour the gelatin out of the pack and dissolve it in 50 ml of hot boiled water, leave for 10-15 minutes until the gelatin completely dissolves and swells.

Pour the dissolved gelatin into the yogurt and mix well

When the sponge cake is cooked, you need to place it in a tall container, with a diameter slightly smaller than the diameter of the sponge cake itself, so that it lies tightly on the bottom. Pour yoghurt with gelatin on top of the sponge cake and put it in the refrigerator to harden.

When the cake has hardened, remove it from the container.

To make it easier to remove the cake from the mold, you can run a hot knife along its edges. Place the cake on a plate and decorate as desired.

Recipe 7: No-Bake Fruit Yogurt Cake (with photo)

  • any fruit yogurt – 800 grams,
  • gelatin – 15 grams,
  • cookies – 300 grams,
  • butter – 150 grams,
  • peaches – 2 pcs.,
  • bananas – 2 pcs.,
  • lemon juice - 1 table. l.,
  • sugar – 150 grams,
  • water – 250 grams.

Pour gelatin with warm water, squeeze out lemon juice and stir. Leave to swell for 20 minutes.

In the meantime, other processes await us. Grind the cookies into fine crumbs.

Melt the butter and pour it over the cookie crumbs. Stir and we have a base for the cake.

Line the springform pan with baking paper and place cookie crumbs on the bottom, placing them evenly, without gaps along the bottom.

Cut fruits: bananas into slices, and peaches into slices.

Place a layer of bananas on the cookie crust.

Pour sugar into fruit yogurt and mix the mixture. To make the cake sweet and tasty, it is better to add sugar to the yogurt, because sugar will dissolve better in liquid.

Pour the swollen gelatin into the yogurt and stir the mixture. Gelatin is unsweetened, so you need to add sugar. Some may think that yogurt is already sweet, but do not forget that we diluted gelatin in a whole glass of water and this mass is all unsweetened.

Slowly pour jelly yogurt over the cake. Why slowly? To avoid knocking the bananas out of place.

Place the peach slices on the jelly and place the cake in the refrigerator to set. The cake will harden for about 2 hours.

Serve this wonderful frozen yogurt cake.

Recipe 8: Blueberry Yogurt Cake with Berries

Amazing delicious cake with the most delicate yogurt-based cream. Ideal for sweet lovers who have to limit calories: vanilla sponge cake without butter, yoghurt cream without butter.

  • Cream 33% 400 ml
  • Medium egg 3 pcs.
  • Blueberries (can be frozen) 400 g
  • Vanilla sugar 40 g
  • Sugar 200 g
  • Sugar 50 g
  • Gelatin 25 g
  • Flour 70 g
  • Water 70 ml
  • Starch 40 g
  • Baking powder 1 tsp.
  • Fresh blueberries or raspberries 100 g
  • Powdered sugar
  • Yogurt without additives 400 g

First, prepare the vanilla sponge cake. Separate the whites from the yolks of 2 eggs. Mix the remaining egg and 2 yolks with sugar and vanilla sugar.

Grind the mixture well, preferably with a mixer.

Add sifted flour, starch and baking powder to the dough.


Beat the whites into a stiff foam. The whites should be at room temperature, then it will be easier to beat. I also recommend adding a pinch of salt.

Add the egg whites into the dough one spoon at a time and stir. Stir from top to bottom using folding movements.

Take a springform pan with a diameter of 26-28 cm and line the bottom with baking parchment. Grease the paper with oil.

Pour the dough and bake in the oven at 180 C for 20 minutes.

Prepare blueberry-yogurt filling. Add sugar to blueberries and set to heat. Bring to a boil.

Boil for 2-3 minutes over low heat. Then beat with a blender and cool.

Meanwhile, the biscuit was baked. Remove it from the springform pan.

Carefully cut off the crust from the edges (the biscuit is fried there). If you have a mold with a diameter of 22-24 cm, then it is better to assemble the cake in it; the cut cake will be just the right size. But you can do it in the same form in which the base was baked, the cake will just be lower. Cover the entire mold with cling film. Both the bottom and the sides.

Let's get back to the filling. The blueberry mixture has cooled to a manageable temperature.

Add yogurt to the cooled berry mixture. I had homemade natural yogurt, but you can use store-bought natural yogurt without additives. Just not for long-term storage, there is little useful in it. Stir.

Now strain the blueberry-yogurt mixture through a sieve.

At this time, soak the gelatin in 70 ml of water, heat to 60 C, stirring constantly so that all the crystals dissolve. Do not let it boil! Cool.

Pour the gelatin into the filling, whisking.

Lightly whip the cream and add to the filling. Whisk everything together again. And pour it onto the biscuit base.

Place the cake in the refrigerator for 2 hours until the filling has completely hardened.

For decoration, I advise you to lay out strong fresh berries and sprinkle them with powdered sugar. You can also decorate the cake with fresh mint leaves and almond petals.

Do you like sweets, but are you afraid of extra centimeters on your waist? Then yogurt is your life hack, the main advantage of which is its lightness and low calorie content. You can treat yourself to cakes several times a week without worrying about your figure at all.

Cakes and pastries based on yoghurt mousse are delicious and healthy desserts. And in combination with fruits and berries, yoghurt cream can be a separate dish.

Yogurt cream, general principles of preparation

This cake cream contains gelatin, cream and yogurt itself. You can use both store-bought and home-made products. Gelatin helps the mousse keep its shape and not spread during the hardening process.

If you do not want to use gelatin, then the vegetable thickener agar-agar can replace it. It already hardens at room temperature, does an excellent job of gelling liquid components and does not need to be soaked before use.

Cream adds airiness to a light yogurt cream. The cream must first be whipped, but do not overdo it, otherwise the cream will separate. Whip the cream vigorously until an elastic “cap” appears. Once you have achieved such a dense structure, you can turn off the mixer.

Give preference to homemade yogurt, because it is truly beneficial for the body. Yogurt has a beneficial effect on metabolism and helps normalize digestion. The introduction of this fermented milk product into your diet will not only please all those with a sweet tooth, but will help in the fight against extra pounds.

Universal yoghurt cream for cake

Yogurt cake cream is suitable for soaking any cake layers. In its consistency, it resembles a soufflé, light, tender and not as high in calories as custard or butter cream. Let's take a step-by-step look at the recipe for making this exceptionally tasty mousse.


  • 250-300 ml heavy cream;
  • 50 ml lemon juice;
  • 500 ml yogurt;
  • a packet of gelatin;
  • 3 tbsp. powdered sugar.


  1. Pour lemon juice over gelatin. this can be in a glass or cup. Leave until the mass noticeably increases in volume.
  2. At this time, beat the well-chilled cream until an elastic “cap” appears. Then add powdered sugar to them.
  3. In a separate bowl, beat the yogurt a little, mix it with the swollen gelatin (can be replaced with agar-agar).
  4. Now slowly add the whipped mixture to the whipped cream. Mix until smooth. The yogurt cream for the cake is ready. If desired, you can add fresh or frozen berries to it.

Yogurt cream for cake with cottage cheese

This mixture consists of two of the most useful ingredients, rich in calcium - cottage cheese and yogurt. Of course, it is better to use homemade products, but you can also use proven store-bought ones. How to prepare such a cream, consider the recipe.

Required Products:

  • a packet of gelatin;
  • 0.5 cups of clean water;
  • 500 g of cottage cheese;
  • 50 ml yogurt;
  • 0.5 cups sugar.


  1. Fill the gelatin with water until it swells. Heat the gelatin mass in a water bath until the gelatin is completely dissolved, then cool to room temperature.
  2. While the gelatin solution cools, grind the cottage cheese, add sugar and yogurt and mix until smooth.
  3. Add gelatin solution to the curd mass, mix thoroughly and place in a cold place until thickened for 2 hours.

Yogurt cream with cottage cheese can be used.

Creamy yoghurt cream

The creamy taste makes this mousse even more delicate. We pre-cool all the ingredients in the refrigerator, so they will interact better with each other. And as a cream thickener we use dry cream thickener, which is sold in any store.


  1. Beat chilled cream (400 g 30%) with powdered sugar (100 g) and two packs of thickener until stable peaks form.
  2. Stir in yogurt in small portions until smooth.
  3. Lubricate the cakes with the finished impregnation.

Yogurt and condensed milk cream

When you're tired of all the creams, you should try yogurt mousse with condensed milk. All components must be cooled and thick so that the cream holds its shape well.


  • condensed milk - 400 g;
  • thick yogurt – 600 g;
  • cream – 180 gr;
  • lemon – 1 piece;
  • sugar or powdered sugar – 100 gr.


  1. Gently mix condensed milk, lemon juice and yogurt and refrigerate for six hours.
  2. After this time, we begin to beat the chilled cream with sugar.
  3. Mix both masses until smooth.

Yogurt cream with sour cream

A cream consisting of yogurt and sour cream ideally soaks the cakes.


  • powdered sugar or sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • yogurt - 1 tbsp;
  • sour cream – 400 gr;
  • vanillin or vanilla sugar - 2 packs.


  1. Beat the sour cream thoroughly, add vanillin and sugar, continue beating.
  2. Then gradually pour in the fermented milk product.
  3. You can immediately grease the cakes.

Yogurt cream with gelatin

Essentially, the yogurt cream with gelatin recipe is a recipe for an all-purpose yogurt mousse. Its preparation is described in detail at the beginning of the article.

Yogurt cream soufflé for cake

This recipe is perfect for kids.


  • 0.2 kg curd cheese;
  • 0.5 cups of yogurt;
  • 100 ml water;
  • 0.5 liters of cream;
  • 3 tbsp. l. gelatin;
  • 0.7 cups sugar;
  • vanilla sugar.


  1. Soak the gelatin in water and leave for 15 minutes.
  2. Whip the cream until peaks appear.
  3. Beat sugar and cottage cheese, then add cream to this mixture, and then yogurt.
  4. Dissolve gelatin in a water bath and add to the mousse.

Yogurt and butter cream

This type of impregnation for cakes is prepared just as quickly as the previous options. You just need to take the butter out of the refrigerator in advance so that it is at room temperature.

Let's look at the recipe in detail.

  1. 400 gr. Mix the butter with 150 grams of powdered sugar and vanilla.
  2. Whisk.
  3. Pour in 400 gr. fermented milk product.
  4. After the mass becomes homogeneous, put it in a cold place until it thickens.

Strawberry yogurt cream for cake

Easy, berry taste This mousse will not leave anyone indifferent! The perfect combination of strawberries and fermented milk component. If desired, you can replace it with other berries or fruits. It will also turn out very tasty.


  • yogurt – 400 grams;
  • fresh strawberries – 250 grams (mashed);
  • sugar – 150 grams;
  • clean water – 100 ml;
  • agar-agar - pack.


  1. Dissolve agar-agar in water in a water bath.
  2. Beat yogurt with sugar, add strawberry puree, thickener, mix until smooth.
  3. We use it as an impregnation for cakes or pastries.

Yogurt cream without gelatin

This mousse is easy to prepare.

You need to take the fattest sour cream and beat it with powdered sugar, yogurt and vanilla.

You need 400 grams of sour cream, 200 grams of powdered sugar, 300 grams of yogurt, a bag of vanillin. Cool before use.

Such easy-to-prepare mousses will not leave you or your guests indifferent. And the light and delicate taste of the dessert will give you a lot of pleasure.
