All Souls' Day. Days of special remembrance of all the dead: calendar

Parents' days are memorial days for deceased ancestors. In the calendar of the Orthodox Church, each day is dedicated to a specific event, memorial days. According to church Orthodox custom, it is customary to remember one’s deceased relatives on certain days of the year. These days are called parent's days or parent's Saturdays, although these dates do not always fall on Saturday.

The most important parental days among the people are considered to be Radonitsa, Trinity Saturday and Dimitrovskaya, but there are also Ecumenical memorial days.

In addition, it is necessary to honor the memory of departed relatives on their birthday and on the day of death. Many people remember the deceased on the day of his angel (the saint in whose honor he was baptized).

As for parental Saturdays 2016, they are scheduled for certain days when general liturgies (funeral services) are read in churches, and every believer can join this prayer, remembering their relatives. During the year there are 9 such special memorial days, 6 of them always fall on Saturdays, they are called “Ecumenical Parental Saturdays”. Once we honor the memory of the deceased on Tuesday on Radonitsa, and May 9 and September 11 are reserved for commemorating deceased soldiers and can fall on any day of the week.

Commemoration at the Divine Liturgy (Church Note)

Health is commemorated for those who have Christian names, and repose is remembered only for those baptized in the Orthodox Church.

Notes can be submitted at the liturgy:

For proskomedia - the first part of the liturgy, when for each name indicated in the note, particles are taken from special prosphoras, which are subsequently lowered into the Blood of Christ with a prayer for the forgiveness of sins

First, on March 5, the universal meat-free Saturday will come. Then, on March 26, comes the second Saturday of Lent. The next parent's day is April 2. Saturday of the fourth week of Lent will come in a week, on April 9.

May 9th will be the day of remembrance of all those killed during the Second World War. June 16, the seventh Thursday after Easter, will be the day of remembrance of suicides, those who were not baptized, and those killed by violent death. In 2 days, on June 18, there will be Trinity Parents' Saturday. September 11 is the day of remembrance of soldiers who died in the war. November 5 - Dmitrievskaya Parents' Saturday.

Ecumenical Parents' Saturdays

Ecumenical parental Saturdays, or Ecumenical memorial services, according to the liturgical charter of the Orthodox Church, are celebrated twice a year:

Meat Saturday - On March 5th there will be a memorial day called Ecumenical Meat Saturday

This is the most ancient and solemn memorial day. Its history dates back to the early centuries of Christianity and should remind believers, first of all, of the Day of Judgment. According to church tradition, the first Christians gathered in cemeteries and prayed for their fellow believers, especially for those who died suddenly and therefore did not receive a decent burial.

The meaning of the ritual is to maximally prepare the souls of all believers for a new, afterlife and a meeting with God, not forgetting about the souls who have left the earthly world. On Meat Saturday, people who have died from Adam to our time are remembered. In popular beliefs, one can also trace the motive of preparation for the upcoming renewal - only here they mean the renewal of nature and the transition to spring; It is no coincidence that Saturday precedes the merry Maslenitsa.

In Belarus and the western regions of Russia, Meatless Parental Saturday is a kind of meeting of all representatives of the family, both current and former. When the table is set, you can see the number of cutlery exceeding the number of those present: this is how deceased relatives are treated. On this holiday, alms are given in the name of the salvation of all Christian souls.

The everlasting psalter

The indefatigable Psalter is read not only about health, but also about peace. Since ancient times, ordering commemoration on the Everlasting Psalter has been considered a great alms for a departed soul.

It is also good to order the Indestructible Psalter for yourself; you will feel the support. And one more important point, but far from the least important,
There is eternal remembrance on the Indestructible Psalter. It seems expensive, but the result is more than millions of times more than the money spent. If this is still not possible, then you can order for a shorter period. It's also good to read for yourself.

Trinity Saturday-On June 18 there is a memorial day called Trinity Saturday.

An equally significant day for special commemoration of the dead in Orthodoxy is Trinity Saturday. According to legend, on the fiftieth day after the Resurrection of Christ, the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles and they received the gift of teaching people the Word of God.

The day symbolizes the complete cleansing of the soul by the Holy Spirit, the transition to the highest level of perfection and the introduction to universal knowledge. On Trinity Saturday, absolutely all the dead are commemorated, including those in hell.

It is considered a bad sign if you fail to visit the graves of your relatives on Trinity Sunday: then they will come to the house and begin to disturb the living. To appease the dead, sweets or remains of a funeral dinner are left at the cemetery. There are many folk legends associated with Trinity Saturday.

Girls are not allowed to do any housework. A Trinity wedding is an extremely ominous sign; People believe that marriage will be unhappy. Superstitions advise not to swim, because mermaids frolic on Trinity Sunday and can entice the living into their kingdom.

Parents' Saturdays during Lent

Parents' Saturdays, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Saturdays of Lent

There will be a memorial day on April 9 - this will be the fourth parental Saturday of Great Lent.

The meaning of Lenten memorial days is a manifestation of care and love for the souls of deceased loved ones. During the most important fast for Orthodox Christians, divine liturgies are not held - it turns out that souls remain forgotten. Due respect is given if believers go to church and read prayers for people dear to their hearts, so that the Lord does not leave them without his mercy. It is advisable to read a prayer for the departed and at home.

We must remember that such prayer brings God’s grace to the Christian himself. In the whirlwind of everyday routine and everyday trifles, the kindest feelings seem to be overwritten; We begin to treat those we truly love with condescension, and sometimes with disdain. It’s a pity that the realization of the importance of every word or moment comes too late, and then many forget the deceased.

Regardless of whether a person considers himself a Christian or not, he must accustom himself to grateful respect and memory - this is part of his upbringing and moral culture. Therefore, parental Saturdays are, first of all, days of deep respect for each other.

Private parent days

Radonitsa, the ninth day after Easter, is a significant day for the Eastern Slavs, in which Christianity and ancient folk customs are closely intertwined. The word "Radonitsa" has the same root as the word "rejoice". According to church interpretation, the celebration reflected the idea of ​​the complete victory of Jesus Christ over death; It was on the ninth day after his Resurrection that the Savior descended to the dead and announced to them the good news of his Resurrection.

The commemoration of the dead at this time bears the imprint of solemnity: when visiting cemeteries, one should not indulge in noisy celebrations, and the deceased should be remembered in silence. Easter eggs are often buried in graves and Christ is shared with loved ones in a similar manner.

In the Chernigov region, it is customary to leave crumbs in the hope that the ancestors will appear, feast on them and bring news. There is a sign on Radonitsa: whoever calls out to the rain first will be luckier. From Radonitsa, funeral services begin in Orthodox churches.

Day of Remembrance of Orthodox Soldiers Killed on the Battlefield for the Faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland -September 11

The commemoration of Orthodox warriors on this day was established in the Russian Orthodox Church by decree of Empress Catherine II in 1769 during the Russian-Turkish War (1768-1774). On this day we remember the Beheading of John the Baptist, who suffered for the truth.

Compared to other memorial days and parental Saturdays, this day seems the most poignant and tragic. The celebration is associated with the biblical legend of Herod. During the celebration, King Herod, delighted with the dance of his stepdaughter Salome, vowed to publicly give her everything she wanted.

At the instigation of her mother, the treacherous Herodias, Salome asked for the head of the prophet John the Baptist on a golden platter. The king, fearing universal condemnation, complied with the request. Since then, the holiday has become the embodiment of courage and perseverance in the fight for faith and a just cause.

In 1769, when Russia was at war with Poland and Turkey, the church included it in the Charter as the Day of Remembrance of soldiers killed in battle, so that the feat of compatriots would remain for centuries. On the holiday it is necessary to strictly fast; It is forbidden to even eat fish. It is believed that if you eat nothing but bread, you can make a wish at night.

There is a superstition that on September 11 you should not pick up sharp objects, as well as anything that somehow resembles a head. However, superstition contradicts the commandments of the official church.

Sorokoust about repose

This type of commemoration of the dead can be ordered at any hour - there are no restrictions on this either. During Great Lent, when the full liturgy is celebrated much less frequently, a number of churches practice commemoration in this way - in the altar, during the entire fast, all the names in the notes are read and, if the liturgy is served, then parts are taken out. You just need to remember that people baptized in the Orthodox faith can participate in these commemorations, just as in the notes submitted to the proskomedia, it is allowed to include the names of only baptized deceased.

Dmitrievskaya Saturday- on Saturday, 5 November

Dmitrievskaya Saturday is another day associated with the special commemoration of deceased soldiers. The appearance of the celebration refers to the victory over Mamai's horde in the Battle of Kulikovo.

According to legend, Dmitry Donskoy asked Sergius of Radonezh himself for a blessing for the battle. The Tatar-Mongol yoke was defeated, the native land was saved from desecration, but it came at a very bloody price: about 100,000 soldiers died. The army also included two monks: Peresvet and Oslyabya.

Starting from the 19th century, the holiday was strictly observed in all military units: a special memorial service was served on Dmitrievskaya Saturday. They prepare for Dmitrievskaya Saturday in advance: a day before the celebration, it is customary to go to the bathhouse and wash, and after leaving, leave a towel for the ancestors.

It is customary not only to visit graves, as on all other Saturdays, but also to celebrate a magnificent funeral feast there. On holiday, the whole family gathers at the table. Popular wisdom states: the more magnificent the table, the happier the forefathers will be, and the happier the forefathers, the better and calmer the survivors will be. One of the dishes must be pork. It is important to remember only good things about the deceased and to have someone from the youngest generation present during the conversation. There is a sign that if there is snow and cold on Dmitrievskaya Saturday, then spring will also be cold.

Parents' Saturday: what date?

The dates on which Orthodox Easter falls change annually and depend on the lunisolar calendar and the date of the vernal equinox. A simplified method for calculating the day of Easter was proposed back in the 18th century. The Gauss system (this German mathematician discovered a way to determine the next date of the Great Day) still works. Parents' Day - the time of remembrance of the dead, occurs on the ninth day after the beginning of Easter. Today it’s easier to open a web page and find when Easter and Parents’ Day 2016 are. This year we celebrate Easter on May 1, and according to custom, we commemorate our parents on May 10 (the ninth day after the bright holiday).

Parents' Day in 2016 - what date do we remember relatives?

According to established custom, Orthodox Christians visit cemeteries and graves of deceased relatives on the ninth day after Easter. (the church name for Parents' Day) involves “treating” the deceased. Relatives and friends of people who have left us leave Easter cakes, sweets, colored eggs (Easter eggs), and sweets on the graves. Such customs help us not to forget about the blessed memory of our loved ones who have passed into oblivion.

Parents' Saturdays 2016

In addition to Radonitsa, which comes this year on May 1, Orthodox Christians should remember other important dates of the calendar. There are few of them: these are parental Saturdays and other dates. These days we also remember our parents and grandparents. Before Easter and Parents' Day 2016 in March, there are two such dates: the 5th and 26th. In April, the church remembers the departed on the 2nd and 9th, during Lent. On June 16, people mourn those who died violent deaths and suicides, and children who died unbaptized. On June 18, the traditional parental Saturday for Trinity begins. Parents' Saturday November 5 (Dmitrievskaya) is the last one in 2016.

Parents' Day 2016: what date?

On Parents' Day it is customary to go to the cemetery

In all churches on Radonitsa, solemn services are held in the morning and evening hours. Before visiting the graves of loved ones, their relatives go to the church to give the clergyman a paper with the name of the deceased person. During the service for the repose, all names from the notes handed over are read out. Communion before visiting graves is not necessary, but recommended. Arriving at the burial site, the relatives of the deceased remove leaves, weeds and debris from his grave, and plant plants.

Is it necessary to leave alcohol on graves?

The customs of drinking alcoholic beverages in a cemetery and remembering relatives with a glass of strong alcoholic drink belong to pagan traditions. True believers avoid drinking even after Easter, and never do it in a cemetery. Real care for a person after his death is to clean his grave, the area around it, build a bench and table next to the burial.

Parents' Day 2016: what date is this year

Signs and traditions for Parents' Day

Repentance at the graves of loved ones is needed by the living, not the dead. Remembering our loved ones, we try not to do things that others would not want to remember. According to tradition, the entire period from Easter Sunday to Radonitsa does not commemorate the dead. It is believed that the dead rejoice at the resurrection of Jesus, and they should not be bothered. 9 days after Easter, dead souls return to their homes, and relatives of the deceased visit their graves, praying for their repose. If there is no opportunity to visit the cemetery, on this day candles are lit for the repose of the departed people in the temple. You can also pray at home, distribute sweets to people, asking them to remember the person who has passed into oblivion. Radonitsa's colored eggs are green and yellow. It is believed that it is obligatory to remember loved ones, because people who have forgotten about their departed relatives after their death will be forever forgotten themselves.

Bright Day of Remembrance

Now you know what date to go to the cemetery. Radonitsa - Parents' Day 2016 - a date dedicated to bright sorrow. It reminds us that life is short, and we should live it in such a way that our loved ones remember only good things about us. Memory often erases the unseemly actions of our closest people, but only after they have passed away. The peculiarity of our memory is to remind us only of bright moments from the lives of loved ones. Parents' days are a wonderful peaceful Orthodox tradition, observing which we involuntarily think only about goodness and the continuation of our lives in the hearts and prayers of our relatives. While we live in the memory of others, we truly remain with them.

Orthodoxy has always paid special attention to the commemoration of the dead. In morning prayers there is a special request for the repose of the deceased. The whole Church also prays for those who have passed into another world. For this purpose, there are funeral services - memorial services and special days - parental memorial Saturdays.

Why do we pray for the dead?

With God, everyone is alive - this phrase contains the essence of the Orthodox teaching about the afterlife. Physical death only marks a person’s transition to a new stage - eternity. And where we end up - in the Kingdom of Heaven or in hell - depends on us.

According to Christian teaching, after death each person faces a private trial. It determines the location of the soul of the deceased until the Second Coming of Christ. Therefore, the final decision about a person’s stay will be known only after the Last Judgment.

But does this change anything for the dead themselves, since they cannot express themselves in any way? - you ask. Yes, it does change. This means that the decision of the Supreme Judge - God - is influenced by the relatives and friends of those who have passed on to another world. How? With your prayers for the departed.

How to remember those who have passed on to another world?

It is no coincidence that the morning rule contains petitions not only for health, but also for peace. In addition, in the temple you can light candles and pray for people dear to us who have passed on to another world:

Rest, O Lord, the souls of Your departed servants: my parents (their names), relatives, benefactors (their names) and all Orthodox Christians, and forgive them all sins, voluntary and involuntary, and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven

You can remember not only in your prayers, but also in the prayers of the Church. The only condition is that the deceased must belong to the Orthodox Church, that is, be baptized.

In the temple you can write simple and custom notes. This means that they will pray for the deceased during the Liturgy. Ordered notes are sometimes also called notes “for proskomedia.”

Proskomedia is part of the service before the Liturgy, when the priest in the altar prepares bread and wine for communion. He takes out particles from the prosphora and reads prayers for the deceased Orthodox Christians, whose names are indicated in the notes. The priest asks that Christ wash away the sins of those remembered with His Blood.

There are also special services for prayer for those who have passed into eternity - memorial services. Together with the priest, his friends and relatives pray for the deceased. Such prayer is considered more effective.

Parents' memorial Saturdays in 2016

Services for the dead are performed almost all year round, but there are several special dates in the Orthodox calendar for commemoration. They are called parental Saturdays.

These days the Church prays collectively for the deceased Orthodox Christians. Among them, first of all, are our parents. It is the duty of every Christian to remember their fathers and mothers. After all, it was through these people that God gave us life.

In the Orthodox Church there are eight such special days for prayer for the dead. Most of them have a transition date. For example, in the Orthodox calendar for 2016 the following days are marked:

  1. Ecumenical Parents' Saturday (Meat and Fat) - March 5th.
  2. Saturday of the 2nd week of Lent - March 26.
  3. 3rd week - April 2.
  4. 4th week - April 9.
  5. Radonitsa - May 10.
  6. Commemoration of deceased soldiers - May 9.
  7. Trinity Saturday - June 18.
  8. Dimitrievskaya Saturday - November 5th.

Ecumenical Parents' Saturdays

Only two have universal status:

  • meat-eating - before the beginning of Lent, on the eve of the week of the Last Judgment;
  • Trinity - before Pentecost.

The “universality” of these memorial days is indicated by the fact that they are common to all Orthodox churches. It is also on these dates that the Church prays for all the baptized departed. This is not necessarily just our family and friends. In general, the degree of relationship does not play any role here. This can be explained by the fact that in Christ all people are one. Therefore, it is no coincidence that Christians call everyone brothers and sisters.

It is noteworthy that meat-free universal parental Saturday falls on the eve of the week of the Last Judgment. The Church remembers the Gospel parable about how Christ will come to judge humanity. On his right hand will be the righteous, and on his left will be the sinners. The saints will go to the Kingdom of Heaven, and those on the left will face hellish torment.

This passage from the New Testament reminds Christians to follow Christ and indirectly points to the importance of prayer for those who have passed on to another world. After all, before the Second Coming, the departed still have hope of salvation. But... only through the prayers of the living.

Parents' memorial Saturdays: features of services

Remembrance of the dead begins on Friday. In the evening, churches serve parastas - the funeral service for the dead. It resembles a memorial service, but the rite is supplemented by a full canon and the singing of the “immaculates.” This is the short name for Psalm 118, which begins with the words “Blessed are those who are blameless in the way, walking in the law of the Lord.” It is this psalm that has special significance in commemorating the dead. With the words of King David, we praise God and ask Him for help.

On Saturday morning they serve the Liturgy and the memorial service itself. At such a service, it is customary to write notes for the deceased with the names of the deceased.

How to prepare for a memorial service?

Usually food is brought to funeral services. Why? It's a kind of sacrifice. And it is believed that it is possible to help the soul of someone who has passed on to another world through prayer and donations.

Many people have a logical question: what products should they bring and in what quantities? It depends on the capabilities of each person. But they usually bring bread, it symbolizes Christ - the "Bread of Life" - and sugar- as a sign of a sweet stay in paradise.

There is also a tradition of cooking on parental memorial Saturdays. kolivo- boiled wheat or rice with honey. This dish carries a special meaning. In order for a grain to germinate and bear fruit, it must be planted in the ground. In order for a person to grow into eternal life, he also needs to go through physical death and burial.

Both donated food and making koliva are important. But the most valuable will be our participation in the memorial service and prayers for the departed. After all, this is a manifestation of love for dear people who have passed on to another world, an expression of gratitude to them.

More information about parental Saturdays and commemoration of the dead is described in this video:

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How can you describe the depth of the loss of a loved one? It is very difficult to go through this. Many people become extremely depressed and lose the meaning of life. But Orthodoxy gives every believer hope - for eternal life, for remaining in the Kingdom of Heaven. After all, with God everyone is alive.

Orthodox Christians commemorate those who have passed on to another world 7 times a year. These days are called memorial or parental Saturdays. You can remember those who have not been with you for a long time on any other days. However, these seven days are considered a special time when you can help your loved ones cleanse themselves by praying for them sincerely and with love. Orthodox parental Saturdays in 2016 fall mainly in February-March, and only one of them is celebrated in November.

Parents' days are called because all the deceased are considered to have gone to their parents and ancestors. Therefore, they remember all those who have passed away, but first of all, those closest to them.

There are two separate “ecumenical” Saturdays, when all Christians who have left this world are remembered, and memorial services are held in Orthodox churches. Most dates for parental Saturdays change from year to year and are associated with major holidays, this will be discussed below. Three Saturdays fall during the spring period, or more precisely during Easter Lent. On these memorial days, it is imperative to pray for those who are no longer alive in order to alleviate their sins and beg God to be merciful to their souls.

Parents' Saturdays calendar for 2016

May 10 - Radonitsa. 9th day after Easter. It falls on Tuesday, not Saturday, but within its meaning it belongs to the general cycle of memorial days.

On each of the parents' Saturdays, memorial services are held in the church, i.e. services for the repose, at which parishioners pray that souls will rest, and that the Lord will be merciful to them, forgiving their sins. For this purpose, special prayer texts are read. On Meat Saturday, they especially try to remember those who left this world unexpectedly and were left without a proper burial according to Christian traditions.

Trinity and Parents' Saturday

One of the memorial days falls on the Saturday before the Orthodox Trinity. As you can see, most parental Saturdays are associated with major Christian holidays. This memorial service differs from others in that you can even pray for sinners - criminals, suicides, etc. The holiday of Trinity symbolizes the descent of the Holy Spirit to earth so that all souls without exception are saved. It is believed that the conciliar prayer on this day for the dead has excessive power. During the service, the 17th kathisma is read, and prayers ask for peace for souls and merciful forgiveness for deceased relatives.

Radonitsa and parents' Saturday

Radonitsa is the name given to the day that falls on Tuesday (after Thomas Week). On this holiday, people remember Christ's descent into hell, the Resurrection and his victory over death. Radonitsa is associated directly with the triumph of life over death. It is customary to visit cemeteries; the resurrection of Christ is glorified at the graves.

Demetrius Memorial Saturday is named after the martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica and falls on the Saturday preceding November 8. Initially, on Dimitrievskaya Saturday, only those who died in the Battle of Kulikovo were commemorated, but over the years the tradition changed and they began to commemorate all those who died.

On the eve of the funeral Saturday, on Friday evening, great funeral services, also called “parastas”, are held in churches. On Saturday morning there are funeral liturgies, followed by general funeral services. You can submit notes to the funeral service with the names of deceased relatives or other close people, about their repose. It is also customary to bring food to temples “on the canon” (eve). This is a lean food, and Cahors is allowed from wines.

What you can and cannot do on Orthodox Parents' Saturday

On any of the parent's Saturdays in 2016, it is recommended to go to an Orthodox church and sincerely pray for the granting of peace to the souls of the departed; as they say, everyone is alive for God! It is also good, in accordance with the ancient tradition, to bring food to the temple for remembrance. Previously, parishioners made a table at which they gathered together and remembered everyone - both their own and strangers. Now they simply bring food, and the ministers distribute food for remembrance to people in need. The church also advises submitting notes indicating the names of deceased loved ones for church mention in prayers.

Even if you didn’t manage to visit church on Orthodox Memorial Saturday, pray with an open heart at home. This will cleanse your heart of filth and ease the lot of the deceased, because they are no longer able to stand up for themselves, but you can help them find peace and grace. If you don’t know what to read, open Kathisma 17 (or Psalm 118), a funeral prayer for relatives, friends, and all Orthodox Christians.

It is believed that on parental Saturdays one should not clean, do laundry, or wash or work in the gardens. In most cases, these are superstitions that are not confirmed by the church: if business does not prevent you from visiting the temple and praying, then you can do it. For example, the warning about washing these days has been around for a long time. When, to carry out a simple procedure, as it seems to us now, we had to spend the whole day working: chopping wood, heating a bathhouse, applying water, it turned out that there was no time left for prayers and visiting the temple.

You can visit the graves and clean them up. First of all, responsibility for the condition of the tombstones lies with children whose parents have passed away. They simply have to make sure that parenting days do not go unnoticed in the whirlpool of daily hassle. When memorial days fall during the period of fasting, one should not commemorate with fasting foods, breaking the fast. Make do with dishes made from those foods that are allowed to be eaten these days.

You cannot grieve beyond measure these days: remembering does not mean being sad. After all, according to Christian beliefs, the soul is immortal, which means it simply passed into a world unknown to us. If a person led a righteous life, then his soul arrives in an eternal state of love, harmony, joy, the so-called paradise. If a person, on the contrary, has committed sinful acts, his soul languishes in a worse world and experiences endless torment.

A person can influence this fate only during his lifetime; after death, only a prayer read with extraordinary faith and love can save him from torment. Who, if not close people, can perform this prayer? That is why it is necessary to devote each of the parental Saturdays to prayer words spoken with a pure heart. Many are mistaken when they interpret remembrance as the need to drink a glass of alcohol in a cemetery - with such an act you will not ease the fate of the departed.

The Orthodox calendar tells us the exact dates of all church holidays, which means that it is thanks to it that we can accurately find out the days of Parents' Saturdays in 2016. After all, they are closely related to festivals or fasting.

First, we need to shed some light on the term “Parents’ Saturday”: these are the days when Orthodox Christians commemorate the dead. These days are called that because previously in Rus' all the deceased were called fathers. According to other versions, this day is so nicknamed because parents are always remembered first.

Parents' Saturdays in 2016

In 2016, we will have 8 Orthodox Parental Saturdays. Contrary to popular belief, they may not always be Saturdays according to the usual calendar. 5 out of 8 such days fall on the “correct” day of the week - they are called Universal Parental Saturdays.

First Ecumenical Parental Saturday- This is Meat Eating. It will be celebrated this year March 5. This holiday according to the church calendar means God’s intention to remind us that we are all mortal and sooner or later, we will find ourselves next to him. All deceased loved ones are also remembered.

Second Parent's Saturday- Trinity. This holiday is dedicated to all the departed, without exception. This year this day will be June 18— 50th day after the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. On this day, according to the Gospel, the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples of Christ.

Third, fourth and fifth Parents' Saturdays- Saturdays of Great Lent. These will be March 26, April 2 and April 9. This is a tribute to the departed in honor of the most difficult and significant fast for all Orthodox Christians.

Sixth Parents' DayMay 9- day of remembrance of soldiers who died on the battlefields of the Great Patriotic War.

Seventh Parents' Day 2016 is Radonitsa, May 10, Tuesday. Radonitsa is the ninth day after the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Eighth Parents' Day— Dimitrievskaya Saturday November 5, the day of remembrance of the Battle of Kulikovo, when Rus' lost almost one hundred thousand of its soldiers on the battlefield. On this day, all warriors and defenders of their homeland are remembered.

How to celebrate Parents' Saturday

During Lent, March 26, April 2 and April 9 are special days of remembrance of the dead. These days, it is customary to simply read prayers in memory of relatives who are not with us.

Trinity Saturday is the day of funeral services in Orthodox churches in honor of all baptized people. The same thing happens on Meat Saturday - all believers come to the temple for a memorial service.

On Radonitsa, it is customary to visit the graves of the dead with good thoughts on the soul, since Jesus is Risen. This is the day when death loses its power, because after death we unite with God.

Well, on Dimitrievskaya Saturday it is customary to come to the temple for the festive liturgy and the subsequent memorial service. On this day, it is customary to submit notes asking for the repose of your loved ones and the peace of their souls.

Every Parent's Saturday is a very important Orthodox holiday, as it reminds us that life will end sooner or later, but another, more important one will begin. Value your life and the lives of your loved ones and do not forget to press the buttons and
