African countries have the largest development of palm oil. Palm redistribution

We bring to your attention another vegetable oil market research from AB-Center: “ World market palm oil in 2001-2013, January-September 2014.” The study examines indicators, including palm oil production by country, and the dynamics of world prices for palm oil.

Particular attention in the study is paid to foreign trade in palm oil. Volume data displayed export and import of palm oil by country TOP-20 largest exporters and importers in dynamics 2001-2013.

Important! Vegetable oil market research is published at the following link: Database. Vegetable oils (oilseeds and their products)

World palm oil production

Palm oil production in the world in 2012, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), amounted to 53.2 million tons, which is 2 times more than in 2002. Over the past 20 years, palm oil production in the world has increased 4.1 times, over 30 years - 8.6 times, over 50 years - 36.1 times.

Main share palm oil production worldwide accounts for Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. In 2012, these three countries provided 89.1% of the world production of this type of vegetable oil. In addition to these countries, the TOP 10 leading palm oil producers include Nigeria, Colombia, Papua New Guinea, Cote d'Ivoire, Honduras, Ecuador and Brazil.

The TOP 10 key producing countries provide 96% of global palm oil consumption. Total palm oil is produced in 43 countries peace.

Global palm oil trade

Over the past 5 years, the global palm oil trade on average varies from 35 to 40 million tons. For comparison, in the early 2000s the figures were at the level of 15-20 million tons.

World palm oil exports

Indonesia is currently a leading country in both production and palm oil exports. Volume palm oil production in Indonesia in 2012 amounted to 26.9 million tons, which is 2.8 times higher than in 2002.

Export of palm oil from Indonesia in 2012 amounted to 18,845.0 thousand tons, and in 2013 it reached 20,578.0 thousand tons. In 2013, Indonesia accounted for 49.9% of the world's palm oil supply.

Basic consumers of Indonesian palm oil- India, China, the Netherlands (which actively re-export it), Pakistan, Italy, Singapore, Egypt, Bangladesh, Spain and Ukraine.

In 2013, Russia was twelfth in terms of volume palm oil market from Indonesia(about 3.7% of oil exported from Indonesia was sent to the Russian Federation).

Over 10 years, total palm oil exports from Indonesia increased 3.2 times. In the first quarter of 2014, there was no increase in palm oil exports from Indonesia compared to the same period in 2012. Volumes of supplies abroad decreased by 1.9% to 5,391.0 thousand tons.

Until 2005 inclusive, Malaysia occupied the leading position in the production and export of palm oil in the world. The country currently ranks second in these indicators after Indonesia. In 2012, Malaysia produced 18,785 thousand tons of palm oil, exported 15,609 thousand tons, in 2013 exports amounted to 15,251 thousand tons. Malaysia provided 37.0% of global palm oil exports in 2013.

In the first half of 2014, Malaysia supplied 6,921.7 thousand tons of palm oil to world markets, which is 5.4% less than the same period last year. Also in the TOP 10 largest exporters of palm oil at the end of 2013 are the Netherlands (re-exports - volume 1,552.6 thousand tons), Papua New Guinea (562.1 thousand tons), Thailand (549.2 thousand tons) , Guatemala (361.9 thousand tons), Germany (347.2 thousand tons), Honduras (289.9 thousand tons), Ecuador (213.3 thousand tons) and Colombia (185.0 thousand tons) .

World palm oil imports

In the TOP 10 largest palm oil importing countries in 2013 includes India (8,389.7 thousand tons), China (5,979.6 thousand tons), the Netherlands (2,925.6 thousand tons - this country exports a significant part of the imported volume), Pakistan (2 248.6 thousand tons), Germany (1,467.4 thousand tons), Italy (1,392.2 thousand tons), USA (1,373.2 thousand tons), Spain (902.8 thousand tons) , Bangladesh (883.7 thousand tons) and Russia (770.6 thousand tons).

The TOP 10 key importing countries account for 64.5% of world imports. Russia's share in total world imports in 2013 was 1.9%.

World prices for palm oil

Average palm oil prices(CIF, Northwestern Europe) in August 2014 amounted to 762 USD/t. Compared to July 2014, they decreased by 9.4%, over the year by 8.1%, over two years - by 23.6%, over three years - by 29.6%. Palm oil prices dropped to the levels observed in 2009.

Weakening world prices in recent years observed not only for palm oil, but also for other types of vegetable oils.

For example, prices for sunflower oil (FOB, ports of North-Western Europe) in August 2014 amounted to 828 USD/t. Over the month they decreased by 6.7%, over the year - by 13.7%, over two years - by 36.3%, over three years prices dropped by 37.6%.

Soybean oil prices (EXW - ex-factory price, EU) in August 2014 amounted to 857 USD/t. Over the month, the price decline was 3.5%, over the year - 14.2%, over two years prices decreased by 31.5%, over three years they dropped by 35.6%.

Palm oil accounts for 38% of total global vegetable oil consumption. It is one of the most widespread and traded products in the herbal ingredients segment, according to WWF. In Russia, palm oil often becomes the subject of negative headlines, with government inspection bodies and various organizations posing as them trying to find palm oil in milk and cottage cheese. Journalists conduct investigations and publish shocking facts that dairy products with vegetable fats provoke terrible diseases, although there is no scientific evidence of these frightening facts. In the minds of consumers, milk and palm oil are already conflated, although plant-based ingredients can be found in almost every item around us, from lip balm to cookies. Milknews looked into the issue of using palm oil in more detail.

Where does palm oil come from?

Every year, the main palm oil producing countries - Indonesia and Malaysia - produce 63 million tons of palm and palm kernel oil, most of which, about 42 million tons, is exported to 70 countries around the world. Production of the ingredient has doubled over the past 10 years and will increase by the same amount until 2020, WWF predicts. 42% of the oil produced is distributed between three countries: India, Indonesia and China. About 10% of the received volume goes to Europe.

Palm plantations, Indonesia, WWF

About 20 million hectares of land are occupied by plantations; each acre produces 3.3 tons of oil per year, which is more than the yield of any other vegetable oil. The manufacturing industry employs more than 5 million people, according to WWF. It is an industry of national importance to the economies of Indonesia and Malaysia. Palm oil accounts for 11% of Malaysia's exports.

Major palm oil producers

Palm oil is widely used in various industries, this is due to its quality characteristics: at room temperature it remains relatively hard and is easy to process. heat treatment and melt. It is cheaper than any of the available animal fats and is widely available in the market, unlike other plant-based alternatives.

Where is it going?

According to WWF, 68% of palm oil is used for the needs of the food industry, 27% for the production of household goods and cosmetics, and 5% for biofuel. According to the Palm Oil Investigation Foundation, 50% of the products in the consumer basket contain palm oil. The oil is suitable not only for food production, it is fatty, therefore it is used for the production of cosmetics with the appropriate texture, for example, lip balms and shampoos. It moisturizes and softens, so it is ideal for creams. At the same time, it does not need to be further processed in order to achieve the desired structure, like, for example, rapeseed or sunflower oil. Palm oil is found in household cleaning products, soaps, candles, biofuel for cars, ships and airplanes, and food for pets and farm animals.

If you look at the labels of many of the products listed, there is no direct mention of palm oil. This is due to an active campaign against the ingredient in the media. On the foundation's website you can find up to 200 alternative names for palm oil.

All well-known international companies buy palm oil. The top ten leaders in palm tree purchases look like this:

McDonald's - 0.10 million MT

Rechitt Benchiser - 0.10 million MT

CSM - 0.11 million MT

Ferrero - 0.15 million MT

Mondelez - 0.29 million MT

Nestle - 0.41 million MT

Pepsico - 0.46 million MT

P&G - 0.53 million MT

Ruchi - 1.43 million MT

Unilever - 1.52 million MT

Palm oil has a fairly powerful anti-lobby, these are public foundations and environmental movements that argue that the production of the product is associated with the use of illegal labor and the destruction of local ecosystems. Community foundations WWF and Greenpeace are working with major palm oil importers to make production transparent. Some companies, such as Unilever and Nestle, have made public statements that they buy traceable palm oil. France, Germany, Great Britain and Italy promised that by 2020 the volume of “transparent” oil purchased by local processors would reach 100%.

What about in Russia?

In Russia, the average annual import of palm oil is 800-900 thousand tons. About 80% are Indonesian imports, the rest is imported from Malaysia and the Netherlands. According to the Oil and Fat Union of Russia, in 2016, imports of palm oil and its fractions amounted to 862 thousand tons, in 2017 - 879 thousand tons, exactly the same as in 2015. “The difference is small, but it rather indicates a restoration of production, primarily of confectionery products in Russia. In general, the palm oil market is stable, we do not see any prerequisites for a sharp increase or decrease in its volumes,” the press service comments on the statistical data Oil and fat union.

Executive Director of Soyuzmoloko Artem Belov also agrees with the stable dynamics of palm oil imports. According to him, one should not expect an explosive increase in palm oil supplies to Russia, since this market is quite stable and it has its own main consumer.

According to data for January-February 2018, the Russian Federation purchased 170 thousand tons of product, which is 36.7% more than last year. Artem Belov earlier said that the indicators for several months do not indicate an increase in the volume of total annual purchases. “The dynamics of the increase in imports must be assessed not by month, but in annual terms, and I think that the average figure of previous years will remain,” he said.

The Oil and Fat Union of Russia also agrees with Belov’s opinion. “As for the latest data from Rosstat on the increase in the volume of imports of palm oil and its fractions to Russia in January-February 2018 (compared to the same period in 2017), if you don’t just compare the two figures, but fully analyze the statistics, you won’t get a sensation “, the experts pointed out. Last year, according to the union, the average monthly import was 74.4 thousand tons. In January 2018, imports were below this figure, in February - slightly higher. “If we translate the numbers into production processes, in February two more ships could have called at the ports, which could have been delayed in January, in other words, these are natural monthly fluctuations, and on a production scale the volumes are definitely not the right ones to declare serious changes in the market.” , - noted the press service of the Fat and Oil Union.

Imports of palm oil will not increase in 2018 as long as there are no such prerequisites. Domestic demand has been formed, and without any additional factors it will remain at the same level, noted the Oil and Fat Union.

Where is it used in Russia?

According to representatives of the association, almost all palm oil imported to Russia is used by the fat and oil industry; in the future, fats and margarines based on vegetable oils are in demand in the most intensive sectors of the food industry: confectionery, bakery, dairy, ice cream, food instant cooking, snacks, HoReCa. “Almost half of all fats and margarines produced go into the confectionery industry; part of the crude palm oil is used in non-food industrial processing: for the production of soap, perfumes and cosmetics, and use in the paint and varnish industry,” the union noted. The share of palm oil, which is used for the production of milk-containing products, of the total volume of imports does not exceed 15%, Soyuzmoloko clarified.

Palm oil is not the most popular vegetable oil in the world. Russian market. Sunflower oil is the leader in the segment; last year it was produced in the amount of 4.7 million tons, of which 1.8 million tons were exported, and 2.9 million tons remained in the country for domestic needs.

According to the press service of the Fat and Oil Union of Russia, tropical oils are used mainly in the B2B market, in those sectors where a semi-solid fraction of fats is technologically required. “In the production of margarines and specialty fats, tropical oils make it possible to comply with the requirements for limiting the content of trans fats - up to 2%; sunflower oil does not always give such results,” the union said.

The union noted that palm oil is an important component in the production of fat and oil products in all countries of the world, including in our country. At the same time, according to representatives of the union, Russia will never be a leader in the consumption of palm oil, but we will not be able to replace it with other oils. There are simply no analogues to this type of vegetable oil.

Consumption of palm oil leads to obesity and development chronic diseases on a global scale, and its production causes irreparable damage to nature. These are the main conclusions of the report prepared by experts from the World Health Organization, which should be published in the near future, writes LiveJournal. Pavel Syutkin.

Considering that in 2015 the US banned the use of hazardous trans fats in food products, and in 2018 WHO made a similar recommendation for the whole world, the organization's experts fear that food manufacturers will simply replace the banned ingredients with palm oil - cheap, but potentially no less harmful.

Scientists, policymakers and health officials around the world are being encouraged to reconsider their approach to palm oil in order to “reduce negative influence this industry on human health and the planet."

Palm oil occupies a leading position in the production of semi-finished and finished products - mainly due to its relative cheapness.

Palm oil producers go to great lengths to convince consumers that it is harmless - or even healthy. However, the WHO report, prepared on the basis of 48 scientific research, refutes these claims.

In particular, a meta-analysis of work carried out by the organization’s experts demonstrated a convincing connection between an increase in palm oil consumption in 23 countries around the world - and an increase in the mortality rate from coronary disease hearts.

Research demonstrating the benefits of palm oil is often funded by its manufacturers. And the modest letters MPOC in the corner simply mean Malaysian Palm Oil Council

In addition, doctors have no doubt that palm oil systematically increases the level of “bad cholesterol” (LDL) in the blood, which is the cause of atherosclerosis.

There are other studies linking palm oil consumption to an increased risk of heart disease, obesity and other chronic diseases.

However, during the preparation of the document, it turned out that of the nine such published articles, four were written by employees of the Malaysian Ministry of Agriculture - or more precisely, the department directly responsible for the development of this industry.

In particular, according to the report's authors, lobbyists around the world are successfully resisting attempts to require palm oil producers to tell consumers that it is present in finished product. It can be found in the ingredient list under any of about 200 alternative names - for example, simply "vegetable fats."

In Russia, as well as throughout the Eurasian Economic Union, a law on new labeling of dairy products came into force in 2018. However, it only obliges manufacturers to indicate that the product “contains vegetable fats” - mentioning palm oil in the ingredients is still not mandatory.

Even earlier, in February 2016, the Russian authorities were even planning to introduce a special excise tax on palm oil. The Ministry of Economy called this measure “an obvious thing,” but three months later the introduction of excise taxes was abandoned - as the ministry reported, “as a result of lengthy discussions.”

Illustration copyright Getty Images Image caption Palm oil is advertised as harmless and sometimes even healthy

Consumption of palm oil leads to obesity and the development of chronic diseases on a global scale, and its production causes irreparable damage to the environment. These are the main conclusions of a report published in the bulletin of the World Health Organization.

The authors of the document directly compare the industry for the production and sale of palm oil with the tobacco and alcohol industries - both in terms of the level of harm to health and environment, and through the efforts of advertisers and lobbyists trying to hide the truth from consumers in the pursuit of profit.

Scientists, policymakers and health officials around the world are being encouraged to reconsider their approach to palm oil in order to “reduce the industry's negative impact on human health and the planet.”

In 2015, the United States banned the use of hazardous trans fats in food products, and in 2018, WHO made a similar recommendation for the whole world. The organization's experts fear that food manufacturers will simply replace the prohibited ingredients with palm oil - cheap, but potentially no less harmful.

The BBC Russian service has read the report and talks about its main points.

Alcohol, tobacco and... palm oil?

Palm oil occupies a leading position in the production of semi-finished and finished products - mainly due to its relative cheapness.

Palm oil producers go to great lengths to convince consumers that it is harmless - or even healthy. However, a report published in the WHO bulletin, based on 48 scientific studies, refutes these claims.

In particular, a meta-analysis of work carried out by the organization's experts demonstrated a convincing connection between an increase in palm oil consumption in 23 countries and an increase in the mortality rate from coronary heart disease there.

Illustration copyright Getty Images Image caption Research proving the benefits of palm oil is often funded by its manufacturers.

In addition, doctors have no doubt that palm oil systematically increases the level of “bad cholesterol” (LDL) in the blood, which is the cause of atherosclerosis.

There are other studies linking palm oil consumption to an increased risk of heart disease, obesity and other chronic diseases.

However, during the preparation of the document, it turned out that of the nine such published articles, four were written by employees of the Malaysian Ministry of Agriculture - or more precisely, the department directly responsible for the development of this industry.

This leads the report's authors to question the credibility of the research and again draw parallels with the tobacco and alcohol industries, which often fund scientific works, presenting their products in a favorable light.

"Vegetable fat"

The report separately notes that back in 2003, WHO and FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) pointed out the potential harm of palm oil to health. However, since then, its production and consumption in the world has doubled, and in general from 1995 to 2017 - more than four times.

In particular, according to the report's authors, lobbyists around the world are successfully resisting attempts to oblige palm oil producers to tell consumers that it is present in the finished product. It can be found in the ingredients list under any of about 200 alternative names - for example, simply "vegetable fats."

In Russia, as well as throughout the Eurasian Economic Union, a law on new labeling of dairy products came into force in 2018. However, it only obliges manufacturers to indicate that the product “contains vegetable fats” - mentioning palm oil in the ingredients is still not mandatory.

Even earlier, in February 2016, the Russian authorities even imposed a special excise tax on palm oil. The Ministry of Economy called this measure “an obvious thing,” but three months later the introduction of excise taxes was abandoned - as the ministry reported, “as a result of lengthy discussions.”

"Sampling of Rumors"

Palm oil producers themselves categorically deny these accusations and claim that the report denigrates their products.

“Such “studies” are not supported by any precise scientific conclusions, they do not contain direct evidence of the harm of palm oil to the human body when consumed as food. This is not a study at all, but a one-sided selection of negative rumors and pseudo-scientific guesses with the aim of presenting palm oil as not the best light. But a food product used for food in all developed countries cannot initially be compared with alcohol and tobacco, the harm of which is undeniable,” Alexey Udovenko, a regional representative of the Malaysian Palm Oil Producers Council in Moscow, told the BBC Russian Service.

After the publication of the report in the WHO bulletin, representatives of the Malaysian and Indonesian authorities contacted this organization with a demand to remove the document, but were refused.

"The Bulletin of the World Health Organization is an international peer-reviewed scientific journal publishing the work of a diverse range of experts. The authors of this report are not WHO staff members, and the work itself does not constitute WHO research. If anyone wishes to discuss this article, they should contact the Bulletin editor directly." , - the WHO press service told the BBC Russian Service.

They also noted that the authors are ultimately responsible for the content of works published in the bulletin, but emphasized that “the World Health Organization has taken all appropriate precautions to verify the information contained in the publication.”

The lead author of the report, Ms. Soumya Kadandale, confirmed the findings of her work to the BBC Russian Service and said that she was ready to personally answer any questions and criticisms about the article published in the WHO newsletter.

Note: The text of this article has been changed. The original version was publishedJanuary 29 - based on the draft report accepted for publication in the WHO Bulletin, this explains the wording “ready to tell” in the title of the material.

February 5 we replaced the link to the draft with an actual link to the already published report on the WHO website , AMarch 4 clarified the authorship of the work, added comments from palm oil producers, the author of the report and the WHO press service, as well as a mention that representatives of the Malaysian and Indonesian authorities demanded that WHO remove the scientific work published in the organization’s newsletter.

Shrouded in many rumors.

Due to its cheapness, as well as the influence of the media, most believe that it is very harmful and diligently avoids it.

In reality, everything is far from so simple. How is it made?

Below are discussed various types, extracted from palm trees, short the process of obtaining them And .

What types are there?

By processing the fruits of the palm tree, called oil palm, two types of oils are extracted: palm kernel and raw palm. Crude oil is made from the pulp of the fruit, which contains fats up to 70%.

Palm kernel oil is extracted from the kernels inside the fruit. These kernels or seeds contain 10 to 30% fat, which is considered more valuable and is similar in composition to coconut oil.

How do they get it?

How is this done? Palm oil is obtained through pressing fruit pulp, pre-sterilized. Next, the resulting crude oil processed in a centrifuge for separation and other unnecessary inclusions.

Before this, the oil must first be heated to 100 degrees. Palm kernel oil - by pressing kernels from seeds or by extraction.

Resources used

The birthplace of the oil palm is considered Western Guinea. Today the tree introduced and grows throughout West Africa, Southeast Asia, South America, Indonesia and Malaysia.

The most large manufacturers palm oil - Malaysia and Indonesia.

In these countries, oil palm is grown plantations.

On plantations, fruits are collected and then transported to factory, where the oil itself is directly obtained.

The fruits hang in the form of clusters, each 3-4 cm long. At the plant, first dry hot steam treatment, in order to separate the fruits from the bunch. Next they are exposed pressing to obtain oil.

Further processing

The oil obtained after pressing is considered technical. Food applications require more than deep processing.

The oil goes through five stages refining:

  1. Getting rid of mechanical impurities.
  2. Stage hydration. Phospholipids are extracted through this process.
  3. Getting rid of free fatty acids, process neutralization.
  4. Bleaching.
  5. Deodorization.

The result is a finished refined palm oil used throughout the world.

Chemical components

The main component palm oil are palmitic and stearic acids. They are saturated fatty acids and constitute 50% composition. Are considered harmful for the body in large quantities.

Up to 40% palm oil - monounsaturated fatty acids (oleic).

Are useful acids, which help cleanse excess cholesterol and increase vascular tone.

Up to 10% is occupied polyunsaturated acids (linoleic).

Such fats improve metabolism and are considered very important for normal human life.

Palm oil is enriched with significant amounts tocotrienols– one of the modifications of vitamin E.

Moreover, it is a source vitamin A. But during processing, a significant part of these vitamins is lost. There are more gentle technologies that allow save useful elements in the composition. The oil extracted in this way is called red palm.

Palm kernel oil is similar in composition to coconut. The main composition includes saturated lauric and myristic acids. Unsaturated oleic and linoleic acids are present up to 33%, due to them, palm kernel oil has a higher iodine number.

Myths about mining

The most common myth about palm oil extraction is that it made from palm tree trunks. In fact, such suspicions are absolutely groundless– sources of oil are fruits. Moreover, both the pulp and the kernel.

This product has found such popularity thanks to its ease of removal. Locals even today get it manually and are eaten. They throw the fruits into boiling water and collect the floating oil, and then squeeze out the pulp extracted from the water. But the oil thus obtained suitable for food for a short time, but what is obtained in production differs in the length of storage.

Thus, it turns out that palm oil not that bad. In any case, no more harmful than usual creamy. Cheapness is determined by the ease of its extraction, and popularity among manufacturers - at the cost and the possibility of long-term storage.

There are very useful components , especially in red palm and palm kernel oils.

However, it cannot be called harmless either, the presence of saturated fatty acids in large quantities harm the body.

Don't be scared, if palm oil is found in the composition, you just need to be smart about the amount of its consumption.

About how and where produce palm oil, you can find out by watching the video:
