Pest analysis is an example of a manufacturing enterprise. PEST-analysis of JSC "Gazprom" enterprise

Any company exists in close unity with the external environment, which plays a big role in its life. Since it serves as a source of resources necessary to maintain activities. The company receives energy, information, human resources from the external environment, transforms them into services and transfers them to the external environment. It is in the process of constant exchange with the external environment, thus providing the possibility of existence and development.

The external environment has a variety of influences on the company, which can manifest itself in various forms, providing favorable conditions and opportunities for effective functioning or creating a threat to its existence.

The external environment is numerous and heterogeneous in its composition. It includes a large number of components that have a different degree, nature and frequency of influence on the company. This includes economic, political, legal, social, technological and other components from which the company is affected. The changes taking place in the external environment, the increase in its complexity and uncertainty intensify this impact.

There are two components of the external environment that affect the company in different ways: the macro environment and the immediate environment.

The macro environment is part of the external environment common to all companies.

The economic component of the macro environment determines the overall level economic development, market relations, competition, that is, the economic conditions in which the company operates. Its main parameters: inflation rate, size interest rate, exchange rate, budget deficit, unemployment rate, taxation rates, wages. Changes in these macroeconomic indicators affect the standard of living of the population, the solvency of consumers, demand fluctuations, determine investment policy, price levels, and profitability.

The political component, represented by public authorities, as well as parties, blocs, groups and other companies, determines the goals and directions of the development of society, its ideology, foreign and domestic state policy in various fields, as well as the ways and means by which the government intends to realize. The political system has a strong influence on the business activity of the company. The company must have a clear idea of ​​how stable the political situation in the country is.

The legal component includes laws and legal acts that establish permissible norms for business relationships, the rights, responsibilities, obligations of companies that regulate activities, including restrictions on certain types of activities that determine the forms and methods of protecting interests.

The correctness of the conclusion and execution of contracts, the legality of business transactions, the possibility of resolving disputes and other issues related to the activities of the company, which is carried out within the framework of existing legislation, depend on knowledge and compliance with the adopted laws and legal norms.

The social component represents the social processes of the trend occurring in society and affecting the activities of the company. It includes existing traditions, values, habits, ethical norms, lifestyle, people's attitude to work, tastes and consumer psychology. It includes the social structure of society, its demographic characteristics, such as the birth rate, average life expectancy, population growth rate, migration, educational level, qualifications.

The technological component includes scientific and technological factors, the development of which allows the company to modernize old and create new products, improve and develop technological processes.

Natural and geographical factors are associated with climatic conditions, natural resource reserves, and the ecological situation. Natural disasters, climate change, ozone holes, increased solar activity, pollution environment.

By creating general economic, legal, social, and other conditions for activities, the macro environment affects different companies in different ways.

Components of the macro environment are closely related and mutually influence each other. A change in the state of some components affects other parts of the macro environment, which can lead to their change and increase the impact on the company.

The most well-known method of analyzing the macro environment is PEST - analysis. Let's carry out PEST-analysis by expert way. The task of the experts is to assess the degree of influence and the likelihood of the influence of various environmental factors on the company.

The work was carried out by experts in two stages: at the first stage, the degree of influence of factors on the company's activities was determined in the form of relative normalized weight coefficients (Table 1), and at the second stage, the probability of their influence according to a five-point grading system, with 5 being the greatest influence, and 1 being the least (table 2).

The experts were:

1. agent training center specialist;

2. marketer of the department of public relations and advertising;

3. economist of the economic and analytical department;

4. chief legal adviser.

Table 1 - Evaluation of the degree of influence

Experts (degree of influence)

average rating

Weight coefficient

1. political

change in legislation

change of political parties

the possibility of a terrorist attack

level of legal literacy

2. economic

economic situation in the country

exchange rate dynamics

tax policy

income level of the population

3. natural-geographical

climatic conditions

natural disasters

limited natural resources

4. social

population growth rate

average life expectancy


cultural level of the population

Table 2 - The degree of probability of influence

Libra. coefficient

Direction of influence

average rating

Weighed. average

1. political

changing laws

change of political parties

the possibility of a terrorist attack

legal literacy

2. economic

economic instability of the country

exchange rate dynamics

tax policy

income level of the population

3. natural-geographical

climatic conditions

ecological situation in the country

natural disasters

limited natural resources

4. social

population growth rate

average life expectancy


cultural level

The result of the PEST analysis is the selection of the main factors of the external macro environment that will create opportunities and threats for the company in the forecast period.

Looking at Table 2, we can conclude that:

· changes in legislation allow you to take advantage of favorable opportunities to conquer niches in the market, expanding the scope of activities;

· Change of political parties has a small positive impact. This factor is an opportunity to strengthen the position in the market;

the possibility of a terrorist attack is a big threat to the company, since in this case the company suffers big losses and the economy in the country as a whole suffers;

· economic instability in the country is a threat to the company……..

natural and geographical factors negatively affect the company, therefore they are a threat to the company, in case of unforeseen circumstances: floods of various cataclysms affect the country's economy, causing significant moral and material damage to the population. The company suffers major losses;

· the limited nature of natural resources allows the creation of new technologies to replace the resources that the company can insure. Therefore, this factor will allow the company to enter new market segments.

· The rate of population growth has increased very rapidly over the past three years. This factor is an opportunity to attract the number of policyholders, and increase the share of profits;

education is an opportunity for a company to receive highly qualified employees who can competently and in the shortest possible time achieve their goals;

The cultural level of the population has a positive impact, since……..

table 2

The degree of probability of influence

Libra. coefficient

Direction of influence

Experts (probability of influence)

average rating

Weighed. average


Legislative framework regulating the beer market

Loyalty of local authorities

Presence of administrative barriers

Development of the regulatory and legal framework that forms the system for the protection of

veins and relationships during the rental process


Oversaturation of the Rostov market with beer establishments

Inflation growth rate

Population income level

Tax policy in relation to the beer business

Change in consumer demand

Availability of qualified personnel as a factor contributing to faster growth of the industry

Prices and tariffs for the necessary resources

Investment attractiveness of the region

Substitute price range


Population growth rate

Sex and age structure of the population

The level of education

Cultural Level

Changing landmarks (values) in the mass consciousness of people


Emergence and development of new technologies in beer production

Policy of RAO "UES" in the production and distribution of electricity

Accelerating technological and information progress


Changing climatic conditions


Tightening environmental standards for manufacturing enterprises

PEST analysis is a simple and convenient method for analyzing the macro environment (external environment) of an enterprise. The PEST analysis technique is often used to evaluate the key market trends of an industry, and the results of the PEST analysis can be used to determine the list of threats and opportunities when compiling a company's SWOT analysis. PEST analysis is a tool for long-term strategic planning and is compiled for 3-5 years ahead, with annual data updates. It can be made in the form of a matrix of 4 quadrants (see figure) or in tabular form.

Rice. 1Example of PEST analysis matrix

Need to learn the practical use of the method?

Main factors of PEST analysis

PEST analysis is an abbreviation for the following industry indicators: political (P), economic (E), socio-cultural (S) and technological (T). Let's analyze each group of indicators in more detail.

P (Political)

P (Political) — factors of the political and legal environment of the company. When analyzing the political and legal environment of an industry, market or country, it is recommended to answer questions about key changes in the field of political stability and legal regulation.

First, will the legislative base of the country, market, industry in which the company operates change in the near future? Will changes in the legislative framework affect the company's activities (primarily in the field of business profitability)?

Secondly, it is necessary to pay attention to the level of government intervention in the company's business. Is he significant? Will it change in the near future? Thirdly, is the level of corruption in the industry and its impact on the company's activities also important? And fourthly, the relationship of the country with other countries or international organizations. Will such relationships change, become simpler or more complicated?

E (Economical)

E (Economical) — factors of the economic state of the market. During the analysis of this group of factors, it is necessary to determine 6 key parameters that characterize the state of the economy of the country / market in which the company operates.

  • Dynamics of economic development - recession, growth, stagnation
  • Changes in exchange rates, cost of capital
  • Change in the unemployment rate
  • Change in inflation rate
  • Change in disposable income per capita
  • Banking Trends

S (Socio-cultural)

S (Socio - cultural) - factors of the social and cultural state of the market. During the analysis of this group of factors, it is necessary to describe 5 key parameters:

  • Changing demographics: population movement (growth or decline), gender and age structure of the market, change in race
  • The level of education of the population, including the level of qualification of personnel
  • Features of mentality, important cultural values
  • Changing social strata of the population
  • Changing tastes and preferences of the audience, established myths and prejudices

T (Technological)

T (Technological) — factors that characterize technological progress in the industry. This group of factors requires a detailed analysis, since in the era of the technological process, it is a change in technology that can radically change the established state of the market.

During the analysis of technological factors, it is necessary to pay attention to 4 parameters:

  • Possible changes in key technologies used in the market (innovations in equipment, materials, business models and business methods)
  • The impact of the Internet on market development
  • Influence of mobile technologies on market development
  • Innovations in information technology to compete more effectively in the market

Advanced PEST analysis options

PEST analysis is just a tool with which a company can assess the impact of external factors and business risks. And like any instrument, it is easy to change and acquire new variations.

The most common variation of the PEST analysis is the PEST+EL analysis. The PESTEL analysis includes two more indicators: legal factors (L - Legal) and environmental factors (E - Environmental or Ecological). Legal factors represent the legal environment for the operation of a business and consider in more detail possible changes in legal acts that may affect the profitability of existing in the industry. Environmental factors determine the degree of influence of the company on the environmental situation in the region; as well as environmental factors that may affect the company's business performance.

Other variations and advanced options for PEST analysis:

When conducting a PEST analysis, try to describe not just the current state of each factor, but predict its change for the next 3-5 years. It is the assessment of the influence of the factor in the long term on the company's profit that allows using the data obtained to form a strategy.

Approach the process of compiling a PEST analysis thoroughly. Take your time and describe in detail for each factor the key trends for 3-5 years. Then, look at all the factors and keep only those that can affect the company's profits in the future. After the significant factors that can affect the company's profit are identified, the most difficult stage of the analysis begins: development tactical actions, which can reduce the negative impact of the factor on the company's activities and maximize profits.

If a company sells its products in different geographic markets and operates in different industries, it is recommended to conduct a PEST analysis for each industry, for each market.

PEST can be considered a special method that allows you to evaluate the external environment of the enterprise, the factors that affect the production and sale of goods or the provision of services. Since there are many nuances when working with your enterprise, it is necessary to clearly analyze the macro environment. This is what pest analysis is for.

The external environment is divided into:

  • Microenvironment - it includes shareholders, buyers, creditors and so on;
  • The macro environment is the economy, natural factors, government, and the like.

Let's consider each factor separately.

  1. Political or political factors. Based on the name, this stage of the analysis is aimed at studying all sorts of nuances associated with the government. The success of an enterprise depends on factors such as:
    • Stability in the state;
    • State influence on the industry in which the company operates;
    • Allocation of resources by the state;
    • Legislation, taxes, labor protection laws and much more.

No matter how much you would like to, but the government has a great influence on all sectors in the state and enterprises in particular.

2. Economic or economic aspects. Economic analysis takes into account the well-being of the population, whether people will be able to use the services of your enterprise, buy the goods you produce. The data obtained contributes to the forecasting of price levels and profitability. Goals of economic analysis:

  • Evaluate investment policy;
  • Analyze energy prices;
  • To study information about the budget deficit and the amount of taxes;
  • Process data on income of citizens;
  • Take into account the rate of unemployment and inflation.

3. Social or social factors. The main task is to study the needs of people, what goods they are willing to buy and what services to use. The goals include:

  • Study of consumer preferences;
  • The quality of life of people;
  • Life style.

4. Technological or technological aspects. The analysis is designed to study technological trends at the moment. Without such information, there is a chance to lag behind competitors who will produce a product that is technologically more advanced than yours. Goals:

  • Familiarization with the field of scientific and technical progress;
  • Study of developments that may affect your enterprise;
  • Improving the equipment that is used in production, improving the production process, using the latest technologies.

Example of pest analysis

As an example, consider a beauty salon. The success of the services provided depends on various factors that require detailed analysis. It is worth paying attention to the negative aspects, if any. Otherwise, there is a chance to lose a significant proportion of customers, which will lead to a drain on finances. The same applies to the positive aspects: if you notice them in time and process the information, the company will receive a solid advantage.

What factors primarily affect your beauty salon? Factors of the internal environment. This includes the initial capital with which your salon will begin its activities. External factors are, for example, the laws of your state.

The positive ones are also characterized as the strengths of your company. For example, you have the best makeup artist in the whole city in your salon and people will come to you to use his services. Negative factors are your weaknesses. For example, you don't work on Sunday. People will prefer competitors because they work on weekends.

All the above aspects serve only as an example. Pest analysis should be given more than one day or even a month to calculate everything to the smallest detail.

Apple Pest Analysis

Ikea pest analysis

Pest analysis of Lukoil

As we can see, this type of analysis of the macro and microenvironment of an enterprise is very effective and is suitable for enterprises of various sizes and directions.

The good thing is that it allows you to identify and evaluate in a complex the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, as well as threats and opportunities for activities, products, management systems, projects of the organization.

When conducting a SWOT analysis to identify threats and opportunities, one or more of its varieties are often used. This method helps to fully consider and evaluate the influence of political, economic, social and technological factors of the external environment on various aspects of the organization's business (its profit, management system, etc.). The method is widely used in strategic planning and management of large organizations, as well as for assessing investment risks.

What is the essence of the method?

In the process of PEST analysis, political (P - political), economic (E - economic), social (S - social) and technological (T - technological) factors of the external environment are determined and their impact on the organization is assessed. The influence of factors is evaluated in points or other units of measurement. Based on the results of the analysis, a summary matrix is ​​compiled.

When conducting a PEST analysis, not only the actual state of the factors is assessed, but also their possible changes are predicted in the near future, for example, over the next few years. Therefore, it is important to involve industry experts or organization personnel competent to make market forecasts in the analysis.

The structure of PEST analysis can be represented schematically:

How to apply the method?

ABOUT The main stages of PEST analysis include:

  1. Identification of external factors that may affectactivities, products, management system of the organization;
  2. Collection of data on trends in factors;
  3. Analysis of factors in terms of significance and degree of influence of factors;
  4. Compilation of the PEST analysis matrix.

1. Definition of external factors

At this stage, a list of factors of the external environment of the organization is formed that may affect the activities and management system of the organization in the next three to five years.The identified factors are divided into four groups: economic, political, technological and socio-cultural. The set of factors in each group depends on the activities of the organization, the characteristics of the region and the goals of the analysis.

On the image examples of factors in each group are presented:

2. Collection of information on trends in factors

To make predictions about trends that will manifest themselves in the economy, technology, social environment, etc., you need to study a large amount of statistical and analytical information and draw conclusions based on these data.

3. Analysis of factors in terms of significance and degree of influence

Having determined the factors, it is necessary to assess the strength of the influence of each of the factors according to three-point scale, where:

1 - insignificant influence of the factor, any change in the factor has almost no effect on the organization;

2 - only a strong change in the factor will affect the organization;

3 - high influence of the factor, any fluctuations cause significant changes in the organization's activities.

The assessment of the strength of the influence of the factor is a subjective expert assessment.If the factors do not have any impact on the organization, then they are not included in the table.

Next, the probability of a change in each factor is estimated according to five-point scale, where 1 is the minimum, 5 is the maximum probability of a change in the environmental factor. The evaluation is usually carried out by a group of experts or employees with sufficient experience in the industry and expertise in any of the areas of work. In a separate column of the table, the arithmetic mean of the scores of all experts is calculated:

The actual significance of each factor is then assessed. It allows you to assess how much the organization should pay attention to and control the factor of changing the external environment. The actual significance of a factor is calculated as the probability of a change in the factor, weighted by the strength of the influence of this factor on the organization. The higher the actual significance of the factor (column “weight-adjusted score”), the more attention and effort the organization should pay to reduce the negative impact of this factor on the organization.

To complete the analysis, it is necessary to draw conclusions: for each factor, describe its impact on the industry, organization and draw up action programs to reduce the negative impact of the factor and maximize the positive impact of the factor on the organization.

Varieties of PEST analysis

Using , many analysts wondered why only four environmental factors are subjected to careful analysis, they proposed to expand the boundaries of the analysis and the list of factors. As a result, varieties of analysis appeared with new abbreviations: SLEPT- analysis (supplemented by one factor: L - Legal); PESTLE- analysis (supplemented with two factors: Legal and Environmental); STEEPLE-analysis (supplemented by several factors: Legal, Environmental, Ethnical and, if necessary, Geography).

PEST analysis is a marketing tool for identifying various aspects of the environment that affect or may affect the business of an enterprise. Explanation of the abbreviation: Political - political, Economic - economic, Social - social, Technological - technological factors.

The essence and purpose of PEST analysis

PEST analysis is a method for studying the macroeconomic environment. The title encodes the studied components:

  1. Policy. The political system, the stability of the situation in the country affects the business activity of the enterprise. Legal acts establish the norms of relationships in the business environment. The activities of any company must be carried out within the framework of the law.
  2. Economy. With the help of this component of the analysis, inflation rates, interest rates, exchange rates, unemployment and wages, etc. are studied. Economic indicators determine the level of prices, profitability, solvency of customers.
  3. Social component(consumer preferences and opportunities). This includes the traditions and values ​​of society, ethical standards, tastes, lifestyle, etc.
  4. technological component. These factors are studied in order to find new trends in technological development that will help modernize equipment, create a new product, and improve the production process.

The analysis is carried out according to the "factor - enterprise" scheme. The results are entered into a matrix, where the subject is the factors, and the predicate is the strength of the impact in points, ranks and similar units.

PEST analysis of environmental factors in Excel

The set of factors in each group will be individual. It depends on the scope of the enterprise, the characteristics of the region, the goals of the analysis.

At the first stage, a list of factors that can affect the profit of the company in the long term is compiled. The following examples can be found in the literature:

Political factors
  • Elections at any level of government.
  • The stability of political power.
  • Changes in legislation (tax, labor, regulating work in the industry).
  • Level of corruption, freedom of information.
  • Participation of the state in various supranational structures.
  • Trends towards regulation in the industry.
  • Regulation of competition at the state level.
  • The degree of restrictions on imports.
Economic forces
  • GDP dynamics, economic growth rate.
  • Inflation rate, ruble stability.
  • Refinancing rate, exchange rate of major currencies.
  • Unemployment rate, average salary, purchasing power of the population.
  • The cost of energy, raw materials and communication resources.
  • The degree of openness of the economy.
Social factors
  • The standard of living, education, health care.
  • Attitude to imported goods, work, leisure.
  • Religion and other beliefs.
  • Requirements for service and product quality.
  • Media influence.
  • Level of migration and demographic growth.
Technological factors
  • The level of innovation in the industry.
  • Technology development.
  • Legislation in the field of technological development of the industry.
  • Degree of technology use.

PEST-analysis on the example of a trade enterprise:

  1. political factors. Part of the products in store "X" came from foreign suppliers. Due to the policy of sanctions, restrictions have been introduced on a number of goods. Therefore, the director had to look for substitute goods (analogues) on the domestic market and from manufacturers from the countries of the Customs Union. The policy of sanctions has also led to an increase in the number of various inspections by the control and supervisory authorities. As a result, administrative and corruption costs have increased.
  2. Economic forces. The high rate of inflation led to the depreciation of savings. Increasing tax rates - overestimating the cost - rising prices.
  3. social factors. The growth of population mobility has led to a "fluidity" of personnel. The way out is to improve the system of labor incentives.
  4. Technological. Scientific and technological progress in the social sphere has led to an increase in the level of needs of the population.

Having identified the factors, the experts evaluate the strength of the influence of each of them. The scale is from 1 to 3.

The arithmetic mean of the scores is calculated using the AVERAGE function.

The higher the weight-adjusted score, the more attention should be paid to neutralizing this factor.

The next step is to bring the calculations into a matrix form. The factors must be arranged in descending order.

Based on this PEST-analysis table, conclusions are drawn: the influence of their factors hinders obtaining maximum profit, how to reduce the negative impact.
