Mineral water for low stomach acidity. List of mineral waters What water should you drink if you have high acidity

When contacting a doctor, he determines whether it is permissible to be treated with mineral water and which category to give preference to. It is recommended to strictly follow the doctor’s instructions; contradictions or reverse actions will lead to a negative effect on the body.

The right medicine stabilizes gastric juice, normalizes acidity, and stimulates wall tone. The choice of water is influenced by the chemical composition.

How does the acidity level affect gastritis?

The acidity of gastric juice is determined using probing, intragastric pH-metry, probeless examination methods (probing is contraindicated in some patients): this is the method of ion exchange resins (when ingesting a resin that colors urine in a certain color, the diagnosis can be determined using a color scale), desmoid test by Sali, acidotest, gastrotest.

In the stomach cavity of a healthy person there is an acidic environment that ensures high-quality digestion of incoming food. In addition, the acidic environment copes well with a variety of viruses, pathogenic microorganisms, and bacteria. Increased production of gastric secretions can cause inflammation of the gastric mucosa, which leads to its erosion.

To answer the question of whether it is possible to drink mineral water with gastritis, we asked our expert - an active gastroenterologist.

When a person is in excellent health, his stomach has an advantage of an acidic environment for normal digestion of food and neutralization of pathogenic microorganisms. If gastric juice is released in large quantities, it begins to corrode the walls of the organ and causes inflammation. All this leads to the development of gastritis with a high acid content.

When there is increased acidity due to pathology, medicinal water therapy is prescribed in parallel with medications. It is better to find out from your doctors what kind of mineral water you can drink if you have high acidity. Doctors often advise drinking a drink that can reduce acidity. These mineral waters include Borjomi, Essentuki 17, Smirnovskaya, Slavyanovskaya, Luzhanskaya and all those that normalize the level of acid in the gastrointestinal tract.

Borjomi is capable of neutralizing increased content acids with their alkaline composition. For treatment to be effective, it is necessary to drink water in case of increased stomach acidity in compliance with the following rules:

  • To neutralize excess acid, you need to drink a glass of mineral water half an hour after eating. When a high level of acid is constantly present (this is noticeable by constant attacks of heartburn), then you need to drink water half an hour before a meal.
  • It is recommended to consume Borjomi warm, heating it to a temperature of 40 degrees. It is important to know that repeated heating can destroy beneficial minerals.
  • Therapy for gastritis of this type is treated with mineral water without gas. Carbon dioxide irritates the walls of the stomach and provokes acid production.
  • You need to drink mineral water in small doses: from a quarter to a whole glass, up to three times a day. You should drink water in small sips.

With gastritis with low acidity, human health is in danger. Its danger lies in the fact that with low acidity, the gastrointestinal tract is colonized by pathogenic microflora. At the same time, other symptoms were also noticed: nausea after eating, impaired bowel movements, increased gas formation. As a result of poor digestion of food in the stomach, a person suffers from iron deficiency in the body.

After gastritis is confirmed by appropriate diagnostic procedures, the specialist usually carefully describes the patient’s diet, including mineral waters. It is necessary to take into account the acidity of the stomach in order to know what kind of water to drink for a therapeutic effect.

With high acidity

Hyperacid gastritis is considered the most common form of pathology. Alkaline mineral waters help reduce the aggressive effects of gastric secretions.

It is worth paying attention to the label; usually alkaline mineral waters have a pH value of more than 7 units.

  • To get the proper therapeutic effect, you need to drink at least 600 ml of alkaline mineral water every day.
  • Such treatment is effective even with the erosive form of hyperacid gastritis.
  • You should drink half a glass of mineral water about 60 minutes before a meal; over time, a single dosage should be a glass of water.
  • It is recommended to drink waters such as Borjomi and Dzhemruk, Smirnovskaya or Arshan, etc.

With reduced secretion

If the pathology is hypoacidic, you should drink water with a pH less than 7. This treatment will help eliminate belching and flatulence, as well as get rid of other unpleasant symptoms that accompany low-acid gastritis processes.

Regular consumption of acidic mineral waters helps improve the digestibility of food, reducing the risk of food intoxication.

  • If hypoacid gastritis has an atrophic form, then consuming acidic mineral waters will help restore mucosal secretion.
  • In case of inflammatory damage to the gastric mucosa with low acidity, patients are recommended to drink Narzan and Essentuki, Izhevskaya and Druskininkai, Berezovskaya, etc.
  • You should drink this water about half an hour before meals, ¼ glass, increasing the dosage to a glass (0.2 l).

In the erosive form of the disease

For gastritis lesions of the erosive type, it is also important to take into account the acidity of the stomach and choose mineral waters in accordance with this indicator.

It is worth remembering one simple rule - you absolutely cannot drink cold water, it should be at room temperature, then the benefits of the drink will be maximum.

During an exacerbation

When gastritis worsens, patients are often advised to fast. But sick people can drink; it is water that will help saturate the body during fasting. essential minerals and components.

Gradually, the diet expands; you can increase the amount of mineral water consumed before meals to a glass.

For low acidity, gastroenterologists prescribe:

  • Essentuki 4;
  • Mirgorodskaya;
  • Narzan;
  • Izhevskaya;
  • Tyumen;
  • Morshinskaya and others.

In case of increased acidity, gastroenterologists, as a rule, recommend mineral water in addition to basic drug treatment and diet. In this case, it is correct to drink Borjomi, Essentuki 17, Smirnovskaya, Zbruchanskaya, Luzhanskaya, Polyana Kvasova, Slavyanovskaya and others.

Mineral water Borjomi for gastritis can replace potent pharmaceutical drugs and bring the patient back to normal in a fairly short time. It has a rich natural composition that has a healing effect for many diseases. At the same time, doctors, for some reason, forget to explain to the patient how to drink mineral water correctly for gastritis. The healing properties of water also largely depend on the method of application.

It is not recommended to drink mineral waters, including Essentuki 17, during an exacerbation of gastritis. It is better to take it in the second phase of the disease or in for preventive purposes. The water tastes a little salty, but is easy and pleasant to drink.

Rules for taking mineral water for gastritis with high acidity

Water therapy

Water therapy consists of drinking mineral water prescribed by the doctor depending on the secretory function with which gastritis is detected. The availability and low cost of mineral water makes this method of treating stomach disease especially popular.

Treatment with mineral water should begin with a visit to the doctor. First of all, an analysis of gastric juice will be done and the type of gastritis will be determined. Inflammation of the gastric mucosa is usually accompanied by either excessive acid production (gastritis with high acidity) or insufficient formation (low acidity).

Mineral water for gastritis with high acidity

In the treatment of gastritis, great importance is given to mineral waters. In combination with therapeutic nutrition and physiotherapeutic procedures, a course of mineral waters is prescribed, which help reduce inflammation of the gastric mucosa and normalize the function of the digestive organs and metabolism.

N.V. Kulikov 09.02. 140 views

All gastritis, without exception, require diet. Only against the background of properly organized nutrition is it possible to cure the disease. A gastroenterologist will provide drug treatment, and he will also give nutritional recommendations.

To create a more precise diet, you can contact a nutritionist; they will help you create a suitable menu of permitted foods so that you do not feel deprived while eating.

As for drinking, carbonated drinks and lemonade are not recommended for people with gastritis. strong tea, coffee, alcohol, in a word, everything that causes irritation of the gastric mucosa. But mineral water is allowed not only for drinking, but also for the treatment of gastritis.

Treatment of gastritis with mineral water is also prescribed by a doctor. Mineral water contains many useful substances, the deficiency of which cannot be replenished with food. Water stimulates the proper functioning of the digestive tract and enriches the body with useful substances. All this is very important in the treatment of gastritis.

Types of water with different acidity?

Drinking such water increases the alkali content in the body, thus regulating the functions of the stomach. Alkaline mineral water contains magnesium, lime sulfate and carbon dioxide. This water should be taken half an hour before meals, half a glass, warmed. Drink three times a day.

Mineral water at low acidity gastric juice

This water helps to increase the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, thus speeding up and improving digestive function. It is taken differently than alkaline water. It should not be heated, and should be taken 20-30 minutes before the intended meal. It is necessary that the healing liquid be in the stomach at the time the food enters there.

This treatment has its own characteristics. You should start taking mineral water gradually, and the entire course should not exceed a month. Courses of treatment can be repeated, but you should not do this more than 4 times a year.

If you feel any changes, please inform your doctor. Perhaps the course of treatment requires correction.

Often, mineral water is prescribed for the treatment of gastritis and other pathologies of the digestive system. Water for gastritis helps normalize the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, has a choleretic effect, improves stool formation and liver function.

High-quality mineral water contains a large number of microelements and salts, which are necessary to restore the muscle layer and gastric mucosa. What mineral water can you drink with high or, conversely, low acidity, how is treatment carried out?

The benefits of mineral water

Which mineral water is suitable for treating high acidity? It should be noted that not every water has medicinal properties. You should know that depending on the form of gastritis, mineral water with completely different acidity and composition can be prescribed. Inadequacy of water intake depending on the disease can only lead to increased gastritis.

Mineral water for gastritis plays an important role in the treatment of the disease. But it only helps the medicine cope with the disease. It can be used independently for the purpose of prevention. When a person is predisposed to inflammation of the mucous membrane, he may be prescribed a course of mineral water to prevent the development of gastritis.

To treat gastritis with low acidity, you should choose mineral water with a pH greater than 7 units. You should drink it slowly, 15–20 minutes before meals.

The daily norm is half a liter of water divided into 3 doses. The doctor may prescribe a different dosage, based on the characteristics of gastritis and its condition.

When warm liquid is slowly consumed, a secretion is produced in the stomach mucosa. The acidity of mineral water complements gastric juice and helps it process food.

To treat gastritis with high acidity, alkaline mineral water with a pH of more than 7 units is selected. You should drink it an hour or an hour and a half before meals. Water extinguishes excess hydrochloric acid and reduces irritation of the mucous membrane. Before eating, it passes into the duodenum and further, “washes” it. The walls prepared in this way easily absorb beneficial substances, removing toxins.

The water should be warm, ideally equal to body temperature. Cold will provoke the development of inflammation. Hot will increase irritation of the mucous membrane, walls of the stomach and esophagus. The standard volume of mineral water taken is a glass. When taken independently or in the case of treating children, the dosage should be calculated based on body weight - 3 ml per 1 kg.

In case of increased acidity of the stomach, without a doubt, preference should be given to alkaline medicinal table or table fresh mineral water, in which bicarbonates predominate, and a larger number of ions of various metals. Why is this so important?

Alkaline mineral water for gastritis (high acidity)

With gastritis with increased secretion, a lot of hydrochloric acid is released in the stomach, and it often irritates the stomach. The purpose of alkaline water is to extinguish excess acid.

In this case, drink water 1 hour before meals in a warm state. While the food arrives in the stomach, the medicinal water will have time to extinguish the excess acid.

The following types of alkaline waters are suitable:

  • "Borjomi"
  • "Martin"
  • "Avadhara"
  • "Makhachkala"
  • "Zheleznovodskaya"
  • "Matsesta"
  • "Arzni"
  • "Tursh-Su"
  • "Essentuki 17"

Alkaline mineral water for gastritis (low acidity)

With reduced acidity in the stomach, little hydrochloric acid is produced. Alkaline water helps acid break down food; it is prescribed before meals, 15-20 minutes before, at room temperature.

For low acidity, slightly alkaline and sodium chloride waters are suitable. These are the names:

  • "Izhevskaya" and "Novoizhevskaya"
  • "Mirgorodskaya"
  • "Feodosia"
  • "Tyumenskaya"
  • "Essentuki 4"
  • "Shaambars 2"

Pancreatitis is treated with complex therapy methods, the main one of which is a strict diet, including control of food intake and fluid volume. Mineral water helps to improve the functions of a damaged digestive gland. Thanks to its effects due to the selection of qualities and composition, mineral water is one of the non-drug methods of treating pancreatitis.

Minerals are necessary for the body during pancreatitis.

Useful properties

IN modern world The most common gastrointestinal disease is gastritis. The sooner the patient consults a specialist, the faster the unpleasant symptoms that accompany the disease will go away.

Besides medications And special diet, gastroenterologists recommend drinking medicinal mineral water. It is generally accepted that this drink has a positive effect on the patient’s body as a whole.

The use of “Essentuki-4” and “Essentuki-17” can improve the tone and motor function of the stomach. Therefore, the question of whether this drink is possible disappears.

During the period of remission, the use of Essentuki mineral water is allowed.

  • 1 "Essentuki 4"
  • 2 "Essentuki 17"
  • 3 Contraindications
  • 4 How to check authenticity

"Essentuki 4"

“Essentuki 4” is considered medicinal water, having a chloride-bicarbonate sodium composition. As for the mineralization of this drink, it is 8 - 10 g.l.

Gastroenterologists recommend this useful liquid for gastritis with high acidity, which is accompanied by preserved, increased or decreased acidity. It will also be useful when diagnosing stomach and duodenal ulcers, colitis, liver disease, and diabetes.

Water is extracted from a 90-meter depth of the Essentuki field. Immediately on the spot, the liquid is poured into containers.

This is necessary to preserve its features. Experts say that during transportation all healing properties are lost.

That is why the manufacturer organized the supply of the drink through a special mineral pipeline, where filtration is simultaneously carried out and there is no contact with air. Thanks to such actions, water retains volatile substances.

Essentuki water for gastritis is considered a safe drink, since each batch of mineral water undergoes mandatory testing by specialists. Typically, gastroenterologists can prescribe mineral therapy up to three courses per year.

Mineral water is prescribed for many pathologies digestive system. Mineral water helps normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and also has good choleretic effect. Additional benefits include:

  • improves liver function;
  • restores the gastric mucosa;
  • restores the muscle layer of the digestive organ.

Mineral water helps well, especially for those patients with gastritis who have increased or decreased gastric secretion, as well as if the disease occurs in a hyperacid form.

Healing properties

Mineral water for gastritis helps to reduce not only the aggressive effect on gastric secretion, but also has a positive effect on the duodenum. In order to get rid of heartburn, as well as excessive stomach secretion, you need to take mineral water, which is rich in bicarbonates and useful metals.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, this composition helps bind hydrochloric acid and also weakens its production in a short period of time.

If a person has been diagnosed with a stomach pathology that is accompanied by high acidity, the gastroenterologist will recommend that he regularly drink mineral water, which contains:

  • various metals;
  • ions in huge quantities;
  • hydrocarbonates.

Gastritis with high acidity

If you believe the statistics, this type of disease occurs very often. For gastritis with high acidity, doctors recommend drinking alkaline mineral water. It helps reduce high acid levels. Alkaline water has a pH of 7 or more.

Before drinking mineral water, you need to preheat it to avoid irritation. In addition, warm liquid eliminates discomfort, which is also typical for gastritis.

To treat gastritis with high acidity, you need to drink 600 ml of heated liquid. per day 1 hour before meals. Gastroenterologists say that for erosive gastritis, drinking slightly alkaline mineral water will be effective.

If you have gastritis with a high level of acid, you need to drink mineral water quickly so that the secretion does not begin to be produced.

Among the water manufacturers on the market, the following are suitable for the treatment of this form of gastritis:

  • "Borjomi". Premium water containing sodium carbonate. It is used to treat gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases. It is “Borjomi” that reduces the level of secreted hydrochloric acid, normalizes digestion and general condition.
  • "Luzhanskaya". Prescribed for gastrointestinal diseases and ulcers. The water contains fluorine and silicic acid. Overweight people can also drink mineral water.
  • "Polyana Kvasova". Suitable for patients with pancreatitis, ulcers, colic and gastritis. Water belongs to the category of hydrocarbonate. "Polyana Kvasova" is also prescribed for diseases of the gallbladder.
  • "Mirgorodskaya". It is considered alkaline, containing sodium chloride. You can also drink water for inflammation of the liver and gall bladder, as well as to normalize metabolism.
  • "Zbruchanskaya". Suitable for patients with gastritis, both during exacerbation and for prevention. The water contains bicarbonates, salts in large quantities, calcium, iron, magnesium.

For gastritis and other digestive diseases, gastroenterologists also recommend drinking Essentuki, Smirnovskaya, and Nabeglavi. Thanks to the mineralized composition of the water, inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane are eliminated and waste products, toxins, and other substances are removed. harmful substances.

Gastritis with decreased acid secretion

For gastritis with low acidity, that is, with a hypoacid form, it is recommended to drink water with a pH level no higher than 7. Using this water, you will get rid of unpleasant symptoms: bloating, belching and pain.

Mineral water for gastritis with low acidity is drunk 30 minutes before meals. It does not need to be heated, since the level of hydrochloric acid is already low. For example, with atrophic gastritis, mineral water increases acidity and restores the mucous membrane. In the hypoacid form of the disease, water helps digest food, thereby reducing the risk of food poisoning.

For atrophic gastritis and gastritis with low acidity, it is recommended to drink the following waters:

  • "Izhevskaya". Sulfate calcium chloride belongs to the class of waters of high mineralization. Drinking it on an empty stomach will give you a mild diuretic and laxative effect. “Izhevsk” water is prescribed for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and gall bladder. It also helps normalize metabolism.
  • "Tyumenskaya". Belongs to the class of iodine waters containing chloride, sodium and bicarbonate. Waters similar to “Tyumen” can be drunk for gastritis with low acidity, obesity and thyroid diseases.
  • "Essentuki - 4". Contains bicarbonates, sulfate, sodium and magnet. Water is used for reflux gastritis, diseases with different levels of acidity, ulcers and diseases of the liver and gall bladder.

Patients with low acidity levels should drink water on an empty stomach 15-20 minutes before meals. This must be done very slowly so that the secretion begins to be produced.

Treatment of gastritis with mineral water can also be carried out using waters of the following brands: “Feodosia”, “Shaambary No. 2”. For the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, gastroenterologists recommend purchasing vouchers to sanatorium-resort institutions, where specialists will help stabilize the production of hydrochloric acid.

Therapy for peptic ulcer

Mineral water is very useful for stomach ulcers due to its high salt content. With such a pathology, drink hot mineral water to achieve maximum effectiveness.

Peptic ulcers come in different forms, so water intake regimens vary somewhat. For duodenal ulcers, mineral water should be drunk an hour or an hour and a half before meals, but this applies to patients who do not have any disturbances in the motor function of the stomach. If there is a complication, then drinking water is not recommended at all or in small quantities.

If you have a duodenal ulcer, you can also drink water, but follow the recommendations of a specialist. Peptic ulcers are treated with low-mineralized water, which does not irritate the walls of the stomach. You should know that the secretory function of the epigastrium does not always change in the desired direction. That is, in patients with a high acidity level, this value will not change. The process is connected with the fact that in addition to problems with acid, patients suffer from associated gastrointestinal diseases.

It is preferable to treat ulcers and gastritis in a sanatorium setting. At the sanatorium you will be prescribed a drinking regimen and mineralized baths. The following waters are especially useful:

  • "Borjomi"
  • "Narzan";
  • "Slavyanovskaya";
  • "Sairme" and others.

In case of gastrointestinal diseases, an important role is played by measures aimed at overall strengthening of the body and raising immunity. Among them are thermal and radon baths, decoctions of berries and herbs.

Treatment with mineral water should begin with small portions. Half a glass, no more. The concentration of salts in water should not exceed grams per liter. If side effects occur, you should consult a doctor and stop using this mineral water.

A person can take 50-200 milliliters of medication per day. The dose may be increased for patients with high height/weight. Mineral water for gastritis achieves a greater effect at a resort without losing temperature and mineral composition, thus maintaining its medicinal properties in full. Mineral water can also be used for baths and enemas, and even inhalations.

Mineral water for gastritis with an integrated approach to treatment will give the greatest results. To achieve your goals, it is necessary to combine water consumption with proper diet, daily routine and physical activity.

Mineral water is drunk without mixing with other medications and without consuming different types. Exceptions are described for patients suffering from constipation or other chronic diseases.

Types of mineral waters

Mineralized water for gastritis has a huge impact on the level of acid formation in the stomach cavity. Sometimes it is enough to take 1 glass of liquid to get rid of heartburn or resume gastrointestinal function.

To explain whether it is possible to drink mineral water with gastritis, let’s consider its varieties. There are 3 main types of mineral water:

  • Dining room. The concentration of minerals is very weak, no more than 1 gram per 1 liter. The taste of this drink is practically no different from ordinary water. It is sold in any store and can be used in any amount without a doctor’s prescription.
  • Medical dining room. The concentration of nutrients varies between 1-10 grams. Medicinal table mineral water often consists of iodine and arsenic, iron, silicon and bromine, and other components. Sold in supermarkets and pharmacies. Borjomi, Narzan, Essentuki No. 4 are the most common options for medicinal table water.
  • Therapeutic. A drink with an extremely high concentration of salts and trace elements. This is one of the reasons why drinking such water for chronic gastritis should only be done with the permission of a doctor. Examples of medicinal mineral water: Donat, Essentuki No. 17.

If a person does not have problems with the pancreas, stomach and other organs, there is no point in drinking medicinal mineral water. There are already enough microelements in the body. By consuming liquid, there is a risk of disrupting the natural balance.

It is important to know initially how gastric juice is produced in the body. Perhaps the stomach produces too much acid or the opposite is true. For gastritis, mineral water with low acidity should enhance secretion, and with high acidity, suppress it. Therefore, in the first case, an alkaline liquid is drunk, and in the second, an acidic one. Take this nuance into account when choosing a drink in a store or pharmacy.

  • People with high acidity are advised to drink warm mineral water. This is a necessary measure to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide. It is recommended to drink it in large sips 1 hour before meals. The product should contain a lot of bicarbonates and sodium. Essentuki No. 4 for gastritis with high secretion meets these requirements. The same can be said about Borjomi, waters from Zheleznovodsk, Matsesta.

During an exacerbation

To benefit from drinking mineral waters, you must follow some rules.

  1. It is necessary to start therapy for gastritis with mineral water in small portions. First ¼ glass, then ½ and a whole glass.
  2. The duration of such treatment is no more than a month, and the mineral water itself should be without gas.
  3. It is better to buy water in glass bottles.
  4. You need to drink water about an hour and a half before your main meals.
  5. For hyperacid gastritis, it is better to heat the water to 40 degrees, this will eliminate carbon dioxide, which enhances acid secretion. When drinking this water, heartburn and stomach discomfort are eliminated.
  6. Alkaline water should be drunk quickly so that gastric secretions do not have time to develop.
  7. If gastritis is hypoacid, then there is no need to heat the water; it is enough that it is at room temperature.

With proper use of mineral waters, patients can quickly alleviate their condition and eliminate gastritis manifestations.

Water therapy

Harmless at first glance and easily accessible as a medicine, mineral water, if used incorrectly, can worsen the patient’s condition:

  • Change stomach acidity.
  • Increase inflammation.
  • Provoke the formation of ulcers.
  • Cause heaviness and nausea.
  • Impair digestion of food.

Even suitable water you need to learn how to use it correctly. There are several rules that will help a person recover faster.

Weak alkaline water"Lipetskaya" chloride-sulfate with sodium.

Mineral waters near Lipetsk were discovered at the end of the 19th century.

Now they are bottling Lipetskaya medicinal table water (mineralization 3.0-4.5 g/l) under the following names:

  • "Lipetsk pump room"
  • "Lipetskaya"

And also table water (mineralization 0.4-1.0 g/l):

  • "Lipetsk Classic"
  • "Lipetsk pump room 1"

"Essentuki 4"

Healing properties

Essentuki No. 4

Mineral water such as Essentuki belongs to the table and medicinal water category. There are relatively few salts and minerals in it. It has proven itself well in the treatment and prevention of various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolic disorders, and high production of gastric juice. Essentuki No. 4 should be taken in small quantities. The recommended dosage is:

  • When the acidity is normal - 300 ml three times a day half an hour before meals.
  • Low acidity. The volume is the same or slightly less (250 ml), 20 minutes before a meal. At room temperature, no more than 3 times a day.
  • High secretion can be eliminated with water heated to 28 degrees. The frequency of use and dosage are the same as in the previous recipe.

How does Essentuki No. 17 differ from the previous medicinal table water? First of all, a different composition. Mineralization is much higher - 1 liter of drink contains up to 14 g of minerals. The product can be confidently considered sodium, chloride-bicarbonate and boron. It is recommended to drink Essentuki No. 17 for gastritis for people with low and normal acidity.

To ensure effective stimulation of the secretory function of the stomach, drink 250 ml of the drink 20 minutes before meals. The optimal temperature is 20-25 degrees.

Essentuki mineral water is considered very useful, rich in vitamins and minerals.

It is considered therapeutic and is often used in the treatment of various gastrointestinal pathologies, especially in hyperacid gastritis. Regular consumption of this water helps to get rid of bloating and nausea, belching and stomach discomfort.

Essentuki has a pronounced therapeutic effect for gastritis.

  1. Helps relieve inflammation;
  2. Promotes the removal of mucus from gastrointestinal structures;
  3. Helps normalize digestion;
  4. Eliminates stomach heaviness;
  5. Evacuates harmful substances, toxins and other pathogenic components from the body.

"Essentuki 4"

Composition and beneficial properties

The mineral water we are used to is the same water, only extracted from the depths of the Earth. There it is preserved for centuries in deep layers, and due to the absence of external factors that pollute surface waters, it is gradually saturated with trace elements and minerals.

The main elements of mineral water:

  • sodium;
  • sulfates;
  • hydrocarbonates;
  • chlorine.

There are many varieties of mineral water:

  • chloride;
  • hydrocarbonate;
  • sulfate and others.

A thorough study of the composition of mineral water is the work of scientists. What is important for us is what its mineralization is - it determines for what purposes it can be used. healing drink.

Water is classified according to the degree of mineralization:

  • dining room;
  • medical dining room;
  • medicinal.

The second subtype contains salts from 2 to 10 g per liter of liquid. The third, respectively, from 10. The second and third subtypes should be used only as prescribed by a doctor. They have a healing effect, but if used incorrectly they can cause harm.

Even with adequate nutrition, a person does not always receive the required amount of microelements and minerals. You can compensate for the deficiency with mineral water. It includes:

When there are problems with the stomach, the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract and other systems is disrupted. Frequent vomiting and diarrhea lead to an acute lack of vital substances. It is quite possible to compensate for the lack of minerals. We will tell you what mineral water is good for gastritis and how to drink it correctly in the second part of the article.

"Essentuki 4"

Borjomi for medicinal purposes

Borjomi is a healing water of volcanic origin. Contains more than 60 salts and minerals, other substances so necessary for the body. Refers to mineral hydrocarbonate drinks.

Borjomi is considered no less useful for gastritis. It is also often prescribed for hyperacid inflammation of the stomach.

Regular consumption of this drink helps reduce gastric acidity, activates mucus secretion, and normalizes secretory and other gastric functions.

This mineral water is of Georgian origin and is rich in mineral components. It is useful to use this water for pancreatitis, ulcerative processes or diabetes. The mineralization of Borjomi is about 5.5-7.5 g/l.

Are there any contraindications?

There are diseases for which it is better not to carry out drinking treatment with mineral waters.

It is very important to select the right water according to the acidity of the stomach. So, with hyperacid gastritis it is forbidden to drink acidic waters, and with hypoacid gastritis - alkaline ones.

Also, for gastritis, it is better to avoid drinking carbonated mineral water, since carbon dioxide promotes irritation of the gastric walls, provokes excess gas formation and bloating.

Do not forget about individual intolerance to mineral water. If you have hypersensitivity to individual components, then you should avoid drinking such water. If after the first days of taking the patient’s condition worsens, then there is no need to take such a mineral water.

In general, the benefits of mineral water for human body undeniable, the main thing is to choose the right water in accordance with the pH of the stomach. Then drinking water will be extremely beneficial.

If gastritis with high acidity is detected, then you definitely need to pay attention to nutrition. It is important to choose your drinks carefully. Useful for high acidity of the stomach. It must be taken in combination with medications, otherwise there will be no positive effect. The rules for receiving and choosing water are described in the article.


Mineral water is considered beneficial for high stomach acidity because it contains a lot useful components, restoring the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys. It contains natural microelements that are of great benefit to the human body. Water contains substances that cannot always be obtained from ordinary products.


The composition is determined by the source from which the water is extracted. Information about this, as well as indications for use, contraindications and the manufacturer, is indicated on the container label. The mineral water should consist of:

  • carbon dioxide;
  • ions of chlorine, iodine, magnesium, potassium, calcium;
  • silicon and boron.

These components are considered basic. Each water has a unique composition that has a different effect on the human condition.


Mineral water comes in several types depending on the type of ions that predominate in it. It happens:

  1. Alkaline. It contains a lot of bicarbonates. Mineral water is effective for gastritis and other ailments of the digestive system.
  2. Sulfate. It is used to restore the activity of the gallbladder and liver.
  3. Chloride. Used to regulate bowel function.
  4. Magnesium containing. It is used for stress, as well as for disorders of the nervous, vascular, and cardiac systems.
  5. Glandular. This mineral water contains many iron ions and its compounds, with the help of which the hematopoietic system is normalized.

Efficiency and benefits of drinking mineral water

What mineral water should you drink if you have high acidity? For this disease, alkaline medicinal table water or table water will be effective. fresh water. It contains bicarbonates and many ions of various metals. It is able to reduce the concentration of hydrochloric acid by binding it.

Bicarbonates enter the body, which reduce the concentration of hydrogen ions in the body. And they are needed for the production of acid in the stomach. As a result, the acidity level normalizes, the feeling of nausea and heartburn decreases. The effect of mineral water in case of increased stomach acidity is to improve metabolism, since it is able to saturate the lymph with the necessary microelements. Immunity also improves and the person recovers faster.

Mineral water with increased acidity of the stomach normalizes the functioning of the glands of this organ. It activates the production of mucus, which protects the stomach walls from excess acid. With regular intake of mineral water, the removal of food into the intestines is accelerated. This ensures the prevention of stagnation, which restores acid to normal. A person does not feel nausea, there is no belching, heaviness in the stomach, heartburn disappears.

The doctor must perform a preliminary diagnosis and provide recommendations for treatment. The specialist will also tell you which mineral water is best to choose. This is important to consider, since the treatment regimen and dosage are selected individually.


What mineral water should you drink if you have high acidity in your stomach? All medicinal water companies offer several types of products. For example, several types of mineral water are produced under the name “Essentuki”. There are types designed to improve the functioning of the digestive organs. Which mineral water from this company is suitable for treatment for high stomach acidity? You can choose No. 2 or No. 17. They contain a lot of bicarbonate, which will help restore acidity.

Before purchasing, you should consult with the seller to see if alkaline water is available for sale. Only it can be used to reduce acidity. When choosing mineral water for high stomach acidity, you need to read the indications for use: they are always indicated on the bottle label.

So, what kind of water is needed? It should be alkaline, medicinal, or fresh, with a small amount of carbon dioxide. If consumed in a timely manner, the healthy liquid can not only eliminate malfunctions of the digestive system, but also relieve unpleasant symptoms for a long period. The general well-being of the patient depends on the correct choice.


Today you can find different names for mineral waters in stores and pharmacies. The following mineral waters help with increased stomach acidity:

  1. "Mirgorodskaya".
  2. "Luzhanskaya".
  3. "Zbruchanskaya".
  4. "Borjomi".
  5. "Polyana Kvasova"

“Essentuki”, “Bukovinskaya”, “Shayanskaya”, “Polyana Kupel” water is also suitable. Each mineral water has its own effect on the gastrointestinal tract, which should be known before use. If you have any stomach diseases, you should not take mineral water, which increases the acidity of the stomach.


This water is sodium chloride. It is used as a dining room every day. For hypertension and a low-salt diet, mineral water should be used carefully and in small doses. It is effective for pancreatitis, metabolic disorders, liver and biliary tract diseases.


This mineral water is one of the most popular. It contains many minerals and vitamins. It is used as medicine for gastrointestinal diseases, with increased acidity. With this treatment, it will be possible to reduce acid, get rid of belching, and feelings of nausea. The properties of Essentuki water include the following:

  • elimination of inflammation;
  • removal of mucus from the stomach and intestines;
  • getting rid of heaviness in the stomach;
  • normalization of the digestive process;
  • elimination of toxins and harmful substances.


Healing water is prescribed for gastritis with high acidity. She is capable of:

  • activate the secretory activity of the stomach, secretion of mucus;
  • reduce stomach acid levels;
  • restore bowel function.

There are many minerals in this water. Mineralization is 5.5-7.5 g per 1 liter. It is also used for ulcers, pancreatitis, and diabetes. Mineral water is effective for joint pathologies, flu, colds and coughs. Its use can improve the condition when playing sports, but it is prohibited to take it for gout, arthritis, migraines, and heart defects.


The doctor must prescribe the type of mineral water, as well as a treatment regimen. The initial dosage is 50-100 ml per day. It should be borne in mind that with an increased concentration of minerals, inflammation may occur that affects the gastric mucosa. Therapy lasts 1 month, and 2-4 courses will be required over a year.

It is advisable to drink water 1.5 hours before meals. Then, even before food arrives, the mineral water will completely pass into the intestines. It is advisable to consume it warmed up to 40-45 degrees. Then excess carbon dioxide, which stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, will be eliminated.

With increased acidity, mineral water should be taken with caution. It is necessary to stop taking it when:

  • lethargy;
  • belching;
  • flatulence;
  • pain in the epigastric region.

If you experience these symptoms, you should consult a doctor. He will provide recommendations for further treatment.

Disadvantages of drinking mineral water: contraindications

Although mineral water has a useful composition, it cannot always be used. It is contraindicated to drink water if:

  • diseases of the heart, blood vessels, circulatory disorders;
  • acute inflammation kidney;
  • exacerbation of chronic gastritis;
  • severe disruption of intestinal function;
  • severe nausea and vomiting;
  • external and internal bleeding;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • under 3 years of age;
  • late toxicosis, scars on the uterus, threat of miscarriage.

While carrying a child, women should consult a doctor and also clarify the dose, type of mineral water, and its temperature. If a large amount of water enters the body, kidney stones and gallbladder Moreover, over time, tooth enamel is destroyed.

Gastritis is an unpleasant disease that causes a lot of inconvenience to a person. His treatment must be comprehensive. Taking mineral water should be mandatory. Only with the supply of the necessary microelements will it be possible to restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, reduce the secretion of stomach acid and simply normalize a person’s well-being.

Gastritis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the gastric mucosa. The bacteria Helicobacter pylori is considered a common causative agent of the disease. Once inside the body, they attach to the cells of the inner surface of the organ and begin to multiply, damaging the membrane. Also, the reasons will be the abuse of alcohol and medications, the quality of food and a sharp change in diet (diet, gluttony of fast food).

How to recognize gastritis in a person? Symptoms include intermittent pain in the upper abdomen, nausea, belching, weight loss, and excess accumulation of gases in the stomach. To fully diagnose the disease, a gastroenterologist will prescribe a fibrogastroscopic examination (using a microcamera), ultrasound, blood and stool tests. If the disease is not treated, it can develop into a stomach ulcer or even cancer.

In case of exacerbation of inflammation, it is necessary to follow a diet, limit the consumption of chocolate, coffee, alcoholic drinks, soda, spicy, smoked, fried foods. Except drug treatment For gastritis of the stomach, doctors usually prescribe drinking mineral water.

Types of mineral water

Depending on the purpose of application, it is divided into three types:

  • Dining room. This includes water sold in regular stores. Its mineralization is extremely weak (1-2 g/l); it can be used for cooking in unlimited quantities.
  • Medicinal water has a slightly higher mineral content (2-8 g/l). The waters include Borjomi and Narzan. It is possible to drink such a liquid, but not regularly or in small quantities, preferably as prescribed by a doctor. An excess threatens an exacerbation of the disease or a general deterioration in well-being.
  • Medical dining room. The composition contains more than 8 g/l of minerals and trace elements. You need to drink carefully, exclusively in courses, taking into account the temperature and time of day, while at the same time observing the dosage. The mentioned species includes Essentuki 17 and Donat.

Mineral waters are distinguished by the composition of the incoming substances: alkaline (bicarbonates predominate in the composition and soda is strongly felt), chloride (have a bitter-salty taste and consist of a salt of the chloride group), sulfate (have a choleretic effect and a higher concentration of sulfuric acid salts), mixed, biological active and carbonated.

In nature, there are sources that provide water that already contains gas. This liquid has bacterial properties. Helps with reduced secretion of gastric juice. Artificial saturation preserves beneficial properties water.

How to choose the right mineral water for gastritis

When contacting a doctor, he determines whether it is permissible to be treated with mineral water and which category to give preference to. It is recommended to strictly follow the doctor’s instructions; contradictions or reverse actions will lead to a negative effect on the body.

The right medicine stabilizes gastric juice, normalizes acidity, and stimulates wall tone. The choice of water is influenced by the chemical composition.

How does the acidity level affect gastritis?

The acidity of gastric juice is determined using probing, intragastric pH-metry, probeless examination methods (probing is contraindicated in some patients): this is the method of ion exchange resins (when ingesting a resin that colors urine in a certain color, the diagnosis can be determined using a color scale), desmoid test by Sali, acidotest, gastrotest.

Acid in the stomach performs a bactericidal function. With its deficiency, microorganisms freely penetrate inside, affecting the microflora of the stomach, proteins are not completely digested, the fermentation process is activated, and a person cannot avoid constipation, gas, and pain.

High levels of acidity lead to heartburn and bouts of pain. This happens due to prolonged increased release of hydrochloric acid and insufficient acid neutralization.

Depending on the level of acidity, mineral water is selected according to two criteria: either to restrain the effect of hydrochloric acid, or to stimulate the cells of the gastric mucosa to secrete secretions.

Mineral water for gastritis with high acidity should have secretion-slowing properties. Borjomi, Arzni, mineral waters from the Matsesta resort, Slavyanovskaya (from the city of Zheleznovodsk) and other sulfate waters are best suited. Before use, it is recommended to heat the liquid in a water bath, without bringing it to a boil. Drink quickly, an hour before each meal.

Borjomi for gastritis is good for its unique set of useful substances: calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, fluorine, silicon, aluminum, sulfates - the listed ions lower acid levels, normalize intestinal function and improve digestion. The liquid is of volcanic origin, the source is located at a depth of ten kilometers, and while the water rises, it does not have time to cool. Along the way, it is enriched with additional useful substances. It is useful to drink Borjomi to cleanse the body: water thins mucus, loosens stools, removes toxins and relieves heartburn.

For gastritis with reduced secretion, choose mineral water, which activates metabolism. It is recommended to take shortly before the start of a meal, approximately 15 minutes. There is no need to heat such water; it is recommended to swallow slowly. You should buy mineral water with sodium chloride and bicarbonate composition. For example, Essentuki 17 is suitable. When taken orally, the process of transfer of phosphoric acid, activated by enzymes, slows down. Lack of protons reduces the formation of pepsins (enzymes), secretin (peptide hormone), thereby increasing intestinal motor activity.

The course of taking Essentuki 17 water at the resort is 20 days, outpatient use is allowed for a little more than a month. It is permissible to repeat the reception after six months. For treatment purposes, when drinking, you should release the gas from the bottle; water is sold only carbonated.

How gas formation affects the choice of mineral water

Drinking carbonated mineral water can lead to the formation of gases and flatulence. Food causes a feeling of fullness, gases prevent food from passing further, enlarge the intestinal opening, which leads to pain.

Correct usage

Treatment with mineral water should begin with small portions. Half a glass, no more. The concentration of salts in water should not exceed grams per liter. If side effects occur, you should consult a doctor and stop using this mineral water.

A person can take 50-200 milliliters of medication per day. The dose may be increased for patients with high height/weight. Mineral water for gastritis achieves a greater effect at a resort without losing temperature and mineral composition, thus maintaining its medicinal properties in full. Mineral water can also be used for baths and enemas, and even inhalations.

Mineral water for gastritis with an integrated approach to treatment will give the greatest results. To achieve your goals, it is necessary to combine water consumption with proper diet, daily routine and physical activity.

Mineral water is drunk without mixing with other medications and without consuming different types. Exceptions are described for patients suffering from constipation or other chronic diseases.

Contraindications for use

There are diseases for which it is better not to carry out drinking treatment with mineral waters.

  1. In case of circulatory problems, cardiovascular diseases, with acute pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys), with intestinal diseases, severe diarrhea with nausea, and bleeding, it is strictly forbidden to drink mineral water.
  2. It is not advisable to drink mineral water with alcohol or take it in the morning during the hangover stage. In the latter case, reactions occur that lead to irreversible consequences for the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Independent uncontrolled use of medicinal water leads to stones in the kidneys and gall bladder.
  4. It is not recommended to give mineral water to children under three years of age.
  5. During pregnancy, you should consult a gynecologist about the volume, temperature and time of administration, the method and nature of the mineral water. For a woman, late toxicosis, threat of miscarriage, vomiting, bleeding, if the placenta is located in the lower part of the uterus, and the presence of scars on the uterus are contraindications.
  6. Even for a healthy person, drinking carbonated mineral water can have disastrous consequences. When ingested, gases affect biologically active substances, slowing down or speeding up metabolism. Carbonic acid resulting from the reactions provokes self-digestion of the stomach. Carbon dioxide stretches the edges, causing belching. Gas carries stomach acid into the esophagus, causing cancer. Refrigerated soda contains twice as much carbonic acid, which causes holes in the stomach, sometimes leading to rupture of the esophagus.
  7. If you drink soda in large quantities, carbon dioxide destroys tooth enamel.

What mineral water can you drink if you have pancreatitis?

Pancreatitis is treated with complex therapy methods, the main one of which is a strict diet, including control of food intake and fluid volume. Mineral water helps to improve the functions of a damaged digestive gland. Thanks to its effects due to the selection of qualities and composition, mineral water is one of the non-drug methods of treating pancreatitis.

Minerals are necessary for the body during pancreatitis.

Useful properties

Mineral waters are extracted from deep wells. There, the liquid accumulates various salts, minerals and microcomponents that characterize its special properties:

  • potassium, which controls the speed of transmission of nerve impulses, thereby increasing intestinal and gastrointestinal motility and body tone;
  • sodium, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and regulates water-salt metabolism;
  • calcium, which strengthens bones, regulates blood clotting and central nervous system performance;
  • magnesium, which is involved in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and is the main element of the enzyme composition of the human body;
  • chlorine, which promotes digestion;
  • sulfates, which increase bile secretion and regulate the amount of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice;
  • bicarbonates that affect stomach functions.

Healing liquids are classified according to the content of a specific dissolved microelement. An equally important property is the concentration of nutrients in the amount of grams of total mineral content per liter of liquid.

The doctor decides which water is best to drink for pancreatitis.

The effect of mineral waters

Pancreatitis is a condition when the gland is destroyed under the influence of gastrointestinal enzymes formed outside the intestine, but in the pancreas itself. Because of this, mucosal tissue begins to self-destruct. The principle of pancreatitis therapy is to reduce the activity of pancreatic catalysts. These measures are necessary during exacerbations of the chronic stage or when acute pancreatitis is diagnosed. In a state of remission, it is necessary to take preventive measures that will stop the relapse of the disease at the very beginning or prevent its occurrence.

Most patients with pancreatitis are prescribed medicinal table waters with pH˃7. With their help, the production of gastric juice is suppressed, which leads to a decrease in the amount of pancreatic enzymes. Mineral water for pancreatitis also effectively relieves swelling of the mucous membrane, which improves the permeability of the digestive tract and biliary tract. The effect is explained by the ability of mineral water to remove excess fluid from cells and the entire body.

In the affected area, the environment has a pH˂7, which corresponds to increased acidity. The use of the product allows you to neutralize the environment, increasing the pH, and convert it to alkaline. Thanks to this reaction, swelling and inflammation are relieved, the pancreas is reduced in size, and its function is normalized.

Zinc in mineral waters initiates the synthesis of insulin, which is necessary in case of deficiency of this substance in patients with pancreatitis. Mineral water has a special effect in cases of permanent illness with damage to cells that secrete insulin and glucagon.

Species diversity

A variety of mineral waters on store shelves.

The concentration of mineral salts determines the classification of water:

  • by hydrocarbonate;
  • sulfate content;
  • chloride content
  • table drinking water with a concentration of 1 g/l, suitable for use in any dose;
  • table mineral water with a content above 2 g/l;
  • a table-medicinal product with a mineral concentration of up to 8 g/l, consumed in measured quantities so as not to disturb the acid-base balance;
  • medicinal mineral water with a ratio of salts and minerals above 8 g/l, prescribed by the attending physician and taken according to a specific regimen.

Mineral water of any kind does not need to be purified, as this may disrupt the composition and unique properties.


Mineral "Borjomi".

For pancreatitis, this water allows you to saturate the body with minerals and microcomponents lost during fasting during the period of relapse. Borjomi is effective:

  • relieves spasms;
  • stops the inflammatory process in the gland;
  • facilitates the process of adaptation of the stomach to food consumption;
  • stabilizes the flow of bile.

Water should be drunk only when heated and one and a half hours before meals. In addition to pancreatitis, carbon dioxide-bicarbonate sodium-alkaline Borjomi is used in diagnosing:

  • stomach diseases characterized by high acidity;
  • duodenitis, which occurs due to inflammation of the duodenum;
  • dysfunction of the gallbladder and bile ducts;
  • imbalance of water and salt in the body.


Mineral water extracted in Essentuki is effective in relieving pancreatic pathology, which is explained by its sodium chloride composition. It is enriched with organic compounds and gases that stimulate nitrogen metabolism, promote the formation of red blood cells and increase hemoglobin.

Mineral water "Essentuki".

The product is extracted from layers 1.5 km deep. There are several types of mineral water, which differ in composition and effect on the body. The most commonly used table and medicinal mineral waters are:

  • No. 17 is classified as medicinal, so independent use is prohibited. If you have pancreatitis, you should drink with caution and only as prescribed by your doctor.
  • No. 4 refers to medicinal table types prescribed for chronic inflammatory process at the stage of remission.
  • No. 20, classified as low-mineralized table water, is allowed for consumption in unlimited quantities.

The product effectively relieves pain. You need to drink it regularly twice a day.


The water is a sulfate-hydrocarbonate mineral water enriched with magnesium and calcium. Feature of the composition: the presence of substances contained in rocks from mining sites. The product has a therapeutic effect when various diseases Gastrointestinal tract, heart, blood vessels, central nervous system, and for metabolic disorders. There are three types of mineral water, differing in the level of mineralization and carbon dioxide concentration:

  • general action or low-mineralized, used for baths, irrigation, rinsing, use in acute pancreatitis or relapse of pathology;
  • dolomite, suitable for the prevention of attacks in permanent pancreatic pathologies and other digestive disorders without relapse;
  • sulfate water is a valuable medicinal drinking water and is indicated for use outside of deteriorating conditions.

Narzan water is also used in the treatment of pancreas.

The last two types should be consumed only in the pump room from the spill area. Two hours after being extracted from the source, Narzan loses its properties, the components oxidize, and the healing liquid itself acquires a sharp metallic taste.

The maximum permissible portion of warm liquid in the permanent phase and in the remission stage is 200 ml per day. If the disease is at a worsening stage, it is allowed to drink up to 2 liters of general-purpose mineral water without gas while completely abstaining from food.

Other types of mineral water

At chronic pancreatitis any moderately mineralized mineral waters are prescribed. They neutralize inflammatory processes in the digestive system, reduce congestion in its ducts and gallbladder channels. Recommended:

  • Luzhanskaya;
  • Slavyanovskaya;
  • Smirnovskaya;
  • Naftusya;
  • Jermuk;
  • Azovskaya;
  • Arkhyz;
  • Druskininkai;
  • Morshynskaya;
  • Mirgorodskaya.

Rules for using mineral water for pancreatitis

Treatment with mineral water, like any medicine, has specific rules:

  • the temperature of the liquid before use should be from 36 to 40 °C;
  • It is recommended to release gases first;
  • You can drink water at the stage of remission as a preventive measure; in case of exacerbation, consultation with a doctor is recommended;
  • main types: Essentuki No. 4, 20, Borjomi.
  • At one time you should drink no more than ¼ glass, gradually increasing to 250 ml.
  • The daily norm varies depending on the severity and form of the disease from 7 glasses to 2 liters.
  • For prevention, three times of application 40 minutes before meals is sufficient.
  • when the functions of the gallbladder and bile excretion channels decrease, product consumption is reduced to 1-1.5 glasses 50 minutes before meals.
  • what mineral water is required for a specific case of pancreatitis and how much to drink is decided only by the attending physician.

Which mineral water is good for patients with gastritis?

Mineral water is prescribed for many pathologies of the digestive system. The mineral water helps normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and also has a good choleretic effect. Additional benefits include:

  • improves liver function;
  • restores the gastric mucosa;
  • restores the muscle layer of the digestive organ.

Mineral water helps well, especially for those patients with gastritis who have increased or decreased gastric secretion, as well as if the disease occurs in a hyperacid form.

Healing properties

Mineral water for gastritis helps to reduce not only the aggressive effect on gastric secretion, but also has a positive effect on the duodenum. In order to get rid of heartburn, as well as excessive stomach secretion, you need to take mineral water, which is rich in bicarbonates and useful metals.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, this composition helps bind hydrochloric acid and also weakens its production in a short period of time.

Some mineral waters contain bicarbonate, which helps reduce hydrogen ions in the human body. Additional benefits of such waters include:

  • participates in the production of gastric juice;
  • helps the patient get rid of heartburn;
  • increases appetite;
  • helps eliminate the inflammatory process not only in the gastric mucosa, but also in the esophagus;
  • promotes regular bowel movements.

Treatment with mineral waters can be carried out for gastritis in combination with drug therapy.

Types of mineral waters

Types of mineral water are divided according to their composition.


If a patient has hypoacid gastritis, then it is necessary to take water that contains at least 7 pH. With the help of this water you can avoid bloating and also get rid of belching.

You can also take acidic mineral waters for chronic gastritis. They help reduce the risk of digestive poisoning.


Such mineral waters can be used for inflammatory processes that occur in the glands of the stomach and on the mucous membrane itself, for example, in the atrophic form of gastritis. With the help of such a mineral water, you can quickly increase acidity, as well as restore secretory activity directly on the gastric mucosa. In addition, alkaline mineral water helps stimulate the walls, thereby relieving the patient of many unpleasant symptoms.


Often, for gastritis, doctors prescribe water that contains a lot of sulfates. This composition of water helps to normalize the functioning of the gallbladder and ducts themselves.


In order to quickly improve intestinal motility, it is useful for the patient to take chloride water.


These are waters that contain many iron elements. They help restore blood composition if the patient has anemia. If you take water with iron elements correctly, you can quickly get rid of this problem.

How and what kind of water to drink for gastritis

Mineral therapy is prescribed for certain diseases to achieve a positive result in complex treatment. Therefore, you should know how to drink water properly; otherwise it will bring harm, not benefit.

Mineral water is prescribed according to the scheme. First you need to drink 100 ml of water per day. If you drink a lot of it at once, the risk of an inflammatory process directly on the stomach tissue increases.

Doctors prescribe water treatment in courses that, as a rule, do not exceed 1 month. After completing the course, you need to take a short break. Thus, you need to continue treatment throughout the year.

Important! Carry out treatment 2-3 times a year. If at the time of treatment nausea, bloating or belching occurs and the general condition worsens, you should stop drinking water and consult a doctor.

List of commonly prescribed mineral waters:

  1. Martin.
  2. Minskaya.
  3. Narzan.
  4. Borjomi.
  5. Tyumen
  6. Kashinskaya.
  7. Nizhnesergievskaya.
  8. Semigorskaya.
  9. Essentuki No. 4, 17, 20.
  10. Arshan.

It should be noted that each mineral water listed has a different degree of mineralization with hydrocarbonate and chloride-sulfate elements. Therefore, before taking water if you have an existing disease, you must consult a doctor.

Water with high acidity

In this case, you can use several types of mineral water. In case of high acidity, gastroenterologists recommend drinking them in combination with diet therapy.

  1. It is useful to take Essentuki No. 17. This water is prescribed during the period of exacerbation of the disease. You can also use Essentuki as a preventative measure to prevent the development of gastritis.
  2. Borjomi helps very well with gastritis, and unlike Essentuka No. 17, it can replace some medications, because Borjomi has a healing effect on the patient’s body.

You need to remember the golden rule. If you have high acidity, never drink cold mineral water. Before drinking water, it must be heated to 40 degrees. Warm drinking removes excess carbon dioxide from the digestive organ, which in turn leads to stimulation of the secretion of gastric juice.

Additional benefits of warm mineral water:

  1. Helps eliminate spasm.
  2. Increases the motor function of the digestive organ, in particular the stomach.

You need to drink the mineral water in one gulp, this is the only way it will quickly penetrate the intestines. The course of treatment for high acidity is at least 3 weeks a year.

Low acidity water

If the patient has low acidity due to gastritis, you can also use Essentuki, but only number 4.

Often, for gastritis with low acidity, doctors prescribe Mirgorodskaya or Izhevskaya.

  1. Narzan.
  2. Morshynskaya.
  3. Tyumen.
  4. Baden-Baden.
  5. Truskavets.
  6. Shaambars No. 2.
  7. Feodosia.

If, with high acidity, the patient must take warm water, then with low acidity, doctors prescribe chilled mineral water. It must be taken 15 minutes before meals. Water remains in the stomach, thereby binding to food, which in turn helps to quickly break down and digest acids.

During this course of the disease, you should drink water only in small portions. Due to prolonged swallowing and rinsing the mouth with mineral water, an irritating effect on the mucous membrane is created. This mechanism helps to activate not only the motor, but also the secretory activity of the digestive organ.

With normal acidity

If the patient has normal acidity, it is necessary to drink Hot Spring or Essentuki No. 17 half an hour before the main meal.

Basic admission rules:

  1. In the first few days you need to drink 100 ml.
  2. On the third day, you can increase the dosage, for example, to 250 ml.
  3. Do not interrupt treatment.
  4. You should drink mineral water for 4 weeks.
  5. Then you need to take a break and continue taking it.

If complications occur, you should stop taking it and consult a doctor.

Before taking it, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the person and certain factors, for example:

  1. Secretion of acid in the digestive organ (low or increased).
  2. Additional pathologies.
  3. Consider concomitant diseases (for example, kidney or gallbladder disease).

A large amount of salts contained in mineral water can negatively affect the operation internal organs, therefore the choice of water must be taken seriously. If you can’t choose on your own, then it’s best to seek help from a gastroenterologist. As soon as the patient undergoes the necessary examination, the doctor will be able to select the right mineral water that will be suitable for this particular patient.


As strange as it may seem, such treatment also has its contraindications.

  1. If you have high acidity, you should never drink mineral water, which contains many acidic components.
  2. If the patient has low acidity, then it is necessary to avoid alkaline water.
  3. Before use, you must carefully study the composition. If you are intolerant to one component of the composition, you should not drink this water.

The symptoms of gastritis are familiar to most residents of megacities. Stress, the habit of snacking on the run in large portions of food, and then abstaining from food for many hours, allergies and intolerance to certain foods - all this can lead to gastritis. A recently discovered bacterium also plays a negative role. Helicobacter pylori.

The walls of the stomach become inflamed - as people say, the stomach “eats itself.” This is not entirely true, but the presence of caustic gastric juice in large quantities, often excessively produced during gastritis, has a destructive effect on the walls of this organ.

Gastritis is treated comprehensively, starting with. One of the components of the treatment is mineral water. How to use it correctly in treating a disease?

Is it possible to drink mineral water for gastritis?

To answer the question of whether it is possible to drink mineral water if you have gastritis, we asked our expert, an active gastroenterologist.

Expert opinion

Irina Vasilievna

Practicing gastroenterologist

Gastritis is one of the indications for prescribing mineral water as a medicine. Therefore, drink mineral water CAN.

It is used as:

  • antispasmodic;
  • means for regulating stomach acidity;
  • an agent that controls the formation of mucus in the stomach;

Mineral water promotes timely processing and evacuation of food from the stomach. It acts as an anti-inflammatory drug.

It is not recommended to buy mineral water yourself if you have stomach pain.: it is necessary, firstly, to undergo an examination, and secondly, to obtain a recommendation from a doctor. Because gastritis can occur in different forms: there are gastritis with high and low acidity. In each of these cases, water of a certain brand will help. Rules for drinking water vary.

In case of exacerbation of gastritis, it is recommended to exclude or limit the use of mineral water.. The fact is that carbon dioxide, which is part of it, irritates the walls of the stomach.

The effect of this gas is fleeting, so nothing bad will happen during the period of remission. But during an exacerbation of the disease, drinking mineral water can provoke a worsening of the disease.

In addition, concomitant pathologies should be taken into account, for example, duodenal ulcer.

What mineral water to drink for treatment?

Useful for gastritis: “ Borjomi», « Essentuki" - these are the most famous brands; in principle, they are approved for use for any gastritis.

Now - a little more about the types of the disease.

With increased acidity

The appearance of an excess amount of hydrochloric acid in the stomach leads to pain and the patient suffers from heartburn. You need water that has an alkalizing effect - when used the harmful effects of hydrochloric acid are neutralized. The production of enzymes necessary for digesting food is more active.

Gastritis with high acidity requires the following brands of water:

  • "Borjomi"
  • “Slavyanovskaya” (from Zheleznovodsk);
  • "Arzin";
  • "Mirgorodskaya".

How to drink mineral water correctly for treatment? In order for its properties to be fully revealed and the effect on the body to manifest itself faster, water should be heated(ideally in a water bath), drink one hour before meals.

Low acidity

The opposite problem is low acidity. In this case, little gastric juice is produced. Result: food is poorly digested, there is a feeling of fullness in the stomach. Nutrients are not fully absorbed. To stimulate the stomach in case of gastritis with low acidity, it is recommended to drink:

  • "Feodosia";
  • "Izhevsk"
  • "Tyumenskaya".

Admission rules: The water should be cool. Liquid low temperatures activates the stomach, increases the production of enzymes and juice. About 20 minutes should pass from the start of drinking water to the start of lunch or breakfast. In this case, the food is “met” by a properly prepared environment. Foods are easier to digest.

For stomach and duodenal ulcers

The presence of complications: reflux esophagitis, erosive gastritis, gastric or duodenal ulcers - requires a careful approach to treatment. Doctors prescribe alkaline mineral waters to such patients:

  • hydrocarbonate-chloride-calcium;
  • sulfate-sodium-magnesium.

They speed up the processing of food and promote its rapid movement through the gastrointestinal tract. They cope well with heartburn, belching, flatulence, and a feeling of heaviness. This is water:

  • "Luzhanskaya";
  • "Morshinska";
  • "Elbrus";
  • "Dilijan".

Stomach diseases are often combined with pathologies of neighboring organs, for example, diseases of the biliary tract.

For problems with the liver and gall bladder recommended:

  • "Jermuk"
  • "Sernovodskaya";
  • "Karlovy Vary".

Remember to consult your doctor before use.

Side effects and contraindications

  • Among the side effects it is worth noting flatulence– it can appear due to excess carbon dioxide. But this is a passing phenomenon.
  • Besides, some deterioration of the disease is possible– this becomes possible if treatment with mineral water is started before the exacerbation ends.
  • If you take water in large volumes or for a very long time - Kidney or gallstones may form due to excess salts. If stones are already present, doctors prescribe mineral water with extreme caution or advise patients to abandon this method of treatment altogether.

Composition and beneficial properties

The mineral water we are used to is the same water, only extracted from the depths of the Earth. There it is preserved for centuries in deep layers, and due to the absence of external factors that pollute surface waters, it is gradually saturated with trace elements and minerals.

This water contains soluble salts. Percentage of content biologically active substances significantly higher than in ordinary drinking water.

The main elements of mineral water:

  • sodium;
  • sulfates;
  • hydrocarbonates;
  • chlorine.

All of them take part in regulating metabolism. In addition, there is carbon dioxide in the water (it is this that forms bubbles like those we see in a glass of champagne). Gas softens the taste of the drink.

There are many varieties of mineral water:

  • chloride;
  • hydrocarbonate;
  • sulfate and others.

A thorough study of the composition of mineral water is the work of scientists. For us it is important what it is mineralization– this determines the purposes for which the healing drink can be used.

Water is classified according to the degree of mineralization:

  • dining room;
  • medical dining room;
  • medicinal.

The second subtype contains salts from 2 to 10 g per liter of liquid. The third, respectively, from 10. The second and third subtypes should be used only as prescribed by a doctor.. They have a healing effect, but if used incorrectly they can cause harm.
